
Classification of the bacteria follows Breed et al. (1948). Synonymy in most cases was taken from the same source. Names of bacteria preceded by the symbol † are either not listed by Breed et al. or are stated by them to be insufficiently characterized for definite classification. Use of asterisk is explained in footnote 3, page 4.





* Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Schroeter) Migula

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949).

Blatta orientalis, U.S.A. (Olson and Rueger, 1950).

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Olson and Rueger, 1950; Janssen and Wedberg, 1952).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a; Olson and Rueger, 1950).

Experimental vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Herms and Nelson, 1913).

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

* Pseudomonas eisenbergiiMigula

Natural and experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1906).

* Pseudomonas fluorescensMigula

Natural and experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906; Spinelli and Reitano, 1932).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Gier, 1947): The organism was pathogenic to the cockroach when injected.

† Spirillum periplaneticumKunstler and Gineste

Habitat.Periplaneta americana, France? (Kunstler and Gineste, 1906): From intestinal tract.

† Spirillum a, , and ?Dobell

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, England (Dobell, 1911, 1912): From hind gut.


Habitat.Blatta orientalis, U.S.S.R. (Zasukhin, 1930): From intestinal tract.

Cockroaches, Venezuela (Tejera, 1926): From digestive tract.

* Vibrio comma(Schroeter) Winslow et al.

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898; Spinelli and Reitano, 1932).

Blattella germanica, Orient (Toda, 1923); Germany (Jettmar, 1927).

Periplaneta americana, Philippine Islands (Barber, 1914); Netherlands (Akkerman, 1933); Formosa (Morischita and Tsuchimochi, 1926).

Periplaneta australasiae, Formosa (Morischita and Tsuchimochi, 1926).

* Vibrio metschnikoviiGamalÉia

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906).

Vibrio tyrogenus(FlÜgge) Holland

Synonymy.Vibrio of Deneke.

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898): The organism passed through the intestinal tract unchanged.

† Vibrio Types I and IIHeiberg


Natural vectors.—Cockroaches, India (Pasricha et al., 1938): The vibrios were found in 16 or 17 percent of 94 cockroaches and resembled Vibrio comma in their morphology and their main biochemical reactions; however, serum-agglutination reactions differed.


Habitat.Blatta orientalis, U.S.A. (Leidy, 1853): From intestine.


Chromobacterium violaceum(Schroeter) Bergonzini

Synonymy.B. violaceus.


Experimental vectors.—Cockroach, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913): Recovered from outer part of body and intestinal tract.


* Micrococcus aurantiacus(Schroeter) Cohn

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952).

* Micrococcus citreusMigula

Natural vectors.—Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

* Micrococcus epidermidis(Winslow and Winslow) Hucker

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952).

† Micrococcus nigrofaciensNorthrup

Source.—Diseased June beetle larvae.

Experimental infection.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Northrup, 1914): Three of four adults were infected by feeding them bread saturated with a broth culture of the Micrococcus. After 11 days the tarsi of the cockroaches became infected, and the hind legs split and broke off. Antennae and setae also were affected and micrococci were recovered from the feces.

* Micrococcus pyogenes var. albus(Rosenbach) Schroeter

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949).

Blatta orientalis, U.S.A. (Tauber, 1940; Tauber and Griffiths, 1942).

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Herms and Nelson, 1913; Herms, 1939; Janssen and Wedberg, 1952).

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898); U.S.A. (Tauber and Griffiths, 1942).

Micrococcus pyogenes var. albus (=Staphylococcus albus) and an unidentified short rod form were found by Tauber (1940) in the hemolymph of B. orientalis. These microorganisms were never found together in the same insect and caused loss of appetite, sluggishness, irregular respiratory movements, and paralysis in the cockroach; in the final stages of the disease the legs were folded under the body, the head was tucked beneath the forelegs, the whole insect became arched and maintained this position until death. In some cockroaches infected with the rod pathogen, conjunctival folds, particularly those between the dorsal abdominal sclerites, and the joints of the metathoracic legs ruptured liberating thick white hemolymph filled with bacteria. Tauber suggested that the infection might be spread by contact, especially to newly molted individuals or by actual ingestion of the bacteria by the cockroaches feeding on dead or dying individuals. All the roaches died after successful inoculation with the Micrococcus. The bacterial infection was associated with high total hemocyte counts and high percentages of mitotically dividing hemolymph cells (Tauber, 1940); these responses of the insect were interpreted as a mechanism whereby the number of hemocytes increases resulting in an increase in the number of phagocytes for combating the bacteria (Tauber and Griffiths, 1942).

* Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus(Rosenbach) Zopf

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949).

Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1906).

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Herms, 1939).

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

Micrococcus ureaeCohn

Habitat.—Stale urine and soil containing urine.

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952): From intestinal tract and feces.

* Micrococcus spp.

These organisms were obtained from pus or were designated as staphylococci [i.e., pathogenic micrococci (Blair in Dubos, 1948)].

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Spinelli and Reitano, 1932); Germany (Jettmar, 1935).

Blattella germanica, Germany (Jettmar, 1935).

Experimental vectors.Blattella germanica, on shipboard (Morrell, 1911); Germany (Vollbrechtshausen, 1953).

Micrococcus sp.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana? ("Blatella americana"), England (Shrewsbury and Barson, 1948): From intestinal tract.

† Sarcina albaZimmermann


Natural and experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao 1898, 1906): From intestinal contents.

Sarcina aurantiacaFlÜgge

Habitat.—Air and water.

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1906): Intestinal contents.

Sarcina luteaSchroeter

Habitat.—Air, soil, water, skin surfaces.

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1906): From intestinal contents.

† Sarcina symbioticaPribram

Habitat.—OÖthecae of Blatta orientalis and/or Blattella germanica, Germany (Gropengiesser, 1925): It was described as "eine gelbe Sarcina"; Pribram (1933) named the organism.

Sarcina ventriculiGoodsir

Habitat.—Garden soil, dust, mud; isolated from a diseased stomach.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): From intestinal tract.


Natural and experimental vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Gier, 1947): Organism not pathogenic to the cockroach when injected.

† Sarcinasp.

Synonymy.Sarcina "blanche" of Sartory and Clerc.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, France (Sartory and Clerc, 1908): Isolated from intestinal tract.

*† Sarcinasp.

Synonymy.Sarcina alba "patogena" of Cao.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906).

*† Sarcinasp.

Synonymy.Sarcina "bianca" and "gialla" of Cao.

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).


* Neisseria meningitidis(Albrecht and Ghon) Holland

Experimental vectors.—Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

* Veillonella parvula(Veillon and Zuber) PrÉvot

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Hatcher, 1939).


* Diplococcus pneumoniaeWeichselbaum

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

† Enterococcussp.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Spinelli and Reitano, 1932): From intestinal tract.

Lactobacillus fermentiBeijerinck

Habitat.—Fermenting plant or animal products.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): From intestinal canal.

† Pneumococcus Type I, No. 1231

Experimental vectors.Blattella germanica, Germany (Vollbrechtshausen, 1953).

* Streptococcus faecalisAndrewes and Horder

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946).

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Steinhaus, 1941).

Periplaneta americana? ("Blatella americana"), England (Shrewsbury and Barson, 1948).

Cockroaches [presumably any or all of the above three species], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945).

* Streptococcus liquefaciensSternberg emend. Orla-Jensen

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946).

*† Streptococcus microapoikaCooper, Keller, and Johnson

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946).

*† Streptococcus non-hemolyticus IIHolman

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana? ("Blatella americana"), England (Shrewsbury and Barson, 1948).

* Streptococcus pyogenesRosenbach

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1906).

Experimental vectors.—Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

* Streptococcussp. (pyogenic group)

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Germany (Jettmar, 1935).

* Streptococcussp. (viridans group)

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Germany (Jettmar, 1935).

* Streptococcusspp.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Germany (Jettmar, 1935).

Blattella germanica, Germany (Jettmar, 1935); U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952).

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).


* Corynebacterium diphtheriae(FlÜgge) Lehmann and Neumann

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).


† Achromobacter hyalinum(Jordan) Bergey et al.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Hatcher, 1939): Isolated from feces.


Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952).

Alcaligenes faecalisCastellani and Chalmers

Synonymy.Bacillus faecalis alkaligenes; Bacillus alcaligenes faecalis; B. alcaligenes faecalis.

Habitat.—Intestinal canal of man. Has been isolated from feces, abscesses related to intestinal canal, and occasionally in the bloodstream. However, it is generally considered nonpathogenic.

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949): Isolated from feces.

Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): Isolated from intestinal tract.

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952): From intestinal tract and feces.

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949): Isolated from intestinal tract.

Cockroaches [presumably Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica and/or Periplaneta americana], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945): From suspensions of macerated whole insects.

Alcaligenes recti(Ford) Bergey et al.

Synonymy.B. alcaligenes recti.

Habitat.—Intestinal canal.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): Isolated from intestinal tract.

Alcaligenes viscosus(Weldin and Levine) Weldin

Habitat.—Water, dairy utensils; produces ropiness in milk.

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952): Isolated from intestine and feces.


Aerobacter aerogenes(Kruse) Beijerinck

Synonymy.Bacillus lactis aerogenes.

Habitat.—Grains, plants, intestinal tract of man and other animals.

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949): Isolated from feces.

Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): Isolated from intestinal tract.

Blattella germanica, on shipboard (Morrell, 1911): Isolated from feces.

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949): Isolated from intestinal tract.

Cockroaches [presumably Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica and/or Periplaneta americana], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945): Isolated from outer surface of body, intestinal tract, and suspensions of macerated whole insects.

Aerobacter cloacae(Jordan) Bergey et al.

Synonymy.Bacillus cloacae.

Habitat.—Sewage, soil, water, human and other animal feces.

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, on shipboard (Morrell, 1911): From feces. U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952; Steinhaus, 1941): From intestinal tract, feces, and oÖtheca.

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949): From intestinal tract.


Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949): Isolated from intestines.

† Eberthella oedematiensAssis

Habitat.—Intestinal canal.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949): Intestinal tract.

* Escherichia coli(Migula) Castellani and Chalmers

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao 1898, 1906; Spinelli and Reitano, 1932); France (Sartory and Clerc, 1908); Europe (Jettmar, 1935); Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946).

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Steinhaus, 1941).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a).

Cockroaches [presumably one or all of the above three species], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945).

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

Experimental vectors.Blattella germanica, Germany (Vollbrechtshausen, 1953): When injected anally or orally the bacteria invaded the intestinal cells and in heavy infections killed the cockroaches.

Escherichia coli var. acidilactici(Topley and Wilson) Yale

Synonymy.Bacillus acidi lactici.

Source.—Diseased nun moth larvae.

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Europe (Filatoff, 1904): Organism pathogenic to cockroach when injected but not when fed.

Escherichia coli var. communior(Topley and Wilson) Yale

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949): From feces.

Escherichia freundii(Braak) Yale

Habitat.—Soil, water, intestinal canal of man and other animals.

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949): From feces.

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952): From intestinal canal and feces.

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949): From intestinal tract.

Escherichia intermedium(Werkman and Gillen) Vaughn and Levine

Habitat.—Soil, water, intestinal canal of man and other animals.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949): From intestinal canal.

* Klebsiella pneumoniae(Schroeter) Trevisan

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

* Paracolobactrum aerogenoidesBorman, Stuart and Wheeler

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949).

* Paracolobactrum coliformeBorman, Stuart and Wheeler

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949).

* Paracolobactrumspp.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, U.S.A. (Olson and Rueger, 1950).

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Olson and Rueger, 1950).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949; Olson and Rueger, 1950).

* Paracolon bacilli

Natural vectors.—Cockroaches [presumably Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica and/or Periplaneta americana], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945).

* Proteus mirabilisHauser

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a).

* Proteus morganii(Winslow et al.) Rauss

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a).

Cockroaches [presumably Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica, and/or Periplaneta americana], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945).

* Proteus rettgeri(Hadley et al.) Rustigian and Stuart

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949).

* Proteus vulgarisHauser

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949).

Blatta orientalis, Italy (Spinelli and Reitano, 1932).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a).

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

* Proteusspp.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, U.S.A. (Olson and Rueger, 1950).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949; Olson and Rueger, 1950).

* Salmonella anatis(Rettger and Scoville) Bergey et al.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Eads et al., 1954).

* Salmonella choleraesuis(Smith) Weldin

Experimental vectors.Polyphaga saussurei, U.S.S.R. (Zmeev in Pavlovskii, 1948).

* Salmonella enteritidis(Gaertner) Castellani and Chalmers

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, U.S.S.R. (Rozengolts and I?udina in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Olson and Rueger, 1950); U.S.S.R. (Rozengolts and I?udina in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Polyphaga saussurei, U.S.S.R. (Zmeev in Pavlovskii, 1948).

* Salmonella morbificans(Migula) Haupt

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, Australia (Mackerras and Mackerras, 1948, 1949).

Experimental vectors.Nauphoeta cinerea, Periplaneta australasiae, Periplaneta ignota, and Supella supellectilium, Australia (Mackerras and Pope, 1948).

* Salmonella paratyphi(Kayser) Castellani and Chalmers

Experimental vectors.Polyphaga saussurei, U.S.S.R. (Zmeev in Pavlovskii, 1948).

* Salmonella schottmuelleri(Winslow et al.) Bergey et al.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a).

Experimental vectors.Periplaneta americana, Gold Coast Colony (Macfie, 1922).

Polyphaga saussurei, U.S.S.R. (Zmeev in Pavlovskii, 1948).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Adelaidae)

Experimental vectors.Nauphoeta cinerea, Periplaneta australasiae, Periplaneta ignota, and Supella supellectilium, Australia (Mackerras and Pope, 1948).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Bareilly)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Eads et al., 1954).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Bredeny)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Derby)

Experimental vectors.Nauphoeta cinerea, Periplaneta australasiae, and Supella supellectilium, Australia (Mackerras and Pope, 1948).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Kentucky)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Eads et al., 1954).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Kottbus)

Experimental vectors.Periplaneta australasiae, Australia (Mackerras and Pope, 1948).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Meleagris)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Eads et al., 1954).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Montevideo)

Experimental vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Jung and Shaffer, 1952).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Newport)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Eads et al., 1954).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Oranienburg)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a; Eads et al., 1954).

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica, and Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Olson and Rueger, 1950).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Panama)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Eads et al., 1954).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Rubislaw)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Eads et al., 1954).

* Salmonellasp. (Type Tennessee)

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Eads et al., 1954).

* Salmonella typhimurium(Loeffler) Castellani and Chalmers

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, Belgium (Graffar and Mertens, 1950).

Nauphoeta cinerea, Australia (Mackerras and Mackerras, 1948).

Experimental vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949).

Blatta orientalis, U.S.S.R. (Rozengolts and I?udina in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Blattella germanica, Belgium (Graffar and Mertens, 1950); U.S.A. (Olson and Rueger, 1950; Janssen and Wedberg, 1952; Beck and Coffee, 1943); U.S.S.R. (Rozengolts and I?udina in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Nauphoeta cinerea, Australia (Mackerras and Pope, 1948).

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Beck and Coffee, 1943; Jung and Shaffer, 1952).

Periplaneta australasiae and Supella supellectilium, Australia (Mackerras and Pope, 1948).

Polyphaga saussurei, U.S.S.R. (Zmeev in Pavlovskii, 1948).

* Salmonella typhosa(Zopf) White

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Antonelli, 1930, 1943).

Experimental vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949).

Blatta orientalis, Italy (Spinelli and Reitano, 1932); U.S.A. (McBurney and Davis, 1930); U.S.S.R. (Rozengolts and I?udina in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952); Germany (Jettmar, 1927); U.S.S.R. (Rozengolts and I?udina in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Periplaneta americana, Gold Coast Colony (Macfie, 1922); Netherlands (Akkerman, 1933); Formosa (Morischita and Tsuchimochi, 1926); U.S.A. (Olson in Roth and Willis, 1957a).

Periplaneta australasiae, Formosa (Morischita and Tsuchimochi, 1926).

Polyphaga saussurei, U.S.S.R. (Zmeev in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Cockroaches [presumably Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica, and/or Periplaneta americana], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945).

Serratia marcescensBizio

Synonymy.Bacillus prodigiosus, Bacterium prodigiosum.

Habitat.—Water, soil, milk, foods, and various insects.

Natural hosts.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): From intestinal tract. Italy (Spinelli and Reitano, 1932).

Blattella germanica, Canada (Heimpel and West, 1959).

Diploptera punctata, Nauphoeta cinerea, Neostylopyga rhombifolia, Panchlora nivea, Pycnoscelus surinamensis, and Supella supellectilium, U.S.A. (Roth and Willis, unpublished data, 1958): The organism was isolated and identified by Dr. Hillel Levinson, Quartermaster bacteriologist, from dead specimens found in our laboratory colonies which showed the red coloration characteristic of insects that have died with infections of S. marcescens (pl. 16, A, B).

Leucophaea maderae, U.S.A. (Levinson, personal communication, 1958): The organism was isolated from the hemolymph of living insects while attempting to determine the cause of unexplained mortality in our laboratory colony of this insect.

Leucophaea maderae or Periplaneta americana, Philippine Islands (Barber, 1912): From hemolymph.

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Gier, 1947; Steinhaus, 1959).

Periplaneta australasiae and Periplaneta brunnea (Roth and Willis, unpublished data [1954]): In laboratory colonies. Isolated from suspensions of ground insects. In 1954 we received a culture of Periplaneta brunnea from the Department of Public Health, University of Minnesota. These insects began to die off rapidly and the normally lightly pigmented parts of the body became red. Dr. Hillel Levinson, Quartermaster bacteriologist, cultured Serratia marcescens from several moribund individuals. The Department of Public Health of Minnesota had at times in the past cultured S. marcescens but had discarded the cultures and was unaware that it might be surviving in the cockroach colonies (Richards, personal communication, 1954).

Periplaneta sp., U.S.A. (Olson in Roth and Willis, 1957a): Isolated from an undetermined species of Periplaneta, received in a shipment from the South, a strain of S. marcescens which was toxic to mice when administered intraperitoneally.

Experimental hosts.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949): When fed in small numbers, S. marcescens increased to such an extent that the insect's extremities and upper halves of their bodies turned deep red. The insects died after this color appeared and practically pure cultures of Serratia were recovered from the reddened areas.

Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898): Isolated from intestinal contents. Passed unchanged through the gut.

Blattella germanica, Canada (Heimpel and West, 1959): Not normally pathogenic per os; LD50 by injection, is approximately 38,000 bacteria per insect.

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Gier, 1947): Organism toxic to the cockroach when injected.

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913): Isolated from legs and viscera after feeding experiments.

* Shigella alkalescens(Andrewes) Weldin

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Bitter and Williams, 1949, 1949a).

* Shigella dysenteriae(Shiga) Castellani and Chalmers

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Spinelli and Reitano, 1932).

Periplaneta americana, Formosa (Morischita and Tsuchimochi, 1926).

Polyphaga saussurei, U.S.S.R. (Zmeev in Pavlovskii, 1948).

* Shigella paradysenteriae(Collins) Weldin

Natural vectors.Blatta lateralis, Tadzhikistan (Zmeev, 1940).

Experimental vectors.Periplaneta americana, Gold Coast Colony (Macfie, 1922).

Polyphaga saussurei, U.S.S.R. (Zmeev in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Cockroaches, Venezuela (Tejera, 1926).


Bacteroides uncatusEggerth and Gagnon

Habitat.—Probably intestinal canal of mammals; from human feces.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): From intestinal canal.

* Brucella abortus(Schmidt and Weis) Meyer and Shaw

Experimental vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Ruhland and Huddleson, 1941).

Fusiformis lophomonadisGrassÉ

Habitat.—Surface of a flagellate (Lophomonas striata) which lives in the intestine of cockroaches (Breed et al., 1948; GrassÉ 1926, 1926a).

* Malleomyces mallei(Zopf) Pribram

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

* Pasteurella multocida(Lehmann and Neumann) Rosenbusch and Merchant

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Germany (KÜster, 1902, 1903); Italy (Cao, 1906).

* Pasteurella pestis(Lehmann and Neumann) Holland

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Hongkong (Hunter, 1906).

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898); Germany (KÜster, 1903).

Blattella germanica, Germany (Jettmar, 1927).

Leucophaea maderae and Periplaneta americana, Philippine Islands (Barber, 1912).


† Bacterium alkaligenesNyberg

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana? ("Blatella americana"), England (Shrewsbury and Barson, 1948): From intestinal tract.

† Bacterium delendae-muscaeRoubaud and Descazeaux

Source.—Diseased fly larvae.

Experimental infection.—Cockroach, France (Roubaud and Descazeaux, 1923): Organism pathogenic to cockroach when injected.

Bacterium haemophosphoreumPfeiffer and Stammer

Habitat.—Diseased larvae of Mamestra oleracea.

Experimental infection.Blatta orientalis and Blattella germanica, Germany (Pfeiffer and Stammer, 1931): Organism pathogenic, when injected, to eight B. orientalis and two B. germanica.

Coccobacillus cajaePicard and Blanc

Experimental host.Blatta orientalis, France (Picard and Blanc, 1913): The organism was pathogenic to B. orientalis when injected.


* Bacillus anthracisCohen emend. Koch

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906); Germany (KÜster, 1903).

† Bacillus bÜtschliiSchaudinn

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, Germany (Schaudinn, 1902): Isolated from intestinal tract. Three percent of the cockroaches from Berlin bakeries were infected.

Bacillus cereusFrankland and Frankland

Synonymy.Bacillus albolactis.

Habitat.—Soil, dust, milk, plants.

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949): From feces.

Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Hatcher, 1939): In feces.

Experimental host.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Babers, 1938): The cockroaches died within 96 hours after being injected with 10-3 ml. of a 24-hour broth culture.

Bacillus circulansJordan

Habitat.—Soil, water, dust.

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, U.S.A. (Janssen and Wedberg, 1952): From intestine and feces.

† Bacillus flacheriae(Hoffman)

Source.—Diseased nun moth larvae.

Experimental infection.Blatta orientalis, Europe (Filatoff, 1904): The organism was not pathogenic when fed to the cockroach, but killed the insects when injected into the body cavity; after the insects died Filatoff reisolated this pathogen together with another bacillus from the cadavers. He succeeded in culturing the new microorganism and found it to be pathogenic when injected into, but not when fed to, the cockroaches. The diseased insects became sluggish, failed to eat or drink, turned over on their backs, their extremities became totally paralyzed, and they finally died.

Bacillus megateriumDe Bary

Habitat.—Soil, water, decomposing materials.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana? ("Blatella americana"), England (Shrewsbury and Barson, 1948): From intestinal tract.

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898): Organism recovered, apparently unchanged, from intestinal contents.

† Bacillus monachae(von Tubeuf) Eckstein

Synonymy.Bacterium monache.

Source.—Diseased larvae of nun moth, Lymantria monacha.

Experimental infection.Blatta orientalis, Europe (Filatoff, 1904): Organism pathogenic to the cockroach when injected but not when fed.

† Bacillus periplanetaeTichomiroff

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, U.S.S.R.? (Tichomiroff, 1870[?], in Filatoff, 1904): The infected insects suffered from a diarrhea and the liquid feces were yellow-brown.

† Bacillus stellatusHollande

Natural infection.Blatta orientalis, France (Hollande, 1934): Organism observed regularly in the intestine (especially rectum). Extensive description given.

† Bacillus radiciformis

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao 1898): Organism recovered, apparently unchanged, from intestinal contents.

* Bacillus subtilisCohn emend. Prazmowski

Natural vectors.Blaberus craniifer, U.S.A. (Wedberg et al., 1949).

Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906; Spinelli and Reitano, 1932); France (Sartory and Clerc, 1908); Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946).

Cryptocercus punctulatus, U.S.A. (Hatcher, 1939).

Periplaneta americana? ("Blatella americana"), England (Shrewsbury and Barson, 1948).

Cockroaches, U.S.A. (Longfellow, 1913).

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906).

"Bacillus subtilisgroup"

Natural infection.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Ronzoni, 1949): Isolated from oÖthecae.

† Bacillus tritusBatchelor

Habitat.—Isolated from feces (man?).

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): Isolated from intestinal tract.

* Clostridium feseriTrevisan

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

Clostridium lentoputrescensHartsell and Rettger

Habitat.—Soil, intestinal tract of man.

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): Isolated from intestinal tract.

* Clostridium novyi(Migula) Bergey et al. or

* Clostridium sporogenes(Metchnikoff) Bergey et al.

Natural and experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

* Clostridium perfringens(Veillon and Zuber) Holland

Natural vectors.—Cockroaches [presumably Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica, and/or Periplaneta americana], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945).

* Clostridium tetani(FlÜgge) Holland

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

* Clostridiumspp.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana? ("Blatella americana"), England (Shrewsbury and Barson, 1948).



* Mycobacterium aviumChester

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, U.S.S.R. (Ekzempliarskaia in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Mycobacterium friedmanniiHolland

Habitat.—Parasitic in turtles and possibly sparingly distributed in soils.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A., Texas (Micks, in Roth and Willis, 1957a): Organism isolated from batches of intestinal tracts of cockroaches collected at random.

* Mycobacterium lacticolaLehmann and Neumann?

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Leibovitz, 1951).

* Mycobacterium leprae(Armauer-Hansen) Lehmann and Neumann

Natural vectors.Blattella germanica, Southern Rhodesia and Kenya (Moiser, 1945, 1946, 1946a; Anonymous, 1946).

Periplaneta americana and Periplaneta australasiae, Formosa (Arizumi, 1934, 1934a).

Cockroaches, Venezuela (Tejera, 1926); Belgian Congo (Radna, 1939).

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Europe (Paldrock in KlingmÜller, 1930); Nyasaland (Lamborn, 1940).

Blattella germanica, Europe (Paldrock in KlingmÜller, 1930); Southern Rhodesia and Kenya (Moiser, 1945, 1946, 1946a, 1947; Anonymous, 1946).

Nauphoeta cinerea, Nyasaland (Lamborn, 1940).

Periplaneta americana, Gold Coast Colony (Macfie, 1922); Formosa (Arizumi, 1934, 1934a).

Periplaneta australasiae, Formosa (Arizumi, 1934, 1934a).

Cockroaches, Belgian Congo (Radna, 1939); Venezuela (Tejera, 1926).

* Mycobacterium lepraemuriumMarchoux and Sorel

Experimental vectors.—Cockroaches, Belgian Congo (Radna, 1939).

* Mycobacterium phleiLehmann and Neumann

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Leibovitz, 1951; Micks in Roth and Willis, 1957a).

* Mycobacterium pisciumBergey et al.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Leibovitz, 1951).

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, U.S.S.R. (Ekzempliarskaia in Pavlovskii, 1948).

* Mycobacterium tuberculosis(Schroeter) Lehmann and Neumann

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898); Germany (KÜster, 1903); U.S.S.R. (Ekzempliarskaia in Pavlovskii, 1948).

Blattella germanica, on shipboard (Morrell, 1911).

Periplaneta americana, Gold Coast Colony (Macfie, 1922).

Cockroaches, Venezuela (Tejera, 1926); U.S.A. (Read, 1933).

* Mycobacteriumspp.

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Leibovitz, 1951; Micks in Roth and Willis, 1957a).


* Nocardiasp.?

Natural vectors.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Leibovitz, 1951).


Streptomyces leidynematisHoffman

Habitat.—Surface of the nematodes Hammerschmidtiella diesingi and Leidynema appendiculata in Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Hoffman, 1952, 1953): Eighteen percent of 192 nematodes found in 52 adult cockroaches were infected with the bacterium.



Arthromitus intestinalis(Valentin) Peshkoff

Synonymy.Hygrocrocis intestinalis.

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, Europe (Valentin, 1836; Robin, 1847, 1853; Peshkoff, 1940): Isolated from intestinal tract. The organism appears as fragments in fecal masses or as fibers adhering to the mucous membrane of the large intestine (Robin, 1853).

Cockroach, France? (Chatton and PÉrard, 1913).



† Spirochaeta blattaeTejera

Habitat.Blaberus atropos, Venezuela (Tejera, 1926): Isolated from intestinal tract.

* † Spirochaeta periplanetaeLaveran and Franchini

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, France (Laveran and Franchini, 1920a).

Cockroaches, Venezuela (Tejera, 1926): Tejera reported finding "Spirochaeta blatarum Laveran et Franchini" which may have been a lapsus.


† Treponema parvumDobell

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, England (Dobell, 1912); U.S.S.R.? Zasukhin (1930): From intestinal tract.

† Treponema stylopygaeDobell

Synonymy.Spirochaeta stylopygae Zuelzer.

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, England (Dobell, 1912); U.S.S.R.? Zasukhin (1930): From intestinal tract.

Unidentified spirochaetes

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, U.S.S.R. (Yakimov and Miller, 1922): Spirochaetes and spirilla were found in the intestines of 70 percent of 124 specimens collected in Petrograd.

Periplaneta americana, Gold Coast Colony (Macfie, 1922).


* "B. aerobio del pseudoedema maligno"of Cao

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1906).

B. alcaligenes beckeri

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Poland (Nicewicz et al., 1946): Isolated from intestinal tract.

* "B. del pseudoedema maligno"of Cao

Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1906).

* "Bacillo proteisimile>"of Cao

Natural and experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906).

* "Bacillo del barbone dei bufali"of Cao

Experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898).

* "Bacillo similcarbonchio"of Cao

Natural and experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906).

* "Bacillo similtifo" or "Bacillo tifosimile"of Cao

Natural and experimental vectors.Blatta orientalis, Italy (Cao, 1898, 1906).


Natural infection.Blatta orientalis, Germany (Heinecke, 1956): Disease organism found in the hemolymph of infected cockroaches. It can be spread by mouth and through wound infection. The animals died with symptoms of paralysis in 85-90 days. The organism has been isolated and is in the culture collection of the Institute for Microbiology and Experimental Therapy, Jena, under the numbers SG 896, Strain A; SG 897, Strain B; SG 898, Strain C.

Experimental infection.Blattella germanica, Germany (Heinecke, 1956): Infected animals died in 26-30 days.

Periplaneta americana was unaffected even by heavy inoculations of the pathogen.


Source.—(I) Diseased silkworm larvae. (II) Diseased Ocneria dispar larvae and blood of Blatta orientalis.

Experimental infection.—(I)(II) Blatta orientalis, Europe (Filatoff, 1904): Organism pathogenic when injected, nonpathogenic when ingested.

(I) Cockroach, U.S.A. (Glaser, 1925): Organism pathogenic to cockroach when injected.


Natural infection.Blatta orientalis, France (Hollande, 1934): Organism described morphologically.

"Colon bacilli"

Natural vectors.—Cockroaches [presumably Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica, and/or Periplaneta americana], Egypt (El-Kholy and Gohar, 1945): From the outer surface, intestinal tract, and suspensions of macerated insects.


Natural vectors.Blatta orientalis, Germany (Jettmar, 1935): From intestinal tract.

Blattella germanica, Germany (Jettmar, 1935): From outer surface of body.

"Diphtheroid I and II"

Source.Periplaneta americana.

Natural and experimental infections.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Gier, 1947): Pathogenicity to the cockroach variable when organism injected.

"Gram positive rods"

Source.—Feces of Blattella germanica.

Experimental vector.Blattella germanica, Germany (Vollbrechtshausen, 1953): Nonpathogenic to the insect when injected into the mouth or anus.

"Silkworm disease bacillus"

Cockroaches that were inoculated with living cultures succumbed in a few days (Glaser, 1925).

† Spirillochaeta blattaeHollande

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, France (Hollande, 1934; Hollande and Hollande, 1946): Organism found in hind intestine. This spirillum was stated to be related in external morphology to Spirillum periplaneticum Kunstler and Gineste, but it was believed that S. blattae should be in the Spirochaetaceae rather than the Spirillaceae.

"Spirochaetoid bacteria"

Habitat.Blatta orientalis, France (Hollande, 1934): Two kinds described but not named.

† Tetragenoussp.

Natural and experimental infections.Periplaneta americana, U.S.A. (Gier, 1947): Pathogenicity to the cockroach variable when organism injected.


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