
Fig. 232a.—Living Hand. Exposure, 4 Minutes.

On page 507 reference will be made to certain remarkable effects observed by Mr. Crookes when the electric discharges from an induction coil are passed through very highly exhausted tubes. These phosphorescent and mechanical effects Mr. Crookes attributed to streams of “radiant matter” shot off from the negative pole with immense velocities—the matter not being that of the electrode itself, but particles of the extremely rarefied residual gas, which, being comparatively few, could mostly traverse the tube in straight lines without coming into collision with their fellows, and thus a class of phenomena, different from the striated discharges in the ordinary and less highly exhausted Geissler tubes, comes into view. The emanations from the negative pole, or cathode, in highly rarefied gases became known as the “cathode rays,” and they began to be further examined by other observers, and more particularly in 1894 by Hittorf, and by M. Lenard, a Hungarian physicist, who found that they pass through thin plates of metal, and through wood and other substances not transparent to ordinary light. It was also observed by Lenard, and also previously by Hertz, that there are several kinds of cathode rays, which differ from each other as regards their powers of exciting phosphorescence, capability of being deflected by a magnet, and the degrees in which they are absorbed by various media. But universal attention was drawn to this subject by the announcement, at the end of 1895, of certain discoveries made by Dr. W. K. Roentgen, a professor of physics at Wurzburg. He covered a highly-exhausted Crookes’ tube with black cardboard, and found that when the discharge of a large induction coil was passed through the tube in a dark room, a piece of paper coated on one side with platino-cyanide of barium, and held near the covered tube, glowed with a brilliant fluorescence, no matter which side of the paper was turned towards the tube; and even at a distance of two yards some fluorescence was still visible. On experimenting with various bodies interposed between the covered tube and the fluorescent screen, it was found that the emanations passed through nearly every substance with more or less facility. The screen lit up when placed behind a book of a thousand pages, also behind two packs of cards. A single layer of tin-foil scarcely threw a shadow, and several thicknesses were required to produce a distinct effect. Deal boards, an inch thick, offered little resistance. A very thick plate of aluminium (6
inch) reduced the fluorescence, but still allowed some rays to pass. The hand held before the fluorescent screen showed a dark shadow of the bones only, with but a faint outline of their fleshy investment. Copper, silver, gold, platinum, and lead, in comparatively small thicknesses, intercept these rays. Thus a plate of lead only five hundredths of an inch thick almost stops them. Increase of thickness increases the resistance to their passage in all cases; but the comparative transparency of a body cannot be deduced from its thickness and density. Many other bodies besides platino-cyanide of barium become fluorescent under the influence of these rays, such as certain kinds of glass, Iceland spar, rock-salt, etc. Dr. Roentgen is convinced that these rays are not the cathode rays or any part of them; but as the theoretical nature of the new rays has not yet been explained, he has preferred to provisionally call them the X rays, a denomination doubtless suggested by the use of the symbol x in algebra to represent unknown quantities.

The source of the X rays, Roentgen states, is at the place where the cathode rays strike the walls of the exhausted tube, and produce the most brilliant phosphorescence; but they cannot be cathode rays which have merely passed through the glass, for, contrary to what has been observed with respect to the latter, they cannot be deflected by a magnet. Nor is glass the only substance in which they can be generated, for they were obtained from an apparatus in which the cathode rays were made to impinge upon a plate of aluminium nearly one-tenth of an inch thick. Photographic dry plates are also sensitive to the X rays, and their power to pass through wood, ebonite, etc., makes the experiments of testing the opacity, or otherwise, of various objects for them quite easy. It is necessary merely to place the object on the closed cover of the dark slide, and place the whole under the vacuum tube; all the exposure, which is somewhat prolonged in most cases, may be made in ordinary light. But the light-tight boxes, in which photographic plates are packed, cannot, of course, be brought near the apparatus, as they are completely permeable to the X rays, and their whole contents may be rendered useless. The impression obtained on the photographic plate is not so much a photograph as a shadow of the interposed object—a shadow more or less dense in the positive print according to the permeability of the object, and the length of the exposure. These photographic results have sometimes been called “shadowgrams,” “radiograms,” “radiographs,” “skiagraphs,” etc. The word skiagraph appears the most appropriate designation. That the emanations from the phosphorescing substance on which the cathode rays impinge are entitled to be also called rays, appears from the regularity of the shadows thrown on the fluorescent screen or photographic plate; and the fact of their propagation in straight lines was proved by Dr. Roentgen obtaining a pin-hole photograph of the phosphorescing part of the vacuum tube, when the latter was enveloped in black paper. Why a pin-hole and not a lens was used for taking this photograph will presently appear.

Fig. 232b.—Skiagraph of a Hand, by Dr. Roentgen. The Third Finger has a Ring on it.

One of Dr. Roentgen’s experiments excited the attention and interest of the general public, as well as of the scientific world, in the most extraordinary degree, and though its announcement was received in some quarters with incredulity, experimenters in all parts of the world immediately set themselves at work to test the truth of the alleged discovery. Electrical apparatus of different kinds, with various adjustments, were employed, with results that were in some cases failures, in others confirmations of the German professor’s statements, and not unfrequently the variations in the conditions gave rise to increased knowledge of the phenomena generally. The experiment just alluded was one in which a dry photographic plate contained in one of the camera dark slides, now so familiar to every one, was placed (with the slide still closed by its wooden cover of nearly one quarter of an inch thick) a few inches below the Crookes’ tube, and the hand of a living-person being extended on the outside of the cover, a shadow of the bones of the hand, as if seen through the surrounding tissues, was obtained. Much popular misconception as to the powers of the “new photography” arose from want of knowledge of the process by which these strange pictures were obtained, the common notion being that these photographs were produced by some method of using a camera, and that outlines of people’s bodies and skeletons could be taken instantaneously, not only through their clothes, but through doors and walls. Much nearer the mark was the allusion of a scientific writer as to the possibility of the new process realising Dickens’ description of Marley’s ghost: “His body was transparent, so that Scrooge, observing him, and looking through his waistcoat, could see the two buttons on his coat behind.” The value of the new discovery for medical and surgical purposes was immediately recognised, and very soon its application was successfully practised.

Dr. Roentgen found that the X rays are incapable of refraction, in this respect differing from ordinary light (see pages 397 and following), and among the experiments which most impressed and astonished his auditors when he was lecturing at Potsdam on his new discovery before the Imperial Court of Germany, was one in which he showed the X rays passing in a straight line through water without undergoing refraction. The rays pass without interruption equally through the substances, whether these be coherent or in a layer of fine powder of the same thickness, and this again shows that there can be no regular reflection or refraction. Prisms and lenses, whether of glass, ebonite, or aluminium, fail to afford evidence of refractive action, hence the X rays cannot be focused like those of ordinary light, and that is why the photograph of the vacuum tube had to be taken by a pin-hole. Again, glass lenses could not be used, because this substance, so transparent to light, is particularly opaque to the X rays, and would in a great degree intercept them, while lenses of ebonite and of aluminium, which were tried, were inoperative on account of the irrefrangibility of the rays.

As to the nature of the rays themselves, Dr. Roentgen rejects the notion of their being “ultra-violet” rays, which was suggested by some. The meaning of this term is seen when it is understood that a great distance beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum there are radiations, revealed by their photographic impressions, so that the whole spectrum is really some eight times as long as the visible part. In consequence of these ultra-violet rays acting on the photographic plate, it is possible, as has long been known, to take a photograph in the dark. The eye is quite insensible to the X rays also, and although these, as we have seen, readily pass through the bodily tissues, it may be placed quite near the discharge tube, the latter being enveloped in black paper, without causing any sensation. That the new rays are in some way allied to light is the opinion held by Dr. Roentgen, and he is inclined to consider them as due to longitudinal vibrations in the ether; that is, instead of the transverse waves to which light is attributed, these resemble the waves of sound, in so far that they move in the direction of propagation. This would account for the absence of any distinct refraction, or polarisation, which seems to characterise the X rays. Their connection with certain electric Maxwell-Hertz waves (see p. 541) is more problematical, as the mathematical formulÆ for these admit only transverse oscillation. But on the assumption of certain conditions, due to the action of electricity, etc., on highly rarefied air, the possible existence of longitudinal vibrations has been deduced by admitting a certain variation in some of the factors of the Maxwell formulÆ.

Other suggestions have been advanced in order to make the observed facts concerning the X rays fit into established theories, but so far these attempts have been unsuccessful. It would seem as if our present conceptions of light, electricity, the ether and matter, will have to be profoundly modified and enlarged in order to bring these and other recently discovered phenomena within their scope. Since the publication of Dr. Roentgen’s paper, his results have received confirmation in every quarter, and many new observations have been added, some of which seem to tend not so much to elucidate the phenomena, as to prove them even more complicated than was at first supposed. Such was the announcement in June, 1896, of the discovery of several varieties of X rays.

Fig. 232c.—Metal Objects taken through Calico and Sheet of Aluminium.

In the meantime, various modifications have been made in the forms of the tubes and electrodes, and divers arrangements have been used for the exciting electrical apparatus. Thus it has been found that the X rays are given off from platinum more copiously than from glass, aluminium, or any other substance, and by using a tube closed by a “platinum window,” on which the cathode rays impinge, Mr. Gifford has been able to reduce the time of exposure for obtaining a skiagraph of the bones on the hand to half a minute, whereas twenty times that period was formerly required. Another form of tube is advertised by Brady & Martin of Newcastle, with which, in conjunction with a new screen, a coil giving a 5–inch spark will, it is stated, yield a good skiagraph of the hand in two seconds, which appears to be the shortest time yet attained. Another firm of tube-makers, Newton & Co., London, state that their special form of tube, excited by a coil giving a 6–inch spark, and used with their fluorescent screen, “will work right through the human body, showing the heart, liver, spine, ribs, the movements of the heart and of the diaphragm, etc.” It has recently been observed that the best results are obtained when there is a certain, but as yet undefined, relation between the degree of rarefaction of the residual gas in the tube, and the intensity or frequency of the electric discharges, and that these should be accommodated to the work required. Thus, for example, if a skiagraph of the hand be attempted with an apparatus in which these factors are carried to too high a degree, the resulting X rays will pass through the bones almost as freely as through the surrounding tissues, and their shadows will therefore not appear. If, on the other hand, the contrary conditions hold, an incomplete or maybe no result will be found. This seems to explain the failures that have sometimes occurred when tubes of apparently identical construction have been used in the hands of the same, or of different, observers. Perhaps more depends also on the time of exposure. For instance, if a short exposure be given in the case of the hand, the photograph will be merely a silhouette of that member; with a little longer exposure, this will show the nails; with still longer time, the shadow of the fleshy parts begins to grow faint and the skeleton to appear. With yet more prolonged exposure only the bones will show, in their various degrees of opacity, and the shadows of these will gradually disappear as the time of exposure is increased, until at length the image will be entirely effaced. The considerable differences as to distinctness of the various tissues, which are exhibited by the published prints of hand shadows, are thus explicable.

Fig. 232d.—A Skiagraph of Layers of Various Substances.

Fig. 233.Portrait of Professor Helmholtz.


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