Old MS. Translations, Concordances, Etc. Recommended as Aids to Bible Study The Emphatic Diaglott This Greek New Testament, with interlinear word-for-word rendering, and a free reading emphasized translation alongside, is based upon the famous Vatican MS. No. 1209. With each copy sold, we give one year's subscription to The Watch Tower—if a New subscription. If you already take The Watch Tower, your purchase of the Diaglott entitles you to send The Tower to a friend who may want it, but this New Subscription must accompany the order, as we cannot apply subscriptions on back orders. Leather bound, divinity circuit, gilt edges, good Bible paper. Price $3.25 (or $2.50 without Watch Tower). Young's Analytical Concordance In English, Hebrew and Greek, by Prof. Young (Presbyterian.) 1240 pages, cloth binding, price, $6.00 postpaid. As we are not permitted to reduce the publisher's price, we will, however, send Free with each order any two volumes of Studies In the Scriptures. Smith's Bible Dictionary Interesting and valuable, 1020 pp. Cloth, $1.30 postpaid. Berean Bible Helps (Bound Separate) These are the same as in the latest “I. B. S. A.” Bibles described on another page. Full leather, divinity circuit, $1.15 postpaid. Karatol, red edges, 60c. postpaid. Also carried in German (leather and cloth), prices same as English. International Bible Students Association Brooklyn, N. Y. I. B. S. A. Berean Bibles These are Common Version Bibles but their distinguishing feature consists of Over 500 Pages Of Special Berean Helps in Four Sections as follows: Part I. Bible Teachers' Manual Biblical Comments from Genesis to Revelation explaining the text and referring to the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and other publications where the subject is more fully treated. Part II. Instructors' Guide Texts Texts relating to various important subjects topically arranged for ready reference. Part III. Berean Topical Index An alphabetical arrangement of over 800 subjects of peculiar interest, with reference to page where treated in our publications. Part IV. Spurious Passages Noted A full list of spurious passages not found in the oldest Greek MSS. In Addition To The Above the Bagster Concordance, Maps and Students Helps are incorporated in Nos. 1919, 1939 and 1959. Descriptions and Prices No, 1918. Size 4-1/4 x 6-1/4 India Paper, Minion type, French Seal, divinity circuit, red under gold edges, Berean Helps, colored maps, marginal reference. $2.00 postpaid. No. 1919. Same as No. 1918, with Bagster Concordance, Maps, etc., added. $2.25 postpaid. No. 1928. Same as No. 1918, except bound in Genuine Morocco, leather-lined. $2.85 postpaid. Ionic Type, Self-Pronouncing. No. 1939. Size 5-1/2 x 7-1/2 India Paper, Ionic type, French Seal, divinity circuit, red under gold edges, Berean Helps, also Bagster Concordance, Maps, etc. Marginal reference. $3.60 postpaid. No. 1959. Same as No. 1939, except bound in genuine Morocco, calf-lined. $3.95 postpaid. Patent Index, 25c Extra; Registry 10c. Publishers lists of other Bibles sent on request. International Bible Students Assn., Brooklyn, N. Y. Volume I. “Studies in the Scriptures” Series Things You Ought To Know As Christian Bible Students The Satisfactory Proofs That The Bible is a Divine Revelation—reasonable and trustworthy, revealing a systematic Plan full of Justice, Wisdom and Love. “The Key of Knowledge” of the Scriptures, long lost is found, and gives God's faithful people access to the “Hidden Mystery.”—Luke 11:52, Col. 1:26. The Lord Jesus and His faithful are to be not only priests but kings, and will reign over the earth. This Kingdom is to come at Christ's Second Advent. God's Plan is to select and save the Church in the Gospel Age, and to use this Church in blessing the world in the Millennium. A “ransom for all” implies an opportunity to all for restitution. The Day of Judgment is 1,000 years long—the world's trial day. “The narrow way” of self-sacrifice will cease with this Age. “The highway” of righteousness will be open to all the redeemed race in the Millennium.—Isa. 35:8, 9. “The kingdoms of this world” are but for an ordained period and must give place to the “Kingdom of Heaven.” God has permitted evil for six thousand years for a wise purpose. These subjects and many others of deep interest to all of God's people are discussed fully and in language easy of comprehension in “The Divine Plan of the Ages” (In English, German, Swedish, Dano-Norwegian, Italian, French, Greek, Hungarian, Spanish, Polish, Hollandish, Finnish, Arabic, Slovak, Roumanian, Lettish, Ukrainian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean; also Braille, for the blind). 416 Pages—Cloth Bound. 50 Cents, Postpaid or Delivered by Colporteurs. Magazine Edition (Eng. and Ger.) 10 Cents Postpaid. International Bible Students Association Brooklyn, N. Y. Volume II. “Studies in the Scriptures” Series A Remarkable Book Skeptics Should Read it . . . Christians Should Study it. Things You Want To Know As Christian Bible Students There Are Evidences That Six thousand Years from Adam ended in A. D. 1872. The Date of our Lord's Birth was October B. C. 2. The Date of Annunciation to Mary, Dec 25th, B. C. 3. The Date of our Lord's Baptism was October A. D. 29. The Date of our Lord's Crucifixion, April A. D. 33. The “Seventy Weeks” of Israel's favor ended A. D. 36. The Jewish Age “Harvest” was 40 years A. D. 30 to 70. The Christian Age “Harvest” is its parallel. The Jewish Jubilees were typical of the “Times of Restitution of all Things.”—Acts 3:19-21. The Typical Jubilees mark the Date of their Antitype. The “Times of the Gentiles” ended A. D. 1914. The Jewish Age, in its Lengths, its Ceremonies, etc., Typified the Realities of the Christian Age and its Length. Elias or “Elijah the prophet” was a Type.—How fulfilled. The Antichrist has come!—What? When? Where? These subjects and many others deeply interesting to “the Household of Faith,” and “Meat in due season” to all who love and study God's Word, can be had in “The Time Is At Hand” (In English, German, Swedish, Finnish and Dano-Norwegian.) 482 Pages—Cloth Bound, 50 Cents, Postpaid or Delivered by Colporteurs International Bible Students Association Brooklyn, N. Y. Volume III. “Studies in the Scriptures” Series Do You Know That We are now living in “the Time of the End” of this Gospel Age? Our Epoch is “the Day of God's Preparation” for the Millennial Age? The “Days of Waiting” are ended and the “Cleansing of the Sanctuary”—the Church—the separating of its Wheat and Tares, is now in progress? This the reason for the beginning of the Return of Divine Favor to Fleshly Israel—blinded for centuries—to permit the gathering of an Elect Class from among the Gentiles? This favor now taking shape is known as Zionism? Immanuel's Kingdom is now being established? The Great Pyramid in Egypt is a Witness to all these events of the past and present—testifying in symbols? The Pyramid's Downward Passage under “A Draconis” symbolizes the course of Sin? Its First Ascending Passage symbolizes the Jewish Age? Its Grand Gallery symbolizes the Gospel Age? Its Upper Step symbolizes the approaching period of tribulation and anarchy, “Judgments,” upon Christendom? Its King's Chamber the Divine Nature, etc., of the Overcoming Church—the Christ, Head and Body? Its Ante-Chamber the Correction in Righteousness of the “Great Company” etc.? Its Queen's Chamber symbolizes those of Israel and the world who eventually attain Restitution? All these interesting topics with ten Pyramid illustrations can be had in “Thy Kingdom Come” (English, German, Swedish, Finnish, Dano-Norwegian) 482 Pages—Cloth Bound, 50 Cents, Postpaid or Delivered by Colporteurs International Bible Students Association Brooklyn, N. Y. Volume IV. “Studies in the Scriptures” Series “None Of The Wicked Will Understand” But “The Wise Shall Understand” That This Gospel Age is closing with a “Day of Vengeance.” It will affect the whole world, specially Christendom. All Political, Social, Financial and Religious systems will fail. These Judgments, beginning with the House of God, must extend to all. Our day is noted by the Prophets as “the Day of Jehovah.” It is symbolically styled “a Dark Day,” a “Day of clouds,” etc. Its trouble is symbolically likened to a Hurricane, to a Flood, to a Fire, etc., these strong figures being used to give an appreciation, yet to hide the real nature, of that “Time of Trouble such as Never Has been since there was a Nation.”—Dan. 13:1. Preparations for this symbolic “Fire” and “Tempest” are now well under way and shortly will rage furiously throughout the world. It will be a contest between Masses and Classes. Many see it upon us and trust to various schemes to avert it. But all worldly Schemes and Panaceas will fail utterly. God's Kingdom, the only hope for Church and world, is sure. Man's extremity will prove to be God's opportunity—in the establishment of God's Kingdom—Christ's Millennial Kingdom which will establish righteousness by force.—Rev. 2:26, 27; Dan. 2:34, 35, 44, 45. All these subjects are simply yet forcefully treated, and Matthew 24th Chapter elucidated, in “The Battle Of Armageddon” (In English, German, Swedish, Finnish and Dano-Norwegian.) 720 Pages—Cloth Bound, 60 Cents. Postpaid or Delivered by Colporteurs International Bible Students Association Brooklyn, N. Y. Volume V. “Studies in the Scriptures” Series The At-One-Ment Is Believed In By All Christian Bible Students Nevertheless, but few could explain its philosophy All Should Know About the great Mediator of the At-one-ment, our Lord Jesus Christ. Respecting the necessity for the At-one-ment And the necessity that the “Only Begotten” must be “made flesh,” and then die, and then rise from the dead in order to effect the At-one-ment. Respecting the office and work of the Holy Spirit in connection with the At-one-ment. And the important part of the At-one-ment not yet finished—which awaits the Second Coming of our Lord in His Kingdom glory. Respecting the central doctrine of At-one-ment, namely, the Ransom—what is was—why it was and is the center or “hub” around which and into which all Bible doctrines fit. How this doctrine is the test of the truth or falsity of all doctrines; so that once understood clearly it is a guard against error in every form. Respecting man, the subject of the great At-one-ment, his nature; his sin; his penalty; his deliverance through Christ; his future possibilities through acceptance of the At-one-ment. All these interesting and very important themes are lucidly discussed in simple language, and corroborated by fourteen hundred Scripture citations, in “The At-One-Ment Between God And Man” (In English, German, Swedish, Finnish and Dano-Norwegian.) 600 Pages—Cloth Bound 60 Cents, Postpaid or Delivered by Colporteurs. International Bible Students Association Brooklyn, N. Y. Volume VI. “Studies in the Scriptures” Series Things You Ought To Know As Christian Bible Students The Creative Week of Genesis—its actual length—scientifically corroborated. The true Church of Christ, begotten of the Spirit as the New Creation; the steps of Grace Divine—Justification, Sanctification, and Deliverance in the First Resurrection. The duties and obligations of the New Creation—toward the Lord, toward each other, toward earthly friends and neighbors, toward parents, children, husbands, wives, etc. The Lord's Memorial Supper or Sacrament: what it is and what it is not should be clearly discerned by all of God's people. True Baptism—what it is. The many mistakes of nearly all denominations are pointed out in kindly spirit, and then the true Baptism is set forth in convincing style—indisputable, incontrovertible. The foes and besetments of the New Creation, and the Scriptural method of overcoming them; also the present and the future inheritance of the saints. These subjects and many others deeply interesting to all who love and study the Bible are fully treated in The New Creation (English, German, Swedish, Dano-Norwegian and Finnish) 816 Pages—Cloth Bound, 60 Cents, Postpaid or Delivered by Colporteurs International Bible Students Association Brooklyn, N.Y. |