Acid, effect of, on churning, 137;
in butter-making, 138.
Acid test, 52.
Aeration of milk, 59.
Aerobic bacteria, 7.
Alcoholic fermentation in milk, 72.
Anaerobic bacteria, 7.
Animal, influence of, on milk infection, 34.
Animal odor, 56.
Anthrax, 94.
Antiseptics, 9, 88.
Aroma, of butter, 140.
Bacillus: definition of, 2.
acidi lactici, 64;
cyaneo-fuscus, 188;
cyanogenus, 74;
foetidus lactis, 157;
lactis aerogenes, 65;
lactis erythrogenes, 74;
lactis saponacei, 67;
lactis viscosus, 71;
nobilis, 162, 174;
prodigiosus, 74;
rudensis, 188;
synxanthus, 75;
tuberculosis, 84.
on hairs, 35;
kinds in milk, 63;
in barn air, 42;
in milk pails, 27;
in butter, 154;
classification of, 4;
in cheese, 160;
culture of, 17;
in cream, 128;
discovery of, 1;
external conditions affecting, 8;
form of, 2;
in butter, 142;
in butter-making, 127;
in centrifuge slime, 39;
In fore milk, 28;
in rennet, 163;
In separator slime, 39;
manure, 37;
number of, in milk, 50.
Distribution of:
milk of American cities, 50;
European cities, 50;
in relation to cheese, 168.
Of disease:
anthrax, 94;
cholera, 98;
diphtheria, 99;
lockjaw, 94;
toxic, 100;
tuberculosis, 84;
typhoid fever, 98.
Methods of study of:
culture, 15;
culture media, 13;
isolation, 14.
Bitter butter, 158;
cheese, 189;
milk, 72.
Bloody milk, 74.
Blue cheese, 191;
milk, 74.
Bovine tuberculosis, 84.
Brie cheese, 182.
bacteria in, 154;
bitter, 158;
fishy, 159;
lardy, 157;
moldy, 158;
mottled, 156;
oily, 158;
putrid, 156;
rancid, 155;
tallowy, 157;
turnip flavor in, 157.
aroma, 140;
flavor in, 140;
pure culture, 143;
in ripening of cream, 136.
Butyric acid fermentation, 69.
By-products of factory, methods of preserving, 25.
Casease, 68.
Caseone, 68.
Centrifugal force, cleaning milk by, 38.
bacterial flora of, 168;
bitter, 189;
blue, 187;
Brie, 182;
Edam, 72, 162;
Emmenthaler, 185;
flavor of, 179;
gassy fermentations in, 183;
Gorgonzola, 180;
molds on, 191;
mottled, 189;
poisonous, 192;
putrid, 190;
ripening of moldy, 180;
ripening of soft, 181;
Roquefort, 180;
rusty spot in, 188;
Stilton, 180;
Swiss, 185.
Making and curing:
chemical changes in curing, 166;
influence of temperature on curing, 169;
influence of rennet, 177;
physical changes in curing, 165;
prevention of defects, 193;
starters in, 161;
temperature in relation to bacterial influence, 169.
Theories of curing:
digestive, 173;
galactase, 175, 177;
lactic acid, 174.
Chemical changes in cheese-ripening, 166.
Chemical disinfectants in milk:
bleaching powder, 81;
corrosive sublimate, 81;
formalin, 80;
sulfur, 80;
whitewash, 81;
vitriol, 81.
Chemical preservatives, 80.
Children, milk for, 45.
Cholera in milk, 98.
Classification by separator, 38.
Coccus, definition of, 2.
Cold, influence on bacteria, 8, 48.
Contamination of milk through disease germs, 95, 191.
Covered milk pails, 41.
Cream, bacterial changes in, 135;
mechanical causes for bacteria in, 135;
pasteurized, 113;
restoration of consistency of pasteurized, 132.
Ripening of, 136;
advantage of pure cultures in, 144;
by natural starters, 142;
characteristics of pure cultures in, 145;
objections to pure cultures in, 146;
principles of pure cultures in, 143;
propagation of pure cultures, 151;
purity of commercial starters, 150;
home-made starters in, 146.
Creaming methods, 134.
Curd test, 76.
Dairy utensils a source of contamination, 21.
Diarrhoeal diseases, 100.
Digesting bacteria, 67.
Digestibility of heated milk, 111.
Diphtheria, 99.
Dirt in milk, 34.
Dirt, exclusion of, 36.
Disease germs in milk, 95;
effect of heat on, 91;
origin of, 83.
Disinfectants, 9:
carbolic acid, 81;
chloride of lime, 81;
corrosive sublimate, 81;
formalin, 80;
sulfur, 80;
vitriol salts, 81;
whitewash, 79.
Disinfectants in milk:
alkaline salts, 106;
boracic acid, 106;
formalin, 106;
preservaline, 107;
salicylic acid, 106.
Domestic pasteurizing apparatus, 119.
Drugs, taints in milk due to, 56.
Drying, effect of, 8.
Edam cheese, 72, 162.
Emmenthaler cheese, 185.
Endospores, 3.
Enzyms, 10.
Factory by-products, 22;
treatment of, 25.
Farrington alkaline tablet, 52.
Fecal bacteria, effect of, on butter, 35.
In cheese: gassy, 183.
In milk:
alcoholic, 72;
bitter, 72;
blue, 74;
butyric, 69;
digesting, 67;
gassy, 66;
kephir, 72;
koumiss, 72;
lactic acid, 63;
lange-wei, 72;
red, 74;
ropy, 69;
slimy, 69;
soapy, 73;
souring, 63;
sweet curdling, 67;
treatment of, 75.
Tests, 76;
Gerber's, 76;
Walther's, 76;
Wisconsin curd, 76.
Filtration of milk, 38.
Fishy butter, 159.
of butter, 140;
of cheese, 179.
Foot and mouth disease, 93.
Fore milk, 28.
Formaldehyde, 80.
Formalin, 80.
Fruity flavor in cheese, 188.
Galactase in cheese, 175.
Gassy fermentations:
in cheese, 183;
in milk, 67;
in Swiss cheese, 167.
GlÄsler, 185.
Gorgonzola cheese, 180.
Growth of bacteria, essential conditions for, 4;
in milk, 46.
Hair, bacteria on, 35.
Heat, influence on bacterial growth, 8.
Heated milk:
characteristics of, 109;
action toward rennet, 112;
body, 110;
digestibility, 111;
fermentative changes, 111;
flavor, 110;
hydrogen peroxid test in, 23;
Storch's test, 23.
Hygienic milk, bacteria in, 45.
Infection of milk:
animal, 34;
dairy utensils, 21;
fore milk, 28;
milker, 36.
Isolation of bacteria, methods of, 14.
Kephir, 72.
Koumiss, 72.
Lactic acid:
fermentation in milk, 63;
theory in cheese-curing, 174.
Lange-wei, 72.
Lardy butter, 157.
Light, action on bacteria, 9.
Manure, bacteria in, 33.
of isolation, 14;
culture, 15.
Micrococcus casei amari, 189.
Microscope, use of, 17.
a bacterial food medium, 19;
bacteria in, 48.
Disease organisms in:
anthrax, 94;
cholera, 98;
diphtheria, 99;
foot and mouth disease, 93;
poisonous, 101;
nberg@html@files@27778@27778-h@27778-h-7.htm.html#Page_185" class="pginternal">185.
Taints, absorption of, 55.
Taints, bacterial vs. physical, 58.
Taints in milk, absorption of, 55.
Taints, use of starters in overcoming, 79.
Taints in butter:
putrid, 156;
rancidity, 155;
turnip flavor, 157.
Tallowy butter, 157.
effect on bacterial development, 6, 48;
effect of low, 108;
effect of high, 108;
and time limit in milk pasteurization, 113.
Tests for milk:
fermentation, 76;
Storch's, 23;
acid, 52.
Theories in cheese-curing:
digestive, 171;
galactase, 175, 177;
lactic acid, 174.
Trypsin, 10.
Tubercle bacillus:
in milk, 88;
in separator slime, 93;
thermal death limits, 117.
Tuberculin test, 86.
Tuberculosis, bovine, 84.
Turnip flavor in butter, 157.
Typhoid fever, 98.
Tyrogen, 162.
Tyrotoxicon, 101, 190.
artificial introduction of bacteria into, 32;
milk germ-free in, 19;
infection of, 28;
washing, 89;
tuberculosis in, 87.
Viscogen, 132.
Water: as a source of infection, 61.
Whey, pollution of vats, 23;
method of preserving, 25;
treatment of, in vats, 25.
Whitewash, 81.
Wisconsin curd test, 76.
alcoholic ferments in milk, 73;
fruity flavor in cheese, 186;
gassy due to yeasts, 186;
in bitter cheese, 189;
in canned butter, 159;
kephir, 72.