SELLERS OF CHANSONS SELLERS OF CHANSONS “They teach their motley audiences to sing The consequence is, being of no party, I shall offend all parties; Never mind! Lord Byron. I have no mockings or arguments I witness and wait. Walt Whitman. PARIS AND THE |
PAGE | ||
I. | What the Anarchist Wants | 5 |
Suggestions of the beginnings of anarchistic philosophy and of the history of the development of anarchy—The contemporary French Encyclopedists, Pierre Kropotkine, ElisÉe Reclus, and Jean Grave—The introductory chapter of Jean Grave’s L’Anarchie: son But, ses Moyens, selected as the best exposition of the French anarchistic doctrine—Current misconceptions of anarchy—The rational bases of anarchy—The reasons for its opposition to laws and to governments—The anarchistic ideal “l’individu libre dans l’humanitÉ libre.”—Development of the physical, intellectual, and moral nature of the individual necessary to attain this ideal—Freedom to satisfy all physical, intellectual, and moral needs a necessity—The freedom of the soil the first prerequisite, after that the freedom of the domain of knowledge and art—Anarchy frankly international—Its demands for absolute liberty in the domain of thought as in that of deeds—Its utopianism denied. | ||
II. | The Oral Propaganda of Anarchy | 25 |
The simplest, most natural form of propaganda, telling one’s faith to one’s neighbours—The group the unit of public oral propaganda—Characteristics of the group, its meetings, its statistics, its autonomy—Federations and congresses—Communication between groups—Union meetings of groups—Anarchist mass-meetings—Punchs-confÉrences and soupes-confÉrences—Ballades de propagande—DÉjeuners vÉgÉtariens—Amateur theatricals—The Maison du Peuple—SoirÉe familiale—The trimardeur—The chanson as a means of propaganda, with examples of revolutionary chansons. | ||
III. | The Written Propaganda of Anarchy | 61 |
The anarchist press, Le Journal du Peuple, Les PlÉbÉiennes, Le Libertaire—Jean Grave and Les Temps Nouveaux—The press as a means of intercommunication between the camarades, the trimardeurs, and the groups—L’Education Libertaire—Amateur papers—Ephemeral character of the anarchist press—Le PÈre Peinard and its editors—Anarchist almanacks—Financial difficulties of the anarchist press and methods of raising funds—Difficulties encountered in publication and circulation—“Les Lois ScÉlÉrates”—Placards and fliers—Paul Robin and his system of Éducation intÉgrale—Le College Libertaire—The study of the masters and of their forerunners and disciples—Popular editions of great writers who tend towards anarchy—Violent brochures. | ||
IV. | The Propaganda of Anarchy by Example | 91 |
Thoreau and Garrison as precursors of the anarchistic attitude—Tolstoy on the propaganda by example—Its importance—Practicable and impracticable acts of this form of propaganda—Octave Mirbeau on depopulation—Pierre Lavroff on propaganda by example—Anarchist experiment stations and reasons for their failure—The attitude of anarchists towards trade-unionism—La grÈve universelle—The attitude of anarchists towards co-operation—La pan-coopÉration. | ||
V. | The Propaganda of Anarchy par le Fait | 109 |
Lack of unanimity among French anarchists regarding this method of propaganda—The emergence into public prominence of the insurrectional idea—CÉsar de Paepe’s speech at the Geneva Peace Congress of 1867—Declaration of the FÉdÉration Italienne—Insurrections at Letino and San Galo, Italy—Utterances at the Congresses of Fribourg and of the FÉdÉration Jurasienne—Distinction between the individual overt act when directed against an official of the state and when directed against an individual member of the bourgeoisie—The latter acts disapproved by the majority of anarchists—ElisÉe Reclus on this subject—The attitude of Les Temps Nouveaux—Zo d’Axa on the overt acts of Ravachol—Statistics of the victims of anarchists—Reasons for the alarm excited by the propaganda par le fait—Some humorous features of the panic during the period of “The Terror”—Theft as a form of propaganda par le fait—Charles Malato and Jean Grave on this subject—Cases of ClÉment Duval and Pini—Extent of anarchist thefts—Counterfeiting—Case of L’Abruti. | ||
VI. | The Causes of Propaganda par le Fait | 131 |
Desire for vengeance the cause of the greater part of the overt acts of anarchists—The death of Watrin—Such acts proceed mainly from those who have suffered injustice either in their own person or in that of those near to them—The cases of Duval, Pini, Dardare, Decamp, LÉveillÉ, Rulliers, Pedduzi, Ravachol, Lorion, Vaillant, Etievant, Salsou—Zo d’Axa on the police rafle of April, 1892—Recent questionable repressive measures—Collusion of state officials and police to turn revolutionary disturbances to selfish ends—Legality often strained by the government in its repressive measures—Overt acts almost never the result of conspiracy—Belief in his “mission” of the propagandist par le fait—The stigmata of this vocation—Testimony of BjÖrnson, Zola, and other writers—Stimulating effect of the executions of anarchists upon anarchist fanaticism—Sympathy of many who are not anarchists excited by overstraining of legal forms and undue severity in repressive measures—The apotheosis of Vaillant—Anarchist anniversaries—Why so many violent anarchists are Italians—England’s immunity from overt anarchist acts—The futility of repressing the free expression of violent ideas—The case of Laurent Tailhade. | ||
VII. | The Character of the Propagandist par le Fait | 155 |
The salient traits of the anarchist character—The average psychic type of the anarchist as indicated by A. Hamon—Personal character of Ravachol, Pini, Duval, Faugoux, Salsou—The anarchist’s abhorrence of cruelty to animals—The propagandist par le fait rarely a worthless fellow—Frugality and domestic virtues of prominent anarchist criminals—Personal courage of this type, with notable examples. | ||
VIII. | Socialists and Other Revolutionists | 167 |
Revolutionary and evolutionary socialists—Radical differences between theoretic socialism and anarchism—Practical aims common to both—Similarity in methods of propaganda—Union of anarchists and socialists against common enemies in troubled periods—Similarity in attitude of both towards trade-unionism and co-operation—Revolutionary tendencies of royalists, imperialists, anti-Semites, and nationalists—DÉroulÈde’s proclamation to his electors—Anarchist approval of Jules GuÉrin’s defence of “Fort Chabrol.” | ||
IX. | The Revolutionary Traditions of the Latin Quarter | 177 |
The Sorbonne as a centre of epoch-making thought—AbÉlard—Richness of the Latin Quarter in souvenirs of intellectual and political revolution—Latin Quarter martyrs of revolutionary thinking—Periods of cringing on the part of the university the exception—The lawless student life of the Middle Ages—The students in the time of Louis XIV.—The cafÉs and cabarets as revolutionary agents—The conflict between Romanticists and Classicists at the beginning of the nineteenth century—The part played by the students in the revolutions of 1830 and 1848—The student protest against the coup d’État of the third Napoleon—The students as a revolutionary force under the Second Empire—VallÈs, Gambetta, Vermesch, Blanqui, Rochefort—The students and the Commune—The relation of the Latin Quarter cafÉs and cabarets to the Commune—Love of laughter, love of liberty, and love of love the three characteristic traits of the spirit of the Latin Quarter. | ||
X. | The Revolutionary Spirit in the Latin Quarter of To-day | 189 |
The alleged decadence of the spirit of the Latin Quarter—The truth and the falsity of the charge—Differences in the present-day manifestation of the three characteristic traits of the spirit of the Quarter—The dress and manners of students of to-day—The contemporary grisette—The anniversary of MÜrger—The real student cafÉs and cabarets—The student publications—The cÉnacles of the Quarter—The present hour primarily a period of transition, the student of to-day seeking his way—Revolutionary thought well represented in the university faculties—Student outbreaks during the last thirty years. | ||
XI. | Bohemians of the Latin Quarter | 207 |
Bohemians by choice—Those not attached to the university who inhabit the Latin Quarter for the sake of its advantages, from affection, or from force of habit—A typical example—Henri Pille, Maurice Bouchor, Jean Richepin, Paul Bourget—“Les Vivants”—Bohemians from necessity—Renegades from the Bohemianism of the Quarter—Clovis Hugues on the sacrifice of long hair—Two types of “moutons”—Ways and means of the Bohemians—Their hardships—The arrival of prosperity too late. | ||
XII. | Those who Starve | 221 |
MÜrger’s Biographie d’un Inconnu—A brief recital of its story—The hero of the novel a permanent type—Saint Joseph de la DÈche——La misÈre en habit noir—The case of Dr. Laporte—The verdict of the judge. | ||
XIII. | Those who Kill Themselves | 231 |
“La littÉrature qui tue”—Picturesque suicide of a young Latin Quarter poet as narrated by Emile Goudeau—Suicide of RenÉ Leclerc—Other cases of suicide—Greater proportion of suicide among victims of la misÈre en habit noir. | ||
XIV. | Freaks and Fumistes | 239 |
The chevaliers d’industrie of the Quarter—Their detestation of the bourgeoisie—More comedy than tragedy in their lives—The types of VallÈs’ RÉfractaires—Fontan-Crusoe, Poupelin, and M. Chaque—Other vagabond types—EugÈne Cochet, AmÉdÉe Cloux, Bibi-la-PurÉe, La MÈre Casimir, Le Marquis de Soudin, the artist bard of PÈre Lunette’s, Achille Leroy, Gaillepand, La MÈre Souris, Victor Sainbault, Coulet—Professional humourists and deliberate farceurs—Sapeck, Karl, Zo d’Axa—A novel candidate—Relation of starvation, suicide, freakishness, and fumisterie to the revolutionary spirit. | ||
XV. | Montmartre and La Vache EnragÉe | 257 |
The cavalcades of La Vache EnragÉe in 1896 and 1897—Origin of the phrase—Literary, artistic, and musical celebrities who have eaten of the Vache EnragÉe—The manner of living of the typical Montmartrois—His resourcefulness—His poses and so-called affectations often devices for cheap living—The restaurants, cafÉs, crÈmeries, and cabarets of Montmartre—Their traditions and their esprit de corps—The Montmartre of the tourist—The real Montmartre—Its relation to Paris—Cost of living at Montmartre—Spring-time in Montmartre. | ||
XVI. | Literary and Artistic Cabarets of Montmartre | 281 |
The history of Montmartre—The exodus of the “Hydropathies” and the “Hirsutes” from the Latin Quarter—The Grand’ Pinte—Rodolphe Salis—The origin, career, and influence of the Chat Noir—Its successors and imitators—Closest existing counterparts of the Chat Noir—Le Conservatoire, Le Cabaret des Quat’z’ Arts, Le Cabaret des Arts, La Veine, La BoÎte À Fursy, and Le TrÉteau de Tabarin—Bohemian conclaves which have superseded the cabarets—The chanson as a moulder of public opinion—Revolutionary chansons in Montmartre cabarets—Jules Jouy, Maxime Lisbonne, Marcel Legay, Gaston CoutÉ, Xavier Privas—Cabarets brutaux—Bruant’s Mirliton, Alexandre’s Cabaret Bruyant—Three poets of talent imbued with a revolutionary spirit, Bruant, Jehan Rictus, Maurice Boukay—The revolutionary traditions of Montmartre—Bourgeois fear of Montmartre—“Montmartre va descendre”—The relations between the workingmen, the littÉrateurs, and the artists at Montmartre—Their revolutionary spirit. | ||
XVII. | The Revolutionary Spirit in Prose Literature and the Drama | 313 |
The revolutionary attitude of Tolstoy, Ibsen, and Zola—Revolutionary influence of Anatole France and Octave Mirbeau—Lucien Descaves—Victor Barrucand and his campaign for free bread—Other novelists whose works have a revolutionary trend—Revolutionary psychology—Rosny’s Le BilatÉral—Other fiction writers who understand the gravity of the issue—The influence of “les auteurs gais”—Essayists, critics, and philosophers who are more or less militant iconoclasts or rÉvoltÉs—The origin and influence of L’Endehors—The subsequent activity of the Endehors group—The group of L’IdÉe Nouvelle—Revues des jeunes—Other revues hospitable to revolutionary writings—Octave Mirbeau, Lucien Descaves, Maurice Donnay—Other playwrights whose pieces are frankly revolutionary—Playwrights whose works are revolutionary by implication—The ThÉÂtre Libre and its successors—Variety theatres and concert halls—The trend of literature from socialism to anarchism—The testimony of Clovis Hugues and Fierens-Gevaert—The relation of the French libertaire literary movement to that in other European countries. | ||
XVIII. | The Revolutionary Spirit in Poetry, Music, and Art | 361 |
The anarchistic spirit more or less natural to the poet—Revolutionary singers in France at the beginning of the nineteenth century—HÉgÉsippe Moreau, Victor Hugo, EugÈne Vermesch—Living poets of revolt—Laurent Tailhade, Jean Richepin—Tailhade’s imprisonment—The socialist poets Clovis Hugues and Maurice Bouchor—The relations between freedom of expression and freedom of thought in poetry—More revolutionists among artists than in any other class engaged in liberal pursuits—Courbet, Cazin, CarriÈre—Impressionism and the revolutionary spirit—Luce and Signac—The Salon des IndÉpendants as a refuge for revolutionists—The import of the work of Rodin and Meunier—Jules Dalou—Painters who picture the Christ in a modern setting—The revolutionary leanings of the dessinateurs—LÉandre, Forain, Hermann-Paul, Willette, Steinlen—L’Assiette au Beurre—The revolutionary attitude of the great body of contemporary French caricaturists towards the institutions of society—Bernard Shaw’s comment on the music of Wagner—Wagner as a revolutionist—The revolutionary spirit in the new school of French music—Alfred Bruneau and Gustave Charpentier—Louise—The evident connection between the anarchistic philosophy and polyphonic orchestration, vers libre, and impressionism in art. | ||
XIX. | To What End? | 391 |
The advice of Gamaliel, the Pharisee, on innovators in religion and the words of Montaigne concerning the strange and the incredible—The proper province of philosophic doubt—“La folie d’hier est la sagesse de demain”—The difficulty with which human nature realises the truth of the maxim—The attitude of public opinion to Barrucand’s scheme for free bread—Pertinent questions regarding the alleged unreasonableness of revolutionary theories—The theories of anarchism and socialism in comparison with the history of social evolution—The natural result of education of the masses—A successful social revolution no guarantee of a millennium—The essentials of happiness found in the eternal realities of life. |
Sellers of Chansons | Frontispiece | |
The Anarchist’s Dream | Vignette Title-page | |
Place Clichy (Vignette Section Title) | Page | 1 |
Jean Grave in his Workshop | facing ” | 10 |
La France Libre (Tailpiece) | ” | 22 |
Mauled to Death for shouting “Vive l’ArmÉe” | ” | 35 |
A Contrast in Dances:— | ||
I. A Ball at the Maison du Peuple | facing ” | 38 |
II. Dancing at the Moulin Rouge | ” | 38 |
A Trimardeur disputing with Socialists | ” | 40 |
Evening in a Cabaret | facing ” | 42 |
A la RenommÉe des Pommes-de-terres Frites | ” | 52 |
“Enlevez l’homme tonneau” (Tailpiece) | ” | 57 |
Dormer-window of Jean Grave’s Workshop (Office of “Les Temps Nouveaux”) | facing ” | 62 |
Pierre Joseph Proudhon | ” | 74 |
Little Anarchists | ” | 75 |
A Revolutionary Poster (Tailpiece) | ” | 87 |
Charles Malato | ” | 112 |
Possible Revolutionists | ” | 121 |
A Raid by the Police (Tailpiece) | ” | 127 |
Salsou | ” | 135 |
A Street Riot (Place de la Concorde) | facing ” | 148 |
The Guillotine in Moonlight (Tailpiece) | ” | 152 |
Louise Michel | ” | 158 |
Anniversary Decorations, Mur des FÉdÉrÉs (Tailpiece) | ” | 163 |
A Socialist Bookshelf | ” | 167 |
M. Vaillant | ” | 168 |
LÉandre’s Caricature of Paul DÉroulÈde | facing ” | 168 |
M. Brousse | ” | 169 |
M. JaurÈs | ” | 170 |
M. Guesde | ” | 171 |
M. Allemane | ” | 171 |
Jules GuÉrin | ” | 172 |
“Montmartre va descendre” (Vignette Section Title) | ” | 173 |
MÉgotiers of the Place Maubert | ” | 179 |
Notre Dame from Pont d’Austerlitz (Tailpiece) | ” | 185 |
A Caveau of the Latin Quarter | ” | 189 |
A Latin Quarter Type (FÉlix Gras’ Son) | facing ” | 198 |
The PanthÉon (Tailpiece) | ” | 203 |
Jean Richepin | ” | 212 |
Taverne du PanthÉon on Mardigras | facing ” | 216 |
The Institute (Tailpiece) | ” | 218 |
The Louvre (Tailpiece) | ” | 227 |
A Suicide of the Latin Quarter | ” | 233 |
The Pont du Carrousel (Tailpiece) | ” | 236 |
Site of the ChÂteau Rouge (rue Galande) | facing ” | 246 |
Zo d’Axa’s Novel Candidate | ” | 248 |
Second-hand Book Mart of the Latin Quarter (Tailpiece) | ” | 253 |
GrÜn’s Design for Float in Cavalcade of La Vache EnragÉe | ” | 258 |
The Real Montmartre (I. La rue Mont-CÉnis) | facing ” | 262 |
Montmartre Types | ” | 268 |
The Real Montmartre (II. La rue St. Vincent) | facing ” | 268 |
The Real Montmartre (III. La rue Mont-CÉnis) | ” | 273 |
A Montmartre Carrousel (Tailpiece) | ” | 278 |
The Real Montmartre (IV. Cabaret du Lapin Agile) | ” | 281 |
At Aristide Bruant’s (Cabaret du Boulevard Rochechouart) | facing ” | 284 |
“Buffalo” | ” | 290 |
Alexandre | ” | 294 |
At Alexandre’s (Cabaret de la rue Pigalle) | facing ” | 296 |
Maurice Boukay | ” | 297 |
Maquereaux | ” | 300 |
Jehan Rictus (with fac-simile of manuscript) | facing ” | 300 |
“Les Corbeaux” (Tailpiece) | ” | 310 |
Emile Zola | facing ” | 314 |
Anatole France | ” | 317 |
A Pair of Army Officers | ” | 321 |
Octave Mirbeau | ” | 326 |
Xavier Privas delivering his Lecture “L’Argent contre l’HumanitÉ” | facing ” | 342 |
La ComÉdie FranÇaise (Tailpiece) | ” | 358 |
Laurent Tailhade | facing ” | 368 |
Clovis Hugues | ” | 369 |
Paris from Montmartre (Tailpiece) | ” | 388 |
A Contrast in Funerals | facing ” | 394 |
The Eternal Realities (Endpiece) | ” | 399 |
Place Clichy | |
Part I THE PEOPLE | Place Clichy |