“Iron and coal,” it has been well said, “are kings of the earth”; and this is true to such an extent that there is scarcely an invention claiming the reader’s attention in this book but what involves the indispensable use of these materials. Again, in their production on the large scale it will be seen that there is a mutual dependence, and that this is made possible only by means of the invention we have begun with; for without the steam engine the deep coal mines could not have the water pumped out of them,—it was indeed for this very purpose that the steam engine was originally contrived,—nor could the coal be efficiently raised without steam power. Before the steam engine came into use iron could not be produced or worked to anything like the extent attained even in the middle of the nineteenth century, for only by steam power could the blast be made effective and the rolling mill do its work. On the other hand, the steam engine required iron for its own construction, and this at once caused a notable increase in the demand for the metal. Once more, the engine itself supplies no force; for without the fuel which raises steam from the water in the boiler it is motionless and powerless, and that fuel is practically coal. In consequence of thus providing power, and also of supplying a requisite for the production of iron, coal has acquired supreme industrial importance, so that all our great trades and places of Iron has also been called “the mainspring of civilization,” and the significance of the phrase is obvious enough when we consider the enormous number and infinite variety of the things that are made of it: the sword and the ploughshare; all our weapons of war and all our implements of peace; the slender needle and the girders that span wide rivers; the delicate hair-spring of the tiny watch and the most tenacious of cables; the common utensils of domestic life and the huge battle-ships of our fleets; the smoothest roads, the loftiest towers, the most spacious pleasure palaces. Such extensive applications of iron for purposes so diverse have been rendered possible only by the greater facility and cheapness of production, together with the better knowledge of the properties of the substance and increased skill in its treatment, that have particularly distinguished our century. Apart again from the constructive uses of iron, it enters essentially into another class of inventions of which the age is justly proud, namely, those which utilize electricity in the production of light, mechanical power, and chemical action; for it is on a quality possessed by iron, and by iron alone, that the generation of current by the electric dynamo ultimately depends. This peculiar property of iron, which was first announced by Arago in 1820, and has since proved so fertile in practical applications, is that a bar of the metal can, under suitable conditions, be instantly converted into the most powerful of magnets, and as quickly demagnetized. What these conditions are will be explained when we come to treat of electricity. Fig. 16.—Aerolite in the British Museum. Besides the unique property of iron just referred to, and its superlative utility in arts and industries, there are other circumstances that give a peculiar interest to this metal. It is the chief constituent of many minerals, and traces or small quantities are found in most of the materials that make up the crust of the earth; it is present also in the organic kingdoms, being especially notable in the blood of vertebrate (back-boned) animals, of which it is an essential component. Notwithstanding its wide diffusion, iron is not found native, that is, as metal, but has to be extracted from its ores, which are usually dull stony-looking substances, as unlike the metal as can be conceived. In this respect it differs from gold, which is not met in any other than the metallic state, in the form of nuggets, minute crystals or branching filaments, and from metals such as silver, copper, and a few others which also are occasionally found native. It is true that rarely small quantities of metallic iron have been met with in the form of minute grains disseminated in volcanic rocks; but in contrast with the practical absence of metallic iron from terrestrial accessible materials is the fact that masses of iron, sometimes of nearly pure metal, occasionally descend upon the earth from interplanetary space. These are aerolites, of which there are several varieties, some consisting only of crystalline minerals without any metallic iron, others of a mixture of minerals and metals, but the most common are of iron, always alloyed with a small quantity of nickel, and usually containing also traces more or less of a few other metals and known chemical elements. The iron in some specimens has been found to amount to 93 per cent. of the whole. These aerolites, or meteorites, as they are also But as nature has hardly provided man with the metal iron, he has been obliged to find the art of extracting it from substances which are utterly unlike the metal itself. In this case, as in many others, the art has been discovered and practised ages before any scientific knowledge of the nature of the processes employed had been acquired. The idea prevails that there are such difficulties in extracting this metal; that elaborate and complex appliances, not unlike those in use in modern times, were requisite for the purpose; and therefore that the use of iron is compatible only with a somewhat late period in man’s history, and implies a comparatively advanced stage of civilization. Now there undoubtedly are facts which tend to confirm this view; for instance, the Spaniards who first colonized North America found the natives perfectly familiar with the use of copper, but without any acquaintance with iron, although the region abounded with the finest ferruginous minerals; and, again, the archÆologists who have examined the relics of ancient civilizations and of pre-historic peoples about the shores of the Mediterranean, find in the earliest of these relics weapons and implements of rudely chipped stones, followed later by the use of better-shaped and polished stones; hence the periods represented by these, they have respectively designated by the terms palÆolithic and neolithic—the old and the new stone ages. At some later time the stone of these implements was gradually replaced by bronze, which is a mixture of copper and tin, while as yet iron does not occur in any form among the remains. In the latest layers, however, articles of iron are found, and it is inferred that this metal came into use only after bronze had been known for an indefinite period; hence these later pre-historic periods have come to be respectively called the bronze age and the iron age. No doubt this succession really occurred in the localities where the observations were made, but it would not be justifiable to assume that the same was the case in every part of the world, for much would depend on such circumstances as the presence or absence of the essential minerals. We may also set against the supposed difficulty of obtaining iron from the ores, the still greater complexity of the methods required for the production of copper and of tin. Besides this is the fact that the ores of tin are found but in very few places in the world, and of these only the Cornwall mines, so well known The nature and value of what has been done during the century in the treatment of iron would not be intelligible without some description of the ordinary processes of extracting the metal from the ores; and a scientific understanding of these implies some acquaintance with chemistry. Not because metallurgy has been developed from chemistry, for the fact is rather the reverse; indeed, as we have seen, the art of extracting iron from its ores was practised ages before chemistry as a science was dreamt of. Although we may assume that many of our readers have sufficient knowledge of chemistry to attach distinct ideas to such few chemical terms as we shall have occasion to use, yet it may be of advantage to others to have some preliminary notes of the character of the chemical actions, and of some properties of the substances that will have to be referred to. It is certainly the case that people in general, and even people very well informed in other subjects, have but the vaguest notions of the nature of chemical actions, and of the meaning of the terms belonging to that science. For example, one of our most popular and justly esteemed writers, treating of the very subject of iron extraction, calls the ore a matrix, thereby implying that the iron as metal is disseminated in detached fragments throughout the mass, which is a conception inconsistent with the facts. The reader will be in a more advantageous position for understanding the relation of the ores of iron to the metal, if he will follow in imagination, or still better in reality, a few observations and experiments like the following—of which, however, he is recommended not to attempt the chemical part unless he is himself practically familiar with the performance of chemical operations, or can obtain the personal assistance of someone who is. Taking, say, a few common iron nails, let him note some obvious properties they possess: they have weight—are hard and tough so that they cannot be crushed in a mortar—are opaque to light—if a smooth surface be produced on any part, it will show that peculiar shiny appearance which is called metallic lustre, in this case without any decided colour—they are not dissolved by water as sugar or salt is—and are attracted by a magnet. If several of the nails be heated to bright redness they may be hammered on an anvil into one mass, and this may be flattened out into a thin plate, or it may be shaped into a slender rod and then drawn out into wire; or otherwise the nails may be converted into the small fragments called iron filings. In these several forms the nails, as nails, will have ceased to exist; but the material of which they were formed will remain A still simpler experiment, which may be performed by anyone with the greatest ease, may serve as a further illustration of the profound nature of the change in the properties of bodies brought about by chemical combination, and it will also serve as the occasion of directing attention to a remarkable circumstance that invariably characterizes such changes, and one that should always be present in our minds when we are considering them. A yard of flat magnesium wire can be bought for a few pence, and after its metallic character has been observed in the silvery lustre disclosed by scraping the dull white surface, a few inches is to be held vertically by a pair of tongs, or by inserting one extremity in a cleft at the end of a stick, then the lower part is brought into contact with a candle or gas flame. The metal will instantly burn with a dazzlingly brilliant light, and some white smoke (really fine white solid particles) will float into the air; but if a plate be held under the burning metal, some of the smoke will settle upon it, together with white fragments that have preserved some shape of the metallic ribbon, but which a touch will reduce into a fine white powder, identical with the well-known domestic medicine called “calcined magnesia”—a substance totally different from the metal magnesium. The reader will scarcely require to be told that in this burning the metal is entering into combination with the oxygen of the air—by which that invisible gas somehow becomes fixed in these solid white particles, so entirely unlike itself. But this experiment might be so arranged that the quantities of magnesium and oxygen entering into the magnesia could be weighed. For this purpose special appliances would be required in order to ensure complete combustion of the metal, for in the experiment as just described some small particles are liable to be shielded from the oxygen by a covering of magnesia, and the arrangement would have to be such that the whole of the white powder could be gathered up and weighed. In the absence of such appliances, and of a delicate balance, together with the skill requisite for their use, the reader must for the time be contented to take our word for what would be the result. In every experiment the magnesia would be found heavier than the metal burned in the proportion of 5 to 3; in other words, magnesia always contains (so the phrase runs) 3 parts of magnesium combined with 2 of oxygen: never more nor less. A definite proportion between the weights of the constituent substances characterizes every chemical combination, and when this is once determined in a single sample of the compound, it is determined for every portion of the same, wherever found or however produced. But each compound has its own particular proportion, that is, the quantitative relations are different for each. For example, the two constituents of water, hydrogen and oxygen, are combined in the ratio of 1 to 8, etc.; and oxygen combines with metals in a ratio different in each case. Then occasionally the same ratio of constituents occurs in compounds of different composition. The elementary student is apt to suppose that this is because of the law which he finds stated, probably in almost the first page of his text-book: “Every compound contains its elements in definite and invariable proportions”; and even well-educated people entertain We have assumed that the reader’s chemical knowledge had already made him aware that in every case of ordinary combustion the oxygen of the atmosphere is in the act of entering into combination with the burning body: as with the magnesium, so with a coal fire, a gas flame, or a burning candle; only in these last cases the products of the combustion pass away invisibly. The candle by burning disappears from sight, but its matter is not lost, and as in the case of magnesium, the compounds it forms weigh more than the unburnt candle. The experiment is commonly shown in courses of elementary lectures on chemistry, of so burning a candle that the invisible products are retained in the apparatus, instead of being dissipated in the atmosphere, and the increase of weight of the burnt candle over the original one is demonstrated by the balance. Important as is the part played by oxygen in all chemical actions on the earth, the composition of the atmosphere was not understood until the end of the eighteenth century, and it was well on into the nineteenth before the quantities of its constituents were accurately determined. Now everyone knows that air is mainly made up of a mixture of the two gases oxygen and nitrogen. A mixture of two or more things is very different from a chemical combination of them; for in the former each ingredient retains its own properties. (See Air in Index.) Nitrogen being an inert gas that takes no part in combustion, or in the ordinary chemical actions of the air, acts therein simply as a diluent of the oxygen. It is necessary in relation to our present subject to bear this in mind, as well as the relative quantities of the two gases in air. For our immediate purpose we may neglect the minor constituents of air—such as watery vapour, carbonic acid, etc., of which the total weight does not exceed one hundredth part of the whole—and consider air as a mixture of 23 parts by weight of oxygen with 77 of nitrogen, or calculated in volumes, 21 measures of oxygen with 79 of nitrogen. Compounds of oxygen with nearly every one of the other seventy or more chemical elements are known, and these compounds, which are called oxides, are arranged by chemists under five or six classes, forming as they do basic radicles, acid radicles, saline oxides, etc. With some of these compounds belonging to different classes, we must make acquaintance after noticing the elementary substance with which the oxygen is united. We begin with carbon, which forms the chief constituent of all our combustibles. Some specimens of graphite, plumbago, or “blacklead” consist of almost pure carbon (98 per cent.), and some varieties of wood charcoal exceptionally contain 96 per cent.; but in ordinary charcoal the percentage is much less. Coal, the most familiar of our solid fuels, varies greatly in composition, carbon being the predominating constituent, in amount from 57 to 93 per cent. Coke, another fuel much used in metallurgical operations, is made by heating coal without access of air, when a large quantity of gaseous substances is expelled. Coke burns with an intense and steady heat without emitting any visible smoke, but it does not ignite as readily as coal. Carbon forms two different compounds with oxygen: both are invisible gases, but they differ in the proportions of the constituents, We have now to call attention to a substance which contributes by far the largest part to the solid crust of our globe. It is called silica, from silic-, the Latin word for flint (without case suffix): it is seen in flint, and very pure in rock crystal, quartz, agate, and calcedony. It forms the essential part of every kind of sand and sandstone, and is the principal ingredient of clay, granite, slate, basalt, and many other minerals. Silica is the oxide of a quasi-metal called silicon, which can be obtained from silica with difficulty, and only by roundabout processes, presenting itself in different conditions according to the process used. Silica is an acid oxide, and it readily unites with most of the basic oxides when heated with them, forming a class of compounds of different properties which are much modified in admixtures containing two or more. Very few of these silicates are soluble in water, most of them are not: they are all fusible at various temperatures, except silicate of alumina, of which fire-clay is chiefly constituted. Alumina, it should be stated, is the oxide of the metal aluminium. The silicates of lime and of magnesia fuse only with great difficulty; but the silicates of iron and of manganese are easily fused, and silicate of lead still more so. Glass is a mixture of silicates, often of lime, soda, and alumina; sometimes of lead and potash mainly; porcelain and pottery consist chiefly of silicate of alumina with varying proportions of silicates of iron, of lime, etc. It now remains only to mention two non-metallic elements that are nearly always present in crude iron, but which the metallurgist strives to eliminate, as they are in general very injurious to the quality of the material even when their amount is very small. The first is sulphur, well known as brimstone, also as flowers of sulphur, a yellow coloured solid, which burns in the air. The product of the combustion is an invisible gas of a readily recognized pungent odour: this is an acid-forming oxide containing equal weights of sulphur and oxygen. There is another oxide in which the weight of oxygen is one and a half times that of the sulphur, and this is the radicle of the very active sulphuric acid or oil of vitriol. Sulphur, like oxygen, unites with most of the other elements, forming compounds called sulphides. Of these the iron compound called pyrites is the best known, and its occurrence in coal prevents the use of that material as fuel in contact with iron or other metals. Phosphorus is an element that occurs naturally only in combination; in its separated state it is a very inflammable solid. It combines directly with other substances and is taken up by some fused metals in large quantities. In many cases a very small proportion of it existing in a metal greatly modifies the properties of that metal. Phosphorus forms several oxides, and these are radicles of powerful acids, among which is phosphoric acid that combines with basic oxides to form phosphates. We have now, in the few last paragraphs, set before the reader the minimum of chemical knowledge that will enable him to follow the rationale of such processes of the modern treatment of iron and its ores as we can here give an outline of. Although there are numberless minerals from which some iron can be extracted, the name of iron ore is confined to such as contain a sufficient amount to make the extraction commercially profitable, and this requires that the mineral should be capable of yielding at least one-fifth of its weight. The ores are very abundant in many parts of the world, and they consist mainly of oxides and their hydrates, How simple is the operation of obtaining iron from the ore has already been stated—that it is necessary only to surround lumps of ore by fuel in a fire urged by a natural or artificial blast, and then to hammer the mass extracted from the furnace so as to weld together the scattered particles of the metal, and at the same time squeeze out the associated slag and cinders, in order to obtain a coherent malleable piece, which can be reheated in a smith’s fire, and forged into any required form. It is no wonder therefore that iron was so produced by the ancient Britons; at any rate CÆsar found them well provided with iron implements and weapons. No doubt the Romans brought their more advanced skill to the working of the metal; but in the matter of treating the original ore, the methods they pursued on an extensive scale in Britain were of the Fig. 17.—Blast Furnace (Obsolete Type). Fig. 18.—Section and Plan of Blast Furnace (Obsolete Type). Deferring for the moment any description of the latest blast furnaces, we invite his attention to Fig. 17, which represents the furnace used in the first half of our century, but which now is of an obsolete type, Fig. 18 being the section and plan of the same. The lower part of Fig. 17 shows So far from being simply iron, pig contains a large and variable proportion of other matters amounting often to 10 or 12 per cent.; and these confer upon it its fusibility. The principal one is carbon, which is found in the metal partly in the state of chemical combination with it, and partly in the form of small crystals similar to those of graphite or plumbago, disseminated through the mass. When there is a comparatively small proportion of the carbon combined with the iron, the substance is grey, and it can be filed or drilled or turned in a lathe. In white cast iron the combined carbon predominates, or is sometimes accompanied by scarcely any graphitic carbon; it is brittle and so very hard that a file makes no impression. It fuses at a lower temperature than the other varieties. A third kind is the mottled cast iron, which shows a large coarse grain when broken, and distinct points of separate graphite particles; it is tougher than the others, and therefore when cannon were made of cast iron this variety was preferred. The following table giving the percentage composition of four samples of crude cast iron will show their diversities.
The reader will observe that the last item in the table above is a substance that he has not yet made the acquaintance of, namely, manganese. This is a metal which in many of its chemical relations much resembles iron, and ferruginous ores usually contain a greater or less proportion of it. Manganese is of great importance in the manufacture of steel, as we shall presently see; but as a separate metal it has no application, and is obtainable in the metallic state with much difficulty. One of its oxides has however very extensive applications in the chemical arts, and others We have seen how malleable iron or steely iron may be directly obtained from the ores, but it has been found that on the large scale it is necessary and more economical to operate on the pig iron produced by the blast furnaces in such a manner as to remove the greater part of the foreign substances. Fig. 19.—Section of a Reverberatory Furnace. The first step in the conversion of the pig iron usually taken has been, and to a certain extent even is still, to remelt the metal in what is termed a finery furnace, a kind of forge in which a charcoal fire is urged by a cold blast, and so regulated that an excess of oxygen is supplied, or rather more than would suffice to convert all the carbon of the fuel into carbonic acid; although this is perhaps not absolutely necessary, as carbonic acid would itself supply oxygen by suffering reduction to carbonic oxide. At any rate the melted metal is exposed to an oxidizing atmosphere and constantly stirred. Many different arrangements of the furnace and details of the process have been used. For instance, where the finest quality of malleable iron was not aimed at, coke has been the fuel employed, and many shapes of furnaces, etc., have been contrived, and various additions of ores, oxides, etc., made to the charge, according to local practice and the nature of the crude iron. One marked effect of the operation is the final removal of nearly all the silicon, which is burnt or oxidized into silica, and this at once unites with oxide of iron, which is also formed, to produce a readily fusible slag of silicate of iron, and in the production of this silicate any sand attached to the pig will also take part. Much of the carbon, amounting sometimes to more than half, is also eliminated as carbonic oxide, and of what is left but little remains in the graphitic state. The action on the phosphorus is usually less marked, but there is always a notable reduction of the quantity. The sulphur is also lessened in some degree, although when coke is used, the fuel has the disadvantage of itself containing sulphur, phosphates, and other deleterious matters. Sometimes a little lime is added to the charge to take up the sulphur from the coke. The operation lasts some hours, the fused metal being frequently stirred with an iron rod, until it assumes a pasty granular condition, when the workman gradually collects it upon the end of the rod into a ball of about three-quarters of a cwt. in weight. These balls, or blooms as they are called, are removed from the furnace while still intensely hot, and at once submitted to powerful pressure by means of some suitable mechanical arrangement, the effect being to squeeze out the liquid slag and force the particles of metal together by which the whole becomes partially welded into a more compact mass. Then this mass is, while still hot, either hammered with gradually increased force of the strokes, or in the more modern practice, passed between iron rollers (these we shall presently describe), by which it is shaped into a bar. The bars are afterwards cut into lengths, reheated without contact of fuel, again hammered or re-rolled; and this process is several times repeated when the best product is required. During the first treatment of the blooms, and also in the subsequent hammering or rolling, the oxygen of the atmosphere acts on the surface of the glowing metal, so as to cover it with thin scales of oxide, and these, carried into the interior of the mass, will give up their oxygen to any residual silicon, carbon, etc., producing a little more slag, carbonic oxide, phosphate of When a comparatively impure pig iron is used or when a better quality of malleable metal is desired, the crude iron is submitted to a preliminary treatment before puddling. This treatment, by a technical distinction, called refinery, is practically identical with the finery process already described, except that instead of being collected into blooms, the fluid metal is run out to form a layer 2 or 3 inches thick, and this, before becoming quite solid, is suddenly cooled by having water thrown over it, the result being a white, hard, brittle mass, which broken into pieces is ready for the puddling furnace. The operation that has been described is known as hand puddling, in contradistinction to later methods in which it has been sought to substitute some form of machine that will produce the same result automatically, such as revolving furnaces, etc. It has been found difficult to maintain these in good working order, and in England at least mechanical puddling has never found much favour, but in the great iron works of Creusot, in France, large revolving furnaces were in use about 1880, which could turn out 20 tons of converted iron in 24 hours, whereas the old hand puddling furnaces could in the same period produce only 2½ or 3 The use of rolls for treating the product of the puddling furnace, and for making it into bars, was also an invention of Henry Cort’s, for which he obtained a patent in 1783. This was in many respects an immense improvement on the older system of hammering; it is still practised, and by it shapes can be given to the metal scarcely possible on the older system, while the tenacity of the metal is increased by the uniformity given to the grain. The difference of chemical composition between cast and wrought iron the reader has already been made acquainted with, and there is quite as great a difference in their textures. The former, when broken across, shows a distinctly crystalline structure, which we may compare to that of loaf-sugar, while the latter exhibits grain, not unlike that of a piece of wood. This fibrous structure depends upon the mechanical treatment of the iron, and in rolled bars the fibres always arrange themselves parallel to the length of the bar. Fig. 20 shows this fibrous structure in a piece of iron where a portion has been wrenched off. Like wood, wrought iron has much greater tenacity along the fibres than across them; that is, a much less force is required to tear the fibres asunder than to break them transversely. Consequently, to obtain the greatest advantage from the strength of wrought iron, the metal must be so applied that the chief force may act upon it in the direction of the fibres. Near the beginning of our article on Iron Bridges (q.v.) the reader will find some illustrations of the very different resisting powers of cast and wrought iron. Fig. 20.—Fibrous Fracture of Wrought Iron. Nothing in the way of inventions can be compared to those of Cort’s as to the effect they have had in promoting the iron industry, until we reach a period some years after the middle of our century; but we must not neglect to recognize the scarcely inferior importance of Rogers’ improvement. We shall now turn to the improvements that have been effected in the blast furnace, and of these none perhaps has been more marked than that made by Neilson, when in 1828 he substituted heated air for the ordinary cold air that had before always supplied the blast. It will be remembered that the heat is due to the combination of only the oxygen of the air with the carbon of the coke, but the greater part of the air—the four-fifths of nitrogen—take no part in the action, beyond abstracting a large proportion of the heat; but when the air is heated to a high temperature before entering the furnace, the cooling effect of the nitrogen is greatly obviated, and consequently a much higher temperature is obtained at the place of combustion, and the requisite intensity of heat is at once produced, which is most effective in completing the fusion and separation from each other of the slags and iron, and also in accomplishing the reduction of the oxide. But Neilson found that the net result of burning some fuel to heat the air before entering the furnace was a great economy of the total fuel required for smelting the ore. He had to encounter many difficulties in carrying his invention into practice; the iron ovens first used for heating the air were rapidly oxidized; and when thick cast iron pipes were substituted, these were liable to leak at the joints on account of the expansions and contractions caused by changes of temperature. Then the new invention had as usual to contend with established prejudices and misconceptions; but it soon came into use in Scotland, where it effected a great saving; inasmuch as it was found possible to use with the hot blast raw coal of a certain kind, plentiful in Scotland, because the heat retained by the ascending gases sufficed to convert the coal at the top of the charge into coke. It will be remembered that the active agent in the reduction of the ore is the carbonic oxide gas formed by the incomplete combustion of the carbon of the fuel; or what comes to the same thing, the absorption by carbonic acid first produced of another proportion of carbon. The carbon oxide robs the iron oxide of its oxygen to become itself changed into carbonic acid. In reality however the action is more complex than this in its chemical relations; for instance, metallic iron will under certain circumstances act conversely on carbonic acid, and rob it of half its oxygen. The net result of the reactions between carbon, iron, iron oxide, and these gases depends mainly upon the temperature and pressure and upon the relative quantities of each substance present. In the gases escaping from the blast furnace there is always a large quantity (nearly one-third) of carbonic oxide. At the blast furnaces in work during the first half of our century the combustible gases were allowed to burn to waste as they issued from the top of the furnace, in the manner shown in Instead of allowing the escaping gases to burn to waste, it became the practice about 1860, and so continues, to draw them off and burn them under steam boilers or use their flames for heating the blast. An effective method of withdrawing the gases is shown in Fig. 21, which is a section through the upper part of a smelting furnace, with the “cup and cone” arrangement. The mouth of the furnace is covered by a shallow iron cone a, open at the bottom, into which fits another cone b, attached to a chain c, sustained by an arm of the lever d, which is firmly held in position by the chain e, and is also provided with a counterpoise f. When the mouth of the furnace is thus closed, the gases find an exit by the opening g, seen behind the cones, and leading into a downward passage, through which they are drawn by the draught of a tall chimney to the place where they are burnt. The charge for the furnace is filled into the hopper a, and at the proper time the chain, e, is slackened when the weight of the material resting on the suspended cone overcomes that of the counterpoise, and the charge slides down over the surface of the cone b, which is immediately drawn up again by the counterpoise, so that the opening into the air is at once closed. Fig. 21.—Cup and Cone. The march of improvement in the blast furnace has been characterized particularly in Britain and the United States by a great increase of dimensions, which is found to promote economy in fuel, etc. In the former country the furnace of the latter part of our century is commonly from 70 to 80 feet high, and some have even been built with a height of more than 100 feet, while in the States the tendency to build very high furnaces is still more marked. A single large furnace may turn out as much as 1,500 tons of pig iron in a week, and some in America, it is said, actually produce as much as 2,500 tons. The more usual output of a blast furnace is however much less than these amounts; but if we say only one-half, or even one-third of these quantities, a state of things is indicated very different from what obtained about 1837, when the best Welsh furnaces produced only 200 tons a week. If we go back to the beginning of the century, the difference is much more marked, for the The proportions of fuel, ore, and limestone charged into the furnace vary greatly according to the composition of the ore, the quality of iron aimed at, and the practice of each manufacturer. It is usual previously to calcine the carbonate ores and others also, in order to expel the carbonic acid and the moisture, of which last all contain a considerable amount: and sometimes the limestone is mixed with the ore to undergo this preliminary process. The charge being conveyed from the roasting kilns to the blast furnace while still hot effects an obvious economy of fuel in the latter. In the case of hÆmatite ore the quantities of materials in one charge may be something like 54 cwt. of ore, 9 cwt. of limestone, and 33 cwt. of coke. It is quite common to use mixtures of different kinds of ore, so as to modify the quality of the product according to particular requirements. The use of the limestone is to take up silica, and the slag is found to consist mainly of silicates of lime and alumina. The amount flowing from a blast furnace of course varies much according to the conditions, and is larger than would commonly be supposed; for the production of one ton of pig iron involves the production of from ½ to 1½ tons of slag. Fig. 22 represents in section the later type of blast furnace, which of course is circular in plan. Its height may be taken as 80 feet, and the diameter at the widest part of the interior as 22½ feet, narrowed to 20 feet near the top. The lowest portion, C, is called the crucible, the bottom of which is the hearth, both formed of the most refractory materials obtainable. The conical widening, B, above the crucible is the boshes, and at the top is seen the “cup and cone” apparatus already described, A, surmounted by the short cylindrical iron mouth, through apertures in which the charges are tipped from the gallery, D, these having been raised there in small trucks by hydraulic or other elevators. The escaping gases leave the furnace by the exit, E, which leads into the “down-come,” G, and they are conducted from it to the “regenerative stoves” and dealt with as presently to be described. Our section represents the masonry of the furnace as sustained by pillars, P, at the outside of the lower part; these pillars support a strong ring of iron plates upon which the wall rests. This arrangement has the advantage of allowing the workmen the greatest freedom of access to parts about the crucible, which require much attention. Here, at the lowest part, is an aperture from which the liquid iron is allowed to run out every five or six hours, it being plugged in the meantime by clay and sand. The slag being much lighter than the iron, floats above it, and runs off at a higher level over the tympstone. Opening into the hearth are several orifices to admit the hot blast from the nozzles of the tuyÈres, which of course do not project into the furnace itself; but they are so near to the region of intensest heat that they would be rapidly destroyed unless they were surrounded by a casing through which a current of water is constantly running. The tuyÈres, of which there may be 3 or 5, are supplied from the pipe seen at K. The earlier plans of heating the air did not permit of a very high temperature being given to the hot blast, about 600° F. being the limit; but the “regenerative” stoves can supply a blast of more than 1,600° F., or not far below the melting point of silver. Another great increase has been in the pressure of the blast; 2 or 3 lbs. per square inch sufficed in the earlier practice; but the lofty Fig. 22.—Section of Blast Furnace. It need scarcely be said that great care and expense are bestowed on the construction of these furnaces. Only the best and most refractory materials, such as firebricks, are used for the lining, and the exterior is a casing of solid masonry, strengthened with iron bands. When a new furnace is finished it takes a month or six weeks to put it into operation; but when this is done it will remain in action night and day continuously The gases leaving the throat of the furnace consist mainly of nitrogen and a little carbonic acid, together with about one-third of their volume of the combustible gases, carbonic oxide, and some hydrogen; but these last do not leave the furnace in an ignited state, because the oxygen there has already been consumed. They are conducted by the “down-come” pipe, G, Fig. 22, to a point at which, by means of a valve, they can be directed to one or other of two circular towers entirely filled with firebricks, arranged chequerwise, so as to form innumerable passages between them. The furnace gases are admitted at the bottom of the Cowper tower, or “regenerative stove,” into a flue to which a regulated quantity of air has access, and there they are fired: the flame ascending the flue to the upper part of the tower, thence descends, communicating its heat to the firebricks, which soon acquire a very high temperature, especially where the flame first enters, and the burnt gases leave the tower for a tall chimney, leaving most of their heat in the firebricks. When this action has continued for a sufficient time, the connection of the regenerator with the throat of the furnace is cut off, and the escaping gases are directed into the other regenerator, and at the same time the blast from the blowing engine is made to ascend among the firebricks of the first, where gaining increasing temperature as it ascends—the stove being hottest at the top—the air leaves the tower to be conducted to the tuyÈres at such high temperature as already mentioned. While the one regenerator is thus heating the blast, the other is in its turn accumulating heat from the flames of the escaping gases; and thus they are worked alternately, the action being constantly reversed after suitable intervals. When iron is combined with a much smaller proportion of carbon than in cast iron, and contains little or no graphitic or uncombined carbon, we have the very useful compound known as steel. In the earlier half of the century it was customary to distinguish steel from malleable iron on the one hand, and cast iron on the other. If the compound contained from 0·5 to 1·5 per cent. of carbon, it was called steel by some authorities, while others extended these limits a little on either side. Later it was found that the presence of elements other than carbon can confer steely properties on iron, and indeed it is possible to have a metal containing no carbon, but possessing the characteristic properties of steel. Sir Joseph Whitworth proposed to classify a piece of metal according to its tensile strength, without any regard to either its chemical composition or its mode of manufacture: if it could not bear more than 30 tons per square inch it should be considered iron, but if it had a higher tensile strength, it should then be regarded as steel. To estimate the engineering value a figure depending upon the elongation or stretching of the specimen before breaking was to be added to the number of tons of the breaking load. This stretching power of steel is in some cases of as much importance as the tensile strength: the ordnance maker, for instance, considers a steel with a breaking strength of 53 tons under an elongation of 5 per cent. as for his purposes to be rejected: while a specimen showing a breaking strain of only 30 tons along with an elongation of 35 per cent., on 2 inches of length, he will regard as good. The tensile strength of steel depends in part on its composition, in part on the mode of manufacture, If we compare the chemical composition of wrought iron and of cast iron with that of steel as regards the content of carbon, we see at once that steel holds an intermediate position, so that if in the puddling furnace we could arrest the decarbonization at a certain point we should obtain steel; or if, on the other hand, we could put back into chemical combination with the decarbonized wrought iron a due percentage of carbon we should in that way also obtain steel. And it will be observed that the oldest primitive furnaces could not have failed sometimes to have produced steel as the net or final result of such actions. In fact, steel always has been and still is produced on one or other of these two principles, applied in divers ways, but severally and distinctly directed to that end. Of the many more or less modified processes of steel-making that have been in use, we need here but briefly mention a few which were the processes of the first sixty years of our century, and are to a considerable extent still in operation, although eclipsed in importance by two other processes that, since the date referred to, have been supplying the metal in enormously increased quantities, and which will have to be particularly described. Another method of dealing with the blister steel is to charge crucibles or pots having covers with 50 or 100 lbs. weight of the broken-up bars, and subject the crucibles to a strong heat in a reverberatory furnace, when the metal melts, and at the proper moment the contents of a great number of pots are almost simultaneously poured into a mould to form an ingot. The result is a very uniform steel of the finest texture, known and highly esteemed as cast steel or crucible steel. This steel is much more fusible than iron, but less so than cast iron. The production of steel by arresting at a certain stage the decarbonizing of cast iron in the puddling furnace requires much experience on the part of the workman, who has to learn when the desired point has The manufacture of crucible or cast steel has been carried on at Essen in Prussia by the firm of A. Krupp & Co., on a scale surpassing anything attempted elsewhere,—theirs being the largest steel-works in the world, and remarkable for the variety and excellence of its products. It began in so small a way that it is said only a single workman was employed. To the Great Exhibition of 1851, at London, Krupp’s firm sent a block of crucible cast steel weighing 2¼ tons, a larger mass of the metal than had ever been shown before, and looked upon with no little astonishment, for at that time steel was a precious commodity, the price of refined steel ranging from £45 to £60 per ton. At the next London Exhibition, in 1862, the Essen Works showed a block of cast steel 20 tons in weight, and at the Vienna Exhibition of 1873, one of 52 tons. This casting, which was first made of a cylindrical shape, was forged into an octagonal form under an immense steam-hammer, larger than the Woolwich hammer described on a previous page, for the weight of the moving part is no less than 50 tons. This huge mass of cast steel was of the finest quality; the The headpiece to our chapter on Fire-Arms gives but a very inadequate idea of the magnitude of the Essen Works about 1870. A better notion will be obtained from a few figures which we select from a list giving some of the contents of the Essen Works in 1876. There were 1,109 furnaces of various kinds, of which 250 were for smelting; 77 steam hammers, 294 steam engines, 18 rolling mills, 365 turning lathes, and 700 other machine tools; 24 miles of ordinary gauge railway for traffic within the works; together with 10 miles of narrow gauge railway; 38 miles of telegraph lines, with 45 Morse apparatus, etc. (J. S. Jeans’ Steel: its History, etc., 1880). These figures belong, be it observed, to the state of things in 1876; but we learn from a later authority that in 1894 these works employed 15,000 men, and we must suppose that the plant has been proportionately increased since the earlier period, when 10,000 men were employed. In the year 1854 a regular system of records began to be kept of the amounts of coal and ores raised in Great Britain, and also of the quantities of the various metals produced. These show that in 1894 very nearly three times as much coal was raised as in 1854, and that in the same period the quantity of British pig iron smelted annually had increased four-fold; these increases look small when compared with the expansion of the steel production in Britain within the same period of forty years, for this had enlarged thirty-fold. This extraordinary development is attributable to the introduction of two processes by either of which various steels of excellent quality, and adapted to a great range of applications, can be produced cheaply and with certainty. These processes are respectively known as the Bessemer and the Open Hearth, and the reader should observe that with the main principles involved in these he has already been made acquainted. Henry Bessemer, who first saw the light in England in 1813, may be said to have been born an inventor, for his father was one before him—a Frenchman employed in the royal mint at Paris, afterwards appointed by the Revolutionary authorities to superintend a public bakery; on an accusation of giving short weight, thrown into prison, from which, and probably from the guillotine, he escaped, and found employment in the English mint. Subsequently he devised some notable improvements in the art of producing letterpress type, and for many years carried on a prosperous business as a typefounder. The son developed inventive faculties at a very early age: in lathe engraving, dies, dating stamps, At the time of the Crimean War, Bessemer had some experiments made at Vincennes with cylindrical projectiles he had devised for firing from smooth-bore guns, yet so as to impart to the projectile at the same time rotation about its axis. The experiments were successful, but it was pointed out that the guns of cast iron then in use would not bear heavy projectiles, and he was induced, at the suggestion of the Emperor Napoleon III., to undertake some researches with the view of finding metal more suitable for artillery. Bessemer, having then little knowledge of the metallurgy of iron, applied himself on his return to England to the study of the best books on the subject, visited the principal iron-working districts, and began a series of experiments at a small experimental installation he set up in London. There, after repeated failures, he did at length succeed in producing a metal much tougher than the cast iron then used, and a small model gun was submitted to the Emperor, who encouraged Bessemer to persevere with his experiments; which he did, though the expense was a great tax on his capital, continued as the experiments were for two years and a half. But by this time he had acquired a knowledge of many important facts, and these gradually led him to the experimental realization of the idea he had conceived, but only after many trials in which several thousand pounds were expended. At length the agenda of the British Association for the Cheltenham meeting of 1856 announced that a paper would be read by H. Bessemer, entitled “The Manufacture of Iron and Steel without Fuel.” It will be easily understood that a title in such terms would give rise to much derisive incredulity; and we may imagine the iron-masters on that occasion crowding into Section G, while asking each other in the spirit of certain philosophers of old, “What will this babbler say?” Some of what he did say may here be quoted, as at once explanatory and historically memorable. “I set out with the assumption that crude iron contains about 5 per cent. of carbon; that carbon cannot exist at a white heat in the presence Fig. 23.—Experiments at Baxter House. “With a view of testing practically this theory, I constructed a cylindrical vessel of 3 ft. in diameter and 5 ft. in height, somewhat like an ordinary cupola furnace (see Fig. 23). The interior is lined with firebricks, and at about 2 in. from the bottom of it I inserted five tuyÈre pipes, the nozzles of which are formed of well-burned fire-clay, the orifice of each tuyÈre being about three-eighths of an inch in diameter; they are so put into the brick lining (from the outer side) as to admit of their removal and renewal in a few minutes, when they are worn out. At one side of the vessel, about half-way up from the bottom, there is a hole made for running-in the crude metal, and on the opposite side there is a tap-hole, stopped with loam, by means of which the iron is run out at the end of the process. In practice this converting vessel may be made of any convenient size, but I prefer that it should not hold less than one nor more than five tons of fluid iron at each charge; the vessel should “The loss in weight of crude iron during its conversion into an ingot of malleable iron was found, on a mean of four experiments, to be 12½ per cent., to which will have to be added the loss of metal in the finishing rolls. This will make the entire loss probably not less than 18 per cent. instead of about 28 per cent., which is the loss on the present system. A large portion of this metal is however recoverable by heating with carbonaceous gases the rich oxides thrown out of the furnace during the boil. These slags are found to contain innumerable small grains of metallic iron, which are mechanically held in suspension in the slags and may be easily recovered. “I have before mentioned that after the boil has taken place a steady and powerful flame succeeds, which continues without any change for about ten or twelve minutes, when it rapidly falls off. As soon as this diminution of flame is apparent the workman will know that the process is completed, and that the crude iron has been converted into pure malleable iron, which he will form into ingots of any suitable size and shape by simply opening the tap-hole of the converting vessel and allowing the fluid malleable iron to flow into the iron ingot moulds placed there to receive it. The masses of iron thus formed will be free from any admixture of cinder, oxide, or other extraneous matters, and will be far more pure and in a forwarder state of manufacture than a pile formed of ordinary puddle bars. And thus it will be seen that by a single process, requiring no manipulation or particular skill, and with only one workman, from three to five tons of crude iron pass into the condition of several piles of malleable iron in from thirty to thirty-five minutes, with the expenditure of about a third part the blast now used in a finery furnace, with an equal charge of iron, and with the consumption of no other fuel than is contained in the crude iron. “To those who are best acquainted with the nature of fluid iron, it may be a matter of surprise that a blast of cold air forced into melted crude iron is capable of raising its temperature to such a degree as to retain it in a perfect state of fluidity after it has lost all its carbon and is in the condition of malleable iron, which, in the highest heat of our forges, only becomes softened into a pasty mass. But such is the excessive temperature that I am enabled to arrive at with a properly shaped converting vessel and a judicious distribution of the blast, that I am enabled not only to retain the fluidity of the metal, but to create so much surplus heat as to remelt all the crop-ends, ingot-runners, and other scrap that is made throughout the process, and thus bring them, without labour or fuel, into ingots of a quality equal to the rest of the charge of new metal.... “To persons conversant with the manufacture of iron, it will be at once apparent that the ingots of the malleable metal which I have described will have no hard or steely parts, such as are found in puddled iron, requiring a great amount of rolling to blend them with the general mass, nor will such ingots require an excess of rolling to expel cinder from the interior of the mass, since none can exist in the ingot, which is pure and perfectly homogeneous throughout, and hence requires only as much rolling as is necessary for the development of fibre; it therefore follows that, instead of forming a merchant bar, or rail, by the union of a number of separate pieces welded together, it will be far more simple and less “The facility which the new process affords of making large masses will enable the manufacturer to produce bars that, in the old mode of working, it was impossible to obtain; while at the same time it admits of the use of more powerful machinery, whereby a great deal of labour will be saved and the process be greatly expedited.... I wish to call the attention of the meeting to some of the peculiarities which distinguish cast steel from all other forms of iron, viz., the perfectly homogeneous character of the metal, the entire absence of sand-cracks or flaws, and its greater cohesive force and elasticity, as compared with the blister steel from which it is made,—qualities which it derives solely from its fusion and formation into ingots, all of which properties malleable iron acquires in like manner by its fusion and formation into ingots in the new process; nor must it be forgotten that no amount of rolling will give the blister steel, although formed of rolled bars, the same homogeneous character that cast steel acquires by a mere extension of the ingot to some ten or twelve times its original length.... “I beg to call your attention to an important fact connected with the new process which affords peculiar facilities for the manufacture of cast steel. At that stage of the process immediately following the boil the whole of the crude iron has passed into the condition of cast steel of ordinary quality. By the continuation of the process the steel so produced gradually loses its small remaining portion of carbon, and passes successively from hard to soft steel, and from soft steel to steely iron, and eventually to very soft iron; hence, at a certain period of the process, any quality of metal may be obtained. There is one in particular which by way of distinction I call semi-steel, being in hardness about midway between ordinary cast steel and soft malleable iron. This metal possesses the advantage of much greater tensile strength than soft iron; it is also more elastic, and does not readily take a permanent set, while it is much harder and is not worn or indented so easily as soft iron; at the same time it is not so brittle or hard to work as ordinary cast steel. These qualities render it eminently well adapted to purposes where lightness and strength are specially required, or where there is much wear, as in the case of railway bars, which from their softness and lamellar texture soon become destroyed. The cost of semi-steel will be a fraction less than iron, because the loss of metal that takes place by oxidation in the converting vessel is about 2½ per cent. less than it is with iron; but as it is a little more difficult to roll, its cost per ton may fairly be considered to be the same as iron; but as its tensile strength is some 30 or 40 per cent. greater than bar iron, it follows that for most purposes a much less weight of metal may be used than that so taken. The semi-steel will form a much cheaper metal than any we are at present acquainted with. These facts have not been elicited from mere laboratory experiments, but have been the result of working on a scale nearly twice as great as is pursued in our largest iron works, the experimental apparatus doing 7 cwt. in thirty minutes, while the ordinary puddling furnace makes only 4½ cwt. in two hours, which is made into six separate balls, while the ingots or blooms are smooth, even prisms, 10 in. square by 30 in. in length, weighing about equal to ten ordinary puddle balls.” The startling novelty of the methods and results described in this “On the expiration of the fourteen years’ term of partnership of this firm the works, which had been greatly increased from time to time out of revenues, were sold by private contract for exactly twenty-four times the amount of the whole subscribed capital, notwithstanding that the firm had divided in profits during the partnership a sum equal to fifty-seven times the gross capital, so that by the mere commercial working of the process, apart from the patent, each of the five partners retired after fourteen years from the Sheffield works with eighty-one times the amount of his subscribed capital, or an average of nearly cent. per cent., every two months,—a result probably unprecedented in the annals of commerce.” Fig. 24.—Bessemer Converter. The form of the Bessemer apparatus as it finally left the inventor’s hands may now be considered: but in certain details and arrangements some modifications, dictated by the experience and requirements of individual establishments, have been made, leaving the principles of the apparatus unchanged. Thus instead of making the converting vessel turn on trunnions, it is sometimes constructed fixed, the fluid metal after conversion being let out at a tap-hole; the number and size of the tuyÈres are varied; and so with the disposition of the air chamber or tuyÈre box, the pressure of the blast, the capacity of the converter itself, etc. In capacity converters vary between 2½ tons and 10 tons; one of medium size is shown in elevation and section in Fig. 24, and may The whole series of operations connected with the Bessemer process may be easily followed by the help of Fig. 25, which is taken from a beautiful model in the Museum of Practical Geology. This model, which was presented to the museum by Mr. Bessemer himself, represents every part of the machinery and appliances of the true relative sizes. C is the trough, lined with infusible clay, by which the liquid pig iron is conveyed to the converters, A. The hydraulic apparatus by which the vessels are turned over is here below the pavement, but the rack which turns the pinion on the axis of the converter is shown at B. The vessel into which the molten steel is poured from the converter is marked E, and this vessel is swung round on a crane, D, so as to bring it exactly over the moulds, placed in a circle ready to receive the liquid steel, which on cooling is turned out in the form of solid ingots. The valves which control the blast, and those which regulate the movements of the converter through the hydraulic apparatus, are worked by the handle seen at H. The Fig. 25.—Model of Bessemer Steel Apparatus. The development of the Bessemer process soon had the effect of so reducing the price of steel that this material came into use for almost every purpose for which iron had previously been employed, such as railway bars, girders, etc., for bridges, boiler plates, etc., for all which “steely iron” containing only 0·12 to 0·40 per cent. carbon proved admirably adapted. The practical success of the Bessemer process had not long been demonstrated commercially by the inventor and his partners at Sheffield before other firms began the manufacture: so that in 1878 there were in Great Britain alone twenty-seven establishments making Bessemer steel and using 111 converters. It may give an idea of the magnitude the Bessemer steel manufacture had attained even at that time if we quote the cost of erecting a complete plant for two 5–ton converters: it was £44,400, as given in a detailed estimate. In all these cases pig iron from ores free from phosphorus and sulphur had to be used, for as we have seen the converter failed to eliminate these vitiating elements. Imported pig ores had in general to be used, or pig from the limited supply of British hÆmatite ores in West Cumberland. The Barrow HÆmatite Steel Company engaged in the production of Bessemer steel on a very large scale, having by 1878 erected no fewer than sixteen converters of the capacity of 6 tons each. In the meanwhile many efforts were made to discover some method of eliminating phosphorus, so that the ordinary qualities of British pig iron, and iron derived in any part of the world from the coarse phosphorized ores, might be available for the converter. Many of the methods then devised proved correct in principle and feasible in practice; but as, for sundry reasons, none of them came extensively into use, we need not here allude to them further. The solution of the problem was announced in 1879. Some years before, G. J. Snelus had come to the conclusion that with a siliceous lining it would be impossible to eliminate phosphorus in the Bessemer converter, and that some refractory substance of a basic character must be sought for in order that the slag produced should be in a condition to absorb the phosphoric acid as fast as it is produced. He patented in 1872 the use of magnesian limestone as a material for the lining; as that substance when intensely heated became very hard and stony, being in that condition quite unaffected by water. Two young chemists, Messrs. Thomas and Gilchrist, apparently without being aware of Mr. Snelus’s conclusions, had also convinced themselves that the chief deficiency in the Bessemer process was due to the excess of silica in the slag, and in 1874 they began to try the effect of basic linings, and also of basic additions, such as lime, etc., to the charge in the converter, so that the lining itself should not be worn out by entering into the slag. Their results proved that phosphorus could be eliminated when the slag contained excess of a strong base. An example of an operation at Bolckow, Vaughan, & Company’s Eston works with the highly phosphorized Cleveland pig iron may be quoted. The basic-lined converter received first 9 cwt. of lime, then 6 tons of metal. When the blast at 25 lbs. pressure was turned on, the silicon began at once to burn; for three minutes the carbon was not affected, but for fourteen minutes longer it regularly diminished, the silicon keeping pace with it. After All discoveries and all inventions may be traced back to preceding discoveries and inventions in an endless series, and it is only by its precursors that each in its turn has been made possible. If we take one of the greatest marvels brought into existence at nearly the close of our epoch, namely, “wireless telegraphy,” we may follow up links of a chain connecting it with the recorded observations of an ancient Greek (Thales) who flourished seven centuries before our era, and even these may not have been original discoveries of his. And it will have been gathered from what has already been said that steel must have been produced, however unwittingly, at the earliest period at which man began to reduce iron from its ores. So the very latest, and for many purposes the most extensively practised, process of modern steel-making, brought indeed to working perfection mainly by the perseverance and scientific insight of two individuals, is the result of the observation and the accumulated experience of former generations. The observations and experience here alluded to are chiefly those that follow two lines: one concerning the properties of the metal itself, the other relating to the means of commanding very high temperatures on a great scale. On this occasion we are able almost to lay a finger on some proximate links of the chain. RÉaumur, the French naturalist, made steel in the early part of the eighteenth century by melting cast iron in a crucible, and in this liquid metal he dissolved wrought iron, the product being, as the reader will now easily understand, the intermediate substance, steel; and this was obtained of course at a temperature which was incapable of fusing wrought iron by itself. He published in 1722 a treatise on “The Art of converting Iron into Steel, and of softening Cast Iron.” For this, and certain other metallurgical discoveries, RÉaumur received a life-pension equivalent to about £500 per annum,—a treatment very different from that dealt out by the British to Henry Cort. The action in RÉaumur’s crucible is precisely that used on the large scale in Siemens’ open hearth. But this last became possible only when Siemens had worked out his “regenerative stove” or heat accumulator, the development of an idea suggested by a Dundee clergyman in 1817. A general notion of the Siemens’ regenerative stove will have been already gained from the account given before of its application to the modern type of blast furnace. Of the inventor himself, C. William Siemens, it may be observed that he was one of a family of brothers, all Fig. 26.—Section of Regenerative Stoves and Open Hearth. Siemens was much engaged from 1846 in conjunction with his brother Frederick in experimental attempts, continued over a period of ten years, at the construction of the regenerative gas furnace. At length, in 1861, he proposed the application of his furnace to an “open hearth,” and during the next few years some partial attempts to carry out his process were made, and he himself had established experimental works at Birmingham in order to mature his processes, while Messrs. Martin of Sireuil, in France, having obtained licences under Siemens’ patents, gave their attention to a modification of his process, by which they succeeded in producing excellent steel. Siemens having in 1868 proved the practicability of his plans by converting at his Birmingham works some old phosphorized iron rails into serviceable steel, a company was formed, and in 1869 the Landore Siemens’ Steel Works were established at Landore in Glamorganshire, and a few years after, these had sixteen Siemens How the regenerative stove, or heat accumulator, works, and how it is applied in the open hearth process, the reader may learn by aid of the diagram Fig. 26, in which however no representation of the disposition of the parts in any actual furnace is given, nor any details of construction beyond what is necessary to make the principle clear. On the right and on the left of the diagram will be seen a pair of similar chambers which are shown as partly below the level of the ground S S´, such being a usual disposition. The outer walls of these chambers are thick and the interior is entirely lined with the most refractory fire-bricks, of which also is formed the partition in between each pair of compartments, as well as the passages from the top of each opening on the furnace H. Each chamber or compartment is filled with rows of fire-bricks, laid chequerwise so as to leave a multitude of channels between. At the bottom of the chamber on the left let us suppose atmospheric air to be admitted by the channels A, A, A, and a combustible gas which we may take to be a mixture of carbonic oxide with some hydrogen is admitted in the same way to the second compartment on the left through the passages G, G, G. Supposing the apparatus quite cold in the first instance, the gas would ascend into the furnace H as shown by the arrows, because it might be drawn by an up-draught in a chimney connected with the six chambers shown at the bottom of the right, and it would also tend to rise up into the space H by its lighter specific gravity, and there it could be set on fire, when a volume of flame would pass across to the right, a plentiful supply of air rushing in through the air chamber from A, A, A, and the products of the combustion, mainly hot carbonic acid gas and hot nitrogen gas, in passing through the right-hand chambers, would make the bricks in both compartments very hot after a time, for the current would divide itself between the two passages, as indicated by the divided arrow. We have not shown the valves by which the workman is able, by merely pulling a lever, to shut off the air supply from A, A, A, and of gas from G, G, G, and put these channels into direct communication with the up-draught chimney, at the same time supplying gas at G´, G´, G´, and air at A´, A´, A´. These rise up among the now heated bricks each in its own compartment, but mix where they enter the furnace H, now hot enough to set them on fire, and the gaseous products of combustion, hotter now than before, descend among the fire-bricks of the left-hand compartments, heating them in turn. After another period, say half an hour, the valves are again reversed, and again gas and air both heated burn in the space H, and their products supply still more heat to the right-hand compartments. And so the action may be continued with a great temperature each time produced by the combustion of the combining bodies at increasingly higher temperatures. Thus, if cold gas and air by combination give rise to 500° of heat, when the same combine, at say the initial temperature of It need hardly be mentioned that there has to be a certain adjustment between the volumes of air and of gas that pass into the regenerative stoves, in order that the best effect may be obtained. Besides the limit of temperature occasioned by the nature of the materials, there is a chemical reason why the regenerative stoves cannot increase the temperature indefinitely. It is noticed that when the temperature of the furnace has become very high indeed, the flame over the hearth assumes a peculiar appearance, being interrupted by dark spaces. These are attributable to what is called in chemistry “dissociation,”—in this case the dissociation of carbonic acid gas, which by the heat alone separates into carbonic oxide and oxygen gases. In the same way these gases refuse to combine if brought together heated beyond a certain temperature. This phenomenon of dissociation is a general one, for it is found that for any pair of substances there is a characteristic range of temperature above or below which they refuse to combine. The gas used in these stoves is either unpurified coal gas, or that produced by passing steam over red-hot coal or coke. We have spoken of the Siemens and the Siemens-Martin open hearth processes. In the latter a charge of pig iron, say 1½ tons, is first melted on the hearth, then about 2 tons of wrought iron is added in successive portions, and in like manner nearly as much scrap steel (i.e. turnings, etc.), the final addition being half a ton of spiegeleisen containing 12 per cent. of manganese. A furnace of corresponding dimensions will allow of three charges every twenty-four hours. In the Siemens process it is not wrought iron or steel scrap that is mainly used to decarbonize the pig, but a pure oxide ore. This is thrown into the bath of molten metal in quantities of a few cwts. at a time, when a violent ebullition occurs. When samples of the metal and of the slag are found to be satisfactory, spiegeleisen or ferro-manganese is added, and the charge is cast. This process takes a rather longer time than the former, but gives steel of Fig. 26a.—Rolling Mill. Fig. 26a shows a rolling mill with what is called a “two-high” train for finishing bars by passing them between the grooves cut in the rolls to give the required section. The rolls in the illustration turn in one direction only, and therefore the bars after emerging from the larger grooves have to be drawn back over the machine and set into a smaller pair from the same side. This inconvenience is avoided in the “three-high train,” on which three rolls revolve, and the bars can be passed through them from one side to the other alternately. The celerity with which a glowing steel ingot is without re-heating converted into a straight steel rail 60 or 100 feet long, by passing a few times backwards and forwards between the rolls, is very striking. These rolls are made of solid steel, and in some cases have a diameter of 26 inches or more. IRON IN ARCHITECTURE.Everyone knows how much iron is used in those great engineering structures that mark the present age, and of which a few examples will be described in succeeding articles. One other feature of the nineteenth century is the use of iron in architecture. Some have, indeed, protested against the use of iron for this purpose, and would even deny the name of architecture to any structure obviously or chiefly formed of that material. Stone and wood, they say, are the only proper materials, because each part must be wrought by hand, and cannot be cast or moulded; and further, iron being liable to rust, suggests decay and want of permanence, and these are characters incompatible with noble building. All this can rest only on a relative degree of truth—as, for instance, machinery is used to dress and shape both wood and stone, and the permanence of even the latter is as much dependent on conditions as that of iron. Iron used in architecture is hideous when applied in shapes appropriate only to stone; but when it is disposed in the way suggested by its own properties, and receives ornament suitable to its own nature, the result is harmonious and graceful, and the structure may display beauties that could be attained by no other materials. Be that as it may, the great and lofty covered spaces that are required for our railway stations and for other purposes could have been obtained only by the free use of iron, and everyone can recall to mind instances of such structure not devoid of elegance, in spite of the absence—the proper absence—of the Classic “orders” or Gothic “styles.” The first notable instance of the application of iron on a large scale was the erection of the “Crystal Palace,” in Hyde Park, for the great Exhibition of 1851. It was taken down and re-erected at Sydenham, and there it has become so well known to everyone that any description of it is quite unnecessary in this place. As another conspicuous example of what may be done with iron, the Eiffel Tower at Paris may be briefly described. The idea of erecting a tower 1,000 feet high was not of itself new. It had been entertained in England as early as 1833, in America in 1874, and in Paris itself in 1881. It has been reserved for M. Gustave Eiffel, a native of Dijon, who commenced to practise as an engineer in 1855, to realize this ambitious project. He has long been occupied in the construction of great railway bridges and viaducts, and in these he has adopted a system peculiar to himself of braced wrought-iron piers without masonry or cast-iron columns. He also was the first French engineer to erect bridges of great span without scaffolding. In the Garabit viaduct he planned an arch of 541 feet, crossing the TruyÈre at a height of nearly 400 feet above it. One result of M. Eiffel’s studies in connection with these lofty piers was his proposal to erect the tower for the Paris Exhibition of 1889. This proposal met with great opposition on the part of many influential people in Paris—authors, painters, architects, and others protesting with great energy against the modern Tower of Babel, which was, as they said, to disfigure and profane the noble stone buildings of Paris by the monstrosities of a machine maker, etc. etc. The Eiffel Tower is now constructed, and no one has heard that it has dishonoured the monuments of Paris, for it has been instead a triumph of French skill, the glory of its designer, and the wonder of the Exhibition. Fig. 26b.—The Eiffel Tower in course of construction. The tower rests on four independent foundations, each at the angle of a square of about 330 feet in the side, and it may be noted that the two foundations near the Seine had to be differently treated from the other two, where a bed of gravel 18 feet thick was found at 23 feet below the Fig. 26c.—The Eiffel Tower. The buildings of the Paris Exhibition of 1889 are themselves splendid examples, not only of engineering skill, but of good taste and elegant design in iron structures and their decorations. The vast Salle des Machines (machinery hall) exceeds in dimensions anything of the kind in existence, for it is nearly a quarter of a mile long, and its roof covers at one span its width of 380 feet, rising to a height of 150 feet in the centre. This great hall is to remain permanently, as well as the other principal galleries with their graceful domes. The Eiffel Tower having proved one of the most striking features of the great Paris Exhibition, and of itself a novelty sufficient to attract visitors to the spot, and having, long before the Exhibition closed, completely defrayed the expense of its construction, with a handsome profit besides, its success has naturally provoked similar enterprises,—as, for instance, at Blackpool, a seaside resort in Lancashire, there has been erected an openwork metal tower, resembling the Paris structure, but of far less altitude. Tall Buildings in American Cities.In several of the great cities of the United States, the last few years have witnessed a novel and characteristic development of the use of iron in architecture. In many structures on the older continent, this material has been frankly and effectively employed, forming the obvious framework of the erection, even when the leading motive was quite other than a display of engineering skill. The Crystal Palace at Sydenham and other erections have been referred to, in which iron has taken its place as the main component of structures designed more or less to fulfil Æsthetic requirements: the guiding principle in “tall office buildings” in the cities of the Western continent is, on the contrary, avowedly utilitarian. Iron has, of course, long been used in the form of pillars, beams, etc., in ordinary buildings, and it is only the extraordinary extension of this employment of it, after the lift or elevator had been perfected, and the ground-space in great commercial centres was daily becoming more valuable, that has led to the erection of structures of the “sky-scraper” class in American cities. For a given plot at a stated rent, a building of many stories, let throughout as offices, will obviously bring to its owner a greater return than one of few stories. The elevators now make a tenth story practically as accessible as a third storey, and the tall building readily fills with tenants. No claim for artistic beauty has been advanced for these structures, which aim simply at being places of business, and if provision be made for sufficient floor-space and daylight, and for artificial lighting, heating, and ventilation, together with the ordinary conveniences of modern life, and ready elevator service, nothing more is required by the utilitarian spirit, that seeks only facilities for money-getting. These tall buildings are usually erected on plots disproportionately small, and the architectural effect is apt to be bizarre and incongruous, especially when the structure shoots up skyward in some comparatively narrow street amid more modest surroundings. They are really engineering structures, but invested with features belonging to edifices of quite another order of construction. If they are necessities of the place and period, and are “come to stay,” it cannot be doubted but that decoration of an appropriate PLATE IV. Fig. 26d.—St. Paul Building, N. Y. Here, apparently, is the opportunity for the advent of a new and characteristic style. There is great ingenuity displayed in the arrangement and internal finish of these buildings. But besides the somewhat novel application of iron, the most notable circumstances regarding them are the tendency to make them of greater and greater height, and the wonderfully short time in which, upon occasion, they can be run up. Chicago has recently been noted for its tall edifices, among which may be named The Reliance Building, erected upon a site only 55 feet in breadth, but rising in fourteen stories to the height of 200 feet, and presenting the appearance of a tower. There are no cast iron pillars, but the whole metal framework is of rolled steel, the columns consisting of eight angle-sections, bolted together in two-story lengths, adjoining columns breaking joint at each floor, and braced together with plate girders, 24 inches deep, bolted to the face of the columns, with which they form a rigid connection. Externally, the edifice shows nothing but white enamelled terra-cotta and plate glass. This building was originally a strongly-built structure of five stories, the lower one being occupied as a bank. The foundations and the first story were taken out, and prepared for the lofty edifice, the superstructure being the while supported on screws. Then the three upper stories were taken down, and the building was continued from the second story, which was filled with tenants while the building was in course of erection above. Fig. 26e.—Manhattan Insurance Co.’s Building, in course of erection. Still more lofty edifices have been going skyward in other places. Already in New York there are a great number of lofty piles due to the introduction of the lifts or elevators, by which an office on the tenth floor is made as convenient as one on the second. These buildings usually receive the name of the owners of the structure, who occupy, perhaps, only one floor. To mention only a few. There is the American Tract Society building, with its twenty-three stories, 285 feet high, which is one of the latest and handsomest of these tall piles in the city. See Plate IV. Still loftier is the St. Paul building, fronting the New York Post-Office at the junction of Park Row and Broadway. This structure is splayed at the angle between Ann Street and Broadway, where its width is 39½ feet, while its loftiest part has frontages of about 30 feet along each of these thoroughfares. The height is no less than 313 feet above the pavement, and the number of stories is twenty-five. This building is faced with light yellow limestone, and although it was commenced only in the summer of 1895, it was expected to be ready for occupation by the autumn of 1896. Even this great height is overtopped by the Manhattan Life Insurance Company’s building, rising 330 feet, and remarkable as perhaps beyond previous record of quickness in building a gigantic structure. Obviously, the foundations of such a building must be most seriously considered, prepared and tested, before the great bulk of the building is begun, and in the New York Engineering Magazine one of the architects has given a full account, with complete illustrations, of all the works, from the rock foundation to the completed edifice. A description of the foundation work, though most interesting for the professional engineer, would probably have little attraction for the general reader; Fig. 26f.—Manhattan Insurance Co.’s Buildings nearly completed. The shortness of the time in which these lofty buildings were run up is not less remarkable than the completeness of their fittings, which comprise everything requisite for communication within the premises and in connection with the outer world. The elevators or lifts are the perfection of mechanism in their way, and act with wonderful smoothness and regularity; of these are usually two at least, as well as an ample staircase. Notwithstanding all these appliances, some disastrous and fatal conflagrations have occurred at buildings erected on the “tall” principle; and as “business premises” of even 380 feet high are projected, the authorities have been considering the desirability of restricting the heights. It has been proposed that offices should not exceed in height 200 feet; hotels, 150 feet; and private houses, 75 feet. BIG WHEELS.The Paris example of an engineering feat upon an unprecedented scale having proved sufficiently captivating for the general public to ensure for itself a great commercial success, even amid the attractions of an International Exhibition, was not lost upon the enterprising people of the States when the “World’s Fair” at Chicago was in preparation in 1893. It was then that Mr. G. W. G. Ferris, the head of a firm of bridge constructors at Pittsburg, conceived the idea of applying his engineering skill to the erection of a huge wheel, revolving in a vertical plane, with cars for persons to sit in, constituting, in fact, an enormous “merry-go-round,” as the machine once so common at country fairs was called. The novelty of the Chicago erection was, therefore, not the general idea, but the magnitude of the scale, which, for that reason, involved the application of the highest engineering skill, and the solution of hitherto unattempted practical problems. Several thousand pounds were, in fact, expended on merely preliminary plans and designs. The great wheel at Chicago was 250 feet in diameter, and to its periphery were hung thirty-six carriages, each seating forty persons. At each revolution, therefore, 1,440 people would be raised in the air to the height of 250 feet, and from that elevation afforded a splendid prospect, besides an experience of the peculiar sensation like that of being in a balloon, when the spectator has no perception of his own motion, but the objects beneath appear to have the contrary movement, that is to say, they seem to be sinking when he is rising, and vice versÂ. The axle of the Chicago wheel was a solid cylinder, 32 inches in diameter and 45 feet long; on this were two hubs, 16 feet in diameter, to which were attached spoke rods, 2½ inches in diameter, passing in pairs to an inner crown, which was concentric with the outer rim, but 40 feet within it. The inner and outer crowns were connected together, and the former joined to the crown of the twin wheel by an elaborate system of trusses and ties, which, however, left an open space between the rims of 20 feet from the outside. These last were formed of curved riveted hollow beams, in section 25½ inches by 19 inches, and between them, slung upon iron axles through the roofs, were suspended, at equal intervals, the thirty-six carriages, each 27 feet long, and weighing 13 tons without its passengers, who added 3 tons more to the weight. The wheel with its passengers was calculated to weigh about Fig. 26g.—Original Design for the Great Wheel. This curious structure was not begun until March, 1893, yet it was set in motion three months afterwards, having cost about £62,500. The Company had to hand over to the Exhibition one half of the receipts after the big wheel had paid for its construction, but even then they realised a handsome profit, and at the close of the World’s Fair, they sold the machine for four-thirds of its cost, in order that it might be re-erected at Coney Island. No sooner had the great Ferris wheel at Chicago proved a financial success than an American gentleman, Lieutenant Graydon, secured a patent for a like machine in the United Kingdom; and as it has now become almost a matter of course that some iron or steel structure, surpassing everything before attempted, should form a part of each great exhibition, a Company was at once formed in London, under the title of “The Gigantic Wheel and Recreation Towers Co., Limited,” to construct and work at the Earl’s Court Oriental Exhibition of 1895, a great wheel, similar in general form to that of Chicago. But the design of the London wheel had some new features, as will be seen from the sketches, Fig. 26c (from The Engineer of 20th April, 1894), and, moreover, having been planned of larger dimensions than its American prototype, presented additional engineering problems of no small complexity. After due deliberation the scheme of the work was entrusted to Mr. Walter B. Basset, a talented young engineer, connected with the firm of Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, & Field, and already experienced in designing iron structures. Under this gentleman, with the assistance of Mr. J. J. Webster in carrying out some of the details, the work has been so successfully accomplished that the “Great Wheel” of 1895 may be cited as one of the crowning mechanical triumphs of the nineteenth century. The original design has not been followed so far as regards the lower platforms for refreshment rooms, &c. Plate V., for which we are indebted to Mr. Basset, is a photographic representation of the actual structure. The wheel at Earl’s Court exceeds the Ferris wheel in diameter by 50 feet, being 300 feet across. It is supported on two towers, 175 feet high, each formed by four columns 4 feet square, built of steel plates with internal diaphragms, and surmounted by balconies that may be ascended in elevators raised by a weight of water, which, after having been discharged into a reservoir under the ground level, is again pumped up to the top of the towers. Between the balconies on each tower there is also a communication through the axle of the wheel, which, instead of being solid as at Chicago, is a tube of 7 feet diameter, and 35 feet long, made in sections, riveted together, of steel 1 inch thick, and weighing no less than 58 tons. The raising and fixing in its high place of such a mass of metal required specially ingenious devices, which have been greatly appreciated by professional engineers. But for these devices, the erection of scaffolding in the ordinary way of proceeding would have entailed an outlay simply enormous. The axle is stiffened by projecting rings, and, between pairs of these, the spoke rods are attached by pins 3 inches in diameter. The axle was the production of Messrs. Maudslay, Field & Co.; all the rest of the metal work was made at the Arrol Works at The sensations experienced in a journey on the Great Wheel are, as already mentioned, comparable to those enjoyed by the aËrial voyagers in a balloon, where all perception of proper motion is lost, and it is the world beneath that seems to recede and float away, presenting the while a strangely changing panorama. Many people who have never made a balloon ascent yet know the calm delight of floating in a boat without effort down some placid stream, unconscious of any motion beyond that vaguely inferred from the silent apparent gliding by of the banks. Very similar are, in part, the feelings of the passenger who is almost imperceptibly carried up into the air in a carriage of the Great Wheel, but the vertical direction of the movement, and the gradual expansion of the horizon as the vertex is approached, lend an unwonted novelty to the situation. From the Earl’s Court Wheel the view is both interesting and extensive, for on a clear day the prospect stretches as far as the Royal Castle of Windsor. The “Gigantic Wheel” at Earl’s Court was inaugurated on the 11th July, 1895, in the presence of an assemblage of 5,000 people, including many distinguished personages, who were all treated to a ride. Plate I. shows a portion of the wheel and carriages as in motion. PLATE V. Fig. 27.—Sir Joseph Whitworth. |