The chemistry of the nineteenth century can boast of a series of discoveries more brilliant and more numerous than ever belonged to any other science within a like period. And the advantage to the world must have been great, for chemistry more directly than any other branch of knowledge ministers to the useful arts and promotes the comfort and well-being of society. The science itself, as it now exists, is almost the creation of the present age. But its recent developments cannot be here discussed; nor, of the immense number of new products with which it has enriched the world, can more than a very few be brought under the reader’s notice in the remaining pages of the present work. Among the most striking of the remarkable series of discoveries by which Sir Humphrey Davy penetrated the mysteries of matter was the isolation of the alkali metals—a circumstance which marks an important era in the history of chemistry. That the alkalies were oxides of unknown metals had indeed been previously surmised by chemists, from the fact of their behaving like metallic oxides in neutralizing and combining with acids to form the class of compounds called salts. All attempts to decompose these alkalies had proved Davy first obtained potassium by exposing to the action of the voltaic current a fragment of potash which had become moist on the surface by exposure to the air. The battery was formed of the then unprecedented combination of two hundred pairs of 6–inch plates on Wollaston’s plan, which was constructed for the Royal Institution of London. The heat produced by the passage of the current fused the potash, and globules of metallic potassium were separated at the negative wire. This method yielded the metal in very small quantities only, and at a great cost. Gay Lussac and Thenard soon afterwards found that potassium could be obtained more cheaply and in greater abundance when fused potash was made to flow over iron-turnings heated to whiteness in a gun-barrel, and the hydrogen and potassium vapour were passed into a cooled receiver, in which the latter body was condensed. The metal is now obtained by heating potassium carbonate with charcoal. For this purpose it suffices to heat crude tartar in a covered vessel from which air is excluded. The tartar is first calcined in a crucible until all combustible vapour has been driven off. The charred mass, which now consists of potassium carbonate mixed with finely-divided carbon, is then broken into lumps and quickly introduced into a wrought-iron retort, which is heated in a furnace to nearly a white heat. A receiver in the form of a flat iron box, 12 in. long, 5 in. wide, and ¼ in. deep, is adapted to the neck of the retort, and is kept cooled by the application of a wet cloth on the outside. The potassium thus obtained is not pure, and it must be distilled in an iron retort, as otherwise a powerfully detonating compound is apt to be formed by a portion of the metal combining with carbonic oxide. Immediately after his discovery of potassium Davy obtained sodium in the same manner, and Gay Lussac and Thenard also procured it by the same process they used for the sister metal. Sodium is now extracted on the manufacturing scale for use as an agent in the reduction of two other metals, of which we shall have to speak. A mixture of dried sodium carbonate, powdered charcoal, and chalk is heated in wrought-iron cylinders, about 4 ft. long, 5 in. internal diameter, and ½ in. thick. The chalk takes no part in the chemical action, but is added in order to give the sodium carbonate when it fuses a pasty consistence, and thus prevent the separation of the charcoal. A number of these iron cylinders are set in a reverberatory furnace; but they are coated with fire-clay and enclosed in earthenware tubes, to prevent their destruction by the intense heat. To one end of each cylinder a receiver is adapted, of the form and dimensions already described for potassium. The other extremity is closed by an iron plug, luted with fire-clay. When the charge in a cylinder is exhausted, a fresh one is introduced by removing the plug, taking out the residue, and inserting a new supply of the mixture made up in a canvas bag. The operation is therefore continuous, and the metal obtained is nearly pure, as sodium does not exhibit the same tendency as potassium to form compounds with carbonic oxide. Potassium and sodium are extremely soft metals; they are lighter than water, upon which they float, at the same time rapidly decomposing that compound by displacing half the hydrogen, which is set on fire by the heat. Among the sixty-nine elementary or undecomposable substances which, variously combined, constitute the whole material of our planet, so far as we are acquainted with it, no fewer than fifty-six are metals. Of these fifty-six metals very few are found in a free or uncombined state, like the gold described in the last article. On the contrary, the whole of the metallic elements of the globe, with insignificant exceptions, exist in nature in a state of combination with one or more of the other thirteen non-metallic substances. In this condition they form the stony masses which are termed the ores of the more common metals, and they constitute also the earths, the metallic bases of which were, until recent times, unsuspected and unknown. Davy followed up his discovery of the metals of potash and soda by experimental demonstrations that the earths alumina, magnesia, and others, were really oxides of metals; and when the nature of these substances had once been established, chemists soon devised means for readily obtaining their metallic bases in an isolated form. The new metals which have been thus isolated all deserve the attention of the chemist; and the general reader will probably also regard with interest the processes by which two of these new metals, for which practical applications have been found, are extracted, and the properties which have caused them to be produced on the commercial scale. These are aluminium, the metallic base of common clay; and magnesium, the metallic base of common magnesia, and Epsom salts, and a constituent of dolomite, or magnesian limestone. Aluminium was first isolated by Œrsted, in 1827, by decomposing its chloride by means of potassium. The chlorine leaves the aluminium to combine with the potassium, and thus the former is set free. WÖhler effected some improvements in Œrsted’s process, and he first obtained the metal in malleable globules. It is, however, to Deville that we are indebted for the invention, in 1854, of a process which admitted of application on a manufacturing scale. He obtains chloride of aluminium by mixing alumina (the oxide of the metal) with powdered charcoal made into a paste with oil, and heating the mixture in a tubular earthenware retort, like those sometimes used in the manufacture of coal-gas, while a current of dry chlorine is made to pass through the vessel. The charcoal combines with the oxygen, forming carbonic oxide, a permanent invisible gas; and the aluminium unites with the chlorine, giving rise to aluminium chloride, which, being volatile, sublimes into a chamber lined with glazed tiles, in which it condenses as a yellow translucent mass. The metal is reduced from the chloride in the following manner: A tube of hard glass, about an inch and a half in diameter, is placed over a furnace, or chaffing-dish, as shown in Fig. 336, where D C is the tube, and G G an iron pan for containing the red-hot charcoal. Into the part of this tube marked E, about Fig. 336. Messrs. Bell, of Newcastle, undertook the manufacture of aluminium by a system founded on this process. The first step is the preparation of pure alumina, which may be obtained by igniting ammonia alum, or by precipitating from a solution of alum free from iron, or from sodium aluminate made from the mineral called bauxite. The precipitate of hydrated alumina, mixed with charcoal and common salt, is made into balls and dried. These balls, which are about as large as an orange, are placed in upright earthenware retorts, which are heated to redness, while a current of dry chlorine is passed through them. The volatile double chloride of aluminium and sodium distils over, and is condensed in chambers lined with earthenware. This substance is mixed with powdered fluor-spar, or with cryolite (itself a compound of aluminium), which serves as a flux; and small pieces of sodium are interspersed throughout the mixture. The proportions are ten parts of the double chloride, five of fluor-spar, and two of sodium. This mixture is thrown upon the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, and the doors are shut to exclude air. A very intense action occurs: the chlorine, quitting the aluminium, seizes on the sodium, and their combination is attended by an enormous increase of temperature. The fused aluminium is run off from the furnace together with the slags which are produced by the operation. In this way, with a furnace having a hearth 16 ft. square, about 16 lbs. of aluminium can be obtained in one operation. Rose, the eminent German metallurgist, prefers to obtain aluminium from cryolite, which is a compound of sodium, aluminium, and fluorine, found in large quantities in Greenland. It is powdered and mixed with It will be obvious, from the preceding account of the processes of extracting aluminium, that the cost of the metal must depend upon that of sodium; and the same remark will apply to the case of magnesium. It is interesting to observe how the price of the alkaline metals has decreased as improved processes have been devised, and as the scale of production has increased with the commercial demand for the article. Prepared by Gay Lussac and Thenard’s process, these metals were produced in but small quantities, and were sold at £5 per oz. When the mode of reducing them by charcoal came into operation, the price fell to 30s. per oz.; and the researches of Deville so far improved the processes, that in 1854 sodium could be procured for 5s. per oz. Mr. Gerhard, of Battersea, subsequently manufactured sodium, so that it can now be retailed at less than 1s. per oz. The price of aluminium before Deville’s investigations was about 24s. per oz., but now the metal can be purchased at about one-eighth of that cost. [1875.] Aluminium is a white malleable metal, in colour and hardness not unlike zinc. Its colour is not so white as that of silver, as it has a marked bluish tint. It can be rolled into very thin sheets, and by rolling it becomes harder and more elastic. It can also be drawn into fine wire. It is remarkably sonorous, and a suspended bar gives out a clear musical note when struck. Perhaps no property of aluminium more strikes a person, who examines the metal for the first time, than its lightness. It is, in fact, only two and a half times as heavy as water, while zinc is seven times, silver ten and a half times, and gold more than nineteen times as heavy as water. It retains its lustre in dry or in moist air for any length of time, and at all ordinary temperatures. It is not acted upon by nitric or sulphuric acids, but is attacked by hydrochloric acids and by alkaline solutions with great energy. It has great rigidity and tenacity, and can be turned, chased, and filed with the greatest ease, and without clogging the tools. In the Paris Exhibition, 15.Of 1867. Some difficulty in working the metal has occurred from the want of any suitable solder. This difficulty has been overcome by electrolytically coating the metal with copper at the place where it has to be united with others, and then soldering the copper in the ordinary manner. Aluminium readily forms alloys with copper, silver, and iron. The alloys with copper vary in colour from white to golden yellow, according to the proportion of the metals. Some of these alloys are very hard and possess excellent working qualities. The alloy of copper with 10 per cent. of aluminium, which is called aluminium bronze, has been manufactured by Messrs. Bell in considerable quantities. It is made by melting a quantity of very pure copper in a plumbago crucible, and when the crucible has been removed from the furnace, the solid aluminium is dropped in. An extraordinary increase of temperature then occurs: the whole mass becomes white hot, and unless the crucible be made of a highly refractory material, it is fused by the heat developed in the combination of the two metals, although it may have stood the heat necessary for the fusion of copper. The qualities of aluminium bronze have been investigated by Lieut.-Col. Strange, who finds that the alloy possesses a very high degree of tensile strength, and also great power of resisting compression, its rigidity, or power of resisting cross strains, is also very great; in other words, a bar of the alloy, fixed at one end and acted on at the other by a transverse force tending to bend it, offers great resistance,—namely, three times as much as gun-metal. An advantage attending the use of the alloy for many delicate purposes is found in its small expansibility by heat; it is therefore well adapted for all finely-graduated instruments. It is very malleable, has excellent sounding properties, and resists the action of the atmosphere. It works admirably with cutting tools, turns well in the lathe, and does not clog the files or other tools. It is readily made into tubes, or wires, or other desired forms. The elasticity it possesses is very remarkable; for wires made of it are found to answer better for Foucault’s pendulum experiment than even those of steel. These admirable qualities would seem to recommend the alloy for many applications in which it might be expected to excel other metals. It appears, however, that the demand for it has not met the expectations of the manufacturers, and the production has been somewhat diminished of late, although it is used to some extent for chains, pencil-cases, toothpicks, and other trinkets. When more than 10 per cent. of aluminium is added to the copper, the alloy produced is weaker; and if the proportion is increased beyond a certain extent, the bronze becomes so brittle that it may be pulverized in a mortar. The metal magnesium was first prepared, in 1830, by the French chemist Bussy, by a process similar to that by which Deville obtained aluminium. “Lumps of rock magnesia (magnesium carbonate) are placed in large jars, into which hydrochloric acid in aqueous solution is poured. Chemical action at once ensues: the chlorine and the magnesium embrace, and the oxygen and carbon pass off in the form of carbonic acid. The result is magnesium in combination with chlorine, and the problem now is how to dissolve this new alliance—to get rid of the chlorine and so obtain the magnesium. First, the water must be evaporated, which would be easy enough if not attended with a peculiar danger. To get the magnesium chloride perfectly dry it is necessary to bring it to a red heat; but this would result in the metal dropping its novel acquaintance with chlorine and resuming its ancient union with oxygen. To avert this re-combination, the magnesium chloride whilst yet in solution is mixed with sodium chloride (i.e., common salt), and thus fortified, the aggressions of oxygen whilst drying are kept off. The mixture is exposed in broad open pans over stoves, and when sufficiently dry, the double salt is scraped together and placed in an iron crucible, in which it is heated until melted, whereby the last traces of water are driven off. It is then stowed away until required in air-tight vessels, to prevent deliquescence. Here comes in that curious metal, sodium, also discovered by Davy. Five parts of the mixed magnesium and sodium chlorides, mingled with one part of sodium, are placed in a strong iron crucible with a closely-fitting lid, which is then screwed down. The crucible is heated to redness in a furnace, and its contents being fused, the sodium takes the chlorine from the magnesium. When the crucible has been lifted from the fire and allowed to cool, the lid is removed and a solid mass is discovered, which, when tumbled out and broken up, reveals magnesium in nuggets of various sizes and shapes, bright as silver.” The crude metal also presents itself in the crucible as small grains, and even as a black powder. The whole is carefully separated from the refuse; it is purified by distillation in a current of hydrogen gas; and it is afterwards melted and cast into ingots. Magnesium is a very light metal, its specific gravity being only 1·743; that is, it is only one and three-quarter times heavier than water. When heated in the air it takes fire, and is rapidly converted into the oxide, magnesia. In the form of wire or of narrow ribbon, it burns easily in the air, producing a light of dazzling brilliancy, which among artificial modes of illumination is rivalled only by the electric light. This is the chief use at present made of the metal. Lamps have been contrived for burning the wire in such a manner as to obtain a steady light, the wire being pushed forward at a regulated rate by clockwork. The magnesium light is rich in the rays which act upon sensitive photographic plates, and it has been successfully employed in obtaining Magnesium wire is not produced by drawing, as the metal is not ductile. The wire is formed by a method identical with that used in the fabrication of the leaden rope for making bullets (p. 330); that is to say, the metal is forced in a heated and softened state through a small opening in an iron cylinder. The intensity of the magnesium light has been measured by Bunsen and Roscoe. They say that 72 grains of magnesium, when properly burnt, evolve as much light as 74 stearine candles burning for ten hours, and consuming 20 lbs. of stearine. Lamps in which magnesium may be steadily burnt are made by Mr. F. W. Hart, of London. In the more elaborate forms of these lamps, there are springs and wheels for pushing forward the magnesium ribbon, or a strand of magnesium wire, into the flame of a spirit-lamp; while at the same time the magnesium wire is made to revolve on its axis, in order to overcome its tendency to bend down, which would be a great disadvantage when the light is used for optical apparatus. But for ordinary purposes a much simpler arrangement suffices: the magnesium ribbon or wire is coiled on a drum, from which it is drawn off by passing between two little rollers, which are turned by hand. The wire or ribbon is drawn off the drum by the rollers, and pushed forward through a guiding tube, which brings it into the apex of the flame of a spirit-lamp. In this simpler form of lamp the rate is, of course, directly dependent on the person who turns the winch of the feeding-rollers; but in the automatic lamp there are appliances for adjusting the rate; the suitable speed must be first found by trial, and then the apparatus is to be regulated accordingly. By means of these lamps photographs can be taken as quickly as with sunlight, on account of the abundance of chemically-active rays given out by the burning magnesium. It has been found that an equivalent of magnesium, in combining with oxygen, liberates a larger amount of heat than the equivalent quantity of any other metal, not excluding even potassium. Magnesium forms alloys with several other metals, such as lead, tin, mercury, gold, silver, platinum. All these alloys are brittle, and have a granular or crystalline fracture. They are too readily acted on by air and moisture to be of any service in the arts. The alloy of 85 parts of tin with 15 of magnesium is hard and brittle; its colour is lavender, although both constituents are white, or nearly so; and it decomposes water at ordinary temperatures. Both metallic magnesium and aluminium furnish useful re-agents to the scientific chemist. The latter metal, when fused, dissolves boron, silicon, and titanium, and on cooling deposits these elements in the crystalline form, this being the only known process for artificially preparing them in the crystalline state. Since the above paragraphs were written, the price of sodium has been further greatly reduced, and it can now (1890) be purchased in bulk at about 4s. per lb. This cheapness has brought the substance into use for the reduction of other metals and one consequence has been a great fall in When first introduced by Deville, in 1854, aluminium cost £20 per lb.; but its prospective value for application in the arts was recognised, and in two or three years afterwards it was put on the market at 40s. per lb. Fig. 337.—Portrait of Mr. Thomas Hancock. |