Abdul Kerim Pasha, 49, 99.
Achilles, 309, 420.
Adil Pasha, 60, 183.
Adrianople, 301.
Ahmed Pasha, 106.
Ahmet, 22, 185, 189, 256, 258;
his return to the ranks, 297.
Ahmet Bey, 48;
captures a Servian, 49.
Ak Palanka, 30.
Alexandra, 309.
Alexinatz, 30, 34.
Alix, Colonel, 308.
Alouf Pasha, 113.
Anisimoff, Captain, 378.
Arab regiment, cases of malingering, 145;
remedy, 147.
Ararat, Mount, 365.
ArchÆological curiosities, 365.
Archbishop, Catholic Armenian, of Erzeroum, 364.
Armenians, sickness of, 364, 374.
Artzar village, 103.
Ashkaleh, 363.
Ashmead-Bartlett, Sir E., 415, 416.
Ashmead-Bartlett, Mr. W., 415.
Austin, Charles, special correspondent for the Times, 370.
Baiburt, 320, 334, 362, 374.
Baker Pasha, 50, 308.
Baltic, 419.
Bash Tabiya redoubt, 237, 255, 265.
Basilio, Father, 354.
Batavia, 38.
Bavaria, 4.
Bazaine, 419.
Bazias, 9.
Beaconsfield, Lord, 372.
Belgrade, 9.
Beresford, Dr., 392.
Bergan, General, 308;
rifle bullet, 132.
Berlin Congress, 372.
Besika Bay, 372.
Bey, Fano, 301.
Bey, Temple, 300.
Biliotti, Sir A., English consul at Trebizond, 316, 361, 414.
Bingen, 9.
Black, Dr., 61;
his habits, 62;
arrested, 64;
sent from Widdin, 65.
Black Sea, 11, 14, 315.
Blantyre, Lord, 324;
his hospital, 326;
generosity, 334.
Bonn, 3, 9.
Bosphorus, 11, 14.
Bouchon, Captain, 65.
Bourbaki, 85.
Brestovitz village, 225.
Brisbane, 36.
Briscoe, 308.
Buckle, Dr., 324, 368.
Buda-Pesth, 3, 9.
Bukova redoubts, 220;
village, 115, 127, 137.
Bulgareni road, 170.
Bulgarians, characteristic, 23;
fondness for bright colours, 41;
folk-songs, 42.
Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, her fund for the relief of the refugees, 415.
Busch, Dr., 68;
Mdme., 68.
Busch, Prof., 3.
Butler, Dr., 11.
Byron, Lord, extract from "The Siege of Corinth," 350.
C——, Senhor Garcia, 4.
Cambridge, Duke of, 43.
Camp life, routine of, 263.
"Canterbury Theatre," 422.
Carlo, Monte, 36.
Carlos, Don, 85.
Casson, Dr., 324, 368.
Chefket Pasha, 194;
his relief column, 283.
Christmas dinner, 52, 342-345;
mixing the plum pudding, 343.
Circassians, their bravery and rapacity, 94;
raid on Roumanian cattle, 95;
private forays, 98;
looting the dead, 148, 150.
Coblenz, 9.
Cole, Rev. Mr., 351, 352.
Colghassi, or major, 14.
Cologne, 9.
Commerell, Vice-Admiral Sir Edward, 363.
Constantinople, 12, 16, 303, 415;
number of Sundays, 17;
adventurers, 305.
Cooktown, 39.
Copenhagen, 419.
Crajova, 73.
Crescent, origin of the, 12.
Czetwertinski, Prince, 32, 171, 178, 195, 202, 231, 243, 251, 259;
his career, 33-39;
death, 39;
sent away invalided, 265.
Daghistan, 378.
Danube, 9, 58.
Dardanelles, 14, 419.
David, 325.
Dead, burial of the, 152, 349.
Denniston, Dr. James, 324, 326, 331, 335, 336, 342, 351, 360, 374, 379, 383, 390, 400, 404, 415.
Derby, Lord, 340.
Devoi Boyun, 384.
Dickson, Gen. Sir C., 304, 313.
Dolni-Netropol village, 259.
Drachenfels, 3, 9.
Dugald, Lieut., 223.
Duhoffskoy, Gen., 395, 397, 400.
Duhoffskoy, Princess, 398-400.
Eccles, Dr. Simon, 10.
Eden, Garden of, legendary site of the, 316, 323.
Edhim Effendi, 30.
Edim Pasha, 217.
Edinburgh, 3.
Egyptian troops, compared with the Turkish allies, 66.
Ehrenbreitstein, 9.
Emin Bey, 109, 206.
Eolia-tepe, 368.
Epsom salts, method of giving, 76.
Erzeroum, 323;
condition of the Turkish garrison at, 312, 314;
first impression of, 325;
population, 326;
interior of the gaol, 336;
mortality, 348;
burial of the dead, 349;
horrors of, 359;
occupied by the Russians, 367;
last week in, 396;
departure from, 403.
Erzinghan, 374;
expedition to, 341.
Eski-Zagra, 166.
Euphrates river, 323.
Faizi, 34, 203, 258.
Fetherstonhaugh, Charles, 324, 326, 331;
attacked by fever, 335.
FitzGeorge, Colonel, 43.
Fitzgerald, war correspondent of the Standard, 66.
Flemington, race meeting at, 38.
Foley, 44.
Forbes, Archibald, 245.
Forbes, Dr., 8.
Forbes, Litton, 30, 31.
Francis, Mr. J. E., 8.
Franco-Prussian war, 419.
French, difficulties in talking, 368.
Frostbite, cases of, 333, 336.
Galata, 12, 417.
Galicia, 33, 35.
Gamboge, 420.
Gay, Drew, war correspondent to the Daily Telegraph, 217, 244;
succeeds in getting to Sofia, 245-247.
Gebhardt, 242.
Geneva, 192.
Geoffrey, 8.
Ghumish KhanÉ, 319, 362.
Gill, Dr., 301.
Giorgione, Captain, 80, 81.
Glasgow, 419.
Goar, St., 9.
Golden Horn, 17.
Gordon, General, 84.
Gorny DÜbnik, 313.
Gourko, General, 106, 166.
"Green Hills," 115, 229.
Grivitza redoubt, 185, 220, 221, 225, 228, 235;
village, 114, 121, 127, 137, 169;
attack on, 171.
Gunner, death of a, 124.
Gunshot wounds, variety of, 130.
Guppy, Dr., 324, 351.
Hain-Bogan, 106.
Hainkioj, 106.
Hakem bashi, 29.
Hakki Bey, 351, 375, 385, 396.
Hakki Pasha, 262, 300.
Hamdi Bey, 217.
Harris, his scheme for blowing up a bridge, 306.
Harvey, Mr., 285, 315, 316, 326, 331.
Hassan Hairi Pasha, 99.
Hassan Labri Pasha, 79, 157, 174, 206, 213.
Hassan Pasha, 106.
Hassan, Prince, 66.
Hassib Bey, head of the hospital, 63, 101.
Mehemet Ali Pasha, 50, 99.
Mehemet, Circassian servant, 120.
Mehemet Nazif Bey, 157.
Melbourne University, 3.
Melikoff, General, his attack on Kars, 332;
in Erzeroum, 367;
reviews his troops, 371;
his appearance, 374;
administrative ability, 391.
Metternich, Prince, 33.
Metz, 419.
Michael, Grand Duke, 363.
Midhat Pasha, 24.
Mikren, 210.
Misserie's Hotel, 12, 303.
Montagnes Vertes, 235.
Moon, eclipse of the, 196.
Moore, Dr. Bond, 283, 285, 293;
his interview with Osman Pasha, 286.
Moravia river, 39.
Morisot, Captain, 284, 314, 316, 326, 331, 334, 364, 404, 418;
attacked with typhus fever, 351;
his return to Erzeroum, 392;
career, 419.
Mukhtar Pasha, 314, 326.
Munday, Baron, 301, 314.
Murray, Mr. D. Christie, 283, 293.
Mustapha Bey, 34, 172, 178, 259, 262, 298.
Musurus Pasha, Turkish ambassador in London, 8.
Nalban-tepe, 368.
Narghileh, 30.
Netropol village, 261.
NeuchÂtel, 8, 118.
New Caledonia, 192.
Nicodema, Gulf of, 14.
Nicopolis, 166;
march to, 101;
invested by the Russians, 106.
Nightingale, Miss Florence, 15.
Nile, 84.
Nish, 30, 32, 39.
Norton, Colonel, 308.
Norway, 3.
Odessa, 35.
O'Donovan, Edmund, 85, 337;
his dinner to the Circassians, 337-339;
war correspondent of the Daily News, 340.
Opanetz village, 115, 121, 127, 220, 225, 259.
Orenburg Cossacks, 378.
Orkhanieh, pass of, 52, 300.
Osma river, 155, 210.
Osman Bey, 206.
Osman Effendi, 67, 143, 180, 239, 242.
Osman Pasha, 34, 67, 104, 108;
commander-in-chief of the troops in Widdin, 60;
his ball, 68-73;
his interest in artillery practice, 97;
on his troops, 98;
his plan of campaign, 99;
army, 101;
condition of his men, 102;
his arrival at Plevna, 120;
defeats the Russians, 126;
his force, 126;
strict disciplinarian, 147;
his preparations for recapturing Lovtcha, 155;
his bay cob, 169;
at Grivitza, 170;
rallies the men, 175;
congratulations on his victory, 182;
presented with the first order of the Osmanli, 183;
his address to the troops, 183;
antipathy to war correspondents, 192;
council of war, 212;
his care of the wounded, 243;
wish to attend the parlementaire, 251;
reception of the medical party, 285;
wish for an English saddle and bridle, 417.
Osmanli, fourth order of the, 392.
Pain, Olivier, 158, 190-196;
war correspondent of a Geneva newspaper, 192.
Paris, 3.
Parramatta, 37.
Pearse, 310.
Pelischat, 35;
battle of, 198-205.
Pera, 12, 415.
Persian, practical joke on a, 397.
Pilaf, or boiled rice, 26.
Pinkerton, John, 301, 324, 326, 331, 334, 342;
attacked by typhus fever, 346;
death, 350.
Pirot, 29.
Pizareff, Captain Serge, 370, 374, 377, 381, 388.
Plevna, 3, 34, 113, 114, 217;
march to, 107;
inhabitants, 114;
fortifications, 115, 152, 184;
commencement of hostilities, 121;
first battle, 122;
repulse of the Russians, 127;
second battle, 166;
revival of trade, 182;
earthworks, 184, 220;
third battle, 219;
system of field fortification, 220;
defeat of the Russians, 235;
report on the state of the wounded, 289-292.
Po, the, 7.
Poradim, 166, 197.
Power, Frank, war correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, 83;
death, 85.
Pressburg, 3.
Price, 393.
Prinkapo, 309.
Pruth, 79.
Purnekapan, 323, 362, 406.
PyÆmia, ravages of, 276, 331, 334.
Radishevo village, 72, 169, 227, 236.
Rahova garrison, 99.
Rasgrad, 166.
Red Cross Society, 30.
Redif Pasha, 100.
Redoubts, construction of, 221;
access to, 222;
area, 223.
Reif Bey, 125, 159.
Rennison, Tom, 342, 343, 367, 380, 385.
Revel Regiment, 232.
Rhine, 9.
Rifaat Pasha, Brigadier, 156, 209.
Robert, Dr., 118, 121, 125, 152, 189, 297;
his hospitality, 164.
Rochefort, Henri, 192.
Rome, 4.
Rookh, 242, 270.
Rosen, Baroness von, 301.
Roumania espouses the Russian cause, 79.
Roumania, Prince Charles of, 251.
Roumanian gunners, difficulty in finding the range, 97;
troops, 60;
vessel blown up, 92.
Roy, Dr., 301, 392.
Russia, declaration of war, 88;
plan of campaign, 105.
Russians, hostility against Plevna, 121;
number of men, 126, 224;
defeated, 127, 177, 235;
losses, 137 note, 177, 224 note, 238;
their simple faith, 149;
attack on Grivitza, 171;
retreat, 172;
the dead, 179;
guns captured, 198;
victory at Lovtcha, 210;
capture redoubts, 232;
official statement on the result, 235;
retire to Radishevo, 236;
their parlementaire with Tewfik Pasha, 251-254;
victory at Telish, 313;
hospitality to doctors, 367;
entry of troops into Erzeroum, 371;
review, 371;
sufferings, 373;
cruelty to the Turks, 382.
Rustchuk, 9, 11.
S——, Dr., 30, 45;
his quarrel with a Turkish major, 46-48;
death, 48.
Sadik Pasha, 229, 256, 268.
Said Pasha, 105.
Salisbury, Lord, 372.
Samsoun, 315.
San Stefano, 265, 415, 418;
treaty of, 372.
Sardou, his play La Tosca, 416.
Schaffhausen, falls of, 9.
Schahoffskoi, Prince, 166.
Schilder-Schulder, General, 122;
his attack on Plevna, 126;
his force, 137 note.
Schmidt, 327.
Scudamore, Mr. F. Ives, 66, 307.
Scutari, 15.
Seraskierat, or War Office at Constantinople, 8, 14, 304.
Servia, appeal to the Powers, 50;
armistice declared, 60.
Sevastopol, 219.
Sgalevitcha, 198.
Shipka Pass, 86;
taken, 106.
Shumla, 99;
Regiment, 111, 119, 125, 146, 208,
Widdin, 22, 34, 43, 55, 56;
population, 57;
fortress, 58;
climate, 59;
arrival of Egyptian troops, 66;
preparations for war, 74;
bombardment, 90;
hospital explosion of a shell, 93;
number of killed and wounded, 97.
Widow, Spanish, her wish to go to Constantinople, 401;
style of beauty, 403;
vocabulary, 405;
ingratitude, 414.
Williams, 316, 331, 334, 404, 408;
attacked with typhus fever, 351.
Williams, General, 342.
Woods, Dr., 315, 316, 317, 326, 331, 342;
falls ill, 332.
Wounded, sufferings of the, 129, 138, 272-276, 299, 333;
operations, 143, 181, 239;
finger wounds, 144, 145;
reception of the, 178;
extraction of bullets, 199;
number of, 239;
variety, 241;
cases of small-pox and typhoid fever, 278;
frostbite, 333.
Wrench, Mr., British consul in Constantinople, 298, 310.
Wrestling, pastime of, 79.
Xavier, St., College, 38.
Yalaat Bey, 206.
Yeni Khan, 326.
Yunuz Bey, 222.
Yuoart, bowls of, 24.
Zabergan, 42.
Zacuska, 125.
Zaitchar, defeat of the Servians at, 60.
Zaptiehs, 56.
Zara Dilber Effendi, 67, 421.
Zegana Pass, 362.
Zohrab, Mr., British consul at Erzeroum, 324, 326, 331, 420;
ordered to Constantinople, 340;
his excellent provisions and wines, 377.
Zohrab, Mrs., 420.
Zola, Le Petit Village, 116.
[1] Lieutenant Herbert's reckoning gave the field state of Osman's marching out strength at 19 battalions, 6 squadrons, 9 batteries; in all 12,000 men, with 54 guns. Vide The Defence of Plevna, by Lieutenant V. Herbert (Longmans, Green, & Co.).