If a hollow sphere, a, Fig. 173, be pierced with a number of small holes at various points, and a cylinder, b, provided with a piston, c, fitted into it, when the apparatus is filled with water, and the piston is pushed inwards, the water will spout out of all the orifices equally, and not exclusively from that which is opposite to the piston and in the direction of its pressure. The jets of water so produced would not, as a matter of fact, all pursue straight paths radiating from the centre of the sphere, because gravity would act upon them; and all, except those which issued vertically, would take curved forms. But when proper allowance is made for this circumstance, each jet is seen to be projected with equal force in the direction of a radius of the sphere. This experiment proves that when pressure is applied to any part of a liquid, that pressure is transmitted in all directions equally. Thus the pressure of the piston—which, in the apparatus represented in the figure, is applied in the direction of the axis of the cylinder only—is carried throughout the whole mass of the liquid, and shows itself by its effect in urging the water out of the orifices in the sphere in all directions; and since the force with which the water rushes out is the same at every jet, it is plain that the water must press equally against each unit of area of the inside surface of the hollow sphere, without regard to the position of the unit.
If we suppose the piston to have an area of one square inch, and to be pushed inwards with a force of 10 lbs., it cannot be doubted that the square inch of the inner surface of sphere immediately opposite the cylinder will receive also the pressure of 10 lbs.; and since the pressures throughout the interior of the hollow globe are equal, every square inch of its area will also be pressed outwards with a force equal to 10 lbs. Hence, if the total area of the interior be 100 square inches, the whole pressure produced will amount to a hundred times 10 lbs.
Fig. 164.—Pascal’s Principle.
Fig. 165.—Collar of Hydraulic Cylinder.
That water or any other liquid would behave in the manner just described might be deduced from a property of liquids which is sufficiently obvious, namely, the freedom with which their particles move or slide upon each other. The equal transmission of pressure in all directions through liquids was first clearly expressed by the celebrated Pascal, and it is therefore known as “Pascal’s principle.” He said that “if a closed vessel filled with water has two openings, one of which is a hundred times as large as the other; and if each opening be provided with an exactly-fitting piston, a man pushing in the small piston could balance the efforts of a hundred men pushing in the other, and he could overcome the force of ninety-nine.” Pascal’s principle—which is that of the hydraulic press—may be illustrated by Fig. 164, in which two tubes of unequal areas, a and b, communicate with each, and are supposed to be filled with a liquid—water, for example, which will, of course, stand at the same level in both branches. Let us now imagine that pistons exactly fitting the tubes, and yet quite free to move, are placed upon the columns of liquid—the larger of which, b, we shall suppose to have five times the diameter, and therefore twenty-five times the sectional area, of the smaller one. A pressure of 1 lb. applied to the smaller piston would, in such a case, produce an upward pressure on the larger piston of 25 lbs.; and in order to keep the piston at rest, we should have to place a weight of 25 lbs. upon it. Here then a certain force appears to produce a much larger one, and the extent to which the latter may be increased is limited only by the means of increasing the area of the piston. Practically, however, we should not by any such arrangement be able to prove that there is exactly the same proportion between the total pressures as between the areas, for the pistons could not be made to fit with sufficient closeness without at the same time giving rise to so much friction as to render exact comparisons impossible. We may, however, still imagine a theoretical perfection in our apparatus, and see what further consequences may be deduced, remembering always that the actual results obtained in practice would differ from these only by reason of interfering causes, which can be taken into account when required. We have supposed hitherto that the pressures of the pistons exactly balance each other. Now, so long as the system thus remains in equilibrium no work is done; but if the smallest additional weight were placed upon either piston, that one would descend and the other would be pushed up. As we have supposed the apparatus to act without friction, so we shall also neglect the effects due to difference in the levels of the columns of liquid when the pistons are moved; and further, in order to fix our ideas, let us imagine the smaller tube to have a section of 1 square inch in area, and the larger one of 25 square inches. Now, if the weight of the piston, a, be increased by the smallest fraction of a grain, it will descend. When it has descended a distance of 25 in., then 25 cubic inches of water must have passed into b, and, to make room for this quantity of liquid, the piston with the weight of 25 lbs. upon it must have risen accordingly. But since the area of the larger tube is 25 in., a rise of 1 in. will exactly suffice for this; so that a weight of 1 lb. descending through a space of 25 in., raises a weight of 25 lbs. through a space of 1 in. This is an illustration of a principle holding good in all machines, which is sometimes vaguely expressed by saying that what is gained in power is lost in time. In this case we have the piston, b, moving through the space of 1 in. in the same time that the piston a moves through 25 in.; and therefore the velocity of the latter is twenty-five times greater than that of the former, but the time is the same. It would be more precise to say, that what is gained in force is lost in space; or, that no machine, whatever may be its nature or construction, is of itself capable of doing work. The “mechanical powers,” as they are called, can do but the work done upon them, and their use is only to change the relative amounts of the two factors, the product of which measures the work, namely, space and force. Pascal himself, in connection with the passage quoted above, clearly points out that in the new mechanical power suggested by him in the hydraulic press, “the same rule is met with as in the old ones—such as the lever, wheel and axle, screw, &c.—which is, that the distance is increased in proportion to the force; for it is evident that as one of the openings is a hundred times larger than the other, if the man who pushes the small piston drives it forward 1 in., he will drive backward the large piston one-hundredth part of that length only.” Though the hydraulic press was thus distinctly proposed as a machine by Pascal, a certain difficulty prevented the suggestion from becoming of any practical utility. It was found impossible, by any ordinary plan of packing, to make the piston fit without allowing the water to escape when the pressure became considerable. This difficulty was overcome by Bramah, who, about the end of last century, contrived a simple and elegant plan of packing the piston, and first made the hydraulic press an efficient and useful machine. Fig. 166 is a view of an ordinary hydraulic press, in which a is a very strong iron cylinder, represented in the figure with a part broken off, in order to show that inside of it is an iron piston or ram, b, which works up and down through a water-tight collar; and in this part is the invention by which Bramah overcame the difficulties that had previously been met with in making the hydraulic press of practical use. Bramah’s contrivance is shown by the section of the cylinder, Fig. 165, where the interior of the neck is seen to have a groove surrounding it, into which fits a ring of leather bent into a shape resembling an inverted U. The ring is cut out of a flat piece of stout leather, well oiled and bent into the required shape. The effect of the pressure of the water is to force the leather more tightly against the ram, and as the pressure becomes greater, the tighter is the fit of the collar, so that no water escapes even with very great pressures. To the ram, b, Fig. 166, a strong iron table, c, is attached, and on this are placed the articles to be compressed. Four wrought iron columns, d d d d, support another strong plate, e, and maintain it in a position to resist the upward pressure of the goods when the ram rises, and they are squeezed between the two tables. The interior of the large cylinder communicates by means of the pipe, f f, with the suction and force-pump, g, in which a small plunger, o, works water-tight. Suppose that the cylinders and tubes are quite filled with water, and that the ram and piston are in the positions represented in the figure. When the piston of the pump, g, is raised, the space below it is instantly filled with water, which enters from the reservoir, h, through the valve, i, the valve k being closed by the pressure above it, so that no water can find its way back from the pipe, f, into the small cylinder. When the piston has completed its ascent, the interior of the small cylinder is therefore completely filled with water from the reservoir; and when the piston is pushed down, the valve, i, instantly closes, and all egress of the liquid in that direction being prevented, the greater pressure in g forces open the valve, k, and the water flows along the tube, f, into the large cylinder. The pressure exerted by the plunger in the small cylinder, being transmitted according to the principles already explained, produces on each portion of the area of the large plunger equal to that of the smaller an exactly equal pressure. In the smaller hydraulic presses the plunger of the forcing-pump is worked by a lever, as represented in the figure at n; so that with a given amount of force applied by the hand to the end of the lever, the pressure exerted by the press will depend upon the proportion of the sectional area of b to that of o, and also upon the proportion of the length m n, to the length m l. To fix our ideas, let us suppose that the distance from m of the point n where the hand is applied is ten times the distance m l, and that the sectional area of b is a hundred times that of o. If a force of 60 lbs. be applied at n, this will produce a downward pressure at m equal to 60 × 10, and then the pressure transmitted to the ram of the great cylinder will be 60 × 10 × 100 = 60,000 lbs. The apparatus is provided with a safety-valve at p, which is loaded with a weight; so that when the pressure exceeds a desired amount, the valve opens and the water escapes. There is also an arrangement at q for allowing the water to flow out when it is desired to relieve the pressure, and the water is then forced out by the large plunger, which slowly descends to occupy its place. The body of the cylinder is placed beneath the floor in such presses as that represented in Fig. 166, in order to afford ready access to the table on which the articles to be compressed are placed.
Fig. 166.—Hydraulic Press.
The force which may, by a machine of this kind, be brought to bear upon substances submitted to its action, is limited only by the power of the materials of the press to resist the strains put upon them. If water be continually forced into the cylinder of such a machine, then, whatever may be the resistance offered to the ascent of the plunger, it must yield, or otherwise some part of the machine itself must yield, either by rupture of the hydraulic cylinder, or by the bursting of the connecting-pipe or the forcing-pump. This result is certain, for the water refuses to be compressed, at least to any noticeable degree, and therefore, by making the area of the plunger of the force-pump sufficiently small, there is no limit to the pressure per square inch which can be produced in the hydraulic cylinder; or, to speak more correctly, the limit is reached only when the pressure in the hydraulic cylinder is equal to the cohesive strength of the material (cast or wrought iron) of which it is formed. It has been found that when the internal pressure per square inch exceeds the cohesive or tensile strength of a rod of the metal 1 in. square (see page 207), no increase in the thickness of the metal will enable the cylinder to resist the pressure. Professor Rankine has given the following formula for calculating the external radius, R, of a hollow cylinder of which the internal radius is r, the pressure per square inch which it is desired should be applied before the cylinder would yield being indicated by p, while f represents the tensile strength of the materials:
We may see in this formula that as the value of p becomes more and more nearly equal to f, the less does the divisor (f – p) become, and therefore the greater is the corresponding value of R; and when f = p, or f – p = 0, the interpretation would be that no value of R would be sufficiently great to satisfy the equation. Thus a cylinder, made of cast iron, of which the breaking strain is 8 tons per square inch, would have its inner surface ruptured by that amount of internal pressure, and the water passing into the fissures would exert its pressure with ever-increasing destructive effect.
With certain modifications in the proportions and arrangement of its parts, the hydraulic press is used for squeezing the juices from vegetable substances, such as beetroots, &c., for pressing oils from seeds, and, in fact, all purposes where a powerful, steady, and easily regulated pressure is needed. Cannons and steam boilers are tested by hydraulic pressure, by forcing water into them by means of a force-pump, just as it is forced into the cylinder of the hydraulic press described above. This mode of testing the strength has several great advantages; for not only can the pressure be regulated and its amount accurately known; but in case the cannon or steam boiler should give way, there is no danger, for it does not explode—the metal is simply ruptured, and the moment this takes place, the water flows out and the strain at once ceases.
The strength of bars, chains, cables, and anchors is also tested by hydraulic power, and the engraving at the head of this article, Fig. 163, represents the hydraulic testing machine at the works of Messrs. Brown and Lenox, the eminent chain and anchor manufacturers, of Millwall. Immediately in front of the spectator are the force-pumps, and the steam engine by which they are driven. It will be observed that four plungers are attached to an oscillating beam in such a manner that the water is continuously forced into the hydraulic cylinder. The outer pair of plungers are of much larger diameter than the inner pair, in order that the supply of water may be cut off from the former when the pressure is approaching the desired limit, and the smaller pair alone then go on pumping in the water, the pressure being thus more gradually increased. Behind the engine and forcing pump is the massive iron cylinder, where the pressure is made to act on a piston, which is forced towards that end of the cylinder seen in the drawing. The piston is attached to a very thick piston-rod, moving through a water-tight collar at the other end of the cylinder. The effect of the hydraulic pressure is, therefore, to draw the piston-rod into the cylinder, and not, as in the apparatus represented in Fig. 166, to force a plunger out. The head of the piston-rod is provided with a strong shackle, to which the chains to be tested can be attached. In a line with the axis of the cylinder is a trough, some 90 ft. long, to hold the chain, and at the farther end of the trough is another very strong shackle, to which the other end of the chain is made fast. A peculiarity of Messrs. Brown and Lenox’s machine is the mode in which the tension is measured. In many cases it is deemed sufficient to ascertain by some kind of gauge the pressure of the water in the hydraulic cylinder, and from that to deduce the pull upon the chain; but the Messrs. Brown have found that every form of gauge is liable to give fallacious indications, from variations of temperature and other circumstances, and they prefer to measure the strain directly. This is accomplished by attaching the shackle at the farther extremity of the trough to the short arm of a lever, turning upon hard steel bearings, the long arm of this lever acting upon the short arm of another, and so on until the weight of 1 lb. at the end of the last lever will balance a pull on the chain of 2,240 lbs., or 1 ton. The tension is thus directly measured by a system of levers, exactly resembling those used in a common weighing machine, and this is done so accurately that even when a chain is being subjected to a strain of many tons, an additional pull, such as one can give to the shackle-link with one hand, at once shows itself in the weighing-room. The person who has charge of this part of the machine places on the end of the lever a weight of as many pounds as the number of tons strain to which the chain to be tested has to be submitted. The engineer sets the pump in action, the water is rapidly forced into the cylinder, the piston is thrust inwards, and the strain upon the chain begins; the engineer then cuts off the water supply from the larger force-pumps, and the smaller pair go on until the strain becomes sufficient to raise the weight, and then the person in the weighing-room, by pulling a wire, opens a valve in connection with the hydraulic cylinder, which allows the water to escape, and the strain is at once taken off. This testing machine, which is capable of testing cables up to 200 tons or more, was originally designed by Sir T. Brown, the late head of the firm, and not only was the first constructed in the country, but remains unsurpassed in the precision of its indications.
The testing of cables, which we have just described, is a matter of the highest importance, for the failure of cables and anchors places ships and men’s life in great danger, since vessels have frequently to ride out a storm at anchor, and should the cables give way, a ship would then be almost entirely at the mercy of the winds and waves. Hence the Government have, with regard to cables and anchors, very properly made certain stringent regulations, which apply not only to the navy but to merchant shipping. The chain-cable is itself a comparatively modern application of iron, for sixty years ago our line-of-battle ships carried only huge hempen cables of some 8 in. or 9 in. diameter. Chain-cables have now almost entirely superseded ropes, though some ships carry a hempen cable, for use under peculiar circumstances. The largest chain-cables have links in which the iron has a diameter of nearly 3 in., and these cables are considered good and sound when they can bear a strain of 136 tons. Such are the cables used in the British navy for the largest ships. Of course, there are many smaller-sized cables also in use, and the strains to which these are subjected when they are tested in the Government dockyards vary according to the thickness of the iron; but it is found that nearly one out of every four cables supplied to the Admiralty proves defective in some part, which has to be replaced by a sounder piece. The chain-cables made by Messrs. Brown and Lenox for the Great Eastern are, as might have been expected, of the very stoutest construction; the best workmanship and the finest quality of iron having been employed in their manufacture. These cables were tested up to 148 tons, a greater strain than had ever before been applied as a test to any chain, and it was found that a pull represented by at least 172 tons was required to break them. It is difficult to believe that a teacup-full of cold water shoved down a narrow pipe is able to rend asunder the massive links which more than suffice to hold the huge ship securely to her anchors, but such is nevertheless the sober fact. The regulations of the Board of Trade require that every cable or anchor sold for use in merchant ships is to be previously tested by an authorized and licensed tester, who, if he finds it bears the proper strain, stamps upon it a certain mark.
The means which is afforded by hydraulic power of applying enormous pressures has been taken advantage of in a great many of the arts, of which, indeed, there are few that have not, directly or indirectly, benefited by this mode of modifying force. An illustration, taken at random, may be found in the machinery employed at Woolwich for making elongated rifle-bullets. The bullets are formed by forcing into dies, which give the required shape, little cylinders of solid lead, cut off by the machine itself from a continuous cylindrical rod of the metal. The rod, or rather filament, of lead is wound like a rope on large reels, from which it is fed to the machine. It is in the production of this solid leaden rope or filament that hydraulic pressure is used. About 4 cwt. of melted lead is poured into a very massive iron cylinder, the inside of which has a diameter of 7½ in., while the external diameter is no less than 2 ft. 6 in., so that the sides of the cylinder are actually 11¼ in. thick. When the lead has cooled so far as that it has passed into a half solid state, a ram or plunger, accurately fitting the bore of the cylinder, is forced down by hydraulic pressure upon the semi-fluid metal. This plunger is provided with a round hole throughout its entire length, and as it is urged against the half solidified metal with enormous pressure, the lead yields, and is forced out through the hole in the plunger, making its appearance at the top as a continuous cylindrical filament, quite solid, but still hot. This is wound upon the large iron reels as fast as it emerges from the opening in the plunger, and these reels are then taken to the bullet-shaping machine, which snips off length after length of the leaden cord, and fashions it into bullets for the Martini-Henry rifle. The leaden pipes which are so much used for conveying water and gas in houses are made in a similar manner, metal being forced out of an annular opening, which is formed by putting an iron rod, having its diameter of the required bore of the pipe, in the middle of the circular opening. The lead in escaping between the rod and the sides of the opening takes the form of a pipe, and is wound upon large iron reels, as in the former case.
Fig. 167.—Section of Hydraulic Lift Graving Dock.
Fig. 168.—Section of Column.
Another interesting application of hydraulic power is to the raising of ships vertically out of the water, in order to examine the bottoms of their hulls, and effect any necessary repairs. The hydraulic lift graving dock, in which this is done, is the invention of Mr. E. Clark, who, under the direction of Mr. Robert Stephenson, designed the machinery and superintended the raising of the tubes of the Britannia Bridge, where a weight of 1,800 tons was lifted by only three presses. The suitability of the hydraulic press for such work as slowly raising a vessel was doubtless suggested to him in connection with this circumstance, and the durability, economy, and small loss of power which occurs in the action of the press, pointed it out as particularly adapted for this purpose. The ordinary dry dock is simply an excavation, lined with timber or masonry, from which the tide is excluded by a gate, which, after the vessel has entered the dock at high water, is closed; and when the tide has ebbed, and left the vessel dry, the sluice through which the water has escaped is also closed. In a tideless harbour the water has to be pumped out of the dock, and this last method is also adopted even in tidal waters, so that the docks may be independent of the state of the tides. The lift of Clark’s graving dock is a direct application of the power of the hydraulic press, and we select for description the graving dock constructed at the Victoria Docks for the Thames Graving Dock Company, whose works occupy 26 acres. Fig. 167 is a transverse section of this hydraulic lift graving dock, in which there are two rows of cast iron columns, 5 ft. in diameter at the base, where they are sunk 12 ft. in the ground, and 4 ft. in diameter above the ground. The clear distance between the two rows is 60 ft., and the columns are placed 20 ft. apart from centre to centre, sixteen columns in each row, thus giving a length of 310 ft. to the platform, but vessels of 350 ft. in length may practically be lifted. The bases of the columns, one of which is represented in section in Fig. 168, are filled with concrete, on which the feet of the hydraulic cylinders rest. The outer columns support no weight, but act merely as guides for the crossheads attached to the plungers. The height of the columns is 68½ ft., and a wrought iron framed platform connects the columns at the top. In order that any inequalities in the height of the rams may be detected, a scale is painted on each column, to mark the positions of the crossheads. The hydraulic cylinders, which are within these columns, have solid rams of 10 in. diameter, with a stroke of 25 ft., and on the tops of these are fastened the crossheads, 7½ ft. long, made of wrought iron, and supporting at the ends bars of iron, to the other ends of which the girders of the platform are suspended. The girders are, therefore, sixteen in number, and together form a gridiron platform, which can be raised or lowered with the vessel upon it. The thirty-two hydraulic cylinders were tested at a pressure of more than 3 tons per square inch. The water is admitted immediately beneath the collars at the top (this being the most accessible position) by pipes of only ½ in. diameter, leading from the force-pumps, of which there are twelve, of 1? in. diameter, directly worked by a fifty horse-power steam engine. The presses are worked in three groups—one of sixteen, and two of eight presses,—so arranged that their centres of action form a sort of tripod support, and the presses of each group are so connected that perfect uniformity of pressure is maintained. The raising of a vessel is accomplished in about twenty-five minutes, by placing below the vessel a pontoon, filled in the first instance with water, and then raising the pontoon with the vessel on it, while the water is allowed to escape from the pontoon through certain valves; then when the girders are again lowered, the pontoon, with the vessel on it, remains afloat. Thus in thirty minutes a ship drawing, say, 18 ft. of water is lifted on a shallow pontoon, drawing, perhaps, only 5 ft., and the whole is floated to a shallow dock, where, surrounded with workshops, the vessel, now high and dry, is ready to receive the necessary repairs. The number of vessels which can thus be docked is limited only by the number of pontoons, and thus the same lift serves to raise and lower any number of ships, which are floated on and off its platform by the pontoons. With a pressure in the hydraulic cylinders of about 2 tons upon each square inch, the combined action of these thirty-two presses would raise a ship weighing 5,000 tons.
Hydraulic power has been used not only for graving docks, as shown in the above figures, but also for dragging ships out of the water up an inclined plane. The machinery for this purpose was invented by Mr. Miller for hauling ships up the inclined plane of “Martin’s slip,” at the upper end of which the press cylinder is placed, at the same slope as the inclined plane, and the ship is attached, by means of chains, to a crosshead fixed on the plunger. Hydraulic power has also been used for launching ships, and the launch of the Great Eastern is a memorable instance; for the great ship stuck fast, and it was only by the application of an immense pressure, exerted by hydraulic apparatus, that she could be induced to take to the water. Water pressure is also applied to hoists for raising and lowering heavy bodies, and in such cases the pressure which is obtained by simply taking the water supply from an elevated source, or from the water-main of a town, is sometimes made use of, instead of that obtained by a forcing pump. The lift at the Albert Hall, South Kensington, by which persons may pass to and from the gallery without making use of the stairs, is worked by hydraulic pressure in the manner just mentioned. In such lifts or hoists there is a vertical cylinder, in which works a leather-packed piston, having a piston-rod passing upwards through a stuffing-box in the top of the cylinder. The upper end of the piston-rod has a pulley of 30 in. or 36 in. diameter, attached to it, and round this pulley is passed a chain, one end of which is fixed, and the other fastened to the movable cage or frame. So that the cage moves with twice the speed of the piston, and the length of the stroke of the latter is one-half of the range of the cage.
Sir William Armstrong has applied hydraulic power to cranes and other machines in combination with chains and pulleys. His hydraulic crane is represented by the diagram, Fig. 169, intended to show only the general disposition of the principal parts of this machine, which is so admirably arranged that one man can raise, lower, or swing round the heaviest load with a readiness and apparent ease marvellous to behold. Here it is proper to mention once for all, that the pressure for the hydraulic machines is obtained not only by natural heads of water, or by forcing-pumps worked by hand, but very frequently by forcing-pumps worked by steam power. It is usual to have a set of three pumps with their plungers connected respectively with three cranks on one shaft, making angles of 120° with each other. A special feature of Sir W. Armstrong’s hydraulic crane is the arrangement by which the engines are made to be always storing up power by forcing water into the vessel, a, called the “accumulator.” The accumulator—which in the diagram is not shown in its true position—may be placed in any convenient place near the crane, and consists of a large cast iron cylinder, b, fitted with a plunger, c, moving water-tight through the neck of the cylinder. To the head of the plunger is attached by iron cross-bars, d d, a strong iron case filled with heavy materials, so as to load the plunger, c, with a weight that will produce a pressure of about 600 lbs. upon each square inch of the inner surface of the cylinder. The water is pumped into the cylinder by the pumping engines through the pipe, f, and then the piston rises, carrying with it the loaded case, guided by the timber framework, g, until it reaches the top of its range, when it moves a lever that cuts off the supply of steam from the pumping engine. When the crane is working the water passes out of the cylinder, a, by the pipe, h, and exerts its pressures on the plungers of the smaller cylinders; and the plunger of the accumulator, in beginning its descent again, moves the lever in connection with the throttle-valve of the engine, and thus again starts the pumps, which therefore at once begin to supply more water to the accumulator. The latter is, however, large enough to keep all the several smaller cylinders of the machine at work even when they are all in operation at once. Fig. 169 shows a sketch elevation and a ground plan of the crane as constructed to carry loads of 1 ton, but the size of the cylinders is somewhat exaggerated, and all details, such as pipes, guides, valves, rods, &c., are omitted. The hydraulic apparatus is entirely below the flooring—only the levers by which the valves are opened and closed appearing above the surface. The crane-post, i, is made of wrought iron: it is hollow and stationary; the jib, k, is connected with the ties, l, by side-pieces, n, which are joined by a cross-piece at m, turning on a swivel and bearing the pulley, u. The jib and the side-pieces are attached at o to a piece turning round the crane-post, and provided with a friction roller, p, which receives the thrust of the jib against the crane-post; the same piece is carried below the flooring and is surrounded with a groove, which the links of the chain, q, fit. This chain serves to swing the crane round, and for this purpose the hydraulic cylinders, r, r´, come into operation. The plungers of these have each a pulley, over which passes the chain q, having its ends fastened to the cylinders, so that when, by the pressure of the water, one plunger is forced out, the other is pushed in, and the chain passing round the groove at s swings the jib round. The cylinders are supplied with water by pipes—omitted in the sketch, as are also those by which the water leaves the cylinders. These pipes are connected with valves—also omitted on account of the scale of the diagram being too small to show their details—so that the movement of a lever, t, in one or the other direction at the same time connects one cylinder with the supply and the other with the exit-pipe. When the crane is swinging round, the sudden closing of the valves would produce an injurious shock, and to prevent this relief-valves are provided on both the supply and exit-pipes communicating with each cylinder. When, therefore, the valves are closed, the impetus of the jib and its load acting on the chain, and through that on the plungers, continues to move the latter, the motion is permitted to take place by the relief-valves opening, and allowing water to enter or leave the cylinders against the pressure of the water. There is also a self-acting arrangement by which, when these plungers have moved to the extent of their range in either direction, the valves are closed. The chain of the crane rests on guide pulleys, and passing over the pulley u, goes down the centre of the crane-post to the pulley v, and thence passes backwards and forwards over a series of three pulleys at w and two at x, and is fastened at its end to the cylinder, y. As there are thus six lines of chain, when the plunger of the lifting cylinder comes 1 ft. out, 6 ft. of chain pass over the guide pulley, u. The plunger, when near the end of its stroke in either direction, is made to move a bar—not shown—which closes the valve. When the crane is loaded, the load is lowered by simply opening the exhaust-valve, when the lift-plunger will be forced back into its cylinder by the pull on the chain. But as the chain may require to be lowered when there is no load upon it, although a bob is provided at z to draw the chain down, it would be disadvantageous to increase the weight of this to the extent required for forcing back the lifting plunger. A return cylinder is therefore made use of, the plunger of which has but a small diameter, and is connected with the head of the lift-plunger, so that it forces the latter back when the lift-cylinder is put in communication with the exhaust-pipe. The water is admitted to the lifting cylinder from the accumulator by a valve worked by a lever, which, when moved the other way, closes the communication and opens the exhaust-pipe, and then the pressure in the return cylinder, which is constant, drives in the plunger of the lifting cylinder. The principle of the accumulator may plainly be used with great advantage even when manual labour is employed, for a less number of men will be required for working the pumps to produce the effect than if their efforts had to be applied to the machine only at the time it is in actual operation, for in the intervals they would, in the last case, be standing idle. Apparatus on the same plan has been used with advantage for opening and shutting dock gates, moving swing bridges, turn-tables, and for other purposes where a considerable power has to be occasionally applied.
Fig. 169.—Sir W. Armstrong’s Hydraulic Crane.
Fig. 170.—Raising Tubes of the Britannia Bridge.
Fig. 171.—Press for Raising the Tubes.
Fig. 172.—Head of Link-Bars.
A famous example of the application of hydraulic power was the raising of the great tubes of the Britannia Bridge. As already stated, the tubes were built on the shore, and were floated to the towers. This was done by introducing beneath the tubes a number of pontoons, provided with valves in the bottom, so as to admit the water to regulate the height of the tube according to the tide. The great tubes were so skilfully guided into their position that they appeared to spectators to be handled with as much ease as small boats. The mode in which they were raised by the hydraulic presses wall be understood from Fig. 170, where A is one of the presses and C the tube, supported by the chains, B. The tubes were suspended in this manner at each end, and as the great tubes weighed 1,800 tons, each press had, therefore, to lift half this weight, or 900 tons. The ram or plunger of the pump was 1 ft. 8 in. in diameter, and the cylinder in which it worked was 11 in. thick. Two steam engines, each 40 horse-power, were used to force the water into the cylinders. These cylinders were themselves remarkable castings, for each contained no less than 22 tons of iron. Notwithstanding the great thickness of the metal, an unfortunate accident occurred while the plungers were making their fourth ascent, for the bottom of one of the cylinders gave way—a piece of iron weighing nearly a ton and a half having been forced out, which, after killing a man who was ascending a rope ladder to the press, fell on the top of the tube 80 ft. below, and made in it a deep indentation. The accident occasioned a considerable delay in the progress of the work, for a new cylinder had to be cast and fitted. Such an accident would assuredly have caused the destruction of the tube itself but for the foresight and prudence of the engineer in placing beneath the ends of the vast tube as it ascended slabs of wood 1 in. thick, so that it was impossible for the tube to fall more than 1 in. It must be stated that as the tube was lifted each step, the masonry was built up from below, and then as the next lift proceeded inch by inch, a slab of wood was placed under the ends. Although by the giving way of the cylinder of the hydraulic press the end of the tube fell through no greater space than 1 in., the momentum was such that beams calculated to bear enormous weights were broken. At the time of the accident the pressure in the cylinder did not exceed that which it was calculated to bear or that which is frequently applied in hydraulic presses for other purposes. Some scientific observers attributed the failure of the cylinder to the oscillating of the tube. It had been found when the similar tubes of the bridge over the Conway were being raised, that when the engines at each end made their strokes simultaneously, a dangerous undulation was set up in the tube, and it was therefore necessary to cause the strokes of the engines to take place alternately. The chains by which the tubes were suspended were made of flat bars 7 in. wide and about 1 in. thick, being rolled in one piece, with expanded portions about the “eye,” through which the connecting-bolts pass. The links of the chain consisted of nine and eight of these bars alternately—the bars of the eight-fold links being made a little thicker than those of the nine-fold, so as to have the same aggregate strength. The mode in which the hydraulic presses were made to raise the tubes is very clearly described by Sir William Fairbairn in his interesting work on the Conway and Britannia Bridges, and his account of the mode of raising the tubes is here given in his own words, but with letters referring to Fig. 171: “Another great difficulty was to be overcome, and it was one which presented itself to my mind with great force, viz., in what manner the enormous weight of the tube was to be kept suspended when lifted to the height of 6 ft., the proposed travel of the pump, whilst the ram was lowered and again attached for the purpose of making another lift. Much time was occupied in scheming means for accomplishing this object, and after examining several projects, more or less satisfactory, it at last occurred to me that, by a particular formation of the links (of the chain by which the tubes were to be suspended) we might make the chains themselves support the tube. I proposed that the lower part of the top of each link, immediately below the eye, should be formed with square shoulders cut at right angles to the body of the link (Fig. 172). When the several links forming the chain E were put together, these shoulders formed a bearing surface, or “hold,” for the crosshead B attached to the top of the ram A of the hydraulic pump. But the upper part of this crosshead, C C, was movable, or formed of clips, which fitted the shoulders of the chain, and were worked by means of right- and left-handed screws, and could be made either to clip the chain immediately under the shoulders when the ram of the pump was down and a lift about to be made, or be withdrawn at pleasure. Attached to the large girders F were a corresponding set of clips, D D, which were so placed and adjusted as to height that when the ram of the pump was at the top there was distance between the two sets of clips equal to twice the length of the travel of the pump, or the length of the two sets of the links of the chain. To render the action of the apparatus more clear, suppose the tube resting on the shelf of masonry in the position that it was left in after the operation of floating was completed, and the chains attached, and everything ready for the first lift, the ram of the pump being necessarily down. The upper set of clips attached to the crosshead are forced under the shoulders of the links, and the lower set of clips attached to the frames resting upon the girders are drawn back, so as to be quite clear of the chain; the pumps are put into action simultaneously at both ends of the tube, and the whole mass is slowly raised until it has reached a height of 6 ft. from its original resting-place. The clips attached to the crosshead, B, have so far been sustaining the weight, but it will be observed that by the time the pump has ascended to its full travel, the square shoulders of another set of links have come opposite to the lower clips on the girders, D, and these clips are advanced under the shoulders of the links, and the rams being allowed to descend a little, they in their turn sustain the load and relieve the pumps. The upper clips being withdrawn, the rams are allowed to descend, and after another attachment, a further lift of 6 ft. is accomplished; and thus, by a series of lifts, any height may be attained. The fitness of this apparatus for its work was admirable, and the action of the presses was, as Mr. Stephenson termed it, delightful.”
Fig. 173.—Apparatus to prove Transmission of Pressure in all directions.
Fig. 174.—Pneumatic Tubes and Carriages.