- Achroite, 64
- Actinolite, 29
- Adularia, see moonstone
- Agate jasper, 120
- Agate onyx, see onyx
- Agate, see quartz, 106, 119, 122, 123, 124, 126
- Alexandrite, 8, 54, 56
- Almandine, 9, 30, 80
- Almandite, 29, 80
- Amazon stone, 17, 88, 91
- Amber, 17, 128
- American ruby, 80, 83
- Amethyst, 8, 9, 16, 17, 44, 49, 107, 110, 111
- Amethystine quartz, see amethyst
- Antimony, 29
- Apatite, 19, 87
- Aquamarine, 8, 16, 53
- Aquamarine chrysolite, 53
- Arizona ruby, 80, 83
- Asterias, see star sapphires
- Aurora red sapphire, see Oriental hyacinth
- Avanturine, 113, 114
- Avanturine felspar, see sunstone
- Axinite, 17, 102
- Balas ruby, 48
- Banded agate, 119
- Beckite, 120
- Beryl, 14, 16, 17, 44, 50, 52, 53, 87
- Blood-stone, see heliotrope
- "see hematite
- Bobrowska garnet, 80, 83
- Bohemian garnet, 80 82
- "diamond, see rock-crystal
- "topaz, see yellow quartz
- Bone turquois, 62
- Bort, 38
- Brazilian aquamarine, 85
- "42, 58, 59
- Hydrophane, 69, 70
- Hypersthene, 105
- Iceland lava, see obsidian
- "?spar, 14
- Idocrase, 17, 98
- Indian topaz, see yellow quartz
- Indicolite, 64, 67
- Intaglio, 8
- Iolite, see dichroite
- Iridescent quartz, see rose quartz
- Jacinth, 58, 59, 82
- Jargoon, 58, 59
- Jasper, 17, 106, 113, 123, 124
- Jet, 16, 128
- Labrador, 16, 88, 91
- "hornblende, see hypersthene
- Labradorite, see Labrador
- Labrador spar, see Labrador
- Lake George diamond, see rock-crystal
- Lapis lazuli, 17, 93, 124
- Lava, see obsidian
- Light-green sapphire, see Oriental aquamarine
- Love arrows, see cairngorm
- Lustre, 17
- Magnetism, 30
- Malachite, 17, 127
- Mica, 11
- Mineral turquois, 61, 62
- Mocha agate, 120
- Moonstone, 17, 38, 89, 91, 109, 112
- Moss agate, 120
- Mother of emerald, see prase
- Natrolite, 29
- Needle-stone, see cairngorm
- Nicolo, 124
- Obsidian, 10, 16, 125
- Occidental cat’s-eye, see quartz cat’s-eye
- "diamond, see rock-crystal
- "topaz, see yellow quartz
- "turquois, 62
- Odontolite, 17, 62
- Œil de boeuf, see Labrador
- Oligoclase, see sunstone
- Olivine, 17, 18, 53, 78, 84
- Onyx, 8, 106, 107, 113, 107
- Transparency, 30
- Tree agate, see Mocha agate
- Turquois, 9, 10, 17, 18, 30, 60, 107
- Uwarowite, 80, 83
- Venus hair-stone, see cairngorm
- Vermeille, 80, 83
- Vesuvianite, see idocrase
- Volcanic glass, see obsidian
- "?lava,?"??"
- Water opal, see moonstone
- "?sapphire, see dichroite
- Weight, 27
- White spinel, see spinel
- Wood agate, 120
- "?opal, 120
- Yellow quartz, 111
- "?sapphire, see Oriental topaz
- Zircon, 9, 16, 17, 18, 38, 49, 58
Transcriber’s Notes: The cover image is in the public domain. Antiquated spellings were retained. The illustrations have been moved so that they do not break up paragraphs and so that they are next to the text they illustrate. Typographical errors have been silently corrected but other variations in spelling and punctuation remain unaltered. Added “Spodumene 96” to TOC, as it was missing. |