Transcriber's Notes


This text follows the original work as much as possible. Inconsistencies in lay-out, spelling, hyphenation, capitalisation, etc. have been retained, except as mentioned below.
Depending on the hard- and software used and their settings not all used symbols and characters may display correctly.
Hyperlinks point to the relevant sections, illustrations, etc., not necessarily to the page on which they appear in the original work.
The Table of Contents in the original work usually does not show all levels; this has not been changed. (Sub-)section headers show different levels, based on the text. The sub-sections under Baseball, American Billiards and La Crosse are not mentioned in the original Table of Contents, these have not been added.

Remarks on the text:
Page 75, hang from the strong downwards: possibly typographical error.
Page 127, orbele poplar: possibly error or variant spelling of abele poplar (white poplar).
Page 130, table: Smith’s scores are not according to the calculation given in the text; this has not been changed.
Page 389, illustration plate electrical machine: reference letters B are not visible in the original illustration.
Page 459, first illustration: reference letters D, E and F are not visible in the original illustration.
Page 487, spectra: the scans available of this edition show a fraction of letters in the right-hand margin of the page. A later edition (1881) of the book shows the same illustration, the symbols for the elements have been taken from that edition. The “metal discovered by Professor Bunsen” is rubidium. Page 490 lists the same elements.
Page 569: Angola rabbit it possibly a misspelling of Angora rabbit; the word occurs in other publications of the same period, and has not been changed.
Page 627, (or Var. A.): there is no Var. A. for this game in the original work.
Page 650, Fig. 6: reference number 1 is missing from the original illustration.
Page 670, ... and ask some to choose ...: possibly (part of) a word is missing (someone, some person or similar).
Page 682, Amstelod.: Amstelodanum (Amsterdam).
Page 697, realgor: possibly error or variant of realgar.
Page 724, In order to the full success ...: possibly a word is missing (In order to achieve ... or similar).
Page 752 ff (stamp collecting): it is not always clear to which stamps the text refers; in those cases there are no hyperlinks to what might be the illustrations referred to.
Page 764: Mecklenberg Schwerin: possibly error or English variant spelling for Mecklenburg Schwerin.
Page 798, carombolage: the French word is carambolage.
Page 812, a similar form to an English kite (see diagram): the diagram is not present in the original work.

Changes made to the text:
Some missing punctuation, repeated words and typographical errors have been corrected silently.
Footnotes have been moved to underneath paragraph they refer to.
i.e. and i. e. have been standardised to i. e.
Some illustrations have been moved from within text to underneath/above paragraph. Several tables and forms have been moved and re-arranged; therefore page numbers referring to illustrations are not necessarily correct in this text.
Parts of some illustrations have been enhanced for better visibility.
Page vii: Snow-Ball changed to Snow-Balls; Will you ’List changed to Will you List (both as in text)
Page viii: The Hoop added (as in text)
Page ix: Under-hand-hand bowling changed to Under-hand bowling; Single Wicket changed to The Laws of Single Wicket (as in text)
Page x: The Britzschaka, New Brougham and The Family Coach deleted from ToC, these are illustrations, not sections; BROADSWORDS treated as hierarchically higher level section, as in the text
Page xiii: Phantasmacope changed to Phantasmascope
Page xv: To crack Walnuts on your Elbow changed to To crack Walnuts in your Elbow (as in text)
Page xvi: The Row of Halfpence added
Page 1: Heading PART I added for consistency with other parts
Page 16: National-school doys changed to National-school boys
Page 17: water slashed over changed to water splashed over
Page 31: the second mode changed to The second mode
Page 124: fixed their staes changed to fixed their stakes
Page 155: snooters changed to shooters
Page 166: alloted changed to allotted
Page 170: illustration rotated 90°
Page 172: illustration (post) rotated 90°
Page 189, illustration: d changed to D as in text
Page 208: coupÉ sur peint changed to coupÉ sur point
Page 212, figure Target: inverted R changed to 1
Page 218: Page 605 changed to Page 219
Page 265, illustration: 7 changed to 4 as in text
Page 302: proportionably changed to proportionally
Page 310: not two high changed to not too high
Page 315, first illustration: text paragraph changed to caption
Page 328: free from noles changed to free from holes
Page 359: Is is a powerful supporter changed to It is a powerful supporter
Page 370, sal ammoniac: NH4C2 changed to NH4Cl
Page 371: section title IODINE--BROMINE--FLUORINE changed to IODINE as in ToC (sections on Bromine and Fluorine follow on same and next page)
Page 381: hickel changed to nickel
Page 391, illustration ringing bells: reference letter A added
Page 392: the knob E changed to the knob F
Page 405: jet-d’eau changed to jet d’eau
Page 406: jet-d’-eau changed to jet d’eau
Page 408: superscripts in chemical formula changed to subscripts as elsewhere
Page 448: a open umbrella changed to an open umbrella
Page 453: representatation changed to representation
Page 489: Kirchoff changed to Kirchhoff; fraction 1/2,500,00: the numerator was lacking in the original, numerator 1 has been added
Page 490: Kirchoff’s changed to Kirchhoff’s
Page 495: combe changed to combs
Page 505, Frequently the claws ...: “former” and “latter” reversed
Page 549, illustration Tumbler: moved to before section, caption deleted for consistency with other breeds
Page 551, illustration Fantail: moved to before section, caption deleted for consistency with other breeds
Page 554: hither and hither changed to hither and thither; crÉve coeur changed to crÈve coeur
Page 557: crÉve coeur changed to crÈve coeur
Page 593: indiarubber changed to india-rubber as elsewhere
Page 640, Variation A. on Black’s 3d Move: column headers BLACK and WHITE changed to WHITE and BLACK
Page 642, GAME II, White’s second move: 1. changed to 2.
Page 658: A changed to A
Page 676, Charles I. code: letter r inserted
Page 678: coded messages corrected to be in agreement with cipher given and coding procedure
Page 709: Mississipi changed to Mississippi
Page 712: Liliputian changed to Lilliputian
Page 719: Beurre Diel changed to BeurrÉ Diel (as in BeurrÉ d’Amanlis, same sentence)
Page 737, Cross Puzzle illustration: pieces renumbered according to solution
Page 760: À perÇevoir changed to À percevoir
Page 767: Van Dieman’s Land changed to Van Diemen’s Land.


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