PLATE | | | 1. | Tree-Climbing | Frontispiece | | 2. | River Scene, Queensland | 24 | | 3. | Forest Track, Out Back | 40 | | 4. | Coco-nut Palm in Full Fruit | 52 | | 5. | Native Girl, Samoa | 64 | | 6. | View of Apia from Mulinu | 74 | | 7. | Planting Coco-nuts | 84 | | 8. | Preparing Copra | 104 | | 9. | Native Coast Village near Apia | 116 | | 10. | Low-Caste Native Girl | 126 | | 11. | Native Bamboo Bridge | 138 | | 12. | Rarotongan Scenery | 150 | | 13. | South Sea Lagoon | 166 | | 14. | Native Girls making Kava | 170 | | 15. | Para Rubber-Tree | 182 | | 16. | Native Pottery | 192 | | 17. | Loading Bananas | 200 | | 18. | Coco-nut Palms and Pasture-land | 210 | | 19. | Native Homestead | 220 | | 20. | Native Canoes, Fiji | 226 | | 21. | Homestead Scene, Queensland | 236 | | 22. | Cabbage-Palm and Bush Land | 250 | | 23. | Pastoral Scenery, N.S.W. | 258 | | 24. | Modern Sheep-Shearers | 280 | The author is indebted to the Agent-General for Queensland for the photographs reproduced as plates 1, 2 and 3; to the High Commissioner for Australia for plates 21, 22, 23 and 24; to the Director of the Imperial Institute for plates 4, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20; and to Messrs W. A. Mansell & Co. for plates 5, 10, 12 and 13.