“Essai gÉographique sur les isles britanniques, etc.” by Bellin, 1757. Nearly the actual size. A vignette from “Essai gÉographique sur les isles britanniques, etc.,” by Bellin, 1757. Nearly the actual size. Tail-piece from “Contes et nouvelles en vers” by La Fontaine, 1762. Tail-piece from “Contes et nouvelles en vers,” by La Fontaine, 1762. Head-piece from “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide,” 1767-1771. Head-piece from “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide,” 1767-1771. Head-piece from “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide,” 1767-1771. Head-piece from “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide,” 1767-1771. A drawing by Choffard for the tail-piece in “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide,” 1767-1771 edition. Reduced. A drawing by Choffard for the tail-piece in “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide,” 1767-1771 edition. Reduced. Eau-forte of the tail-piece, just mentioned, in “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide,” 1767-1771 edition. Reduced. Eau-forte of the tail-piece, just mentioned, in “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide,” 1767-1771 edition. Reduced. Finished plate of the last mentioned tail-piece. Reduced. Finished plate of the foregoing tail-piece. Reduced. Frontispiece of a subsequent edition of “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide.” It is a combination of the decorated half-title and a fleuron in the 1767-1771 edition of the same book. Reduced. Frontispiece of a subsequent edition of “Les mÉtamorphoses d’Ovide.” It is a combination of the decorated half-title and a fleuron in the 1767-1771 edition of the same book. Reduced. Vignette above the dedication to Queen Marie Leczinska in “Nouvel abrÉgÉ chronologique de l’histoire de France, etc.” by PrÉsident HÉnault, 1768. The portrait is engraved by Gaucher after Nattier and the setting is by Choffard. Vignette above the dedication to Queen Marie Leczinska in “Nouvel abrÉgÉ chronologique de l’histoire de France, etc.,” by PrÉsident HÉnault, 1768. The portrait is engraved by Gaucher after Nattier and the setting is by Choffard. Head-piece from “Les saisons” by Saint-Lambert, 1769. Head-piece from “Les saisons,” by Saint-Lambert, 1769. Head-piece from “Les saisons” by Saint-Lambert, 1775. Head-piece from “Les saisons,” by Saint-Lambert, 1775. Head-piece from “Le jugement de Paris” by Imbert, 1772. Head-piece from “Le jugement de Paris,” by Imbert, 1772. Fleuron on the title-page of volume vii of “Collection complÈte des oeuvres de J.-J. Rousseau,” 1774-1783. Fleuron on the title-page of volume vii of “Collection complÈte des oeuvres de J.-J. Rousseau,” 1774-1783. The same illustration as the preceding one, only draped. This plate was never published and is cited nowhere. The same illustration as the preceding one, only draped. This plate was never published and is cited nowhere. Decorative title-page of “Catalogue du cabinet de Mr. Neyman” by Basan, 1776. Slightly reduced. Decorative title-page of “Catalogue du cabinet de Mr. Neyman,” by Basan, 1776. Slightly reduced. Fleuron on the title-page of volume i of “Histoire de la maison de Bourbon” by DÉsormeaux, 1779-1788. Fleuron on the title-page of volume 1 of “Histoire de la maison de Bourbon,” by DÉsormeaux, 1779-1788. Tail-piece from “Histoire de la maison de Bourbon” by DÉsormeaux, 1779-1788. Slightly reduced. Tail-piece from “Histoire de la maison de Bourbon,” by DÉsormeaux, 1779-1788. Slightly reduced. Head-piece from “PrÉjugÉs militaires” by the Prince de Ligne, 1780. Head-piece from “PrÉjugÉs militaires,” by the Prince de Ligne, 1780. Dedication vignette in “Chansons nouvelles” by de Piis, 1785. Dedication vignette in “Chansons nouvelles,” by de Piis, 1785. Head-piece in volume ii of “Dictionnaire des graveurs, etc.” by Basan, 1789. Head-piece in volume ii of “Dictionnaire des graveurs, etc.,” by Basan, 1789. Fleuron on the title-page of “Histoire de la mesure du temps par les horloges” by Ferdinand Berthoud 1802. Fleuron on the title-page of “Histoire de la mesure du temps par les horloges,” by Ferdinand Berthoud, 1802. 1. Silently corrected typographical errors and inconsistencies; retained non-standard spelling. 2. Added one line in the TOC to include the Index 3. The descriptions of the illustrations have been moved under each illustration. |