THE MOUTH-PARTS AND SENSE-ORGANS When the outward anatomy of a flea was described, in an earlier chapter, the mouth-parts, which form a sort of beak or proboscis under the head, were mentioned. These most interesting parts of the insect must now be dealt with. The reader probably knows that some insects have mouths for sucking fluids and others mouths for biting solids. A moth or a fly cannot masticate solids, whilst a beetle or a cricket has effective biting jaws. The first naturalist who studied the mouth-parts of a flea, with such microscopes as were then available, was Leeuwenhoek. He was a Dutchman who worked at the end of the seventeenth century, and the minute accuracy of whose observations still often fills modern naturalists with wonder. Microscopic work was then in its early days, but Leeuwenhoek clearly made out the two serrated lancets (Fig. 4) which are called the mandibles. His “Microscopical observations on the structure of the proboscis of a flea” were published in the Transactions of the Royal Society in 1706. The mouth-parts of fleas are differently constructed from those of all other insects. Around the orifice of the mouth are a number of appendages which The primitive insect, of which fleas and all other insects are descendants, was, it is supposed, composed of a succession of segments each bearing a pair of jointed appendages. Insects of the present day never have more than six legs, but the foremost pairs of appendages have been bent round, reduced in size, and altered in shape so as to serve as mouth-parts. Now the mouth-parts of the flea for which only technical names exist are the maxillÆ and maxillary palpi, the labium and labial palpi, the mandibles and the labrum. The labrum is considered by some authorities to be the hypopharynx. It will be best The maxillÆ. These are a pair of horny or chitinous triangular plates one on either side of the flea’s face. They are placed some distance away from the orifice of the mouth and to the right and left of it. They do not serve for piercing or sucking, and appear to have no active function unless they serve to separate the hairs of the host and enable the flea to reach the bare skin. In the majority of bat-fleas (CeratopsyllidÆ) the maxillÆ are dumb-bell-shaped but in all other fleas they are more or less triangular. From the fore part of each springs a palpus. Like other highly chitinised parts of a flea, the maxillÆ are usually dark in colour. The maxillary palpi. These are jointed hairy feelers which project forwards and were mistaken by the older naturalists for antennÆ. They spring from the base of each of the maxillÆ where these latter organs are joined to the head of the flea. The palpi are sense-organs as the number of sensitive hairs on their surface indicates. The maxillary palpi of fleas are always composed of four segments. The labium and labial palpi. These form together what is called the rostrum of a flea. The labium is a single organ which projects beneath the aperture of the mouth. It may be described as the lower lip of the flea. At its end it divides into two When the piercing organs are at rest they are partly retracted. The external portion is encased in the tubular rostrum. The tube is formed by the two labial palpi which are situated at the apex of the short non-divided labium. The number of segments composing each labial palpus in fleas varies, so far as we know, from two to seventeen. In most fleas, however, the labial palpus consists of five segments. This appears to have been the original state of things in the ancestral flea; the palpus with more and the palpus with less segments being derived from the normal five-jointed one. The rostrum of a flea is not a piercing organ like that of a fly and a bug. The two labial palpi separate and lie flat, right and left, on the skin when the true piercing organ is driven into the host. The labial palpi therefore require to be flexible, and this is attained by increasing the number of segments or by reducing the amount of chitinisation or horniness. We shall find in the chigoes and their allies a rostrum which is pale, weak, soft and scarcely horny. Among other fleas where the rostrum is prolonged and strongly chitinised we shall find greater segmentation. The small bristles at the extreme tip of the rostrum seem to be sensory organs. They are like those at the apex of the maxillary palpus. When a hungry flea is put on one’s arm, it appears to test the skin with these bristles before it ventures to make a puncture. The mandibles. These are a pair of sharp lancets with serrated edges. They make the puncture and are interlocked with the labrum to form a sucking tube. The labrum. This is the central portion of the mouth-parts and is in fact a prolongation of the upper lip of the flea. It is a hard, sharp, awl-like instrument: in shape like a horny trough. Its edges are more or less toothed. Its apex is pointed and it is as long as the mandibles. The general appearance and the relative positions of the mouth-parts are shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4. Diagram of the mouth-parts of a flea. The slender awl-like structure at the top is the labrum. Beneath are the paired mandibles with serrated edges. The four-jointed hairy maxillary palpus is below, only one being shown. Protruding from the base of the face is the labium which supports the jointed labial palpi. The flat obtuse triangular structure from which the palpus springs is the right-hand maxilla. The left maxilla is concealed behind. Bearing in mind, then, that the piercing organs are the labrum and the two mandibles, and that the rostrum (composed of labium and labial palpi) is merely a sheath, it is easy to form a clear picture of a flea feeding. Anyone who is bold enough to place a hungry flea on the bare skin of the arm can readily observe through a powerful lens what happens. When the flea has chosen a spot to pierce the skin, the rostrum, with the mandibles and long upper lip or labrum inside it, is moved a little forward. The flea then lifts its abdomen upwards and presses the piercing organs down into the skin. In doing this, it uses its own weight and the strength of the foremost and middle pairs of legs. The hind pair of legs are lifted up into the air. The head can soon be seen coming nearer the skin. The rostrum then It is said that the nervous systems and brains of fleas are not so highly developed as those of many other insects such, for instance, as ants, bees and other Hymenoptera. Having drawn attention to the distinction between the external skeleton of a flea and the internal skeleton of a vertebrate, one may with profit do the same in the case of their nervous systems. In both cases the nervous system serves to The brain of the insect occupies the same position in the body as the brain of the vertebrate; but the rest of the nervous system lies on the floor of the The sensory nerves, which transmit sensations from different sense-organs, and the motor nerves, which send stimuli to the muscles, take their origin from other ganglia besides the ganglion above the gullet. In bees and some other insects it has been shown that the nerves from the palpi and mouth-parts go to the next ganglion which is beneath the gullet. The same is probably the case with fleas; so when we speak of the brain of a flea we must remember that it has a relative rather than an absolute claim to that title. A flea has really many brains. In certain blind insects, where the eyes are wanting, parts of the brain are completely atrophied. Whether this is so in the blind species of fleas does not seem to have been investigated. Fig. 5. The antenna of a flea. A, concealed in the groove. B, protruded from the head. The versatile basal segments and the terminal club, in this case with segments on one side of it, should be noticed. We pass now from the central nervous system to the sense-organs of the flea. The chief are the eyes, the antennÆ and the pygidium. In regard to the eyes nothing more need be said. The antennÆ are probably far more important organs to a flea than its eyes; but inasmuch as they are at ordinary times concealed in a groove they are not very conspicuous (Fig. 5). The first tolerably accurate plate of a flea by a naturalist will be found in Hooke’s Micrographia (1664). Robert Hooke (1635-1703) was a somewhat eccentric and irritable man of science who acted as secretary to the Royal Society. His labours were too varied to be effective. He nearly discovered the laws of gravity and also studied fleas. To him belongs the credit of having detected the antennÆ groove. Just as many of the older naturalists thought that the maxillary palpi were antennÆ, so others thought that the antennÆ of a flea were its ears. And when, with the help of their lenses, they saw the antennÆ erected and protruded from their grooves, they imagined that the insect was cocking its ears and listening after the manner of a horse or ass. But the antennÆ of fleas are much more to them than AntennÆ apparently enable fleas to find their bearings, to communicate with one another and to discover the whereabouts of the opposite sex. But it is especially as organs of smell that they play a most important part in the flea’s social life. They enable couples to find one another; and, when the There are certain noteworthy organs of sense which appear to exist on the upper surface of a flea’s head and body. They take the form of small convexities of the body surface, lentil-shaped and each surrounded at the base by a ring. Somewhat similar sense-organs are widely spread through the insect world. As to their function, divergent views are held. Some think that they are for the perception of sounds, some for the perception of light rays, some for the perception of rays of which we are unconscious. Since these organs are placed, at times, in unprominent parts of the body it seems more probable that they are affected by sound than by light. The preference which fleas show for certain animals, and the repulsion which they manifest on being allowed to suck blood from an unaccustomed host, lead one to believe that they have a sense of taste. This sense in other insects is apparently seated in certain microscopic pits and hairs which form the ends of nerves and are distributed round the mouth. Whether fleas can hear is not, it seems, definitely known. A large number of fleas possess what is called a frontal tubercle. It is a notch in the centre of the forehead but nearer to the mouth than to the antenna. Sometimes the tubercle projects from a groove. This is most marked in the genus of African fleas Listropsylla. The real nature of this organ is unknown. Some regard it as an organ of sense. Its homology is also uncertain. To some it suggests the egg-breaker of the larva and they regard it as a relic of the larval stage. To others it suggests an eye and they regard it as the remnant of an unpaired ocellus possessed by the ancestral flea. An exceedingly remarkable organ of sense, which is found in all fleas, is called the pygidium. It is a sensory-plate plentifully supplied with hairs and nerves and always placed on the back of the ninth abdominal segment. Of all its uses we are still somewhat uncertain but some observers declare that at the season of love the male flea bestows caresses on the pygidium of the female. In many species the male flea is sufficiently different in outward appearance from the female to be easily distinguished. The male is usually smaller and the last segments of the abdomen are so shaped as to give the look of a tail tilted into the air. The frontispiece represents a male flea and shows this well. The internal organs of reproduction (testes and ovaries) in the male and female are placed near the end of the abdomen. The seminal outlet and common oviduct open to the rear of the sensory plate on the ninth segment of the abdomen. The external genital armature of the male flea is exceedingly complicated and quite unlike that of any other insect. When the sexes are united, the usual position is reversed, and the male is beneath the female. It is well known to every entomologist that the hinder segments of insects are often modified for reproductive purposes. In male fleas it is the eighth and ninth abdominal segments which are altered. In the females the eighth, and also often a portion of the seventh, has assumed a peculiar shape. The clasping organs of the male flea are portions of the ninth segment and form together a kind of claw reminding one of the pinchers of a lobster. It is used by the male flea in the breeding season to detain and hold the female. Every entomologist also knows that the external |