["Gloss." indicates that the word will be found explained at its alphabetical place in the Glossary.] - Abbott, Dr., 259, 337
- Abnormal lines in Shakespeare, 130
- Accent and accentual system, Bk. I. Ch. II. and passim (Gloss.)
- Acephalous, 51, 157 (Gloss.)
- Acrostic (Gloss.)
- Adjective, forms in -y, 166 note
- Adonais, 204
- Agincourt, Ballad of, 303
- Alastor, 204, 312
- Alberic of BesanÇon, 330 note
- Alcaics, 124 (Gloss.)
- Alcman, 318
- Alden, Mr. R. M., 337
- Alexandrine, 15, 49, 51, 53, 55, 61, 65-71, 79, 84, 85, 90, 91, 102, 109, 129, 130, 159, 171, 177, 192, 193, 205, 212, 227, 290 (Gloss. and Origin-List)
- Alexis, St., 331
- Alison, 45
- Allen, Mr. Grant, 125, 281
- Alliteration, 34
- Alliterative verse, 37-40, 48-50, 134-139, 151-153, 155 (Gloss.), 316, 317
- Alresford Pool, 187
- Ambrose, St., 38, 318
- Amoryus and Cleopes, 53
- Amphibrach (Gloss.)
- Amphimacer (Gloss.)
- Anacreon, 318
- Anacrusis (Gloss.)
- AnapÆst, 31 and passim (Gloss.)
- Ancient Mariner, The, 272, 301, 329, 336 note
- Andromeda, 123, 257, 306
- Anglo-Saxon (or Old English) prosody, 37, 38, 134-137
- Anima Anceps, 219 note
- Annus Mirabilis, 209
- Anti-bacchic (Gloss.)
- Anti-Jacobin, The, 300
- Antispast (Gloss.)
- Antistrophe, 90 (Gloss.)
- "Appoggiatura" (Gloss.)
- Arcades, 185, 308
- Aristophanes, 304, 318 note, 328
- Arnold, M. (1822-1888), 102, 127, 212, 213, 286, 298
- Arsis (Gloss.)
- "Arte Mayor," 326
- Artificial French forms, 125-127
- Ascham, R. (1515-1568), 120, 121, 234
- Asolando, 285 note
- Assonance, 34 (Gloss.)
- AstrÆa, 266
- "At a Month's End," 217
- Atonic (Gloss.)
- Atys, The, 125, 281
- Awntyrs of Arthur, The, 49
- Ayton, Sir R. (1570-1638), 81
- Bacchic (Gloss.)
- Ballad (1647) (Gloss.)
- Ballad-measure, 53, 56, 81, 96, 97 (Gloss. and Origin-List)
- Ballade, 126 (Gloss.)
- Bar (Gloss.)
- Barbour, John (1316-1395), 55
- Bard, The, scanned, 89-91
- Barham, R. H. (1788-1844), 298, 308
- Bartsch, 330
- "Baston," 233
- Battle of Alcazar, The, 64
- "Battle of the Baltic, The," 300
- Beat (Gloss.)
- Beaumont (1584-1616) and Fletcher (1579-1625), 68, 175, 176
- Beaumont, Sir John (1583-1627), 78, 187, 188, 239, 298, 311
- Beddoes, T. L. (1803-1849), 206, 336
- Behn, Afra (1640-1689), 189
- Bele Aeliz, 335
- Bells and Pomegranates, 211
- Beowulf, 37
- Beppo, 203, 300
- Bernard of Morlaix, 329
- Beryn, 165
- Bestiary, The, 112, 143, 320, 323
- Blackwood's Magazine, 21
- Blake, W. (1757-1827), 33, 42, 93, 94, 112, 143, 145, 199, 298
- Blank verse, 63-72, 88, 89, 104-108, 174 sq. (Gloss.)
- Blind Harry (fifteenth century), 56, 163
- "Boadicea" (Cowper's), 10, 302
- "Boadicea" (Tennyson's), 125, 281
- Bob and Wheel (Gloss.)
- Boethius (the ProvenÇal), 321, 331
- Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich, The, 122
- Bowles, W. L. (1762-1850), 200, 299
- Bradshaw, Mr., 159
- Brewer, R. F., 259, 337
- Bridges, Mr., 12 note, 260, 261 note, 337
- Brightland, J., 245
- "Broken and cuttit" verse, 169, 173, 202, 237
- Bronte, Emily (1818-1848), 129
- Browne, W. (1591-1643), 75, 80, 187, 299
- Browning, E. B. (1806-1861), 29, 212, 271, 299
- Browning, R. (1812-1889), 100, 102, 105, 109, 117, 210-212, 285 note, 299, 324, 336
- Brunne, Robert of (fl. 1288-1338), 233
- Burden (Gloss.)
- Burns, R. (1759-1796), and Burns-metre, 44-46, 199, 273, 299 (Gloss. and Origin-List)
- Byron, Lord (1788-1824), 114, 203, 268, 300, 311, 334
- Bysshe, E. (fl. 1702-1712), 16, 19, 27, 195, 242-245, 337
- Cadence, 233 (Gloss.)
- CÆsura (Gloss.)
- Calverley, C. S. (1831-1884), 338
- Campbell, T. (1777-1844), 300
- Campion, Thomas (d. 1619), 33, 73, 121, 238, 300, 338
- Canning, G. (1770-1827), 123, 124, 292, 300
- Canterbury Tales, The, 51
- "Canute Song, The," 136
- Carey, John (1756-1826), 252
- Carol, 164 (Gloss.)
- Caroline verse, 189
- "Castaway, The," 302
- Castle of Indolence, The, 315
- Catalexis (Gloss.)
- Catullus, 125, 281, 283
- Cayley, C. B., 338
- Chalkhill, J. (fl. c. 1600?), 76, 187
- Chamberlain, R. (fl. 1640-1660), 301
- Chamberlayne, W. (1619-1689), 76, 187, 301
- Chansons de geste, 266, 312, 323
- Chant-royal (Gloss.)
- Chapman, G. (1559?-1634), 281, 325
- Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770), 42, 93, 143, 145, 199, 301
- Chaucer, G. (1340?-1400), 14, 42, 43, 47, 50, 51, 148, 155-163, 172, 186, 190, 191, 222, 233, 266, 267, 273, 278, 289, 291, 295, 296, 301, 307, 321-325, 332, 334
- Chauceriana, 162
- Cherry and the Slae, The, 57
- Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of (1694-1773), 114
- Chevy Chase, 53, 104
- Childe Harold, 203, 300
- Choriamb, 119 (Gloss.)
- Christabel, 8, 42, 60, 95-100, 112, 170, 201, 251, 252, 301, 308, 312
- Christmas Eve and Easter Day, 211
- Churchill, Ch. (1731-1764), 194
- Cleanness, 48
- Cleveland, J. (1613-1658), 129 note, 301
- Cloud, Shelley's, scanned, 100, 112, 204
- Clough, A. H. (1819-1861), 122
- Coda (Gloss.)
- Coleridge, S. T. (1772-1834), 8, 42, 95-100, 112, 121, 124, 143, 145, 166 note, 201, 208, 172 (Gloss.)
g@html@files@56187@56187-h@56187-h-16.htm.html#Page_328" class="pginternal">328 - Kapiolani, 116, 201, 288
- Keats, John (1795-1821), 101, 102, 108, 192, 205-6, 305, 306, 324
- Ker, Prof., 326, 338, 339
- King Horn, 112
- Kingis Quair, The, 163, 290
- Kingsley, Ch. (1819-1875), 118, 123, 257, 306
- Kynaston, Sir Francis (1587-1642), 186, 334
- La Belle Dame sans Merci, 206, 306
- L'Allegro, 308
- Lamia, 102, 306
- Landor, W. S. (1775-1864), 306
- Langland, W. (1330?-1400?), 49, 152, 153, 190, 222, 307, 323
- Lanier, S., 261
- Laon and Cythna, 204
- "Last Buccaneer, The" (Macaulay's), 271, 308
- "Last Leaf, The" (Holmes's), 300
- "Last Ride Together, The," 211
- Latham, R. G. (1812-1888), 11 note, 257
- Latin prosody, its connection, agreements, and differences with English, 1, 6, 7, 20, 32 note
- Laus Veneris, 217, 332
- Lawes, H. (1596-1662), 240 note
- Layamon (fl. c. 1200), 39-42, 137-139, 307, 319
- Lay of the Last Minstrel, The, 201
- Lays of Ancient Rome, 308
- Le Bone Florence of Rome, 44
- Leger, Vie de St., 330 note
- Leoline and Sydanis, 334
- Leonine verse, 143 (Gloss.)
- "Letter of Advice" (Praed's), 114
- Lewis, C. M., 339
- Lewis, D. (1683-1760), 92
- Lewis, M. G. (1775-1818), 199
- Ottava rima (Gloss. and Origin-List)
- Owl and the Nightingale, The, 14, 42, 145, 221
- PÆon (Gloss.)
- "Palace of Art, The," 209
- Paracelsus, 210
- Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, 178-181, 309
- Pastime of Pleasure, The, 305
- "Paternoster," the M.E., 136, 220
- Patmore, Coventry (1823-1896), 258, 339
- Pauline, 210
- Pause, 33 and passim (Gloss.)
- Pause-foot, 23 note, 281
- Pearl, The, 49, 152
- Peele, George (1558?-1597?), 64, 65, 174, 300, 310
- Pemberton, H. (1694-1771), 245, 246
- Pentameter (Gloss.)
- Percy, Bp. (1729-1811), 75, 97, 197, 199, 310
- Phaethon (Mr. Meredith's), 281
- Pharonnida, 187, 301
- Philips, A. (1675?-1749), 199
- Phoenix, The, 37
- Phoenix Nest, The, 72
- Piers Plowman, The Vision of, 49, 152, 153, 307
- Pills to Purge Melancholy, 82
- Pindar, 318
- "Pindaric," 25 (Gloss.)
- Poe, Edgar A. (1809-1840), 310, 340
- "Poet, The" (Tennyson's), 209, 303
- Polyolbion, 160, 266
- Poole, Joshua (fl. c. 1640), 239
- Pope, Alex. (1688-1744), 29, 85-87, 192-194
- "Position" (Gloss.)
- "Poulter's measure," 59, 167, 267 (Gloss.)
- Praed, W. M. (1802-1839), 92, 114, 310
- Prick of Conscience, 47, 305, 321
- Prior, M. (1664-1721), 82, 194, 217, 218
- Thomson, Mr. William, THE END
Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. Transcriber's Notes p. 29, footnote [24]: added missing opening quotation mark ("Quantity") p. 38: added missing closing parenthesis around paragraph ("Grave" Poem.... added in dots.) p. 54: added period to subtitle (Examples of Skeltonic and other Doggerel.) p. 57: added period to subtitle ( ... Poets before Spenser.) p. 58: the foot markers in the last line of the Wyatt sonnet have been repositioned, such that the original For good " is thÈ " life " end"ing faithfully.
reads For good " is thÈ " life end"ing faith"fully.
p. 59: final foot symbol in line 3 of the example in paragraph (d) was moved from the end of the line to the expected position preceding "the dice", as in ... what chance " come on " the dice.
p. 63 added missing foot symbol breaking the word "Unhap"py" to line 11 of the example in paragraph (a) Unhap"py she " that on " no sleep " could chance,
p. 66: the final foot symbol in line 4 of the Marlowe sonnet moved from Their minds, " and mu"ses, on " admirÈd " themes;
to the expected position Their minds, " and mu"ses, on " admir"Èd themes;
p. 67: the final foot symbol in line 8 of the example in paragraph (2) was moved from With worms " that are " thy cham"ber-maids; O, " here
to With worms " that are " thy cham"ber-maids; " O, here
p. 68: note that the diacritic over the "o'" combines breve and macron, whereas a macron alone may be expected in the context (Trisyllabic at ... "ity? o?'.") p. 71: added the missing final foot symbol from the line Wherewith " she tamed " the brind"ed li"oness
p. 74 example (2): note that no foot symbol is given where expected at the sentence break in Let my " despair " prevail! O stay, " hope is " not spent.
p. 77 example (c) first line: changed "fictions" to "fictious", in If fictious light I mix with Truth Divine
p. 86 in the example (3) from the Rape of the Lock the first part of each line is angled up the page, and second part of each line is angled down. p. 105, example (d): changed final punctuation (unclear period) to comma If you'd be free " o' the stove-"side, rocking-chair,
p. 118: added missing close parenthesis at end of paragraph (Intentionally irregular ... and some here.) p. 178, footnote [84], example (b): changed closing single quotation mark to double quotation mark ( ... we must pronounce "spir't,") p. 225: added missing close parenthesis (as by Spenser ... and for "history" by Drayton). p. 335: changed "Emund" to "Edmund" (the invention of Edmund Spenser)