Epidote usually occurs in a peculiar yellowish-green, called pistachio green, a color that is seldom found in other minerals. Besides this color, olive, brownish-green, greenish-black and black, red, yellow-gray, and grayish-white occur. The hardness of epidote is 6 to 7; specific gravity, 3.32 to 3.50; lustre, vitreous to pearly; refraction, double. The stone is transparent to opaque, is attacked by acids, and is slightly affected by the blow-pipe. It is composed of: Silica | 38 | Alumina | 22 | Ferric oxide | 15 | Lime | 23 | Water | 2 | Epidote is found in Norway, Saxony, Siberia, Brazil, on the St. Gothard, in Switzerland, in the Tyrol, and in the Hartz.