When coal is burning in a common fire, we may see jets of smoky gas issuing from the pieces of coal before they become red hot. This vapour, coming in contact with flame in another part of the fire, may often be observed to ignite, thus supplying an instance of gas-lighting in its most elementary form. In the ordinary fire the air has free access, and the inflammable gases and vapours continue to burn with flames more or less bright, and when these have ceased the carbonaceous portion continues afterward to glow until nearly the whole has been consumed, except the solid residue which we call the ashes. These ashes in general contain a portion of unconsumed carbon, mixed with what is chemically the ash, namely, certain incombustible salts, constituting the white part of the ashes. If, however, we heat the coal in a vessel which prevents access of air, and allows the gases to escape, the coal is decomposed much in the same way as when it is burnt in the open fire; but the products formed are no longer burnt, the supply of oxygen being cut off. Every one knows the familiar experiment of filling the bowl of a common clay tobacco-pipe with powdered coal, then covering it with a dab of clay, and placing it in a fire. The gas which soon comes from the stem of the pipe does not take fire unless a light be applied, when it may be seen to burn with a bright flame, and after the flow of gas has ceased, nearly the whole of the carbon of the coal will be found unconsumed in the bowl of the pipe. This simple experiment illustrates perfectly the first step in the manufacture of coal-gas, namely, the process of heating coal to redness in closed vessels, by which operation the substances originally contained in coal are destroyed, and their elements enter into new combinations. Fig. 347.—Section of Gas-making Apparatus. The products resulting from the destructive distillation of the coal may, therefore, be classified as—a, solids left behind in the retort; b, solids and liquids condensed by cooling the vapours which issue from the retort; c, coal-gas—a mixture of gases from which certain useless and noxious constituents must be removed. Fig. 347 is intended to give a diagrammatic view of the apparatus employed in the generation, purification, and storage of gas, the various parts being shown in section. A is the furnace containing several retorts, of which B is one. From each retort a tube, d, rises vertically, and curving downward like an inverted U, it enters a long horizontal cylinder, f; half filled with water, beneath the surface of which the open end of the recurved tube dips. The cylinder containing water passes horizontally along the whole range of furnaces in the gas-works, and is known as the hydraulic main. It is here, then, the tar and the moisture first condense, and the pipe is always kept half full of these liquids, so that the ends of the pipes, d, from the retorts, dipping beneath its surface, form Hydrated oxide of iron is now much used for purifying coal-gas. The oxide is mixed with sawdust, and placed in layers 10 in. thick. Sulphide of iron and water is formed; and when the mixture has ceased to absorb any more, it is removed and exposed to a current of air; the hydrated oxide is thus reproduced and sulphur set free. The process may be repeated many times in succession, until the absorbent power is impaired by the accumulation of sulphur. The gasholder—or “gasometer,” as it is often improperly named—is an immense cylindrical bell, made of wrought iron plates, and inverted in a tank of water, in which it rises or falls. It is counterpoised by weights attached to chains passing over pulleys, so as to press the gas with a small force in order to drive it along the main, which communicates with the pipes supplying it to the various consumers. The pressure impelling the gas through the mains does not in general exceed that of a column of water two or three inches high. It will be necessary, after this slight outline describing the essential parts of the apparatus, to enter more fully into the details of the several parts. The retorts are constructed of wrought iron, cast iron, or earthenware, and in shape are cylindrical, with a diameter of 12 in. to 18 in., or more, and a length of 6 ft. to 10 ft. Though sometimes circular in section, other forms are commonly used—such as the elliptical, and especially the ?-shaped. The retorts are closed except at the mouth-end, Fig. 348, from the top of which rises the stand-pipe, A, which has usually a diameter of about 5 in. When the charge has been introduced, the mouth is closed by a plate of iron, B, closely and securely applied by means of a screw, C, as shown in the figure—a perfectly tight joint being obtained by a luting of lime mortar spread on the part of the lid which comes into contact with the mouth of the retort. The retorts are always set horizontally in the furnace—each The time required to completely expel the volatile constituents from the charge in a gas retort varies very much, because there are great diversities in the composition of the different kinds of coal employed. Some varieties of coal, such as cannel, are easily decomposed, and the operation may be complete in about three hours; while other kinds may require double that time. The quantity of gas procurable from a given weight of coal also varies according to the kind of coal made use of. Thus, while a hundredweight of cannel may give 430 cubic feet of gas, the same weight of Newcastle coals will yield but 370 cubic feet. The nature of the gases given off from a retort will be different at the different stages of the operation. The scene presented by the retort-house of a large gas manufactory, when viewed at night, is a singular spectacle. The strange lurid gleams which shoot out amid the general darkness as the retorts are opened to withdraw the coke, and the black forms of the workmen partially illuminated by the glare, or flitting like dark shadows across it, form a picture which might engage the pencil of a Rembrandt. In Fig. 348a is depicted the retort-house at the Imperial Gas Works, King’s Cross. Here the retorts are arranged in several tiers—the coal being brought, and the coke withdrawn, by the aid of an iron carriage running on rails parallel to the line of furnaces. Fig. 348.—The Retort. In the process of heating, a proper regulation of the temperature is of the highest importance. It is found that when the retorts are heated to bright cherry-red, the best results are obtained. At a lower temperature a larger quantity of condensable vapours are given off, which collect in the gasholders and distributing pipes as solid or liquid, and occasion much inconvenience, while the quantity of gas obtained is decreased. On the other hand, if the temperature be too high, some of the gases are decomposed, and the quantity of carbon contained in the product is so much diminished as seriously to impair the illuminating power. Again, every second the gases after their production remain in the red-hot retort diminishes their light-giving value; for those hydro-carbons on which the luminiferous power of the gas depends, are then liable to partial decomposition; a portion of their carbon is deposited on the walls of the retort in a dense layer, gradually choking it up, while the liberated hydrogen does Fig. 348a.—Retort House of the Imperial Gas-Works, King’s Cross, London. The hydraulic main, as already mentioned, being kept half full of tar into which the lower ends of the dip-pipes descend, prevents the gas from escaping through the stand-pipes when the lid of a retort is removed for the introduction of a fresh charge. The hydraulic main is from 12 to 18 in. diameter, and the dip pipes pass into it by gas-tight joints. Various forms of purifiers are in use besides the simple one already mentioned. Some of these have arrangements for agitating the gas with a purifying liquid by mechanical means, the motion being supplied by a steam engine. The gasholder, as it sinks in the water of the cistern, presses with less force on the contained gas, and unless this inequality of pressure were counteracted there would be very unequal velocities in the flow of gas from the burner. The equality of pressure is obtained by making the weight of the chains by which the gasholder is suspended equal to half the weight the gasholder loses in the same length of its motion. Gasholders are also constructed without chains or counterpoises, as these are found to be unnecessary where the height of the gasholder does not exceed half its width. In such cases, especially when the vessel is very large, the difference of pressure at the highest and lowest position is quite inconsiderable, and nothing more is necessary than that upright guides or pillars be placed to preserve the vertical motion of the vessel. Another improvement, which enables a lofty gasholder to be used without increasing the depth of the tank, consists in forming the gasholder of several cylinders, which slide in and out of one another like the draw-tubes of a telescope. Each cylinder has a groove formed by turning up the iron inside the rim, and at the top of the next cylinder the edge is turned outwards so as to drop in the groove or channel, which thus forms a gas-tight joint, for it is of course filled with water as it rises. The pressure is, however, more accurately regulated by an apparatus called the governor, through which the gas passes in before it enters the mains. The construction and action of the regulator will be understood from Fig. 349, where A represents a kind of miniature gasholder, inverted in the cistern, B. From the centre of the interior of the bell hangs a cone, C, within the contracted orifice of the inlet-pipe. If this cone be drawn up, the size of the orifice, D, is reduced, and, on the other hand, by its descent it enlarges the opening through which the gas passes outward. By properly adjusting the weights of the counterpoise, E, such a position of the cone may be found that the gas passes into the mains at an assigned pressure. Suppose, now, that from any cause the pressure of gas in F increases, that pressure acting upon the inverted bell, A, causes it to rise and carry with it the cone, which, by narrowing the orifice of the outlet, checks the flow of gas. Similarly, a decrease of pressure in the mains would be followed by the descent of the cone, and consequently freer egress of gas. In hilly towns it is necessary Fig. 349.—The Gas Governor. Coal-gas is a mixture of several gases, and these may be classified as, first, the light-giving gases, or those which burn with a luminous flame; secondly, gases which burn with a non-luminous flame, and which therefore contribute to the heat, and not to the light, of a gas-flame, and have the effect of diluting the gas; third, gases and vapours which are properly termed impurities, as they are either incombustible or by their combustion give rise to injurious products. Of the first kind the principal is olefiant gas, a gas which burns with a brilliant white flame without smoke. It is a compound of hydrogen and carbon, six parts by weight of carbon being combined with one part by weight of hydrogen. Besides olefiant gas other gaseous hydro-carbons are found in smaller quantities. These contain a larger proportion of carbon than olefiant gas. The second class contains hydrogen, light carburetted hydrogen, and carbonic oxide. Hydrogen is one element of water, of which it forms one-ninth of the weight. It burns with a flame giving singularly little light, but having intensely heating power; in fact, one of the brightest lights we can produce is obtained by allowing the flame of burning hydrogen to heat a piece of lime. Light carburetted hydrogen, like olefiant gas, is a compound of hydrogen and carbon, but the proportion of carbon to hydrogen is only half what it is in olefiant gas, namely, three parts to one. This gas enters largely into the The third class of constituents of coal-gas—the impurities—are those which the manufacturer strives to remove by passing the gas over lime, milk of lime, oxide of iron, &c. Sulphuretted hydrogen, a compound of sulphur and hydrogen, has an extremely nauseous odour resembling that of rotten eggs. It is always formed in the distillation of coal, and if not removed from the gas in the process of purification, it has a very objectionable effect; for one product of its combustion is sulphurous acid, and in a room where such gas is burnt much damage may be done by the acid vapours; for example, the bindings of books, &c., soon become deteriorated from this cause. The detection of sulphuretted hydrogen in coal-gas is quite easy, for it is only necessary to hold in a current of the gas a piece of paper dipped in a solution of the acetate of lead. If in a few minutes the paper becomes discoloured the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen is indicated. But the bÊte noire of the gas-maker is a substance called “sulphide of carbon,” which is formed whenever sulphur and carbonaceous matters are brought together at an elevated temperature. Sulphide of carbon is, in the pure state, a colourless liquid, of an intensely offensive odour, resembling the disagreeable effluvia of putrefying cabbages. The liquid is extremely volatile, and coal-gas usually contains some of its vapour. When too high a temperature is used in the generation of the gas, it contains a large quantity of this deleterious ingredient, especially if the amount of sulphur contained in the coal is at all considerable. This sulphide of carbon vapour is very inflammable, and one product of its combustion is a large quantity of sulphurous acid. This substance cannot be removed from coal-gas by any process sufficiently cheap to admit of its application on the large scale. It is said, however, that by passing the gas over a solution of potash in methylated spirit, the sulphide of carbon vapour can be completely got rid of. The price of these materials renders the process available in special cases only, where the damage done by the sulphurous acid would be serious, as in libraries, &c. Besides the impurities we have already enumerated, many others are present in greater or less quantity. Carbonic acid—the gas resulting from the complete combustion of carbon—should be entirely removed by the lime purifiers, as the presence of even a small percentage detracts materially from the illuminating power. This gas is not inflammable and cannot support combustion. It has decided acid properties, and readily unites with alkaline bases forming carbonates: The proper mode of burning the gas so as to obtain the maximum amount of light it is capable of yielding requires a compliance with certain physical and chemical conditions. The artificial production of light depends upon the fact that by sufficiently heating any substance, it becomes luminous, and the higher the temperature the greater the luminosity. The light emitted by solid bodies moderately heated is at first red in colour; as the temperature rises it becomes yellow, which gradually changes to white when the heat becomes very intense. The widest difference exists, however, in the temperature required to render solids or liquids luminous, and that needed to cause gases to give off light. In all luminous flames the light is emitted by solid particles highly heated. Every luminous gas-flame contains solid particles of carbon, as may be easily shown by the soot deposited on any cold body—such as a piece of metal—introduced into the flame. On the other hand, the flame of burning hydrogen, which produces only aqueous vapour, furnishes no light, but a heat so intense, that a piece of lime introduced into the jet becomes luminous to a degree hardly supportable by the eye. The conditions requisite, therefore, for burning illuminating gas are, first, just such a supply of air as will prevent particles of carbon from escaping unconsumed in the form of smoke, and yet not enough to burn up the carbon before it has separated from the hydrogen, and passed through the flame in the solid state; second, the attainment of the highest possible temperature in the flame, compatible with the former condition. When the supply of oxygen is not in excess, the hydrogen of the gaseous hydro-carbon appears to burn first; the carbon is set free, and its solid particles immersed in the flame of the burning hydrogen are there intensely heated; but ultimately reaching the outer part of the flame, they enter into combination with the oxygen of the air, producing carbonic acid; or if present in excessive quantity, they are thrown off as smoke. If the purpose of burning the gas is to obtain heating effects only, this is accomplished by supplying air in such quantities, that the carbon enters into combination with oxygen in the body of the flame, without a previous separation from the hydrogen with which it is combined. In this case a higher temperature is attained, and the flame is wholly free from smoke; so that vessels of any kind placed over it remain perfectly clean and free from the least deposit of soot. The last result is of great advantage in chemical processes, especially where glass vessels require to be heated, for the chemist retains an uninterrupted view of the actions taking place in his flasks and retorts. Fig. 350.—Bunsen’s Burner. No better illustration of the nature of the combustion in a gas-flame can be found than is furnished by Bunsen’s burner, Fig. 350, now universally employed as a source of heat in chemical laboratories. In this burner the gas issues from a small orifice at the level of a, near the bottom of the tube, b, which is open at the top, and is in free communication at the bottom Fig. 351.—Faraday’s Ventilating Gas-burner. The burners now chiefly used for the consumption of coal-gas for illuminating purposes are the bat’s-wing, the fish-tail, and various forms of Argand. The bat’s-wing burner is simply a fine slit cut in an iron nipple, and it produces a flat fan-like flame. The fish-tail is formed by boring two holes so that two jets of gas inclined at an angle of about 60° infringe on each other and produce a flat sheet of flame. The Argand, in its simplest form, consists of a tubular ring perforated with a number of small holes from which the gas issues. Many modifications of this kind of burner have been devised, in all of which a glass chimney is requisite to obtain a current of air sufficient to consume the gas without smoke, and it is important that the height of the chimney should be adapted to the amount of light required if the gas is to be used economically. Argand The illuminating power of coal-gas may be measured directly by comparing the intensity of the light emitted by a gas-flame consuming a known quantity of gas per hour with the light yielded by some standard source. The standard usually employed is a spermaceti candle burning at the rate of 120 grains of sperm per hour. It is not necessary that the candle actually used should consume exactly this amount, but the consumption of sperm by the candle during the course of each experiment is ascertained by the loss of weight, and the results obtained are easily reduced to the standard of 120 grains per hour. An instrument is used for determining the relative intensities of the illumination, called Bunsen’s photometer. It consists of a graduated rule, or bar of wood or metal, about 10 ft. long. At one end of this bar is placed the standard candle, at the other is the gas-flame. A stand slides along the rule supporting a circular paper screen at the level of the two flames, and at right angles to the line joining them. This paper screen is made of thin writing-paper, which has been brushed over with a solution of spermaceti, except a spot in the centre, or, more simply, a grease-spot is made in the middle of a piece of paper. In consequence the paper surrounding the spot is much more transparent; yet when it is placed so that both sides are equally illuminated, a spectator will not perceive the spot in the centre when viewing the screen on either side. When the screen has been placed by trial in such a position between the two sources of light, it is only necessary to measure its distance from each flame in order to compute the number of times the illuminating power of the gas-flame exceeds that of the candle. This computation is based on the fact that the intensity of the light from any source diminishes as the square of the distance from the source. Thus, if a sheet of paper be illuminated by a candle at 2 ft. distance, it will receive only one-fourth of the light that would fall upon it were its distance but 1 ft., and if removed to 3 ft. distance it has only one-ninth of the light. In the instrument used for measuring the illuminating power of gas the rule is graduated in accordance with this law, so that the relative intensities may be read off at once. The gas passes through a meter for measuring accurately the quantity per minute which is consumed by the burner, and there is also a gauge for ascertaining the pressure. Another mode of estimating the illuminating power of coal-gas is by determining the quantity of carbon contained in a given volume. For, in general, the richness of the gas in carbon is a fair index of the quantity of its luminiferous constituents. This may be readily effected by exploding the gas with oxygen, and measuring the amount of carbonic acid produced. Still more accurate determinations of the illuminating value of gas may be obtained by a detailed chemical analysis. The illuminating power of any gas is so calculated that it represents the
The relative quantities of tar, ammonia water, and coke yielded in various gas manufactories also vary very considerably for the same reasons. In the early days of gas illumination the consumers were charged according to the number of burners; but this arrangement proved so unsatisfactory that the gas-meter became a necessity, and already in 1817 meters had been devised, which were not essentially different from those now in use. Although gas is used in so many houses, there are few persons who have any notion of the mechanism of the gas-meter. Our space will not allow full details of the construction, but the following particulars may be mentioned. In the ordinary “wet” meter there is a drum divided into four compartments by radiating partitions; this drum revolves on a horizontal axis, and the lower half of the drum, or rather more, is beneath the surface of water contained in the case, the water being at the same level inside and outside the drum. The gas enters one of the closed chambers formed between the surface of the water and a partition of the drum. Its pressure tends to increase the size of the chamber, hence the drum revolves. The preceding division of the drum being filled with gas, this is driven into the exit pipe by the motion of the drum, as it is included in a space comprised between the water and a partition. Each division in turn comes into communication with the gas-main, and as it is filled passes on towards the position in which a passage is opened for it to the exit-pipe. Each turn of the drum, therefore, carries forward a definite quantity of gas, and the only thing necessary is a train of wheels, to register the number of revolutions made by the drum. The “wet” meter is much inferior in almost every respect to the “dry” meter, in which no water is used. The principle of the “dry” meter is very simple. The gas pours into an expanding chamber, partly constructed of a flexible material, and which may be compared to the bellows of a circular accordion. The expansion is made to compress another similar chamber, already filled with gas, which is thus forced through the exit-pipe. When the first chamber has expanded to a definite volume, it moves a lever, and this reverses the communications. The expanded chamber is now opened to the exit-pipe, and the other to the entrance-pipe, and so on alternately. A train of wheels registers the number of movements on a set of dials. Recent years have brought no essential changes in the methods of gas making, although of course improvements in many minor details of the Without any rivalry from the electric-light, gas, as a domestic luminant, has now met with a competitor on the ground of cheapness in the mineral oils mentioned in the preceding article. If these could be deprived of their unpleasant odour, and a perfectly safe lamp contrived for burning them, it would be only under very favourable conditions that gas could compete with them on the score of economy. But of late years two applications of gas to other purposes than to illumination will have been observed. First to heating, for warming, cooking, and other domestic purposes, and also in various processes in the arts. In all the appliances so used, the principle of Bunsen’s burner (p. 722) is adopted, and stoves, fireplaces, and kitchen-ranges, heated by gas have obvious advantages in their greater cleanliness and readiness. The other new application of gas is as a motive power in the gas engine, by which a very convenient supply of mechanical energy is afforded. There can be little doubt that in the future, gas will be greatly used for these purposes, and perhaps be for them consumed as largely as at present. A singular thing in the history of gas-manufacture is the great value that the bye-products have attained, that is to say, the ammoniacal liquor, the coke, and especially the tar. So many valuable substances are now derived from this last, that even if coal should cease to be destructively distilled for gas, the operation would still be largely carried on if only for the tar. The manner in which an effective method of doing this was discovered is not a little curious. The construction of the ordinary incandescent electric lamp, Fig. 280h, involves the necessity of enclosing the carbon filament in an exhausted glass bulb; and it was when Auer von Welsbach was engaged in attempting to find some substance that could be brought into incandescence by the electric current, and yet be incombustible even Fig. 351a. Fig. 351b. It is singular also that Welsbach, in seeking for the most suitable materials for heating to incandescence in the Bunsen burner flame, should find them in certain very rare minerals, containing a group of elements formerly of interest only to the scientific chemist, and up to that time devoid of any practical applications. The names of these elements, the oxides of which are called “earths,” will, of course, be strange to non-chemical readers, but we give their names, with the remark that the nearest familiar substance they at all resemble is aluminium, of which the oxide, or “earth,” is alumina. These rare metals, the oxides of which Fig. 351c. Fig. 351d. The mantles are made by an ingenious process, in which a network of cotton thread is knitted into the form of a tube; this is cut up into suitable lengths, and a piece attached to form the top. The network is then saturated with a solution of the nitrates of the rare earths above-mentioned, and dried on glass rods. After this a loop of asbestos thread Fig. 351e. The qualities of the Welsbach lamp have been examined by competent persons, and from the statements they supply, we extract the following particulars. The light is, for the same gas consumption, seven times that of an ordinary gas burner; more than four times that of an Argand burner; more than twice that of a “regenerative” lamp. It follows, of course, that, light for light, the products of combustion, such as carbonic acid, heat, &c., amount to only something like ?th of those produced by ordinary burners, and the consumption of the gas is perfect, there being absolutely no smoke. Though the mantles have to be renewed about three times a year, when the burners are in constant use, the total cost, light for light, is only ¼th of that of ordinary burners. The light of the Welsbach burner is whiter than ordinary gaslight. It is rich in the blue rays, and, therefore, more like daylight, permitting well the comparison of shades of colour, and it is excellently suited for workers with the microscope, &c. This new gas-lighting must also be a great boon to photographers using artificial illumination, for the actinic power is, with the same visual illumination, nearly twice that of the ordinary gas flame. Fig. 352.—Apparatus for making Magenta. |