| page |
An inquiry into the natural history of medicine among the Indians of North-America, and a comparative view of their diseases and remedies with those of civilized nations | 1 |
An account of the climate of Pennsylvania, and its influence upon the human body | 69 |
An account of the bilious remitting fever, as it appeared in Philadelphia in the summer and autumn of the year 1780 | 115 |
An account of the scarlatina anginosa, as it appeared in Philadelphia in the years 1783 and 1784 | 135 |
An inquiry into the cause and cure of the cholera infantum | 153 |
Observations on the cynanche trachealis | 167 |
An account of the efficacy of blisters and bleeding, in the cure of obstinate intermitting fevers | 177 |
An account of the disease occasioned by drinking cold water in warm weather, and the method of curing it | 181 |
An account of the efficacy of common salt in the cure of hÆmoptysis | 189 |
Thoughts on the cause and cure of pulmonary consumption | 197 |
Observations upon worms in the alimentary canal, and upon anthelmintic medicines | 215 |
An account of the external use of arsenic in the cure of cancers | 235 |
Observations on the tetanus | 245 |
The result of observations made upon the diseases which occurred in the military hospitals of the United States, during the revolutionary war | 267 |
An account of the influence of the military and political events of the American revolution upon the human body | 277 |
An inquiry into the relation of tastes and aliments to each other, and into the influence of this relation upon health and pleasure | 295 |
The new method of inoculating for the small-pox | 309 |
An inquiry into the effects of ardent spirits upon the human body and mind, with an account of the means of preventing, and the remedies for curing them | 335 |
Observations on the duties of a physician, and the methods of improving medicine; accommodated to the present state of society and manners in the United States | 385 |
An inquiry into the causes and cure of sore legs | 401 |
An account of the state of the body and mind in old age, with observations on its diseases, and their remedies | 425 |