INTRODUCTORY Fleas form a group of insects that have, until recently, been little studied by zoologists. We call them insects because they are jointed animals, or Arthropods, with three pairs of legs in the adult condition. The reader will best understand the position which fleas occupy in the general classification of animals by remembering that the arthropods, or jointed animals, are one of a dozen subkingdoms, or phyla, to which the various members of the great animal kingdom have been assigned. There is good ground for believing that all the animals included in each phylum trace their ancestry back to a common primitive form which lived in more or less remote ages. Besides (1) Insects, the arthropods, or jointed animals, include (2) Crustaceans, such as crabs, lobsters, shrimps, wood-lice, water-fleas and barnacles; (3) Myriapods, such as centipedes and millipedes; and (4) Arachnids, such as spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks. To all these varied forms of animal life fleas, and other insects, are therefore more or less nearly related. The animals belonging to this large and important collection, which compose the arthropod phylum, have certain common characteristic features. We find a body made up of a series of more or less completely similar segments placed one behind the other. In this they resemble certain worms which are far less highly organised. The body is elongated, symmetrical on either side, and the mouth and anus are at opposite ends. There is, however, an important advance on the segmented worms. Each typical segment carries a pair of appendages which are very different from the foot-stumps that are found on certain worms. These appendages of arthropods are divisible into distinct limb-segments, separated from one another by moveable joints, and acted upon by special muscles. The common ancestor of all the various arthropods which are found living on the earth to-day, was probably composed of a series of segments each very similar to the last and each bearing a pair of very similar appendages. In the course of ages, these appendages have been astoundingly modified in form and in function. So it happens that we find in the arthropods of the present day pairs of antennÆ, of mandibles and other mouth-parts, of pincers, of legs, of swimming-feet and of tail pieces which on close examination can all be traced back to a common structure. The body-segments, also, have been It is of great interest, when one comes to make a minute study of the form and external structure of a flea, to try and trace the modifications that must have taken place in the course of descent from the ancestral arthropod; but the relationship of fleas to other insects living at the present day is of more immediate concern. Insects are highly specialized arthropods and fleas are highly specialized insects. This means that they have become vastly modified from the primitive ancestral type and fitted thereby for a life among certain defined and peculiar surroundings. It will be unnecessary to remind the reader who knows anything of zoology or of botany that all classification is now based on descent. Since naturalists have abandoned a belief in the special creation of the various species of animals now living on the earth and have conclusively shown that they have arisen by descent and modification from other forms, the problem is to reconstruct a vast genealogical tree. What then were the ancestors of the fleas and to what other insects, in consequence, do they appear to be related? It is probable that the ancestors of the fleas were winged insects, and that the organs of flight were The position which should be assigned to the order Siphonaptera in the general scheme of insect classification is a question on which the most learned modern entomologists have disputed with considerable vigour. Some see the nearest relatives among the beetles, others among the flies. The majority, as we shall see later on, would place them near the Diptera: but since no convincing arguments have been produced on either side it may be wisest to regard the question as still at present unsolved. Fleas belong to one of the groups of insects which go through a complete metamorphosis. Their life-history consequently falls into four divisions: egg, larva, pupa and imago. If the climate permits, the female flea lays her eggs all the year round, and from one to five are dropped at a time. Unlike those of many other parasites they are never attached to the hairs of the hosts, but appear to be deposited indiscriminately on the floors of houses or in the nests and sleeping places of their hosts. The eggs generally hatch in a few days, and a minute, white, wormlike larva emerges (Fig. 1). The larvÆ, of some, and possibly of all, fleas are provided with a wonderful adaptation in the shape of an egg-breaker or hatching-spine. This is a thin plate, like the edge of a knife, where the point of the head comes in contact with the shell. The movements of the prisoner make a slight split in the egg-shell, which then bursts asunder. This organ has vanished in later larval life, and it is probably lost after the first moult. The larva is legless and has thirteen segments. It grows rapidly, and, as it grows, moults its skin several times. It is provided with mouth-parts adapted for biting, and eats any decaying organic refuse. The larvÆ may be reared on the sweepings of an ordinary room or the dirty scurf which collects at the bottom of old birds’ nests. It is hardly necessary to add that the mother takes no interest whatever in the larvÆ and that the belief that she feeds them on dried blood is not based on any sound foundations. Fig. 1. The larva of a flea. The body consists of thirteen segments and is legless. On the fore part of the head are the antennÆ and on the upper part of the head is shown the knife-like edge of the egg-breaker. The mouth-parts are adapted for biting. On the last segment of the body are the two caudal stylets. The larval stage lasts some days, and the animal spins a small cocoon before pupating. In the course of a few more days, the time probably depending on the weather, the perfect flea emerges. The larvÆ generally live in places where the perfect insects will have an opportunity of finding a host as soon as they leave the pupal envelope. The nests of their hosts where the young are being reared are always favourite places. It seems possible that the comparative immunity from fleas which hoofed mammals or Ungulates enjoy may be due to the fact that the young beast follows its mother from the time of birth instead of passing its early life helpless in a nest. Observations made on the development of the dog-flea (Ctenocephalus canis) in India show that eggs laid on October 17 hatched on October 19. The larva spun its cocoon on October 25 and the mature flea emerged on November 2. In Northern Europe the human flea takes about four weeks in summer and six weeks in winter to pass through its metamorphosis. Unlike many parasitic insects, fleas do not constantly pass their time upon the bodies of their victims. The greater part of their life is probably spent on the ground, in the house, or nest, of the mammal or bird which serves them with blood. In this respect there is considerable difference in the habits of different species of flea. Some attach themselves to an animal and actually burrow into the skin. These are the most parasitic species. Some only come to feed and leave to lay their eggs. Many probably do not suck blood more than once in their lives. An animal which harbours fleas and which nourishes the adult insect with blood is called a host. No fleas are more than what is called temporary parasites; which means that they pass but a portion of their lives on their hosts and frequently take occasion to hop on and off. All fleas, apparently, go from host to host. The labours of diligent collectors have proved that the great As distinguished from true or natural hosts one must separate what may be termed casual or accidental hosts. All animals which come in contact with one another, or which live in close proximity, Much more puzzling to explain are the reasons which confine a flea to a certain host and which cause closely allied hosts to have different fleas. The fleas from the house-martin and the sand-martin are quite different; those from the domestic fowl and the domestic pigeon are distinct species. The causes which have affected the evolution of the various forms of flea are too obscure to enable anyone at the present day to offer any satisfactory explanation. Speaking generally, the fleas found on birds have points in common, and they probably form a natural Two very rare fleas (C. farreni and C. rothschildi) are found in the nests of house-martins; yet the nests of these birds are infested with common species besides. A plague flea (Xenopsylla) has been found on an African swift. Forty-six different species of flea have been found in the British Islands, but many of these are extremely scarce. We know too little about the geographical distribution of fleas to lay down many accurate generalities. When a great deal more material has been collected and studied, it may be possible to show that certain groups are associated with certain regions of the earth or certain orders of animals. To some extent this is already seen to be the case. The fleas When a flea has a cosmopolitan range it is probable that it has travelled over the world in company with its host. Monkeys have no fleas. This is an assertion that is commonly received with surprise and incredulity. Occasionally a gorilla or a chimpanzee may get a chigoe in its toe. And monkeys in zoological gardens or menageries are possibly exposed to the danger of catching an occasional human flea from the people who crowd round their cages. These are remote contingencies which may happen to anyone. Healthy wild monkeys are much too clean and active to harbour fleas. When they search one another’s fur in a fashion that must be familiar to most persons, they are clearing their coats of particles of scurf or of similar scraps of dirt and not of fleas. So, speaking generally, it may be said that no fleas have been found truly parasitic on monkeys. Bats have fleas, but not in great abundance. All With certain exceptions, Ungulates are remarkably free from fleas. This great order of mammals includes a variety of hoofed animals: oxen, sheep, goats, deer, pigs, camels, giraffes and antelopes. The only true fleas found on these are two species of the genus Vermipsylla, which resemble the chigoes in so far that the pregnant females burrow into the host and expand there. One species has been found on camels and horses in Transcaucasia; another on roe-deer in Northern China. The female of the last is often found ensconced on the inside of the nostrils of the deer. Of course chigoes may attack domestic Ungulates of all kinds; but no other members of the family PulicidÆ or typical fleas except those two above mentioned have been found on hoofed mammals. Insectivora such as moles, shrews and hedgehogs are the hosts of a great variety of species. The same thing may be said of the Rodents, which include The Carnivora, excluding the Pinnepedia, or seals, sea-lions and walruses, harbour numerous species. Among the Edentata a very remarkable and highly specialised genus of fleas is parasitic on armadilloes in South America. This genus (Malacopsylla) consists of two species only, which are confined to South America and are found on the armadilloes and on carnivorous animals which probably have preyed on them. The thorax of these fleas is much reduced and very small in size. Their piercing organs are slender and weak, but they possess enormous spines on the legs with which they hold on to their hosts. These two South American fleas (M. grossiventris and M. androcli) will be referred to again later as striking examples of fleas with strongly developed legs and weakly constructed mouth-parts. The contrary combination of powerful mouths and degenerate legs is also found in other groups of fleas, as will be seen in the chapter on the chigoes. The Marsupials of Australia and South America have special fleas which were probably associated with this strange order of pouched mammals before On almost every form of bird, including the most aquatic kinds, fleas of various species have been obtained. Only one instance has been recorded of a flea occurring on a reptile. A female of one of the species of burrowing chigoes (Echidnophaga ambulans) from Australia was collected by Dr Woodward from the Brown Snake (Diemenia superciliosa). This reptile, which is well known in Australia, belongs to a sub-family that contains some of the most deadly poisonous snakes and is allied to the cobras. The Brown Snake is a terrestrial snake, and one must regard the presence of the flea on such a host as a rare and chance occurrence. The snake was captured at Herdman’s Lake, near Perth in West Australia. The same species of flea has also been obtained from the phalangers (Trichosurus) which live in the tops of the Australian gum-trees; from the little terrestrial and nocturnal rat kangaroos (Bettongia); and from the banded ant-eater (Myrmecobius), another Australian Marsupial. It is possible that the flea moved from some small mammal which was being devoured by the snake and managed to fix itself between the scaly plates of the reptile. When fleas are hatched in a nest they have no choice but to attach themselves to the young mammals or birds. But even in that case they frequently leave their hosts and do not for very long remain stationary. Moreover, when a host dies and becomes cold the fleas invariably leave their quarters, which explains how it may happen that Carnivora get infested with the fleas of their prey. This change of hosts which is always occurring makes it impossible to draw conclusions from material collected in zoological gardens where many animals are herded together. In menageries, too, the normal conditions of breeding are absent. A German naturalist collected 2036 fleas from theatres, concert-halls, ball-rooms, schools and barracks in the grand-duchy of Baden and found that more than fifty per cent. were dog-fleas (Ctenocephalus canis). What the proportion may be in other parts of Europe we have no materials from which to form a judgment. In zoological gardens cat-fleas (Ct. felis) are generally numerous in most of the cages. It is, of course, well known to every zoologist that species are not fixed or constant and that various forms of mammal or of bird tend to show geographical variations. When a long series of skins are laid out on a table and carefully examined it is seldom that those from the west of any great region cannot be picked out and distinguished from those obtained in The study of Siphonaptera is still quite in its infancy. We know little or nothing of the minute geographical variation of fleas. That there is such a thing can already be seen in a few species. In the meantime the study of variation must be postponed until collectors have amassed a more plentiful amount of material; and it is best to treat all forms which are to all appearance constantly different as being specifically distinct until more is known about variation. Any classification of fleas that may now be attempted can only be tentative. It will be enough for present purposes if the reader will remember that the Order Siphonaptera can be divided into three groups or families: (1) the chigoes and their allies, which are the most parasitic fleas (SarcopsyllidÆ); (2) the typical fleas to which the majority of species belong (PulicidÆ); and (3) the bat-fleas (CeratopsyllidÆ), which have certain peculiarities that will be described in a later chapter. Of the antiquity of fleas, and of the period in geological history when the order made its appearance, little can be said. When it was thought that fleas were confined, as parasites, to warm-blooded mammals and birds, evolutionists were inclined to say that the parasites could not have appeared before their hosts. The discovery of a flea on a reptile opened the vista of possibly enormous antiquity stretching back to Permian or Carboniferous ages. The fossil record is most meagre. If we reject as too doubtful the supposed remains of a flea from the lower Oligocene strata at Aix in Provence, only one undoubted fossil has been discovered. Nor does it seem certain that fleas are entirely restricted to preying on vertebrates. Dr Dampf introduced a number of common bird-fleas (Ceratophyllus gallinÆ) of both sexes to some hairy caterpillars. He observed that several of the fleas buried their heads in the hairy covering of the larvÆ and remained some time in the attitude of sucking blood. While this was going on the victims made violent demonstrations of annoyance and discomfort. He also observed that a naked caterpillar was not attacked. Mr Boden has also recorded how he found in a seed-warehouse some peas that were being eaten by two species of Lepidopterous larvÆ. On bringing these home and keeping them in a jar, he found among them some small larvÆ which ultimately A French entomologist has also reported that the numerous fleas which swarm in the dwelling-houses of Corsica, for want of other nourishment turn their attention to flies that may be incapable of flight. The only fossil remains of a flea that have, so far, been discovered are a single insect in a piece of Baltic amber of Oligocene age. Many organic remains have been preserved in this fashion, but this is the first mammalian parasite that has been found. The flea is admirably protected by its semi-transparent surroundings, and the most minute details of structure, the arrangement of bristles on the body, and the number of segments to the labial palpi can be discerned. This unique object is in the collection of Professor Klebs. The first point to note is that a flea of this antiquity hardly differs from the existing insects of the present day. It has been referred to an existing genus (PalÆopsylla) of which there are The ordinary person regards fleas as a subject for humour of an obvious and familiar kind. The utilitarian despises a man who can cheerfully spend his time in collecting fleas. Yet it seems probable that a study of their forms and habits may be of immediate benefit to the human race. The discovery that fleas are connected with the spread of plague is an instance of apparently unprofitable scientific labour proving of direct advantage to mankind. An accurate knowledge of the structure and habits of fleas is now seen to be of importance to all who are engaged in fighting one of the most dreaded infectious diseases. When plague breaks out men of science now at once |