
The notion of destroying ships or other structures by explosions of gunpowder, contained in vessels made to float on the surface of the water, or submerged beneath it, is not of very modern origin. Two hundred and fifty years ago the English tried “floating petards” at the siege of Rochelle. During the American War of Independence similar contrivances were used against the British, and from time to time since then “torpedoes,” as they were first termed by Fulton, have been employed in warfare in various forms; but up to quite a recent period the use of torpedoes does not appear to have been attended with any decided success, and it is probable that but for the deplorable Civil War in the United States we should have heard little of this invention. During that bitter fratricidal struggle, however, when so much ingenuity was displayed in the contrivance of subsidiary means of attack and defence, the torpedo came prominently into notice, having been employed by the Confederates with the most marked effects. It is said that thirty-nine Federal ships were blown up by Confederate torpedoes, and the official reports own to twenty-five having been so destroyed. This caused the American Government to turn their attention to the torpedo, and they became so convinced of the importance of this class of war engine that they built boats expressly for torpedo warfare, and equipped six Monitors for the same purpose.

It has been well remarked that the torpedo plays the same part in naval warfare as does the mine in operations by land. This exactly describes the purpose of the torpedo where it is used defensively, but the comparison fails to suggest its capabilities as a weapon of offence. There are few occasions where a mine is made the means of attack, while the torpedo readily admits of such an employment, and, used in this way, it may become a conspicuous feature of future naval engagements. Many forms of this war engine have been invented, but all may be classified, in the first place, under two heads: viz., stationary torpedoes, and mobile or offensive torpedoes; while independent distinctions may be made according to the manner of firing the charge; or, again, according to the mode of determining the instant of the explosion. The stationary torpedo may be fixed to a pile or a raft, or attached to a weight; the offensive torpedo may be either allowed to float or drift against the hostile ships, or it may be propelled by machinery, or attached to a spar of an ironclad or other vessel. The charge may be fired by a match, by percussion, by friction, by electricity, or by some contrivance for bringing chemicals into contact which act strongly upon each other, and thus generate sufficient heat to ignite the charge. The instant of explosion may be determined by the contact of the torpedo with the hostile structure (in which case it is said to be “self-acting”), or by clockwork, or at the will of persons directing the operations. In some cases lines attached to triggers are employed; in others electric currents are made use of.

Fig. 107.Submerged Torpedo.

In the American Civil War the stationary torpedoes at first laid down were self-acting, that is, they were so arranged as to explode when touched by a passing vessel. Such arrangements present the great disadvantages of being as dangerous to friendly as to hostile ships. The operation of placing them is a perilous one, and when once sunk, they can only be removed at great risk. Besides this, they cannot be relied on for certain action in time of need, as the self-acting apparatus is liable to get out of order. The superiority of the method of firing them from the shore when the proper instant arrived, became so obvious that the self-acting torpedo was soon to a great extent superseded by one so arranged that an observer could fire it at will, by means of a trigger-line or an electric current. Similar plans had often been previously employed or suggested. For example, during the war between Austria and Italy the Austrian engineers at Venice had very large electric torpedoes sunk in the channels which form the approaches to the city. They consisted of large wooden cases capable of containing 400 lbs. of gun-cotton, moored by chains to a wooden framework, to which weights were lashed that sufficed to sink the whole apparatus, Fig. 107. A cable containing insulated wires connected the torpedo with an electrical arrangement on shore, and the explosion could take place only by the operator sending a current through these wires. The torpedo was wholly submerged, so that there was nothing visible to distinguish its position. There was no need of a buoy or other mark, as in the case of self-acting torpedoes, to warn friendly vessels off the dangerous spot, and therefore nothing appeared to excite an enemy’s suspicions. But it is, however, absolutely necessary that the defenders should know the precise position of each of their submarine mines, so that they might explode it at the moment the enemy’s ship came within the range of its destructive action. This was accomplished at Venice in a highly ingenious manner, by erecting a camera obscura in such a position that a complete picture of the protected channels was projected on a fixed white table. While the torpedoes were being placed in their positions an observer was stationed at the table, who marked with a pencil the exact spot at which each torpedo was sunk into the water. Further, those engaged in placing the torpedoes caused a small boat to be rowed round the spot where the torpedo had been placed, so as to describe a circle the radius of which corresponded to the limit of the effective action of the torpedo. The course of the boat was traced on the picture in the camera, so that a very accurate representation of the positions of the submarine mines in the channels was obtained. Each circle traced on the table was marked by a number, and the wire in connection with the corresponding torpedo was led into the camera, and marked with the same number, so that the observer stationed in the camera could, when he saw the image of an enemy’s ship enter one of the circles, close the electric circuit of the corresponding wire, and thus instantly explode the proper torpedo. The events of the war did not afford an opportunity of testing practically the efficiency of these preparations.

Another mode of exploding torpedoes from the shore has been devised by Abel and Maury. It has the advantage of being applicable by night as well as by day. The principle will be easily understood with the assistance of the diagram, Fig. 108, in which, for the sake of simplicity, the positions of only three torpedoes, 1, 2, 3, are represented.

Fig. 108.Mode of Firing Torpedo.

In this arrangement two observers are required at different stations on the shore. At each station—which should not, of course, be in any conspicuous position—is a telescope, provided with a cross-wire, and capable of turning horizontally about an upright axis. The telescope carries round with it, over a circular table of non-conducting substance, a metallic pointer which presses against narrow slips of metal let into the circumference of the table. To each slip of metal a wire passing to a torpedo is attached, and another wire is connected with the axis of the pointer, so as to be put into electric contact with each of the others when the pointer touches the corresponding piece of metal on the rim of the table. The mode in which these wires are connected with the torpedoes, the telescopes, and the electric apparatus is shown by the lines in the diagram. At each station is a key, which interrupts the electric circuit except when it is pressed down by the operator. There are thus four different points at which contacts must be simultaneously made before the circuit can be complete or a torpedo explode. In the diagram three of these are represented as closed, and in such a condition of affairs it only remains for the observer to depress the handle of the key at station B to effect the explosion of torpedo No. 2. The observer at station a is supposed to see the approaching vessel in the line of torpedo No. 2, and recognizing this as an enemy’s ship, he depresses the key at his station. The operator at B, by following the course of the vessel with his telescope, will have brought the pointer into contact with the wire leading to No. 2 torpedo, and he then causes the explosion to take place by completing the circuit by depressing his key. A modification of this plan is proposed by which the position of the torpedoes is indicated by placing marks, such as differently-coloured flags, or by night lamps with coloured glasses, throwing their light only towards the telescopes. These marks are placed in the line of direction of each torpedo from the telescope as at c1, c2, c3 and b1, b2 3; and if they can be put at some distance, the position of the torpedo is determined with great accuracy by the intersection of the lines of sight of the two telescopes. Electric wires connect the stations and the torpedoes in the same manner as we have before described. Such methods of firing torpedoes are no doubt the most efficient, for the destructive charge may be sunk so far below the surface that not a ripple or an eddy can excite an enemy’s suspicion, or the channel appear otherwise than free and unobstructed, while friendly ships may pass and repass without risk; for the current which determines the explosion only passes when the two sentinels complete the circuit by simultaneously depressing their keys.

Attempts have often been made to convert the torpedo into an offensive weapon, by causing vessels containing explosive charges to drift by currents, or otherwise, into contact with the enemy’s ships. The results have been always unsatisfactory, as there is great uncertainty of the machine coming into contact with its intended mark. Besides, it is easy to defend vessels against such attacks by placing nets, &c., to intercept the hostile visitors, especially if the attack is made by day, and by night the chance that a torpedo drifting at random would strike its object is very small indeed. One condition essential to the success of such attacks is that the approach of the insidious antagonist may be unobserved. Accordingly divers schemes have been projected for propelling vessels wholly submerged beneath the surface of the water, so that they may approach their object unperceived, and exert their destructive effect precisely at that part of the vessel where damage is most fatal, and where an ironclad vessel is most vulnerable, namely, below the water-line. Vessels have been built, propelled by steam and so contrived that their bodies are wholly submerged, only the funnel being visible above the surface. These quasi submarine ships carry small crews, and are fitted with a long projecting spar in front, at the end of which is carried the torpedo.

Fig. 109.Explosion of Whitehead’s Torpedo.

Fig. 110.Effect of the Explosion of Whitehead’s Torpedo.

The Federal navy sustained several disasters from torpedo-boats of this kind. For example, the commander of the United States steamer Housatonic reported the loss of that vessel by a rebel torpedo off Charleston on the evening of the 17th February, 1864, stating that about 8·45 p.m. the officer of the deck discovered something in the water about 100 yards from, and moving towards, his ship. It had the appearance of a plank moving in the water. It came directly towards the ship, the time from when it was first seen till it was close alongside being about two minutes; and hardly had it arrived close to the ship before it exploded, and the ship began to sink. The torpedo-boat, with its commander and crew, were lost, having, it is supposed, gone into the hole made by the explosion, and sunk with the Housatonic. In general, however, the performance of submarine boats has been unsatisfactory. There is the difficulty of determining accurately the course of the boat; there is great danger to the men manning it, as exemplified in the case above; and there is again the problem of providing a means of propulsion which shall enable such a boat to advance or retreat for, say, a mile or more, without making its presence conspicuous by smoke or otherwise. The latter condition would appear to exclude the use of steam for such purposes, as the inevitable smoke and vapour would betray the presence of the wily craft. Another power which has been proposed is air strongly compressed, and recently a still more portable agent has been suggested in solid carbonic acid, which is capable of exerting a pressure of forty atmospheres by passing into the gaseous form. A locomotive form of torpedo, invented by Mr. Whitehead, has the explosive charge, which consists of about 18 lbs. of glyoxyline, placed in the front part of a cigar-shaped vessel, the other part containing mechanism for working a screw-propeller, by means of compressed air contained in a suitable reservoir. This torpedo having been sunk a few feet below the water, the motive power may be set in action by drawing a cord attached to a detent, when the mechanical fish proceeds in a straight line under the water. It is said that this torpedo is effective at 500 yards from the ship attacked, and may even be made sufficiently powerful to travel 1,000 yards under the water. The great objection to such arrangements is the uncertainty of the missile arriving at its destination, for even supposing that the water were without currents, the least deviation from the straight course would cause the torpedo to pass wide of the mark at 1,000 yards distant. It is said that at the experimental trials more than one projector of such war engines has been startled by his machine, after pursuing a circuitous submarine course, exploding in dangerous proximity to the place whence it was sent off, the engineer narrowly escaping being “hoist with his own petard.” The experiments which have been made with Whitehead’s torpedo in smooth water appear, however, to have been so far successful that we may probably hear of this invention being put in practical operation in certain cases. Fig. 109 shows the upthrow of water produced by the explosion of one of these torpedoes against an old hulk. The large mass of water thus heaved up is a proof of the mechanical energy of the explosion, and the effect on the hulk is shown in Fig. 110, which exhibits the damage done to her timbers, from the effects of which, it need hardly be said, she immediately sank. In Fig. 112 we have the representation of the explosion of one of Whitehead’s torpedoes containing 67 lbs. of gun-cotton, instead of the glyoxyline. The accurate delineation of these pyramids of water could not have been obtained but by the aid of instantaneous photography, and it constitutes a good example of the great value of such an application of that art, for the instantaneous photographs obtained in these experiments enabled the engineers to calculate accurately the volume and height of the column of water, which thus furnishes a measure of the power of the explosion.

Fig. 111.Experiment made by the Royal Engineers with a Torpedo charged with 10 lbs. of Gun-Cotton.

The ordinary torpedo adopted by the British authorities for coast defence consists of a cylinder of boiler plate, 4 ft. long and 3 ft. in diameter. It is intended to contain 432 lbs. of loose gun-cotton, equivalent in explosive energy to about a ton of gunpowder. The effect of one of these torpedoes exploded 37 ft. beneath the surface of the water is depicted in Fig. 113, and in Fig. 114 is shown the effect produced when the same charge was exploded at the depth of 27 ft. below the surface. Gun-cotton appears to be the most effective explosive for torpedoes, if we may judge by the large volume of water heaved up, as witness Fig. 111, which shows the result with a small torpedo, containing only 10 lbs. of gun-cotton, exploded at a less depth than those already mentioned. The ordinary torpedoes are moored by an anchor attached to the torpedo, and floating above it is a buoy shaped like an inverted cone. This cone contains a mechanical arrangement of such a nature that when it is struck by a passing vessel, an electric circuit is closed by bringing into contact two wires connecting the torpedo with a voltaic battery on shore. While the apparatus may thus be at any moment made fatal to a hostile vessel touching it, from the control it is under by the engineer having the management of the battery contacts, friendly vessels may pass over it with impunity.

Fig. 112.Explosion of Whitehead’s Torpedo, containing 67 lbs. of Gun-Cotton.

The employment of torpedoes develops, as a matter of course, a system of defence against them. Nets spread across a channel will catch drifting torpedoes, and stationary ones may be caused to explode harmlessly by nets attached to spars pushed a great distance forward from the advancing ship.

Before the final adoption of Whitehead’s torpedo, presently to be described, the British Government had, after various official trials, approved of a towing torpedo designed for offensive operations. It is the invention of Commander Harvey, and is worthy of a detailed description for the ingenuity of its construction.

Fig. 113.Explosion of 432 lbs. of Gun-Cotton in 37 feet of Water.

Fig. 114.Explosion of 432 lbs. of Gun-Cotton in 27 feet of Water.

The shape of Harvey’s torpedo, as may be noticed on reference to Fig. 118, is not symmetrical, but it has some remote resemblance to a boat, though constructed with flat surfaces throughout. The outside case is formed of wood well bound with iron, all the joints being made thoroughly water-tight. The length is 5 ft. and the depth 1¾ ft., while the breadth is only 6 in. Within this wooden case is another water-tight case made of thick sheet copper, from the top of which two very short wide tubes pass upwards to what we may term the deck of the wooden case. These are the apertures through which the charge of gunpowder or other explosive material is introduced; and when the tubes have been securely stopped with corks, brass caps are screwed on. The centre of the internal case is occupied by a copper tube, g, Fig. 115, which passes the entire depth, and is soldered to the top and bottom of the copper case, so that the interior of the tube has no communication with the body of the torpedo, the principal charge merely surrounding it. Thus the tube forms a small and quite independent chamber in the midst of the large one, which latter is capable of containing 80 lbs. of gunpowder. The copper tube or priming-case contains also a charge, a, which when exploded bursts the tube, and thus fires the torpedo in its centre. The priming charge is put in from the lower end of the tube, which is afterwards closed by a cork and brass cap, h; for the centre of the priming-case is occupied by a brass tube, b, closed at the bottom, but having within a pointed steel pin projecting upwards. In this tube works the exploding bolt c d, which requires a pressure of 30 or 40 lbs. to force it down upon the steel pin. This pressure is communicated to the bolt by the straight lever working in the slot at its head, d, and itself acted on at its extremity by the curved lever to which it is attached. Thus from the mechanical advantage at which the levers act a moderate downward pressure suffices to force the exploding bolt to the bottom of the brass tube. The lower end of this bolt has a cavity containing an exploding composition sufficient in itself to fire the torpedo, even independently of the priming charge contained in the copper tube. This composition is safely retained in the end of the bolt by a metallic capsule, c, which, when the bolt is forced down, is pierced through by the steel pin at the bottom of the brass tube, and then the explosion takes place. The bolts are not liable to explosion by concussion or exposure to moderate heat, and they can be kept for an indefinite period without deterioration.

Fig. 115.Section of Priming-Case and Exploding Bolt.

The mode of producing the explosion is not stated: it consists probably of an arrangement for bringing chemicals into contact. Besides the two levers already mentioned, a shorter curved lever working horizontally will be noticed. The object of this is to make a lateral pressure also effective in forcing down the bolt—a result accomplished by attaching to the short arm of the lever a greased cord, which, after passing horizontally through a fairleader, runs through an eye (see Fig. 117) in the straight lever, and has its extremity fastened so that a horizontal movement of the short lever draws the other down. A very important part of the apparatus is the safety key, f, Fig. 115, a wedge which passes through a slot in the exploding bolt, and resting on the brass-work of the priming-case, retains the muzzle 1 in. above the pin. Through the eye of the safety key and round the bolts passes a piece of packthread, e, which being knotted is strong enough to keep the key securely in its place, but weak enough to yield when the strain is put on the line, , used for withdrawing the safety key at the proper moment. This line is attached to the eye of the key, and passes through one of the handles forming the termination of the iron straps. As represented in Fig. 117, it forms the centre one of the three coils of rope. The bottom of the torpedo is ballasted with an iron plate, to which several thicknesses of sheet lead can be screwed on as occasion requires. Fig. 117 shows the arrangement of the slings by which the torpedo is attached to the tow-rope, and it will be seen that another rope passes backwards through an eye in the stern to the spindle-shaped object behind the torpedo. This is a buoy, of which two at least are always used, although only one is represented in the figure. Each buoy, in length 4½ ft., is made of solid layers of cork built up on an iron tube running through it lengthways, so that the buoys admit of being strung upon the rope.

Fig. 116.Harvey’s Torpedo.

Having thus described the construction of the torpedo, we proceed to explain how it is used. It must be understood that if the torpedo and its attached buoys are left stationary in the water, the tow-rope being quite slack, the torpedo will, from its own weight, sink several feet below the surface. But when they are towed, the strain upon the tow-line brings the torpedo to the surface, to dip below it again as often as the tow-line is slackened. There is another peculiarity in the behaviour of the torpedo, and that is that, when towed, it does not follow in the wake of the vessel, but diverges from the ship’s track to the extent of 45°. Its shape and the mode in which it is attached to the tow-line are designed so as to obtain this divergence. But, according as the torpedo is required to diverge to the right or to the left, there must be the corresponding shape and arrangement of tow-line and levers; hence two forms of torpedo are required, the starboard and the port. The figures represent the port torpedo, or that which is launched from the left side of the torpedo-ship, and diverges to the left of its course. The efficiency of the torpedo depends upon the readiness and certainty with which it can be brought into contact with the hostile ship, and this is accomplished by duly arranging the course of the torpedo vessel, and by skilfully regulating the tow-line so as to obtain the requisite amount of divergence, and to cause the torpedo to strike at the proper depth. The tow-rope is wound on a reel, furnished with a powerful brake, the action of which will be readily understood by inspection of Fig. 116, which represents also a similar smaller reel for the line attached to the safety key. Leather straps, sprinkled with rosin to increase the friction, encircle the drums of the reels, and can be made to embrace them tightly by means of levers, so that the running out of the lines can be checked as quickly as may be desired. Handles are attached to the straps, so that they can be lifted off the drum when the line is being drawn in by working the handles. When the torpedo is ready for action and has been launched, a suitable length of tow-line, which is marked with knots every ten fathoms, is allowed to run off its reel, while the safety key-line is at the same time run off the small reel, care being taken to avoid fouling or such strains on the line as would prematurely withdraw the key. Fig. 106 will make clear the mode of controlling the lines, but it is not intended to represent the actual disposition in practice, where the men and the brakes would be placed under cover. On the left of the figure a starboard torpedo is about to be launched; on the right a port torpedo has been drawn under the ironclad and is in the act of exploding, the safety key having been withdrawn by winding in its line when the torpedo came into proximity to the attacked vessel.

Fig. 117.Harvey’s Torpedo.

Fig. 118.Harvey’s Torpedo.

Fig. 119.Official Trial of “Harvey’s Sea Torpedo,” February, 1870.

When the torpedo has been launched over the vessel’s side, the latter being in motion, the torpedo immediately diverges clear of the ship; and when the buoys have also reached the water, the men working the reels pay out the line steadily, occasionally checking the torpedo to keep it near the surface, but avoiding a sudden strain upon the slacked tow-rope, which would cause the torpedo to dive, and in shallow water this might lead to the injury or loss of the torpedo. The torpedo can be gradually veered out to the distance required, at the same time that the safety-key is so managed that sufficient strain may be put upon it to prevent it from forming a long bight astern of the torpedo, but avoiding such a strain as would break the yarn holding the safety-key in its place. The distance to which the tow-line may be paid will depend upon the circumstances of the attack. More than 50 fathoms is, however, a disadvantage, as the long bight of tow-lines makes the torpedo drag astern. The torpedo can always be made to dive several feet below the surface by suddenly letting out two or three fathoms of tow-line. The torpedo vessel should, of course, be a steamer of considerable speed—able to outstrip when necessary all her antagonists, and, as a rule, it is found best to make the attack at night. Let us imagine two ships of war at anchor, and parallel to each other at perhaps a distance of 60 fathoms; and suppose that, under cover of darkness, a hostile torpedo vessel boldly steams up between them, having launched both its starboard and port torpedoes. In such a case neither ship could fire at the torpedo vessel for fear of injuring the other, while the torpedo vessel would in all probability succeed in bringing its floating mines into contact with both its enemies.

Fig. 120.Model of Submarine Guns.

Another device for submarine attacks upon vessels on which much ingenuity has been expended is the submarine gun. It has been sought to propel missiles beneath the surface of the water, these missiles being usually provided with a charge which, on contact with the vessel’s side, would explode, and by making a hole below the water-line, cause the certain destruction of the ship. It is obvious that such a mode of attack would reach the only vulnerable parts of a thickly-plated ironclad, and therefore the project has been recently revived in several forms. Fig. 120 is taken from the photograph of a model of an invention of this kind. The guns which are to propel the submarine projectiles, have port-holes formed by valves in such a manner that the gun when loaded can be run out without allowing water to enter; it can then be fired while the muzzle is below the surface, and again drawn in without the port being at any time so opened that water can pour into the vessel. All contrivances of this kind have hitherto been failures; indeed, it does not appear possible that they could succeed, except at very close quarters, for the resistance offered by water to a body moving rapidly in it is extremely great, and, as we have already had occasion to state, the resistance increases as the square of the velocity, and probably in even a higher degree for very great velocities. Any one who will remember the effort it requires to move one’s hand quickly backwards and forwards through water will easily understand that the resistance it presents would, in a comparatively short space, check the speed of a projectile, however great that speed might be at first. A good many years ago Mr. Warner produced a great sensation by an invention which appears to have been essentially a floating torpedo. The cut below, Fig. 121, represents the result of an experiment publicly made by him off Brighton, in 1844, upon a barque, which was towed out by a steamer to a distance of a mile and a half from the shore. Mr. Warner was on board the steamer, and the barque was 300 yards astern. Five minutes after a signal had been made from the shore, the torpedo was caused to explode, striking the barque amidships, throwing up a large column of water and dÉbris, shooting the mainmast clean out of the vessel, the mizen going by the board, and dividing the hull into two parts, so that she sank immediately. Yet this invention, though apparently so successful, does not seem to have ever been put in practice.

Fig. 121.The Warner Experiment off Brighton.

The stationary torpedoes of the kind mostly used in the American Civil War were, as already stated, self-acting; that is, they exploded when touched by a passing vessel. They would now be more generally called self-acting mines, and are to be distinguished from that form of the weapon in which the explosion is determined by some manipulation on shore, such as the closing of an electric circuit, when the hostile vessel comes within the area of destructive action. This form receives the name of observation mines. Stationary mines are essentially instruments of defence, and as such are employed for the protection of rivers and harbours. The self-acting varieties usually contain a charge of 70 lbs. to 80 lbs. of gun-cotton, and are commonly arranged in lines. Of course, when the occasion for which such mines have been laid down is past, they must be removed, and the operation of picking them up is one of great danger. The observation mines, on the other hand, do not require immediate removal, and they can be taken up with little risk. In the British service the observation mine contains about 500 lbs. of gun-cotton, and a line of these is sometimes moored in a water-way, from 35 feet to 50 feet below the surface. The area of destructive action in this case is a circle of about 30 feet radius, and therefore a line of seven such mines laid across a channel at intervals of 120 feet apart would ensure the almost certain destruction of any war vessel of ordinary breadth that might attempt to pass up a river of 840 feet in width. This is about the distance across the Thames near the Tower of London, but the depth of the river there being only 12 feet at low-water and 33 feet at high-water, would not suffice to give effect to the full energy of so large a charge of gun-cotton; for it has been found that, for a given charge, there is a certain depth under water at which its explosion will produce the maximum effect, and this depth will be greater with heavier charges than with light ones. The regulation “observation mine” of the British service has a cylindrical case of stout plate-iron, 32 inches in diameter and 34 inches high, with domed ends. Within this gun-cotton is contained, in a wet condition, in a number of copper envelopes, which have holes for access of water to wet the charge from time to time as occasion requires, the wet condition being the safest for the carriage of gun-cotton. The centre of the case is a tin charged with some discs of dry gun-cotton, and the detonator required to bring about the explosion of the whole charge when the electrical contact is made, fires the fuze contained within the primer. These cases are arranged to have a certain buoyancy, and are moored with wire ropes to heavy iron sinkers, the mooring ropes being of such length as to keep the explosive case at the proper depth below the surface, and of sufficient strength to resist the force of the currents in the waterway. There is also another type of submarine mine, operated by an electric current, the circuit of which is closed by contact of a passing vessel, if at the time a battery on shore is included in the circuit. In this way the mines can be made harmless or dangerous for passing vessels at the will of the operator on shore. The passing vessel is made to complete the circuit by tilting over the cylindrical case so far that some mercury contained in a small part of it is upset, and makes the requisite metallic contact. This arrangement is known as the electro-contact mine.

In former pages of this article on torpedoes will be found representations of the effects produced by Whitehead’s torpedo, which, being automobile and travelling altogether under the surface of the water, was capable of being made a very formidable weapon of offence. When the earlier editions of this work were going through the press, it was understood that the Whitehead torpedo left much to be desired as regards speed, certainty of direction through the water, and perhaps in other points, the inventor being constantly engaged in effecting improvements. At that time particular pains were taken to keep secret the nature of the most important parts of the internal mechanism. The work of construction was carried on in a room with locked doors, blocked-out windows, and a military guard outside. The earlier experimental forms of this automobile torpedo were constructed in complete secrecy by the inventor himself, with the help of only one trusted, skilled mechanic and a boy, who was no other than Mr. Whitehead’s own son. The history of the invention is very interesting, and exemplifies the power of skill and perseverance to overcome a multitude of difficulties, the result being a machine which is simply a marvel of ingenuity and of delicate nicety of adaptation.

The first notion of the automobile torpedo appears to have occurred to an Austrian naval officer; but it took rather the form of a small vessel containing within itself some propelling power by which it could move along the surface of the water, its course being directed by ropes or guiding lines from the shore or from a ship. The fore part of the little vessel was to hold an explosive, to be fired automatically by the self-propelled torpedo coming into contact with the side of the hostile vessel. The propelling power, as first suggested, was clockwork, if that could be made efficient, or steam as an alternative. The Austrian authorities, however, considered that it would be impracticable to direct the course of the torpedo in the manner proposed, and that there were also great objections to each of the methods of obtaining motive power. The assistance of a thoroughly competent and skilful mechanician was then sought, and Mr. Whitehead, at that time the director of an engineering establishment at Fiume, devoted himself to solving the problem of devising a torpedo which should be able to travel beneath the surface of the water, and, when once started, should require no external guidance to keep it on its proper course. After some years of experimental labours, Mr. Whitehead produced the first form of the weapon with which his name is associated, but to this he has since added from time to time many ingenious improvements. A committee of experts having been appointed by the Austrian Government to test the capabilities of the new invention, it was made the subject of a long series of trials, after which the committee recommended its immediate adoption in the Austrian navy. The earlier form of the Whitehead torpedo had, however, the defect already mentioned, of being sometimes very erratic in its course; its speed was small (6 knots) compared with that of the more recent patterns (30 knots), and its range of travel proportionately less. The British Admiralty having invited Mr. Whitehead to visit England with some specimens of his invention, a committee was appointed to make complete trials of the capabilities of two weapons he had brought with him. Although by this time great improvements had been made on the original design, and in particular, Mr. Whitehead had almost completely overcome the difficulty of keeping the torpedo at a uniform depth during its course, by means of delicate adjustments in what we may call the steering chamber (to be presently mentioned), much remained to be accomplished before the weapon attained the perfection of the modern patterns. Indeed, the inventor may be said to have from time to time redesigned his contrivances, as when in 1876 the speed was increased to 18 knots, and again in 1884 more powerful engines brought up the speed to 24 knots. Further improvements have been made by Mr. Whitehead, who designed a new form of the weapon in 1889, and some of the more recent patterns can now show a speed of 30 knots or more. The committee appointed by the Admiralty to conduct experiments with the first pair of torpedoes brought to England, after having tested them in various ways for a period extending over six months, reported that they believed that “any maritime nation failing to provide itself with submarine locomotive torpedoes, would be neglecting a great source of power, both for offence and defence.” Upon this recommendation the Admiralty immediately purchased from Mr. Whitehead for £15,000 the secret of the internal mechanism of his invention and the rights of manufacturing it. The self-adjusting apparatus within the steering chamber, by means of which the torpedo was kept at its due depth, was then a jealously-guarded secret; but when the arrangement with Mr. Whitehead was effected, the Government immediately set about the manufacture of these torpedoes on a large scale. The artificers employed in making the Whitehead torpedoes were now numerous, and the internal structure of these weapons could not advantageously be altogether concealed from those who had to handle them on board of the ships, so that it inevitably happened that some details of their construction leaked out, and came into the possession of other powers, whereupon all the maritime states followed the example of Great Britain by providing their navies with Whitehead or some such form of locomotive torpedo. It is no part of our plan to enter into the mechanical minutiÆ of the Whitehead torpedo. We may, however, give the reader such an idea of the external appearance and internal arrangement of the Whitehead torpedo as will enable him to appreciate to some extent the ingenuity and skill that have been brought to bear upon its construction.

There are in existence many different patterns of the weapon—twenty-four, it is said—and this is what might be expected from the fact of its being produced at several different manufactories, each striving to effect whatever improvements its resources will supply. Some torpedoes have been made at Fiume, very many at Mr. Whitehead’s works at Portland, as also at the Government establishment at Woolwich, while private enterprise in this direction is encouraged by contracts with some private firms, such as that of Messrs. Greenwood & Bately at Leeds. The greatest diameter of the large torpedo is 18 inches, but in some it is rather more, in others 14 inches or 16 inches; and the length may vary between 14 feet and 19 feet. Many of our Whitehead torpedoes are made of polished steel, but in the later patterns phosphor-bronze is partly made use of, as being not liable to corrode. The interior of the torpedo is divided by transverse partitions into five distinct compartments. The foremost of these, called the “head,” contains the explosive charge when the weapon is ready for use in actual warfare. This section, which may occupy about one-sixth of the total length, is an air-tight case made of phosphor-bronze, one-sixteenth of an inch thick, and it is kept permanently charged with slabs of wet gun-cotton, which may amount to 200 pounds weight in all, and is ready to be attached by a screw and bayonet joint to the body of the torpedo; but this is done only at the time immediately before it is required for its destructive employment. Its place at other times, as when the torpedo is used for drill practice, and to test its running powers, is occupied by a dummy head of steel, of exactly the same shape and size, and packed with wood in such a manner that its weight and centre of gravity are like those of the explosive head when the latter is ready for action. The wet gun-cotton requires a detonative explosive of dry material close to it, in order to determine its own detonation. The explosive heads of the Whitehead are not fitted with the pistol and priming tube until all is ready for the discharge of the weapon, as this would render the handling of the torpedo highly dangerous. This priming apparatus is merely a metallic tube that slips into a corresponding hollow in the explosive head so far as to reach well within the wet gun-cotton charge, although still separated from the latter by a metal casing. The posterior extremity of the priming tube contains a few ounces of dry gun-cotton, and just in front of this is a copper cap containing some fulminate of mercury, which readily explodes when struck by the point of a steel rod, occupying the centre of the tube and projecting a short distance out at the “nose” of the torpedo, so as to be driven inwards by the impact of the latter on a ship’s side. The explosion of the fulminate causes the detonation of the dry gun-cotton at the bottom of the priming tube, and this is taken up by the whole mass of the explosive with destructive effect. The danger of premature or accidental explosion by anything coming in contact with the projecting striker is obviated by several checks which prevent any chance blow driving the rod home against the fulminate charge. The anterior projecting end of the rod has a screw thread worked upon it, and on this turns freely a nut provided with wings like a small fan, revolving in such a manner that as the torpedo is moved through the water, the nut is spun off, and the striker is free to be driven back, except in so far as it is still retained by a small copper pin, the breaking of which requires a considerable blow. Again, the little fan above mentioned cannot begin to spin off the rod until another pin or wedge has been withdrawn, which operation is performed just before launching the weapon.

Immediately behind the exploding head of the torpedo is the air-chamber, which occupies a considerable space in the length, i.e., about one-third of the whole. This part is made of the toughest steel, nearly ? of an inch thick, and contains the power actuating the motor, in the form of air forced into it by powerful pumps on board the ship, until the pressure reaches the enormous amount of 1,300 lbs. or more on the square inch, or, at least, this is what is made use of in the newer patterns when charged for action. In the largest size of the weapon the weight of air injected may be more than 60 lbs., and, of course, considerably detracts from the buoyancy of this part.

Behind the air-chamber comes another much shorter compartment we have called the “steering chamber,” in which are contained the most ingenious and delicate parts of the apparatus, namely, the mechanism by which this extraordinary artificial fish adjusts itself, after the manner of a living thing, to the required conditions. Among other contrivances, it contains several valves controlling the action of the compressed air on the engines, etc. The enormous pressure to which the air-chamber is charged, if allowed to act unchecked, would give at first a power almost sufficient to shatter the machinery, and, in order to prevent this, a “reducing valve” is interposed so that only a moderate and uniform pressure of air is allowed to act upon the engines. Then there is the “starting valve” by which the air is admitted or cut off from the engines, and still another valve which is contrived to delay the action of the compressed air for the short interval during which the torpedo is passing from the discharging tube until it enters the water. For during this interval the propellers not having to act against the water, but only against the resistance of the atmosphere, would be whirled round at an enormous speed, and the machinery would sustain such shocks and strains as might endanger the whole apparatus. It is to prevent this that the “delay action valve” is provided.

The automatic apparatus by which the torpedo’s course is regulated is a very remarkable part of the invention, and it admits of the nicest adjustments. This was the crown of Mr. Whitehead’s ingenuity, but the details were, by an arrangement between the government and the inventor, not to be made public, though necessarily communicated to certain officers in the service, and known to the chief artisans employed in their fabrication. These persons are all, we believe, required to give pledges not to divulge the arrangement of particular parts. But such details could scarcely be made intelligible, even should they be interesting, to the general reader. The principles upon which the controlling apparatus are arranged may, however, be comprehended without difficulty.

The tail of the torpedo is provided with two rudders, one in its central vertical plane, and the other in its central horizontal plane. Their action in directing the torpedo’s course is exactly that which the tail supplies to a fish, or the rudder to a boat. Suppose that while the torpedo is passing through the water the vertical rudder is by any means turned towards one side, the course of the metallic fish will be diverted towards that side; or again, a turning upwards of the horizontal rudder would have the effect of directing the nose towards the surface, and would make the torpedo rise, and so on. Now the positions of the horizontal rudder are regulated from the “steering chamber,” in which a heavy weight is suspended like a pendulum, so as to be capable of swinging fore and aft. This pendulous weight actuates the horizontal rudder through a system of rods and levers, so that when it hangs vertically the horizontal rudder is level, but if from any cause the nose of the torpedo were directed downwards, the pendulous weight would come to a more forward position in the steering chamber, and would raise the rudder, and thus turn the nose towards the surface until the original horizontal position were regained. In the contrary case, of course, the reverse action would take place. But the torpedo, while preserving a horizontal position, might tend to sink to too great a depth, or rise too near the surface, and this is prevented by another adjustment, namely, a piston receiving the pressure of the water, which, on the other side, is opposed by a spring. If the torpedo sinks a little the pressure increases, the piston, which moves with perfect freedom without allowing water to pass in, is forced inwards, and its movement is communicated to the same levers that connect the pendulous weight with the horizontal rudder, the latter is raised, and then the nose of the torpedo is directed upwards, and it consequently approaches the surface again. In the contrary case the spring, relieved from some of the external pressure, operates the levers in the other direction.

The compartment immediately behind the “steering chamber” contains the engines which are of the Brotherhood type, provided with three single acting cylinders. The three-fold throw prevents any possibility of the engine getting on a “dead point.” Though this compartment is the shortest in the torpedo, the engines in the larger sizes are capable of indicating as much as thirty horse power. It has for simplicity been stated above that the pendulous weight and the balanced piston act by means of rods on the horizontal rudder; this was so in the early patterns of the torpedo, but it was soon found that they did not do so with sufficient steadiness and promptitude, and the force they could apply was in the larger and swifter forms quite ineffective. Nowadays the engine compartment always contains a little piece of apparatus which is an arrangement of cylinder and piston, upon which the compressed air acts in one or the other direction according to the way its slide-valve is moved. It is this slide-valve that the rods from the “steering chamber” move, and allow the force of the compressed air to turn the rudder up or down. This auxiliary apparatus has the same relation to the torpedo rudder that the steam-steering apparatus of a large vessel has to its rudder. Although it is only about a few inches long, its power and delicacy are such that the pressure of half an ounce on its slide admits to its piston a force equal to 160 lbs., and its introduction has given the torpedo the power of steadily steering itself.

Behind the engine compartment, but completely shut off from it, is another almost empty division occupying a considerable part of the length of the torpedo, and known as the “buoyancy chamber.” But it contains, attached to the bottom of it, a certain amount of ballasting, so adjusted to balance the weights of the other parts that the whole floats horizontally, and at the same time preserving the tube in one vertical position as regards its transverse diameter, i.e., so that the horizontal rudder is always horizontal. The shaft from the engine passes through this compartment, as also the rod from the small motor that moves the horizontal rudder. These, of course, pass through water-tight bearings.

At the tail of the torpedo, behind the rudders, are two three-bladed screw propellers, of which the anterior one is mounted on a tubular shaft having a common axis with the other, but made to revolve in the opposite direction by means of a bevel wheel mounted on each independent shaft, with a third such wheel connecting them. The object of the double screw is to obviate “slip,” that is, ineffective motion of the blades through the water, and by this means the full power of the engines can be developed; while any tendency to deviation to right or left, due to the rotation, is reduced to a minimum. We have spoken of one horizontal and one vertical rudder, although externally there appear to be two of each kind, right and left, above and below, on the tail of the torpedo. These pairs, however, are so connected as to be always in the same respective planes. The controlling mechanism acting in two different ways on the horizontal rudder has been already indicated, but nothing has yet been said about the vertical rudder. It is not moveable by anything within the torpedo, but is commonly fixed by clamping screws in or about the same vertical plane as the axis of the torpedo, and it performs the same function as a kind of back fin, which, in the earlier forms, extended nearly the whole length of the tube; and that is obviating any tendency of the torpedo to roll about its axis. The vertical rudder can also be fixed at a considerable inclination to the axis should occasion require, and the effect of that would be to cause the torpedo to pursue a circular course of greater or less radius, according to the less or greater degree of inclination. Very rarely, however, would this be required, and the vertical rudder may be considered as fixed in the axial plane, or having such slight inclination as may, on trial, have been found necessary to counteract any tendency to lateral deviation.

There are several different methods for discharging the Whitehead torpedoes from ships. They may be sent from a tube below the water-line, but the arrangements for that purpose are complicated and difficult to manage, while, on the other hand, the launch of the weapon is not perceived by the enemy, and it is at the same time out of the reach of any blow from a hostile missile while yet in its discharging tube. More commonly the discharging tube is arranged above the water-level. On regular torpedo boats, the tubes are sometimes mounted on pairs upon a revolving table, provided with many nice adjustments, and even the single above-water torpedo tube, as used between decks, is an apparatus having somewhat complicated appliances. The torpedo is expelled from the tube now preferably by a small charge of cordite. But in the Royal Navy no fewer than some twenty different patterns of torpedo tubes have been in use for the various sizes of torpedoes. In some of these, compressed air, in others gunpowder or cordite, in others, again, mechanical impulse propels the torpedo into its element. It would obviously be impossible within our limits to enter into details of these various constructions, or to attempt descriptions of all the ingenious contrivances applied to the torpedo itself, or to give an account of the means of defence against mines and torpedoes, this last being a matter belonging to naval tactics. The adoption of the torpedo as a naval weapon has given rise to special types of boats adapted for its employment, and these again have required other boats to destroy them (“torpedo-boat destroyers” or “catchers”). Light draught and high speed were desired in these last; but in many cases the intended speed was inferior to that of the torpedo boats that were to be caught.

The following particulars about the British torpedo-boat destroyer Daring may be compared with those given of the cruiser Majestic. The Daring is 185 feet long, 7 broad, and she draws only 7 feet of water. Her speed is about 28½ knots per hour, with a steam pressure in the boilers of 200 lbs. per square inch, and an air pressure in the stoke-holds equivalent to 3 inches of water (forced draught.)

The importance attached to the prospective use in war of the automobile torpedo may be shown by the fact that at the end of 1890 the number of torpedo boats built or laid down for England was 206, and for France 210, while other nations followed with numbers proportionate to their means. Forty “torpedo-boat destroyers” were in building for the British Navy towards the close of the year 1896, and now (March, 1897) it is announced that the number of torpedo boats and torpedo-boat destroyers in the French Navy is to be increased by 175.

Fig. 122.M. Ferdinand de Lesseps.


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