st@g@html@files@42913@42913-h@42913-h-6.htm.html#p_178" class="pginternal">178 ——, unemployment and, 293 ——, woman and, 294 Eugenics Education Society, the, 222, 229, 230, 299 —— —— ——, the history and objects of, 139 —— —— ——, the Inebriates Committee and, 240 —— —— ——, the reform of drunkards and, 241 “Eugenics as a Factor in Religion,” by F. Galton, 315 “Eugenics, Its Definition, Scope, and Aims,” by F. Galton, 314 “Eugenics, National, Studies in,” by F. Galton, 315 “Eugenics, National, The Scope and Importance to the State of the Science of,” by Karl Pearson, 315 “Eugenics, Probability the Foundation of,” by F. Galton, 315 “Eugenics, The Obstacles to,” by Dr. Saleeby, 175 (note) Evolution and progress, 48 ——, introduction of the term, 48 (note) “Evolution of Marriage, The,” by Prof. Letourneau, 312 “Evolution of Sex, The,” by Patrick Geddes and J. Arthur Thomson, 312 “Evolution, the Master Key,” by Dr. Saleeby, 147 “Evolution Theory, The,” by August Weismann, 311 Examinations, mental emetics, 121 “Family, The,” by Mrs. Elsie Clews Parsons, 161, 314 Fatherhood, eugenic, importance of, 154 ——, individual, 156 Feeble-minded, eugenics and the, 174 ——, the London County Council and the, 229 ——, the Royal Commission on the, 215, 242 “Fittest,” defined, 43 France, effect of Napoleonic wars on, 284 ——, increase of population in, 76 Francis Galton Eugenics Laboratory, the, 315 “French Revolution, The,” by Carlyle, 254 (note) Fulmar petrel, the multiplication of the, 73 (note) Generation, the independence of every, 3 Genesis, individuation and, 87 “Genetics, the Methods and Scope of,” by Prof. W. Bateson, 306 Genius, infertility of, 287, 92 ——, the production of, 289 ——, the transmission of, 289 ——, the value of, to the world, 291 “Genius, British, A Study of,” by Havelock Ellis, 308 “Genius, Hereditary,” by F. Galton, see Hereditary Genius Germany, eugenics in, 158 ——, increase of population in, 76, 77 “Germinal,” defined, 110 Germ-plasm, immortality of the, 256 “Germ-plasm, A Theory of Heredity, The,” by August Weismann, 208, 311 Girls, the sexual education of, 318 Great Britain, increase of population in, xi ——, longevity and, 191 ——, “mixed” games and, 196, 197 —— of cousins, xii, 168 —— of the deaf and dumb, 173 ——, present influence of, on eugenics, 187 ——, procreation, the paramount function of, 158 ——, selection for, 189 ——, ——, by woman, 194 ——, socialism and, 198 ——, survival-value of, 164 —— systems, English and French, 199 ——, the ball-room and, 196, 197 ——, the field of choice in, 195 ——, the Income Tax and, 174 ——, the, of inebriates, 235 ——, the sanctity of, 313 ——, unselfish, 144 “Marriage, Human, The History of,” by E., Westermarck, 312 “Marriage, Restrictions in,” by F. Galton, 185, 204, 315 “Marriage, The Evolution of,” by Prof. Letourneau, 312 Married women's labour, 270 “Mass versus mind”, 95 Maternal care, development of, 150 —— impressions, 111 Maternalism, the principle of, 169 Maternity, see Motherhood “Matrimonial Institutions, A History of,” by G. E. Howard, 312 “Memories of my Life,” by F. Galton, vii, 308 Mendelism, 108, 118, 293 “Methods and Scope of Genetics, The,” by Prof. W. Bateson, 306 Mind, selection of, 52 ——, the ascent of, 300 ——, the determinator of leadership, 59 ——, the master in war, 97 ——, the relation of, to the body, 52 —— versus mass, 95 —— —— muscle, 65 “Mind, The Hygiene of,” by T. S. Clouston, 319 “Mind, Hygiene of Nerves and,” by August Forel, 319 Monogamy, eugenic value of, 165, 170 ——, survival-value of, 166 —— the ideal condition, 150 —— the rule among higher animals, 163 Morality, survival-value of, 51 Morphinomania, parental, its influence on the offspring, 212 Motherhood, 169 —— and love, 152 ——, breeding for, 145, 146 —— carried on by unskilled labour, 151 —— during the decline of
" class="pginternal">318