host@g@html@files@51426@51426-h@51426-h-2.htm.html#Page_72" class="pginternal">72, 76, 87, 116, 122. Connecticut, 73, 82, 127, 186. Corner, Nine-Acre, 70, 84, 208. Davenant, Sir William, 127, 164. "Departure, The," 282, 305. Dial, The, 127, 135, 163, 168, 171, 173, 212, 217, 248. Diana, Ascription to, 260. Dunbar, Rev. Asa, 8, 9, 20. Dunbar, Charles, uncle of Thoreau, 21-24, 92, 93. Dunbar, Cynthia (mother of Thoreau), 8, 18, 19, 21, 24-28, 50, 57, 92, 96, 312. Dunbar, Louisa, 13-17, 21. Edwards, Jonathan, quoted, 128. "Egomites," 80. Emerson, Charles, 46. Emerson, Miss Mary, 19, 20, 75. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, born in Boston, 63; a descendant of Concord ministers, 39; quoted, 37; began to lecture in Concord, 48; begins acquaintance with Thoreau, 59; goes to live in Concord, 69; draws people there, 71; describes Dr. Ripley, 77-84; describes the "Concord Fight," 103; on Captain Hardy, 121, 123; goes to Europe, 281; his "Forester," 251; his proposition for an international magazine, 222-231, 233-240; from Margaret Fuller, 169-173; from Dr. Ripley, 144-146; from Sophia Thoreau, 176, 268, 306, 310, 314; letter to Sophia Thoreau, 189, 216, 281. Levet, Robert, 43. Lowell, James Russell, 112, 246. MÆcenas, Greeley as, 216-241. Manse, Old, built in 1766, 75; occupied by Hawthorne 85; Channing's verses on, 188; farmers at, 86-88; "Mosses from," 183; first mistress of, 205. Marlboro road, 109. Marryatt, Captain, 67. Marvell, Andrew, 42. Massey, Gerald, 240. Merrick, Tilly, 67, 108. Milton, John, 156, 157. Minott, George, 22, 24, 92, 274. Minott, Mrs., the grandmother of Thoreau, 9-11. Minute-Man, statue of, 86. Monadnoc, 115, 254-257. Moore, Abel ("Captain Hardy"), 120, 121. Morton, Edwin, 197. Munroe of Lexington and Concord, 66; William, 37, 152. Musketaquid, 33. Nature, "born and brought up in Concord," 96; Thoreau's observation of, 252, 285. Orrok, David, 2. Orrok, Sarah, 2. Out-door life of Thoreau, at Walden, 209, 211; in general, 242, 243, 249-252, 264186, 188. Whittier, J. G., quoted, 131. Wigglesworth, Michael, 131. Willard, Major, 32, 98. Woolman, John, 127, 130. Zilpha, the Walden Circe, 203. AMERICAN STATESMEN Biographies of Men famous in the Political History of the United States. Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. Each volume, with portrait, 16mo, gilt top, $1.25. The set, 31 volumes, $38.75; half morocco, $85.25. Separately they are interesting and entertaining biographies of our most eminent public men; as a series they are especially remarkable as constituting a history of American politics and policies more complete and more useful for instruction and reference than any that I am aware of.—Hon. John W. Griggs, Ex-United States Attorney-General. - BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. By John T. Morse, Jr.
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