- Aristotle, 262
- —— on motherhood, 167
- —— on racial decay, 256, 257
- ——, “Politics,” by, 167
- Arnold, Matthew, 289
- ——, Thomas, 289
- Asquith, H. H., 234
- Bach, 300
- —— family, the, 289
- Bacon on the command of Nature, 13, 26, 41
- Balfour, A. J., 228
- ——, ——, on decadence, 234, 279, 280
- ——, ——, on intemperance, 235
- ——, ——, on legislation, 233
- ——, ——, on Licensing Bill of 1908, 233
- ——, ——, on politics, 286
- Ballantyne, Dr., on the unborn infant, 320
- Barker, Ernest, on the destruction of marriage, 167
- Bateson, Prof. W., “Methods and Scope of Genetics,” by, 306
- Bateson, Prof. W., on education, 120
- ——, ——, on Mendelism, 306
- Beethoven, 127, 146, 289, 292
- Bertillon, M., on marital longevity, 192
- Biffen, Prof., and his experiments on wheat, 109
- Booth, the Rt. Hon. Charles, on the extent of starvation, 82
- Bouchacourt on the care of motherhood, 145
- Bourneville, on lead poisoning, 247
- Branthwaite, Dr. R. Welsh, 228, 238
- ——, ——, “Inebriety, Its Causation and Control,” by, 217 (note), 319
- ——, ——, on alcoholism as a symptom of degeneracy, 217
- Brieux, “Les AvariÉs”, 252
- Brooks, Graham, on the Negro race, xi
- Brouardel, parental morphinomania, 212
- Browning, Robert, 135
- Buckle, 267
- Buddha, 146
- Bulstrode, Dr., on tuberculosis, 181 (note)
- Burchell, 52
- Burns, the Rt. Hon. John, on motherhood, 32
- Byron on the decay of nations, 255
- Cakebread, Jane, the case of, 222, 225, 228, 238
- Carlyle, Thomas, 309
- ——, ——, on history, 254 (note)
- ——, ——, “The French Revolution,” by, 254 (note)
- Chatterton-Hill, George, “Heredity and Selection in Sociology,” by, 311
- Chesterton, G. K., on eugenics, 158 (note)
- Clouston, T. S., “The Hygiene of Mind,” by, 292
- ——, ——, “Probability the Foundation of Eugenics,” by, 315
- ——, ——, “Restrictions in Marriage,” by, 185, 204, 315
- ——, ——, “Studies in National Eugenics,” by, 315
- ——, ——, “The Possible Improvement of the Human Breed, under existing Conditions of Law and Sentiment,” by, 314
- Gaskell, Dr. W. H., “The Origin of Vertebrates,” by, 50 (note)
- Geddes, Prof. Patrick, on Government, 122
- ——, ——, “The Evolution of Sex,” by, and Prof. J. A. Thomson, 312
- Gibbon, 271 (note)
- —— on history, 254
- —— on the necessity for advance or retrogression, 266
- Gladstone, Herbert, and the treatment of chronic inebriates by the London County Council, 222, 223
- Godwin, William, on literature, 262 (note)
- Goethe on activity, 291 (note)
- —— on fate and chance, 12
- —— on ignorance, 223
- —— on marriage, 168
- —— on the education of race, 136
- Gorst, Sir John, “The Children of the Nation,” by, 319
- Hall, Prof. Stanley, “Adolescence,” by, 318
- ——, ——, “Youth, its Education, Regimen and Hygiene,” by, 318
- Helvetius on the influence of education, 128
- Hobbes, Thomas, on “Words”, 106
- ——, ——, “Leviathan,” by, 106 (note)
- Holmes, Mr. Thomas, on habitual drunkenness, 220
- Horsley, Sir Victor, and Mary D. Sturge, “Alcohol and the Human Body,” by, 319
- Howard, G. E., “A History of Matrimonial Institutions,” by, 312
- Huxley, 29, 40, 58, 280, 281
- ——, “Evolution and Ethics,” by, 26
- —— on cosmic nature, 26, 36, 39 (note)
- —— on Pasteur, 94
- —— on public opinion, 135
- —— on the multiplication of the unfit, 227
- Im Thurn, Mr., on marriage customs of Guiana, 184
- Jones, Dr. Robert, on the case of Jane Cakebread, 328
- Jones, W. H. S., “Malaria: a Neglected Factor in the History of Greece and Rome,” by, 319
- Joubert, 18
- Kant, 4, 87
- —— on the influence of education, 128
- Keats, 46, 50
- Kellogg, Vernon L., “Darwinism To-day,” by, 312
- Kelvin, Lord, his services to life, 95
- Kipling, Rudyard, and imperialism, 244, 245
- ——, ——, on breeds in the making, 245
- ——, ——, on emigration, 302 (note), 320
- ——, “Time and Tide,” by, Printed by The East of England Printing Works, London and Norwich