A - Abetot, Geoffrey d', 314
- ————, Urse d', 314, 315
- Abingdon Abbey, its treasury robbed, 213;
- ———— ————, Ingulf, abbot of, 265, 415
- Adeliza, Queen (wife of HenryI.), her "election," 74, 439;
- marries HenryI., 429;
- William de Albini, 319, 322, 323;
- dowered by HenryI., 322, 324;
- her grant to Reading, 325
- Ælfgar ("Colessune"), 310
- ————, Nicholas, son of, 309, 310
- Affidatio, 170, 176, 182, 384-387
- Aino, William de, 230
- Albamarle. See AumÂle
- Albini, Nigel de, 427
- ————, William de ("Pincerna"), 262, 263, 324, 428, 439. See also Arundel
- Aldreth (Camb.), 161, 162, 209
- Alexander, Pope, absolves Earl Geoffrey, 224
- Algasil, Gingan, 60
- Alvia, Andrew de, 172, 183
- Anarchy, incidents of the, 127-132, 134, 206, 209-220, 323, 403, 414-416
- Andover, Stephen at, 47;
- Angers, Ulger, bishop of, pleads for Maud at Rome, 8, 254-257
- Anjou. See Geoffrey
- Ansgar. See Esegar
- Anstey (Herts.), 141
- Appleby Castle, 331
- Arch', Gilbert, 314
- Ardleigh (Essex), 402
- Ardres, Baldwin d', 189, 397
- Arms, collateral adoption of, 394;
- date of their origin, 396
- Arques, ChÂteau d', 340-346;
- its keep built by HenryI., 333
- ————, Count William of, 341-343, 345, 346
- ————, William of, 180, 188, 397
- Arras, Baldwin of, 310
- Arsic, Geoffrey, 190, 230
- Arundel, Robert, 93, 263, 261, 266
- ————, Empress lands at, 55, 278, 280
- ————, William (de Albini), earl of, 143, 145, 146;
- "pincerna," 324;
- created earl, 322;
- styled Earl of Chichester, 318, 320;
- Earl of Sussex, 146, 319, 320;
- Earl of Lincoln, 324, 325;
- his charter from HenryII., 240;
- his "third penny," 293;
- holds Waltham, 324;
- at St. Albans, 204-206;
- dies, 317;
- his character, 323
- ————, earldom of, 316-325;
- its earliest mention, 146, 271, 322;
- not an earldom by tenure, 316, 324;
- its various names, 320, 321;
- similar to other earldoms, 322, 325
- Assarts (forest), 92, 168, 182, 376-378
- Aston (Salop), 418
- Auco. See Ou
- AumÂle, William of (Earl of York), 143, 145, 146, 157, 262-264, 276, 385
- Avranches, Rhiwallon d', 397
- ————, Turgis d', 46, 52, 144, 149, 158, 207
- ————, William d', 154, 180, 397
- ————, bishop of, Richard, 262, 263
- Aynho (Northants), 390
- Azo. See Reinmund
B - Baentona. See Bampton
- Bailiffs, represent, in towns, the sheriff, 110
- Balliol, Joscelin de, 236
- Bampton, Robert de, 140
- Bareville, Walter de, 231
- Barking, Stephen at, 320;
- his charters to, 320, 378;
- Alice, abbess of, 378
- "Baronia," grant of a, 182, 439
- Barstable, hundred of, grant of the, 320
- Basset, Ralf, 419
- ————, Richard, 265, 297, 298, 417, 418
- Bath, Stephen grants his bishopric of, 18, 21
- ————, Robert, bishop of, 18, 64, 263
- Battle, Warner, abbot of, 265
- Bayeux, John de, 427
- ————, Odo, bishop of, 427
- Bayonne, customs of, 247
- Bazas (Aquitaine), customs of, 247
- Beauchamp, Maud de, 313
- ————, Stephen de, 314, 315
- ————, Walter de, 313-315
- ————, William de, 154, 409, 416;
- constable, 285, 313;
- his charter from the Empress, 313-315
- ———— (of Bedford), Miles de, 171, 183, 314, 315
- ————, Payne de, 171, 392, 393
- ————, Robert de, 171
- ————, Simon de, 171, 231, 262, 263, 390, 392, 393
- Beaudesert Castle, 65
- Beaufoe, Henry, 230;
- Beaumont, Hugh de. See "Pauper"
- Becket, Thomas, his youth, 374, 375;
- as chancellor, 228, 236.
- See also Canterbury
- Bedford, earldom of, 270, 271, 276
- "Begeford," 286
- Belmeis, Richard de (archdeacon), 123
- Belun, Adam de, 144, 158, 201, 320
- Belvoir, Robert de, 385
- Benwick, 211
- Berkeley, HenryI. at, 430
- ————, Roger de, 380, 409
- Berkshire, earldom of, 181
- Berners, Ralf de, 229-231
- Bigod, Gunnor, 391
- ————, Hugh (Earl of Norfolk), 403;
- with HenryI., 265, 365;
- asserts the Empress was disinherited, 6;
- with Stephen at Reading, 11, 13;
- at Oxford, 263;
- rebels, 23;
- attacked by Stephen, 49;
- created earl, 50, 188, 191, 238, 270;
- with the Empress, 83, 172, 178, 183;
- opposed to Stephen, 195;
- rebels, 209;
- his earldom East Anglian, 273;
- created anew by HenryII., 277
- ————, Roger, 329
- Bigorre, customs of, quoted, 58
- Birch, Mr. W. de Gray, on a charter of HenryI., 428;
- on the charters to Geoffrey, 44, 87;
- on the seals of Stephen, 50, 139;
- on the election of the Empress, 59-61, 63;
- on the charters of the Empress, 66, 76;
- on the styles of the Empress, 75-78, 83;
- on the seal of the Empress, 299;
- his remarkable discovery, 71-73
- Bishopsbridge, Roger of, 375
- Bishop's Stortford, 167;
- Bisset, Manasser, 236
- Blois, Count Theobald of, 91, 428-430;
- forfeited by the Empress, 102, 140
- Blundus, Gilbert, 190
- ————, Robert, 229
- Bocland, Hugh de, 309, 328, 355
- ————, Walter de, 201
- Boeville, William de, 142, 231
- ————, Otwel de, 229
- Bohun, Humfrey de, 125, 234, 263, 265, 281, 286, 314, 315, 418
- Bolbec, Hugh de, 201, 416
- ————, Walter de, 264
- Bonhunt. See Wickham Bonhunt
- Boreham (Essex), 214
- "Bosco, de," Ernald, 228
- Boseville, William de, 142
- Bosham, Herbert of, on the Emperor, 301
- Boterel, Geoffrey, 125
- ————, Peter, 415
- ————, William, 415
- Boulogne, Count Eustace of, 1, 2, 143, 168
- ————, Geoffrey de, 147
- ————, Pharamus de, 120, 144, 147
- ————, Richard de, 120
- ————, honour of, 121, 141, 147, 168, 182
- Bourton, young Henry attacks, 409
- Boxgrove Priory, 320
- Brampton, HenryI. at, 428
- Braughing (Herts.), 141
- Breteuil, William de, 327
- Bristol, Empress arrives at, 55, 278;
- Stephen imprisoned at, 56, 65;
- Empress and her followers at, 135, 163;
- young Henry at, 407
- ————, St. Augustine's Abbey, 408
- Brito, Mainfeninus, 52, 201, 360
- ————, Ranulf (? Ralf), 143
- Brittany, Alan of. See Richmond
- Buccuinte, Andrew, 305, 309
- Buckenham Abbey, foundation of, 318
- Buckingham, earldom of, 272
- Bumsted Helion (Essex), 181
- Bungay (Suffolk), the foundation at, 318
- Burwell, besieged by Geoffrey, 220;
- Bury, Richard de, his "Liber Epistolaris," 261
- Bushey (Herts.), 92, 156
@public@vhost@g@html@files@62878@62878-h@62878-h-2.htm.html#Page_19" class="pginternal">19, 262-265; of HenryI. and HeD - Dammartin, William de, 53
- Danfront, Picard de, 141
- Danish district, peculiar payments in the, 289
- Danvers, Henry, 232
- Dapifer, Eudo, 154, 328;
- ————, Hamo, 431
- ————, Hubert, 382
- David, King of Scots, with HenryI. (as earl), 429, 430;
- invades England, 16;
- joins the Empress, 80, 84;
- at her court, 123, 124;
- knights Henry, 409;
- his earldom, 181, 192
- Dean, Forest of, 56
- Dedham (Essex), 181, 400-404
- Deforcement, 351
- Depden (Essex), 90, 140, 141
- Derby, earldom of, 193, 270, 271
- ————, earl of. See Ferrers
- Devizes, castle of, 46;
- Empress flees to, 133;
- its story, 134, 386;
- councils of the Empress at, 165;
- young Henry at, 408, 409;
- charter granted at, 417, 418
- Devon, earldom of, 271, 272, 296
- ————, "tertius denarius" of, 296
- ————, Baldwin (de Redvers), earl of, 93, 125, 172, 183
- "Dialogus de Scaccario," the, 154, 293, 304, 312, 322, 376, 425
- "Diffidatio," the, 28, 284, 285
- Diham. See Dedham
- Dinan, Gotso (or Goceas) de, 409, 418
- Dispenser, Robert le, 154, 314, 315;
- Dodnash Priory, foundation of, 385
- D'Oilli. See Oilli
- Domesday values, 101, 102, 140, 241, 361;
- the "tertius denarius" in, 287-291
- Domfront. See Danfront
- "Domina," the Empress as, 14, 56, 57, 63, 67, 70, 73-75, 80, 83
- "Dominus," the king as, 14, 70, 73, 74
- Dorset, earldom of, 95, 181, 193, 194, 271, 272, 277. See Mohun
- ————, "tertius denarius" of, 291
- Douai, Walter de, his fief, 141
- Dover, Stephen at, 1;
- granted to Earl of Gloucester, 2;
- held against Stephen, 2, 94;
- HenryII. at, 237;
- a "castellum," 332
- ———— Castle, 340, 345
- Dower, 385
- Droitwich, 440
- Dublin Castle, 331
- Dugdale, his errors, 37, 38, 44, 87, 166, 327, 388, 391
- Dunstanville, Alan de, 123, 325
- ————, Robert de, 236, 418
- Durham, Stephen at, 16
- ————, see of, contest for, 85;
- ————, bishops of, Ranulf (Flambard), 384;
E F - Fecamp, Roger de, 46, 263
- Fenland campaign, 209-212
- Ferrers, Robert de (Earl of Derby), 13, 94, 143, 146, 159, 263, 266, 415
- Feudalism, its aims, 105, 108, 109, 111, 176, 372. See also "Dominus," "Diffidatio"
- Feversham Abbey, 147
- Fiennes, Sybil de, 147
- "Firma burgi," 361-363
- ———— comitatus," 99, 102, 142, 150, 154, 156, 298, 313, 360, 362;
- "Fiscus," meaning of, 268
- Fitz (Filius) Adam, Ralf, 190
- ———— ————, Warine, 190
- ———— Ailb', William, 190
- ———— "Ailric," Robert, 190
- ———— Alan, Roger, 310, 311
- ———— ————, John, 316
- ———— ————, Walter, 123
- ———— ————, William, 123, 125, 418
- ———— Algod, Ralf, 436
- ———— Alvred, William, 53, 229, 230
- ———— Baldwin. See Exeter
- ———— Bigot, John, 385
- ———— Brian, Ralf, 142
- ———— Count, Brian, with HenryI, 265, 431;
- meets Earl of Gloucester, 281;
- is besieged and relieved, ib.;
- at Stephen's court, 19, 262, 263;
- escorts the Empress, 58, 82, 83, 93, 125, 130, 135, 170, 182, 286, 314;
- his letter, 251, 261
- ———— ————, Otwel, 307
- ———— ————, Reginald, 320
- ———— Ebrard, Ralf, 305
- ———— Edith, Robert (son of HenryI.), 66, 82, 94, 125, 129, 170, 183, 234, 418, 434, 435
- ———— Ernald, William, 53, 229
- ———— ————, Ranulf, 229
- ———— Frodo, Alan, 189, 440
- ———— Gerold, Henry, 229, 230
- ———— ————, Robert, 142
- ———— ————, Ralf, 142
- ———— ————, Warine, 190, 228, 229, 236, 241
- ———— Gilbert. See Clare
- ———— ————, John (the marshal), 82, 125, 129-132, 171, 182, 183, 234, 314, 409, 416. See also "Histoire"
- ———— ————, William. See Chancellors
- ———— Gosbert, Robert, 436
- ———— Hamon, Robert, 382, 422
- ———— Heldebrand, Robert, 95, 171, 183
- ———— ————, Richard, 95
- ———— Herlwin, Ralf, 309, 310
- ———— ————, his sons, 310
- ———— ————, Herlwin, 310
- ———— ————, William, 310
- ———— Hervey, William, 142
- ———— Hubert, Robert, 134, 281
- ———— Humfrey, Geoffrey, 190
- ———— ————, Robert, 190
- ———— Jocelin, William, 402, 404
- ———— John, Payne, 11, 12, 263, 265, 378
- ———— ————, Eustace, 159, 264, 378
- ———— Liulf, Forn, 434
- ———— Martin, Robert, 94, 135
- ———— Miles, William, 399
- ———— Muriel, Abraham, 229
- ———— Osbern, William (Earl of Hereford), 154
- ———— Osbert, Richard, 53, 229, 231
- ———— Other, Walter, 169
- ———— Oto, William, 86
- ———— Otwel, William, 169, 229, 231
- ———— Piers, Geoffrey, Earl of Essex, 39
- ———— Ralf, Brian, 142
- ———— ———— (fitz Ebrard), John, 305, 306, 436
- ———— ———— ————, Robert, 305, 306
- ———— Richard. See Clare
- ———— ————, Osbert, 53, 231
- ———— ————, Roger, 169, 390-392
- ———— Robert, Walter (of Dunmow), 169
- ———— ————, William, 142
- ———— ———— (fitz Walter), John, 52
- ———— Roger, Robert, 391
- ———— Roy. See Cornwall, Fitz Edith, Gloucester
- ———— ————, Richard (son of HenryI.), 423, 427, 434
- ———— Urse, Richard, 53, 159
- ———— ————, Reginald, 53
- ———— Walter, Fulcred, 360, 363
- ———— ————, Geoffrey, 229
- ———— ————, Ranulf, 229
- ———— ————, Robert, 385
- ———— ————, William, constable of Windsor, 169
- ———— Wimarc, Robert, 391
- Flanders, Count Robert of, 176, 177, 380
- Flemings, expulsion of the, 275
- Florence of Worcester, his continuater's chronology, 278, 279, 284, 285;
- Foliot, Gilbert, attends council at Rome, 251, 253;
- his letter to Brian Fitz Count, 251, 252, 254-257, 261;
- becomes Abbot of Gloucester (1139), 285;
- Bishop of Hereford (1148), 251, 260
- Fordham (Camb.), 209, 211, 220, 222
- Fordwich, "third penny" of, 290
- Forests. See Assarts
- France, King of, 171, 177, 183
- Fraxineto. See Fresne
- Freeman, Professor, his errors, 16, 62, 63, 68, 224, 250, 261, 290, 291, 294, 325, 333, 335, 338, 346, 349;
- Fresne, Roger du, 320
- Fulcinus, Albot, 231
- Fulham, 117
G - Gainsborough Castle, 159
- Gamlingay (Camb.), 120, 305
- Gant, Walter de, 264, 266, 428
- ————, Gilbert de, 327
- Geoffrey of Anjou, 167, 168, 171, 183, 184;
- was to succeed HenryI., 33;
- summons Stephen before the Pope, 10, 259;
- invited to England, 165, 177, 195;
- sends his son to England in his stead, 33, 185, 198;
- detains the Earl of Gloucester, 198;
- conquers Normandy, 418;
- cedes Normandy to Henry, 251, 259;
- admits no legate, 260
- Gerardmota, Simon de, 120
- Gerpenville. See Jarpenville
- "Gersoma," 298, 360, 363, 366
- "Gesta Stephani," its accuracy impugned, 12, 409;
- "Gialla." See London
- Gifard, John, 364
- Giffard, Elyas, 409
- "Ging'." See Ing
- Glanville, Ranulf de, 385, 390
- ————, ————, his wife Bertha, 385;
- Gloucester, Empress reaches, 55, 278;
- leaves it, 57;
- returns to it, 115;
- leaves it again, 123;
- flees to it, 134
- ———— Castle, 13, 329, 330
- ————, earldom of, its creation, 420-422, 431-434
- ————, honour of, 11
- ————, Robert (son of HenryI.), earl of, 181;
- marries heiress of Robert fitz Hamon, 422;
- his earliest attestation (Rouen, 1113), 423;
- attends his father at Reading, ib.;
- at the battle of BrÉmulÉ, ib.;
- at Rouen, 424, 426;
- in England, 429, 430;
- created Earl of Gloucester, 432;
- attends his father at Westminster, 433;
- at Portsmouth, 432;
- his increasing greatness, 434;
- attests charters at Westminster, 306;
- at Northampton, 265;
- receives lands in Kent, 2;
- does homage to Stephen at Oxford, 22, 23, 263;
- "defies" Stephen, 28, 284;
- lands at Arundel with the Empress, 55, 279;
- reaches Bristol, 55, 281;
- escorts the Empress to Winchester, 58;
- to Oxford, 68;
- said to have created earldom of Cornwall, ib.;
- at Reading, 82;
- in London, 87, 93, 286;
- advises moderation in vain, 114;
- withdraws from London, 115;
- goes to Oxford with Maud, 124, 314;
- visits Winchester, 124;
- joins in its siege, 126, 127;
- captured at Stockbridge, 133;
- released and goes to Bristol, 135;
- removes with Maud to Oxford, 163, 170, 182;
- his treaty with Earl Miles, 379;
- goes to Normandy, 163, 165, 184, 196, 379;
- returns and captures Wareham, 185, 198, 405;
- joins Maud at Wallingford, 199, 406;
- is with her at Devizes, 234, 417;
- routs Stephen at Wilton, 407;
- dies, 408;
- his Carta, 375, 382;
- his tertius denarius, 292-294;
- his London soke, 436;
- his wife, 381
- ————, William, earl of, 380, 409, 419;
- confused with his father, 410
- ————, Walter, abbot of, 265
- ————, Gilbert, abbot of. See Foliot
- ————, Miles de (Earl of Hereford), employed by HenryI. (1130), 297;
- with him at Northampton (1131), 265;
- meets Stephen at Reading (1136), 12;
- obtains charters from him, 11, 13, 14, 28;
- attends his Easter court as constable, 19, 263;
- and witnesses his Oxford charter, 263;
- is with him at siege of Shrewsbury (1138), 285;
- abandons Stephen (1139), 128, 284;
- receives the Empress, 55, 60;
- obtains charter from her, 56;
- loses constableship, 285;
- relieves Brian fitz Count, 281;
- sacks Worcester and captures Hereford, 282;
- escorts the Empress to Winchester (1141), 58, 65;
- to Reading (as constable), 82;
- to London, 83, 93, 286;
- to Gloucester, 123;
- is created by her Earl of Hereford, 97, 123, 271, 273, 288, 315, 328;
- is with her at Oxford, 123, 314;
- and at siege of Winchester, 125;
- escapes to Gloucester and Bristol, 135;
- with the Empress at Oxford, 170, 182;
- his treaty with the Earl of Gloucester, 379;
- his grant to Llanthony, 329;
- his death, 276;
- his son Roger, see Hereford, Earls of;
- his son Mahel, 382
- ————, Walter de (father of Miles), 13, 428
- Grantmesnil, Hugh de, 289
- Greenfield (Linc.), 169
- Greinville, Richard de, 382
- Greys Thurrock (Essex), 181
- Guisnes, ComtÉ of, 188, 398. See Vere, Aubrey de
- ————, Manasses, Count of, 189, 397
- ————, Ralf de, 190
H - Hairon, Albany de, 286
- Ham (Essex), 141
- "Hamslep," Hugh de, 419
- Handfasting. See Affidatio
- Harold, his accession compared with Stephen's, 8, 253, 437
- Hartshorne, Mr., on Rochester Castle, 337
- Hastings, William de, 171
- Hatfield Broad Oak (Essex), 100, 140, 141, 149
- "Hattele," church of, 233
- Haughley (Suffolk), 326
- Haye, Ralf de, 159
- Hearne as a critic, 375
- Hedenham (Bucks.), 337
- Hedingham (Essex), 402
- Helion, barony of, 229
- ————, Robert de, 143
- ————, William de, 181, 194
- HenryI., secures Winchester, 63;
- his style, 25, 432;
- at St. Evroul and Rouen, 423, 426;
- at Brampton and Westminster, 428;
- marries Adeliza, 74, 426, 429;
- visits Winchester, 426, 421, 430, 432;
- Portsmouth, 432;
- Westminster, 433;
- secures succession to his children, 2, 30-32, 34;
- dies, 322;
- his widow's dower, 324;
- his gifts to Cluny, 254;
- his reforms, 104, 298;
- his ministers, 111, 418;
- his exactions, 101, 105, 150, 360, 361, 366;
- his forest policy, 377;
- his dealings with London, 347, 358, 359, 365-367;
- his chaplains, 427;
- his military architecture, 333, 334, 341-343, 345, 346;
- his charter to Eudo Dapifer, 328;
- his treaty with the Count of Flanders, 176, 380;
- his knowledge of English, 424
- ————, his son William, heir to the crown, 30, 427;
- ————, his children. See Maud, Gloucester, Fitz Edith, Fitz Roy
- ————, his widow. See Adeliza
- HenryII., mentioned in charters of the Empress, 171, 183 417, 418;
- confirms his mother's charter, 184-186, 384, 418;
- his hereditary right, 186, 200;
- lands with his uncle (1142), 198, 405;
- joins the Empress, 199, 406;
- resides at Bristol, 407;
- his gifts to St. Augustine's, 408;
- lands afresh (1149), 279, 408;
- visits Devizes, 409;
- knighted at Carlisle, 408;
- unsupported, 409;
- leaves England, 410;
- his third visit and negotiations, 176, 386, 418;
- strength of his position, 35;
- his policy, 112, 372, 378;
- his alienations of demesne, 269;
- his charters to Aubrey de Vere, 237, 239;
- to Hugh Bigod, 239;
- to Earl of Arundel, 240;
- to Wallingford, 200;
- his dealings with London, 358, 367, 370, 372, 440
- HenryIII., his charter to London, 358
- HenryVIII., confirms charter of the Empress, 179, 328
- Henry (V.), the Emperor, 300, 301
- Henry of Scotland. See Huntingdon
- Heraclius, the Patriarch, consecrates the Temple church, 225
- Heraldry. See Arms, Quarterly
- Hereditary right. See Crown
- Hereford, Stephen at, 48;
- ————, its "tertius denarius," 288
- ———— Castle, 328, 329
- ————, earldom of, created by the Empress, 97, 123, 187, 271, 273
- ————, earl of, William Fitzosbern, 154, 276
- ————, earls of. See Gloucester
- ————, Roger, earl of, 234, 329, 380, 382, 409, 419
- ————, Richard ("de Sigillo"), bishop of, 427, 428
- ————, Robert, bishop of, 46, 64, 82, 83, 93, 262, 263, 265
- Hertford (or "Clare"), earldom of, 39, 40, 146, 270-272
- ————, Gilbert, earl of, 143, 145, 159, 271, 276
- ————, Roger, earl of, 236
- ————, mills of, 286
- Hertfordshire, shrievalty of, 39, 142, 150, 166;
- Hexham, John of, his accuracy confirmed, 19
- Hinckford hundred (Essex), 404
- "Histoire de Guillaume le MarÉchal," extracts from, 130-133;
- Historia Pontificalis, editorial errors in, 253
- Holland, Great (Essex), 141
- Howard, Thomas, 316
- Howlett, Mr., on the landing of the Empress, 278-280;
- on an unknown landing by HenryII., 409, 410
- "Hugate," 232
- Huitdeniers, Osbert, 170, 374, 375, 382
- ————, Philip, 375
- Humez, Richard de, 236, 419
- Huntingdon, its "tertius denarius," 288
- ————, Henry of, his chronology discussed, 407
- ————, Henry (of Scotland), earl of, 19, 192, 262, 263, 265
- ————, earldom of, 191-193, 265, 272
- Hyde Abbey burnt, 127
I - Ickleton (Camb.), 141
- "Inga" (Essex), 140, 186
- Ing, Goisbert de, 142
- ————, Hugh de, 185, 186, 190, 384
- Innocent, Pope, hears Maud's appeal against Stephen (1136), 250, 252;
- dismisses it, 9, 257;
- "confirms" Stephen, 9, 257, 258, 260;
- writes to Stephen, 412;
- to Henry of Winchester, ib.
- Ipra. See Ypres
- Ipswich, "third penny" of, 290
- Irvine, Mr., on Rochester Castle, 338
- Issigeac (Perigord), 247
J - Jarpenville, David de, 231
- ————, ————, Symon, his brother, 231
- ————, Geoffrey de, 229, 230
- Jerusalem, pilgrimage to, 306, 308
- Jingles in charters, 241
- John, his charters to London, 358, 371
- Juga. See Inga and Ing
- Jurisdiction, the struggle for, 105, 108, 111
- Justicia, the, localized, 105, 373;
- termed "capitalis," 106;
- differentiated from the sheriff, 107, 109, 153;
- feudalized, 109;
- represented by "coroners," 110;
- has precedence of the sheriff, 110
K - Kent, faithful to Stephen, 2, 138
- Kingham (Oxon), 230-233
- Kirton-in-Lindsey (Linc.), 159
- Knightsbridge, the Londoners meet kings at, 84
- Knights' service, grants of, 91, 103, 142, 155, 167, 189, 439
L - Laci, Hugh de, 331
- ————, Ilbert de, 263
- LÆsio fidei, 9, 387
- Lea, the river, 168, 175, 337
- Ledet, Wiscard, 231
- Legate, the papal. See Winchester, Henry, bishop of; Canterbury, Theobald, archbishop of
- Leicester, "third penny" of, 289
- ————, Robert, earl of, 146, 154, 236, 265, 380, 415, 433
- Leicestershire, "tertius denarius" of, 295
- Le Mans, tower of, 336
- Leofstan (of London), 309
- Leominster, Stephen at, 282
- Lewes Priory, 391
- Lexden hundred (Essex), 378, 404
- Librata terrÆ, the, 99, 104, 140, 141, 241, 305, 314
- Liege homage, 315
- Lincoln, excludes the sheriff, 362;
- its "firma burgi," 362, 363;
- Stephen besieges, 46, 159, 440;
- battle of, 54, 56, 140, 148, 149
- ———— Castle, constableship of, 160
- ————, earldom of, 271, 325
- ————, Robert (I.), bishop of, 329, 433
- ————, Alexander, bishop of, 51, 64, 82, 83, 93, 123, 262, 265, 416
- ————, Robert (II.), bishop of, 236
- ————, William, earl of, 146, 159, 271, 415
- Lisieux, Arnulf, bishop of, Stephen's envoy (1136), 252, 253, 260, 389
- Lisures, Warner de, 120, 320
- ————, William de, 231
- Little Hereford, Stephen at, 282
- Lodnes, Ralf de, 190
- Loftie, Mr. W. J., his strange errors, 152, 349-351, 354-356, 364, 436
- London, its name latinized, 347;
- inseparable from Middlesex, 347, 352, 353, 357, 359;
- not a corporate unit, 356;
- its organization territorial, 357;
- earliest list of its wards, 351, 435, 436;
- its auxilium, 352
- ————, portreeve of, 439;
- ignored by HenryI., 350, 351;
- difficulty concerning, 354, 356;
- replaced by Norman vicecomes, 353, 354
- ————, mayor of, 356, 357, 373, 436
- ————, chamberlain of, 355, 366
- ————, Tower of, its custody, 439;
- held by the Mandevilles, 38, 89, 117, 141, 143, 149, 156, 166;
- its importance, 98, 113, 119, 139, 164;
- Stephen at, 48;
- surrendered by Geoffrey, 207;
- explanation of its name, 336;
- its inner ward, 334
- ————, Guildhall (?) of, earliest mention of, 436
- ————, St. Michael's, Cheap, 309, 310
- ————, bishops of, Maurice, 68, 328;
- —— Gilbert, 265;
- —— Robert ("de Sigillo"), 45, 67, 117, 118, 123, 167, 194, 402;
- —— Richard, 236, 370
- ————. See also Temple; Cnihtengild
- London and Middlesex, spoken of as London, 348, 351, 372;
- as Middlesex, 347;
- sheriff of, replaces portreeve, 353, 354, 356;
- firma of, 142, 150, 151, 66, 347-349, 352, 355, 357-359, 362, 366, 371, 372, 440;
- shrievalty of, 110, 141, 150, 166, 347-349, 358, 359, 363, 364, 367, 372, 439;
- justiciarship of, 110, 141, 150, 167, 347, 373
- London and Middlesex, sheriffs of, Esegar, 353;
- —— Ulf, 353, 354;
- —— Geoffrey de Mandeville (I.), 354, 439;
- —— William de Eynsford, 360
- See also Mandeville
- ————, justiciars of, Gervase (de Cornhill), 120, 121, 373;
- Londoners, the, obtain from HenryI. shrievalty of Middlesex, 347, 349, 359, 363, 364, 366;
- dislike his system, 366;
- elect Stephen, 2;
- their compact with him, 3, 27, 247-249;
- faithful to him, 49, 116, 354;
- at the election of the Empress, 69;
- slow to receive her, 81;
- admit her conditionally, 84, 248;
- harassed by the Queen, 114;
- expel the Empress, 115, 117;
- join the Queen, 119, 128;
- record Stephen's release, 136;
- abandoned by him to Geoffrey, 153;
- whose mortal foes they are, 168, 174;
- treatment of, by HenryII., 370-372, 440;
- join Simon de Montfort, 358;
- their charters from the Conqueror, 354, 439;
- from HenryI., 109, 347, 356, 359, 364;
- from HenryII., 367-370, 440;
- from Richard I., 371;
- from John, 358, 371;
- from HenryIII., 348;
- their communa, 116, 247, 357, 373, 439;
- their alleged early liberties, 152, 372, 440;
- their "wardmoot," 370
- Lords' Reports, error in, 39
- Lovel,
Ralf, 94
- Luci, Richard de, 101, 109, 112, 137, 146, 373;
- with Stephen at Norwich, 49;
- at Canterbury, 144;
- at Ipswich, 158;
- at Oxford, 201;
- with HenryII., 236
- Lucius, Pope, 208, 215, 258, 412
- Ludgershall, the Empress flees to, 133
- "Luffenham," 314
2878-h@62878-h-21.htm.html#Page_283" class="pginternal">283; reaches Bristol, 55; resides at Gloucester, 56; joined by Miles, 56, 285; joined by Bishop Nigel, 161; received at Winchester (1141), 57, 64, 79; her style, 63-67, 70-77, 300-302; visits Wilton and Oxford, 65-67; elected "Domina," 58-61, 69; forfeits Count Theobald, 102, 140; visits Reading, 66, 82; advances to St. Albans, 83; reaches London, 84; her intended coronation, 78, 80, 84, 302; her Valoines charter, 286; her first charter to Geoffrey, 86-113, 149-155, 238; deals with see of Durham, 85; expelled from London, 85, 115, 117; flees to Gloucester, 115; returns to Oxford, 123; her Beauchamp charter, 313-315; marches on Winchester, 124; besieges the legate, 126-128; flees from Winchester, 130, 132, 133; reaches Gloucester, 134; visits Bristol, 135; again returns to Oxford, 163; holds councils at Devizes, 165; sends for her husband, 165, 177; her second charter to Geoffrey, 165-177; her charter to Aubrey de Vere, 179-184, 187, 190-195; is besieged in Oxford, 198; escapes to Wallingford, 199; visited by Bishop Nigel, 208; quarters her followers on Wilts, 230; her charter to Geoffrey de Mandeville the younger, 233; to Geoffrey Ridel, 234, 417; her court, 64, 82, 95, 124, 178, 286; her earls, 271-273; her seal, 299-303; her arrogance, 324 "Navium applicationes," 286, 440 "Nepos Huberti," Roger, 305,306, 308-310 ————, ————, Ingenolda, his wife, 305, 308, 310 Neufbourg, Robert de, 52 NeufmarchÉ, Henry de, 320 Nevill, Hugh de, 310 Newburgh, William of, his chronicle, 47, 203, 205 Newcastle, keep of, 339, 346 Newport (Essex), 89, 90, 92, 99, 100, 140, 156 Newtimber (Sussex), 325 Norfolk, earldom of, 191, 270, 271, 273, 277. See Bigod Norhale, William de, 231 Northampton, Stephen ill at, 160, 164; ————, Simon (de St. Liz or Silvanecta), earl of, 120, 143, 145, 159, 192, 262-264, 276 Northamptonshire, earldom of, 192, 264, 272 Norwich, Stephen at, 49 ————, Ebrard, bishop of, 83, 262, 263, 265 ————, William, bishop of, 45 ————, John, bishop of, 318 Novo burgo. See Neufbourg ———— mercato. See NeufmarchÉ Noyon, battle of, 423, 427 Nuers, Ralf de, 230 Nunant, Roger de, 125 O - Octodenarii. See Huitdeniers
- Oilli, Fulk d', 46
- ————, Henry d', 94, 434
- ————, Robert d', 46, 65, 66, 94, 171, 183, 263, 434
- ————, Roger d', 125
- Ordgar (of London), 309
- Osney Priory, 171;
- Osonville, Sewal de, 231
- Ottdevers. See Huitdeniers
- Ou, Hugh d', 229, 230
- ————, Robert d', 436
- ————, William d', 53, 142, 170
- Oxeaie, Richard de, 205
- ————, Walkelin de, 205, 206
- Oxford, Stephen at (1136), 15, 16, 23, 201, 282;
- the Empress at, 65, 66, 123, 163, 314;
- arrest of the bishops at, 202, 203, 416;
- conspiracy against Stephen at (1142), 162, 195, 203, 207;
- fortified by the Earl of Gloucester, 197;
- stormed by Stephen, 197;
- who besieges its castle, 198, 405;
- from which the Empress escapes, 199, 405, 406;
- leaving it to Stephen, 406
- ————, St. Frideswide's, charter to, 201
- ————, house at, 232
- ————, earl of. See Vere, Aubrey de
- Oxfordshire, earldom of, 181, 194, 239, 240, 270, 271, 295
- ————, "tertius denarius" of, 295
P - Parage, Philip, 402
- Paris, Mathew, his accuracy confirmed, 205
- Park', Isnardus, 314, 315
- ————, ————, his son Nicholas, 314
- Parker, Mr., on Professor Freeman, 280;
- Pascal, Pope, anoints the Empress, 257
- Passelewe, Ralf, 373
- "Pauper," Hugh (? Earl of Bedford), 171, 270, 276
- Paynell, Ralf, 94, 171, 183, 286
- Pechet, Robert, 427
- Pedigrees, of Gervase de Cornhill, 308, 310;
- of Aubrey de Vere, 389;
- of the Mandevilles and De Veres, 392;
- of William d'Arques, 397;
- of Ernulf de Mandeville, 232
- Pembroke, Gilbert, earl of, 143, 145, 158, 159, 161, 162, 172, 178, 181-183, 188, 194, 276
- ————, earldom of, 270, 271
- Percy, William de, 264
- Peterborough chronicle, the, on the Anarchy, 214, 220, 416
- Petrivilla. See Pierreville
- Peverel (of London), William, his fief, 90, 91, 140-142
- ———— (of Nottingham), William, 263, 266;
- ————, Mathew, 143
- Pharamus. See Boulogne
- "Phingria" (Essex), 140
- Pierreville, Geoffrey de, 320
- Pincerna, Audoen, 230
- ————, ————, Ralf, brother of, 230
- ————, Geoffrey, 229
- Pirou, William de, 428
- Pleas, dread of, 93, 105, 167, 169, 170, 180;
- ———— of the Crown, 105, 110;
- Pleshy (Essex), 207
- Plessis, Walter de, 229
- ————, William de, 230
- Ploughteam, importance of the, 218
- Poitiers, Richard, archdeacon of, 112
- Pont de l'Arche, William de, 4, 11, 12, 46, 62, 234, 263, 265, 297
- Popes. See Alexander, Celestine, Eugene, Innocent, Lucius, Pascal
- Port, Adam de, (I.) 233, (II.) 428
- ————, ————, Matildis, his wife, 233
- ————, ————, Henry, his brother, 233
- ————, Henry de, 264
- Portsmouth, alleged landing at, 278-280;
- Predevilain, Alfred, 230
- Presbyter, Vitalis, 413
- Prittlewell Priory, 391
- Protection, money exacted for, 415
- Prudfot, Gilbert, 350, 351
Q - Quadripartitus, quotation from, 312
- Quarterly coat of Mandeville, the, 392-396
- "Queen," the Empress styles herself, 63, 64, 66, 83, 302
R - Radwinter (Essex), 168
- Raimes, family of de, 399-404;
- Roger (I.), 399, 403, 404;
- William (I.), 399, 401;
- Roger (II.), 181, 399-404;
- Robert (I.), 399, 402;
- William (II.), 402, 403;
- Richard, 400-404;
- Robert (II.), 401
- Rainham (Essex), 141
- Ramis de. See Raimes
- Ramsey Abbey, grant of a hundred to, 101;
- occupied by Geoffrey, 209;
- fortified by him, 210, 211, 213, 216;
- claimed by Abbot Walter, 216, 218;
- sweats blood, 217;
- avenged, 221;
- surrendered to the abbot, 223, 227;
- compensated for its losses, 225
- ————, Walter, abbot of, 83, 210;
- goes to Rome, 215;
- returns to Ramsey, 216;
- his misery, 217;
- at Geoffrey's deathbed, 223
- ————, Daniel, abbot of, 210, 215, 218;
- ————, William, abbot of, 225
- Ravengerus, 89
- Rayne (Essex), 399
- Reading, Stephen at, 10, 46, 48, 283;
- ————, Anscher, abbot of (1131), 265
- ————, Edward, abbot of (1141), 117
- Redvers, Baldwin de, 266, 272, 278
- ————, Richard de, 272
- Reinmund (of London), 435, 436;
- Richard I., his second coronation, 137
- Richmond, earldom of, 157
- ————, Alan, earl of, 143, 145, 157, 276
- ————, Conan, earl of, 290
- Ridel, Geoffrey (II.), 417-419;
- Rochelle, Richard de, 231
- ————, John de, 231
- Rochester, its early name, 332, 339;
- charter to church of, 422
- ———— Castle, 337-339, 345, 346
- ————, Gundulf, bishop of, 334, 337-339
- ————, John, bishop of, 262, 263, 265
- Rome, appeal of the Empress to, 8, 250-261;
- appeals of Bishop Nigel to, 161, 208, 209, 411-413;
- Abbot of Ramsey appeals to, 215
- Romeli. See Rumilli
- Rouen, Hugh, archbishop of, 116, 262, 263, 412, 413
- ————, the Tower of, 334-336
- Rumard, Absalom, 172, 183
- Rumilli, Alan de, 170
- ————, Mathew de, 170
- ————, Robert de, 170
S - SablÉ, Guy de, 172, 183
- ————, Robert de, 172, 183
- Sackville, William de, 393;
- Saffron Walden (Essex), 89, 90, 149, 156, 174, 207, 236
- Sai, Ingelram de, 11-13, 46
- ————, Geoffrey de, 231, 243, 390, 392
- ————, William de, 169, 209, 227, 392, 396
- St. Albans, the Empress at, 83;
- Stephen arrests Geoffrey at, 202-207;
- consequent struggle at, 204-206;
- abbot of, Geoffrey, 206, 265
- St. Augustine's, Hugh, abbot of, 265
- St Briavel's, castle of, 56
- St. Clare, Hamo de, 263, 264
- ————, Osbert de, 231
- ————, William de, 52
- St. David's, Bernard, bishop of, 58, 82, 83, 93, 262, 263, 314, 430
- St. Edmundsbury, Anselm, abbot of, 174;
- Ording, abbot of, 189, 439;
- William, prior of, 190;
- Ralf, sacristan of, 190;
- Maurice, dapifer of, 190;
- Goscelin and Eudo, monks of, 190
- St. Evroul, charter to, 423, 426
- St. Ives, 212, 213
- St. John, John de, 409
- St. Liz. See Northampton
- St. Osyth's Priory, 389, 390
- St. Quintin, Richard de, 382
- Salamon Presbyter, 181
- Salisbury, Stephen at, 46, 283;
- held for the Empress, 407
- ————, earldom of. See Wiltshire
- ————, bishop of, Roger, builds Devizes Castle, 134;
- receives Stephen as king, 4;
- attends his coronation, 5;
- with him at Reading, 11;
- at Westminster, 262, 263;
- at Oxford, 262;
- repudiates his oath to the Empress, 32, 256;
- his death, 46, 48, 282;
- his nephew Nigel, 265 (see Ely, bishops of)
- ————, Edward de, 404
- ————, Walter de, 46, 264, 266, 276
- ————, ————, Sibyl, his wife, 276
- ————, William de, 125, 276
- ————, Patrick de (Earl of Salisbury or Wilts), 194, 271, 276, 409
- Saltpans, 440
- Saltwood (Kent), 326
- Savigny, charter to, 423
- Sawbridgeworth (Herts.), 228, 236, 241
- Scotale, 361, 369
- Scutage of 1159, the, 400
- Seals, great, of Stephen, 50;
- ————, keepers of the. See Sigillo, de
- Seez, Arnulf, archdeacon of. See Liseux
- ————, John, bishop of, 262, 263
- Sherborne Castle, 146
- Sheriff, the, as "justicia," 107, 109;
- as an officer of the "curia," 108;
- as "firmarius," 360-363;
- feudalized, 109;
- his "third penny," 289;
- distinct from the "custos," 297
- ————. See also Bailiffs
- Ships, toll from, 414, 440
- Shrewsbury, Stephen besieges, 285
- Shropshire settled on Queen Adeliza, 322
- Sigillo, Robert de, 265. See London, bishops of.
- ————, Richard de, 427. See Hereford, bishops of
- Silvanecta. See Northampton
- Soilli, Henry de ("nepos regis"), 262-264
- Someri, Adam de, 143
- ————, Roger de, 143, 168
- Somerset, earldom of, 95. See Mohun
- Sorus, Jordan, 382
- ————, Odo, 382
- ————, Robert, 382
- Southwark, Edward of, 307, 308
- ————, his son William, 307, 308
- Stafford, "third penny" of, 289
- ————, Robert de, 289
- Stamford, 159
- Stapleton, Mr., on William of Arques, 188, 397
- Stephen, King, attends HenryI. (as Count of Mortain), 423, 429;
- lands in England, 1;
- his treaty with the Londoners, 247-249;
- his election and coronation, 2-8, 437, 438;
- his embassy to Rome, 9, 253-257;
- his charters to Miles of Gloucester, 11-14;
- visits Oxford, 15;
- Durham, 16;
- keeps Easter at Westminster, 16-21, 262-265;
- his Oxford charter of liberties, 22, 258, 438;
- his title to the throne, 25, 29, 258-260;
- besieges Shrewsbury, 285;
- his movements in 1139, 281-283;
- besieges the Empress at Arundel, 55;
- his movements in 1140, 46-49;
- his first charter to Geoffrey, 49-53, 98, 238;
- captured at Lincoln, 54;
- imprisoned at Bristol, 56;
- receives the primate, 65, 260;
- released, 135;
- holds council at Westminster, 136;
- crowned at Canterbury, 138;
- his second charter to Geoffrey, 99, 103, 119, 138-156, 175;
- betrays the Londoners, 153;
- goes north, 157;
- visits Ipswich, 158;
- Stamford, 159;
- recovers Ely, 411;
- ill at Northampton, 160, 164;
- restores Nigel to Ely, 161, 412;
- captures Wareham, 196;
- storms Oxford, 197;
- besieges the Empress, 198, 405;
- his charters to Abingdon and St. Frideswide's, 201;
- recovers Oxford Castle, 406;
- besieges Wareham, ib.;
- attends council at London, 202;
- routed at Wilton, 407;
- arrests Geoffrey at St. Albans, 202-207;
- visits Ramsey Abbey, 210;
- attacks Geoffrey, 213;
- forfeits monks of Ely, 214;
- arrests Earl of Chester, 203;
- forfeits the primate, 251;
- marches to York, 409;
- stated to have assisted Henry, 410;
- seeks coronation of Eustace, 250, 259;
- his seal, 50;
- his "fiscal" earls, 276, 277, 295, 440;
- his faults, 24, 35, 174, 267, 269;
- grant to his brother Theobald, 102, 140;
- his forest policy, 377, 378;
- papal letters to him, 257, 412
- Stephen, King, his wife. See Matilda
- ————, his son. See Eustace
- ————, his nephew, Henry (de Soilli), 262-264
- Stockbridge (Hants.), 133
- Stortford. See Bishop's Stortford
- Stuteville, John de, 403
- ————, Leonia de, 403, 404
- ————, Robert de, 404
- Sumeri. See Someri
- Sussex, question as to "firma" of, 322
- ————, earl of. See Arundel
T - Taid', Jurdan de, 230
- Talbot, Geoffrey, 182, 263
- Tamworth, 313, 314
- Tani, Picot de, 402, 404
- ————, Alice de, 402-404
- ————. See also Tany
- Tankerville, Richard de, 427
- ————, William de, 428
- Tany, Graeland de, 91, 104, 142
- ————, Hasculf de, 91
- ————, Gilbert de, 91
- ————. See also Tani
- Templars, at Geoffrey's deathbed, 224;
- their red cross, ib.;
- retain Geoffrey's corpse, 226
- Temple (London), the old, 224
- ———— ————, the new, 225, 226, 395
- Tendring hundred (Essex), 377, 404
- "Tenserie," 215, 218, 414-416
- TerrÆ datÆ. See Crown Lands
- "Tertius denarius," the, 287-296;
- grants of the, by the Empress, 292, 293;
- by HenryII., 239, 240, 293;
- only given to some earls, 269, 293-295;
- its two kinds, 287-290;
- attached to manors, 291;
- amount of, 294.
- See also Earls
- Tewkesbury, spurious charter to, 421, 431, 432
- Theobald. See Blois
- "Third penny," the. See "Tertius Denarius"
- Thoby Priory, 169
- Thorney, Robert, abbot of, 413
- Tilbury by Clare (Essex), 181
- Tiretei, Maurice de, 228, 229
- Titles, peerage, origin of, 145. See also Earls
- Tolleshunt Tregoz (Essex), 142
- Torigny, castle of, 334
- Totintone, Warine de, 401
- "Towers," rectangular keeps termed, 328-331, 333, 336, 338, 341, 343
- Treason, appeal of, 93, 156, 204, 327
- Treaties between sovereign and subject, 176
- Tresgoz, William de, 142
- Treys-deners, Nicholas, 375
- Trowbridge (Wilts), 281, 282
- Tureville, Geoffrey de, 170
- Turonis (?), Pepin de, 172, 183
- Turroc', See Greys Thurrock
U - Ulf the portreeve, 353, 354
- Umfraville, Gilbert de, 382
- Usury. See Money-lending
V - "Vadimonium" (or "Vadium"), 214, 236, 305, 369, 370
- Valderi, Richard de, 320
- Valoines, Peter de (I.), 39
- ————, Peter de (II.), 172, 183
- ————, Robert de, 172
- ————, Roger de, 172, 264;
- Venoiz, Robert de, 171
- Vercorol, Richard de, 231
- Vere, Aubrey de (I.), great chamberlain, his pedigree, 389, 392;
- father-in-law of Geoffrey de Mandeville, 388;
- "justiciar of England," 390;
- slain (1141), 81, 147, 188, 389;
- mentioned, 180, 187, 262, 263, 265, 297, 298, 309, 378, 388-391
- ————, ————, his wife, Alice de Clare, 390
- ————, ————, his brothers, Roger de (brother of Aubrey (I.)), 189, 389;
- ————, Geoffrey (fitz Aubrey) de, 182, 190, 390
- ————, Robert (fitz Aubrey) de, 147, 182
- ————, William (fitz Aubrey) de, 182, 195, 231, 389, 390. See Chancellors
- ————, Alice de, 169, 390
- ————, Aubrey de (II.), Earl of Oxford, 154, 172, 195, 230, 231, 270, 271, 402;
- brother-in-law to Earl Geoffrey de Mandeville, 178;
- his charter from the Empress, 179-195;
- to be Earl of Cambridgeshire, 181, 191-193;
- his charter from Henry of Anjou, 186;
- was Count of Guisnes, 188, 189, 240;
- became Earl of Oxford, 194, 239;
- his charter from St. Edmund's, 189, 439;
- from HenryII., 237, 239;
- his wife Beatrice, 188, 189, 397;
- his arms, 394-396;
- his connection with De Rames, 401
- Ver, Robert (fitz Bernard) de, 46, 144, 147, 148, 158, 201, 262, 263, 326
- ————, ————, his wife, Adeline de Montford, 326
W - Wac (Wake), Hugh, 159, 160
- Wace, authority of, 344
- Walden. See Saffron Walden
- Walden Abbey, chronicle of, 38, 45, 203, 205, 210, 388, 390, 393, 395
- ———— ————, William, prior of, 224, 226
- Walensis, Ralf, 419
- Wallingford, Stephen besieges, 188, 281;
- Empress escapes to, 198, 199, 406;
- young Henry at, 419;
- charter of HenryII. to, 200
- Walterville, Geoffrey de, 314, 381
- Waltham (Essex), 236, 323, 324;
- Waltham Abbey, Geoffrey's doings at, 323;
- ———— ————, Chronicle of, 322-324, 439
- Waltheof, Earl, 192, 276
- Wareham, 165;
- captured by Stephen, 196, 407;
- besieged by Earl of Gloucester, 198;
- captured by him, 199, 405;
- Baldwin lands at, 279;
- its defences, 332;
- besieged by Stephen, 406, 407
- Warenne, William, Earl, 120, 143, 145, 158, 206, 262, 263, 265, 430
- Warranty, 182, 230
- Warwick, Henry, earl of, 329
- ————, Roger, earl of, 65, 125, 159, 262, 263, 265
- Warwickshire, "tertius denarius" of, 291
- Waters, Mr. Chester, on the family of De Raimes, 403;
- on the earldom of Gloucester, 421, 432;
- his authority, 432
- Way, Mr. Albert, on the styles of the Empress, 70, 73
- Welsh, levity of the, 386
- Westminster, charters tested at, 18, 53, 86, 95, 262-264, 286, 302, 306, 329, 428, 433
- ————, Herbert, abbot of, 265
- Weston, 314
- Wherwell, Empress at, 57;
- White Ship, loss of the, 423, 428, 429, 434
- Wickham Bonhunt (Essex), 90, 140
- Wilton, the Empress at, 65;
- Wiltshire, earldom of, 181, 194, 271
- Winchester, Stephen received at, 4, 47;
- HenryI. at, 421, 430, 432;
- Empress received at, 57-64;
- importance of its possession, 60;
- its castle and treasury, 62, 63, 125, 128, 386, 407;
- election of the Empress at, 69;
- its siege by the Empress, 124-132;
- its royal palace, 126, 127
- ————, William (Giffard), bishop of, 329
- ————, Henry, bishop of (and papal legate), 265;
- receives Stephen as king, 3, 4;
- attends his coronation, 5;
- with him at Reading, 11;
- at Westminster, 262;
- at Oxford, 263;
- at Arundel, 55;
- receives the Empress, 57;
- his mandate to Theobald, 260;
- conducts Maud's election, 69;
- escorts her, 82, 83, 93;
- opposes her as to William Cumin, 85;
- deserts her and joins the Queen, 121, 122;
- besieged by the Empress, 125;
- his palace, 126;
- burns Winchester, 127;
- restores Stephen, 136;
- at his court, 143;
- with him at Wilton, 407;
- opposed to Nigel of Ely, 413;
- goes to Rome, 208;
- his letter to Brian Fitz Count, 261;
- his covenant with Henry, 386;
- papal letters to, 412
- Windsor, Maurice de (dapifer of St. Edmund's), 190, 439
- ———— Castle, 169;
- Wiret, Ralf de, 53
- Wood Walton, 211
- Woodham Mortimer (Essex), 141
- Worcester, Stephen at, 48, 282;
- sacked by Miles, 282;
- its "third penny," 290
- ————, Castle, 313, 328
- ————, Simon, bishop of, 262, 263, 265
- ————, Theowulf, bishop of, 432
- Worcestershire, earldom (?) of, 271
- ————, shrievalty of, 313
- Worth (Wilts), 229, 233
- Writtle (Essex), 140, 149, 214
- ————, Godebold of, 214
- Wymondham, the foundation at, 318
Y - York, Stephen visits, 157, 409
- ————, Roger, archbishop of, 236
- ————, Thurstan, archbishop of, 262, 263, 265, 427, 428, 433
- ————, earldom of, 270, 271, 276
- ————, earl of. See AumÂle
- Ypres, William of, in England, 45, 52, 144, 158, 201;
- not an earl, 146, 270, 275;
- in charge of Kent, 147, 275;
- burns Wherwell, 129, 131, 132;
- tries to burn St. Albans, 206;
- robs Abingdon, 213;
- persecutes the Church, 271;
- grants to him, 269, 275