Certain mineral combustibles may fairly claim attention in a work treating of the discoveries of the nineteenth century, not because these bodies have been known and used only in recent times, but for other reasons. The true nature of coal—that most important of all combustibles—its relation to the past history of the earth, and to the present and future interests of mankind; the work it will do; the extent of the supply still existing in the bowels of the earth; the innumerable chemical products which it yields—are subjects on which the knowledge gained during the present century forms a body of discovery of the most interesting and important kind. Another substance we have to mention, though not a modern discovery, has lately been found in far greater abundance, and is now so largely used for various purposes, that it has become an important article of commerce. COAL.Fig. 341.—Fossil Trees in a Railway Cutting. Most persons know, or at least have been told, that coal is fossil vegetable matter,—the long-buried remains of ancient forests. But Fig. 342.—Impression of Leaf found in Coal Measures (Pecopteris). It may be thought impossible that vegetable matter should have so changed as to become a dense, black, glistening, brittle mass, showing no obvious forms of leaves or texture of wood. But no one who has seen how a quantity of damp hay closely pressed together will, after a time, become heated and change in colour to black, can have any difficulty in comprehending how chemical and mechanical actions may completely alter the aspect of vegetable matter. We have, however, the most direct evidence of the vegetable origin of coal in the numberless unquestionable forms of trees and plants met with in all coal strata. Sometimes the trunks of the trees fossilized into stony matter are found upright in the very situation in which they grew. Thus in Fig. 341 is represented the appearance exhibited by the trunks and roots of some fossil trees, which were exposed to view in the formation of a railway cutting between Manchester and Bolton. In every coal-field also beautiful impressions of the stems and leaves of plants are met with—one common form of which is shown in Fig. 342. Most of the plants so found belong to the flowerless division of the vegetable kingdom. Some are closely allied to the ferns of the present day—to the common “mare’s-tail” (Equisetum), to the club-moss, and to other well-known plants. The firs and pines of the coal age are scarcely distinguishable from existing species. If a fragment of ordinary coal be ground to a very thin slice—so thin as to be transparent—and placed under the microscope, it will show a number of minute rounded bodies, which are, there is good reason to believe, nothing else than the spores or seeds of plants, closely resembling the existing club-mosses. The spores of the club-moss (Lycopodium) are so full of resinous matter, that they are used for making fireworks and the flashes of lightning at theatres. It is, therefore, extremely probable that the bitumen of coal is due to the resin of similar spores, altered by the effects of subterranean heat. The Fig. 343.—Possible Aspect of the Forests of the Coal Age. The immense importance of coal for domestic purposes will be obvious
The first return showed our annual produce to be 64,661,000 tons. The amount did not greatly vary until 1859, when there was an increased production of nearly seven millions of tons; in 1860 a further increase of eleven millions of tons more. Since then the quantity annually raised has been increasing. Comparing the quantity which has been raised in any year after 1863 with that raised ten years before, we see that the increase in ten years is nearly half as much again; or, that at the present rate of increase the amount annually raised doubles itself at least every twenty years. Now, the question arises, How long can this go on? However great may be the store of coal, it must sooner or later come to an end. Is it possible to calculate how long our coals will last? and what are the results of such calculations? These calculations have been made; but there are great discrepancies in the results, for the estimates of the amount of available coal still remaining vary greatly, and different views are held regarding the rate of consumption in the future. A very liberal estimate, by an excellent authority, of the quantity of coal remaining under British soil, makes it 147,000 millions of tons. With a consumption stationary at the present rate, this will last 1,200 years; with an increase of consumption of 3,000,000 tons a year, 276 years; but if the consumption continues to increase in the same geometrical ratio it has hitherto followed, the supply will scarcely last 100 years. It cannot be conceived, however, that this last will be the real case, for the increasing depth to which it will be necessary to go will soon cause a great increase in the cost, and thus effectually check the consumption. Great Britain will, however, be compelled to retire from the coal trade altogether, by the cheaper supplies which other countries will yield, long before the absolute exhaustion of her own coal-fields. It is calculated that the coal-fields of North America contain thirteen times as much as those of all Europe put together. Coal is also found Fig. 344.—The Fireside. Seeing, then, that our supply of coal has a limit, and that at the present increasing rate of consumption, the chief source of the wealth of Great Britain must necessarily be exhausted in a few more centuries, it behoves us to turn our mineral treasures to the best account, and to adopt every possible means of obtaining from our coal its whole available heat and force. The amount of avoidable waste of which we are guilty in the consumption of coal is enormous. This is especially the case in its domestic use, where probably nineteen-twentieths of the heat produced is absolutely thrown away—sent off from the earth to warm the stars. In England people look upon the wide open fireplace as the image and type of home comfort. No doubt there are, from long use and habit, many pleasing associations which cluster round the domestic hearth; but we, to whom it is given to “look before and after,” must think what it takes to feed that wide-throated chimney. All but a very small fraction of the heat thus escapes, and is lost to man and the world for ever; and surely we shall deserve the curses of our descendants if we continue recklessly to throw away a treasure which, unlike the oil in the widow’s cruse, is never renewed—for there is no contemporaneous formation of coal. Thanks to the enhanced price of coal during the last few years, some attention has been directed to contrivances A time, however, will sooner or later come, when the whole available coal shall have been consumed. What will then be the fuel of the engines, and steamboats, and locomotives of the future? The reader may think that then it will only be necessary to burn wood. But wood is already being consumed from the face of the earth much more rapidly than it is produced. How, then, can it be available when coal fails? The truth is, we are now consuming not merely the wood which the sun-rays are building up in our own time, but in hewing down the forests we are using the sun-work of a century, while in coal we have the forests of untold ages at our disposal—the accumulated combustible capital stored up during an immense period of the earth’s existence. Upon this stored-up capital we are now living, our current receipts of sun-force being wholly inadequate to meet our expenditure. The coal is the sun-force of former ages; and it is from this we are now deriving the energy which performs most of our work. George Stephenson long ago declared that his locomotives were driven by sunshine—by the sunshine of former ages bottled up in the coal. And he was right. The mechanical energy of our steam engines, and the chemical energy of our blast furnaces, are derived from the combustion of vegetable matter, in which the heat and light of the sun—our present sun or that of the coal ages—are in some way stored up. The burning of wood or coal is, chemically, the reverse action to that performed by the sunlight: by the former carbon and oxygen are united, by the latter they are separated. We foresee, then, a future period—however distant may be that future—in which the world’s capital shall have been exhausted, and the energies which are now employed in doing the world’s work will no longer be available. But the reader will perhaps think that by improvements in the steam engine, and in other ways, means will be found of getting more and more work out of coal. It is true that we obtain from coal only a fraction of its available energy; but the whole work which could, by any possible process, be done by the combustion of coal is definite and limited, although its amount is large. A pound of coal burnt in one minute sets free an amount of energy which would, if it could all be made available, do as much as 300 horses working in the same time. But, again, the reader may think, even if at some distant future the supplies of fuel for the steam engines of our remote posterity should fail, that before that time some other form of force than steam or heat engines will have been discovered—some application of electricity, for example. Now, it will appear, from principles which will be discussed in a subsequent article, that not only is there no probability of such a discovery, but that now, when the relations of the whole available energies of the globe have been traced and defined, Science can find no ground for admitting such a possibility under the present condition of the universe. PETROLEUM.When coal is heated in closed vessels, there are given off, as we shall presently see, a number of gaseous and volatile products—many being compounds of carbon and hydrogen—which condense to liquids or
This table might be indefinitely extended, but enough is given to enable the intelligent reader to discover the laws connecting these formulÆ. The series headed B, it will be observed, have all the same percentage composition. Why, then, one formula rather than another? The answer to this question is the statement of a theoretical law upon which the whole science of modern chemistry is based; for it has the same relation to that science as gravitation has to astronomy. It is a matter of fact that all gases, whatever their chemical nature, expand alike with the same application of heat, and all obey the same law, which connects volumes and pressures. These are very remarkable uniformities, for gases in this respect exhibit the most decided contrast to liquids and solids. The volume of each solid and of each liquid has its own special relations to temperature and pressure: here The first four members of the series headed A are gases at ordinary temperatures, the fifth is a gas at temperatures above the freezing-point, and a liquid at lower temperatures; the next following members are liquids which boil (that is, are converted into gases) at temperatures rising with each additional carbon atom about 20° F. The specific gravities and boiling-points of these liquids augment as we pass from one hydro-carbon to the next, and the lower members of the series are solids, fusing at temperatures higher and higher as the number of carbon atoms is greater. Similar gradations of properties are exhibited by the other series of hydro-carbons. Petroleum or rock-oil is the name given to liquid hydro-carbons found in nature, and consisting chiefly of compounds belonging to the series marked A in the above list. Some varieties of petroleum hold in solution other hydro-carbons, and in some cases paraffin is extracted from the oils by exposing the liquid to cold, when the solid crystallizes out. Paraffin is a solid belonging to the B series, and it is for the most part obtained by heating certain minerals. Deposits of liquid hydro-carbons, perhaps formed by a kind of natural subterranean distillation from coal or other fossil organic matter, exist in various localities. These deposits have long been known and utilized at Rangoon, in Burmah, and on the shores of the Caspian Sea. At Rangoon the mineral oil is obtained by sinking wells about 60 ft. deep in a kind of clay soil, which is saturated with it. The oily clay rests upon a bed of slate also containing oil, and underneath this is coal. It may be supposed that subterranean heat, acting upon the coal, has distilled off the petroleum, which has condensed in the upper strata. This petroleum, when distilled in a current of steam, leaves about 4 per cent of residue, and the volatile portion contains about one-tenth of its weight of a substance (paraffin) But it is the recently discovered and extremely copious springs and wells in Pennsylvania and Canada which have given a vastly extended importance to the trade in mineral oil. Rock oil is now used in enormous quantities as the cheapest illuminating oil, and that which furnishes the most intense light. Its consumption as a lubricating oil for machines has also been very large. Mineral oil was occasionally found at various places in the United States, and sometimes used by the inhabitants of the locality before the recent discoveries; but it was not until August, 1859, that it was met with in large quantities. About this time a boring which was made at Oil Creek, Pennsylvania, reached an abundant source, for 1,000 gallons a day were drawn from it for many weeks. The news of the discovery of this copious oil-spring spread rapidly: thousands of persons flocked to the neighbourhood in hopes of easily making a fortune by “striking oil.” Before the end of 1860 more than a thousand wells had been bored, and some of these had yielded largely. The regions of North America in which petroleum has been found cover a large part of the States, and comprise Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Kansas, Illinois, Texas, and California. In the vicinity of Oil Creek the bore-holes are usually about 3 in. or 4 in. in diameter, and are often 500 ft. deep, and even 800 ft. is not uncommon. To make a bore-hole 900 ft. deep, and procure all the requisites—steam engines, barrels, &c., for pumping the oil—costs about $5,000. In 1869 many of these wells still yielded regularly 300 barrels a day, but the supply has not continued with the same abundance. One of the luckiest wells flowed at its first opening at the rate of about 25,000 barrels a day. The apparatus used for working the oil-wells is very simple—a rude derrick, a small steam engine, a pump, and some barrels and tubs being all that is necessary. Fig. 345 will give the reader an idea of the scene presented by a cluster of oil-wells in the Oil Creek region. Oil Creek received its name before the petroleum trade was established, from the oil found floating on the surface of the water. It is on the Alleghany River, about 150 miles above Pittsburg, and here at its mouth is situated Oil City. There is a wharf in Pittsburg for the oil traffic, and the barrels are brought down the river in flats, or the oil is poured into very large flat boxes, divided into compartments, which are then closed, and the boxes floated down in groups of twenty or more. The refining process consists in placing the crude oil into a large iron retort, connected with a condenser formed of a coil of iron pipes, surrounded by cold water. Heat is applied, and the lighter hydro-carbons (naphtha) come over first. After the naphtha, the oils which are used for illuminating purposes distil off. A current of steam is then forced into the retort, and this brings over the heavy oils which are used for greasing machinery. A black tarry oil yet remains; and, finally, after the separation of this, a quantity of coke. The products are subjected to certain processes of purification, which need not here be described. The magnitude of the American oil trade may be inferred from the fact that in the second year of its existence, from January to June, 1862, more than 4,500,000 gallons were exported from four seaports. This can hardly be wondered at, considering the extremely low Fig. 345.—View on Hyde and Egbert’s Farm, Oil Creek. PARAFFIN.In the course of some researches on the substances contained in the tar, which is obtained by heating wood in close vessels, Reichenbach found a white translucent substance, to which he gave the above name, because it was not acted upon by any of the ordinary chemical reagents, such as sulphuric acid, nitric acid, &c. This substance, which is composed of carbon and hydrogen only, is not unlike spermaceti; it is colourless, translucent, and without smell or taste. But when slightly warmed, it becomes very plastic, and may then be moulded with the greatest ease—and in this respect it differs from spermaceti. Paraffin melts at from 88° to 150° C., to a colourless liquid, which is so fluid that it may be filtered through paper like water, and at a higher temperature it can be distilled unchanged. Paraffin does not dissolve in water, and is but slightly soluble in alcohol. In ether, naphtha, turpentine, benzol, and sulphide of carbon, it dissolves very readily. When heated with sulphur, it is decomposed: the sulphur seizes upon its hydrogen, sulphuretted hydrogen is given off, and the carbon is separated; and this action has been proposed as a ready means of obtaining pure sulphuretted hydrogen for laboratory use. It is probable In the year 1847, Dr. Lyon Playfair directed the attention of Mr. James Young, then of Manchester, to a dense petroleum which issued from the crevices of the coal in a Derbyshire mine. It was soon found that this substance yielded a distillation—a pale yellow oil—which, on cooling, deposited solid paraffin. Mr. Young, recognizing the importance of this discovery, had an establishment at once erected on the spot, and the work of extracting paraffin was carried on until the supply of the petroleum had become nearly exhausted. Forced to seek for other sources of paraffin, Mr. Young was fortunate enough, after many trials, to discover that a species of bituminous coal, which occurs at Boghead, near Bathgate, in the county of Linlithgow, yielded by distillation annually large quantities of paraffin. In 1850 he procured a patent for “treating bituminous coals to obtain paraffin, and oil containing paraffin, therefrom.” This method consisted in distilling the coal in an iron retort, gradually heated up to low redness, and kept at that temperature until the volatile products ceased to come off. Under this patent, Mr. Young developed the manufacture of paraffin into a new and important branch of industry. The oil which first comes over in the distillation of the Boghead mineral is largely used for illuminating purposes under a variety of names besides that of paraffin oil, which term is, we believe, chiefly applied to a less volatile portion, extensively used for lubricating machinery, and consisting of liquid hydro-carbons of the same percentage composition as solid paraffin, which substance it also holds in solution. Mr. Young’s process consisted in placing the mineral in a retort encased in brickwork—an arrangement which caused the temperature of the retort to be more uniform than if the heat of the furnace had been applied to it directly. The retorts were placed vertically, and they were fed with the mineral by a hopper at the top. The products of the distillation passed through a worm tube surrounded by cold water into a cooled receiver. The result of the first distillation was a crude oily matter, differing from tar in being lighter than water, and in not drying-up when exposed to the air. This crude oil was then several times alternately treated with sulphuric acid and caustic potash, and distilled; and when about two-thirds of the oil had been separated from the rest, as an oil for burning and lubricating purposes, the residue yielded paraffin, or “paraffin wax,” as it is sometimes called. It is estimated that in Scotland no less than 800,000 tons of shale are annually distilled for mineral hydro-carbons, with a consumption of 500,000 tons of fuel. It is believed that about 25,000,000 gallons of crude oil are thus obtained, and from this 350,000 gallons of illuminating oil, 10,000 tons of lubricating oil, and 5,800 tons of solid paraffin are produced. Among the products exhibited in the International Exhibition of 1862, was a block of beautifully translucent paraffin, of nearly half a ton weight. Paraffin is also obtained on the continent by distilling a variety of coal termed lignite. The tar which comes over is distilled, until nothing but coke remains. The condensed products are then treated with caustic soda, in order to remove carbolic acid and other substances. After washing with water, the oils are treated with sulphuric acid, in order to remove basic substances. The oil is again washed, and is then rectified by another distillation. The products which successively come over are, if necessary, Several thousand tons of paraffin are annually consumed for making candles, which is the most important application of the material. The variation in the fusing-points of different specimens is doubtless due to admixtures in greater or less proportion of other more easily fusible hydro-carbons. It was on account of the imperfect separation of these that the candles first made from paraffin were so liable to soften and bend, and felt greasy to the touch. Paraffin for candle-making is sometimes mixed with a certain proportion of other substances, such as palmitic acid, &c. Among the patented applications of paraffin are the lining of beer-barrels, and the preserving of fruits, jams, and meat. Some kinds of paraffin are also used in the manufacture of matches. Liebig once expressed a wish that coal-gas might be obtained in a solid form: “It would certainly be esteemed one of the greatest discoveries of the age if any one could succeed in condensing coal-gas into a white, dry, odourless substance, portable and capable of being placed in a candlestick or burned in a lamp.” Now, it is curious that paraffin has nearly the same composition as good coal-gas: it burns with a bright and smokeless flame, and beautiful candles are formed of it, which burn like those made of the finest wax. When the fused paraffin first assumes the solid form, it is transparent like glass; and if it could be retained in that condition, we might have the pleasing novelty of transparent candles. But the particles seek to arrange themselves in crystalline forms, and the substance soon takes on its white semi-opaque appearance. The great richness of the Boghead mineral in paraffin, which appears to exist in it ready formed, prevented for many years any successful competition by the working of other sources of supply. But paraffin is an abundant constituent of Rangoon petroleum, and considerable quantities may be obtained by distilling peat, and other fossil substances. All petroleums and paraffins are, in fact, mixtures of a number of hydro-carbons, which in many cases cannot be entirely separated from each other. The accidents which have from time to time occurred with some of these combustibles, and have caused legislative enactments with regard to them, are due to the imperfect removal by distillation of the more volatile bodies, which rise in vapour at ordinary temperatures. Explosions of the hydro-carbons can occur only under the same circumstances as with coal-gas; that is to say, the application of a flame to a mixture of the vapour with atmospheric air. Fig. 346.—View of the City of London Gas-works. |