492" class="pginternal">492. - induced, 502.
- measurement of, 536.
Currents in submarine cables, 579. D. Daguerre, 609. Daguerreotype, 610. Daimler motor, 24. Dallmeyer, 617. Daniell’s battery, 495. De Beers Mines, 707. Delphi, oracle at, 739. Dial telegraphs, 566. Diamond cutting, 700. Diamond, qualities of the, 698. Diamondiferous, 703. Diamonds, 696. Dioptric lighthouse apparatus, 600. Discoveries, progressive, 802. Dissipation of energy, 808. Distinct vision, 458. D lines of sodium spectrum, 425, 441. Dolls, talking, 674. Domestic consumption of coal, 755, 756. Double refraction and polarization, 399. Dredges, Suez Canal, 255. Drilling machine, 90. Dry digging, 702. Duboscq’s electric lamp, 497. Du Moncel, 590. Dynamical electricity, 490. Dynamo, Siemens’, 522. E. Earl’s Court, Great Wheel at, 83. Earth’s circuit, 574. Ebonite, 728. Eccentric, 9. Eclipse of sun, 438. Eddystone lighthouse, 594. Edison, 669, 670, 674. Edison’s kinetoscope, 478. Eiffel Tower, the, 72. Electric lighting and electric power, 519. Electric current, 790. Electric induction, 488. - launch, 534.
- light, cost of, 43.
Electric light in lighthouses, 515. - telegraph, 598.
- torpedo, 547.
- tramway, 532.
- welding, , 324.
- I.
- Iceland spar, 399.
- Illuminating power of gas, 774.
- Illusion by movement of eye, 475.
- by persistence of vision, 476.
- stage, 290.
- Images formed by lenses, 399, 616.
- Impact theory of Stellar Evolution, 718.
- Incandescent electric light, 528.
- Incandescent gas-burners, 777.
- Inclined railways, 125.
- Inconstant, H.M.S., 152.
- India-rubber, 724.
- India-rubber and gutta-percha, 724.
- Indicator, 9.
- Induced currents, 502.
- Induction coils, 503.
- Injector, Giffard’s, 11.
- Instantaneous photography, 623.
- Introduction, 1.
- Iron, 29.
- Iron bridges, 276.
- Iron in architecture, 72.
- Iron, cast, 40.
- chemical changes of, 34.
- lighthouses, 596.
- meteoric, 32.
- ores, 39.
- pig, 40.
- ships, 133.
- smelting, 39.
- utility of, 30.
- wrought, 47.
- IsmaÏlia, 260.
- J.
- Jablochkoff’s electric candle, 525.
- Jackson, 551.
- Jacobi, 531.
- Jamin’s magnet, 513.
- Johannesburg, 694.
- Joule, 804, 805.
- Joy’s valve gear, 20.
- Jupiter, 384.
- K.
- Kaleidoscope, 389.
- Karoos, 705.
- Kimberley, 705.
- Kinetographic theatre, 479.
- Kinetoscope, 478.
- Kirchhoff, 422.
- Klondyke, 692.
- KÖnig or Kaiser Wilhelm, ironclad, 164.
- KÖnig’s printing machine, 308.
- Krupp’s guns, 214.
- L.
- Lake Timsah, Saturn, 440.
- Schilling’s telegraph, 549.
- Science, benefits of, 1.
- Science and useful arts, 2.
- Scott’s phonautograph, 669.
- Screw, 86.
- cutting lathe, 87.
- dies and taps, 86.
- propeller, 116, 117.
- Sea anemones, 679.
- Secondary batteries, 530.
- Segment shells, 217.
- Senefelder, 556, 636.
- Shear steel, 54.
- Ship canals, 249.
- Ships of war, 149.
- Shrapnel shells, 216.
- Siemens, 67.
- Siemens’ dynamo, 522.
- pneumatic tubes, 341.
- regenerator, 68.
- regulator, 523.
- Siemens-Martin steel, 70.
- Sight, 452.
- Signals, railway, 108.
- Silver plating by electricity, 500.
- Sirius, 440.
- Skerryvore, 596.
- Skiagraphs, 447.
- Slide rest, 87.
- Smokeless powder, 226.
- Snider rifle, 184.
- Snow-plough, 123.
- Sodium, 715.
- Some phenomena of light, 382.
- Sommeiller perforators, 351.
- SÖmmering’s telegraph, 548.
- Sound, 665.
- Sounding telegraph, 566.
- South African diamond fields, 701.
- Speaking machine, 670.
- Spectra, absorption, 431.
- bright lined, 425.
- of permanent gases, 430.
- of salts, 424.
- of stars, 440.
- spark, 420.
- Spectroscope, 416.
- Spectrum, continuous, 422.
- lithium, 425, 436.
- of sodium, 424.
- pure, 420.
- solar, 418, 688.
- Victoria Bridge, Montreal, 282.
- Victoria, H.M.S., 166, 168.
- Vision, persistence of, 476.
- Visual impressions, 468.
- Voltaic element, 490.
- Vulcanite, 728.
- Vulcanized india-rubber, 727.
- W.
- Wall papers, machines for printing, 322.
- Walter press, 323.
- Warner’s torpedo experiment, 241.
- Warren girder, 280.
- Warrior, H.M.S., 150.
- Warships, new types of, 167.
- Water decomposed by electricity, 498.
- Waterproof cloths, 726.
- Watt, 3, 4, 8, 14.
- Welding, electric, 537.
- Wells, Horace, 735.
- Welsbach incandescent gas lights, 777.
- Whaleback, 147.
- Wheatstone, 387, 470, 474, 552.
- and Cooke’s telegraph, 548, 554.
- Wheatstone’s automatic telegraph, 564.
- dial telegraph, 568.
- dot signals, 565.
- Wheels of railway carriages, 107.
- Whitehead’s torpedoes, 232, 242.
- Whitworth’s guns, 193.
- Wire-drawing for Atlantic cables, 576.
- Wireless telegraphy, 546.
- Woodbury printing process, 641.
- process for engraving photographs, 643.
- Woolwich, 27.
- Work, 11, 12, 160, 325, 804.
- X.
- X-Rays, 445.
- Y.
- Young’s paraffin oil, 762.
- Z.
- Zinc, amalgamated, 490.
- Zincography, 644.
- Zoetrope, 478.
- ZÖllner, 475.