American General Conference of 1868, attendance at, 556.
Bagot, Government of Sir Charles, 306.
Bethune, Correspondence with Bishop, 564.
Bible, The, in Public Schools, 423, 564.
Bidwell, Defence of, 188, et seq., 306, 416, 567.
British Conference, Union with, 107, et seq., 114, 121, 141, 269.
—— Separation from, 269, 272, 277, 383.
Cartier, Sir George. Correspondence relating to, 559.
Chapel Property Cases, 172.
Christian Guardian, 93, 107, 109, 121, 131, 144, 172, 199, 201, 230, 239, et seq., 259, 269, 271.
Christian Guardian, Discussion with, 499.
Church of England, Dr. Ryerson's attitude towards, 291.
Church Property, Right of Conference to hold, 303.
Civil Rights Controversy, 81.
Class Meeting Question, 470, et seq., 491, et seq., 499.
Clergy Reserve Question, 47, 68, 81, 83, et seq., 91, 95, et seq. 119, 155, 168, 170, 216, 218, 225, et seq., 236, et seq., 246, 250, et seq., 260, et seq., 278, 286, 300, 378, et seq., 387, et seq., 433, et seq., 454, et seq.
Confederation, Dr. Ryerson's Address on, 547.
Connecticut University, 106.
Controversy with W. L. Mackenzie, 124, 135, 145.
Controversy with Rev. W. M. Harvard, 202.
Controversies, Newspaper, 205, et seq.
Council, Legislative, 168, 170.
Denominational Colleges Controversy, 518, et seq.
Dominion, Dr. Ryerson's Address on the New, 547.
Durham, Government of Lord, 257, et seq., 312.
Early Life, Sketch of, 23.
Early Education, 24.
Education, Appointment as Chief Superintendent of, 342.
—— Retirement from Office of, 337.
Educational Administration, 352, 368, et seq.
Educational Tours, 352, 365, 371, 419, 454, 514, 539, 577.
Education, Dr. Ryerson's status in the Conference while holding Office of Chief Superintendent of, 415.
England, Visits to, 115, et seq., 121, 152, et seq., 158, 269, 272, 352, 371, 419, 454, 514, 539, 577.
Estimate of Dr. Ryerson's Character and Labours, by Rev. Dr. Ormiston, 17.
Estimates of Dr. Ryerson's Character and Work, 595, 598, 600, et seq.
Family Compact, 145.
Funeral Ceremonies, 593.
Grievance Report, 155.
Hume and Roebuck Letters, 167.
"Impressions" of England, 121, 137.
Indians, Labour among, 64, et seq.
Infant Baptism, 470, et seq., 491, et seq.
"Legion's" Letters, 341.
Loyalists, U. E., History of, 577, 585, 590.
Matrimony, Right of Methodist Ministers to Celebrate, 303.
Metcalfe, Defence of Sir Charles, 198, 312, et seq., 319, et seq., 328, et seq., 349.
Metcalfe, Administration of Sir Charles, 198, 312, et seq., 319, et seq., 328, et seq., 337, et seq., 375.
Methodist Union, 571.
Metropolitan Church, 562.
Minister, Work as, 80, 86, 149, 282, 287.
Mission to River Credit Indians, page 58, et seq.
Norfolk County, Visits to, 534.
Presidency of General Conference, 575.
Rebellion of 1837, 175, et seq., 182.
Rectories Question, 218, 225, et seq., 236, et seq., 245, 250, et seq.
Red River Expedition, 559.
Religious Experiences, 25, 30, 32, 42, 51-57, 82, 85.
Religious Instruction in Schools, 423, 564.
Responsible Government, 257, et seq.
Roebuck and Hume Letters, 167.
Ryanite Schism, 87.
School Act, 370.
Spencer, Controversy with Rev. Mr., 499.
Style, Controversial, 105.
Sydenham, Administration of Lord, 260, 284, 286, 290, 301.
Thompson, Mr. Charles Poulett, Government of, 260.
Union, Methodist, 571.
United Empire Loyalists, History of, 577, 585, 590.
University Controversy, 518, et seq.
Upper Canada Academy, 113, 152, 161. et seq., 164, et seq., 179, 301, 305, 307.
Victoria College, 113, 152, 161, et seq., 164, et seq., 179, 301, 305, 307.