And Jehovah created a vineyard upon the high lands, from whose mountains flowed away four rivers. Being parted in four ways from the vineyard. The first and second are those which encompass the land of Havilah and Ethiopia, and flow into the Caspian Sea. The third and fourth are the Euphrates and Hiddekel which flow into the Persian gulf. And in the sixth day Jehovah said let us make man in our own image after our likeness in our similitude. And he formed the body of man out of the clay of the earth, with his hands and with his spirit he made him after his own form and likeness. Then he called one of the rebellious souls which had been cast out of Heaven and he cast the soul into the body which he had made, and the body arose up with the vigor of life, and became an active soul before Jehovah, its creator. And he called his name Adam, because he had made him out of the red clay of the heights, and man was red after the appearance of Jehovah. And Jehovah caused all of the beasts to pass before Adam. And Adam gave names to them after their kinds. And he called the beast which had hands and feet and stood upright as himself, Serpent. And Jehovah placed Adam in the vineyard to live, and gave to him the serpent to be his servant, in the garden of rest which he so named Eden. And Jehovah returned about and refrained from his work on the seventh day, and sanctified it as a day of rest. And Adam dwelt alone in Eden. And he was lonesome. But after a time Jehovah returned with his hosts, and he said it is not good for Adam to dwell thus alone. I will now make for man his mother. And she shall be wiser and mightier than he in wisdom, and shall be his counselor, and a light to rule over him that his days be many in the earth.
And Jehovah caused a sleep to come over Adam, and he took out one of his ribs with the flesh of the bone, and closed up the flesh of Adam. And out of it he made the body of a child,—leaving Adam twelve ribs on one side and eleven on the other side. But the ribs of the child were even twelve on both sides. And Jehovah placed within her a soul and gave her to Adam, and he knew that she had been made of his flesh, and he called her Woman. And also shall her name be Eve, because she is the beginning of the mothers of man.
And there was a tree which Jehovah had planted in the garden of Eden. As if a hundred feet to the first limb, and the leaves of the tree hung to the ground—touching the ground on all sides, "Broad and strong like rubber, yet with velvet softness. Beneath this tree was the home of Adam and Eve." Beneath the downy fragrant leaves they were shielded from all heat and cold. And the eagles and the fowl of the air run into the branches of the tree in time of storm. Here in this sublimeness Eve grew up with Adam, and the Serpent was their servant.
The Trees of the vineyard brought forth every thing which was good for food. There were trees which bare fruits large and shining as gold, fruits of all manner colors as a field of stars in glory. A river run through the Garden. Crystal waters rifting over fields of beautiful stones. The bedellium and onyx stones and much gold abounding in and about the waters. And on one side of the river stood a tree which bare fruit twelve times in the year, whose substance would cause one to live forever. It was the tree of life. None that eat of its fruit should ever die. From month to month and from year to year it had power to renew life perpetually. And on the other side of the river stood a tree which had power to make one wise. It was a tree of knowledge, one whose fruit would intoxicate and revitalize,—speeding up the action of life, causing one to think rapidly, and to see with a clearer vision. Setting the vitalities in a key where they must wear out, bringing forth the order of death. This tree was called the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, because its power was the division between man and sin. He could eat of the tree of life and realize the power and nature of life in all its glory. But he could not realize the nature and effect of death and sorrow until he should eat of the fruit of the tree of death, and become intoxicated with the mania of its devastating forces. And for this cause Jehovah commanded Adam that he should not eat of the fruit of the tree of death or come near it.
But the command was not given to Eve, for she was but a child—left in Adam's keeping. And they dwelt in glory in their home beneath the wings of the tree in the vineyard. And they were naked 'But knew it not.' Satan was upon earth, and envied them in their salvation, but he could not come near the vineyard, neither could he tempt them to sin. For they were redeemed, and Satan could not break the decree. But when Eve was grown the servant walked to and fro beyond the templed paradise, and sat with Satan by a pool. And Satan taught the servant how that it could become free from its masters. Then she hastened back and came again into the vineyard. And Eve stood by the tree of death admiring its beauty. And the servant came and said to her, "has Jehovah said that you shall not eat of every tree in this garden?" And Eve said, "we may eat of the fruit of every tree but this tree, which stands in the midst of the garden we shall not eat of it, neither shall we touch it lest we die." And the servant said, "you shall not surely die,—For the Creator he knows that in the day you eat of the fruit of this tree your eyes shall be open and you shall become wise like before the fall—as gods knowing the effect of good and evil."
And when she saw that the tree was good for food and excellent in beauty, she commanded the servant and she brought to her the fruit and she ate of it. Then she was enlightened and was as another woman. Then she with her own hands brought of the fruit to Adam, and when he saw its power upon her he also ate of the fruit, and the mind of them both were enlightened, and the mist was removed from over their souls; and they knew that they were not as the beast, but were naked. And they sewed leaves together for clothes and dwelt in great fear.
And it was so that in the evening time of a day they heard the voice of Jehovah as he walked through the garden. And they fled from their temple and hid themselves from his presence among the trees, and were not where they were wanted to be found. And Jehovah called unto Adam and said, "where are you Adam?" And Adam said I heard you talking in the garden and I was afraid, and I hid myself because I was naked.
And Jehovah said who told you that you was naked? Have you eaten of the tree which I commanded thee not to eat? And he said the woman which you gave me she gave me of the fruit of the tree and I did eat. And Jehovah said unto Eve, what have you done. And she said the serpent bewitched me and I did eat. And Jehovah said to the serpent, because you have done this thing you are cursed beyond everything which I have created. Upon your belly you shall travel, and you shall not henceforth eat. In this, that you have caused my children to sin in the process of eating.
The dust shall be your food, and I shall put envy between your race and the race of the woman. And she shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise her heel. And the serpent fell upon the earth before Jehovah, and her arms and legs became into one straight body. And he took her teeth out of her mouth so that she should not masticate food. But he left in her mouth the imprints of her teeth, which is yet to be seen in the mouth of the serpent. And he placed great crooked fangs in her mouth and filled them with poison. If she should masticate food her own poison would destroy her life.
But she was given power to reach forth and to inject the poison of her fangs into the flesh of man and other living things—to destroy their lives. Then he parted her tongue in two parts, and upon the end of each probescue he tied a small round knot, that is the knot which is yet to be seen on the ends of the serpent's tongue unto this day.
And according to the decree were all the serpents changed, in the process of nature. That they should not again speak with the voice of man. But their knowledge was not veiled. And while they cannot speak to man; yet while in contact they show their tongues and say with unmistakable signs "by my speech I cause thee to fall." This is the life of the serpent who through envy was finally bound in hell. And to Eve, he said, "I will greatly multiply sorrow upon thee. With your children you shall be distressed. And man shall set thee at naught, and curse his days—defying and bearing rule over thee. And your desire shall be to your man."
And unto Adam he said "because you have eaten of the tree which I commanded thee not to eat, cursed is the fruit of the ground for your sake. They shall come forth in thistles and thorns before thee. And you shall turn unto the herbs of the field for food, and shall spend your days in toil, eating of the vintage in sorrow, until you return unto the ground from which you was taken. Dust you are and unto the dust you shall return." And he drove Adam and Eve out of paradise, and left an angel to keep the vineyard, from whose sword issued a stream of power like fire as he turned about every way upon the plains.
And Adam and Eve went out a little ways from Edon northward towards the Caspian Sea, and set up for themselves a place of abode, and soon began to till the earth. And Eve became the mother of children. Her first born son she called Node, and she bare him also a sister and called her name Midre. And Node went forth with his sister to the Eastward of Edon. And in time there built a city, which was called the City of Nod. But Node was a man of sin.
And again Eve bare Havilah, and his sister Zillah. But he also was a man of sin. And he dwelt to the west, and proclaimed a land which was called the land of Havilah. And again Eve bare Cain, and she said he is a man to serve Jehovah. And she bare also his brother Abul, one to seek the will of Jehovah. And Adah and her brothers and sisters were also born unto the house of Adam.
And Cain and Abul sought to worship Jehovah. And Abul offered of the noblest of his sheep as a sacrifice to Jehovah, and Jehovah was well pleased with his offering. And then Cain offered of the finest of his fruit of his harvest. And Jehovah had no respect for his sacrifice, saying, "why bring of the things before me which I have defamed. Redemption shall be found alone in the blood of that which I have not cursed." Then Cain was very wroth, and Jehovah said unto him repent; but he would not.
And in process of time as he talked with Abul in a field he arose up against him and slew him. And the soul of Abul cried unto Jehovah from the earth. And he said to Cain the voice of your brother's soul cries unto me from the ground. And now are you cursed in the blessings of the earth which has received your brother's blood by your hand. When you till the soil it shall not yield unto you her strength. A fugitive and a vagabond shall you be in the earth. And Cain repented and said, "my punishment is greater than I can bear; you have driven me out from among the people, and from your face I shall be hid; and it shall come to pass that if any one should find me that they shall slay me."
And Jehovah said to the people, whosoever slays Cain, "Vengeance shall be taken upon him seven fold." And he set a mark upon Cain's forehead of many colors. And Cain went from the presence of Jehovah and dwelt in the land of Nod. And in time he became the father of a generation. But his days were evil and sullen, and when he was aged a lad slew him with an arrow.
A Praise of Memory
The north winds howled across the rockies, with a blasting chill.
The people wandered through the snow drifts, while the stars shone cold and still.
There was no place on earth to rest then; no place for the children to lie.
But Mosier watched throughout the hosts, that none of them should die.
Through the desert lone and dreary; through the cold, drifting sands,
The people fled from the hosts of Satan, from the wrath of wicked man.
The spirit of Jehovah gleams across the heaven, a light for every man;
Showing white the road that leads to Zion, shining bright in every land.
Watching in a city by the river, praising in music and in song,
Waiting for the train of Zion, Mosier with his hosts of angels comes speeding on.
Ring you bells, for the station of Zion; let the music sound out over the land.
Mosier with his hosts of the angels comes to earth to reign with man.
A High Praise
The Lord of these hills is king of the plains, too, and he rules the starry blue.
He is coming to earth with the children of men to reign the ages through.
Over the hills of silvered blue, over the fields of gold and gray.
The angels shall march in songs of high praise, through the great white way.
When the forests and the orchards are all prepared, and the flowers are in full bloom
There will be no time for the shadows of doubt, we praise in eternal noon.
The children shall sing on the mountain high; the aged shall pray in the plains.
While Jesus, with his high spirit of power, over the hosts shall reign.
The thistle and the thorns and the weeds shall bear its foods of a valiant worth.
There shall be no hunger or tears of the poor, for the Lord he feeds the whole earth.
We will plant the rose on the mountain high, the lily in the plain,
In songs with flowers we will greet our king, when he with the saints shall come to earth to reign.
The oak and the chestnut and the pine shall bloom, filling the world with light.
Mosier Alleuher's great son has banished sin's long dark night.
Or if this mortal shall fade or the bones be laid in the clay,
This spirit shall fly away on the wings of his power, to the realms of that blessed day.
A High Priest
O great Alleuher just for a while—only for a while it shall be, we will take our harps and fly away on the wings of your power, and soon return to thee. From out over the earth in tears tonight and from over the cloud-mist seas.
A soul has been born tonight in the hills of Bethany, shining in the light of thee, O Alleuher, glittering in the image of thee. We will take our harps and sing praise to thee, for the glorious gift of love to the world for your memory.
We see your glory asleep with the children down there; the lily of the valley, the rose of Sharon shall bare. Peace and good will in its season to the world of despair; while we watch and praise the Ancient of Days above the cloud-strewn air.
O great Alleuher, a new light has been made to shine for tonight, revealing his love in the deeds of his might. Answering to that light that shall arise from Calvary, shining to the world for ever shall be, out over the earth and the cloud-mist seas.
We will take our harps and sing praise to thee, for the children of the earth and the marines of the sea. For the shepherds of the hills dwelling in light descending from thee. In the songs that arise from the high hills, in the music of the valleys and the seas.
A High Praise
Praise Him Ye Hosts
Mosier's spirit searches through the mist of the evening, through the night times of gloom; through the morning in its rising; through the brightness of noon. And I know wherever I be, as his spirit searches through the shadows, that he sees me.
Through the rivers and the oceans, through the starry plains of time; through the hosts of the living, Mosier searches men's minds. And I know that wherever I be, as his spirit searches through the shadows, that he sees me.
Through the heavens and its hosts, through the nations that war; blending the minds of the whole creation, he comes seeking on this living shore. And I know wherever I be, as his spirit searches through the shadows, that he sees me.
A High Praise—Victory
One day a great train pulled out from mount Zion, for a destiny well known.
Three passengers stepped on board, and the train moved onward for Jehovah's great throne.
For ages and ages the saints have been waiting for the returning of that train.
When Jehovah shall lift the curse of sin from the nations, in sending his son to reign.
We will meet King Jesus out upon the great highway, in songs of high praise.
In the light of his spirit, dwelling in rest forever, given by the Ancient of Days.
They have been making up the great train of Zion, through the ages she stands by.
Soon the hosts of our Father's glory shall come sweeping through the sky.
The great conductor is standing in the depot, by the gates of praise he stands by.
Waiting for the saints of the whole creation, to be ready to receive his train from the sky.
The music sounds out over the nations, the bells are ringing on every sea.
I am going to march with the saints to Zion, while the bells are tolling for me.
A Praise—The Rivers
I wrought not these miracles by any zest of mine.
The angels keep watch over the rivers, that float down by the steeps of time.
He wrote with his hand upon the marble, the songs of Zion's chimes.
The angels watch through the stillness until the morning time.
He said, "I will not forsake thee or leave thee in despair alone.
The angels and my spirit shall guard upon the rivers, all those that are my own."
We believed him when he descended, and the mountain smoked with his mighty power.
The music rang out over the hosts, as sang heaven's mighty choir.
We believe him now while ascending up the steeps of time.
With the angels close by the rivers, that lead up to the heights of Zion.
You cannot believe him except his spirit makes himself known unto thee.
Or even in all your wisdom you will sail upon the unknown sea.
Praise Alleuher Ye Saints
We thank thee, O Great Alleuher, for a redeemer; one who taught us of your way.
That we should walk in the light of Zion 'till we enter one eternal day.
That we should know from the hills of Zion, Alleuher in beauty has shone forth.
He made our low way in the sin's dark valley shine more brighter than any day.
He came to the King of all the nations, King supreme, grand and true,
He gave to the people the spirit of salvation to make the soul anew.
This to us the spirit whispers, music more than we mortals sing.
To our hearts ring the bells of heaven, we are the children of that great king.
A High Praise
We thank thee, O Great Alleuher, for a prophet, one to teach us in this day.
All glitt'ring in thy truth of light, shining along our misty way.
We whose minds are sealed over, and are driven far away,
Come seeking unto Zion's light in the evening time of day.
The Lord of hosts in these mountains, O his gracious power,
Comes scatt'ring the aged long night, he is our refuge in every hour.
A High Praise—The Judgment
Light, great light, Alleuher's high spirit, that shines above the day,
Searching the souls of the living things, calling his children from sin away.
I will not grow weary in the times, which others may fear.
He shall return at the end of each year.
I will wait for his glory shining through all creation unto my spirit to appear.
My soul sings by the rivers millions of songs of thee.
All through the ages thou hast truly been with me, guarding my spirit from sin's reveries.
I see out in the fields of memory, a light which gleams across the night of mist to me.
By its rays I walk as in times of past along by the shores of the old, old sea.
I have found no mystic treasure hidden in the mines of long ago.
He has kept for me a light in heaven's window, burning bright in its intrinsic glow.
I see by the gleam of the yesterdays, the things of today's revene.
I see the lane that leads over the river of tomorrow's bridged stream.
My treasure has never been hidden, or cast away by the hand of wroth.
But kept a gift of mercy, burnished bright from the dust of moth.
I walked for a day by Shilo's river, out in the land; I compassed the rays of Eden,
And harked to listen at the call of Zion upon the golden strands.
I pass from ages unto ages, I am a child of time.
I cannot return or choose the wrath that I would gather, as I pass by the gates of my own mind.
If I pass over the divide, the world shall see the things that Jehovah lent to me.
That great light for which his son once died on Calvary.
That I might sift the sheltered sands, and gather out the gold;
Strewn by the mystic hand of him, back in the days of old.
Through the hills and upon the desert, as a mighty obelisk stands,
We gather out the wreaths of beauty, cast for the life of man.
The hosts stand in the distance, to observe the things that we do.
As our ridged furrows in the gray light come trailing through.
As I wrought with my comrades, I saw some jewels glitter in the sands;
Ling'ring in the dust of time, to be brought within demand.
The soul is always waiting, and the heart is always true;
Where the workmen seek to gather, from the dust beneath the azure lights of blue.
A High Praise
We are marching toward that city, in the great trend of mind. We see our friends gathering from over the ranges, stepping by the hours of time. We are ascending the heights from the rivers, Lord plant our feet in thy Zion.
In the spirit in which we are calling, so shall the answer be. Each deed and day shall be answered, as our souls cry to thee. We are moving in the light of your spirit; Lord, plant our feet in thy Zion.
Lord, let us pay for our ways, in the days of our time. For unto life we shall gather from over the ranges, proven by the powers of mind. Let us ascend the heights from the rivers; Lord, plant our feet in thy Zion.
Soon our sorrows are ended, soon our woes shall cease. Our days for us shall be brighter on through the ages, ascending the hills of peace. Lord, shall we arise beyond these sorrows? Lord, plant our feet in thy Zion.
A Praise—Speed
Some one is watching at the windows tonight, as onward through the valleys and over the rocks of white, the gleaming wheels they speed with might; calling the stars at the approach of night; concealing them away with the speed of light.
I do not know what my title holds, because the way has been long; through the orchards and by the waste lands swifter than the shadows of the dawn. But the angel who watches through the train of time hurries all on board along.
The shadows of the evening that enclose upon the fleeting sunlight are swiftly turned away; as out of the night time the speeding wheels they sway, before the gloom that's left approaching into the light of day.
Music rings above the hill tops, from the canyons that we passed by; while sweeping beneath the light of heaven, that beckons from the windows in the sky. Soon within the harbor the speeding monitor shall lie; then shall be the answer to the soul which shall never die.
A Praise—Reason
I see the people out on the plains—from the distance they call to me. Come and march with us for a day, and be one of the people of the plains. Floating along with the winds that blow—the great human sea.
I love the sage and the vintage that grow, and the oaks that stand in chains. I love the music sung with the wings of the dust through the fields of chaffing grains, shadowed beneath the azure light of the hill's refrains.
Move, you angels of speed, across the white serenes. You rocks of earth stand still. You seas that lash with a turbulent rage shall all obey my will. I will watch by the things that strive and love, till all the earth be filled.
You teeming hosts a' moving on—I love the things of life. You serene glories of the sun's meridian gleam across the extending plains of white; that love and live in the dust of the earth, beneath the sun's great light.
Move you children with the speed of fire; I love those wings that sing in their strength, and might. Haste the speed of the soul that the living mind be right, you things that live in the light of the day—I hate the things of night.
Gather on the plains like clouds all spectered with black and gray. The things of speed shall dwell sublime, though the things that wait shall pass away. I shall call to those of my own in the midst of the sea; I shall wait for those that pray.
There is a light that shines with those that tell of the speed and power. Of the soul that hastens to the things of right in the days of their fleeting hours. Of the things that live in the love of light you people that is of power.
A Meditation—Our Praise
Mosier of the ages hear the children when they cry. Out on the plains they pray. Hold aright the storms that sweep over, bear the tempest far away. The chief of Jehovah's tribune—his hosts above the azure lights of gray. His spirit searches over the plains through all the souls of day.
We have a refuge in the light of the first morning, made brighter by the noon. Unfolding from Zion's harbor unto all the saints upon the spectered earth is strewn. Jehovah's gift descending through the gloom. A great rock that was cut out above the earth, but not with hands was hewn.
Then by the river of Zion all his saints shall meet once more. The angels in their salvation shall set his children then before. When the king descends to welcome his hosts upon that living shore, in one speech all voices of earth his high praises shall sing while crossing over.
This is when the afterwhile has become the present, and the day to come is just now. When those who hasten to be saved before his throne they bow. The tears of grief shall be no more for ever. The call comes forth to know just how. You saints shall answer with the light of life sealed on every ransomed brow.
A Praise—A Charge to The Spirits
Blow! O blow on the rocks of time you silent winds divine. Glitter on the mountain heights you rifting specters bright. Marching on you hosts of the senless quite. Out in that day of every soul that's neither dark or light.
Know you your place and name and who it is you be. It is the hand of a higher one leads thee through eternity. A price was paid, its value true, back in the ages one day; as onward through the shadows gleam the vampires wing their way.
The tiny feet disturb not the dewdrops, as on the rose of Sharrion's breast they lie. You lights upon the stillness, you unseen passers by. How old are you thou tiny might that never has been still? Before the mountains were brought forth or the sands were in the hills.
With you let not sorrow, grief or pain, as in your house of clay which you oft regain. It is not yours to demand to give forth or to say. But it is of him who paid the price back in an ancient day. By him who created us of nature, to walk in nature's way. Haste you spirits of silence and tell me what you know; you lights against the walls like shadows of the snow.
I am not with thee; you make me hate you in my dreams. Except thy feet have been dipped beneath the fountain streams; or have fallen with Lebannon's cedar from the heights of boze. And grown up again in the springtime with the seed of Sharrion's rose. And been judged in the dewdrops by the morning star. And been tested by Judah's lion with all his might and power.
Come then, you messengers of love, and gladness, and speak when I am not awar. In the silence of the night time when turmoils and strife are o'er. Pass over the starry valleys where maidens slumber beneath the shades of time. They shall be mothers without sin sublime. Forget not the pine upon the mountain or the vine that droops from the wall. Tender as the orchard bloom that lingers till the day of fall.
Why make you sin of the things that are sacred? Did Mosier tell you so? To change the heart of nature for things that would not grow. It was Satan who stood about the city with his host of fiends, and accused the highest saints of Jehovah of the vilest sins. Cease not then in your trend of events, you travellers weep no more. For the workman of Nazareth he has bridged the river o'er.
A High Praise—Salvation
The sorrows of the living in tears that are shed,
Are oftimes calmed by the silent speech of those that are dead.
Some of them have been gone for many years.
Ministering souls of Mosier in the great vineyard of careers.
Shadows of the soul's despair, are banished by the host of the saints of the air.
Mosier's saints as they linger near.
Mosier, with his saints, shall return to reign some day.
By the spirit of his light over all his people of the great white way.
A High Praise
King Simon he was a rich man, in land and silver and gold.
In sheep and cattle and wealth untold.
He also worshiped Jehovah; this was that king Simon in the days of old.
Every year he came to Zion to sacrifice—his cattle all arrayed in the finest of gold.
Great respect he had for Jehovah, moving on in the laws of light in the things he was told.
He said to his bearers at dawn, "Let us arise and away.
There is a sacrifice in Zion and I want to be there to pray."
Perhaps he will respect these mites of ours before his altar we convey.
There was sorrow in Zion, the heavens were all faded and gray.
Jehovah had hid his face from the children of the world, and taken his spirit away.
His son, assailed with their wrath, sang beneath the diheftie in the gates of the city that day.
They cried, "yonder comes that Nigger in his silken chariot of gold.
Come down you king, or we will crucify you and your fold."
But tears of sorrow for one among man, only revealed the thoughts of his soul.
He picked up the diheftie and away, and laid it down on Calvary,
Then said to his bearers, "Send those sheep and cattle away—in the wilds let them go free.
For Jehovah's own son in this city of tears has ended such things for me."
A High Praise
Some one is watching over the earth that is still; some one rules over the fringed hills.
O you wonders of life praise him who rules over our changing wills.
I watched those stars in the distances; there are some that falter and fall.
I see them glitter for an instant through the azure ways, and are not found at all.
Does the soul have need of things? Come, then, and ask of me.
I will tell you where the fallen stars are found—in the treasure of the prince of Galilee.
The brilliant stars of a billion lights are seen to fade and pass away, as they wander through the haze of gray.
Out of the darkness of the night into the light of day.
Who is that glittering above Eden's light, with the prayers of the saints scattering the night?
Changing the stars in their courses so bright; teaching the speeding sun to shed his light.
Whatever the soul desires that shall it ask of me. I, who arose from the dead on Calvary.
Holding the earth in its place aright; ruling the seas with his powerful might.
O you transcities on the hills of white; for thee changing the time into days and nights.
If the soul shall cry, the prince shall hear the Lord whose high spirit is always near.
He cares for you as a father would; as a chickadee in the garden protects her brood.
Who is he that holds creation in its perfect mood?
He is almighty, yet you can help him; you can if you would.
What does your work profit? Why labor as one great? Does the Lord have need of you?
As the saints believe in his greatness, these are the things the Lord will do.
A High Praise
Alleuher with sin I am done, I believe on your son, I am saved by the love of the sanctified one.
What more can he say, than to me he has said? Showing mercy to the sinner, and raising the dead.
If Jairus had not believed, surely he would not have seen the salvation of Mosier, his power supreme.
The children came to seek him. O how they loved him then, O praise his high spirit that is given to men.
Yonder comes then that woman, a sinner to her people to say, "Mosier rests by our city, it is time that we pray."
O how the children love him, because that he is ever true. His kingdom is with power, all the ages through.
A High Praise
King Mosier traveled through the land. He healed the sick, both of the rich and poor. He cast his spirit upon those in sorrow, and their sorrows were no more.
King Mosier went down to the pool of Solomon, where the sick were lying upon the shore. He bid them arise, be on the way, and their diseases were no more.
King Mosier went down to Bethany, where the dead were waiting in the tomb. O, death fell from its throne, and delivered up his own, to this power of Mosier that's known.
A Praise
There is a beautiful sea called memory. Many ships come sailing to me through the whole day,
From over the beautiful sea of memory.
The deep wide sea, the great high sea,
My beautiful sea of memory.
My beautiful ships on the great high sea.
Some are aged like, and hazed in the light of gray.
Others are as the roses that bloom in May.
Come sailing to me along by the shore through the whole day.
Deeds of kindness that are written
As the stars over the deep blue sea. Sailing along those that love me.
My beautiful ships the light of the mind.
Sailing out of the yesterdays to me.
Over the deep wide sea, the great high sea,
My beautiful sea of memory.
A High Praise
I sing of the great king who reigns in a city far above the star strewn blue. He is master and king over all creation, over the heaven and its angels, and the earth with its people, too.
There is a story true as the ages are old, sung by all the children of nature, calling the ancient times unto the present fold. Singing all the children of the great king these anthems as the ages roll.
High as the heavens above the earth, so high are his ways. Just children speaking of things in deeds and plays. Jehovah is higher, the great creator, he who gave one for the salvation of our days.
A High Praise
Over the rampage of the ages wild, came the voice of Mosier to me. As the sighing winds blow over the mountains and orchard valleys, ye stealthy lights that gleam upon the seas; most assuredly have you been born again. Have your souls been reclaimed by my spirit—I who holds that light of Calverie. Do you know me for yourself and not by another? are the souls that are known of me.
From the surging streams of the northland sealed, of the blue that shines across the earth revealed; unto all you souls that pray. Do you hear my voice in harmonies as the vespers play? As the sighing winds pass over the mountains most assuredly have you been, reclaimed by me. I have a torchlight descending from my father's throne. I who bare the sorrows of the world alone.
Is sorrow and pain turned to joy before thee; do you love death as the others love life. Is there no secret sin with thee, as with them of unjust strife? I am your strength in this way, I keep for you the eternal treasure of love and life. My father and I have made ourselves known unto thee, you saints of light; most assuredly as the sighing winds pass over the mountains you rest beyond the night.
A Praise—The Answer
Long ago we left the city of sorrow, for a city which is yet to come.
We sought the way that leads to Zion, and Jerusalem our home.
Mosier has gone from this world of sorrow, to prepare for us an eternal home.
And in the highway he has walked before us, he will ever care for his own.
With the new song we shall praise him ever, in that city he has gone to prepare.
When we enter the hilleued hills of Zion, O why not come and go with us there?
Some people wonder why we are sincere ever; some people wonder why we are true.
But to us Mosier is a real friend ever, and he is our glorious king, too.
As I wrought in the fields of time one day,
I passed through the valley of beauty, of things that were hidden away.
To the east and to the west and to all the horizon
There were hills and mountains of blue, and gold, and gray.
There were clear rivers glist'ning over rocks that were crystal white.
There were flowers that bloomed in the shade of a thousand lights.
There were stars that shone from the heaven, writing in the silent speech of the night.
A people had lived there in that valley one day.
They had sung and laughed and some times would cry or pray.
As I or you live in the trend of this song that ends in the close of the day.
A Praise—In Memory of Keturah
She was once upon earth, but now she sings through the fields of the stars.
She once knew distress, hunger and tears.
But now they feed her at Alleuher's own table through the centuries and years.
She is a servant of Mosier up there. With the host of the angels and the saints of the air.
O Alleuher's great tribune watching over the earth and its hosts of tears.
I heard her voice from the plains of the stars talking to the world with the fire of speed.
O Alleuher, the angels unfolding the glories of heaven to me,
And I rise with the hosts' glad refrain above the earth and the sea.
A Praise—The Answer
When through this orchard life we cease to wander; when comes the close of the years.
Let us cross over the river and rest in the beautiful valley beyond the shadows of tears.
Shall we gather by the river, just out yonder?
Shall we meet somewhere after a while?
As the evening draws nearer, upon the long road as we wander, greeted by our redeemer's smile.
If I should see the glories of the saints up yonder, and should hear their glad refrain,
All glittering over the world, His hosts upon higher plains, I shall know I am one of his train.
We will watch their ways from the still mountains. The days of man on earth we know.
Changing as the drifting snow, till the Redeemer calls together the souls from sorrow here below.
A High Praise
From Samaria to Shilo Jesus walked along one day.
A great host came praising him through the way.
A blind man was Barnabas, who heard some one say,
"It is Jesus the prophet of Galilee—unto whom the people praise and pray."
This we say to you that you may be content, and in your place to stay.
Then Barnabas said to his friend, a man who also could not see:
"I'll tell you I think this prophet is nowise of Galilee.
But Jehovah's own son, who has come to earth that such as we may see."
The light shines from our father's throne to the living man, out over the earth and the seas.
Then he cried, "O Mosier, you son in the house of David, show mercy unto such as we be."
Then Mosier said, "you that callest unto me speak in truth clear and plain.
For behold I go up to Judah and there for the world to be slain.
That I should arise from the dead today, in my father's glory to reign."
A Praise
Strive not to make lies your refuge, it is the fire of sorrow and woe.
Let not satan deceive you as along the way you go.
If you have not the truth of Mosier with you, life truly is in vain.
It will turn to sorrow as in the revelrie you seek for honor and fame.
You cannot hide behind falsehood, for investment behind the screen.
It will turn to vexation, all your deeds are plainly seen.
Your might soon fades in the swelling vortex as brown changes the green.
And when you can strive no longer, Satan's falsehoods hover over the scene.
But if you should have the spirit of Mosier with you and have him for your friend today,
He will give you high life and glory, you will have a good time all the way.
Then when the old house begins to shatter, brighter is life's star above the day.
The angels linger near to bear the ransomed soul away.
A Praise—The Kingdom
Over the eastern star Shilo's light will shine.
Through the many that is dimly burning ascends high the light of Zion.
He to reign for a thousand years, the seas the rocks obey.
Preparing the world for his father's throne, through all the souls to him that pray.
The saints with him to reign for a thousand years, the rest of the dead is a long time gone.
The angels with him shall reign, the great infinite throng.
When the souls and the hills are all prepared; when the seas are overcome,
The kingdom of all creation he delivers up as an obedient son.
The Song of the Serpent
We went to Calvary and stood just away. The prince of glory was there, in the hands of the people, who crucified him that day: Out on Judah's green hills, arrayed in the light of white and gray.
We went to watch through the ages, the things that the wicked would do. The works of the evil all the way through. They have crucified his saints in all nations of the earth. All of his saints that were true.
From the gates above Zion the Lord shall descend. His fiery wheels flaming with power—scattering the wicked of men. Who have slaughtered his saints in prisons of horrid death; whosoever were known among them.
A billion angels at his right, intermingling with others—the saints of might. Who has ascended from death, enthroned with his light. Those that were burned in the fire by the wicked, to spite. Comes inclosing the evil in their eternal dark night.
The voice of the serpent,—that whispers from the mire of the sea. Or that sigh of the evil, from the dust ascending before thee. Each soul is still weeping—each heart in sorrow alone. Or that mind of the living that fell from his great throne.
What joy thought the evil, that wandered in sorrow's broad trend. My soul has heard a wailing, as the song of the serpent by men. O souls what ail thee, its envy's dark cloud broader than the earth, and deeper than the sea. Spread over the spirits—their wicked melee.
They were a war of those that danced, in the trend of sorrow's vulgar wail. As the serpent held them by the hand, they knew that they were inshrouded in the evil dark vale. But "lo, lo," cried the company, "you shall not from us depart, for even the soul that shall fail."
Your door that stands closed, as a storm that darkens the noon. O soul of envy atroped senility that bloom. O you mind of the wicked, the close of the day has arriven so soon. No deeds of mercy, no work was begun, for in the heart of the wicked, the race was never run.
You saints as the eagle from the heavens that cry. You mountains of love all glorious and white ascending so high. O beautiful souls, Mosier's hosts, in all creation stand by. Watching over the earth and its hosts, no mind of the living can die.
O beautiful songs from the great throne that be. To the mind of all living—yet heard only by thee. The hosts of the heaven as the winds or the waves of the sea. Giving to every soul who has understanding and a portion of light for me.
Alleuher is not mocked by the race, or the evil within. Not by those who have fallen and rage, you terrors of sin: He keeps his city and its hosts of the earth and the air. The hours of the evil shall approach, but none of them shall come there, to that beautiful Zion, that city so fair.
Alleuher holds the order of life. All things in their hosts and zones. A power is with them, for they are his own. A lion and an eagle and a bull and the image of a man living in his glory, and bearing to and fro his great throne. His spirit descending through the hosts, the souls of all men is known. His salvation for his saints, his glory in order is shown.
Through the gates above Zion the hosts pass by, ascending and descending by the silvering portals. Upon that beautiful road he has built through the sky. All the earth is full of his glory as the wind, his power is nigh. His saints walk in his strength. There is no death, there is none of his hosts that ever die.
A Meditation—The Afterwhile
1. In the twilight I wandered by the old home place, and I saw it lie in wreck; all was vanity and despair. I sought for the things that belonged to my childhood days, but none of them were there.
2. The old apple tree which stood by the gate, had aged and fallen almost away. Its branches were drooped and crisp with time, through which I used to chase in games of play.
3. I looked away to the old house which stood midst the terrace blue. I thought of the days of my childhood ways, but storm and drear had changed things to an age of bronzed hue.
4. My old rose was gone which stood by the doorway, resting its hands against the wall. And seemed to watch me as I would fleet across the terrace, as if to guard against my fall.
5. I went to look through the garden of the days of long ago, and I saw that my brook lay mired and neglected, which so proudly through its vintage once did flow.
6. My old oak, too, had fallen which stood by the garden wall; crowned with azure gray like the light of fall. Casting its shadows across our brook, it was so strong, so mighty, and tall.
7. My cherry trees and the peaches, too, were gone, some hand had cast them aside. And the lilies and the magnolias and all the orchard beauties of my childhood pride.
8. There were only tiny fragments of our ships which in the rustic brook still yet did lie. When since so short a time when our gay sails and flags upon its waters did fly.
9. There had been a great rain out upon the hills, and our brook had become a mighty sea. Then we went with our ships to explore unknown lands, Julie, and Anna, and Me.
10. We set our ships in order and gave up our brave young lives to fate. We proudly manned our sails from the old elm tree down to the lower gate.
11. The tide rose high and turbulent and cast our ships upon a foreign shore. And we took charge of that land in order as by our swords and crowns we swore.
12. A bull screamed in the distance upon the bronzed hills. The cattle were coming home across the fringed rills. As in haste our ships we sought to fill, with trophies of that vintage land for our conquest to tell.
13. When we heard the voice of our Mother calling from over the mighty sea: "Come home, children, come home," she called across the river, "for Julie, and Anna, and Me."
14. I stood in the evening shadows with my head bare and gray. And as I looked through the evening twilight I saw my orchard beauties transplanted upon a hill to the leeward just away.
15. My old Oak was there, and the apple trees, and the peaches and the pretty things that bloom in red and rone. And I thought I heard the voice of our old rose still calling my children, "Come home, come home."
The Victory of Love
Early in the morning—in the morning of life.
Resting while the flowers unfolding to soothe the burning day of strife.
Fleeting hands lingering nearer, pressing down the folds of my shade.
A heart of gold ye diamond light transparent, to my soul such love is made.
I must rise and be ascending, while the flowers are in full bloom.
Through the fields be swiftly passing, the fleeting hours of noon.
I shall gather while praising on the lyre, a few wreaths are strewn.
That I shall rest through the evening, for the night shall triumph soon.
I shall ascend beyond the evening, to a field of light that is shown.
With hearts like gold ye love transparent, before a great white throne.
There again it shall be morning, for he made that day of rest you see.
Calling those fleeting hands come hither; those that love, are loved by me.
A High Praise—by Thomas Alvin Edison, the Great Apostle
I abjure thee by the living God that the truth be found in thee.
For the soul of man also needs light, wandering through eternity.
The living God he reigns in all the earth and watches on man's ways.
He demands in him that we believe serving through our evil days.
Mosier Alleuher's great son has shown the beautiful way
With light for the living mind of man from the haze of these cloud-strewn days.
We shall serve the living God, ministering saints of the air.
Or be driven from his beautiful light to the dark'ning realms of despair.
The living mind hastens to prepare desperately at the closing our here.
Something with which to join the high hosts watching over the earth up there.
Behold, I show the great mystery to thee, for the Lord shall make it fair.
Ye minds shall soon depart from the earth, to join the Lord in the air.
The soul's refuge is found in life that praises here.
All glory to the Lord on high who brought great joy and salvation near.
Ye thunders in darkness lash with rage, the Lord is not in them found.
But in peace with his saints over the beautiful world his spirit is bound.
O arise ye hosts of the earth, it's in high praises by thee.
That the Lord shall banish the tears of grief from the great human sea.
Music and great joy descending from his throne in praises with thee.
It's not far from there by the saints of the air to all the souls that be.
While the tempest rages wild or the seas roll back from the shore.
He will lead his saints through sorrow 'till all their trials are o'er.
A Meditation—The Shadows
Darkness mingles midst the tall green pines that shadow the face of the whole brown earth.
Doubt and despair is the fate that we share, all the days of life from the time of one's birth.
O, see the pretty moths whose wings have been broken, and they cannot rise with the songs of the breeze.
In silence they weep all alone, midst the shadows of the dense dark trees.
O, see, the proud souls that weep alone, midst the shadows of the world's despair.
Their wings all shrouded with that glory which were theirs, above in the light of the clear bright air.
O, see the pretty things that have come from afar; all appareled in the raiments of the homeland gay.
Marching in the path of the soul's refining, pretty things which tarry in passing through the shadowed ways.
O, look away to the eagle's heights, see the ever green cedars how they cling in every towering ledge.
From the tall rocks so white and serene, come stealthily down to the river's edge.
O, see, there are enduring souls that never change; who rest secure on higher plains in every clime and age.
Along by the rivers and above the shadows in every life that's made,
From the tiny urchin to the mighty sage.
O, see, there are violets which stand close by the rivers, chaft by the rain and dew.
But others are strewn all along upon the mountain sides of blue.
There is some one always waiting—some one with a soul that is always true,
Down by the rivers or upon the mountain sides in the same state as I or you.
O, see, there are souls that have no glory, weeping beneath the mist of gloom.
Their power is faded, before the time of noon.
It is the creator that exalts things which are his own,
In temperaments and harmony within each of their own zone.
No soul shall be reinstated by its power and might alone.