CHAPTER I. THE ACCESSION OF STEPHEN . CHAPTER II. THE FIRST CHARTER OF THE KING. CHAPTER III. TRIUMPH OF THE EMPRESS. CHAPTER IV. THE FIRST CHARTER OF THE EMPRESS. CHAPTER V. THE LOST CHARTER OF THE QUEEN. CHAPTER VI. THE ROUT OF WINCHESTER. CHAPTER VII. THE SECOND CHARTER OF THE KING. CHAPTER VIII. THE SECOND CHARTER OF THE EMPRESS. CHAPTER IX. FALL AND DEATH OF GEOFFREY. CHAPTER X. THE EARLDOM OF ESSEX. EXCURSUS. THE CREATION OF THE EARLDOM OF GLOUCESTER. Transcriber's Note: Obvious printer errors have been corrected. Hyphenation has been rationalised. Inconsistent spelling (including accents and capitals) has been retained. The sidenotes to the Empress' Charter in Chapter 4 have been transferred to "pop ups" that accompany underlined words. These may not display properly in all applications.Footnote references in the genealogical tables are not hyper-linked to the corresponding footnotes. Small capitals in the tables have been replaced by full capitals. Italics are indicated by _underscores_. The tables in Appendices K and U have been split into two in order to reduce their width. Some references to years are encased in square brackets, as for example [1136]. To avoid confusion with the numbered footnotes, these references have instead been encased in rounded brackets. GEOFFREY DE MANDEVILLEcharter FACSIMILE OF CHARTER CREATING GEOFFREY DE MANDEVILLE EARL OF ESSEX (see p. 51). GEOFFREY DE MANDEVILLE A STUDY OF THE ANARCHY BY "Anno incarnationis DominicÆ millesimo centesimo quadragesimo primo inextricabilem labyrinthum rerum et negotiorum quÆ acciderunt in Anglia aggredior evolvere."—William of Malmesbury LONDON All rights reserved |