Suggestions for Further Reading


Bernard Bailyn, ed., Pamphlets of the American Revolution, 1750-1776. Vol. I: 1750-1765. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965.

Susan Stromei Berg, comp., Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg Imprints. New York: Clearwater Publishing Co., 1986.

Charles E. Clark and Charles Wetherell, “The Measure of Maturity: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 1728-1765.” William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd Ser., XLVI (April 1989), pp. 279-303.

Richard Beale Davis, A Colonial Southern Bookshelf: Reading in the Eighteenth Century. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1979.

Hannah Dustin French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand,” in Helmut Lehman-Haupt, ed., Bookbinding in America: Three Essays. Portland, Me.: Southworth-Anthoensen Press, 1941.

Rutherfoord Goodwin, “The Williamsburg Paper Mill of William Parks, the Printer.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, XXXI (1931), pt. 1.

Dard Hunter, Papermaking in Pioneer America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1952.

John Edgar Molnar, Publication and Retail Book Advertisements in the “Virginia Gazette,” 1736-1780. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1978.

C. Clement Samford and John M. Hemphill II, Bookbinding in Colonial Virginia. Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg, 1966.

Cynthia Z. Stiverson and Gregory A. Stiverson, “The Colonial Retail Book Trade: Availability and Affordability of Reading Material in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Virginia,” in William L. Joyce, David D. Hall, Richard D. Brown, and John B. Hench, eds., Printing and Society in Early America. Worcester: American Antiquarian Society, 1983.

Isaiah Thomas, The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. 2nd ed. Albany: American Antiquarian Society, 1874.

Lawrence C. Wroth, The Colonial Printer. Portland, Me.: Southworth-Anthoensen Press, 1938.

——, William Parks: Printer and Journalist of England and Colonial America. Richmond: William Parks Club, 1926.

The Printer in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg was first published in 1955, inaugurating this series of craft pamphlets. Written originally by Parke Rouse, Jr., then director of publications at Colonial Williamsburg, it was revised in 1958 by the late Thomas K. Ford, editor, and has been reprinted in 1964, 1970, 1974, 1978, 1985, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1997, and 1999.


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