PAGE | Introduction | xi | On the importance of Vasco da Gama’s voyage, p. xi; his Life, p. xiii; a parallel between Vasco da Gama and Columbus, p. xv; authorities on Vasco da Gama’s voyage, p. xix; the MS. of the Roteiro, p. xxii; its author, p. xxv; Portuguese editions, p. xxxii; French translations, p. xxxiv; the present edition, p. xxxv. | | A Journal of the Voyage of Vasco da Gama in 1497-99 | 1 | The Voyage Out | 1 | Lisbon to the Cape Verde Islands, p. 1; across the Southern Atlantic, p. 3; the Bay of St. Helena, p. 5; rounding the Cape, p. 8; the Bay of S. Braz, 9; S. Braz to Natal, p. 14; Terra da Boa Gente and Rio do Cobre, p. 16; the Rio dos Bons Signaes, p. 19; to MoÇambique, p. 21; false start, and return to MoÇambique, p. 28; MoÇambique to MombaÇa, p. 31; MombaÇa, p. 34; MombaÇa to Malindi, p. 39; Malindi, p. 40; across the Arabian Sea, p. 46 | | Calecut | 48 | Arrival, p. 48; a description of Calecut, p. 49; at anchor at Pandarani, p. 50; Gama goes to Calecut, p. 51; a Christian church, p. 52; progress through the town, p. 55. The King’s palace, p. 55; a royal audience, p. 56; a night’s lodging, p. 59; presents for the Zamorin, p. 60; a second audience, p. 61. Return to Pandarani, p. 63; detention there, p. 64; the Portuguese merchandise at Pandarani, p. 67; Diogo Dias carries a message to the King, p. 70; the King sends for Diogo Dias, p. 74; off Calecut, p. 75; Calecut and its commerce, p. 77 | | The Voyage home | 79 | Santa Maria Islets and Anjediva, p. 80; the voyage across the Arabian Sea, p. 87; Magadoxo, p. 88; Malindi, p. 89; Malindi to S. Braz, p. 91; S. Braz to the Rio Grande, p. 92; conclusion, p. 93 | | The Kingdoms to the South of Calecut | 95 | About Elephants | 102 | Prices at Alexandria | 103 | A vocabulary of Malayalam | 105 | ———— | APPENDICES. | A.—Two Letters of King Manuel, 1499 | 111 | Letter to the King and Queen of Castile, July 1499 | 113 | Letter to the Cardinal Protector, August 28, 1499 | 114 | B.—Girolamo Sernigi’s Letters, 1499 | 119 | Introduction, p. 119; First letter to a gentleman at Florence, p. 123; Second letter, p. 137; a letter to his brother, p. 141 | | C.—Three Portuguese Accounts of Vasco da Gama’s First Voyage. | 145 | Jornal das Viagens dos Portuguezes Ás Indias, 1608 | 145 | Luiz de Figueiredo FalcÃo, 1612 | 147 | Pedro Barretto de Rezende, 1646 | 149 | D.—Vasco da Gama’s Ships and their Equipment | 157 | E.—Muster-roll of Vasco da Gama’s Fleet | 173 | F.—The Voyage | 185 | Lisbon to the Cape Verde Islands, p. 186; the Voyage across the Southern Atlantic, p. 186; doubling the Cape, p. 192; along the East Coast of Africa, p. 193; across the Arabian Sea, p. 198; the voyage home, p. 199. | | G.—Early Maps illustrating Vasco da Gama’s First Voyage | 203 | Henricus Martellus Germanus, p. 204; Juan de la Cosa, p. 205; Dr. Hamy’s Chart, p. 206; The Cantino Chart, p. 208; the chart of the “Mohit”, 209; Canerio, p. 210; list of Place-Names, p. 214 | | H.—Honours and Rewards bestowed upon Vasco da Gama, 1499-1524 | 226 | ———— |
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. | Portraits. | PAGE | Vasco da Gama, from a portrait in the Honour Hall of the Lisbon Geographical Society | Frontispiece | King Manuel | 109 | Vasco da Gama, from a contemporary medallion in the cloister of Belem | xii | Vasco da Gama, from the Museu das Bellas Artes | 116 | Vasco da Gama, from the same, according to M. Morelet’s version | 171 | Vasco da Gama as Viceroy, according to Barretto de Rezende | 143 | Vasco da Gama, from the Palacio do Governo, Goa | 151 | Facsimiles. | Facsimile of the first paragraph of the MS. of the Roteiro | xxii | Facsimiles of Vasco da Gama’s signatures, Frontispiece and | 116 | Facsimile of a Receipt given by Vasco da Gama | 229 | Ships. | The supposed Armada of Vasco da Gama | 160 | The S. Gabriel | 155 | The figure-head of the S. Raphael | 91 | A Caravel | 158 | Native craft in the Harbour of MombaÇa; from a photograph by the late Capt. Foot, R.N. | 35 | Other Illustrations. | CÃo’s PadrÃo at Cape Cross | 169 | Vasco da Gama’s Pillar at Malindi, from a photograph by Sir John Kirk | 90 | Coat-of-Arms of Vasco da Gama | 223 | A tower at MombaÇa; from a photograph by Sir John Kirk | 39 | View of Calecut; from an original sketch by H. Johnson | 183 | A Siwa-blower; from a photograph by Sir John Kirk | 43 | Krishna nursed by Devaki; from Moor’s “Pantheon” | 53 | The Old Church at Vidigueira | 238 | ———— | LIST OF MAPS. | PAGE | I. | A Chart illustrating the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-99 | xxxvii | II. | The Cape to Natal | Atendofvolume | III. | Natal to Malinde | "of volu"me | IV. | The West Coast of India | "of volu"me | V. | South Africa, from an anonymous chart of the world, first published by Dr. Hamy | "of volu"me | VI. | Africa, from the Cantino Chart | "of volu"me | VII. | Africa and India, from Canerio’s Chart | "of volu"me | VIII. | The Indian Ocean, according to the “Mohit” | 209 | ERRATA. P. 3, note 3. The wrong date is not August 18, but August 22, which ought to be October 22. See also p. 190, note 1. P. 3, line 17. Instead of “lower mainsail”, read “mainsail”. P. 4, note 2, to be read thus: “That is, towards TristÃo da Cunha, Gama being at that time 400 miles to the N.N.W. of these islands”. P. 9, note 3. Instead of “Anto”, read “dento” (dentro). P. 15, note 1. Instead of “Rio do Infante”, read “Rio de Infante”. P. 16, line 10. Read “when setting a bonnet we discovered the mast was sprung ... and ... secured it with lashings”. P. 22, line 8. Instead of “when putting the ship about”, etc., read “in tacking towards the other ships, which were astern, Coelho”, etc. P. 23, note 4. Add “Aljofar, in Portuguese, means seed-pearls”. P. 73, line 17. Instead of “August 23”, read “August 24”. P. 79, line 14. Instead of “Biaquotte”, read “Biaquolle”. P. 80, note 1. For the identification of the Ilhas de S. Maria, see p. 200. P. 92, line 13. Add “and left at once”. P. 148, line 20, and P. 175, line 60. The pilot was Pero Escolar, not Escovar. A Pero Escovar is mentioned by Barros (t. I, part 1, p. 143) jointly with JoÃo de Santarem, as having made discoveries on the Gold Coast in 1471. He was a “cavalier” of the King’s household. Another Pero Escovar went as pilot to the Congo in 1490. This latter may possibly have been our man. P. 161, line 24. Instead of “D’Alberti”, read “D’Albertis”. P. 167, line 17. Instead of “Rodriguez”, read “Rodrigo”. P. 167, line 29. Instead of “Diogo de Vilhegas”, read “Diogo Ortiz de Vilhegas”.