3@50903-h@50903-h-9.htm.html#Page_293" class="pginternal">293 A "Welsh rabbit", 374 Copper coins superior to silver, 34 Cork, false, 30 Corks, Houdin's dessert of, 84 Corks, tricks with, 84 Cornucopian hat, 346 Cotton, cutting up piece of, 46 Crystal ball, wine-drinking, 308 Plateau, 250 Cup, passing one through another, 61 Cups and balls, tricks with, 54 And oranges, apples, &c., 58 From a hat, shower of, 352 Cut packs of cards, 130 Cutting a person's arm with a knife, 83 Up piece of cotton, 46 D. Dancing coins, 20 Sailor, 339 Decanted handkerchief, 224 Deception and rapidity of action, 39 Dessert of corks, Houdin's, 84 Destroying a watch, 362 Devil's handkerchief, 182 Diagonal pass with cards, 96 Dice, changing, 81 Dictionary trick, great, 336 Die trick, Houdin's, with additional effects, 259 Distribution from a hat, 350 Dolls produced from a hat, 355 Dove and bottle, 306 Mesmerising a, 175 Dovecot, Bacchus', 306 Doves, vanishing, 173 Drawer-box, 300 And cone, 304 Drawing-room magic, 4 Dress for a conjuror, 160 E. Eating fire, 72 Egg bag, the, 274 Orange, &c., produced from wand, 164 Eggs and small apples, palming, 168 Collecting, 278 Magician's, 183 Productive, 184 Egyptian pocket card trick, 187 Electric touch, 389 England, flags of Old, 295 Exchanging borrowed rings for dummies, 175 Extracting a coin from a glass of water, 24 F. Fairy flower, 327 False shuffle with cards, 99 Feast of lanterns, Chinese, 356 Fiery hands, writings, &c., 387 Filter tumblers, 79 Final instructions, 202 Omelette, magic, 332 Oranges, apples, &c., in cups, 58 Produced from wand, 164 Vanishing, 170 Vesting, 170 P. Palm practice with coins, 9 Palming cards, 112 Coins, 5 Common, 5 Finger, 6 Proper, 5 Quick, practising, 17 Reverse, 7 Small eggs, apples, &c., 168 Sugar, 40 Thumb, 6 Use of the wand in, 12 With both hands, 22 Paper and knife, 42 From the mouth, producing yards of, 73 Passes with cards, 90, 106 Passing and vanishing a ball, 55 Articles through traps, 158 Coins, 9 Coins into a hat, 13, 23 Coins through a table, 12 Fork or spoon through tumbler, 79 Many coins, 16 Penny into soda-water bottle, 27 Ring into an egg, 334 "Patter", 154 Penknife and bottle, 44 Penny, folding, 27 passing, into soda-water bottle, 27 Perambulating bottle and tumbler, 328 Walking stick, 382 Performance, length of time for, 398 Introduction of music in, 397 Performer's private programme, 397 Performing, manner when, 249 Preparations before, 149 Skill in, 346 Permeable plates, 80 Permeating card, 122 Pestle and mortar for watches, 362 Plateau, magic, 185 Plate, vanishing a, 78 Plates and balls, 80 Permeable, 80 Plenty, hat of, 346 Plume and seed, flying, 291 Plumes, shower of, 326 Pocket, Egyptian, card trick, 187 Poker, mesmerised, 344, 382 Or stick to stand on end, causing, Transcriber's Notes Minor punctuation errors have been silently corrected. Some illustrations have been relocated. Part I and Part II have been added to the Table of Contents. Page 26: Changed "Alway" to "Always." (Orig: Alway obtain possession of the wineglass) Page 78: Changed "immmediately" to "immediately." (Orig: between the legs, and immmediately covered with the napkin.) Page 106: Removed duplicate "in." (Orig: it is not in in general use, but forms almost a separate) Page 164: "description" is probably a typo for "descriptions." (Orig: one of the most wonder-inspiring description.) Page 187: Changed "maufacture" to "manufacture." (Orig: he was told to maufacture the card,) Page 197: Possibly missing "be" before "burnt." (Orig: half of the card which is to burnt doubled up and placed) Page 220: Changed "hankerchief" to "handkerchief." (Orig: and the body of the same hankerchief on the other side) Page 264: Changed "that" to "than." (Orig: trick even more wonderful that it is in its ordinary form.) Page 314: Changed "fron" to "from." (Orig: and pour out some liquid fron it,) Page 314: Changed "unexpresed" to "unexpressed." (Orig: for the unexpresed purpose of showing that it is glass,) Page 349: Changed "unvailing" to "unavailing." (Orig: great, but unvailing, efforts are made to extract the ball.) Page 353: Changed "neccessary" to "necessary." (Orig: great care being neccessary to prevent any of them falling) Page 370: Changed "when" to "then." (Orig: for a few seconds, when open it, showing, of course, nothing) |