
Copies of two Autograph Letters of Deacon Brodie, hitherto

[From Dr. David Laing’s MSS. in the University Library,


[To the Right Hon. Henry Dundas (Viscount Melville).]

Right Honble. Sir

You are no doubt acquainted with my misfortunes. Extracts of the proceedings against me are sent to London by my friends to endeavour to procure a Remission or an Alteration

Facsimile of Deacon Brodie’s Letter to the Duchess of Buccleuch. (From the original in Dr. David Laing’s collection of MSS. in the Edinburgh University Library.)
Facsimile of Deacon Brodie’s Letter to the Duchess of Buccleuch. (From the original in Dr. David Laing’s collection of MSS. in the Edinburgh University Library.) Facsimile of Deacon Brodie’s Letter to the Duchess of Buccleuch. (From the original in Dr. David Laing’s collection of MSS. in the Edinburgh University Library.)

of my Sentence. But 1 believe little respect is paid to such Aplications unless supported by respectable Personages. With which view I now most humbly Beseech your interposition and interest in support of this aplication making at London in my behalf and if possible prevent me from suffering an Ignominious Death to the disgrace of my numerous conections, even if it were to end my days at Bottony Bay.

I have wrote more fully upon this subject to His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh.

As the time appointed for my Disolution aproaches fast, I most earnestly intreat no time may be lost in writing to London in my behalf.

I now most humbly Beg that you will pardon this Presumption in one of the most unfortunate of the Human Race and whatever may be the result of this Aplication, I shall ever pray for your welfare and hapiness.

I am with the greatest respect Right Honble Sir
Your most obdt and huble Sert
but most unfortunate
Will: Brodie.

Edinr Tolbooth
10th Sepr 1788


[To Her Grace The Duchess of Buccleuch.]


Lett me beseech your Ladyship to pardon My Boldness in making the present address.

The wretched can only fly to the Humane and the powerfull for Relief.

As my triall is printed, it would Ill suit me to make any reflections on the unfortunate Issue; and this much I am convinced of, that the Current of Popular prejudice is so strong against me, that it will be well with me if I can Rescue my Life on any terms; and tho’ my friends are making aplication above, I have little hopes of the success, unless some Respectable Characters who have had an oportunity of knowing something of those I have come of, and of my former life, Interest themselves in my behalf.

With all the fortitude of a man, I must confess to you, Madam, that I feel the Natural horror at Death, and particularly a violent Ignominious Death, and would willingly avoid it even on the condition of spending my Future years at Bottony Bay.

In that Infant Collony I might be usefull, from my knowledge in severall Mechanical branches besides my own particular Profession; and if your Ladyship and your most Respectable friend The Right Honble Henry Dundas, would Deign to Patronise my Suit, I would have little Reason to Doubt the Success. Capt John Hamilton too I think would be ready to assist in any measure Sanctified by your Ladyship.

Lett me again intreat you to Pardon my Boldness. My time flies apace, and the hand of Death presses upon me. Think for one moment, but no longer, what it is to be wretched, Doomed to Death, helpless, and in Chains, and you will excuse an effort for life from the most Infatuated and miserable of Men, who can confer no Compliment in subscribing Himself

Your Ladyships Devoted
huble Sert
Will:M Brodie.

Edinr Tolbooth
in the Iron Room
and in Chains
10th Sepr. 1788.

P.S. I have requested Mr. Alexr Paterson my agent to Deliver this in Person to your Ladyship.

W. B.


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