
The Brodie Family Bible.

This unique volume was recently acquired in the course of business by Mr. Richard Cameron, bookseller, Edinburgh. On finding it to be the family Bible of Convener Francis Brodie, father of the notorious Deacon Brodie, Mr. Cameron communicated his discovery to the Town Council, by whom it was purchased for the city on 28th June, 1904, and placed in the Edinburgh Municipal Museum, where it now finds a fitting resting-place among many other interesting memorials of the old burghal life.

This volume is valuable as throwing light upon the antecedents of Deacon Brodie, as to which little was previously known. It is a fine copy of the folio edition of the Holy Bible, printed by James Watson, the famous Edinburgh printer, in 1722, and comprises the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, the New Testament, and King James’ version of the metrical Psalms. The book-plate of Francis Brodie appears within the front board of the book.

Francis Brodie has inserted between the Old and New Testaments a manuscript register of births, baptisms, and deaths occurring in his family, beginning with his own birth in 1708, and that of his wife, Cicel Grant, in 1718, their marriage in 1740 the births of their eleven children, most of whom died in infancy, and the deaths of other relatives.

It is noteworthy that the entry relating to the birth of his eldest child, William, has been cut out of the register, and the vacant space filled with blank paper. This was probably done in 1788, at the time of the Deacon’s trial and execution, which took place six years after the death of his father. There still, however, remains in the register a record of William’s birth. An entry appears with reference to the change of the calendar by Act of Parliament in 1752, whereby the Gregorian was adopted in place of the Julian calendar. In view of this, the events previously entered are repeated in accordance with the altered dates, each being eleven days later. In this new list the birth of the eldest son, William, is noted as occurring on 10th October, 1741.

The death of Francis Brodie on 1st June, 1782, is recorded by his daughter, Jean Brodie. Various later entries appear relating to members of the family, terminating in 1839 with the funeral letter of Jacobina Brodie (Mrs. Sheriff). Jean Brodie was the sister who kept house for the Deacon; and Jacobina Brodie was the wife of Matthew Sheriff, upholsterer in Edinburgh, who gave evidence at the trial in defence of his brother-in-law. Deacon Brodie refers to both sisters in his letters, which were produced in evidence against him.

The following is a copy of the entries above referred to, the original orthography being preserved throughout:—

Edinburgh, the 24 June 1708, was born I Francis Brodie, now Wright and Glass: Grinder in Edinburgh, Son to Ludovick Brodie, Writer to the Signet, and Hellen Grant his Spouse, was baptised by the Reverend Mr. Innes, in presence off

Edinburgh, the 17 August 1718, was born betwixt 11 and 12 att night, Cicel Grant (now my Spouse) Daughter to William Grant,

Writer, and Jean Broun, his 2d spouse, and was baptised nixt day by the Reverend Mr. Freebairn, in presence of the above Ludovick Brodie, John Grant and Allexander Gordon, Writers &c., named after Mrs. Cicel Rentoun, Sister to the Laird of Lamerton.

Edinburgh, the 20th October 1740, We the above Francis Brodie and Cicel Grant was maried in Her Father’s house by the Reverend Mr. Wallace, Minister in Edg. before these witnesses, viz., our two fathers, John, Joseph, and Hellen Brodie’s my Brother’s and Sister, Ludovick Allexander, and Jean Grant’s her Brother’s and Sister, and John Grant, Writer to the Signet, my Uncle and her Cousin.

[Here followed the entry of the Deacon’s birth, which has been cut out of the page, as above mentioned.]

Edinburgh, the 22 September, 1742, was born att 6 in the morning being Wednesday, our Second Son and deied about 11 oclock that Forenoon and was buried that evening in the Greyfriars Church Yard, two double paces to the West side of the narrow road opposite to Harley’s Tomb, where a Great many of his Relations are interred.

Edinburgh, the 18 October 1745, was born betwixt 7 and 8 in the morning, being Friday, Hellen Brodie, our third child, and was baptised that same afternoon by the aforesaid the Reverend Mr. Mathieson, Minister in Edg., in presence of her two Grand Fathers, Hellen Brodie her Aunt, Ludovick Grant her Uncle, and John Grant, Writer, her granduncle, named after Hellen Brodie, her Grand Mother by her Father (who died the 15 December 1725).

The above Hellen Brodie contracted a sore throat, which in a few days occasioned her death on the 13th of August 1746 att 11 oclock forenoon, being Weddnesday, and was buried the nixt day in the evening att the above place beside her Brother. She was 9 months and 20 days old and a very agreeable Child.

Edinburgh, the 1st November 1747, was born 10 minutes after 5 in the morning, being Sunday, Ludovick Brodie, our Fourth Child and was Baptised that same afternoon by the Reverend Mr Glen, Minister in Edinr. in presence of his two Grand Fathers, Hellen Brodie his Aunt, and Ludovick Grant his Uncle, named after Ludovick Brodie his Grandfather.

The above Ludovick Brodie took a Chincouch, which in six weeks occasioned his death on the 14th of August 1748 att 12 oclock Forenoon, being Sunday, and was buried the nixt day in the evening att the above place beside his Brother and Sister. He was 9 month and 14 days old and a very agreeable, Strong Child.

Edinburgh, the 16th Jully 1749, was born half an hour after six in the morning, being Sunday, Francis Brodie, our Fifth and was Baptised that same afternoon by the Reverend Mr Glen, Glen, Minister in Eding., in presence of his Grandfather Ludovick Brodie, Hellen Brodie his Aunt, Ludovick Grant and John Brodie his Uncles, &c. Named after myself.

Edinburgh, the 16th October 1750 was born half an hour after Twelve in the morning, being Tuesday, Ludovick Brodie, our sixt Child and was baptised that same afternoon by the Reverend Mr Wallace, Minister in Eding, in presence of his two Grand Fathers, Hellen Brodie his Aunt, Mrs. Grant his Aunt, and Mrs. Grant his half Aunt, John Grant his grand Uncle, and John Brodie his Uncle, named after Ludovick Brodie his Grand Father.

By Act of the British Parliament, the Gregorian Kallender was introduced in Place of the Jullian, and in consequence of this, the day after the 2d of September (by leaving out eleven days) was the 14th of September, which makes the forementioned events to fall on the following days. viz.—

Francis Brodie (above designed) was born upon the 6 Jully 1708.

Cicel Grant, my Wife, was born the 28 August 1718.

We were married the 1st November, 1740.

Our First Child, William, was born, the 10 of October 1741.

Our Second Child was born and he died the 4 of October 1742.

Our third Child, Hellen, was born the 30 October, 1745 (her Grand Mother by the Father, whom she was named after died the 27 December, 1725) and she died the 25 August 1746.

Our Fourth Child, Ludovick, was born the 13 November 1747, and died the 26 of August 1748.

Our Fifth Child, Francis, was born the 28 Jully 1749.

Our Sixt Child, Ludovick, was born the 28 October, 1750.

Edinburgh, the 7th November 1752, betwixt 12 and 1 in the morning (being Tuesday) was born our Sevenths Child, and that same forenoon was baptised by the forementioned Mr. William Wallace, in presence of his two Grand Fathers, Mr. John Grant his Grand Uncle, Mr John and Mr James Brodie’s his Uncles by the Father, Mr. William and Mr. Ludovick Grant’s his Uncles by the Mother, and Mrs. Hellen Brodie his Aunt by his Father, named after John Brodie his Uncle.

The above John Brodie, upon the 15th January, 1753, (being Monday) took a Sudden illness and deied betwixt 6 and 7 in the morning and was buried in the before mentioned place. He was a very lively, well proportioned, well loock’d and thriving Child, to appearance, and was 9 weeks and 6 days old.

Edinburgh, the 28 February 1754, betwixt 2 and 3 in the morning (being Thursday) was born our Eight child, and that same day was baptised by the forementioned Mr. William Wallace in the presence of her two Grand Fathers, Mr John Grant her Grand Uncle, Mr James Brodie her Uncle by the Father, Mr William and Mr Ludovick Grant’s her Uncles by the Mother, and Mrs. Hellen Brodie (now Mrs. Rintoul) her Aunt by the Father, named Cicel after her Mother.

Edinburgh, the 26 May 1756, ten minutes after two in the morning (being Wednesday) was born our ninth Child, and that same day was baptised by the Reverend Mr David Rintoul, one of the Ministers in Kirkcaldie, in presence of her two Grand Fathers, Mr John Grant her Grand Uncle, Mr James Brodie her Uncle by the Father, Mrs. Rintoul her Aunt by the Father, &c., named Margaret after her Aunt in Law Mrs Grant, spouse to Mr Ludovick Grant her Uncle by the Mother.

The above Ludovick Brodie, our Sixt Child, died the 3d of June 1756 (being Thursday) att four o clock in the morning of the Small Pox, aged 5 years 7 months and 6 days, and was buried in the above mentioned place; he was a beautyfull, genteel boy, had more prudence than most of his age, which, joined to a great deal of vivacity, benevolence, and kindness in his disposition, made him beloved by every one who knew him.

Mr Ludovick Brodie, Clerk to the Signet, my Worthy Father, died of a Fever, att his own house in Edinburgh, the 16 June 1758 att 1 o clock afternoon, aged 86, he was a very long time in business (and before he died was the oldest Clerk to the Signet) and bore a very fair character, being honest in his transactions and benevolent in his disposition, embracing every opportunity of doing good and charitable Actions to mankind in generall and to his Relations and Acquaintances in particular; Religious without ostentation, an affectionate Husband (to my Mother, Hellen Grant, his only wife, who died likewise of a Fever the 27 December 1725. She was a pious woman, a dutifull Wife and an affectionate Mother,) and he was likewise a kind Parent and a constant and sincere Friend. As to his person, of a midle stature, strong, robust, and well proportioned, had an open and manly countenance, was burried the 19th Curt. in the above mentioned place.

Edinburgh, the 2d. February 1759, being Friday att —— was born our tenth Child and that same day was baptised by the above reverend Doctr. William Wallace, in presence of her Grand Father Mr William Grant, Mr. James Brodie her Uncle by the Father, Mr. Ludovick Grant and Mrs Grant her Uncle and Aunt by the Mother, Mr. William and Hellen Grant’s’ her 2d Cousins by the Father, and named Jean after her Grand Mother and her Aunt by the Mother.

Edinburgh, the 31 of Jully 1760, being Saturday, att 1 in the morning, was born our eleventh Child and that same day was baptised by Doctr. Patrick Cumming, Minister in Edinburgh, in presence of her Grand Father Mr Willaim Grant, Mr James Brodie her Uncle by the Father, Mr Ludovick and Mrs. Grant’s her Uncle and Aunt by the Mother, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Campbell her Aunts by the Mother, and Mrs Hellen Grant her 2d. Cousin by the Father, and named Jacobina after the above Mr James Brodie her Uncle.

Mr William Grant, Writer in Edinburgh, my wife’s worthie Father, died of old age the 18 of January 1762, att 8 oclock in the morning, in the 100 of his age, he was a very long time in business, had a very fair character for honesty in all his transactions. Religious without ostentation, a good Husband, a dutiful Parent, and in his own lifetime did a great many good and Liberall actions, particularly to his Children, Grand Children and great Grand Children, who were very numerous. As to his person, he was of a midle stature, well Proportioned, of a Fair and comely Countenance, and was buried the 21 curt. in the above place.

On the 19th of February 1768, being Frieday, a little after one in the morning, died of a lingering illness, my eldest Daughter, Cicel, wanting 9 days to compleat her 14th year and during the long time she was indisposed, behaved with great Fortitude and Patience, her own distress never making her neglect nor abate that natural affability and good manners which she shewed to all, and particularly to her relations; when in health her person was tall and gentile and her countenance agreeable, her behaviour modest, polite and sensible, her capasity to learn was quick, and had a retentive memory, and as she was sincerely religious (without the least tincture of enthusiesem), there is no doubt that being both Good and Innocent, she is now extreamly, and will be eternally happy in the Celestiall Mansions.

On the 6th of March, 1776, being Weddensday, about seven in the evening, died of a linguring illness my (then) Eldest Daughter, Margaret, being 19 years 9 months and 11 days old, she had a Sollid Understanding, and without ostentation was firmly attached to the Cause of Truth, Virtue and Religion, Kind and Affectionate to her acquaintances but more especially to her Relations, and among her last words expressed her gratitude for the care they had taken of her, I believe her illness originated from a severe cold, which she contracted about 8 months presiding her death. She is now (I hope) enjoying eternall Bliss with her dear sister Cecil.

On the 22nd September 1777, being Munday night, one quarter after 11 oclock, died of a fever my dear wife, Cicel Grant, aged 59 years and 25 days and married to me 36 years and 325 days (which wants 40 days of 37 years.) She was a Chaste and dutifull Wife, and besides a great many good Qualities, she was equalled by few in the prudent and skillfull management of Her House and Family, was Religious without ostentation, Charitable and good to all, and is buried in the above place (two double paces west of the narrow road opposite to Harleys Tomb) where a great number of my and her Relations lyes interred: and there is no doubt she now enjoys Celestial happiness.

Mr. Francis Brodie, Wright in Edinburgh, my worthy Father, died of the Palsy att his own house in Edinr., the 1st of June 1782, att 5 oclock afternoon in the 74th year of his age. His character was that of an honest man, an affectionate husband, an indulgent parent, a faithful friend, and a generous master.

Jean Brodie.

My sister, Jean Brodie, died at her own house on the 22 of August 1821, at 10 oclock at night, aged 62 years and seven months, after a long and severe illness, which she bore with patience. She was a generous and affectionate sister and Aunt, a Sensible and Correct Woman in every respect, and is buried in the above mentioned place.

Jacobina Sheriff.

My Eldest daughter, Cecilia Sheriff, died at my house on the 30 of June 1831, at 6 oclock morning, aged 42. She was a humble Christian and dutiful daughter and most affectionate sister, and most faithfull friend. I trust she is now with the Lord, and is buried in the above mentioned place.

Jacobina Sheriff.

Her Dear and Affectionate Sister. 1831.

Jane Sheriff.

Jacobina Sherriff, my worthy mother, died at my house after three months illness in the 79 year of her age, she was the most affectionate parent, kind, indulgent in every respect, unopressive to all, humble in her opinion of herself, and I now trust she is beyond the reach of all sorrow.

Jane Sherriff
or Molleson

March 23


The favour of your Company to attend the Funeral of Mrs. Sherriff, my Mother-in-law from my House here to the Greyfriars Burial Ground, on Thursday the 28th currt. at 2 oclock afternoon, will much oblige.

Your obedient Servant,
James Molleson.

3 Gloucester Place,
March 25th, 1839.


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