ITS STRUCTURE: Interior, Crust, Rocks, Fossils, Heat GEOLOGICAL VIEW OF GROWTH OF THE EARTH SURFACE OF THE EARTH: Land Forms: Continents, Islands, Mountains, Plains; Water Forms: Springs, Rivers, Lakes, Oceans CELEBRATED MOUNTAIN PEAKS AND RANGES ATMOSPHERE, CLIMATE AND WEATHER NATURAL WONDERS AND FORCES: Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Geysers, Caverns, Waterfalls, Whirlpools, Tides, Deserts, Ocean Depths, Clouds, Seasons, Glaciers, Icebergs, Snow, Rain, Hail, Dew, Coral Islands and Reefs DICTIONARY OF MINERAL PRODUCTS TABLES FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF MINERALS PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS ABOUT THE EARTH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS, CHARTS AND MAPS
Large illustration (465 kB) BOOK OF THE EARTH Science tells us that the Earth was once a shining star, a globe of liquid fire. As it cooled down, a crust formed over its surface, composed chiefly of rocks and metals. This crust was rent by the force of the gases shut up within, and thus the mountains, valleys, gorges, and volcanoes were formed. The Earth, indeed, is still upheaving and subsiding, but so slowly that we rarely feel it. Through these agencies the distribution of land and water on the surface of the earth has undergone great changes. The shape of the Earth is that of a sphere somewhat flattened at the poles, and it has a diameter of about 8,000 miles. The solid crust is called the lithosphere—which is surrounded by an envelope of air—the atmosphere—and in part by an envelope of water—the hydrosphere. HOW THE EARTH WOULD APPEAR IF CUT THROUGH THE CENTER Beneath the rocky crust of the earth, thirty-five miles in thickness, there is a broad belt of heavier material to a depth of nine hundred miles. Within this shell lies the great metallic core. OUR EARTH: ITS STRUCTURE AND SURFACEOur first glimpse of the earth as a planet shows it as a nebulous star, still intensely hot, and with no solid nucleus, rotating on its own axis, and at the same time revolving around the sun in a nearly circular orbit. WHAT THE HEAT OF THE |
Element | Chemical Symbol | Percentage of Earth’s Crust Which It Forms |
Oxygen | O | 47.02 |
Silicon | Si | 28.06 |
Aluminum | Al | 8.16 |
Iron | Fe | 4.64 |
Calcium | Ca | 3.50 |
Magnesium | Mg | 2.62 |
Sodium | Na | 2.63 |
Potassium | K | 2.32 |
Hydrogen | H | 0.17 |
Carbon | C | 0.12 |
99.24 |
The ten elements given above form 99.24 of the earth’s solid crust.
The beds or layers which form the crust of the earth are divided into three classes: (1) Sedimentary, or stratified; (2) Igneous, or unstratified; (3) Metamorphic, or transformed.
Sedimentary rocks are such as give evidence of having been formed by successive deposits of sediment in water. They include sandstones or freestones, limestones, clays, etc. The material for these must have been derived from some original source, and in many instances
(a) Mechanically formed rocks from detrital sediments: Conglomerates, sandstones, clay, and shale.
(b) Organically formed rocks from animal and plant remains: Limestones, chalk, coral, peat, and coal.
(c) Chemically formed rocks from material once in solution: Limestones, stalactites, gypsum, rock-salt and sinter.
Most of the stratified rocks contain fossils; and since each group contains certain kinds peculiar to itself, it is by means of these organic remains that their relative ages have been determined.
Although the lowest stratified rocks are more ancient than those which have been deposited above them, the layers or beds do not always retain a horizontal position. Were such the case, it could only be by deep cuttings that we should arrive at the older strata. We however find that, owing to some convulsion of nature, stratified rocks have been thrown out of their original position, and thus crop out to the surface. Not only is facility thus afforded us to become acquainted with the nature of the lower rocks, but many of the most valuable products of the earth are by this means rendered accessible to man.
A million years ago, a little stream trickled down a mountain-side, carrying with it grains of sand and stones which fell to the bottom of the sea. In the sea swam a great and wonderful creature called an ichthyosaurus. One day the great creature died, or probably it was killed in battle with another strange monster, and its body fell to the bottom of the sea among the shells and seaweed. Meanwhile, the stones and sand brought down by the stream continued to fall upon the bed of the sea until at last the great reptile’s body was buried, and the lower layers became pressed into hard rock by the weight on top. One day an elephant going to the river to drink broke off his tusk, and this was carried down by the river and sank in the sea. Another day a bird was drowned, and this, too, fell upon the ocean-bed. Dead fishes and shells also sank, and all were buried by the never-ceasing shower of mud and earth and sand and stones. Ages after the ichthyosaurus died, men began to live on the earth, and one day a man who had made a boat went out to fish. Trying to spear a big fish, the head of his harpoon broke off and fell to the bottom of the sea. In course of time this also was buried in the mud. The bottom of the sea crept higher and higher, till at last it became dry land. Then one day men began to dig, and the world’s wonderful story was revealed as we read it here. First the spear-head was found, then the tusk, the bird’s skeleton, the shells, the fish, and at last the skeleton of the great sea reptile, all turned to stone and become fossils, a word that means “something dug up.”
The greater number of these beds contain organic remains, i. e., the remains of animals and plants, which are termed fossils. Among these the most numerous are the remains of marine animals, and in some instances shells and corals occur in such abundance as to form the principal part of extensive beds. Every part of the earth exhibits similar, or nearly similar formations; and not only are marine fossils met with in the interior of continents, and at great elevations above the sea, but a vast variety of plants, corals, shells, fish, reptiles, etc., are found, of species dissimilar to any at present on the land or in the waters. Besides rocks, we meet with earthy formations on the surface. These include such loose materials as are disintegrated or worn away from rocks, and form, when combined with decayed animal and vegetable matter, the soil of meadows and arable lands.
Igneous, or Unstratified Rocks are such as appear to be of igneous origin, or to have been formed by the action of fire or intense heat. They are called unstratified, because instead of having been deposited in successive layers, like the stratified rocks, they seem to have been formed by the fusion or melting of the materials of which they are composed, and the subsequent cooling and hardening of the melted matter into one great mass. Granite, basalt, lava, etc., are examples of this class of rocks, and represent respectively the sub-classes of plutonic, trap, and volcanic rocks. Plutonic rocks are those which have cooled under the pressure of overlying rocks; trap rocks, those which have cooled under that of deep water; and volcanic rocks, such as have cooled in the air.
Though granite is the most useful of the igneous rocks, basalt is probably the most interesting because of the wonderful formations it discloses. It is a dense basic lava of a dark color, that breaks with a conchoidal or shell-like fracture, and shows a finely grained or hemi-crystalline texture in a glassy base. The basalt rocks are found both as intrusive masses and as sheets that have been poured out on the surface. Many of these lava sheets of basalt in slowly cooling and solidifying acquired a columnar structure, the columns often having a more or less hexagonal shape, though the number of sides varies. Fine examples of these columnar basalts occur at Fingal’s cave in the island of Staffa, at the Giant’s Causeway in the north of Ireland, and on the shores of Lake Superior.
Metamorphic, or Transformed rocks, include altered rocks of either sedimentary or igneous origin, in which the acquired are more prominent than the original characteristics. Igneous rocks have, in many cases, forced their way up through stratified rocks. These igneous formations, while still in a molten state, in coming in contact with the aqueous or stratified rocks, have usually changed the character of those portions immediately near them. The chief changes of structure effected by metamorphic action are crystallization and foliation. Examples of metamorphic rocks are marble, quartzite, slate, gneiss, and the schists.
In some localities fissures in rocks are found to contain metallic substances. Such fissures are frequently found partially filled with calcareous spar which forms the matrix in which the metals are inclosed.
Metallic veins are supposed to be partially filled by mechanical means, the particles of metallic substances being conveyed into them by the action of water or some other power, and partly by chemical action, or by sublimation or fumes rising from below.
Some metallic deposits appear to occur in situations where igneous rocks have intruded themselves. Gold is supposed to be found almost invariably under such circumstances. Such appears to be the case in the rich deposits near the Ural mountains, and also in California and in Australia. In all these places it is met with in quartz. It is in pebbles or sand of the same rock that it occurs in the beds of rivers, and in some cases is found spread over a large extent of country.
Copper, though frequently met with in veins, is also found in extensive masses or beds, interposed between layers of rock. The same remark applies to tin, lead, and silver. Iron is also met with in beds, and also in nodules or rounded masses, which occur in great abundance among some kinds of rock. The last-named is the most universally diffused of all metals, and the most useful.
Giving the geological ages, rock systems, strata and the development of life, with their relative positions and order of succession, according to the latest scientific knowledge. Many attempts have been made to compute from geological, physical, and other data the length of the period during which the earth has been in a solid state.
Geologists, however, are disinclined to accept any period much less than 100,000,000 years as sufficient for the elaboration of the present structure of the earth. It is indisputable that many millions of years, probably thirty or forty, must have elapsed while the great sedimentary rocks were being deposited. With respect to the larger features of the earth’s surface, it is likely that two different kinds of movement are responsible. Where the contraction of the earth has caused a lessening of the support below the surface, there has been a subsidence of great areas. In the second place, where the rigid crust has been able to contract into a smaller space, great mountain ridges and folds have been formed. The subsidences which caused the ocean took place at different ages. The Atlantic Ocean probably dates from middle Cenozoic times; the Indian Ocean may be older; the Pacific suffered great modifications in comparatively recent times.
Life Ages of the Earth | Rock Systems | Series of Rock Strata | Characteristic Rocks | Forms of Life | Chief Economic Products | ||
Cenozoic (se´no-zo´ik), or “Recent life.” Estimated Age of Period, 3,000,000 years. | Quaternary (kwa-ter´na-ri) or “fourth.” Once supposed to be the fourth sedimentary system. Age of man. | Recent, or Human. | Alluvium, sand, gravel, mud, clay, marl, loess. | Man predominant. | Clay, peat, bog iron ore, marl, gold placers. | ||
Pleistocene (plis´to-sen), or “most recent.” Glacial Period. | Drift, boulder clay, gravel, loess, silt, glacial deposits and other formations formed during glacial period. | Mammoth, mastodon, bear, bison, reindeer, musk-ox. Possibly man was living but that is uncertain. | Clay, gravel, gold placers. | ||||
Pliocene (pli´o-sen), or “more recent.” | In East and West, land deposits predominate. Marine sands, clays, marls on Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Igneous rocks in West. | Plants and animals much as today, aside from human and domestic species. | Gold (in part placers), coal, oil, gas. | ||||
Tertiary (ter´-shi-a-ri), or “third”. Once supposed to be the third sedimentary system, or Age of mammals. | Miocene (mi´o-sen), or “less recent.” | On Atlantic coast: sand, clay, shell marl, diatomaceous earth. In West: sandstone, shale, and diatomaceous material. Extensive volcanic formations in Rocky Mountains and Great Basin region. | Land animals include elephants, camels, deer, oxen, horses, true apes, etc. Marine animals much like those today. Among plants, grasses become important; deciduous trees increase. | Silver, gold, coal, oil, gas, phosphate rock, diatomaceous earth. | |||
Oligocene (ol´e-go-sen), or “a little more recent.” | Limestone in Caribbean region, land deposits in West. Marine and fresh water beds on west coast. Many coal beds in Puget Sound. | Ancient dogs, cats, rabbits, squirrels, camels, and horses were represented. | Copper, silver. | ||||
Eocene (e´-o-sen), or “dawn of recent.” | In Eastern States: clays, sands, greensand marls. In West: conglomerate, sandstone, shale, diatomaceous shale and igneous formations are developed. Many coal beds in Puget Sound. Fresh water beds in western interior. | Mammals flourished, including rodentia, carnivera, edentates, lemuroids, birds, reptiles, etc. Flora included figs, palms, bananas; willows, chestnuts, oaks, etc. | Gold, zinc, lead, coal, oil, gas. | ||||
Mesozoic (mes-o-zo´-ic), or “Middle life,” Estimated Age of Period, 9,000,000 years. | Cretaceous (kre-ta´-she-us) or “bearing chalk.” | - | Upper. | In East: sand, clay, and greensand marl. In West: sandstone, shale, limestone, chalk, extensive coal beds, various igneous rocks. | Reptiles predominate: turtles, lizards, crocodiles, flying reptiles, etc. Many waterbirds. Angiosperms predominate: larch, beech, walnut, tulip trees, etc. | Coal, oil, gas, copper, gold, china clay, fire clay, cement building stone. | |
Lower. | Clay, sand, gravel on Atlantic coast and Gulf. Sedimentary and igneous rocks on west coast. Some non-marine beds in Texas. | Reptiles abound. Flora includes cycadeous, conifers, horsetails; angiosperms appear. | |||||
Jurassic (j??-ras´sik), or like the mass of the Jura Mountains. Age of Reptiles. | - | Upper. | Probably not represented in East. Sandstones, limestones and shales in West. Some “red beds” in western interior. | Ammonites, belemites continue in great variety. Reptiles numerous and varied types. Flying reptiles and reptile-like birds appear. | Oil, gold. | ||
Middle. | |||||||
Lower. | |||||||
Triassic (tri-as´ik), or in a triple series. | - | Upper. | In East sediments formed in shallow troughs between recently formed mountains. Considerable bodies of igneous rock, traps, and other flows and dikes. “Red beds” in West with salt and gypsum. Some igneous rocks on west coast. | Reptiles of enormous size dominate the land and sea. Mammals appear. Ammonites and belemites dominate invertebrate life. | Salt, gypsum, a little coal in Virginia, copper, building stone. | ||
Middle. | |||||||
Lower. | |||||||
Paleozoic (pal-Æ-Ô-zo´ic), or “Old life.” Estimated Age of Period, 24,000,000 years. | Carboniferous (kar-bon-if´-er-us), or coal-bearing. Age of Amphibians. | Permian (per´-me-an), like those at Perm, Russia. | In East fresh water sediments including coal; in West “red beds” probably of continental origin. Some marine sediments; salt and gypsum in red beds in Kansas. | Reptiles become prominent in number and variety; inhabit fresh water, salt water and land. | Salt and gypsum; some coal in Eastern States. | ||
Pennsylvanian, like those of Pennsylvania. | In Eastern States grits, sandstones, shales, limestone and coal. In Western States much limestone; no coal. Igneous rocks on west coast. | Plants abound; Marked development of land animals, including insects, spiders and scorpions. Lizards become important. Amphibians reach climax. | Coal, oil, gas, iron ore, fire clay, phosphate rock. | ||||
Mississippian, or Lower Carboniferous. | Limestones predominate with sandstones near base and shales near top of series. Igneous rocks in California. | Crinoids greatly developed. Amphibians appear. Plant life expands. | Oil, gas, lead, zinc, building stone, cement rock. | ||||
Devonian (de-vo´ni-an) like those of Devonshire, England. Age of Fishes. | - | Upper. | Sedimentary rocks, limestones, sandstones, shales; igneous rocks in Maine, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. | Rapid changes in animal kingdom; shifting habitat; extensive development of fishes; sharks flourish. Plants are mainly small leaf and reed types. | Gas, oil, iron ore, phosphate rock. | ||
Middle. | |||||||
Lower. | |||||||
Silurian (si-lu´ri-an), in the land of the Silures, England. Age of Invertebrates. | - | Ontarian (on-ta´re-an), place name. | Sedimentary rocks predominate; conglomerates, sandstones, shales, limestones, salt, gypsum. Igneous rocks in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Maine. | Vertebrates appear; low forms of fishes. First reef building corals. Crinoids and brachiopods, important Cephalopods continue to dominate. | Iron ore, gas, salt, gypsum, cement rock. | ||
Champlainian (sham-plan´e-an), place name. | |||||||
Ordovician (or-do-vish´an), a place name in Wales. | - | Cincinnatian (sin-sin-nat´-e-an), place name. | Chiefly limestone with subordinate sandstone and shale. Rocks greatly folded in New York, in Taconic Mountain region. | Much as in the Cambrian. Remains are more abundant. Species more numerous; insects were present. Vertebrates appear. Low forms of fishes. Trilobites reach climax. | Oil, gas, lead, zinc, phosphate rock, manganese, marble. | ||
Mohawkian (mo-hok´e-an), place name. | |||||||
Lower. | |||||||
Cambrian (kam´-bri-an), from Cambria, the old name for Wales. | - | Saratogan (sar-a-to´gan), place name. | Mainly sandstones with some shales, and in Western States considerable limestone. At some places rocks are changed by pressure, especially in the Appalachian Mountains. Upper Cambrian covered larger area than lower Cambrian. | All great divisions of animal kingdom except vertebrates are represented; trilobites, brachiopods, sponges, graptolites, etc. Little evidence of vegetation, but it must have abounded as food for animals. | Lead, zinc, barite, copper. | ||
Acadian (Ä-kad´e-an), place name. | |||||||
Georgian (jor´ge-an), place name. | |||||||
Proterozoic (pro-ter-o-zo´ik) or “Former life.” Estimated Age of Period, 18,000,000 years. | Algonkian (al-gon´ke-an), from district of Algonquin Indians, north of St. Lawrence. | - | Keweenawan, (ke´we-nah-wan), pertaining to Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan. | A great series of sandstones, limestones and shales, in middle portion of which are many enormous flows of lava. | Fossils rare or wanting. | Copper, silver. | |
Huronian (hu-ro´ne-an), rocks on borders of Lake Huron. | Three great series of sedimentary rocks, sandstone, shale and limestone, and iron formation. Contains also many great igneous bodies, acidic and basic. Lower members much metamorphosed by pressure. | Rocks contain clear evidence of low forms of life. | Principal iron ores of Lake Superior region; also copper, nickel, silver, cobalt, gold. Building stone and ornamental stone. | ||||
Archaeozoic (ar´ke-o-zo´ic), “Without life.” Estimated Age of Period, 18,000,000 years. | Archean (Är-ke´-an), “oldest.” | - | Laurentian (law-ren´shi-an), pertaining to rocks along the St. Lawrence River. | Granitic rocks and gneisses that are believed to be granitic rocks metamorphosed by pressure. Formerly supposed to be older than Keewatin and regarded as the “original crust of the earth.” | Since the rocks are of igneous origin, they contain no organic remains. | Iron ores, precious metals, gems, apatite, rare earths, graphite, asbestos. | |
Keewatin (ke-wa´tin), rocks in a district of Manitoba, Canada. | A great schist series made up of lava flows, tuffs, and volcanic ashes. With these are subordinate sedimentary rocks; sandstone, shale, limestone, and iron ore formations nearly everywhere greatly metamorphosed by pressure. Includes the oldest rocks known. | No fossils found, but carbonaceous schists and limestones are believed to indicate the presence of life. | Emery, building and ornamental stones. | ||||
Large illustration (310 kB)
Large illustration (222 kB)
The proportion of land to water upon the earth is as 27 to 72, or roughly one-fourth to three-fourths; the land covering fifty-three million square miles, the sea one hundred and forty-four million. The land consists of six great bodies called continents, and a multitude of small fragments called islands, which skirt the shores of the continents or dot the broad expanse of the sea.
By far the greatest proportion of land is in the northern hemisphere, and in temperate latitudes. Broadly speaking, the northern hemisphere is the hemisphere of land, and the southern hemisphere is the hemisphere of ocean. The earth could be bisected in such a way that one hemisphere contained almost no land, while the other was composed almost equally of land and water.
The greater part of the land on the earth’s surface is grouped into two great hemispheres, the Old and the New World. The former and far larger of these consists of Eurasia in the north, separated by ill-defined boundaries from Europe to the west and Asia to the east, and of Africa in the south, united to Eurasia by the narrow neck of the isthmus of Suez. The hemisphere of the New World is divided into North America and South America, united by the long, narrow isthmus of Central America. The island of Australia is also reckoned as a continent. It is believed that an island continent, Antarctica, surrounds the South Pole. Of islands not reckoned as continents, the largest is the polar island of Greenland.
In comparing the continents, we at once notice certain resemblances. The first is the tapering to the south, which is seen in Greenland, North and South America, Africa, and Australia (Tasmania). Another is the southward-running peninsulas which characterize Europe and Asia. We may notice, too, that the general lines of the Old World, broad in the north, tapering in the south, resemble those of the New World, especially if we include Australia (Tasmania), and compare its position with that of South America. There is also a certain uniformity in the distribution of relief. Notice the so-called Mid-World and Pacific Mountain systems, which may be traced in the mountains of Central Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, the islands of the Pacific from Japan to New Guinea, and the lofty mountains of North, Central, and South America.
Continent | Asia | Africa | North America | South America | Europe | Australia | All Land | |||||||||
Area (million square miles) | 16 | .4 | 11 | .1 | 7 | .6 | 6 | .8 | 3 | .7 | 3 | .0 | 55 | .0 | ||
Average Height (feet) | 3, | 000 | 2, | 500 | 1, | 900 | 2, | 000 | 940 | 800 | 2, | 100 | ||||
Highest Point (feet) | 29, | 000 | 18, | 800 | 18, | 200 | 22, | 400 | 18, | 500 | 7, | 200 | 29, | 000 | ||
Percentage at Various Altitudes (feet) | ||||||||||||||||
Below Sea-Level | 1 | .4 | 0 | .1 | 0 | .05 | 0 | .0 | 1 | .8 | 0 | .0 | 0 | .6 | ||
0 | to | 600 feet | 23 | .3 | 12 | .5 | 32 | .25 | 40 | .0 | 53 | .8 | 29 | .8 | 26 | .7 |
600 | to | 1,500 feet | 16 | .0 | 34 | .8 | 32 | .1 | 26 | .8 | 27 | .0 | 64 | .3 | 27 | .8 |
1,500 | to | 3,000 feet | 21 | .7 | 27 | .6 | 13 | .3 | 16 | .8 | 10 | .0 | 4 | .1 | 19 | .3 |
3,000 | to | 6,000 feet | 21 | .8 | 21 | .8 | 13 | .2 | 7 | .0 | 5 | .5 | 1 | .5 | 17 | .0 |
6,000 | to | 12,000 feet | 10 | .0 | 2 | .8 | 8 | .4 | 5 | .0 | 1 | .7 | 0 | .3 | 6 | .0 |
Above 12,000 feet | 5 | .8 | 0 | .4 | 0 | .7 | 4 | .4 | 0 | .2 | 0 | .0 | 2 | .6 |
The coast line, or margin of sea and land, is an area rapidly wearing away under the ceaseless influence of the waves, and of the sand and rock, they are perpetually hurling to and fro. Coasts may be either flat or high, composed either of hard or soft rock, and either submerged or raised. A submerged coast is one where the land has sunk or the sea has risen, so that the low grounds and valleys are flooded. A raised coast is one where the land has risen or the sea has retired, and what was formerly the sea bottom is bared.
A flat coast is usually sandy, often bordered by sandhills and lagoons. It may be carved into cliffs, as in the clay cliffs of Norfolk, England. A raised coast is usually flat from the long-continued action of the waves during the period when it was submerged. Flat coasts have no good harbors.
A submerged coast differs according to the nature of the submerged region. If this was hilly or mountainous, with valleys running parallel to the shore, the coast will be ironbound and harbor-less unless the sea-level has risen sufficiently to give access to the valleys behind the first range of heights. If this happens, T-shaped gulfs are formed. Where the valleys open at right angles to the sea, they become bays, usually with excellent harbors. The hills between the valleys rise as peninsulas, or islands. If the land was flat before submerging took place, a flat coast is the result.
Where the land is composed of soft rocks, a more uniform coast-line results than where it is composed of harder rocks, or of hard and soft rocks mixed. The waves, in eating out the softer rocks, often form magnificent sea-caves, natural arches, and pinnacles.
Europe surpasses all the other continents in the magnitude of its indentations and projections. Three great peninsulas—the Balkan peninsula, Italy, and Spain, project into the Mediterranean; while Brittany, Denmark, and Scandinavia jut into the shores of the Atlantic. Even the British Isles are scarcely more than a projection of the continent.
Asia is a second in the relative extent of its peninsula. Asia Minor on the west, Arabia, India, and Indo-China on the south, and China, Manchuria with Corea and Kamchatka, advancing into the waters of the Pacific, form a wide border of projecting lands, containing the richest regions of the continent.
North America is considerably less indented. Florida, Nova Scotia and Labrador are more prominent on the Atlantic coast, and California Peninsula and Alaska on the Pacific.
The southern continents on the contrary, are nowhere deeply penetrated by the waters of the ocean. The Gulf of Arica in South America, the Gulf of Guinea in Africa, and the Great Australian Bight, are merely gentle bends in the coast line.
Plains occupy nearly one-half of the surface of the continents. They are most extensive and unbroken on the Arctic slopes of the Old World, and in the interior of the two Americas.
Treeless plains, whose vegetation consists of grasses and other herbaceous plants, or stunted shrubs, occur in every continent, and are designated by a variety of terms. Wherever treeless plains are subject to periodical rains, they lose their verdure in the season of drought, and assume the aspect of a desert; but they resume their freshness on the return of the rain, and many are adorned with a great variety of beautiful flowers.
Plains of the Old World. The great Siberian plain extends from the northeastern extremity of Asia to the Ural Mountains and Caspian Sea; and the European plain stretches from the Ural westward, through Russia and North Germany, to the lowlands of Holland.
The plains of the Caspian Sea and western Siberia are dreary steppes, covered with coarse grasses, often growing in tufts, alternating with patches of
On the alluvial plains of the Old World, civilization began and developed; and their inexhaustible fertility supplied the wants of the most populous nations of antiquity. The great centers of ancient civilization in Egypt, China, India and Babylonia, all had their growth in alluvial plains, built up and fertilized by the mighty rivers which traverse those countries.
Plains of the New World. In North America the great Central Plain extends, with but slight interruptions, from the Arctic shores to the Gulf of Mexico. The fertile, treeless plains are termed “prairies” (meadows), while the sterile ones, east of the Rocky Mountains, are known as “the plains.” There are vast cane fields and forests in the lower Mississippi Valley.
In South America the plains of the Orinoco basin, the Selvas of the Amazon, and the Pampas of the La Plata, form an uninterrupted series of lowlands which, continued by the plains of Patagonia to the southern extremity of the continent, extend over a distance of three thousand five hundred miles from north to south. The Spanish term “llano” (plain), and the Peruvian “pampa,” designate the treeless plains of the Orinoco and La Plata basins. The Llanos of the Orinoco, during one-half of the year are covered by the richest pasturage, bright with flowers, but during the other half are a parched waste. The Selvas of the Amazon, a luxuriant forest, cover more than a million square miles; and the treeless Pampas, with their tall grasses and thickets of clover and thistles, illustrate the endless richness and variety of nature.
Alluvial and marine plains generally have but a slight altitude, while the undulating plains are sometimes considerably elevated. The Mississippi Valley, at St. Louis, one thousand miles from the ocean, is hardly four hundred feet above the sea-level; and the Amazon, at an equal distance from the sea, does not reach two hundred and fifty feet. The marine plains adjacent to the Caspian and Aral seas are still lower, the larger portion being below the sea-level.
Plateaus are situated either between two lofty mountain chains, which form their margins, or descend by successive terraces to the nearest seas; or they pass, by gradations, from the base of high mountains to the low plains in the interior of the continents.
The Great American Basin, between the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the plateau of Tibet, between the Himalaya and Kuenlun mountains, are examples of the first position; and the table-land of Mexico, of the second. The third is seen in the high plains at the eastern foot of the Rocky Mountains, which descend from an altitude of five thousand or six thousand feet, at the foot of the mountains, to the low plains of the Mississippi basin.
The plateaus most remarkable for their elevation are, Tibet, from ten thousand to eighteen thousand feet above the sea; and the elongated valley-like highlands, from ten thousand to thirteen thousand feet high, between the two chains of the Andes, in South America. East Turkestan and Mongolia, in central Asia; the plateau of Iran, in western Asia; Abyssinia, and the vast plateau which occupies all the southern part of Africa; and the broad table-land which fills the western half of North America with a continuous mass of high land, range in height from four thousand to eight thousand feet.
The great peninsulas of Deccan, Arabia, Asia-Minor and Spain, the central plateau of France, and those of Switzerland, Bavaria, and Transylvania, vary from one thousand to four thousand feet in elevation.
The nature of the soil and climate of great plateaus is in general such as to render them the least useful portions of the continents. Sahara, with an average altitude of 1,000 feet, and the higher
Their surface consists of hardened sand and rock; of hillocks and plains of loose sand constantly shifting by the wind; and of immense tracts, as in Mongolia, covered with pebbles varying from the size of a walnut, or even less, to a foot in diameter: all indicating the original transporting, grinding and depositing of these materials by water.
Salt lakes without outlet occur in each, and salt efflorescence often covers the ground. A lack of rain to wash from the soil substances injurious to vegetation, and supply the water necessary for the growth of plants, leaves these plateaus generally sterile, and some of the most extensive are in part, if not wholly, deserts.
Mountains rise in long and comparatively narrow lines or ridges, the tops of which are often deeply indented, presenting to the eye the appearance of a series of peaks detached one from another. As each of these peaks or distinct elevations is called a mountain and often receives a separate name, the common designation chain or range of mountains is naturally applied to the whole.
The top of the ridge, from which the waters descend on opposite sides, is called the crest; and the notches between the peaks, from which transverse valleys often stretch like deep furrows down the slopes of the chain, are called passes.
Mountain chains are seldom isolated, but are usually combined into systems, consisting of several more or less parallel and connected chains, with their intervening valleys,—as the Appalachian system, the Alps, and the Andes.
Most mountain chains seem to have been produced by tremendous lateral pressure in portions of the Earth’s crust, causing either long folds, or deep fissures with upturned edges rising into high ridges, the broken strata forming ragged peaks.
Mountains by folding are generally of moderate elevation, while mountains by fracture include the highest chains of the globe. The Appalachian Mountains in North America, and the Jura in Europe, are examples of the first; the Rocky Mountains, Andes, Alps and Himalayas, of the second.
Folded mountains are curved into long arches, either entire or broken at the summit and forming a system of long, parallel ridges, of nearly equal height, separated by trough-like valleys. Here and there, however, deep gaps, or gorges, cut the chains allowing the rivers to escape from one valley to another.
In systems of mountains produced by fracture, there is usually one main central chain, with several subordinate ranges. They have, however, less regularity and similarity among themselves than the parallel chains of mountains by folding.
The crests are deeply indented, cut down one-third or one-half the height of the range, forming isolated peaks and passes which present to the eye the appearance of a saw, called in Spanish Sierra; in Portuguese, Serra. Such ranges are frequently distinguished by these terms, as the Sierra Nevada, in North America; and the Serra do Mar, in Brazil.
Valleys among mountains owe their existence primarily to folds or fissures in the Earth’s crust, produced in the upheaving of the ranges; but they are subsequently deepened, widened and otherwise changed in form and extent, by the action of rains and frosts, and the streams to which they furnish a pathway. Most of the Alpine lakes, celebrated for their picturesque beauty, occupy deep basins at the outlet of transverse valleys.
Valleys in plains and plateaus are mainly, if not entirely, the result of the erosion, or wear of the surface, by running water.
Little rills, formed by the rains or issuing from springs, set out on their course down the slope of the ground, each wearing its small furrow in the surface. Uniting they form a rivulet which wears a broader and deeper channel; and the rivulets in turn combining, form rivers which produce still greater effects.
The great basin of the Mississippi for example, is one grand central valley, cut by the main stream in the line of lowest level, towards which the valleys of the Missouri, the Arkansas, the Ohio, and a multitude of smaller streams, all converge.
1. Mount Everest, the loftiest mountain in the world, is situated in Nepal, India, and rises to an ascertained height of 29,000 feet—almost six miles. It was named for Sir George Everest, an English engineer, and outline Surveyor-General of India. Everest is only one of numerous gigantic peaks of the Himalayas—often called the “Roof of the World”—and is apparently guarded against all attempts at ascent by a rampart of lofty pinnacles. It is best viewed from a point near Darjeeling, India, one hundred and twenty miles distant. From this point travelers are enthralled with the glistening peak of mountain piles as nowhere else on earth. Though a thousand times described, the view is so surpassingly sublime that its full glory can never be depicted in words.
2. Mont Blanc (mÒn-blon-g) is the highest mountain in Europe, and of the Alps. It is located between Great and Little St. Bernard passes, on the frontier of France, Switzerland and Italy; and is best seen and approached from the village of Chamounix (shÄ-mo-ne´), France. It was first ascended in 1786, but frequently since, and, in 1893, an observatory was built on its summit. The Mont Blanc chain is famous for glaciers. Many great poets have described the majesty of Mont Blanc, among them, Goethe, Victor Hugo, Byron, Shelley, Wordsworth, and Coleridge.
3. The Matterhorn, or Mount Cervin, a splendid mountain obelisk, towers above Zermatt, Switzerland, on the Italian border. The eastern side seems almost vertical, and its ascent is very difficult; hence its name which is due to the formation of the rocky, horn-shaped peak. The loss of life attending its ascent has given the Matterhorn the grim name “Fatal Mountain.”
4. Monte Rosa (mon´te ro´sa), “rosy mountain,” is next to Mont Blanc, the highest Alpine peak. It is the border between Italy and Switzerland, sixty miles north of Turin, Switzerland. Unlike the Matterhorn, Monte Rosa is easy of ascent and is frequently climbed by ladies. Its name refers to the glaciers which abound and reflect beautiful colors.
5. Jungfrau (yung´frau), “virgin,” is one of the Bernese Alps, Switzerland, thirteen miles from Interlaken. It is so named from the pure whiteness of its snowclad peak. A wonderful mountain railway now reaches to the summit, most of the line being through tunnels. Jungfrau is 13,670 feet high.
6. Mount Elburz is one of the loftiest and most impressive of all the Caucasian mountains. It is an extinct volcano with two peaks, the western peak 18,470 feet above sea-level, and the other 18,347 feet. It is covered with glaciers, and constitutes a watershed which divides Asia from Europe. The Caucasus gave its name to that great branch of the human race that has ruled the world for many generations.
7. Mount Sinai (si´na or -ni), famous as the sacred mountain on which Moses received the Ten Commandments, is an individual peak in a vast rocky mass that almost fills the peninsula of Sinai between the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Akaba. It is named from Sin, the Babylonian moon-god. At its foot, in a ravine, is the monastery of St. Catherine, founded by the Emperor Justinian; a short distance from it the Chapel of St. Elias (Elijah); while on its summit is a little pilgrim church. Its height is 8,593 feet.
8. Pike’s Peak. This famous mountain is six miles from Colorado Springs, Colorado, and may be ascended by a cog railway. It is one of the best-known summits of the Rocky Mountains, and rears its snowy crest to a height of 14,134 feet. On its top is one of the highest weather stations in the world. The view from the observatory is superb, embracing thousands of square miles of mountain and plain.
9. Mount St. Elias, on the Alaskan side of the Canadian frontier, was long considered the highest peak in North America. It is a volcanic mountain, stands in a wild, inaccessible region, and is clothed almost from base to summit with eternal snow. Besides, there are huge glaciers, impassable precipices and yawning chasms. Its height is 18,020 feet. It was ascended by the Duke of the Abruzzi in 1897.
10. Mount Assiniboine (as-sin´i-boin) is frequently called the “Matterhorn of the Canadian Rockies”. It is 11,860 feet in height, and is located near the boundary of British Columbia and Alberta, about twenty miles south of Banff, in one of the most beautiful scenic regions in America. In the immediate vicinity there are geysers, caves, waterfalls, numerous lakes, natural bridges, and glaciers.
11. Mount Popocatepetl (po-po-ka-ta-pet´l) is one of the giant volcanic peaks standing guard over Mexico City. Its summit is perpetually covered with snow, but it may be ascended from Popo Park, the terminal of the railway which climbs its slope, to a height of 8,000 feet. The peak itself is 17,887 feet, at the apex of which is a huge crater sheathed with ice, from which clouds of vapor are continually ascending. No great eruption, however, has taken place since 1540. The most imposing spectacle of all from the summit is the remarkable formation of clouds below.
12. Mount Salcantay, one of the most beautiful peaks of the Andes, in Peru, is 21,000 feet in height. Its grandeur is enhanced by the presence of glaciers and the enveloping clouds. It rises to a sharp point with its sides covered with snow and ice, and lifts its head magnificently thousands of feet higher than the surrounding mountains. It has been recently explored by the Yale University expedition.
13. Mount Robson, the highest point in the Canadian Rockies, reaches an elevation of 13,700 feet. It is on the border between Alberta and British Columbia, one of the remarkable “show places” of the Canadian Rockies. All around it is the finest of scenery—huge mountains, snow-crested peaks, rushing rivers that swirl and foam, mysterious canyons and earth-strewn boulders.
14. Mount Rainier (ra´ner) an isolated mountain of the Cascade Range, forty miles southeast of Tacoma, Washington, is an extinct volcano, 15,529 feet in height. There are still two craters at the summit which give off heat and sulphurous fumes. Thick forests cover the lower region of the mountain, while higher up there are fourteen glaciers. It is difficult of ascent, though frequently made. A bridle path leads to a point over 7,000 feet in elevation from which a magnificent view of several of the glaciers may be had.
Mount Ararat, famed as the mountain where Noah’s ark landed after the flood, as recorded in Genesis, is in the Turkish province of Armenia. Ararat is really a twin mountain, the two peaks of which are about seven miles apart, with an elevation of about 17,000 and 13,000 feet, respectively. They rise above a beautiful alluvial plain, and quite naturally the higher peak—Great Ararat—is the one made historically immortal as the motherland of the human race. From their isolation and bareness the two peaks are very impressive, and it is little wonder that Armenia regards these mountain tops as a crown of glory and all other lands as her daughters. Within her borders, too, she gives rise to the beautiful rivers Euphrates, Tigris, Pison, Araxes, and many others. The first modern ascent of the mountain was made in 1829, though often since.
Wonderful examples of valleys by erosion occur in the plateaus adjacent to the Rocky Mountains. The Grand Canon of the Colorado, three hundred miles long, has a depth of from three thousand to six thousand feet below the surrounding country. The sides of this tremendous gorge, which are nearly or quite precipitous, exhibit the successive geological strata down to the oldest rocks. A similar formation exists in the upper course of the Yellowstone, one of the main tributaries of the Missouri, and to a less extent in all the streams flowing through the high barren plateaus.
Valleys descending the slopes of mountains are formed in the same manner. The gathering drops make the rill, and the rill its little furrow; rills combine into rivulets, and rivulets make a gully down the hill-side; rivulets unite to form torrents, and these work with accumulating force, and excavate deep gorges in the declivities. Other torrents form in the same manner about the mountain ridge, and pursue the same work of erosion until the slopes are a series of valleys and ridges, and the summit a bold crest overlooking the eroding waters. The larger part of the valleys of the world are formed entirely by running water.
The multitude of small and apparently fragmentary bodies of land, called islands, form only about one-seventeenth part of the entire land surface of the globe.
Continental islands are situated in the immediate vicinity of the continents, and form properly a part of the continental structure. They have the same kinds of rocks and mountain forms, and the same varieties of plants and large animals, which are found on the neighboring coasts of the mainland.
The size of this class of islands varies extremely. Some are mere isolated rocks, while others occupy large areas, like the British Isles, Japan Islands and Madagascar; or, more extensive still, Papua and Borneo, each of which has an area exceeding two hundred thousand square miles.
The distinctive character of Oceanic islands is that they lie at a distance from the continents, in the midst of the ocean basins. They are always small, and, though sometimes forming lines, or bands, they more frequently occur in groups.
The rocks which make up the body of the continents and continental islands—sandstone, slate, granite, and the various metamorphic rocks—are entirely wanting in oceanic islands. The latter are composed either of volcanic substances, or of limestone. Hence they present much less variety in relief forms than the continental islands.
The islands of volcanic origin are more or less circular in outline; are usually considerably elevated, with rapid slopes; and are of moderate size. Sometimes two or more volcanoes, clustered together, form a single island of larger size and more irregular outline.
Occasional islands rise but little above the surface of the sea, their craters being filled by sea water. Many, however, rise to Alpine heights—like the peaks of Hawaii, in the Hawaiian Islands, nearly fourteen thousand feet in elevation; Pico de Teyde, in the Canaries, fourteen thousand feet; and Tahiti, in the Society Islands, over seven thousand feet above the level of the sea.
Coral islands are among the most striking phenomena of the tropical seas. Whitsunday Island in the midst of the Pacific is an excellent example. Rising but a few feet above the surface of the ocean, it forms a narrow, unbroken, nearly circular ring, surrounding a central lagoon of quiet water. When first seen, it presents the aspects of an angry surf breaking on a white beach of coral sand, in strong contrast with the deep blue color of the sea. Behind this a garland of luxuriant vegetation, whose tropical beauty, enhanced by the noble cocoa-palm encircles the quiet waters of the lagoon, while all around spreads the broad blue sea.
This greatest of nature’s gorges is more than twelve miles across, a mile deep, and extends over two hundred miles in length. This whole vast space has been sculptured by the wear of the river through countless centuries. Its unparalleled magnitude, its architectural forms and suggestions, and its wealth of color effects create a picture that is grand beyond description.
This vast reef of coral islands was built by a colony of coral insects, or polyps, as innumerable as the stars of the Milky Way. It rose from the floor of the ocean, builded out of myriads upon myriads of the dead skeletons of these marvellous insects.
A large number of volcanic islands in the Pacific are encircled by coral reefs, which, when near the shore, are called fringing reefs. When at a considerable distance, leaving a lagoon of quiet water between them and the volcanic island, they are termed barrier reefs.
Coral reefs are masses of limestone originally secreted, in the form of coral, by minute polyps which live in countless numbers in the tropical seas. The coral produced by a single community of polyps grows chiefly upward; but multitudes of distinct communities often live so near together that the small lateral growth of each brings them into contact.
Their separate, fragile structures, gradually broken up and compacted by various means, are in time transformed into a solid mass, forming walls of coral rock frequently of enormous extent. The great barrier reef near the northeastern shores of Australia, the longest known, is not less than one thousand two hundred and fifty miles in length.
The coral polyp is one of the master-builders of the world. It may be likened to a sea-anemone, but is inferior in muscular organism, and immensely superior in defensive organization.
Reef-building polyps do not live below the depth of one hundred or one hundred and twenty feet, and hence require a
Growing vertically, the reefs repeat at the surface the outlines of their bases, which fact gives rise to the circular figure both of atolls and reefs in mid-ocean, and to the elongated, wall-like form of reefs adjacent to the continents, like those of Florida and of Australia.
Reef-building polyps are confined to the tropical seas, where the winter temperature is not below sixty-eight degrees. Coral formations are most extensive in the Pacific Ocean, especially south of the Equator, and in the two great archipelagoes of the East and West Indies; but a large number of coral islands also occur in the Indian Ocean. The Coral Sea, east of northern Australia, is particularly remarkable for the great extent of its coral reefs.
The usual form of coral islands is that of a broken ring, numerous channels affording entrance into the lagoon. Such a group of islands is called an atoll, a Malay term, which has been adopted to designate these singular structures. The central lagoon enclosed by an atoll, is invariably shallow, seldom exceeding a few scores, or at most hundreds, of feet in depth; while the outer sea reaches a depth of thousands of feet at a short distance from the shore, showing that the atoll rests upon a submarine mountain.
Atolls are often clustered together in large numbers, forming extensive archipelagoes. Paumotu, or Low Archipelago, numbers eighty coral islands, nearly all of which are atolls; the Caroline, Gilbert and Marshall islands together contain eighty-four atolls, while the Laccadive and Maldive islands form two long double series of atolls extending eight hundred miles from north to south.
(See next page for the Area, Population and Countries to which these islands belong).
Large illustration (404 kB)
Name and Sovereignty | Area Square Miles | Popula- tion |
Anticosti (to Britain) | 2,600 | 500 |
Bahamas (to Britain) | 4,404 | 58,000 |
Bermudas (to Britain) | 20 | 20,000 |
Cape Breton (to Britain) | 3,120 | 100,000 |
Cuba (Independent) | 44,164 | 2,155,000 |
Dominica (to Britain) | 291 | 35,000 |
Falkland (to Britain) | 5,500 | 3,250 |
Feeji, or Feejee (to Britain) | 7,435 | 155,000 |
Galapagos (to Ecuador) | 2,400 | 400 |
Greenland (to Denmark) | 46,740 | 15,000 |
Guadeloupe (to France) | 688 | 182,000 |
Hawaiian See Sandwich. | ||
Isla de Pinos (Isle of Pines) (to Spain) | 1,200 | 32,000 |
Jamaica (to Britain) | 4,200 | 865,000 |
Long Island (to U. S.) | 1,682 | 2,700,000 |
Martinique (to France) | 378 | 180,000 |
New Foundland (to Britain) | 42,734 | 218,000 |
Porto Rico (to U. S.) | 3,604 | 1,120,000 |
Prince Edward (to Britain) | 2,184 | 94,000 |
Santo Domingo (Independent) | 28,250 | 2,700,000 |
Sandwich or Hawaiian (to U. S.) | 6,449 | 192,000 |
Staten Island (to U. S.) | 65 | 86,000 |
Tahiti (to France) | 1,500 | 30,000 |
Tierra del Fuego (to Argentina) | 18,500 | 1,700 |
Trinidad (to Britain) | 1,750 | 350,000 |
Vancouver (to Britain) | 15,937 | 55,000 |
Large illustration (323 kB)
Name and Sovereignty | Area Square Miles | Popula- tion | |||
Balearic Islands (to Spain) | 1,935 | 326,000 | |||
Borneo (to Britain and Holland) | 284,000 | 2,000,000 | |||
Canary Islands (to Spain) | 2,807 | 420,000 | |||
Candia, or Crete (to Turkey) | 3,365 | 243,000 | |||
Cape Verde Islands (to Portugal) | 1,480 | 148,000 | |||
Celebes (to Holland) | 71,470 | 2,000,000 | |||
Ceylon (to Britain) | 25,332 | 3,595,000 | |||
Corsica (to France) | 3,378 | 290,000 | |||
Cyprus (to Britain) | 3,584 | 140,000 | |||
Elba (to Italy) | 85 | 27,000 | |||
England (Independent) | 88,729 | 40,835,000 | |||
Formosa (to Japan) | 13,458 | 3,392,000 | |||
Gothland (to Sweden) | 1,217 | 56,000 | |||
Hainan (to China) | 16,000 | 2,000,000 | |||
Iceland (to Denmark) | 39,756 | 86,000 | |||
Ireland (to Britain) | 32,360 | 4,382,000 | |||
Japan | - | Honshiu | 87,485 | 37,415,000 | |
Khiushiu | 16,840 | 7,727,000 | |||
Skikoku | 7,031 | 3,290,000 | |||
Hokkaido (Yezo) | 36,299 | 1,140,000 | |||
Java (to Holland) | 50,554 | 30,100,000 | |||
Madagascar (to France) | 227,950 | 2,745,000 | |||
Madeira Islands (to Portugal) | 314 | 150,600 | |||
Malta (to Britain) | 117 | 229,000 | |||
New Guinea See Papua. | |||||
New Zealand (to Britain) | - | N. Island | 44,468 | 564,000 | |
S. Island | 58,325 | 445,000 | |||
Papua, or New Guinea (to Britain, Germany and Holland) | 313,183 | 710,000 | |||
Philippines (to U. S.) | - | Luzon | 40,969 | 3,800,000 | |
Mindanao | 36,292 | 500,000 | |||
Panay | 4,611 | 744,000 | |||
Cebu | 1,762 | 593,000 | |||
Leyte | 2,722 | 358,000 | |||
St. Helena (to Britain) | 47 | 3,520 | |||
Sakhalin (Japan and Russia) | 29,000 | 30,000 | |||
Sardinia (to Italy) | 9,306 | 854,000 | |||
Sicily (to Italy) | 9,935 | 3,685,000 | |||
Spitzbergen (to Norway) | 27,000 | ... | |||
Sumatra (to Holland) | 165,000 | 3,200,000 | |||
Van Diemen, or Tasmania (to Britain) | 26,215 | 197,000 | |||
Zanzibar (to Britain) | 640 | 115,000 |
1. Midnight Sun Within the Arctic Circle. 2. The Geyser At Rest. 3. Picture Diagram of a Section through a Volcano like Vesuvius. 4. The Geyser in Action. 5. Section of the Earth’s Crust across France and Italy.
1. Precambrian or Archaean. 2. Cambrian and Ordovician. 3. Silurian. 4. Carboniferous Limestone. 5. Coal Measures. 6. Permian. 7. Trias. 8. Jurassic. 9. Chalk. 10. Tertiary. 11. Volcanic Rocks. 12. Glacial Deposits. 13. Granite. 14. Gneiss. 15. Schist. 16. Alluvium.
Large illustrations: Fig. 2 (left) (272 kB)
Fig. 3 (center) (416 kB)
Fig. 4 (right) (190 kB)
Fig. 5 (bottom) (133 kB)
In this little Bay of Santorin, enclosed by an island of the same name in the Grecian Archipelago, occurred probably the most remarkable volcanic exhibition known. During an eruption in 1866 flames issued from the sea rising sometimes to a height of twenty-five feet, and a dense column of white smoke mounted to an immense height. Within a few days a new island appeared which gradually became united to the present Santorin.
The primary cause of volcanoes, as of geysers, earthquakes and other similar phenomena of nature, is the intensely heated condition of the earth’s interior. It is the same force that has produced the irregular features of the earth’s surface—its mighty mountain chains, the sunken basins of the oceans, and its hills, valleys and gorges. Quite logically, volcanoes are most numerous and most intense along the deep mountain fissures which establish a ready communication between the interior and the surface of the earth. Consequently the significant facts about them are: (1) Nearly all volcanoes are either along the highest border of the continents, or in the great central zone of fracture; (2) most of the volcanic groups exhibit a linear arrangement; (3) the agent at work in these mighty engines is mainly vapor of water, or steam power.
The form of typical volcanic mountain is that of a cone, with a circular basin or depression, called a crater, at its summit. In the center of the crater is the mouth of a perpendicular shaft or chimney, which emits clouds of hot vapor and gases; and in periods of greater activity, ejects ashes, fragments of heated rock, and streams of fiery lava.
Volcanic ashes, when examined under a microscope, are found to be simply pulverized lava, frequently in minute crystals, and bear no resemblance to ashes in the ordinary sense of the term.
The lava stream, when flowing white hot from the crater, is not unlike a jet of melted iron escaping from a furnace, and moves at first with considerable rapidity. It soon cools on the surface, and becomes covered with a hard, black, porous crust, while the interior remains
The amount of matter ejected by volcanoes is very great. The whole island of Hawaii, the largest of the Hawaiian Islands, seems to be only an accumulation of lava thrown out by its four craters. All high oceanic islands are of the same character. Iceland, with an area of forty thousand square miles, is a vast table-land from three thousand to five thousand feet in elevation, composed of volcanic rock similar to the lavas still ejected by its numerous volcanoes.
Nearly all active volcanoes have intervals of comparative repose, interrupted by periods of increased activity, which terminate in a violent ejection of matter from the interior, during which the volcano is said to be in a state of eruption.
The phenomena which characterize these differing phases of volcanic activity may be best made clear by describing them as actually observed in Vesuvius, one of the most carefully studied and most active volcanoes of modern times.
Vesuvius is a solitary mountain rising to the height of nearly 4,000 feet, from the midst of a highly cultivated plain which borders upon the shores of the Bay of Naples. Though the mountain has a regular conical form, two summits, very nearly equal in height, are visible from Naples—Monte Somma on the north, and Vesuvius proper on the south.
The Eruption begins generally with a tremendous explosion which seems to shake the mountain to its very foundations, and hurls into the air dense clouds of vapor and ashes. Other explosions succeed rapidly, and with increasing violence, each sending up a white, globular cloud of steam, or aqueous vapor. This long array of clouds, accompanied by dark ashes, volcanic sand, and fragments of red-hot lava of all sizes, soon forms a stupendous column.
Finally the boiling lava overflows the rim of the crater, and descends in fiery torrents down the slopes; or, bursting the mountain by its weight, finds a vent through some fissure far below the summit. After the expulsion of the lava the eruption is generally near its end, though it does not necessarily terminate at once. Alternate phases of outbursting steam, ashes, and lava may continue with more or less violence for weeks or even months.
The sudden condensation of the enormous accumulation of hot vapor thrown into the air by the eruption, gives rise to striking atmospheric phenomena. Vivid flashes of lightning start from all parts of the column, and play about the clouds above; and often a local thunderstorm, formed in the midst of a clear sky, pours a heavy rain of warm water and ashes upon the slopes of the mountain. The hot, destructive mud torrents, created by these rains, have often been mistaken for lava streams.
The majesty of the spectacle is still greater at night. Though flames of burning gases are of rare occurrence, the clouds and columns of vapor are strongly illuminated by the reflection of the white-hot lava within the crater; and fragments of this lava constantly thrown into the air give the column all the brilliancy of a gigantic piece of fire-work. The sky itself, far and wide, partakes of the same vivid coloring, and the whole scene resembles a vast conflagration.
In size they vary from mere mounds a few yards in diameter, such as the salses or mud-volcanoes near the Caspian, to Etna, 9,652 feet high, with a base thirty miles in diameter; Cotopaxi, in the Andes, 18,880 feet high; or Mauna Loa, in the Sandwich Isles, 13,600 feet high, with a base seventy miles in diameter and two craters, one of which, Kilauea, is the largest active crater in our earth, being seven miles in circuit.
Two great terrestrial zones include nearly all the known volcanoes of the globe, arranged in long bands or series, or in isolated groups.
First Zone. This includes the vast array of mountain chains, peninsulas, and bands of islands which encircle the Pacific Ocean with a belt of burning mountains. Within it occur, in the New World: (1) the Andes mountains, with three of the most remarkable series of volcanoes—those of Chili, Bolivia, and Ecuador—separated by hundreds of miles; (2) the volcanic group of Central America; (3) the series of Mexico; (4) the series of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains; (5) the group of Alaska; and (6) the long series of the Aleutian Islands.
In the Old World are: (1) the series of Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands; (2) the group of Japan; (3) the series south of Japan, including Formosa, the Philippine and the Molucca Islands; and (4) the Australian series, including New Guinea, New Britain, New Hebrides, and New Zealand. In this vast zone there are not less than four hundred volcanoes, one hundred and seventy of which are still active.
Second Zone. This contains the belt of broken lands and inland seas, which
In it are: (1) the volcanic regions of Central America and Mexico, and the series of the Lesser Antilles; (2) the groups of the Azores and Canary islands (3) the Mediterranean islands and peninsulas, including all the active volcanoes of Europe; (4) Asia Minor with numerous extinct volcanoes; (5) the shores of the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, and the two Indias, rich in traces of volcanic action; (6) the East Indian Archipelago with hundreds of burning mountains; and (7) the Friendly Islands and other volcanic groups of the central Pacific.
In this zone there are no less than one hundred and sixty volcanoes, so that the two volcanic zones together contain five hundred and sixty, or five-sixths of all known.
Isolated Volcanoes. The volcanoes not included in these two great zones are isolated, in the midst of the oceans, or in the broken polar lands. The most noted are the Hawaiian Island group, in the Pacific; Bourbon and Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean; Cape Verde Islands, Ascension, St. Helena, and Tristan da Cunha, in the Atlantic; Iceland and Jan Mayen, in the Arctic Ocean; and Erebus and Terror, in Antarctic.
Name | Location | Height (feet) |
Altar | Ecuador | 17,710 |
Antisana | Ecuador | 19,335 |
Asosan | Japan | 5,630 |
Cayambi | Ecuador | 19,255 |
Chimborazo | Ecuador | 21,424 |
Copiapo | Chile | 19,700 |
Cotocachi | Ecuador | 16,300 |
Cotopaxi | Ecuador | 18,880 |
Demavend | Persia | 18,500 |
Etna | Sicily | 9,652 |
Fujiyama | Japan | 12,390 |
Hecla | Iceland | 5,110 |
Hood, Mt. | Oregon | 11,225 |
Iztaccihuati | Mexico | 16,076 |
Kirishima-yama | Japan | 5,530 |
Llullaillac | Chile | 21,000 |
Maipo | Chile | 17,670 |
Mauna Kea | Hawaii | 13,953 |
Mauna Loa | Hawaii | 13,600 |
Misti | Peru | 20,015 |
Nevado de Colima | Mexico | 14,210 |
Orizaba | Mexico | 18,310 |
PelÉe | Martinique, W. I. | 4,300 |
Pichincha | Ecuador | 15,918 |
Pico, Peak of | Azores | 7,013 |
Popocatepetl | Mexico | 17,748 |
Ruiz | Colombia | 17,388 |
Sahama | Peru | 23,000 |
Sangai | Ecuador | 17,459 |
San Jose | Chile | 20,020 |
St. Elias, Mt. | Alaska | 18,024 |
St. Helena, Mt. | United States | 10,000 |
Stromboli | Lipari Islands | 3,090 |
Tahiti, Peak of | Friendly Islands | 7,400 |
Teneriffe | Canary Islands | 12,000 |
Tolima | Columbia | 18,069 |
Toluco | Mexico | 14,950 |
Tunguragua | Ecuador | 16,690 |
Vesuvius | Italy | 4,260 |
Earthquakes are movements of the earth’s crust, varying in intensity from a slight tremor or shaking of the ground to the most violent convulsions causing enormous destruction over wide areas.
The wave-like or undulatory motion is most common and least destructive. It appears to be the normal one, and it is possible that the others may be simply the result of various systems of waves intersecting one another. The waves either advance in one direction, like waves of the sea, or spread from a central point, like ripples produced by dropping a pebble into still water.
The earthquakes of the Andes are chiefly linear, being propagated along the mountains, with the undulations perpendicular to the direction of the ranges. The destructive earthquake at Lisbon, was a central one, the concentric waves gradually diminishing in intensity with increasing distance from the place of origin.
The vertical motion acts from beneath like the explosion of a mine, and when violent nothing can resist its force. The earthquake at Calcutta, in September, 1828, owed its great destructiveness to the fact that the main shock was vertical; and one in Murcia, Spain, in 1829, destroyed or injured more than three thousand five hundred houses.
The rotary or whirling motion is the most dangerous, but happily the rarest of all. In the great earthquake of Jamaica, in 1692, the surface of the ground was so disturbed that fields changed places, or were found twisted into each other.
Probably no part of the earth’s surface is entirely free from vibration, but, fortunately, destructive earthquakes are confined to comparatively limited regions.
The sound which accompanies many earthquakes is due to the transmission to the air of vibrations in the soil. To produce sound-waves in the air, the ground must vibrate like a drumhead. Hence no sound will be heard when the oscillations are horizontal.
The velocity of propagation of an earthquake is very variable. Thus in the case of the earthquake of Lisbon in 1755, it seems to have considerably exceeded one thousand feet per second, while in the Lisbon earthquake of 1761 the rate was three times greater. At Tokio, in 1881, the velocity, as estimated by Professor Milne, varied between four thousand feet and nine thousand feet per second.
Depth of Earthquakes. Various attempts have been made to estimate the depth at which earthquakes originate. Mallet was of opinion that the centrum of the Neapolitan earthquake of 1857 was probably five and one-half miles from the surface. The same eminent physicist thought that an earthquake centrum probably never exceeded a depth of thirty geographical miles. According to Professor Milne, the angles of emergence of the earth-waves obtained during the Yokohama earthquake of 1880 showed that the depth of origin of that earthquake might be between one and one-half and five miles; and he gives a table, compiled from the writings of various observers, which exhibits the mean depths at which certain earthquakes have originated. These estimated depths range from 17,260 feet to 127,309 feet.
The area disturbed by an earthquake is generally proportionate to the intensity of the shock. The great earthquake of Lisbon disturbed an area four times as great as the whole of Europe. In the form of tremors and pulsations, Mr. Milne remarks, it may have shaken the whole globe.
In a violent submarine earthquake the ordinary earth-wave and sound-wave are accompanied by sea-waves. These waves may be twenty, sixty or even eighty feet higher than the highest tide, and are usually more dreaded than the earthquake shock itself in such regions as the maritime districts of South America. The greatest sea-wave on record is that which in 1737, is said to have broken near Cape Lopatka, at the south end of Kamchatka, two hundred and ten feet in height.
79. One accompanied by the eruption of Vesuvius; the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum buried.
742. Awful one in Syria, Palestine, and Asia; more than 500 towns were destroyed and the loss of life surpassed all calculations.
936. Constantinople overturned; all Greece shaken.
1137. Catania, in Sicily, overturned, and 15,000 persons buried in the ruins.
1186. At Calabria; one of its cities and all its inhabitants overwhelmed in the Adriatic Sea.
1456. At Naples, 40,000 persons perished.
1537. At Lisbon; 1,500 houses and 30,000 persons buried in the ruins; several neighboring towns ingulfed with their inhabitants.
1596. In Japan; several cities made ruins, and thousands perished.
1662. One in China, when 300,000 persons were buried in Pekin alone.
1693. One in Sicily, which overturned fifty-four cities and towns, and 300 villages. Of Catania and its 18,000 inhabitants not a trace remained; more than 100,000 lives were lost.
1726. Palermo nearly destroyed; 6,000 lives lost.
1731. Again in China; and 100,000 people swallowed up at Pekin.
1746. Lima and Callao demolished; 18,000 persons buried in the ruins.
1754. At Grand Cairo; half of the houses and 40,000 persons swallowed up.
1755. Quito destroyed.
1755. Great earthquake at Lisbon. In about eight minutes most of the houses and upward of 50,000 inhabitants were swallowed up, and whole streets buried. The cities of Coimbra, Oporto, and Braga suffered dreadfully, and St. Ubes was wholly overturned. In Spain, a large part of Malaga became ruins. One-half of Fez, in Morocco, was destroyed, and more than 12,000 Arabs perished there. About half of the Island of Madeira became waste; and 2,000 houses in the Island of Mytilene, in the Archipelago, were overthrown. This awful earthquake extended 5,000 miles; even to Scotland.
1759. In Syria, extended over 10,000 square miles; Baalbec destroyed.
1783. Messina and other towns in Italy and Sicily overthrown; 40,000 persons perished.
1797. The whole country between Santa Fe and Panama destroyed, including Cusco and Quito, 40,000 people buried.
1840. Awful and destructive earthquake at Mount Ararat, in one of the districts of Armenia; 3,137 houses were overthrown, and several hundred persons perished.
1842. At Cape Haytien, St. Domingo, which destroyed nearly two-thirds of the town; between 4,000 and 5,000 lives were lost.
1851. In South Italy; Melfi almost laid in ruins; 14,000 lives lost.
1852. At Philippine Isles; Manila nearly destroyed.
1853. Thebes, in Greece, nearly destroyed.
1854. St. Salvador, South America, destroyed.
1854. Amasca, in Japan, and Simoda, in Nippon, destroyed; Jeddo much injured.
1855. Broussa, in Turkey, nearly destroyed.
1857. In Calabria, Montemurro and many other towns destroyed, and about 22,000 lives lost in a few seconds.
1858. Corinth nearly destroyed.
1859. At Quito; about 5,000 persons killed, and an immense amount of property destroyed.
1868. Cities of Arequipa, Iquique, Tacna, and Chincha, and many small towns in Peru and Ecuador destroyed; about 25,000 perished.
1883. Krakatoa island, between Sumatra and Java, East Indies, was the scene of a series of volcanic discharges in May to August, 1883, constituting the most tremendous eruption known to history. A cubic mile of rock material was hurled into the air, and the explosions were heard 150 miles away. Violent atmospheric disturbances and gigantic sea-waves, the latter causing great loss of life, estimated at more than 30,000. As a result of the explosion, the north part of the island, including its highest peak, altogether disappeared.
1886. Shocks throughout eastern United States; at Charleston, S. C, 41 lives and $5,000,000 worth of property lost.
1893. Islands of Zante and Stromboli, the former west of Greece, the latter one of the Lipari group, west of Calabria, Italy, severely shaken. Great loss of lives and property at Zante.
1906. Severe shocks in California wrecked San Francisco and adjacent towns, and caused the greatest fire in history, lasting two days. Great loss of life, and $300,000,000 of property destroyed; over 300,000 homeless. Stanford University buildings were damaged to the extent of $2,800,000, including the fine Memorial Church.
1906. At Valparaiso, Chile, causing great destruction of life and property.
1907. Large part of Kingston, Jamaica, destroyed.
1909. In Sicily and southern Italy, Messina and many towns and villages desolated. Appalling loss of life; thousands buried alive; the survivors homeless; one of the greatest earthquakes of modern times if not of all time.
Geysers are eruptive hot springs found chiefly in volcanic districts, but particularly in the Yellowstone Park, Iceland, New Zealand, Tibet and the Azores. At intervals these fountains of hot water and steam sometimes rise to a height of two hundred feet. The eruptions occur at intervals varying from every hour to once a day.
All the geyser waters hold in solution a considerable quantity of silica. The highly heated water decomposes the felspar and other volcanic rocks, and becoming slightly alkaline with the soda or potash these contain, it is enabled to form a silicious solution. The silica taken up is deposited again round the mouth of the orifice. Minute plants termed algÆ are known to live in the hot water, and to aid in throwing down the silica from solution to form the sinter deposits.
The cause of the periodical eruptions is probably to be found in the gradual increase of heat with the depth of the tube. In the middle and lower parts the temperature is far above the boiling-point (212° F.) at the ordinary pressure. But at last the lower portion rises to a position where the temperature is above the boiling-point at the pressure it there sustains, and then, flashing into steam, it hurls the column above into the air. After playing for a few minutes the water falls back into the basin, and remains quiet for a time.
The geysers of the Yellowstone region are probably the most picturesque and wonderful in the world. On the Firehole River alone there are probably fifty geysers, throwing columns of water to a height of from fifty to two hundred feet, while smaller jets rise occasionally to two hundred and fifty feet. The “Old Faithful” geyser, in this region, throws up a column of water six feet in diameter to a height of one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet, at intervals of about an hour. Near the north entrance to the National Park, also, are the hot springs of the Gardiner River; here the “White Mountain,” built up of terraces of white calcareous deposits, rises to a considerable height, with a diameter of one hundred and fifty yards at the top.
The geysers of Iceland are situated within sight of Mount Hekla and are the hottest springs in Europe. The principal geysers of this region are known as the “Great Geyser” or “Roarer,” and the “Stroker” or “Churn.”
The geysers of New Zealand attained celebrity chiefly on account of the beautiful terraces associated with them. Unfortunately, volcanic activity manifested itself throughout the region in 1886, resulting in the destruction of the terraces. The basins connected with these geysers, catching the overflow of water, are, like those of Yellowstone region, largely used by bathers, and are much resorted to by invalids.
The three localities mentioned are where geysers attain their highest development; but they also exist in many volcanic regions notably in Japan, South America, and the Malay Archipelago.
The circulation of the waters of the earth is just as marvellous as that of the blood in the human body. First, it is drawn up from the sea by the sun and rises as vapor; the cool air condenses it first into cloud and then rain or snow; it runs together, forming springs and waterfalls and rivers; and finally it finds its way to the sea, where again the never-ending journey begins.
The underground lake in its magnificent setting of dazzling stone columns and stalactites in the Cheddar Caves, England. All these wonderful natural halls, chasms and snowy incrustations were formed by the age-long action of the water on the limestone rocks through which it filtered.
Water is found in Nature in three states or conditions—as ice, vapor or steam, and as simple water. These three forms have the same chemical composition—the substance being a compound of oxygen and hydrogen, represented by the formula H2O; but the physical condition depends entirely on its temperature. Under ordinary atmospheric conditions water is a solid below 32 degrees Fahrenheit; a gas above 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and a liquid between these temperatures.
The purest form of water which exists in nature is rain water, though this always contains a little oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolved from the air. To obtain pure water artificially, any ordinary water is distilled, when all the solids dissolved in it are left behind. River water and spring water always contain a small quantity of solid matter, the amount and nature of the dissolved solids depending on the nature of the rocks over which the water has flowed.
Geographically it may be considered under the four heads of springs, rivers, lakes, and the ocean, which taken together forms the hydrosphere of the earth.
Springs, or the natural fountains of water, take their rise from reservoirs stored under ground. Water maintains a level, and hence the height to which a spring will rise depends on that of the level from which it is supplied. If the internal reservoir be on a hill, and the spring should gush out in a valley, the water may rise to a considerable height and form a natural fountain; but, on the other hand, if the reservoir be at some depth below the surface, the water may never reach the surface, and mechanical aid may be required to obtain it.
These internal reservoirs are in a great measure supplied by moisture derived from rain, snow, mist, and dew. The atmospheric water enters the earth through porous rocks, or by means of fissures, and continues to sink until arrested in its progress by rocks, such as clay, which will not permit the water to pass, or by faults which check it
All springs contain a certain portion of air and gas, and also some solid matter, usually in the form of salts. When these salts are abundant, mineral springs are the result, which may be classified according to the character of their several properties, as acidulous, chalybeate, sulphurous, saline, calcareous, and silicious.
Acidulous or acid springs are those surcharged with carbonic acid gas.
Chalybeate springs are those in which iron, in the form of carbonate or sulphate, is held in solution.
Sulphur, in the form of sulphureted hydrogen or sulphate of lime, is the distinguishing ingredient in Sulphurous springs.
Saline springs are of two kinds—brine and medicinal; brine when containing a greater or less amount of chloride of sodium or common salt, and medicinal when containing other salts, as sulphate of soda, etc.
Calcareous springs are those highly charged with the salts of lime, and which have the property of petrifying substances placed within their reach, and also of depositing their contents, forming the stalactites and stalagmites of caverns, etc.
Silicious springs are so called from holding silica or flint in solution. The last-named are all hot or thermal as well as mineral springs, deriving their heat either from the natural heat of the earth at great depths, or from volcanic action. When occurring near volcanoes, they are frequently charged with bitumen, petroleum, naptha, asphaltum, etc.
An important class of artificial springs or wells is known as Artesian Wells. Where bent pervious beds of rock lie between two bent impervious beds, so as to make a basin-shaped depression, lower in the middle than at the edges, the rain which sinks into the pervious rock where it reaches the surface will begin to gather in the central part of the porous rock as in a reservoir.
If a hole be now bored in the hollow of the upper impervious bed till it reaches the water-bearing stratum, the water will flow out at the top. The water thus obtained may have fallen a distance of many miles several months previously, and if the gathering-ground be high the issue at the well may be forced by the pressure of the water behind to a considerable height.
Rivers have their sources from springs or from the melting of accumulations of snow. They do not, however, receive their largest supplies from the actual summits of mountains, for copious springs are rarely met with in such situations, nor are glaciers formed on the highest points of mountains, but more usually on slopes of the upper mountain valleys. It is, accordingly, in the latter localities that many of the largest rivers take their rise.
Watershed. It not unfrequently happens that several rivers take their rise in one mountain ridge, some flowing in one direction, and others taking an opposite course. Such a ridge is termed a watershed. Thus the Rhine, the Rhone, and the Danube all take their rise in the Alps, the first discharging itself into the North Sea, the second into the Mediterranean Sea, and the last into the Black Sea.
Basin. The portion of country drained by a river and its tributary streams is called its basin, from its catching the rains which fall within its circuit, and which the river carries to the sea. The largest river-basin in Europe is that of the Volga, in Asia, that of the Ganges, in Africa that of the Nile, in North America that of the Mississippi, and in South America that of the Amazon.
RIVER | Length in Miles | Emptying Into | Area of Drainage in Square Miles, etc. |
Mississippi-Missouri (United States) | 4,330 | Gulf of Mexico | 1,245,000 |
Nile (Egypt) | 3,500 | Mediterranean | 1,050,000 |
Amazon (Brazil): the only large river with direct latitudinal course | 3,300 | At Ocean on the Equator | 2,700,000 |
Yangtze-Kiang (China) | 3,000 | Yellow Sea | 548,000 |
Congo (Central Africa) | 2,900 | Atlantic Ocean | 1,430,000 |
Lena (Russia in Asia) | 2,800 | Arctic Ocean | 856,000 |
Amur (Russia in Asia) | 2,800 | Gulf of Saghalin | 772,000 |
Mekong (Indo-China) | 2,800 | China Sea | Nav. 200 miles |
Yenisei (Russia in Asia) | 2,700 | Bay of Yenisei | 1,000,000 |
Niger (West Africa) | 2,600 | Atlantic Ocean | 808,000 |
Hoangho (China) | 2,500 | Gulf of Pe-Chi-Li | 376,400 |
Obi (Russia in Asia) | 2,300 | Gulf of Obi | 1,125,000 |
Plata-Parana (Argentina and Brazil) | 2,300 | Atlantic Ocean | 2,300,000 |
Mackenzie (Canada) | 2,300 | Arctic Ocean | 676,000 |
Volga (Russia in Europe) | 2,200 | Caspian Sea | 560,000 |
St. Lawrence (United States and Canada) | 2,200 | Gulf of St. Lawrence | 500,000 |
Yukon (Alaska) | 2,200 | Behring Sea | 500,000 |
Indus (India) | 2,000 | Arabian Sea | 373,000 |
Sao Francisco (Brazil) | 1,800 | Atlantic Ocean | 249,000 |
Sir Daria (Turkestan) | 1,800 | Sea of Aral | 175,000 |
Brahmaputra or Burrampooter (India) | 1,800 | Bay of Bengal | Nav. 800 miles |
Rio Grande del Norte (U. S. and Mexico) | 1,800 | Gulf of Mexico | 240,000 |
Danube (Austria-Hungary) | 1,780 | Black Sea | 311,000 |
Saskatchewan-Nelson (Canada) | 1,732 | Hudson Bay | 730,000 |
Euphrates (Turkey in Asia) | 1,700 | Persian Gulf | 260,000 |
Zambesi (East Africa) | 1,600 | Indian Ocean | 800,000 |
Ural (Russia in Europe) | 1,500 | Caspian Sea | 85,000 |
Arkansas (United States) | 1,500 | Mississippi River | 181,000 |
Orinoco (Colombia and Venezuela) | 1,500 | Atlantic Ocean | 364,000 |
Ganges (India) | 1,500 | Bay of Bengal | 409,000 |
Amu (Turkestan) | 1,400 | Sea of Aral | 174,000 |
Columbia (United States) | 1,400 | Pacific Ocean | 260,000 |
Dnieper (Russia in Europe) | 1,400 | Black Sea | 203,000 |
Murray (Australia) | 1,400 | Indian Ocean | 351,000 |
Don (Russia in Europe) | 1,300 | Sea of Azov | 166,000 |
Orange (S. W. Africa) | 1,200 | Atlantic Ocean | 370,000 |
Irawaddy (East India) | 1,200 | Indian Ocean | Nav. 800 miles |
Colorado (United States) | 1,100 | Gulf of California | 250,000 |
Senegal (West Africa) | 1,100 | Atlantic Ocean | 270,000 |
Tigris (Turkey in Asia) | 1,000 | Euphrates and Persian Gulf | Nav. generally for small boats |
Ohio (United States) | 970 | Mississippi River | 201,000 |
Churchill (Canada) | 900 | Hudson Bay | Nav. by canoes |
Magdalena (Colombia) | 840 | Caribbean Sea | Nav. 600 miles |
Rhine (Germany) | 800 | North Sea | 76,000 |
Cambia (West Africa) | 750 | Atlantic Ocean | Nav. 300 miles |
Elbe (Germany) | 720 | North Sea | 57,000 |
Fraser (British Columbia) | 650 | Gulf of Georgia | Nav. generally for small boats |
Vistula (Germany, Poland) | 600 | Baltic Sea | 120,000 |
Sacramento (United States) | 600 | Pacific Ocean | Nav. 300 miles |
Tagus (Portugal) | 570 | Atlantic Ocean | 32,000 |
Paranahiba (Brazil) | 530 | Atlantic Ocean | Nav. 400 miles |
Guadiana (Spain) | 510 | Mediterranean Sea | 32,000 |
Rhone (France) | 500 | Gulf of Lyons | 38,000 |
Seine (France) | 480 | English Channel | 30,000 |
Ebro (Spain) | 470 | Mediterranean Sea | 32,000 |
Susquehanna (United States) | 450 | Chesapeake Bay | Not navigable |
Potomac (United States) | 450 | Chesapeake Bay | Nav. to Washington, D. C. |
Oder (Germany) | 440 | Baltic Sea | 43,000 |
Po (Italy) | 420 | Adriatic Sea | 29,000 |
Garonne (France) | 380 | Bay of Biscay | 33,000 |
Hudson (United States) | 350 | New York Bay | Nav. to Troy; 150 miles |
Loire (France) | 200 | Bay of Biscay | 25,000 |
Thames (England) | 200 | North Sea | 5,250 |
Deltas and Estuaries. Owing to local peculiarities at the mouths of rivers, accumulations of sedimentary matter take place in the middle of the stream, dividing it into two or more branches. By these depositions deltas (so called from the Greek letter (?) delta) are formed—many of them, as those of the Mississippi and Orinoco and of the Rhine and the Ganges, being of great extent. Some rivers fall into the ocean through estuaries or wide channels, and are subject to a great swell or sudden rise of the waters when the tide enters.
FIRST: Showing the comparative length of the rivers; where and how they take their rise; where and how they empty; their chief branches and connected lakes; and the principal cities located on their banks.
SECOND: Comparative height of mountains, arranged in groups by continents, showing the relative height of both mountains and continents. See next page for LOCATION and HEIGHT IN FEET of the various mountain peaks.
Large illustrations:
Rivers (left-hand side) (480 kB)
Rivers (right-hand side) (137 kB)
Moutains (left-hand side) (187 kB)
Moutains (right-hand side) (554 kB)
Most rivers are subject to an occasional, and in some instances to a periodical increase of volume. These seasons of flood are by no means regular, being partly dependent on the melting of the snows, and partly on occasional heavy falls of rain; and hence depend on the climatic variations of the country in which rivers originate.
Note: The numbers refer back to the Picture Diagrams on the preceding page.
Ref. No. | Name and Location | Height in Feet | ||||
A. | * | Mount McKinley, Coast Range, Alaska | 20,300 | |||
1. | Orizaba, Cordillera, Mexico | 18,310 | ||||
2. | Mount St. Elias, Coast Range, Alaska | 18,024 | ||||
3. | Popocatapetl, Cordillera, Mexico | 17,748 | ||||
4. | Mount Brown, Rocky Mountains, Canada | 15,990 | ||||
5. | Mount Hooker, Rocky Mountains, Canada | 15,700 | ||||
6. | Mount Fairweather, Coast Range, Alaska | 14,750 | ||||
7. | * | Mount Rainier, Coast Range, Washington | 14,408 | |||
8. | * | Mount Whitney, Coast Range, California | 14,501 | |||
9. | Mount Elbert, Rocky Mountains, Colorado | 14,402 | ||||
10. | Pike’s Peak, Rocky Mountains, Colorado | 14,108 | ||||
11. | * | Gannett Peak, Rocky Mountains, Wyoming | 13,785 | |||
12. | Fremont’s Peak, Rocky Mountains, Wyoming | 13,570 | ||||
13. | * | Kings Peak, Utah | 13,498 | |||
14. | * | N. Truchas Peak, Rocky Mountains, New Mexico | 13,306 | |||
15. | * | E. Peak, White Mountains, Nevada | 13,145 | |||
16. | * | Granite Peak, Rocky Mountains, Montana | 12,850 | |||
17. | * | San Francisco Peak, Arizona | 12,611 | |||
18. | Mount Assiniboine, Rocky Mts., Canada | 11,860 | ||||
19. | * | Mount Hood, Coast Range, Oregon | 11,225 | |||
20. | * | El Capitan, Texas | 9,020 | |||
21. | Mount Potrillo, Cuba | 9,000 | ||||
22. | Cibao Mountains, Hayti, West Indies | 8,970 | ||||
23. | * | Harvey Peak, South Dakota | 7,242 | |||
24. | Sierra del Cobre, Cuba | 7,200 | ||||
25. | * | Mount Mitchell, Allegheny Mts., N. C. | 6,711 | |||
26. | * | Mount Guyot, Allegheny Mts., Tennessee | 6,636 | |||
27. | Black Mountain, Allegheny Mts., N. C. | 6,476 | ||||
28. | * | Mount Washington, White Mts., N. H. | 6,293 | |||
29. | Roan Mountain, Allegheny Mts., N. C. | 6,038 | ||||
30. | Mount Adams, White Mts., N. H. | 5,963 | ||||
31. | Mount Jefferson, White Mts., N. H. | 5,725 | ||||
32. | * | Mount Rogers, Blue Ridge, Virginia | 5,719 | |||
33. | Mount Monroe, White Mts., N. H. | 5,390 | ||||
34. | * | Banner Peak, Nebraska | 5,350 | |||
35. | * | Mount Marcy, Adirondacks, New York | 5,344 | |||
36. | * | Mount Katahdin, Maine | 5,273 | |||
37. | Mount McIntyre, Adirondacks, New York | 5,112 | ||||
38. | Mount Hecla, Iceland | 5,110 | ||||
39. | Mount Franklin, White Mts., N. H. | 5,050 | ||||
40. | Skylight, Adirondacks, New York | 4,920 | ||||
41. | Haystack, Adirondacks, New York | 4,918 | ||||
42. | Morne Garon, St. Vincent, West Indies | 4,800 | ||||
43. | * | Spruce Knob, West Virginia | 4,860 | |||
44. | * | Brasstown Bald, Georgia | 4,768 | |||
45. | * | Cimarron Peak, Oklahoma | 4,750 | |||
46. | Mount Lafayette, White Mts., N. H. | 4,723 | ||||
47. | Mount Morris, Adirondacks, New York | 4,576 | ||||
48. | Mount PelÉe, Martinique | 4,300 | ||||
49. | * | Mount Mansfield, Green Mts., Vermont | 4,364 | |||
50. | Otter Peak, Allegheny Mountains, Virginia | 4,260 | ||||
51. | * | Highlands (West Boundary), Kansas | 4,135 | |||
52. | * | Big Black Mountain, Kentucky | 4,100 | |||
53. | Killington, Green Mountains, Vermont | 4,100 | ||||
54. | Mount Seward, Adirondacks, New York | 4,000 | ||||
55. | Table Mountain, Allegheny Mts., Virginia | 4,000 | ||||
56. | * | Bald Mountain, Allegheny Mts., Virginia | 4,000 | |||
57. | Mount Parnassus, Spitzbergen | 3,951 | ||||
58. | Round Top, Catskills, New York | 3,804 | ||||
59. | High Peak, Catskills, New York | 3,718 | ||||
60. | Mount Misery, St. Christopher, West Indies | 3,712 | ||||
61. | Sierra de Luquillo, Porto Rico | 3,678 | ||||
62. | Mount Greylock, Taconic Mts., Mass. | 3,505 | ||||
63. | * | Monadnock, White Mts., New Hampshire | 3,450 | |||
64. | * | Bowman Summit | 3,500 | |||
65. | Backbone Mountain, Maryland | 3,340 | ||||
66. | * | Blue Knob, Allegheny Mts., Pennsylvania | 3,136 | |||
67. | Central Peak, Nevis, West Indies | 3,000 | ||||
68. | * | Blue Mountain, Arkansas | 2,800 | |||
69. | Kearsarge, White Mts., New Hampshire | 2,460 | ||||
70. | * | Cheaha Mountain, Alabama | 2,407 | |||
71. | * | Bear Mountain, Connecticut | 2,355 | |||
72. | * | Rib Hill, Wisconsin | 1,940 | |||
73. | * | Mesabi Range Minnesota | 1,920 | |||
74. | High Point, New Jersey | 1,809 | ||||
75. | Pringhar, Iowa | 1,800 | ||||
76. | Taun Sauk Mountain, Ozarks, Missouri | 1,750 | ||||
77. | * | Logan Summit, Ohio | 1,550 | |||
78. | West Point, Highlands, New York | 1,500 | ||||
79. | Storm King, Highlands, New York | 1,389 | ||||
80. | * | Charles Mound, Illinois | 1,241 | |||
81. | Carlos Summit, Indiana | 1,210 | ||||
82. | Mount Tom, Massachusetts | 1,200 | ||||
83. | Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts | 1,200 | ||||
84. | Anthony’s Nose, Highlands, New York | 1,048 | ||||
85. | Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts | 830 | ||||
86. | Palisades of Hudson, New York and N. J. | 500 | ||||
87. | Mount Hope, Rhode Island | 300 | ||||
88. | Bunker Hill, Massachusetts | 62 | ||||
* Greatest altitude in the state or territory. | ||||||
EUROPE | ||||||
1. | Monte Blanc, France | 15,782 | ||||
2. | Monte Rosa, Italy | 15,217 | ||||
3. | Weisshorn, Switzerland | 14,808 | ||||
4. | Matterhorn, or Cervin, Switzerland | 14,780 | ||||
5. | Finsteraarhorn, Switzerland | 14,026 | ||||
6. | Breithorn, Switzerland | 13,685 | ||||
7. | Jungfrau, Switzerland | 13,671 | ||||
8. | MÖnch, Switzerland | 13,465 | ||||
9. | Pic des Ecrins, France | 13,462 | ||||
10. | Shreckhorn, Switzerland | 13,385 | ||||
11. | Mount Paradis, France | 13,300 | ||||
12. | Otherspitze, Austria | 12,800 | ||||
13. | Gross Glockner, Austria | 12,776 | ||||
14. | Aiguille du Midi, France | 12,743 | ||||
15. | Monte Viso, France | 12,582 | ||||
16. | The Gallonstock, Switzerland | 12,481 | ||||
17. | Aiguille de Sassire, Sardinia | 12,346 | ||||
18. | Wetterhorn, Switzerland | 12,150 | ||||
19. | Mont Genevre, Sardinia | 11,785 | ||||
20. | Monto Gavio, Austria | 11,754 | ||||
21. | Cerro de Mulhacen, Spain | 11,605 | ||||
22. | Simplon, Switzerland | 11,541 | ||||
23. | Wisbach Horn, Austria | 11,518 | ||||
24. | La Mormelata, Austria | 11,508 | ||||
25. | Mont Cenis, France | 11,457 | ||||
26. | Mont Nethou, Spain | 11,427 | ||||
27. | Pic Blanc, France | 11,190 | ||||
28. | Great St. Bernard, Switzerland | 11,080 | ||||
29. | Vignemale, France and Spain | 10,980 | ||||
30. | St. Gothard, Switzerland | 10,595 | ||||
31. | Mount Calm, France and Spain | 10,500 | ||||
32. | Pic Blanc, France and Spain | 10,205 | ||||
33. | Splugen, Switzerland and Austria | 9,981 | ||||
34. | Peak of Oo, France and Spain | 9,730 | ||||
35. | Pic du Midi, France | 9,650 | ||||
36. | Mount Etna, Island of Sicily | 9,652 | ||||
37. | The Thorstein, Austria | 9,630 | ||||
38. | Little St. Bernard, France | 9,591 | ||||
39. | Monte Corno, Italy | 9,523 | ||||
40. | Canigon, France | 9,137 | ||||
41. | Monte Rotondo, Island of Corsica | 9,065 | ||||
42. | Guiona, Greece | 8,620 | ||||
43. | Lomnitzer Spitze, Austria | 8,779 | ||||
44. | Rilo Dagh, Bulgaria | 8,300 | ||||
45. | Mount Parnassus, Greece | 8,000 | ||||
46. | Mount St. Elias, Greece | 7,946 | ||||
47. | Mount Ida, Crete | 7,674 | ||||
48. | Col de Ferret, Switzerland | 7,641 | ||||
49. | Mount Dinara, Austria-Hungary | 7,458 | ||||
50. | Monte Cimone, Italy | 7,083 | ||||
51. | Mount Kleck, Austria-Hungary | 6,926 | ||||
52. | Pisanino, Italy | 6,723 | ||||
53. | Pizzo di Casi, Sicily | 6,509 | ||||
54. | Oraefa Yokul, Iceland | 6,420 | ||||
55. | Kissovo, Bulgaria | 6,407 | ||||
56. | Genargentu Peak, Sardinia Island | 6,290 | ||||
57. | Mount D’or, France | 6,188 | ||||
58. | Mount Pierus, Bulgaria | 6,161 | ||||
59. | P. de Cantal, France | 6,093 | ||||
60. | Sulitelma, Sweden and Norway | 5,956 | ||||
61. | Monte Amiata, Tuscany | 5,792 | ||||
62. | Recullet de Toiry, Switzerland | 5,643 | ||||
63. | La Dole, Switzerland | 5,509 | ||||
64. | Black Mountain, Island of Cephalonia, Greece | 5,356 | ||||
65. | Zagora, Bulgaria | 5,310 | ||||
66. | St. Angelo, Lipari Island, Sicily | 5,260 | ||||
67. | Schneekoppe, Germany | 5,253 | ||||
68. | Feugari, Samothraki Island, Turkey | 5,248 | ||||
69. | Feldberg, Black Forest, Germany | 4,900 | ||||
70. | Puy de Dome, France | 4,846 | ||||
71. | Ballon de Alsace, France | 4,688 | ||||
72. | Monte Alto, Italy | 4,380 | ||||
73. | Hohenstein, Austria | 4,284 | ||||
74. | Brokfeld, Norway | 4,188 | ||||
75. | Mount Delphi, Island of Negropont, Greece | 4,156 | ||||
76. | Kielburg, Erz Gebirge, Germany | 4,074 | ||||
77. | Montserrat, Spain | 4,054 | ||||
78. | Vesuvius, Italy | 4,260 | ||||
79. | Brocken, Harz Mountains, Germany | 3,740 | ||||
80. | Ispario, Thasos Island, Greece | 3,428 | ||||
81. | Great Beerberg, Thuringerwald, Germany | 3,265 | ||||
82. | Summit, Norway | 3,200 | ||||
83. | Great Feldsberg, Germany | 2,886 | ||||
84. | Stromboli, Lipari Island, Sicily | 3,090 | ||||
85. | Mount Delphi, Skopela Island, Greece | 2,295 | ||||
86. | Tonnere, France | 2,225 | ||||
87. | Mount St. Oreste, Italy | 2,140 | ||||
88. | Peak, Island of Corfu, Greece | 1,900 | ||||
89. | Kastri, Island of Thasos, Greece | 1,565 | ||||
90. | Gibraltar, Spain | 1,437 | ||||
91. | Valdai Hills, Russia | 1,200 | ||||
92. | North Cape, Island of Mageroe, Norway | 1,161 | ||||
93. | Himmelsberg, Plateau of Denmark, Denmark | 928 | ||||
94. | Montmartre, Paris, France | 400 | ||||
95. | Observatory, Paris, France | 240 | ||||
96. | Heligoland Island, North Sea, Germany | 230 | ||||
1. | Greenwich Observatory, Kent, England | 214 | ||||
2. | Holyhead, Island of Anglesea, Wales | 709 | ||||
3. | Carraton, Cornwall, England | 1,208 | ||||
4. | Penmaen Maur, Wales | 1,540 | ||||
5. | Axedge, Derby, England | 1,750 | ||||
6. | Pendlehill, Lancashire, En gland | 1,803 | ||||
7. | Holmernoss, Derby, England | 1,859 | ||||
8. | Ingleborough, Yorkshire, England | 2,361 | ||||
9. | Whernside, Yorkshire, England | 2,384 | ||||
10. | Plinlimmon, Cardiganshire, Wales | 2,463 | ||||
11. | Cradle Mountain, Brecknockshire, Wales | 2,545 | ||||
12. | Coniston Fell, Westmoreland, England | 2,577 | ||||
13. | Caermarthen Vau, Caermarthenshire, Wales | 2,596 | ||||
14. | Cheviot, Northumberland, England | 2,684 | ||||
15. | Grassmere Fell, Cumberland, England | 2,756 | ||||
16. | Cross Fell, Cumberland, England | 2,909 | ||||
17. | Bow Fell, Cumberland, England | 2,911 | ||||
18. | Cader Idris, Merionethshire, Wales | 2,914 | ||||
19. | Arran Mowdwy, Merionethshire, Wales | 2,955 | ||||
20. | Skiddaw, Cumberland, England | 3,022 | ||||
21. | Helvellyn, Cumberland, England | 3,313 | ||||
22. | Carnedd Llewellyn, Caernarvon, Wales | 3,471 | ||||
23. | Snowdon, Caernarvon, Wales | 3,571 | ||||
24. | Cairn Gorm, Invernesshire, Scotland | 4,095 | ||||
25. | Ben Macdui, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | 4,305 | ||||
26. | Ben Nevis, Inverness, Scotland | 4,368 | ||||
27. | Cairntoul, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | 4,245 | ||||
28. | Ben Lawers, Perthshire, Scotland | 3,945 | ||||
29. | Ben More, Perthshire, Scotland | 2,944 | ||||
30. | Ben Gloe, Perthshire, Scotland | 3,690 | ||||
31. | Ben Cruachan, Argyleshire, Scotland | 3,669 | ||||
32. | Ben Deirg, Perthshire, Scotland | 3,550 | ||||
33. | Schehallien, Perthshire, Scotland | 3,514 | ||||
34. | Macgillicuddy Reeks, Kerry, Ireland | 3,404 | ||||
35. | Scarscoch, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | 3,402 | ||||
36. | Ben Gurdy, Perthshire, Scotland | 3,364 | ||||
37. | Ben More, Sutherlandshire, Scotland | 3,231 | ||||
38. | Ben Lomond, Stirlingshire, Scotland | 3,180 | ||||
39. | Ben Voirlich, Perthshire, Scotland | 3,055 | ||||
40. | Lunaquilla, Wicklow, Ireland | 3,039 | ||||
41. | Galtee Mountains, Tipperary, Ireland | 3,008 | ||||
42. | Slatterwind, Stromoe, Faroe Islands | 2,998 | ||||
43. | Black Larg, Ayrshire, Scotland | 2,890 | ||||
44. | Goat Fell, Island of Arran, Scotland | 2,865 | ||||
45. | Ben Ledi, Perthshire, Scotland | 2,863 | ||||
46. | The Cobbler, Argyleshire, Scotland | 2,863 | ||||
47. | Slievedonard, Ulster, Ireland | 2,796 | ||||
48. | Broad Law, Peeblesshire, Scotland | 2,741 | ||||
49. | Ben Wyvis, Rosshire, Scotland | 2,720 | ||||
50. | Hart Fell, Dunfriesshire, Scotland | 2,635 | ||||
51. | Mount Battock, Kincardineshire, Scotland | 2,600 | ||||
52. | Lowther Hill, Lanarkshire, Scotland | 2,522 | ||||
53. | Kippure, Leinster, Ireland | 2,473 | ||||
54. | Paps of Jura, Argyleshire, Scotland | 2,470 | ||||
55. | Slievenaman, Tipperary, Ireland | 2,362 | ||||
56. | The Paps, Kerry, Ireland | 2,280 | ||||
57. | Snaefell, Isle of Man, Great Britain | 2,004 | ||||
58. | Campsie Hills, Stirlingshire, Scotland | 1,850 | ||||
59. | Achil Head, Mayo, Ireland | 23. | Pichincha, Ecuador | 15,918 | ||
24. | Roraima, Venezuela | 8,740 | ||||
25. | Silla de Caracas, Venezuela | 8,632 | ||||
26. | Duida, Venezuela | 8,467 | ||||
27. | Corcorada, Argentina | 7,510 | ||||
28. | Minchinmadiva, Argentina | 7,046 | ||||
29. | Mount Sarmiento, Tierra del Fuego | 7,000 | ||||
30. | Mount Darwin, Tierra del Fuego | 6,800 | ||||
31. | Guadarrama, Colombia | 6,400 | ||||
32. | Itambe, Brazil | 5,960 | ||||
33. | Piedade, Brazil | 5,820 | ||||
34. | Itacolumi, Brazil | 5,750 | ||||
35. | Morro dos Canudos, Brazil | 4,476 | ||||
36. | Macarapan, Guayana | 3,500 | ||||
37. | Cape Horn, Argentina | 1,870 |
Lakes are of different kinds. Some are mere tanks which receive the first outpourings of springs, others consist of basins or reservoirs which occur in the line of a river’s course; some consist of basins or cavities, into which rivers flow, but which, on account of their depression or their mountainous cincture have no outlets; lakes are also formed in the craters of extinct volcanoes; and some lakes are periodic, or subject to have their basins alternately empty and full of water.
Mountain Lakes, which are valleys or chasms filled by streams, are long and narrow, rarely of extensive area, but often of great depth. Examples of this class are found in Lakes Champlain and George, among the Appalachian Mountains; Lakes Constance and Geneva, on the northern side of the Alps; and Lake Maggiore and Lake Como, on the south side; all of which are renowned for the loveliness of their shores, or the grandeur of the surrounding mountain scenery.
Lake Maggiore, which is hardly three miles wide, is, according to Italian engineers, 2,623 feet deep—more than double the depth of Lake Superior—its basin reaching 1,936 feet below the sea level.
The forms of mountain lakes are very irregular, for the water often covers several contiguous and connected valleys. This is the case in Lake Como, which has two long arms; and Lakes Lucerne
Lakes in Plains. The lake basins in plains and plateaus are, usually, simple depressions in a comparatively uniform surface. The lakes are, therefore, often of great size, broad in proportion to their length, but of little depth compared with their area.
The largest lakes of the globe—the Caspian and Aral seas, and the great North American and African lakes—and the largest in Europe and South America, all belong to this class. Their vast expanse, together with the tameness of their shores, deprives them of the picturesque beauty of mountain lakes.
Characteristics of Salt Lakes. Numerous lakes in the interior of the continents, though receiving affluents, have no outlet. Their waters are chiefly lost by evaporation, though some portion may be absorbed by the sandy soil.
The surfaces of the continents having been the beds of the primeval oceans, the presence of salt in the soil is a natural consequence.
Famous Salt Lakes. The Great Salt Lake of Utah, in the Great American Basin, is one of the finest examples of its class. The Caspian and Aral seas, at the bottom of the vast depression between Europe and Asia, are the most extensive salt lakes. The former has about four times the area of Lake Superior; and the latter is a little larger than Lake Michigan.
The Caspian, though receiving the Volga, the largest river of Europe, evaporates so much water that its surface is about 83 feet lower than that of the Mediterranean, varying with the seasons. Many lakes in its neighborhood disappear entirely in the heat and drought of summer, leaving their beds covered with a crust of pure white crystalline salt.
The Remarkable Dead Sea, in Syria, is a lake in which the salt has accumulated until the water is converted into a heavy brine. It may be the remnant of an ancient sea of much greater extent, which has been gradually reduced in size by the excess of evaporation over the supply of water in its basin.
This celebrated body of water lies in the deepest part of a long chasm or valley, which is sunk not less than 4,000 feet below the level of the surrounding country. The surface of the lake is 1,286 feet, and its bottom 2,500 feet, below the level of the Mediterranean.
Its feeder, the river Jordan, flows almost throughout its entire course below the level of the sea, the only known instance of the kind. The beautiful lake of Tiberias, the scene of so many of the miracles of Jesus, which is but an expansion of the Jordan in its upper course, is about 650 feet below the surface of the Mediterranean.
Lakes are most numerous in the central and northern portions of Asia, Europe and North America. The southern continents, except Africa, have comparatively few.
Asia is pre-eminently the continent of salt lakes. They occur in countless numbers, both in the steppes north of the Caspian and Aral, and in all the interior plateaus. Lakes of fresh water are also found among the Altai Mountains and adjacent chains. Lake Baikal, one of these, is the largest mountain lake known, being nearly 500 miles long.
Europe. The most characteristic and celebrated lakes are those which adorn the Alps of Switzerland and Scandinavia, and the less lofty mountain chains of the British Isles. But the largest lakes are found in the low lands and slight swells which surround the Baltic Sea, in western Russia and Sweden. Lakes Ladoga and Onega in Russia, and Wener and Wetter in Sweden, are the largest in Europe.
North America is peculiarly rich in great lakes. No continent presents a more remarkable series than that which stretches from northwest to southeast, through the central plains, along the line of contact of the oldest geological formations of the continent. This series includes Great Bear and Great Slave lakes, Athabasca and Winnipeg, and the five great lakes of the St. Lawrence, with many of less area.
Innumerable small lakes are scattered throughout the middle portions of the central plain, and the northern and less regular part of the Appalachian mountain region; but south of the parallel of Lake Erie there is an almost entire absence of lakes, whether large or small.
Relative Size of Lakes of the Western Hemisphere
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NAME | Location | Area in Square Miles | Mean Elevation in Feet | |
Black Sea | Asia and Europe | 170,000 | Sea-level | |
Caspian Sea | Asia | 170,000 | 90 | below sea-level |
Sea of Aral | Asia | 26,160 | 157 | above sea-level |
Balkash | Asia | 7,135 | 779 | above sea-level |
Maracaibo | South America | 6,315 | 0 | above sea-level |
Eyre | Australia | 3,600 | 70 | above sea-level |
Titicaca (slightly saline) | South America | 3,200 | 12,506 | above sea-level |
Issik-kul | Asia | 2,250 | 5,300 | above sea-level |
Great Salt Lake | North America | 2,177 | 4,218 | above sea-level |
Koko-nor | Asia | 2,040 | 9,970 | above sea-level |
Urumiah | Asia | 1,795 | 4,100 | above sea-level |
Van | Asia | 1,400 | 5,200 | above sea-level |
Dead Sea | Asia | 444 | 1,290 | below sea-level |
Ngami (nearly dried up) | Africa | 297 | 2,919 | above sea-level |
Relative Size of Lakes of the Eastern Hemisphere
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NAME | Location | Area in Square Miles | Mean Elevation in Feet | ||
Superior | North America | 31,200 | 601 | above sea-level | |
Victoria Nyanza | Africa | 26,500 | 3,300 | above sea-level | |
Huron | North America | 23,800 | 581 | above sea-level | |
Michigan | North America | 22,450 | 581 | above sea-level | |
Baikal | Asia | 13,200 | 1,542 | above sea-level | |
Tanganyika | Africa | 12,000 | 2,756 | above sea-level | |
Great Bear | North America | 11,200 | 391 | above sea-level | |
Nyassa | Africa | 10,230 | 1,706 | above sea-level | |
Great Slave | North America | 10,200 | 520 | above sea-level | |
Erie | North America | 9,960 | 573 | above sea-level | |
Winnipeg | North America | 9,400 | 710 | above sea-level | |
Lake of the Woods | North America | 7,650 | 1,060 | above sea-level | |
Ontario | North America | 7,240 | 247 | above sea-level | |
Ladoga | Europe | 6,998 | 49 | above sea-level | |
Tchad | Africa | 6,000 to 40,000 | 1,150 | above sea-level | |
Athabasca | North America | 4,400 | 690 | above sea-level | |
Onega | Europe | 3,760 | 237 | above sea-level | |
Nicaragua | Central America | 2,972 | 131 | above sea-level | |
Wener | Europe | 2,400 | 147 | above sea-level | |
Albert Nyanza | Africa | 1,730 | 2,230 | above sea-level | |
Dembea | Africa | 1,000 | 6,100 | above sea-level | |
Wetter | Europe | 936 | 288 | above sea-level | |
Champlain | North America | 750 | 96 | above sea-level | |
Managua | North America | 560 | 154 | above sea-level | |
Bangweolo | Africa | 400 to 5,800 | 3,690 | above sea-level | |
St. Clair | North America | 396 | 576 | above sea-level | |
Balaton (Platten See) | Europe | 266 | 426 | above sea-level | |
Geneva (or Leman) | Europe | 214 | 1,220 | above sea-level | |
Constance (or Boden See) | Europe | 208 | 1,308 | above sea-level | |
Garda | Europe | 136 | 213 | above sea-level | |
Neuchatel | Europe | 90 | 1,424 | above sea-level | |
Maggiore | Europe | 78 | 646 | above sea-level | |
Cayuga | North America | 76 | 381 | above sea-level | |
George | North America | 61 | 323 | above sea-level | |
Como | Europe | 56 | 649 | above sea-level | |
Lucerne | Europe | 40 | 1,435 | above sea-level | |
Zurich | Europe | 37 | 1/2 | 1,340 | above sea-level |
Africa. The great plateau lakes are typical of the continent. The Victoria Nyanza and Albert Nyanza, feeding the White Nile; Tanganyika, whose outlet is unknown; Tzana, at the head of the Blue Nile; and Lake Nyassa, in the Zambezi basin, all rest on the high plateaus of Central Africa. Lake Tchad alone, among large African lakes, is surrounded by low plains.
Waterfalls and Rapids. The variations in the slope of a river-bed, arising from unequal erosion, or from the original irregularities in the surface, give rise to rapids and falls.
The first occur where an increased slope causes the stream to flow with more than its average velocity. The second are caused by nearly perpendicular rocky walls, down which the foaming water descends in picturesque cascades, or imposing cataracts.
The famous “Cataracts of the Nile” are merely rapids which impede but do not entirely obstruct, the navigation as cataracts must. The so-called Falls of St. Anthony, in the upper Mississippi, and the rapids of the St. Lawrence, above Montreal, are among the finest rapids in American rivers.
The highest falls are in the upper course of rivers, in mountainous regions; the greatest and most imposing, in their middle course.
The Niagara Falls exhibit a most important industrial utilization of water power. The Falls of St. Anthony in the Mississippi, the Falls of Foyers in Scotland, the Rhine falls, the Rhone falls of Bellegarde, and the innumerable waterfalls of Scandinavia, Switzerland, and similar mountainous lands, are all utilized in this way. It has been proposed to convey power generated at the Victoria falls of the Zambezi to the Rand goldfield of the Transvaal, and a scheme for this is now being prepared.
Name | Location | Height (feet) |
Bridal Veil | California | 900 |
Foyers | Great Britain | 205 |
Gastein Falls | Austria | 469 |
Gavarnie | Pyrenees | 1,400 |
Genesee | New York | 95 |
Grand Falls | Labrador | 2,000 |
Great Falls | Montana | 500 |
Hay River | Alaska | 200 |
Kaieteur Falls | Guiana | 740 |
Krimmler Falls | Austria | 1,300 |
Kukenam Fall | Guiana | 1,500 |
Maanelvan | Norway | 940 |
Minnehaha | Minnesota | 50 |
Missouri | Montana | 90 |
Montmorenci | Quebec | 265 |
Multnomah | Oregon | 850 |
Murchison | Africa | 120 |
Nevada Falls | California | 600 |
Niagara | New York | 165 |
Oroco Falls | Monte Rosa | 2,400 |
Rjukanfos | Norway | 804 |
Roraima Fall | Guiana | 2,000 |
Rukaufos | Norway | 513 |
St. Anthony | Minnesota | 80 |
Schaffhausen | Switzerland | 100 |
Seven Falls | Colorado | 266 |
Shoshone | Idaho | 210 |
Skykjefos | Norway | 700 |
Snoqualmie | Washington | 268 |
Staubbach | Switzerland | 1,000 |
Stirling | New Zealand | 500 |
Sutherland | New Zealand | 1,904 |
Takkakaw | British Columbia | 1,200 |
Tequendama | Colombia | 475 |
Tessa Falls | Austria | 541 |
Twin | Idaho | 180 |
Velino Falls | Italy | 591 |
Vermafos | Norway | 984 |
Vettisfos | Norway | 950 |
Victoria Falls | Zambezi | 400 |
Voringsfos | Norway | 600 |
Yellowstone (upper) | Montana | 110 |
Yellowstone (lower) | Montana | 310 |
Yguazu or Iguazu | Brazil | 210 |
Yosemite (upper) | California | 1,436 |
Yosemite (middle) | California | 626 |
Yosemite (lower) | California | 400 |
Niagara in winter presents a picture of frozen grandeur equaled nowhere else in the world.
The Rhine at Schaffhausen, Switzerland, rushes over rugged rocks on its way down from the highlands into the lovely and historic valley it has carved for itself on its way to the sea.
1. The Niagara Falls and rapids form one of the most impressive spectacles in the world. The Niagara River, which is the sole outlet of the great lakes, pours itself in two vast sheets over a precipice about 160 feet high. Goat Island, which is situated on the lip of the falls, divides the cataract into two sections—the Horseshoe, or Canadian fall, which is by far the more majestic, and the America fall. It has a descent of 158 feet and the American fall of 167 feet. The volume of water which sweeps over this immense chasm is about 15,000,000 cubic feet per minute. The limestone edge of both falls is wearing away in the center, the Canadian fall now being V-shaped, and the American fall showing the same tendency, although its process of recession has begun more recently. For some distance below the falls there is smooth current, the mass of water which pours over the precipice sinking and only coming to the surface two miles below, where the rapids, more magnificent and wilder than those above the falls, begin, and culminate in the rapids of the Upper Whirlpool. Lower down the river is the whirlpool itself, where a sharp turn sends the waters hurling against the Canadian side; they then sweep round in a gigantic circle before they find a vent at right angle with their former course. The sight of the falls is equally awe-inspiring from the bridge on the lip of the fall, from the boat which plies from shore to shore below the cataract, or from the Cave of the Winds, reached from Goat Island. Although in summer the magnificence of the sight is extraordinary, it is in winter, when the wizardry of the frost is upon it, that it is superlatively beautiful. The falls were first discovered by Father Hennepin in 1678.
2. The Falls of Juanacatlan (hoo-a-na-kwt-lan), Mexico, are located near the island city of Guadalajara (gua-da-la-ha´ra) on the Rio Grande de Santiago. Though only 70 feet in height they are more than 600 feet wide, and as known as the “Niagara” of Mexico.
3. The Cataracts of Iguazu (e-gwa´soo) on the frontiers of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. These falls, situated in a remote wilderness, far from civilization, are a veritable fortress in protecting the peace-loving peoples on their borders. They constitute a series of falls extending over three miles, and more than 200 feet in height, and of magnificent scenic beauty. Their energy is estimated to be about 14,000,000 horse-power, or almost three times that of Niagara.
4. The Yosemite (yo-sem´i-tee) Falls of California, are highest and probably the most remarkable of their class. They descend on almost perpendicular ledge of rocks 2,600 feet high to the bottom of the Yosemite valley, forming three separate cataracts. The first fall is 1,600 feet sheer descent. Then comes a series of cascades, partly hidden, 600 feet downward, and a final leap of 400 feet. Seen from afar, the Yosemite Falls seem insignificant; but they are, in fact, 35 feet wide, and the shock of their descent is observed a mile away.
5. The Staubbach (stoub´bak) Falls, in the Swiss Alps near Lauterbrunnen, descends a precipice of 980 feet, and is reduced to spray like a misty veil before reaching the bottom. It is the highest unbroken fall in Switzerland, and the most noted.
6. The Great Falls of the Yellowstone, though not so high, vie with the Yosemite in striking beauty. These famous falls plunge from a height of 360 feet into the abyss of a mighty chasm. At the point of descent, the waters of the Yellowstone suddenly contract from a width of 250 feet to 75 feet.
7. The Bridal Veil Falls of California, belong to the famous Yosemite Valley. Its waters, over 30 feet wide, leap from the granite rocks on the south wall of the Yosemite in two vertical descents aggregating over 900 feet. The first fall covers a distance of 600 feet, then the waters rushing over a sloping pile of jagged rocks drops a perpendicular distance of 300 feet more. From the chief points of view it seems to make but one plunge, in an unbroken descent similar to the Staubbach, but carrying a much greater volume of water. Frequently the wind swings the great plume of water from the face of the cliff and waves it like a scarf or veil. At sunset rainbows with an indescribable radiance bejewel its foam and the glistening leaves surrounding it.
8. The Reichenbach (ri´ken-bak) Falls near Meiningen, Switzerland, comprise five fine cascades in the Reichenbach River. The most gorgeous of these, known as the Upper Fall, makes a huge leap of 300 feet into a deep rocky basin, which then continues in several foaming and plunging cascades in general aspect not unlike the Niagara gorge.
The Oceans consist of one great fluid mass, and in extent covers three times the area of the dry land. There is also about three times as much land to the north of the equator as there is to the south of it. Though the waters of the ocean surround the land on every side, yet they are broken up into certain areas by the arrangement of the land portions, and to these various parts we give particular names.
The Atlantic Ocean, lying between the western shores of Europe and Africa and the east coast of America.
The Pacific Ocean, lying between the west coast of America and the east coast of Asia.
The Indian Ocean, lying between the south of Asia and the Antarctic circle.
The Arctic Ocean, lying within the Arctic circle.
The Antarctic Ocean, lying within the Antarctic circle.
The Atlantic is the most branching of the oceans, and is especially distinguished by the number and great size of its inland seas. Two of these, the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, lie in the warm regions; and two, Hudson Bay and the Baltic Sea, in colder latitudes.
The broader seas are represented by the Caribbean Sea, within the tropics and the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the North Sea in temperate latitudes. The Gulf of Guinea, and the Bay of Biscay, are examples of the more shallow coast waters.
The Pacific is particularly rich in vast border seas, a continuous series of which lines the Asiatic and Australian coasts. Among these are the Behring Sea, enclosed by the peninsula of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands; Okhotsk Sea, enclosed by Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands; the Sea of Japan, and the North and South China seas; and the Arafura, Coral, and New Zealand seas, on the Australian Coast.
Only two inland seas of considerable size—the Gulf of California in North America, and the Yellow Sea in Asia—mark this entire basin.
The Indian Ocean is characterized by gulfs, two of which form the entire extension of the basin; namely, the Gulf of Bengal, and the Arabian Sea. It has also two inland seas of considerable extent, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, isolating the peninsula of Arabia from the adjacent continents; but border seas are wholly wanting in the Indian Ocean.
The Arctic Ocean is a partially enclosed sea, which a comparatively inconsiderable rise of the sea-bottom would convert into a true Mediterranean. Three openings connect it with the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, namely, Behring Straight (narrow and shallow), Davis Straight, and the broad expanse of water lying between Norway and Greenland. Of these, the last is by far the most important, for through it the warm waters of the Gulf Stream find access to the Polar basin, and keep the sea free from ice throughout the year. This current is supposed to flow feebly along the coast of Siberia, until, deflected by the land, it becomes merged in the cold counter-currents which, passing along the eastern coasts of Greenland and Labrador, carry immense masses of ice into the Atlantic.
Ridges, mountains, plateaus, which may represent submerged continents of the past, and many an abyss that exceeds in depth the height of the highest mountains, are shown above. The shallow coasts, marked by the lightest shade, are part of the present Continental Shelf, and do not exceed six hundred feet in depth. Beyond this shelf, as a rule, the oceans rapidly attain great depths. Our knowledge of the ocean bed has been obtained from the extensive soundings.
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The Antarctic Ocean is situated about or within the antarctic circle. The great Southern Ocean is that part of the ocean which surrounds the world between the latitude of 40 degrees south and the antarctic circle. The northern portions of this band are often called the South Atlantic, South Indian and South Pacific, while the southern portions are usually called the Antarctic Ocean. The average depth of the continuous ocean which surrounds south polar land is about two miles; it gradually shoals toward antarctic land, which in some places is met with a short distance within the antarctic circle. Life is abundant in the surface waters, and at the bottom of the ocean.
As a rule the sea is shallowest near the land, though in a few cases there is a sudden descent to a great depth at a very short distance from the coast. Lowlands have usually shallow seas near the coast, and highlands deep water.
Along the American shores, in the latitude of New York, the depth, for a distance of more than 100 miles, is less than 600 feet; then suddenly the bed descends, by a steep slope, to the depth of 6,000 or 9,000 feet. After a comparatively narrow interval, a second terrace descends to the main basin, from 15,000 to 18,000 feet deep.
The bottom of the trough of the ocean, in general, is equally varied with that of the land surface of the globe, forming mountains, hills, valleys, tablelands, etc. In many parts these marine mountains reach above the surface and form islands. On the table land extending across the Atlantic between Newfoundland and Ireland is laid the submarine-telegraph cable which connects the two hemispheres.
The Depth of the Oceans. The average depth of the Pacific Ocean has been estimated at between 15,000 and 18,000 feet, which is slightly greater than that of the Atlantic. The deeper portions may be learned on reference to the map. The western portion of the North Pacific in particular shows some very deep depressions. To the east of Japan lies a long deep trough which in one part has furnished the sounding of nearly five and one-half miles. This abyss is often called the Tuscarora Deep. South of the Ladrone Islands, in the Caroline Archipelago, there is also a deep abyss where an English ship, the Challenger, obtained a sounding of nearly 27,000 feet. In the Pacific soundings of over 30,000 feet have been made.
The Indian Ocean has an average depth of about 12,000 feet, and the deepest soundings have been taken on the eastern side. It is interesting to observe that the deepest sounding, about five and three-quarter miles, in the South Pacific somewhat exceeds the height of the highest mountain. Mount Everest has a height of 29,000 feet above the sea level. And it must also be noted that the mean height of the land, 1,000 feet, is only about one-twelfth the mean depth of the whole ocean, 12,000 feet. (See colored map showing comparative surfaces of land areas and ocean depths.)
Inland and Border Waters. These enclosed basins belong to the structure of the continents, rather than to the oceans. All are shallow in comparison with the great basins with which they are connected, as is apparent from the depths given below.
The Gulf of Mexico is from 5,000 to 7,000 feet in depth. The deepest part of the Caribbean Sea, on a line connecting Porto Rico and Costa Rica, averages 7,000 feet, and near the latter it reaches a depth of 14,000; but the ocean, immediately outside of the Lesser Antilles, is more than 18,000 feet deep.
The Mediterranean is divided into two basins, by a rocky isthmus, from 50 to 500 feet below the surface, lying between Sicily and Cape Bon, in Africa. The western basin is over 9,000 feet in depth, and comparatively uniform; while the eastern is more irregular, varying from 6,000 near the center, to 13,000 feet, south of the Ionian Islands. The Red Sea has an irregular bottom,
The Baltic Sea, being a simple depression in the great European plain, is but a few hundred feet deep. In the North Sea, the depth averages 300 feet, and rarely exceeds 600. The continent is here prolonged in the form of a submarine plain, whose highest portions form the British Isles.
The Border Seas of Asia, lying within the chain of continental islands, are only a few hundred feet in depth, while immediately without those islands, abrupt slopes descend to the great depths of the Pacific basin.
Smaller inlets are also of frequent occurrence, especially in districts where mountain ranges approach the borders of the ocean. Such are the lochs of Scotland, the voes of the Shetland Islands, and the fiords of Norway and Greenland. The term lagoon is usually applied to lake-like inlets.
Salt and Other Ingredients of Sea-water. The waters of the ocean are salt, holding in solution various saline matters. The saline ingredients amount to rather more than thirty-five grains in a thousand grains of sea-water. The most abundant of these is chloride of sodium or common salt, which in general forms about a third of the whole. Besides this, sea-water contains some magnesia, lime, potash, and traces of iodine and bromine.
The following table exhibits the exact percentage composition of sea-water.
One hundred parts by weight of sea-water contain:
Water | 96.470 |
Sodium Chloride | 2.700 |
Magnesium Chloride | .360 |
Potassium Chloride | .070 |
Magnesium Sulphate | .230 |
Calcium Sulphate | .140 |
Calcium Carbonate | .003 |
Magnesium Bromide | .002 |
Traces of Iodides, Silica, etc., estimated | .025 |
100.000 |
How the Sea gets its Color. The color of sea-water is due to the character of the skies and clouds above, and to vegetable and animal objects growing and living in it. The luminosity or phosphorescence of the ocean is due to the decay of animal and vegetable substances, but in some cases it arises from the presence of myriads of living animals, which, like the glow-worm and fire-fly of the land and air, have the power of emitting light.
Ocean Temperature. The water of the ocean appears generally to agree with that of the climate in which it is situated. In warm latitudes the temperature of the deep sea diminishes with the depth below the surface until a certain depth is reached, below which it appears to retain an equable temperature, this being about 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In the Polar Seas, where the temperature of the surface is lower than 40 degrees the heat increases downward until it reaches that point. In latitude 70° the temperature of the ocean is considered to be the same at all depths.
The moon pulls the waters of the earth into a great double wave heaping it up on the side nearest to the moon and on the opposite side. As the earth rotates, this double wave moves round the earth, and the crests and troughs alternately produce high and low tide. Thus there are two high and two low tides daily, at intervals of about twelve hours, or half a Sun or day.
The waters of the ocean are retained in their bed by the attraction of gravitation. This power is great in proportion to the mass; and as the earth is of much greater mass than the particles of water on its surface, it attracts them and keeps them in their assigned places. But the sun and moon also possess this power of attraction, and notwithstanding their distance, attract and draw them
This remarkable cavern, on the shore of the island of Capri, at the entrance of the Bay of Naples, is entered from the sea, and is one hundred and eighteen feet long and forty feet high, with a breadth of ninety-eight feet at its widest part. It derives its name from the wonderful blue reflection of the sun’s rays through the water, which gives the interior its marvelous beauty and majesty. The cavern has been created by the ceaseless action of the tide.
Ebb-tide and Flood-tide. This drawing up of the waters of mid-ocean causes a recession from the shores, thus giving rise to ebb-tide, or low water. But when the temporary attraction ceases the waters flow back to their natural level, returning to shore and forming flood-tide, or high water. This culmination or rising of the waters in the great tidal wave takes place twice in twenty-four hours and fifty minutes. The combined influence of the sun and moon at new and full moon augments the size of this wave, and causes the “spring-tides” at those periods.
Height of Tides. High water at the various points along the coast is dependent on the return of this great wave, though some variations are caused by local peculiarities; and the height of the tide also varies greatly in different parts of the earth.
On the eastern coast of North America, the average rise of the tide is from nine to twelve feet. At the entrance to the Bay of Fundy, however, it rises eighteen feet, while at the head of that bay it reaches sixty, and in the highest spring tides, even seventy feet. At Bristol, in England, the spring tides rise to forty feet; and at St. Malo, on the south coast of the English Channel, they reach fifty feet.
Differences in level, produced by high tides, cause currents which vary in force and direction with the condition of the tide, producing, in some cases, dangerous whirlpools. The famous Maelstrom, off the coast of Norway, is but a tidal current, which rushes with great violence between two of the Lofoden Islands, causing a whirling motion in the water which is reversed at each ebb and flow of the tide.
Such is, also, the famous whirlpool of Charybdis, in the Straight of Messina, and many others of less note. The powerful currents of Hell Gate, in the
The waves of the ocean, which are caused by the action of the wind, and which are called secondary or wind waves are of a totally different character from the tidal wave. The influence of the wind is supposed not to extend to a greater depth than forty or fifty feet, the deep sea, though raised in a great mass by the grand tidal movement, being free from agitation. Wind waves at a distance from the shore are comparatively low and long, but in shoal water they assume a greater curvature, and fall on the beach either in gentle ripples or in mighty breakers, according to the depth of the water and the force of the wind. The heavy swell which occasionally takes place, called the “ground sea,” is supposed to originate in distant storms of wind.
Currents in the ocean arise from various causes. They may be produced by long-continued gales of wind, by the melting of polar ice, or by any cause that may give rise to onward movements of limited portions of the great mass of waters. Other currents, and of these only is it necessary to speak in this connection, are permanent. The most remarkable of these are the polar currents and the equatorial currents.
Polar Currents are produced by the perpetual movement of the waters from the poles to the equator. In accordance with the laws of mechanics, an accumulation of the waters takes place on that part of the globe which has the greatest velocity of motion; and as the earth in turning on its axis moves with far greater velocity at the equator, the waters continually flow toward that line from the poles.
Equatorial Currents. This accumulation of the waters at the equator tends to produce the equatorial currents, which consist of the continuous progression of the tropical seas in a westerly direction. When the wave brought by the polar currents arrives—coming as it does from regions where it naturally has less velocity—it does not at once acquire the velocity of the earth’s motion at the equator; and since the rotation of the earth is from west to east, this portion of the water lagging behind forms a stream or current which has an apparent motion from east to west, that is to say, apparent as regards the earth, but real in relation to the adjacent land and water. The trade winds, which in this zone blow constantly in the same direction, lend their aid in maintaining the equatorial current.
An extensive system of currents appears to arise in the Antarctic Ocean. A current of cold water flowing northward joins the equatorial current in the Pacific. Entering the Indian Ocean, it maintains its westerly course until it approaches the shores of Africa; then bending southward it rushes through the Mozambique Channel, and doubling the Cape of Good Hope travels northward until it arrives at the Bight of Benin. This current then joins the equatorial current, and crossing the Atlantic from the coast of Guinea to that of Brazil, it is divided into two branches by the projecting headland of Cape San Roque, one flowing southward and the other northward.
The Gulf Stream. After passing the Island of Trinidad, this great oceanic current enters the Gulf of Mexico, and there acquires a high temperature, and sweeping round that sea it again pours forth into the Atlantic, forming the most powerful of known currents, called the Gulf Stream. Issuing from the Gulf of Mexico, this current of warm water rushes with considerable force through the Bahama Channel; then taking a northerly course it travels along the eastern shores of North America, and at Newfoundland is turned to the eastward by an opposing cold current which sets in from Baffin’s Bay. It now maintains an easterly direction, and crossing the Atlantic arrives at the Azores in about twenty-eight days, and divides its waters on the coast of France and Spain: one portion goes southward and at length joins the grand current which sets from the coast of Guinea; and another portion travels northward and skirts the western coasts of Europe. These currents are seldom more than 500 feet deep.
The atmosphere is the vast ocean of air that envelops the earth and makes life possible on our globe. It absorbs the heat and vapors caused by the action of the sun upon the surface of both land and water, and is the medium through which the ever-changing phenomena of climate and weather are produced. The two great forces of nature acting in connection with it are gravitation and heat, or solar radiation; and the results of their ceaseless action may be summed up as follows: (1) Temperature, or heat, which we soon learn to know by our senses, and to measure by the thermometer. (2) Evaporation, which changes the weight of the air by carrying invisible moisture through it. This change of weight is indicated by the barometer. (3) Condensation, producing fog, dew, rain, hail, and snow; all estimated accurately by the rain gauge or pluviometer. (4) Motions, as in the winds, varying from the gentle breeze to the awful cyclone, the force and velocity of which are indicated by the anemometer. (5) Electricity, producing lightning, thunder, magnetic and chemical changes in the atmosphere. (6) Optical Phenomena, such as rainbows, haloes, coronas, mirage, and the auroras.
The Earth is enveloped in its own atmosphere, which like a transparent covering surrounds it, and revolves with it. This atmosphere does not extend to more than forty or fifty miles above the earth’s surface, and is higher at the equator than at the poles.
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The atmosphere is an elastic fluid consisting of a mixture (not a compound) of oxygen and nitrogen, in the proportions of about twenty-one of the first to seventy-nine parts of the last named. It also contains a small quantity of carbonic acid gas, and a yet smaller quantity of ammonia; and water in the form of invisible vapor is always present in it, though the quantity is subject to great variations. All these substances move freely among each other, and are continually changing places: the oxygen being ever ready to perform the office assigned to it of sustaining life and combustion; the carbonic acid to promote the growth of vegetation; the nitrogen to perfect the fruits of the earth, and the vapor to descend to the thirsty ground, in the form of showers and dew.
The atmosphere is elastic, and therefore capable of expansion and compression; and is also a ponderable body. The consequence of these properties is, that it is much lighter and thinner in the upper regions than nearer the earth’s surface; for at the sea-level its whole weight presses on its lower strata and gives it greater density. Ascending from the earth’s surface it becomes gradually lighter and thinner, and at great elevations is so rarefied as to be unsusceptible of sustaining life.
The weight of the atmosphere at the level of the sea is equal to about fourteen and one-half pounds on every square inch of surface. This weight is balanced by a column of mercury thirty inches in height; but at an elevation of 18,000 feet it would be balanced by a column of only fifteen inches in height, and at 36,000 by one only seven and one-half
As we ascend from the sea the atmosphere becomes colder; but, as with the density, the temperature does not appear to pass through regular gradations of change. From experiment, however, it has been assumed that the atmosphere loses one degree of heat by Fahrenheit’s thermometer for every 350 feet of ascent; and hence even in the hotter regions very lofty mountains are covered with perpetual ice and snow.
The amount of heat produced by the sun upon the Earth’s surface, is greatest near the Equator, and diminishes gradually towards the Poles. Three general causes, each referable to the spherical form of the Earth, combine to produce the gradual diminution of temperature from the Equator to the Poles.
1. The angle at which the Sun’s rays strike the surface. In the Equatorial regions they are perpendicular to the surface of the sphere, and there produce their maximum effect; but, on account of the curved outline of the globe, they fall more and more obliquely with increasing latitude, and the intensity of action diminishes proportionately. At the Poles their effect is practically nothing.
2. The area on which a given amount of heating power is expended, is least at the Equator, consequently the resulting heat is greatest. The area covered increases, and the effect diminishes, with the increasing obliquity of the Sun’s rays in higher latitudes, which, as we have seen above, results from the spherical form of the Earth.
3. The absorption of heat by the atmosphere, as the Sun’s rays pass through it, is least where they fall perpendicularly,—that is, in the Equatorial regions,—and increases, with their increasing obliquity, towards the Poles.
The Earth revolves constantly around the Sun, and at the same time rotates upon an axis inclined twenty-three and one-half degrees towards the plane of its orbit. In consequence of the inclination of the axis, the declination of the Sun, or its angular distance from the Equator, varies with the advance of the Earth in its orbit, causing periodical variations in the length of day and night, and, consequently, in temperature.
Vernal Equinox. On the twentieth of March, at mid-day, the Sun is vertical at the Equator. Rising directly in the east it ascends the heavens to the zenith, and, descending, sets directly in the west.
The illuminated hemisphere extends from pole to pole, and embraces half of every parallel of latitude; hence every point on the Earth’s surface is under the rays of the Sun during half of the diurnal rotation; the days and nights are equal all over the globe; and the heating power of the Sun is the same in both the northern and the southern hemisphere.
Summer Solstice. As the Earth advances in its orbit the vertical Sun declines northward; and on the twenty-first of June, at the Summer Solstice, it is over the northern Tropic, twenty-three and one-half degrees from the Equator.
The illuminated hemisphere, extending ninety degrees on each side of the parallel of the vertical Sun, reaches twenty-three and one-half degrees beyond the North Pole; but, at the south, it barely touches the Antarctic circle. It embraces more than half of each parallel north of the Equator, hence throughout the northern hemisphere the day is longer than the night, the difference in their duration increasing with the latitude; and all points within the Arctic circle are in the light during the entire rotation.
In the southern hemisphere, less than half of each parallel being illuminated, the night is longer than the day, and within the Antarctic circle there is constant night. The heating power of the Sun is now at the maximum in the northern hemisphere, while in the southern it is at the minimum.
Autumnal Equinox. On the twenty-second of September, the distribution of light and heat upon the two hemispheres is the same as at the Vernal, and at the Winter Solstice, on the twenty-second of December, it is the reverse of that at the Summer Solstice.
The change of seasons is caused by the revolution of the earth around the sun, and the inclinations of the planes of the equator and ecliptic. These causes also account for the difference in the length of the days and nights and the difference in the height of the midday sun. The exact duration of the seasons we get by observing the dates of equinoxes and solstices.
The revolution of the earth gives us the length of the year; its rotation on its axis, the length of the day and night, by causing the risings and settings and daily apparent motion of the sun and stars.
The inequality in the length of the days in different parts of the year, occasioned by the inclination of the Earth’s axis, is of itself sufficient to produce a marked variation in temperature.
During the day the Earth receives from the Sun more heat than it radiates into space; while during the night it radiates more than it receives. Hence a succession of long days and short nights results in an accumulation of heat, raising the average temperature and producing summer; while long nights and short days result in a temperature below the average, producing winter.
Again, the heating power of the Sun in each hemisphere is greatest at the period of the longest days, because of its greater altitude in the heavens; and least at the period of shortest days. Thus long days and a high sun operate together to produce the high temperature of summer; while long nights and a low sun cause the low temperature of winter.
The following table gives the length of the longest day, excluding the time of twilight, and of the shortest night, in the different latitudes, with the difference of duration in hours and minutes, thus exhibiting more clearly the above law.
LATITUDE | Longest Day | Shortest Night | Difference | ||||||
Equator | 12 | .0 | hours | 12 | .0 | hours | 00 | .0 | hours |
10° | 12 | .7 | „ | 11 | .3 | „ | 1 | .4 | „ |
20° | 13 | .3 | „ | 10 | .7 | „ | 2 | .6 | „ |
Tropics | 13 | .5 | „ | 10 | .5 | „ | 3 | .0 | „ |
30° | 14 | .0 | „ | 10 | .0 | „ | 4 | .0 | „ |
35° | 14 | .5 | „ | 9 | .5 | „ | 5 | .0 | „ |
40° | 15 | .0 | „ | 9 | .0 | „ | 6 | .0 | „ |
45° | 15 | .6 | „ | 8 | .4 | „ | 7 | .2 | „ |
50° | 16 | .3 | „ | 7 | .7 | „ | 8 | .6 | „ |
55° | 17 | .3 | „ | 6 | .7 | „ | 10 | .6 | „ |
60° | 18 | .7 | „ | 5 | .3 | „ | 13 | .4 | „ |
Polar Circles | 24 | .0 | „ | 0 | .0 | „ | 24 | .0 | „ |
671/2° | 1 | month | 0 | .0 | „ | ... | |||
691/2° | 2 | months | 0 | .0 | „ | ... | |||
73.3° | 3 | „ | 0 | .0 | „ | ... | |||
78.3° | 4 | „ | 0 | .0 | „ | ... | |||
84° | 5 | „ | 0 | .0 | „ | ... | |||
North Pole | 6 | „ | 0 | .0 | „ | ... |
The inequality of day and night increases slowly in the tropical regions, but more and more rapidly towards the polar circles. Beyond these circles the Sun, in the hemisphere in which it is vertical, makes the entire circuit of the heavens, without sinking below the horizon, for a period varying from twenty-four hours to six months; while in the opposite hemisphere there is a corresponding period of continuous night.
In the tropical regions, where the days and nights vary little in length, the temperature is nearly uniform throughout the year; while the increasing inequality of day and night towards the Poles, causes an increasing difference between the summer and the winter temperature.
Again, the length of the day, in the summer of high latitudes, compensates for the diminished intensity of the Sun’s influence; so that the temperature, in the hottest part of the day, may equal, or even exceed, that within the tropics. A summer day in Labrador or Petrograd may be as warm as one under the Equator; but in the former latitudes there are only a few days of extreme heat in the year, while with increasing nearness to the Equator the number of warm days constantly increases.
The high latitudes have short, hot summers, and long, severe winters. The transition seasons, spring and autumn, on account of the very rapid change in the length of the days, are short and scarcely perceptible.
In the middle latitudes the summer and winter are more nearly equal in length, with less difference in the extreme temperatures; and the transition seasons are distinctly marked. Farther towards the Equator the summer increases in length, and the winter diminishes, while the tropical latitudes have constant summer.
The winds appear to be caused by partial changes in the density of the atmosphere in a great measure arising from a diverse distribution of heat. When air is warmed it becomes less dense, or, in other words, it occupies a greater space. If an adjacent stratum of air be cooler, it will on coming in
The most remarkable of the regular winds are the trade-winds. The atmosphere at the surface between the tropics is much warmer than in the higher latitudes; and since air expands when heated, the light warm air of intertropical regions perpetually rises, and its place is as perpetually supplied by the colder air from the north and the south. If it were not for the Earth’s rotation, these would be merely north and south winds; but like the equinoctial water-currents, these cool currents of air coming from regions which have not an equal velocity of rotation with the air at the equator, pause and hang back, and thus these aerial currents acquire a westerly direction, forming north-easterly constant winds in the northern hemisphere, and south-easterly in the southern hemisphere.
The monsoons or periodical winds of the Indian Ocean owe their origin to the same cause which gives rise to the trade-winds, though they acquire a different character in consequence of the proximity of the land. In the southern portions of the ocean which are remote from this cause of disturbance, the trade-wind blows with its wonted regularity; but in the seas occupying the region between the eastern coast of Africa on the one side, and the Malay peninsula and the island of Sumatra on the other, the course of the trade-wind is reversed for half the year. This change occurs from April to October; the sun at that period being vertical north of the equator, and the land in the adjacent regions acquiring in consequence a high temperature, and the air over the sea being cooler than that over the land, a south-west wind prevails. This wind, called the “south-west monsoon,” commences at about three degrees south of the equator, and passing over the ocean arrives charged with moisture, and accordingly usually deposits copious supplies of rain in India and some of the adjoining territories. In the remaining half of the year, or from October to April, the wind assumes the ordinary north-easterly direction of the trade-wind.
Sea-breezes, which occur in regions bordering on the ocean in hot climates, are produced by causes similar to those which give rise to the south-west monsoon, but on a more limited scale of action, and changing their direction daily.
Hurricanes are storms of wind which sweep or whirl round a regular course, and are at the same time carried onward along the surface of the Earth. In the northern hemisphere the whirling motion follows the course of east, north, west, and south to east again, and in the southern hemisphere it takes the opposite course. In the Atlantic Ocean, the principal region of hurricanes lies to the eastward of the West India Islands. They are also frequent in the Indian Ocean, at no great distance from the island of Madagascar. The “typhoons” of the China seas, and the “ox-eye” of the Cape of Good Hope, are also revolving storms.
The tornadoes of the western coast of Africa, the pamperos of South America, and the northers of North America appear to be of a different character, and not to possess a revolving motion. The sirocco of Italy and Sicily, and the solano of Spain, as also the simoon of Arabia, and the harmattan of western Africa, are all winds which owe their origin to the heated surfaces of Africa and Arabia. The principal difference between these winds appears to be, that the sirocco and the solano acquire some moisture in their passage across the Mediterranean, and therefore do not possess that extreme degree of aridity which forms the distinguishing character of the simoon and the harmattan.
Clouds are continually varying in their form and appearance, but may be classed under the four principal heads of the cirrus, the cumulus, the stratus, and the nimbus.
The cirrus is a light, fleecy cloud resembling a lock of hair or a feather.
The cumulus or summer cloud is generally massive and of a round form; sometimes of small size, and sometimes covering nearly the whole sky, and occasionally appearing in the horizon like mountains capped with snow.
The stratus is a horizontal, misty cloud sometimes observed on fine summer evenings comparatively near the ground, and often crossing the middle regions of mountainous or hilly districts.
The nimbus or rain cloud has a uniform gray tint; it is fringed at the edges when these are displayed, but usually covers the whole sky. The region of clouds is a zone extending in the atmosphere from about one to four miles above the Earth. The most elevated clouds, which are light and fleecy, are those comprehended under the name of cirrus, and the lowest are those which are called stratus.
The cirro-cumulus, cirro-stratus, and cumulo-stratus are only modifications and combinations of the above-named principal classes.
Warm air is capable of holding suspended a larger quantity of moisture than cold air, and therefore the amount of vapor present in the atmosphere is subject to great variations.
These facts also account for the formation of dew, which is caused by the reduction of the temperature and the deposition of the moisture which the warmer atmosphere of the day had held in suspension. Dews will hence be usually most abundant when cool nights succeed warm days, and on a clear night than when the skies are obscured by clouds, because a cloudless sky is usually much colder than a beclouded one. It is also essential for the copious formation of dew, that the ground or other substance on which it is deposited should be much cooler than the superincumbent air; for if the ground be warm it will impart its temperature to the air near its surface and dew will not be formed.
When the ground or water is warmer than the air, mists and fogs are frequently formed; and since water and marshy surfaces cool less rapidly than dry land, mists and fogs are of more common occurrence in low, damp situations than in dry, elevated districts. They are formed by the condensation of the vapor, or, in other terms, its transformation into the minute globules of water, which instead of descending to the earth in the form of dew, remain suspended above the land or the water.
Clouds are formed by the condensation of vapor at considerable but various elevations in the atmosphere. Vapor is always invisible, clouds, therefore, are not vapor but water, and consist of a fine watery powder, the size of each particle being exceedingly minute; and consequently they are so light that clouds formed of an accumulation of such particles are readily borne forward by the winds. Clouds are sometimes suddenly formed and as suddenly disappear, probably owing to sudden and partial changes of temperature. When a considerable difference of temperature prevails in the aerial currents which may come in contact with the local atmosphere, a further condensation takes place, and the particles of this fine watery powder unite into drops, and, becoming heavier, fall to the earth in the form of rain, hail or snow.
Vapor condensed in air having a temperature below thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit freezes, or passes to a crystalline form, producing snow. Snowflakes occur in a great variety of forms, which usually present the outline of either a regular hexagon or a six-pointed star.
Their size depends upon the temperature and the relative humidity of the air through which they fall, for, like raindrops, they increase by successive additions from the vapors with which they come in contact in descending. Thus in mild weather they are much larger than in very cold weather.
1. Cirrus (sir´rus).—Small curl-like clouds, usually high in the heavens. 2. Cirro-stratus (sir-ro-stra´tus).—Intermediate between the cirrus and stratus. 3. Cirro-cumulus (sir-ro-ku´mu-lus).—Resembling the scales of mackerel. 4. Alto-cumulus (al´to-ku´mu-lus).—High cumulus clouds. 5. Alto-stratus (alto-stra´tus).—High stratus clouds. 6. Strato-cumulus (stra´to-ku´mu-lus).—Forms of cumulus and stratus combined. 7. Nimbus (nim´bus).—A rain cloud. 8. Cumulus (ku´mu-lus).—A conical heap of clouds. 9. Cumulo-stratus (ku´mu-lo-stra´tus).—Intermediate between the cumulus and the stratus. 10. Stratus (stra´tus).—Arranged in a horizontal band or layer. 11. Fracto-stratus (frak´to-stra´tus).—Broken forms of stratus. 12. Fracto-cumulus (frak´to-ku´mu-lus).—Broken forms of cumulus.
1-3. Six-rayed stars. 4-13, 18-25. Combinations of six-rayed stars with decorated flat surfaces. 14, 16, 17. Combinations of stars and columns. 15. A true pyramid.
When the lower air is warm enough partially to melt the crystals, they form minute balls. When raindrops, formed in the upper air, fall through a cold current, they are often frozen, producing sleet instead of snow.
Though the winter snows upon the plains, and the slopes of mountains of medium height, disappear during the warm season; yet, in all latitudes, the tops of high mountains are covered with a layer of permanent snow, which the summer heat of these great altitudes is not sufficient to melt.
The lower limit of perpetual snow, called the snow line, is found, within the tropics, about three miles above the level of the sea. In temperate latitudes it occurs at the height of a little less than two miles; and at the northern limit of the continents, it is about half a mile above the level of the sea, or, perhaps, even less than this.
On the Arctic Islands, vast fields of snow remain permanently, at a few hundred feet above the sea level.
The winter snows, falling into the icy waters of the polar oceans, are but partially dissolved; and, remaining upon
The following table gives the observed height of the snow line in the different latitudes:—
Lat. N. | New World | Feet |
75° | North Greenland | 2,300 |
54° | Unalaska | 3,500 |
48° | Mt. Baker, Oregon, about | 8,000 |
43° | Rocky Mountains | 12,500 |
39° | Rocky Mountains | 14,500 |
38° | Sierra Nevada | 11,000 |
19° | Popocatepetl, Mexico | 14,900 |
5° | Tolima, Columbia | 15,300 |
Lat. S. 1° | Andes of Ecuador | 15,800 |
17° | Andes of Bolivia, west side | 18,500 |
17° | Andes of Bolivia, east side | 15,700 |
33° | Andes of central Chili | 14,700 |
42° | Andes of Patagonia | 6,000 |
54° | Andes of Straits of Magellan | 3,700 |
75° | Bear Island | 600 |
71° | Mageroe, Cape North | 2,300 |
67° | Sulitelma, Lapland | 3,800 |
61° | Scandinavian Alps | 5,300 |
50° | Altai Mountains | 7,000 |
46° | Alps, north side | 8,800 |
46° | Alps, south side | 9,200 |
43° | Caucasus | 11,000 |
35° | Hindu Kush | 13,000 |
31° | Himalaya, south side | 16,200 |
31° | Himalaya, north side | 17,400 |
12° | Abyssinian Mountains | 14,000 |
Lat. S. 3° | Kilimanjaro | 16,000 |
44° | New Zealand Alps | 7,500 |
Glaciers (from the French glace, ice) are vast streams of ice which descend from the lower edge of the perpetual snows, like long icicles from a snow-covered roof. They follow the windings of the Alpine valleys, and terminate abruptly in a massive wall of ice, from beneath which the waters of the melting glacier escape, through a large icy vault.
The mountain systems in the middle latitudes, with abundant snows and alternate warm and cold seasons, are most favorable to the formation of glaciers. The best known, and probably the most remarkable glaciers are those of the high Alps, in the heart of which are Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, and the Bernese Alps. Late explorers have found large glaciers in the Caucasus and in the Himalayas, the last being of the grandest proportions. In the Scandinavia are many which descend, in the deep western fiords, nearly to the sea level.
In the New World glaciers are less frequent. On Mount Shasta and Mount Rainier fine examples are in evidence.
By far the most extensive glaciers however, are found on the snow-covered islands of the polar oceans.
Vast masses of ice, broken from the ends of these glaciers, form the enormous icebergs (mountains of ice) which are so numerous in the polar seas, and are transported by the currents even to middle latitudes.
The term climate is used to express the combination of temperature and moisture which prevails at any particular place, or, in more familiar terms, the prevailing weather.
The most prominent causes of diversity of climate are the heat of the sun, the respective position of land and water, and the elevation of land above the level of the sea. To these may be added, as producing considerable though less marked effects, the nature of the soil, the prevailing winds, the position of mountain ranges, and the currents of the ocean.
The sun is the grand agent in diffusing heat over the earth’s surface. While the sun is above the horizon of any place, that place is receiving heat; and when the sun is below the horizon, it is parting with it by the process called “radiation.” Whenever therefore the sun remains more than twelve hours out of the twenty-four above the horizon of any place, and consequently less than twelve hours below, the general temperature of that place will be above average; and when the reverse occurs, it will be below average. If the temperature depended solely on the heat of the sun, then indeed a tolerably accurate view of the respective climates of the zones of the globe might easily be assumed; but it is so greatly modified by other circumstances, that considerable differences prevail in countries situated in the same parallels of latitude.
The relative position of the land and water is an essential cause of this diversity. The waters of the ocean are of very equal temperature, and have a tendency to moderate both heat and cold, wherever their influence extends. Thus when a cold wind passes over the sea, it becomes warmed, while a hot wind becomes cooled; and thus islands generally experience milder winters and more temperate summers than continents. Such countries are said to possess an insular climate. But when any region experiences great severity of cold in winter and a high degree of heat in summer, it is said to possess an extreme or excessive climate. The most striking instances of an extreme climate are drawn from places like Yakutsk, situated in the depths of Siberia, where the difference between the average temperature of winter and summer amounts to the astonishing sum of 101 degrees Fahrenheit.
The sun is the great life-giver of our earth. Its waves of light and heat and electricity come to the earth through a measureless ocean of ether and make it a living rather than a dead world. The above illustration shows how these waves are constantly bombarding the earth, and not only giving it life but contributing to it the glory of the seasons, the wonders of color, and the brilliant effects of light which we see in the skies and call Auroras, or Northern and Southern Lights.
Large illustration (347 kB)
A gradual decrease in temperature takes place in the ascent from the sea to the line of perpetual snow. This line, which is called the snow-line, varies in different latitudes, and sometimes, owing to local causes, differs on the same latitude; as a general rule, however, a gradual decrease in elevation of the snow-line takes place as we recede from the equator north and south. The height of this line within the tropics varies from 16,000 to 17,000 feet above the level of the sea, and in the northern hemisphere meets the level at about the eightieth parallel.
Countries where the prevailing winds sweep across a wide expanse of ocean are not subject to extremes of heat and cold. Thus the climate of oceanic islands is always moderate, and the climates of all coasts are more equable than in the interior of continents.
Climate is also modified greatly by the position of mountain ranges, especially when ridges extend east and west, screening it from the north or leaving it exposed unsheltered in that direction.
Thus the Carpathians screen Hungary from the cold blasts of the north; while Poland, to the north of that range, and therefore unprotected from those piercing winds, suffers from a very cold and humid atmosphere.
The currents of the ocean are likewise potent agents in the formation of climates, and render places which would otherwise be uninhabitable, fit for man’s habitation. Thus the Polar currents coming to the equatorial regions cool, and the Gulf Stream making its way to Polar regions warms, otherwise extreme temperatures.
In some parts of the Earth extensive tracts exist where rain is never known to fall, and if at all only at intervals, and then in small quantities. The rainless districts of the New World include the flat territories of northern Chili and Peru, some parts of Mexico, and some parts of California. In the Old World an extensive rainless band extends from the western shores of Africa to the central regions of Asia, including the Great Sahara Desert, Egypt, part of Arabia, and the Desert of Gobi. Countries so circumstanced, unless like Egypt rendered fertile by the irrigation of a great river, constitute the most arid and desolate regions of the earth.
The quantity of rain which falls in any region depends greatly on local causes, such as the variations of the surface, the prevailing winds or the proximity of the ocean. Rain is usually more copiously deposited in mountains and well-wooded islands than in any other description of surface.
In tropical regions the rains follow the sun, i. e., when the sun is north of the equator, the rains prevail in the northern tropic, and when south of that line in the southern tropic. This forms the rainy and dry seasons to which countries so situated are subject. This does not, however, apply to the whole intertropical regions, for in a zone extending from the fifth to the tenth parallels on each side of the equator there are two rainy and two dry seasons.
In the narrow belt called the variables, between the regions of the north and south trade-winds, rain is almost incessant, accompanied by thunder and lightning. In many parts of the intertropical regions during the rainy season the rain pours down in such torrents that a larger quantity falls in a few hours than in a whole month in temperate North America.
The dreaded Simoon of the desert is a whirlwind of terrific force that raises great gyrating clouds of sand, and sweeps forward with suffocating effect upon both man and beasts. It frequently darkens the sky at midday, and sometimes lightning accompanies it caused by the friction of the sand and air, though no rain falls. The Simoon seldom lasts more than twenty minutes.
Electricity produces an infinity of changes in the natural world. It may be artificially elicited or called forth by friction; or by contact of certain substances and the action attendant on this contact. In the one case it is termed ordinary, and in the other case voltaic or galvanic electricity.
All substances are supposed to contain a certain portion of electricity, and if by friction or other means any substance acquires more electrical action than it would naturally possess, it is said to be positively electrified; and if less, it is said to be negatively electrified. Substances when positively electrified attract or draw toward them other substances which are in a state of negative electricity, or even those which are in a natural state, but will repel or force from them substances which are positively electrified. The sudden contact of bodies in an opposite state of electricity is attended with vivid light called the “electric spark,” and accompanied by explosion and shock.
The earth is always in a state of positive electricity, and the air when pure in a state of negative electricity. Atmospheric air, however, is subject to incessant variations, and hence its “electrical equilibrium” or natural electrical state is subject to be disturbed. This equilibrium will be restored when an explosion has taken place, and thus it is that in peculiar states of the atmosphere thunder storms act a beneficial part in restoring the air to a normal condition. The intensity of electrical action is greater during the day than at night and also in summer than in winter; and diminishes from the equator to the poles.
Electricity is perpetually effecting great changes in the earth’s crust, and in very many instances acts on the principal of voltaic electricity, the action in such cases being produced by long-continued currents.
Lightning is the dazzling light produced by an electrical discharge passing between clouds which are oppositely electrified, or between the clouds and the earth. Lightning flashes have been distinguished as zigzag or chain lightning, sheet and globular lightning.
The first has the aspect of a sharply defined chain of fire, and moves at the rate of 250,000 miles per second. Its zigzag course is attributed to the resistance of the air, condensed in the passage of the electrical discharge, which is sufficient to turn it aside frequently in the direction of less resistance.
Sheet lightning includes the expanded flashes which occur during a storm, and the heat lightning, seen on summer evenings, when no clouds are visible, which is supposed to be the reflection of a storm taking place below the horizon.
Globular lightning is seen on rare occasions, when the electrical discharge takes the form of a ball of fire, and descending with less rapidity, is visible for several seconds. In certain conditions of the atmosphere, globes or spires of electrical light, called St. Elmo’s fire, are seen tipping the extremities of bodies in contact with the earth, like church spires, or masts of ships.
All the conditions which give rise to electrical excitement in the atmosphere are much more intense in warm than in cold latitudes; hence the thunder storms of the tropical regions greatly exceed, both in frequency and in violence, those of temperate and cold climates.
This phenomenon is frequently observed in the northern heavens. It occurs in many forms, but the most common is that of a luminous arch whose summit is in the magnetic meridian of the place of observation, and from which vivid flashes of light dart towards the zenith. A like phenomenon in the southern heavens is denominated the Aurora Australis. Auroras are most frequent and brilliant in the polar regions, and diminish in intensity towards the equator.
Rainbows are arches of prismatic colors, formed by the reflection of rays of light from within drops of water. The rays, which are refracted in entering the drops, are reflected from their posterior surfaces, and again refracted as they re-enter the air, the colors being separated by their unequal refrangibility.
Halos and coronas are circles of prismatic colors which, in certain states of the atmosphere, surround the Sun and the Moon.
Halos are supposed to be occasioned by the presence, in the atmosphere, of small ice crystals which act as minute prisms, decomposing and refracting the light which passes through them.
Coronas are seen when a light mist is floating in the air, and are supposed to be formed by reflection from the external surface of the globules of vapor.
The azure tint of the cloudless sky is due to the decomposition and refraction of light, as it passes through layers of air successively increasing in density. The blue and violet, being more refrangible than other colors of the solar spectrum, are diffused through the atmosphere; and being reflected from its particles, they impart to it their own color.
The clouds, floating in the atmosphere, absorb the more refrangible rays, and reflect the less. At sunrise and sunset, when the light traverses the greatest depth of atmosphere, all the colors are absorbed except the red and the yellow; and these, being deflected from the particles of vapor, produce the brilliant coloring of sunrise and sunset.
The mirage is an optical phenomenon in which images of distant objects are seen, reflected beneath, or suspended in the heavens above. Occasionally, also, objects are seen double, being repeated laterally instead of vertically.
The mirage is caused by the refraction and reflection of light as it passes from denser to rarer strata of air. It is most frequent in arid plains, where the soil, exposed to the burning rays of the sun, becomes intensely heated, and, in consequence, the strata of air near the ground are less dense than those above.
In this case rays of light passing from any distant object, as a tree, to the ground, are refracted more and more towards the horizontal, until finally they are reflected from a horizontal layer of the heated air, and reach the eye from beneath. Then an image of the object is seen as if mirrored in the tranquil waters of a lake.
Minerals can be identified and distinguished by various physical properties and by ascertaining their chemical composition. The chief distinguishing physical properties are crystalline form, cleavage, hardness, and specific gravity.
Each mineral or special class of minerals has its own definite geometrical shape or crystalline form. The crystals of each mineral have also a tendency to break or cleave most readily in a particular direction. The term hardness, as applied to minerals and other solid bodies, is used to indicate resistance to being scratched or the power to scratch. The harder of two bodies is the one which will scratch the other, and which resists being scratched by that other.
There are three general classes of crystals—calcareous, silicious and gypsum—but by far the most important are the silicious crystals because of their great hardness. These include quartz or rock crystal—which is quite common—and the so-called precious stones, among which are the diamond, rubies, sapphires, etc., a description of which will be found in the Dictionary of Minerals.
To find the relative hardness of substances, a scale has been arranged, beginning with the softest mineral (talc) and ending with the hardest (diamond). The minerals of the scale, therefore, are so arranged that each will scratch any other mineral of lower number in the scale, or be scratched by any of higher number.
Scale of Hardness
Mineral | Chemical Name | |||||||
1. | Talc. | - | Can be scratched by the finger-nail | - | 1. | Magnesium silicate. | ||
2. | Gypsum (or rocksalt). | 2. | Calcium sulphate or Sodium chloride. | |||||
3. | Calc-spar. | - | Can be scratched by knife or file | - | 3. | Calcium carbonate. | ||
4. | Fluor-spar. | 4. | Calcium fluoride. | |||||
5. | Apatite. | 5. | Calcium phosphate. | |||||
6. | Felspar. | 6. | Potassium and aluminum silicates. | |||||
7. | Quartz (rock-crystal). | - | Cannot be scratched by knife or file | - | 7. | Silica. | ||
8. | Topaz. | 8. | Aluminum fluosilicate. | |||||
9. | Corundum (sapphire, ruby). | 9. | These gems are crystallized alumina. | |||||
10. | Diamond. | 10. | Crystallized carbon. |
As a first inquiry into the chemical composition of a mineral, dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid is tried. All carbonates effervesce when placed in acid or when acid is dropped upon them, while quartz and all the silicates show no effervescense when so treated.
The table on pages 104-7 contains a brief description of the distinctive physical features of a number of the very common or important minerals.
Aluminum, a metal which does not occur in nature in the free state, but for the most part in combination with silica, as a silicate of aluminum, in clay and many minerals. As extracted from clay by a series of very difficult chemical operations, it forms a white metal, very ductile and malleable, and susceptible of a high polish. On account of its lightness, aluminum is highly valued; it forms excellent alloys.
Bauxite (aluminum hydrate) is the only ore. It is mined in France, Ireland, Austria, Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia, and is refined by electric processes. It is used largely as an addition to iron and steel, preventing bubbles and waste in castings; in electrical work, and for purposes where a light, strong metal is necessary, as in certain machinery, hulls for small boats, etc. Refineries are located in Switzerland, France, Great Britain and United States.
Cryolite (fluoride of aluminum and sodium), a mineral mined only in Greenland, was formerly used as an ore but is now utilized in the manufacture of alum and soda.
Alum (a sulphate) is made from cryolite or clays.
Corundum (aluminum oxide) is, next to the diamond, the hardest natural mineral. Canada, North Carolina, Alabama and India have mines of corundum. Emery is produced chiefly in Greece and Asia Minor. Corundum and emery are powdered for use as abrasives in wheels, sharpening stones, polishing powder and cloth.
Emery is an impure form of corundum.
Feldspar is a silicate of aluminum with other metals. It is mined in Canada, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New York, Maine and Norway, and ground up for use in pottery making.
Clay is chiefly silicate of aluminum and other metals. Kaolin is its purest form. The properties of clay vary with its composition, as china clay, fire clay, pipe clay, brick clay. Clays are found in all parts of the world as a result of the decomposition of other rocks.
The location of manufacturing centers of pottery of all kinds and of bricks, is dependent on clay deposits. In pottery making, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania lead the United States. Abroad, fine china is made in France, Germany, Austria, England, Japan, and China.
Name of Mineral | Common Name | Composition | Hardness | Lustre | Color | Streak | Cleavage or Fracture | Crystallization and Occurrence | Tenacity etc. | Diaphaneity | Varieties | Remarks |
Amphibole. (am´fi-bol) | ... | Silicate of magnesium, calcium, aluminum, iron, etc. | 5-6 | Glassy to dull. | Black or light to dark green. | White. | Perfect in two directions at angle of 124°. | Prismatic crystals with hexagonal cross-section, common; also cleavable masses. | Brittle to tough. | Opaque to transparent. | Actinolite (green, transparent). Asbestos (fibrous, dull). Hornblende (black). | Common constituent of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Valueless. |
Arsenopyrite. (Är´sen-o-py?r´it) | Mispickel. | Sulphide and arsenide of iron. | 6 | Metallic. | Silver, yellowish, or light grayish white. | Black. | Good in two directions at an angle of 112°. Not evident on fine grained material. | Crystals resemble a double-edged axe. Occurs also coarse to fine granular. | Brittle. | Opaque. | ... | Principal ore of arsenic and sometimes carries gold. Gives sparks and garlic odor when struck with a hammer. Yellow tarnish. |
Barite. (ba´rit) | Barytes. Heavy spur. | Sulphate of barium. | 3 | Glassy to stony. | White, yellow, blue or brown. | White. | Perfect in one direction; two other good cleavages at right angles to the first and at 101° with each other. | Diamond shaped or rectangular tabular, or prismatic crystals and platy masses. | Brittle. | Transparent to translucent. | ... | Used to adulterate white lead and give weight to paper. Often associated with lead ores. Very heavy. |
Biotite. (bi´o-tit) | Black Mica. | Hydrous silicate of aluminum, potassium, magnesium and iron. | 21/2-3 | Glassy to almost metallic. | Black or dark brown. | White. | Very perfect in one direction, yielding thin sheets. | Six-sided tabular crystals, and as scales, plates, or scaly masses. | Flexible and elastic. | Opaque to transparent. | ... | Common constituent of igneous rocks. May be brittle when altered. Valueless. |
Calcite. (kal´sit) | Lime. Calespar. | Carbonate of Calcium. | 3 | Glassy to earthy. | Colorless or white when pure, all colors when impure. | White. | Perfect in three directions at angles of about 105° or 75°. | Prismatic or tabular six-sided crystals; also granular, cleavable, or earthy masses. | Brittle. | Transparent to opaque. | Marble (granular). Limestone (dull, compact). Chalk (soft, white, earthy). Mexican Onyx (compact, banded). | Effervesces vigorously in hydrochloric acid of any strength and temperature. Used as flux, building or ornamental stone, to make lime, etc. |
Chalcocite. (kal´ko-sit) | Copper Glance. | Sulphide of copper. | 3 | Metallic; dull when impure or tarnished. | Dark gray. Tarnishes black or green. | Lead-gray. | No cleavage, smooth conchoidal fracture. | Usually very compact masses; six-sided, tabular crystals rare. | Slightly sectile. | Opaque. | ... | An important ore of copper. Cuts easily, yielding a highly polished surface. |
Chalcopyrite. (kal´ko-pir´it) | Copper Pyrites. Fools gold. | Sulphide of copper and iron. | 4 | Metallic. | Bright brass-yellow. Often tarnished iridescent. | Greenish black. | No cleavage. Uneven fracture. | Occurs massive or in scattered particles. Crystals usually have four triangular faces. | Brittle. | Opaque. | ... | One of the most important ores of copper and often carries silver and gold. Is often mistaken for the latter. |
Copper. | ... | Native metallic copper. | 21/2-3 | Metallic. | Copper-red. Tarnishes green to black. | Copper-red. | No cleavage. Hackly fracture. | Masses, plates, scales, branching aggregates and octahedral crystals, usually distorted. | Malleable sectile. | Opaque. | ... | The value and uses of copper are well known. Often carries some silver. |
Corundum. (ko-run´dum) | ... | Oxide of aluminum. | 9 | Glassy. | All colors; usually gray or brown when massive. | White. | Often parts readily into almost rectangular pieces whose faces are cross-hatched. | Prismatic or tabular six-sided crystals; also granular and pseudo-cleavable masses. | Brittle to tough. | Translucent to transparent. | Ruby (red). Sapphire (blue, etc.). Adamantine. Spar (massive). Emery (granular, impure). | A very valuable gem mineral and a fine abrasive. See plate I, figures 10, 11 and 13. |
Epidote. (ep´i-dot) | ... | Basic silicate of calcium, aluminum and iron. | 6-7 | Glassy to dull. | Dark green or greenish brown (crystals) to light yellowish green. | White. | Perfect in one direction. | Slender, deeply grooved prismatic crystals and cleavable to fine granular masses. | Brittle. | Transparent to opaque. | ... | Common constituent of metamorphic rocks. Rarely cut as a gem. |
Fluorite. (floo´or-it) | Fluor Spar. Fluorine. | Calcium fluoride. | 4 | Glassy. | All colors; green, violet, purple, colorless and white, the commoner. | White. | Cleaves easily into octahedrons, i. e., in four directions, at angles of 109° or 71°. | In groups of crystals, usually cubical; also in cleavable masses. Sometimes granular. | Brittle. | Transparent to translucent. | Rock fluorite (finely granular and usually very impure and hard). | Used as a flux in smelting ores, and in several arts and trades. |
Galenite. (g?-le´nit) | Galena. Lead. | Sulphide of lead. | 3 | Metallic. | Bluish lead, gray. Tarnishes black. | Lead-gray. | Perfect cubical, i. e., in three directions at angle of 90°. | Cubical crystals, often with triangular faces on the corners; also, cleavable to granular masses. | Very Brittle. | Opaque. | Steel galena (very fine grained masses). Often rich in silver. | Most important lead and silver ore. Often contains the latter metal with sometimes gold and other elements. |
Garnet. | ... | Silicate of various elements: calcium, aluminum and iron are commonest. | 61/2-71/2 | Glassy to resinous. | Commonly some shade of red; also brown, yellow, white, black, green. | White. | No cleavage. Uneven fracture. | Complex, rounded crystals, glassy masses and granular. | Brittle. | Transparent to opaque. | ... | An important abrasive and a beautiful gem. Found in metamorphic rocks. See plate I, figures 8 and 15. |
Gold. | ... | Native metallic gold with a little silver, copper, etc. | 21/2-3 | Metallic. | Golden yellow to nearly silver-white. | Yellow to nearly white. | No cleavage. Hackly fracture. | Nuggets, plates, scales, wires; branching aggregates and distorted crystals, usually octahedral. | Malleable sectile. | Opaque. | Based upon and named after any impurities that may be present. | The value and uses of gold are well known. |
Graphite. (graph´it) | Black Lead. Plumbago. | Carbon. | 1-2 | Metallic to dull. | Dark gray to black. | Dark gray. | Perfect in one direction. Cleavage faces are apt to be curved. Not shown if finely granular. | Imbedded scales and foliated, granular or compact masses. Rarely in six-sided, tabular crystals. | Sectile Flexible. | Opaque. | ... | Used in the manufacture of lubricants, infusible crucibles, and “lead” pencils. |
Gypsum. (jip´sum) | ... | Hydrous sulphate of calcium. | 11/2-2 | Pearly, silky, vitreous, dull. | White, gray, red, yellow or other tints due to impurities. | White. | Very perfect in one direction; two others show as cracks at angle of 114°, on the perfect cleavage faces. | Diamond shaped crystals, and cleavable, fibrous, granular, foliated or compact masses. | Sectile, Thin flakes, flexible. | Translucent to transparent. | Selenite (cleavable, transparent). Satin spar (white, fibrous, silky). Alabaster, (white, fine grained). | Is carved into vases, statues, etc., and forms plaster of paris when calcined and ground. Is a precipitate rock. |
Halite. (ha´lit) | Rock salt. | Chloride of sodium. | 21/2 | Glassy. | Colorless or white when pure. Yellow, brown, red, etc., when impure. | White. | Perfect cubic i. e., in three directions at angle of 90°. | Cubical or octahedral crystals; also cleavable, granular or compact masses. | Brittle. | Translucent to transparent. | ... | Tastes salty. Enormous quantities are used to season food, in various arts and trades, and as a source of sodium and its salts. A precipitate rock. |
Hematite. (hem´?-tit) | Red oxide of iron. | Oxide of iron. | 51/2-61/2 | Metallic to earthy. | Black when metallic; reddish black when dull, red when earthy. | Red. | No cleavage; may have a parting in one direction producing a platy structure. Uneven fracture. | Complex, tabular or rounded crystals; also platy, oolitic, earthy, micaceous, and kidney shaped masses. | Brittle. | Opaque. | Specular iron (mirror-like plates or crystals). Red Ochre or Ruddle (red, earthy). | The most important ore of iron, and is also used to make cheap paint, polishing powder, etc. |
Limonite. (li´mon-it) | Yellow oxide of iron. | Hydrous oxide of iron. | 5-51/2 | Dull, silky, varnish-like. | Yellow, brown or nearly black. | Yellow or yellowish brown. | No cleavage. Uneven fracture. | Botryoidal or stalactitic forms with a radiating fibrous structure and a varnish-like surface, also earthy masses and concretions. | Brittle. | Opaque. | Bog iron ore (porous, earthy, often encloses vegetation). Yellow ochre or umber (earthy with clay, etc.). | Commonest, but most impure ore of iron, and is also used to make cheap yellow and brown paint. |
Magnetite. (mag´net-it) | Magnetic iron ore. | Oxide of iron. | 51/2-61/2 | Metallic to dull. | Iron-black. | Black. | No cleavage. Sometimes parts in four directions at angles of 109° and 71°. Uneven to subconchoidal fracture. | Octahedral crystals, and coarse to fine granular, laminated, or compact masses. | Brittle. | Opaque. | Lodestone (a natural magnet). | The only black, brittle, magnetic mineral, and a very pure and valuable ore of iron. |
Malachite. (mal´?-kit) | ... | Hydrous carbonate of copper. | 31/2-4 | Silky to dull. | Green, often nearly black on exposed surfaces. | Green. Paler than the color. | No cleavage. Uneven fracture. | Massive, as botryoidal crusts with a radiating structure and silky lustre, and as slender crystals forming velvety surfaces. | Brittle. | Translucent to opaque. | ... | Is an ore of copper and is used as an ornamental stone and in jewelry. Azur-malachite is malachite mixed with blue azurite. See plate I, figure 4. |
Muscovite. (mus´ko_vit) | Mica, isinglass. White Mica. | Hydrous silicate of potassium and aluminum. | 2-21/2 | Glassy. Pearly on cleavage faces. | White or light tints of other colors, particularly gray, brown or green. | White. | Very perfect in one direction, yielding thin sheets. | Six-sided, tabular crystals, and as scales, plates, or scaly masses. | Flexible and elastic. | Transparent to translucent. | ... | Used in stove doors, as insulation in electrical apparatus, and for spangling or frosting paper and fabric. |
Orthoclase. (Ôr´tho_-klas) | Feldspar. Potash. | Silicate of potassium and aluminum. | 6 | Glassy to stony. | Flesh-red, gray, yellow, white or colorless. | White. | In two directions at angle of 90°, one direction slightly less perfect than the other. | Thick-set square or six-sided crystals, or cleavable masses or grains. | Brittle. | Transparent to opaque. | Sanadine (transparent crystals or grains imbedded in igneous rocks). | Associated with quartz and mica in many rocks. Used in making glass and porcelain. Next to quartz in frequency of occurrence. |
Pyrite. (pir´it) | Pyrites. White iron. Fools gold. | Sulphide of iron. | 6-61/2 | Metallic. | Pale to deep brass-yellow. Tarnishes brown or iridescent. | Black. | No cleavage. Conchoidal to uneven fracture. | Cubical, octahedral, or complexly rounded crystals, coarse to fine granular, and massive. | Brittle. | Opaque. | ... | Used in making sulphuric acid and often contains so much gold, silver and copper as to make it an ore of these metals. |
Pyrolusite. (pir´o_-lu´sit) | ... | Oxide of manganese. | 1-21/2 | Metallic to dull. | Black to dark steel-gray. | Sooty black. | May appear to have good cleavage in one direction but usually shows none. | Occurs as radiating prismatic layers, velvety crust and granular to compact masses. Soils the fingers. | Brittle. | Opaque. | ... | Has many uses and is valuable. Usually associated with a very fine grained, hard, black mineral that is often botryoidal. |
Pyroxene. (pir´oks-en) | ... | Silicate of magnesium, calcium, aluminum and iron. | 5-6 | Glassy to dull. | Black or light to dark green. | White to greenish. | Poor in two directions at angle of nearly 90°. May have a fine platy parting. | Prismatic crystals with square or octagonal cross-section; also foliated and massive. | Brittle. | Transparent to opaque. | Diopside (light green, glassy). Diallage (light green, dull, foliated). Auagite (black). | A common constituent of igneous rocks. Diopside is sometimes used as a gem. |
Quartz. (Pheno- crystalline). | ... | Oxide of silicon. | 7 | Glassy. | White or colorless when pure. All colors when impure. | White or light tints. | No cleavage. Single crystal has conchoidal fracture, otherwise the fracture is uneven. | Six-sided prism terminated by a six-sided pyramid; also massive, coarse to fine granular, and as sand. | Brittle. | Transparent. | Rock crystal (colorless, transparent). Amethyst (purple). Rose (pink). False topaz or Citrine (yellow). Smoky quartz or Topaz (brown or gray). Milky (white). Ferruginous (iron stained). | The commonest of all minerals. A constituent of most rock. Great quantities are used as a flux in smelting, as abrasives, and in the manufacture of glass and porcelain. The transparent varieties of pleasing tints are used as gems. Water-clear spheres are very valuable. |
Quartz. (Crypto- crystalline). | ... | ... | ... | Dull to earthy. | ... | ... | No cleavage. Conchoidal fracture. | Very fine grained massive, botryoidal, nodular, or filling or lining cavities in rocks. | Brittle. | Translucent to opaque. | Chalcedony (drab). Carnelian (red, translucent). Jasper (red, brown, yellow, opaque). Heliotrope or Bloodstone (dark green with red spots). Flint (dark gray concretions). Agate (banded or particolored). Onyx (agate with flat layers). Petrified wood (wood replaced by quartz). | ... |
Serpentine. (ser´pen-tin) | ... | Hydrous silicate of magnesium and iron. | 4+ | Wax-like, silky, earthy. | Light to dark green, yellow, brownish red, variegated. | White. | No cleavage. Conchoidal fracture when massive. | Compact, massive or coarse to fine fibrous. The two habits are often in parallel layers. | Tough. Fibres are flexible. | Translucent to opaque. | Precious or noble (massive, translucent). Chrysolite (silky, fibres). V erde antique (massive with calcite). | Chrysolite is the best commercial asbestos. Other varieties are used as ornamental stone and occasionally in jewelry. |
Siderite. (s?d´e?r-?t) | ... | Carbonate of iron. | 31?2-4 | Glassy to earthy. | Light to dark brown or gray. Tarnishes reddish brown or brownish black. | White to yellowish. | Very perfect in three directions at angle of 107° and 73°. Not evident when fine grained. | Cleavable masses, coarse to fine, granular and at warped crystals that resemble distorted cubes. | Brittle. | Translucent to opaque. | Sphaerosidirite or Clay-ironstone (concretions of fine grained siderite mixed with clay). | The most valuable ore of iron, but is rather uncommon. The impure clay-ironstone is fairly common in sediments. |
Sphalerite. (sf?l´e?r-?t) | Blende, Jack Rosin zinc, zinc, etc. | Sulphide of zinc. | 31?2-4 | Resinous to nearly metallic. | Commonly yellow, brown, black or red; sometimes green or white. | White, yellow or brown. | Very perfect in six directions at angles of 60°, 90° and 120°. | Complexly rounded or modified cubical crystals; also cleavable, coarse to fine granular masses, and botryoidal, etc. | Brittle. | Transparent to opaque. | ... | The commonest zinc ore and an impure variety furnishes most of the cadmium of commerce. Associated with galenite and silver minerals. |
Stibnite. (st?b´n?t) | ... | Sulphide of antimony. | 2 | Metallic. | Light gray. Cleavage faces appear silver white when reflecting light. | Lead-gray. | Perfect in one direction, yielding blade-like strips which are bent or hatched perpendicular to their length. | Sharp, vertically grooved, prismatic crystals and in cleavable masses with a bladed structure. | Very brittle. | Opaque. | ... | The chief source of antimony and its salts. Sometimes carries gold and silver. |
Talc. (t?lk) | Talcum. | Hydrous silicate of magnesium. | 1-11?2 | Waxy to dull. Pearly on cleavage faces. | White, light green, gray; other colors when impure. | White to greenish. | Perfect in one direction, yielding thin flexible plates. Not shown on the fine grained soapstone. | Foliated, coarse to fine granular, or compact masses. Feels greasy to soapy. | Tough sectile. | Transparent to translucent. | Steatite or soapstone (granular, impure, hardness up to 21?2). French chalk (white, fine grained soft). | Used in making porcelain, polishing powder, lubricants, gas jets, tinted plasters, paper, soap, leather dressing, talcum powder, slate pencils, and in other ways. |
Tetrahedrite. (tet´ra-he´dr?t) | Gray copper. | Sulph-antimonite of copper. | 3-41?2 | Metallic. | Gray. | Gray, brown, or reddish. | No cleavage. Uneven, granular fracture. | Crystals have four triangular faces. Occurs usually granular massives. | Brittle. | Opaque. | ... | Often contains enough silver to make it a valuable ore of this metal as well as copper. |
Tourmaline. (t??r´m?-l?n) | Schorl. | Silicate of boron and various other bases varying with the variety. | 7-71?2 | Glassy to resinous. | All colors. Interior and exterior or opposite ends of a crystal may differ in color. | White. | No cleavage. Uneven to poor conchoidal fracture. | Vertically lined, prismatic crystals with spherical triangular cross-sections. Also columnar or compact massive. | Very brittle. | Transparent to opaque. | Schorl (black). Rubellite (pink). Indicolite (blue). Achroite (white). | A popular semi-precious gem. When heated (not above 212° F.), will usually pick up bits of paper. Opposite ends of crystals have different forms. |
Zoisite. (zois´?t) | ... | Silica, alumina, lime, peroxide of iron, water. | 6 | Pearly. | White, gray, yellow, brown. | Uncolored. | Parallel cleavage; sometimes fibrous. | Occurs in tri-metric crystals; also massive. | Brittle. | Transparent, translucent. | ... | Often a constituent of metamorphic rocks. |
Antimony and Bismuth. Antimony is produced in Germany, France, Italy, Hungary, United States, Japan and other countries.
Bismuth comes mainly from Bolivia and Australia. Some is produced in Saxony and England.
Stibnite (antimony sulphide) is the chief ore of antimony. Bismuth occurs in small amounts in a pure state and also combined with sulphur.
These metals form many alloys such as type metal, anti-friction metals, white metal, babbitt metal, fusible metals.
Tartar emetic and other antimony compounds are used in medicine and dyeing.
Amber is a fossil resin found chiefly along the shores of the Baltic. It is used in making mouthpieces for pipes, cigar holders, beads and other articles.
Arsenic. Germany, England, Canada, the United States and Spain produce the ores. Chemical laboratories transform them into the useful compounds.
Arsenopyrite (arsenic and iron sulphide), orpiment and realgar (sulphides of arsenic) and the sources of arsenic.
Arsenic (white arsenic, arsenious acid or oxide of arsenic), paris green and other compounds and salts are prepared.
Sheep dip, rat poison, insecticides, embalming fluid, pigments and dyes are prepared with arsenic compounds. Arsenic salts are used in preparing certain coal-tar colors.
Asphaltum (or mineral pitch) is a bituminous mineral substance found more or less pure, in some localities. The pitch lake of Trinidad and the Bermudez lake at the mouth of the Orinoco in Venezuela, are the largest known deposits of moderately pure asphalt. Smaller deposits of high grade occur in Utah, Cuba and the Barbadoes.
Rock asphalt consists of sandstone or limestone impregnated with asphalt. Much asphalt is produced in refining certain grades of petroleum—such as those obtained in California and Texas.
Rock asphalts are mined in France, Switzerland, Sicily, California, Kentucky and Oklahoma.
For paving rock asphalts are much used in Europe. Trinidad and Venezuelan asphalts are exported in large quantities to the United States and Europe. For paving, these lake asphalts are mixed with broken stone, sand and petroleum residuum.
Pure varieties (gilsonite, marjak, glance pitch) are made into black varnish, used for insulating, etc.
Barium is mined in the United States and Germany.
Barytes or barite is a heavy, white mineral (barium sulphate). It is used as a substitute or adulterant for white lead in paints, and in making oxygen.
Bismuth. See antimony.
Building Stones are quarried for local use in all parts of the world.
Granite, syenite, gneiss, basalt and other hard or durable rocks.
Only stone of exceptional beauty is shipped to a great distance. Scotland, Norway, Massachusetts, Maine and other localities produce fine stones.
Calcium has no commercial use in the metallic state. Its compounds, both natural and artificial, are of great economic importance.
Limestone (calcium carbonate) is a very common rock used for building. It may be of almost any color and coarse or fine in texture. It is found and utilized in all parts of the world. In the United States, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, New York and Missouri are the chief producers.
Lime is used in chemical industries and mortar.
Marble is a name applied to limestones suitable for polishing or ornamental work. Mexican onyx is translucent. Fine marbles are quarried in Italy, Egypt, France, Spain and Greece. Vermont, Georgia, Tennessee and New York supply the greater part of the marble used in the United States. Handsome marbles are imported from Carrara, Italy, and other parts of Europe. Mexican onyx is also imported.
Chalk comes mainly from the south of England. We export some Portland cement and import a little from Europe.
Chalk is of peculiar soft texture; whiting is prepared chalk used to make putty and paints; precipitated chalk is similar.
Lime is made by burning (calcining) common limestones. Portland and hydraulic cements are prepared by calcining siliceous limestones or a mixture of limestone and clay. They are of enormous commercial importance, being used in concrete construction work. Europe and the United States produce large quantities. Pennsylvania is the leading state in this industry.
Buildings (both commercial and residences) are now being extensively constructed of cement—in the former case being re-enforced by iron rods.
Chloride of lime (or bleaching powder), acetate of lime, calcium carbide and many other compounds are of industrial value.
Gypsum (hydrous calcium sulphate) is used in fertilizers. Plaster is prepared by calcining (burning) gypsum. Plaster of paris is its purest form. Alabaster is compact white gypsum. It is a common mineral mined in many parts of the world. Michigan, Kansas, New York, Ohio and other states produce it. Fertilizers and plaster use up large quantities of this mineral. Plaster of paris is used for casts, decorative plaster work, cement, etc.
Fluorite (calcium fluoride) is a less common mineral. Mined in England, Kentucky and Illinois. It is used in chemical manufacture and as a flux for ores.
Phosphate rock (chiefly calcium phosphate) is important in the preparation of fertilizers, and chemicals containing phosphorus. It is found in deposits of organic origin in South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, the West Indies, Canada, Spain, France, Germany and England.
The natural phosphates are treated with sulphuric acid as a first step in the manufacture of phosphatic fertilizers. Exported in large amount to Germany, England and other countries.
Carborundum, or carbide of silicon, is harder than any known substance but the diamond.
Cerium. See rare metals.
Chrome is mined in Asia Minor, Greece, Canada, New Caledonia and California. Its salts are prepared in chemical laboratories.
Chromite (oxide of chromium and iron) is the only ore.
Bichromate of potash is the most important compound. It, together with chromic acid, is used in tanning soft leather. A small percentage added to steel makes it very hard and suitable for burglar-proof safes, tools, etc. Salts of chrome are used for dyes and pigments, such as chrome yellow, chrome green, etc.
Coal is one of the most important of all rocks and first among fuels. It consists chiefly of carbon, and is universally regarded as of vegetable origin.
Several theories as to the origin of coal have been put forth from time to time. The one now generally accepted is that the rank and luxuriant vegetation which prevailed during the carboniferous age grew and decayed upon land but slightly raised above the sea; that by slow subsidence this thick layer of vegetable matter sank below the water, and became gradually covered with sand, mud, and other mineral sediment; that then, by some slight upheaval or gradual silting up of the sea bottom, a land surface was once more formed, and covered with a dense mass of plants, which in course of time decayed, sank, and became overlaid with silt and sand as before. At length, thick masses of stratified matter would accumulate, producing great pressure, and this, acting along with chemical changes, would gradually mineralize the vegetable layers into coal.
In passing from wood or peat to coal, the proportion of carbon increases, while that of oxygen and hydrogen decreases, these substances being given off in the form of marsh-gas and carbonic acid gas in the process of decay.
Deposits occur in almost all parts of the world, but many are almost entirely undeveloped; as, for example, the coal fields of China. The largest production is in the United States, Wales, England, Germany, Austria, Russia and Australia. Mines are worked in India, Japan, Mexico, South America, South Africa, China and the Philippines. Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Alabama, Indiana, Iowa and many other states mine coal in great amount. Pennsylvania produces nearly all of the anthracite and a large quantity of bituminous coal.
Bituminous coal, coking coal, non-coking coal, cannel coal, cherry coal, splint coal, gas coal, steam coal, etc., are all varieties of soft coal and contain a considerable percentage of volatile matter.
Bituminous coal is the fuel which runs the factories, railways and steamships of the world. The distillation of coal tar and the utilization of its numerous by-products, is one of the best examples of modern economy which turns waste material into useful products and large profits. Much coke is made without saving the by-products.
By distillation, bituminous coal yields gas, ammonia, coal tar and coke. Coal tar products are numbered by the thousand. Among them are naphtha, benzine, oil of mirbane, perfumes, flavors, drugs, saccharine, aniline and other dyes, phenol, carbolic acid, salicylic acid, naphthaline, photographic developers, creosote, oils, tar and pitch.
Anthracite coal is almost pure carbon.
Cobalt is a metal the ores of which are sparingly distributed. It generally occurs as Speiss-cobalt, cobalt-glance (or cobaltite), wad, cobalt-bloom, linnÆite and skutterudite. Its minerals are found chiefly in the Erzgebirge Mountains, Sweden, Norway, Chile, in silver ores near Coleman township, Ontario, in Oregon (as garnierite), and in New Caledonia. The metal itself is of a gray color with a reddish tinge, brittle, hard, and very magnetic.
Many of its compounds are valued on account of the brilliance and permanence of their colors. The protoxide of cobalt, is employed in the form of smalt in the production of the blue colors in porcelain, pottery, glass, encaustic tiles, fresco-painting, etc., and forms the principal ingredient in Old Sevres Blue, Thenard’s Blue, etc. The chlorid of cobalt, dissolved in much water, may be employed as a sympathetic ink. In dilute solutions, it is of a faint pink color, which is not observable upon paper; but when heated before the fire, it loses water, and becomes blue, and the writing is then capable of being read.
Copper is, next to iron, the most important metal in use. Its greatest production is in the United States, in Arizona, Montana, Michigan, and Utah. Spain, Japan, Chili, Australia and Germany produce smaller amounts. The metal is purified by smelting, and refined, often by electrolytic methods. There are many ores.
Chalcopyrite and bornite (sulphides of copper and iron) are widely distributed.
Chalcocite (copper sulphide) is mined in Montana, malachite and azurite (carbonates of copper) in Arizona and metallic copper in Michigan.
Copper matte is the crude metal as it comes from the smelter.
Brass and bronze are alloys of copper with zinc, tin, aluminum, etc.
Copper sulphate (blue vitriol) is the most important chemical compound of copper.
The value of copper has increased within recent years, due to its enormous use in electrical work. Aside from this, copper is employed in large amount in the various alloys into which it enters, and in coins, utensils, printing plates, etc. Copper sulphate is extensively used in electrical apparatus dyes, chemical work and as an antiseptic. Large amounts of manufactured copper are exported to Europe. Smaller quantities of ores, matte and regulus are imported from Mexico, South America and other countries. Copper wire is extensively used by telephone and telegraph companies.
Diamond. See gems.
Gems, or Precious Stones are those which, because of their beauty, hardness, and rarity, are prized for use in ornamentation, especially
Alexandrite.—A variety of chrysoberyl found in the mica slate of the Ural mountains. It is of a rich garnet color by artificial light, by daylight of a dark moss green. It is the only stone that so changes. The finest specimens of alexandrite are nearly as valuable as diamonds.
Amethyst.—A variety of crystallized quartz of a purple or bluish-violet color, of different shades. It is much used as a jeweler’s stone. The lighter colored ones come from Brazil, the deep purple ones from Siberia. In value they are about the same as the garnet.
Beryl.—A very hard mineral of much beauty when transparent. It occurs in hexagonal prisms, commonly of a green or bluish-green color, but also yellow, pink and white. It is a silicate of aluminum and glucinum. Beryls are very rich in colors.
Bloodstone.—A green siliceous stone sprinkled with red jasper, whence the name.
Cameo.—A figure cut in stone or shell that is composed of different colored layers. The value depends on the artistic merit of the engraved figure.
Carbuncle.—A beautiful gem of a deep red color (with a mixture of scarlet), found in the East Indies. When held up to the sun it loses its deep tinge, and becomes of the color of a burning coal.
Carnelian.—A variety of chalcedony, of a clear, deep red, flesh-red, or reddish-white color. It is moderately hard, capable of a good polish, and often used for seals. It is now used but little.
Cat’s-eye.—A variety of quartz or chalcedony exhibiting opalescent reflections from within, like the eye of a cat. The name is given to other gems affording like effects, especially the chrysoberyl.
Chalcedony.—A translucent variety of quartz, having usually a whitish color, and a luster nearly like wax.
Dendrite.—A stone or mineral in which are branching figures, resembling shrubs or trees, produced by a foreign mineral, usually by an oxide of manganese, and the moss agate.
Diamond.—A precious stone or gem excelling in brilliancy, beauty of prismatic colors, and remarkable for extreme hardness. It is found in many hues—green, rose, straw, yellow, etc.—but the straw-colored ones are the most common. The diamond is a native carbon, occurring in isometric crystals, often octahedrons, with rounded edges. It is the hardest substance known. Diamonds are said to be of the first water when very transparent, and of the second and third water as the transparency decreases.
Diopside.—A crystallized variety of pyroxene (a silicate of lime and magnesia), of a clear, grayish-green color; also called mussite.
Emerald.—A precious stone of a rich green color; it is the most valuable variety of beryl. (See beryl.)
Epidote.—A mineral, commonly of a yellowish-green color, occurring granular, massive, columnar, and in crystals. It is a silicate of alumina, lime, and oxide of iron, or manganese.
Fluorite.—Calcium fluoride, a mineral of many different colors, white, yellow, purple, red, etc., often very beautiful. When crystallized it is commonly in cubes with perfect octahedral cleavage. Some varieties are used for ornamental vessels. Also called fluor spar, or simply fluor. The colored varieties are often called false ruby, false emerald, false topaz, false sapphire, and false amethyst.
Flint.—A massive, somewhat impure variety of quartz, in color usually of a gray to brown or nearly black. (See quartz.)
Garnet.—A mineral having many varieties, differing in color and in their constituents, but with the same general chemical formula. The commonest color is red; the luster is vitreous, or glassy; and the hardness is greater than that of quartz, about half as hard as the diamond. Besides the red varieties there are also white, green, yellow, brown and black ones.
The garnet is a silicate with various bases. The transparent red varieties are used as gems. The garnet was the carbuncle of the ancients. Garnet is a very common mineral in gneiss and mica slate.
The finest specimens of red garnets come from Arizona and a single carat stone is worth about two dollars. A green variety that comes from Russia is worth about half as much as the diamond.
Heliotrope or bloodstone.—A green siliceous stone sprinkled with jasper, as if with blood, whence the name.
Hyacinth.—A red variety of zircon, sometimes used as a gem. It resembles closely a dark Spanish topaz, and is worth a little more than the garnet.
Indicolite.—A variety of tourmaline of an indigo-blue color.
Iolite.—A silicate of alumina, iron, and magnesia, having a bright blue color and a vitreous or glassy luster. It is remarkable for its dichroism, and is also called dichroite.
Jacinth.—Same as hyacinth.
Jade.—A stone commonly of a pale to dark green color, but sometimes whitish. It is hard and very tough, capable of a fine polish, and is used for ornamental purposes and for implements, especially in eastern countries and among many primitive peoples.
Jasper.—An opaque, impure variety of quartz, of red, yellow, and other dull colors, breaking with a smooth surface. (See quartz.)
Labradorite.—A kind of feldspar, commonly showing a beautiful play of bluish-gray colors, and, hence, much used for ornamental purposes. The finest specimens come from Labrador.
Lapis-lazuli or lazuli.—A mineral of a fine azure-blue color, usually occurring in small rounded masses. It is essentially a silicate of alumina, lime, and soda, with some sodium sulphide. It is often marked by yellow spots or veins of sulphide of iron, and is much valued for ornamental work.
Moonstone.—A nearly pellucid variety of feldspar, showing pearly or opaline reflections from within.
The best specimens come from Ceylon. Their value is not much more than the expense of cutting.
Obsidian.—A kind of glass produced by volcanoes. It is usually of a black color and opaque, except in thin splinters.
Onyx.—Chalcedony in parallel layers of different shades of color. It is used for making cameos, the figure being cut in one layer with the next layer as a background (see cameo). It is stained black and used to make mourning jewelry.
Opal.—A mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity. The precious opal shows a peculiar play of colors of delicate tints and it is highly esteemed as a gem. One kind, with a varied play of colors in a reddish ground, is called harlequin opal. The fire opal (which comes from Mexico) has colors like the red and yellow of flame. This is not the cheap variety commonly called Mexican opal.
Pearl.—A shelly concretion, usually rounded, having a brilliant luster, with varying tints, formed in the mantle, or between the mantle and shell, of certain bivalve mollusks (especially in the pearl oysters and river mussels) and sometimes in certain univalves. Its substance is the same as nacre or mother-of-pearl. Pearls which are round, or nearly round, and of fine luster, are highly prized as jewels. They are sold by carat grains instead of carats.
Rhodonite.—Manganese spar, or silicate of manganese, a mineral occurring crystallized and in rose-red masses. It is almost entirely used for ornamental purposes, in slabs, blocks, etc.
Rock crystal or mountain crystal.—Any transparent crystal of quartz, particularly of limpid or colorless quartz. A sphere of rock crystal of absolutely perfect clearness, about five inches in diameter, is worth at least twenty thousand dollars.
Rose quartz.—A variety of quartz which is pinkish red.
Rubellite.—A variety of tourmaline varying in color from a pale rose-red to a deep ruby, and containing lithium. It is a little more valuable than the garnet.
Ruby.—A precious stone of a carmine-red color, sometimes verging to violet, or intermediate between carmine and hyacinth red. It is a crystallized variety of corundum. The ruby from Siam is of a dark color and is called oxblood ruby. It has about the same value as the diamond. The ruby from Burmah, called the pigeon-blood ruby, is of a lighter color and several times more valuable than the oxblood ruby.
Sapphire.—A variety of native corundum or aluminium sesquioxide. As the name of a gem the term is restricted to the transparent varieties of blue, pink, yellow, and other colors. The best specimens of the blue variety are nearly as valuable as the diamond. The sapphire is next to the diamond in hardness.
Sard.—A variety of carnelian, of a reddish-yellow or brownish color.
Sardonyx.—A variety of onyx consisting of sard and white chalcedony in alternate layers. (See onyx.)
Spinel.—A mineral occurring in octahedrons of great hardness and various colors, as red, green, blue, brown, and black, the red variety being the gem spinel ruby. It consists essentially of aluminum magnesium, but commonly contains iron and sometimes also chromium. The fine specimens of spinel ruby are worth rather more than half as much as the diamond.
Topaz.—A mineral occurring in rhombic prisms, generally yellowish and pellucid, also colorless, and of greenish, bluish, or brownish shades. It sometimes occurs massive and opaque.
Tourmaline.—A mineral occurring in three-sided prisms. Black tourmaline is the most common variety, but there are also other varieties, as the blue (indicolite), red (rubellite); also green, brown, and white. The red and green varieties, when transparent, are valued as jewels. The finest ones come from Maine, and are worth four or five times as much as garnets.
Turquoise.—A hydrous phosphate of alumina containing a little copper. It has a blue, or bluish-green color, and usually occurs in kidney-shaped masses with a nodular surface like that of a bunch of grapes. The finest specimens are worth nearly half as much as diamonds.
Verd antique.—A mottled-green, serpentine marble, also a green porphyry, which is called oriental verd antique.
Zircon.—A mineral usually of a brown or gray color. It consists of silicon and zirconium, and is harder than the garnet. The transparent varieties are used as gems. The red variety is called Hyacinth; a colorless, pale yellow, or smoky-brown variety from Ceylon is called jargon.
Gold, a metal valued on account of its scarcity, color, luster, and power of resisting oxidation. It is found in nearly all parts of the world. South Africa and the United States are the leading producers. Australia, South America and parts of Europe possess important gold fields.
Gold is separated from gravel (placer mines) by washing with water. The particles of metal, being heavy, sink and can be collected. Rock containing gold is crushed to fine powder and the gold combined with mercury (amalgamation). Low-grade ores are treated with a solution of cyanide of potassium which dissolves the gold and the metal is later separated.
Chloride of gold, used in photographic work, is its only important compound. Pure gold is called twenty-four carats fine. A smaller figure indicates that the metal is alloyed to harden it.
Gold is used for money, jewelry, gold leaf (gilding) and in dentistry. It is almost always alloyed with copper and silver. Gold is the world’s accepted standard of value. Shipments of gold go from one country to another chiefly to balance international business dealings. Government treasuries and bank vaults
Graphite is almost pure carbon. It is produced in Bohemia, Ceylon, Italy, Germany, Mexico and the United States. The deposits in Ceylon are the largest in the world. Much of that mined in New York and Alabama is of very high grade.
Plumbago or black lead is used in making crucibles, lead pencils, lubricants for heavy machinery, stove polish, foundry facings, paint, etc.
Artificial graphite is made from coal or coke by an electric process.
Powdered graphite is mixed with fine clay in greater or less proportion and then molded and baked to form such articles as crucibles and lead for pencils. Graphite is imported from Ceylon to the United States, and lead pencils from Europe.
Iron is the most useful of all metals. The United States, Germany, Great Britain, Spain and France are the greatest producers of iron. Its ores occur in almost all parts of the world. Hematite is mined in Minnesota, Michigan, Alabama and other parts of the United States and in Germany, England, France, Spain, Russia, etc. Limonite is also widely distributed. Pig iron is made by smelting iron ore in a blast furnace. The ore, mixed with limestone, is melted by burning coke, coal or charcoal.
Pyrite (iron pyrites, or fool’s gold) is found in Spain and many other parts of the world and is valuable in the preparation of sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol), but useless as an iron ore.
Hematite (sesquioxide of iron) is the ore which supplies three-fourths of the iron of commerce.
Limonite brown (hematite) is a hydrous oxide and furnishes nearly one-fourth of the world’s supply of the metal. Magnetite and siderite are less common ores.
Pig iron is the crude form of the refined metal and is transformed into cast iron, wrought iron and steel in their multitudinous forms.
These three forms of iron differ in hardness, strength, elasticity, malleability, etc., according to the amounts of carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, manganese and other elements.
Ochers and metallic paints are iron oxides. Prussian blue and copperas are iron compounds.
The United States manufactures more iron and steel than any other country. Almost half of the production is in Pennsylvania. Cast iron appears in many articles but is weaker than other forms of iron. Wrought iron contains less impurity and is used for bars, plates, wire, structural material and parts of machinery. Steel (Bessemer, Siemens-Martin, open hearth, etc.) contains more carbon than wrought iron, possesses both strength and hardness, and is used for rails, structural material, machinery, tools, wire rope, sheet steel, etc. Its hardness may be increased by tempering. The United States imports iron ore from Cuba and Spain, pig iron from Great Britain and a little manufactured iron and steel from Europe. We export large quantities of manufactured iron and steel.
Lanthanum. See rare metals.
Lead is the softest, heaviest, most malleable and most easily melted of the common metals. Its ores are found in many countries but the main supply is from the United States, Spain, Germany and Mexico. The chief lead mines of the United States are in Missouri, Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Kansas. Much lead bullion is from smelters where silver ores are reduced.
Galena (lead sulphide) is the only important ore; it often carries a considerable percentage of silver. Carbonates and sulphates of lead are less common. Solder and type metal are alloys of lead with tin and antimony. White lead is a carbonate, red lead and litharge are oxides. Chrome yellow and orange mineral are lead compounds used as pigments.
The chief use of metallic lead is in piping, sheet lead, shot and alloys. Large amounts of ore are transformed not into metallic lead but into white lead for use in paints. Lead ores and lead bullion are imported from Mexico. England is the greatest importer of lead and lead ores.
Lithium is the metallic base of the Alkali lithia. The metal is of a white, silvery appearance, and is much harder than sodium or potassium, but softer than lead. It is the lightest of all known solids, its specific gravity being little more than half that of water. It comes principally from South Dakota, California and Sweden.
In chemical laboratories it is converted into lithium carbonate for medicinal tablets and mineral waters.
Magnesium is a metal widely distributed over the globe, and chiefly mined in Austria, Germany and Greece. The metal is used in flash powders for photographic use, and in chemical manufacture, in fireproofing and lining furnaces.
Magnesite (magnesium carbonate) is used in making carbon dioxide gas and epsom salts and for preparing magnesia (calcined magnesia).
Dolomite (magnesium calcium carbonate) is common limestone, used for building. Found in many parts of the world. Calcined dolomite is used for lining iron furnaces.
Talc (hydrous magnesium silicate), soapstone or steatite, is a soft mineral. Mined in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, etc., and in Europe. It is made into laundry tubs, firebrick, hearthstones, griddles, slate and tailor’s pencils, gas tips, etc. Imported in small amount from France and Italy.
Meerschaum or sepiolite (magnesium silicate), comes from Asia Minor and New Mexico. It is easily carved and made into pipes and cigar holders. Austria and France use large quantities. It is largely imitated.
Asbestos is a fibrous variety of serpentine (a magnesium silicate). Mineral wool is an artificial fibrous mineral. It is mined in Quebec, Canada. Another variety of asbestos comes from Italy. Mines have been recently discovered in Wyoming. It is used as a fireproofing material. This mineral fiber is spun and woven into fireproof fabrics for theater curtains or made into felt building paper, pipe covering, etc.
Mercury (or quicksilver) is a heavy metal which is liquid at ordinary temperatures. It is produced in Spain, the United States,
Cinnabar (sulphide of mercury) is the source of the metal, although a little is found in nature in the pure state.
Vermilion (artificially prepared cinnabar) is used in paints.
Calomel and corrosive sublimate are used in medicine and fulminates of mercury in explosives.
It is used principally in the extraction of gold and silver from their ores by amalgamation. Employed in thermometers and barometers, silvering mirrors, and in making amalgams for dental work.
Mica is a common mineral found in rocks in many parts of the world. It is mined in India, Canada, North Carolina and South Dakota. Several varieties occur (muscovite, biotite, etc.)—valuable only when found in large sheets which can be split smoothly. Transparent sheets are used for lamp chimneys and stove doors. It is also employed in electrical work, and lubricating. Some is imported from India.
Molybdenum. See rare metals.
Nickel is found in the ores pyrrhotite and garnierites, mined in largest amount in New Caledonia and Canada. Norway produces other ores.
Garnierite (a silicate of nickel and magnesium) is the common ore. Magnetic iron pyrite (pyrrhotite) often carries several per cent of nickel. Sulphides and other compounds occur. German silver contains nickel, copper and zinc. It enters into other alloys.
France and Germany refine nickel from imported ore, chiefly from New Caledonia. Nickel steel, being especially hard and tough is used for armor plate, special machinery and wire rope. Nickel is extensively used for cheap electro plating.
Nickel and nickel oxide are exported to Holland and England from the United States and ores and matte are imported from Canada.
Petroleum (or coal oil) is obtained from wells in the United States, Russia, Dutch East Indies, Galicia, Roumania and other countries. More than half of the world’s output is from the United States, the leading districts being (1) Kansas and Oklahoma, (2) California, (3) Illinois, (4) Pennsylvania and (5) Texas. Crude oil is transported from the wells for hundreds of miles through pipe lines to the refineries.
In its crude state, petroleum is a dark colored liquid. It yields by distillation, first: light oils, gasoline, naphtha, benzine; second: illuminating oils, kerosene, headlight oil, etc.; third: lubricating oils, engine oil, cylinder oil, machine oil; fourth: petroleum residuum (for asphalt paving) and coke. Petrolatum, vaseline and paraffin wax are by-products in petroleum refining.
American kerosene oil is exported to all parts of the globe. Crude oil is also exported as well as other petroleum products.
Platinum is a rare metal found with gold, iridium and other rare metals in placer mines. It comes chiefly from Russia. Smaller amounts from Colombia, California, Canada and Australia.
It is used in the terminals of incandescent electric lamps, and also employed by chemists, jewelers and dentists.
Potash (or potassium) is an alkaline metal. Chlorides, sulphates, etc., are found in Germany. Wood ashes and sugar beet refuse furnish much of the world’s potash. Stassfurt, Germany, possesses the only known large deposit of natural potash salts. These salts are the source of potash in many chemical industries and in fertilizers. It is exported in large amount from Germany to England, France and America.
Quartz (silica) is of many varieties, crystalline to amorphous.
Rock flint is mined in Connecticut and Pennsylvania, and also comes from the chalk cliffs of England and France.
Sandstones are quarried and used for building in almost all parts of the world. Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York supply the greatest quantities in the United States. Honestones and whetstones are mostly sandstone, and in this country are largely quarried in Arkansas, Michigan and New Hampshire.
Rock crystal is employed for lenses. Many semiprecious stones are varieties of quartz, as agate, moss agate, onyx, sard, chalcedony, chrysoprase, jasper, etc.
Rock flint and quartz sand are used in making glass and pottery.
Outside of building stones, quartz is used in greatest amount in making glass and pottery. For glass it is melted with alkali (soda ash) and either lime or lead oxide. Glass is either blown or molded. Belgium, Austria, Germany, France, Great Britain and the United States manufacture glassware. Pennsylvania, Indiana and New Jersey are the leading states.
Radium is the most characteristic of those substances which possess the property of radio-activity—i.e. have the power of producing photographic or electric effects by a process identical with or analogous to radiation. The property was first observed in uranium by Becquerel in 1896—hence the name “Becquerel rays.” In 1898 Schmidt and Madame Curie discovered almost simultaneously that the compounds of thorium had the same radio-active property; and further elaborate investigations led to the discovery of polonium, radium, and actinium, as new substances with radio-active properties. Polonium was the name given by M. and Mme. Curie to the radio-active component of bismuth separated from pitchblende. Its activity is transient. In the new field of research thus opened up important work has been done by Rutherford, Crooks, Ramsay, Soddy, Huggins, and others.
Radium is derived from pitchblende, in which it exists in very small quantities. After a long-continued process of fractional crystallization it has been prepared in the form of a tolerably pure salt. The process of obtaining the element is very tedious. One to two kilograms of impure radium bromide can be procured from a ton of pitchblende residue only after processes extending over months. For the remarkable chemical properties of radium, see further under Radio-activity.
Rare Metals. These include chiefly the following: Tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium and uranium. They are found in Colorado, Arizona, Germany, England and Sweden. The ores of these metals are unusual minerals, and the metals themselves are used in making special high grades of steel. Their salts are used in dyeing.
Thorium, cerium, lanthanum and yttrium, found in North Carolina, Norway, Brazil and Ceylon, are also to be classified under this head. Monazite, samarskite, thorite and other rare minerals contain these elements. They are used in preparing the mantles for incandescent gas lights.
Silver, the more common precious metal, is produced in greatest amount in the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. The United States, Mexico, Australia, Bolivia, Chili, Peru and Germany contribute nearly the entire supply. Montana, Colorado, Nevada and Utah lead in silver production in the United States. The ores are usually smelted and refined to purify the metal.
Argentiferous galena (lead ore) is the commonest ore of silver. The amount of silver per ton varies greatly. Zinc and copper ores often carry silver. Many sulphides of silver (argentite, pyrargyrite, etc.) are found, as well as chlorides and bromides (cerargyrite and bromyrite). Chloride and nitrate of silver are used in photography.
Silver is manufactured into innumerable articles for household use and personal adornment. The cheapest articles are not solid (sterling) but are electrically plated with a very thin coating of silver. Silver coins form the bulk of the currency of the world, although in most countries gold is the standard.
Sodium is the most important alkaline metal, and has a wide use.
Salt (rock salt, sea salt, lake salt, halite or sodium chloride) is the commonest natural compound of sodium. Important for food and in chemical manufacture.
Rock salt is mined in Germany, Austria, Spain, England, Louisiana, Kansas, India and other parts of the world. Obtained by evaporating salt water from wells in England, Michigan, New York, Ohio and China, or by evaporating salt water in the West Indies, Great Salt Lake, etc.
Besides its use for meat packing, curing fish, domestic purposes, etc., it is employed in silver refining, and the preparation of hydrochloric acid, soda ash, carbonate of soda and other chemical products.
Soda niter (nitrate of sodium) is a very easily soluble mineral. It is found in quantity only in the deserts of northern Chili, and is exported in large amounts to Europe and America for fertilizer and the manufacture of nitric acid and other chemicals.
Borax (hydrous sodium borate) occurs in nature in an impure form and is prepared also from calcium borates. Borates are found in Tuscany, Central Asia, California and Nevada, and in South America.
Borax and boracic acid are used in pottery manufacture, for the preservation of meat, in dyeing and in medicine.
Strontium is found in Germany, Scotland, Texas and New York. Strontianite (strontium carbonate) and celestite (strontium sulphate) contain this element. Strontium salts are used in sugar refining and making red fire.
Sulphur or brimstone is found in a pure state in volcanic regions or associated with gypsum and limestone. Pyrite (sulphide of iron) is also a source of sulphur compounds.
Sicily, Italy, Japan, Louisiana and Utah have mines of native sulphur, which is used in manufacturing sulphuric acid, gunpowder, matches, as a disinfectant, for bleaching and vulcanizing rubber.
Blue vitriol, green vitriol and alum are sulphates. Sulphur is imported from Sicily and Italy.
Thorium. See rare metals.
Tin is less abundant than most of the common metals. The Malay peninsula and nearby islands (Banca and Billiton) produce over half the tin ore of the world. The remainder is mined in Bolivia, Australia, Tasmania and Cornwall, England. Small deposits occur in the United States.
Tin melts at a low temperature and is easily refined.
Cassiterite (tin oxide) is the only important ore. This mineral is commonly found as pebbles (stream tin) in gravel.
Tinplate and alloys containing tin are of enormous importance in the arts. Of these, bronze is chief. Gun metal, pewter, solder, type metal and britannia metal are other alloys. Salts of tin are used in dyeing, glass making, etc.
Tinplate, used for tin cans, roofing and kitchen utensils, is made by dipping sheet iron or steel in a bath of melted tin, thus covering it with a thin layer of tin. Tinplate is manufactured in the United States and imported from England. Tin metal is imported from England and Straits Settlements.
Tungsten. See rare metals.
Uranium. See rare metals.
Vanadium. See rare metals.
Zinc is one of the most useful metals. Germany, United States and Belgium supply most of the zinc. In this country, Missouri and Kansas lead in zinc production.
Sphalerite or blend (zinc sulphide) is the chief ore. Carbonates, silicates and oxides of zinc are found. Crude zinc (spelter) is distilled from roasted ore.
Brass, German silver and other alloys contain zinc. Galvanized iron consists of a coating of zinc on sheet iron. Zinc oxide (zinc white) resembles white lead and is used in paints.
Used in electric batteries, making hydrogen, zinc etchings, etc. The greatest amount of zinc is used in alloys and zinc compounds. Zinc and zinc ores are both imported and exported by the United States, the imports exceeding the exports. Zinc oxide is exported in larger amount than any other form.
The United States produces one-fourth of the entire output of the world. Salt was one of the first two great articles of international commerce in the history of the world trade.
The most wonderful salt mines in the world are those of Galicia, in Austria. In this region there is a mass of salt estimated to measure 500 miles in length, 20 miles in breadth, and 1,200 feet in thickness.
Acanthodus (a-kan-tho´dus).—Fossil fish, having thorn-like fins.
AËrodynamics (a-e~r-o-di-nam´iks).—The science which treats of the air and other gaseous bodies under the action of force, and of their mechanical effects.
AËrognosy (a-e~r-og´nÔ-sy?).—The science which treats of the properties of the air, and of the part it plays in nature.
AËrolite (a´e~r-Ô-lit).—A stone, or metallic mass, which has fallen to the earth from distant space; a meteorite; a meteoric stone.
AËrology (a-e~r-ol´Ôjy?).—That department of physics which treats of the atmosphere.
Aerometer (a´e~r-om´Ê-te~r).—An instrument for ascertaining the weight or density of air and gases.
Ammonites (am´mo-nitz).—Fossil mollusks of spiral form, found in all strata from the palÆozoic to the chalk; very numerous, varying greatly in size; all now extinct; sometimes called snakestones.
Anemology (an-e-mol´Ô-jy?).—The science of the wind.
Anemometer (an-e-mom´e~-te~r).—An instrument for measuring the force and velocity of the wind; a wind gauge.
Attrition (at-trish´un).—The act of rubbing together; friction; the act of wearing by friction, or by rubbing substances together; abrasion.
Aurora (aw-ro´r?).—The rising light of the morning; the dawn of day; the redness of the sky just before the sun rises.
Aurora Borealis (bo´re~-a´lis), i. e., northern daybreak; popularly called northern lights. A luminous meteoric phenomenon, visible only at night, and supposed to be of electrical origin. This species of light usually appears in streams, ascending toward the zenith from a dusky line or bank, a few degrees above the northern horizon. Occasionally the aurora appears as an arch of light across the heavens from east to west. Sometimes it assumes a wavy appearance. They assume a variety of colors, from a pale red or yellow to a deep red or blood color.
The Aurora Australis (aws-tra´lis) is a corresponding phenomenon in the southern hemisphere, the streams of light ascending in the same manner from near the southern horizon.
Barometer (b?-rom´e~-te~r).—An instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, and hence for judging of the probable changes of weather, or for ascertaining the height of any ascent.
Calamites (kal´a-mits or kal´a-mi´tez).—Reed-like plants, found in coal.
Carboniferous (kÄr´bon-if´e~r-us).—Producing or containing carbon or coal.
Conglomerate (kon-glom´e~r-Ât).—Pudding stone, composed of gravel and pebbles cemented together.
Corona (kÔ-ro´n?).—A circle, usually colored, seen in peculiar states of the atmosphere around and close to a luminous body as the sun or moon.
Cosmogony (kos-mog´o-ny?).—The creation of the world or universe; a theory or account of such creation.
Cosmology (koz-mol´Ô-jy?).—The science of the world or universe; or a treatise relating to the structure and parts of the system of creation, the elements of bodies, the modifications of material things, the laws of motion, and the order and course of nature.
Crystallography (kris´tal-log´r?-fy?).—The science of crystallization, teaching the system of forms among crystals, their structure, and their methods of formation.
Cyclone (si´klon).—A violent storm, often of vast extent, characterized by high winds rotating about a calm center of low atmospheric pressure. This center moves onward, often with a velocity of twenty or thirty miles an hour.
Denudation (den´Û-da´shun or de´nu-).—The laying bare of rocks by the washing away of the overlying earth, etc.; or the excavation and removal of them by the action of running water.
Deposit.—A body of ore distinct from a ledge; pocket of gravel or pay dirt.
Diplacanthus (dip-lÄ-kan´thus).—A fish, belonging to Acanthodii, known only by fossil remains in Old Red Sandstone.
Drifts.—Tunnels leading off from the main shaft, or from other tunnels or levels, through and along the vein.
Drift Matter.—Earth, pebbles and bowlders that have been drifted by water, and deposited over a country while submerged.
Druse (dru?s).—A cavity in a rock, having its interior surface studded with crystals and sometimes filled with water.
Elephas (el´e-fas).—The Latin name for Elephant. The primitive elephant was what is known as the Mammoth.
Fata Morgana (fÄ´t? mÔr-gÄ´n?).—A kind of mirage by which distant objects appear inverted, distorted, displaced, or multiplied. It is noticed particularly at the Straits of Messina, between Calabria and Sicily, Italy.
Fire-damp.—An explosive carburetted hydrogen of coal mines.
Fissures.—Seams or crevices in rocks formed by volcanic or earthquake action, and when filled subsequently by metal or metallic ores they become fissure veins.
Fog.—Watery vapor condensed in the lower part of the atmosphere and disturbing its transparency. It differs from cloud only in being near the ground, and from mist in not approaching so nearly to fine rain.
Geography (je-og´r?-fy?).—The science which treats of the world and its inhabitants; a description of the earth, or a portion of the earth, including its structure, features, products, political divisions, and the people by whom it is inhabited.
Astronomical, or Mathematical Geography treats of the earth as a planet, of its shape, its size, its lines of latitude and longitude, its zones and the phenomena due to the earth’s diurnal and annual motions.
Physical Geography or Physiography treats of the conformation of the earth’s surface, of the distribution of land and water, of minerals, plants, animals, etc., and applies the principles of physics to the explanation of the diversities of climate, productions, etc.
Political Geography treats of the different countries into which the earth is divided with regard to political and social institutions and conditions.
Geology (je-ol´o-jy?).—The science which treats: (a) Of the structure and mineral constitution of the globe; structural geology. (b) Of its history as regards rocks, minerals, rivers, valleys, mountains, climates, life, etc.; historical geology. (c) Of the causes and methods by which its structure, features, changes, and conditions have been produced; dynamical geology.
Goniatites (go-ni-a-ti´tez).—Fossil remains of Ammonites, many species of which are found in Devonian and Carboniferous Limestone.
Hail (hal).—Frozen rain, or particles of ice precipitated from the clouds, where they are formed by the congelation of vapor. The separate particles are called hailstones.
Harmattan (hÄr-mat´tan).—A dry, hot wind, prevailing on the Atlantic coast of Africa, in December, January, and February, blowing from the interior or Sahara. It is usually accompanied by a haze which obscures the sun.
Hoarfrost (hor´frost).—The white particles formed by the congelation of dew; white frost.
Hydrography (hi-drog´r?-fy?).—The art of measuring and describing the sea, lakes, rivers, and other waters, with their phenomena.
Hygrometer (hi-grom´Ê-te~r).—An instrument for measuring the degree of moisture of the atmosphere.
Ignis fatuus (ig´-nis fat´Ûus).—A phosphorescent light that appears, in the night, over marshy grounds, supposed to be occasioned by the decomposition of animal or vegetable substances, or by some inflammable gas,—popularly called also Will-with-the-wisp, or Will-o’-the-wisp, and Jack-with-a-lantern, or Jack-o’-lantern.
Ichthyosaurus (ik-the-o-saw´rus).—A large marine reptile, known only by fossil vertebrÆ and other bones, found in oolite rocks.
Labyrinthodon (lab-i-rin´tho-don), or Mastodon. A large animal, belonging to Amphibia, remains of which are found in Upper Trias rocks and strata.
Lepidodendron (lep-i-do-den´dron).—Coal-plants, belonging to the Lycopods, of which very many remains are found in coal.
Lepidosteus (lep-i-dos´te-us).—Bony-pike fish, the fossil remains of which are found in rocks and earth strata.
Lightning (lit´ning).—A discharge of atmospheric electricity, accompanied by a vivid flash of light, commonly from one cloud to another, sometimes from a cloud to the earth. The sound produced by the electricity in passing rapidly through the atmosphere constitutes thunder.
Lithology (li-thol´o-jy?).—The science which treats of rocks, as regards their mineral constitution and classification, and their mode of occurrence in nature.
Lode (lod).—A metallic vein; a longitudinal fissure or chasm filled with ore-bearing matter and having well-defined side walls; lode, lead, vein and ledge are synonymous; a mineral vein in the rock.
Mastodon (mas´to-don).—An extinct elephant-like mammal of America, whose teeth have a nipple-like surface.
Metallurgy (met´al-ler-jy?).—The art of working metals, comprehending the whole process of separating them from other matters in the ore, smelting, refining and parting them; sometimes, in a narrower sense, only the process of extracting metals from their ores.
Meteorology (me-te-er-ol´o-jy?).—The science which treats of the atmosphere and its phenomena, particularly of its variations of heat and moisture, of its winds, storms, etc.
Min´er-al´o-gy (min-er-al´o-jy).—The science which treats of minerals, and teaches how to describe, distinguish, and classify them.
Mist (mist).—Visible watery vapor suspended in the atmosphere, at or near the surface of the earth; fog.
Monsoon (mon-soon´).—A wind blowing part of the year from one direction, alternating with a wind from the opposite direction—a term applied particularly to periodical winds of the Indian Ocean, which blow from the southwest from the latter part of May to the middle of September, and from the northeast from about the middle of October to the middle of December.
Oceanography (o´shan-og´r?-fy?).—A description of the ocean.
Oceanology (o´shan-ol´Ô-jy?).—That branch of science which relates to the ocean.
Oreography (o-re-og´r?-fy?).—The science of mountains; orography.
PalÆotherium (pa-le-o-the´ri-um).—A tapir-like mammal, having canine teeth, known only by fossil remains found in Tertiary rocks.
Pampero (p?m-p´rÔ).—A violent wind from the west or southwest, which sweeps over the pampas of South America and the adjacent seas, often doing great damage.
Parhelion (pÄr-hel´yun or he´li-on).—A mock sun appearing in the form of a bright light, sometimes near the sun, and tinged with colors like the rainbow, and sometimes opposite to the sun. The latter is usually called an anthelion. Often several mock suns appear at the same time.
Petrology (pe-trol´Ô-jy?).—The science which is concerned with the mineralogical and chemical composition of rocks, and with their classification; lithology.
Physiography (fiz-e-og´r?-fy?).—The science which treats of the earth’s exterior physical features, climate, life, etc., and of the physical movements or changes on the earth’s surface, as the currents of the atmosphere and ocean, the secular variations in heat, moisture, magnetism, etc.; physical geography.
Plesiosaurus (ple-zi-o-saw´rus).—An oolithic reptile with crocodile-like head, known by fossil remains, chiefly vertebrÆ, found in lias and oolitic rocks, named from its fossil remains being found near those of the ichthyosaurus.
Pneumatics (nÛ-mat´iks).—That branch of science which treats of the mechanical properties of air and other elastic fluids, as of their weight, pressure, elasticity, etc.
Pterodactyl (ter-o-dak´til).—Winged lizard: extinct reptile; fossil remains found in Kentish chalk.
Pyroscope (pir´Ô-skop).—An instrument for measuring the intensity of heat radiating from a fire, or the cooling influence of bodies. It is a differential thermometer, having one bulb coated with gold or silver leaf.
Rainbow.—A bow or arch exhibiting, in concentric bands, the several colors of the spectrum, and formed in the part of the hemisphere opposite to the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun’s rays in drops of falling rain. Besides the ordinary bow, called also primary rainbow, which is formed by two refractions and one reflection, there is also another often seen exterior to it, called the secondary rainbow, concentric with the first, and separated from it by a small interval. It is formed by two refractions and two reflections, is much fainter than the primary bow, and has its colors arranged in the reverse order from those of the latter.
Seismology (sis-mol´Ô-jy?).—The science of earthquakes.
Seismometer (sis-mom´e-te~r).—An instrument for measuring the direction, duration, and force of earthquakes and like concussions.
Simoon (si-moon´).—A hot, dry, suffocating, dust-laden wind, that blows occasionally in Arabia, Syria, and the neighboring countries, generated by the extreme heat of the parched deserts or sandy plains.
Sirocco (si-rok´kÔ).—An oppressive, relaxing wind from the Libyan deserts, chiefly experienced in Italy, Malta, and Sicily.
Sivatherium (siv-a-the´ri-um).—A large four-horned antelope, known by fossil remains found in Pliocene rocks of Hindustan.
Strophomena (stro-fom´e-nÄ).—A genus of shell-like animals similar to the nautilus, found in numerous fossil forms in Lower Silurian and the carboniferous strata.
Tornado (tor-na´dÔ).—A violent whirling wind; specifically a tempest distinguished by a rapid whirling and slow progressive motion, usually accompanied with severe thunder, lightning, and torrents of rain, and commonly of short duration and small breadth; a small cyclone.
Typhoon (tÏ-foon´).—A violent whirlwind; specifically, a violent whirlwind occurring in the Chinese seas.
Wind.—Air naturally in motion with any degree of velocity; a current of air.
Zosterites (zos-ter-i´tez).—Sear-wracks: marine plants, resembling sea-weeds, with small naked flowers, found at the bottom of the sea.