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1930. The symbiosis between the wood-feeding roach, Cryptocercus punctulatus Scudder, and its intestinal flagellates. Anat. Rec., vol. 47, pp. 293-294. (Abstract.) 1931. The effects of molting on the protozoa of Cryptocercus. Anat. Rec., vol. 51, Suppl., p. 84. (Abstract.) 1947. Sex produced in the protozoa of Cryptocercus by molting. Science, vol. 105, pp. 16-17. 1947a. The origin and evolution of meiosis. Science, vol. 105, pp. 287-289. 1948. An ideal partnership. Sci. Month., vol. 67, pp. 173-177. 1949. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. I. Gametogenesis, fertilization, and meiosis in Trichonympha. Journ. Morph., vol. 85, pp. 197-296. 1950. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. II. Gametogenesis, fertilization, and one-division meiosis in Oxymonas. Journ. Morph., vol. 86, pp. 185-214. 1950a. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. III. Gametogenesis, fertilization, and one-division meiosis in Saccinobaculus. Journ. Morph., vol. 86, pp. 215-228. 1950b. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. IV. Meiosis after syngamy and before nuclear fusion in Notila. Journ. Morph., vol. 87, pp. 317-348. 1950c. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. V. Fertilization in Eucomonympha. Journ. Morph., vol. 87, pp. 349-368. 1951. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. VI. Gametogenesis, fertilization, meiosis, oÖcysts, and gametocysts in Leptospironympha. Journ. Morph., vol. 88, pp. 199-244. 1951a. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. VII. One-division meiosis and autogamy without cell division in Urinympha. Journ. Morph., vol. 88, pp. 385-440. 1952. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. VIII. Meiosis in Rhynchonympha in one cytoplasmic and two nuclear divisions followed by autogamy. Journ. Morph., vol. 91, pp. 269-323. 1953. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. IX. Haploid gametogenesis and fertilization in Barbulanympha. Journ. Morph., vol. 93, pp. 371-403. 1954. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. X. Autogamy and endomitosis in Barbulanympha resulting from interruption of haploid gametogenesis. Journ. Morph., vol. 95, pp. 189-211. 1954a. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. XI. Reorganization in the zygote of Barbulanympha without nuclear or cytoplasmic division. Journ. Morph., vol. 95, pp. 213-236. 1954b. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. XII. Meiosis in Barbulanympha following fertilization, autogamy, and endomitosis. Journ. Morph., vol. 95, pp. 557-619. 1956. Hormone-induced sexual cycles of flagellates. XIV. Gametic meiosis and fertilization in Macrospironympha. Arch. Protistenk., vol. 101, pp. 99-169. 1956a. Brief accounts of the sexual cycles of the flagellates of Cryptocercus. Journ. Protozool., vol. 3, pp. 161-180.
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Coney, B. A. 1918. Panchlora exoleta. Entomologist, London, vol. 51, p. 188. Coplin, W. M. L. 1899. The propagation of diseases by means of insects, with special consideration of the common domestic types. Philadelphia Med. Journ., vol. 3, pp. 1303-1307. Cornelius, C. 1853. BeitrÄge zur nÄhern Kenntniss von Periplaneta (Blatta) orientalis LinnÉ. (MorgenlÄndische KÜchenschabe, auch Schwabe genannt.) 40 pp., 2 pls., Elberfeld, R. L. Friderichs. [Translated by K. Gingold.] Cornwall, J. W. 1916. A contribution to the study of kala-azar (II). Indian Journ. Med. Res., vol. 4, pp. 105-119. Cott, H. B. 1940. Adaptive coloration in animals. 508 pp. London. Cottam, R. 1922. Observations on the phyllodromine cockroach, Blattella supellectilium Serv., in Khartoum. Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 58, pp. 156-158. Cowan, F. 1865. Curious facts in the history of insects; including spiders and scorpions. 396 pp. Philadelphia. Crabill, R. E., Jr. 1952. The centipedes of northeastern North America. Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University, 450 pp., 9 pls. Cram, Eloise B. 1926. A new nematode from the rat, and its life history. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 68, art. 15, pp. 1-7. 1929. [Note on life history of the gizzard worm of ruffed grouse and bobwhite quail.] Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Washington, Journ. Parasitol., vol. 15, pp. 285-286. 1931. Internal parasites and parasitic diseases of the bobwhite. Methods and general findings. In Stoddard, H. L., The bobwhite quail: its habits, preservation and increase. pp. 229-296. New York. 1931a. Developmental stages of some nematodes of the Spiruroidea parasitic in poultry and game birds. U. S. Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull. No. 227, pp. 1-28. 1931b. The cockroach, Blattella germanica, as an intermediate host of Tetrameres americana of poultry. Journ. Parasitol., vol. 18, p. 52. 1933. Observations on the life history of Tetrameres pattersoni. Journ. Parasitol., vol. 20, pp. 97-98. 1933a. Observations on the life history of Seurocyrnea colini. Journ. Parasitol., vol. 20, p. 98. 1934. Orthopterans and pigeons as secondary and primary hosts, respectively, for the crow stomach-worm, Microtetrameres helix (Nematoda: Spiruridae). Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Washington, vol. 1, p. 50. 1935. New avian and insect hosts for Gongylonema ingluvicola (Nematoda: Spiruridae). Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Washington, vol. 2, p. 59.
1937. A species of Orthoptera serving as intermediate host of Tetrameres americana of poultry in Puerto Rico. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Washington, vol. 4, p. 24. Crawford, J. C. 1910. Two new species of African parasitic Hymenoptera. Canadian Ent., vol. 42, pp. 222-223. Crawford, S. C. 1934. The habits and characteristics of nocturnal animals. Quart. Rev. Biol., vol. 9, pp. 201-214. Crawley, H. 1903. List of the polycystid gregarines of the United States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 55, pp. 41-58. 3 pls. 1905. Coelosporidium blattellae, a new sporozoan parasite of Blattella germanica. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 57, pp. 158-161. Creighton, J. T. 1954. Household pests. Florida Dept. Agr. Bull., n.s., No. 156, 72 pp. Cros, A. 1942. Blatta orientalis et ses parasites. I. Evania punctata BrullÉ; II. Eulophus sp. Étude Biologique. Eos, vol. 18, pp. 45-67. Crosskey, R. W. 1951. Part II. The taxonomy and biology of the British Evanioidea. Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, vol. 102, pp. 282-301. Crowell, H. H. 1946. Notes on an amphibious cockroach from the Republic of Panama. Ent. News, vol. 57, pp. 171-172. CuÉnot, L. 1896. Études physiologiques sur des OrthoptÈres. Arch. Biol., vol. 14, pp. 293-341, 2 pls. 1901. Recherches sur l'evolution et la conjugaison des grÉgarines. Arch. Biol., vol. 17, pp. 581-652, 5 pls. Cunha, R. de Al. 1919. Sobre a Gregarina neo-brasiliensis Al. Cunha, 1919. Trabalho apresentado À Faculdade de Medicina de Bello Horizonte, Estado de Minas Gerais. Brazil. [Original not seen.] Cunliffe, F. 1952. Biology of the cockroach parasite, Pimeliaphilus podapolipophagus TrÄgÅrdh, with a discussion of the genera Pimeliaphilus and Hirstiella. (Acarina, Pterygosomidae.) Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, vol. 54, pp. 153-169. D'Abreu, E. A. 1920. Some insect prey of birds in the central provinces. Proc. 3d Ent. Meeting, Pusa, 1919, vol. 3, pp. 859-871. Dalla Torre, C. G. de 1901/02. Catologus hymenopterorum. Vol. 3, p. 1076. Lipsiae. Dammerman, K. W. 1929. The agricultural zoology of the Malay Archipelago. 473 pp. Amsterdam. Darlington, P. J., Jr. 1938. Experiments on mimicry in Cuba, with suggestions for future study. Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, vol. 87, pp. 681-695.
Davis, W. T. 1918. The honeydew of aphids very attractive to moths and roaches. Journ. New York Ent. Soc., vol. 26, p. 227. 1926. An annotated list of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera collected in mid-summer at Wingina, Virginia, and vicinity. Journ. New York Ent. Soc., vol. 34, pp. 27-41. 1927. [Periplaneta americana outdoors.] In Proceedings of the Society, Meeting of December 16, 1926. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., n.s., vol. 22, p. 179. Darwin, C. 1887. The origin of species by means of natural selection. 458 pp. New ed., from 6th English ed., with additions and corrections. New York. Day, M. F. 1950. The histology of a very large insect, Macropanesthia rhinocerus Sauss. (Blattidae.) Australian Journ. Sci. Res., B, vol. 3, pp. 61-75. Dearolf, K. 1941. The invertebrates of 37 Pennsylvania caves. Proc. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci., vol. 15, pp. 170-180. Debaisieux, P. 1927. A propos des cnidosporidies des blattides. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, vol. 96, pp. 1404-1406. DeCoursey, J. D., and Otto, J. S. 1956. Some protozoan organisms in cockroaches in the Cairo, Egypt area, with special reference to Endamoeba histolytica. U. S. Nav. Med. Res. Unit No. 3, Res. Rep. NM 005 050.60.01, 7 pp. 2 pls. 1957. Endamoeba histolytica and certain other protozoan organisms found in cockroaches in Cairo, Egypt. Journ. New York Ent. Soc., 1956, vol. 64, pp. 157-163. DeFraula, T. F. J. 1780. MÉmoire sur la gÉnÉration singuliÈre d'une espÈce de gryllon qui dÉcouvre un fait de plus, de l'analogie, qui existe entre les rÈgnes animal et vÉgÉtal. Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. Let. Beaux Arts Belgique, vol. 3, pp. 219-225. [Same article in Journ. de Physique (1783), vol. 22, pp. 130-133.] Delamare Deboutteville, C. 1948. Étude quantitative du peuplement animal des sols suspendu et des Épiphytes en forÊt tropicale. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, vol. 226, pp. 1544-1546. Delamare Deboutteville, C., and Paulian, R. 1952. Recherches sur la faune des nids et des terriers en Basse CÔte d'Ivoire. Encycl. Biogeogr. et Ecol., No. 8, 116 pp. Paris. Deleurance, E. P. 1943. Notes sur la biologie de quelques prÉdateurs de la rÉgion de Montignac (Dardogne). Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille, vol. 3, pp. 56-73. 1946. Études sur quelques ÉlÉments de la faune entomologique du bois des RiÈges (Camargue). Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1944, vol. 113, pp. 31-70.
DeLong, D. M. 1948. The supermarket's roach problem. Soap. San. Chem., vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 143, 145, 147, 149. Denning, D. G.; Pratt, J. J., Jr.; Staebler, A. E.; and Wirth, W. W. 1947. A tabulation of insects recovered from aircraft entering the United States at Miami, Florida, during the period July 1943 through December 1944. Foreign Plant Quar. Mem. No. 474, 41 pp. (Processed.) Derez, M. E. 1949. The food of Rana catesbeiana Shaw in Puerto Rico. Program 61st Ann. Meet. Amer. Assoc. Econ. Ent., No. 74, pp. 35-36. (Abstract.) Deschapelles, J. B. 1939. Las cucarachas. Rev. Agr., Cuba, vol. 23, pp. 41-47. [Translated by J. Gotlob.] Dethier, V. G. 1945. The transport of insects in aircraft. Journ. Econ. Ent., vol. 38, pp. 528-531. Diesing, C. M. 1851. Systema helminthum. Vol. 2, 591 pp. Vindobonae. 1861. Revision der Nematoden. Sitzb. K. Akad. Wiss., Wien, Math. Nat. Cl., 1860, vol. 42, pp. 595-736, 1 pl. Distant, W. L. 1902. Panchlora exoleta, Klug (Blattidae), imported into Scotland. Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 38, p. 247. Dobell, C. C. 1911. Contributions to the cytology of the bacteria. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., n.s., vol. 56, pp. 395-506, 4 pls. 1912. Researches on the spirochaets and related organisms. Arch. Protistenk., vol. 26, pp. 117-240. Dobrovolny, C. G. 1933. Studies on the nematode parasites of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., vol. 36, p. 213. Dobrovolny, C. G., and Ackert, J. E. 1934. The life history of Leidynema appendiculata (Leidy), a nematode of cockroaches. Parasitology, vol. 26, pp. 468-480. Dodd, A. P. 1917. Record and descriptions of Australian Chalcidoidea. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. South Australia, vol. 41, pp. 344-368. Dodge, B. O., and Rickett, H. W. 1943. Diseases and pests of ornamental plants. 638 pp. Lancaster, Pa. Dodge, C. W. 1935. Medical mycology. Fungous diseases of man and other mammals. 900 pp. St. Louis. Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. 1900. Myrmecophilous Orthoptera. Ent. Rec. and Journ. Var., vol. 12, pp. 162-163. 1918. A fortnight in the New Forest in July. Ent. Rec. and Journ. Var., vol. 30, pp. 170-173. [The same record was reported by Donisthorpe in this same journal in 1919, vol. 31, p. 116, and in 1937, vol. 49, p. 136. It was also reported by him in Trans. Ent. Soc. London in 1919, vol. for 1918, pts. 3/4, p. clvii.]
Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K., and Wilkinson, D. S. 1930. Notes on the genus Paxylomma (Hym. Brac.), with the description of a new species taken in Britain. Trans. Ent. Soc. London, vol. 78, pp. 87-93. Dorier, A. 1930. Recherches biologiques et systÉmatiques sur les GordiacÉs. Trav. Lab. Hydrobiol. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, vol. 22, pp. 1-183, 4 pls. Doucette, C. F., and Smith, F. F. 1926. Control experiments on the Surinam cockroach (Pycnoscelus surinamensis L.). Journ. Econ. Ent., vol. 19, pp. 650-656. Dover, C. 1928. Notes on the fauna of pitcher-plants from Singapore Island. I. General. Journ. Malayan Branch Roy. Asiatic Soc., vol. 6, pp. 1-9, 5 pls. Dow, R. P. 1955. A note on domestic cockroaches in south Texas. Journ. Econ. Ent., vol. 48, pp. 106-107. Dowdy, W. W. 1947. An ecological study of the Arthropoda of an oak-hickory forest with reference to stratification. Ecology, vol. 28, pp. 418-439. 1951. Further ecological studies on stratification of the Arthropoda. Ecology, vol. 32, pp. 37-52. 1955. An hibernal study of Arthropoda with reference to hibernation. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vol. 48, pp. 76-83. Dozier, H. L. 1920. An ecological study of hammock and piney woods insects in Florida. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vol. 13, pp. 325-380. Dresner, E. 1949. Culture and use of entomogenous fungi for the control of insect pests. Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst., vol. 15, pp. 319-335. 1950. The toxic effects of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill., on insects. Journ. New York Ent. Soc., vol. 63, pp. 269-278. Dubos, R. J., Editor. 1948. Bacterial and mycotic infections of man. 785 pp. Philadelphia. Dumbleton, L. J. 1957. Parasites and predators introduced into the Pacific Islands for the biological control of insects and other pests. South Pacific Comm., Techn. Pap. No. 101, 40 pp. [This paper appeared erroneously under the name of C. P. Hoyt. See Kroon, A. H. J., 1957, South Pacific Commission Technical Paper No. 101. Erratum, 1 p. (multigraphed). NoumÉa. (Rev. Appl. Ent., vol. A 46, p. 155, 1958.)] Dusham, E. H. 1918. The wax glands of the cockroach (Blatta germanica). Journ. Morph., vol. 31, pp. 563-581. Dutertre, J. B. 1654. Histoire generale des Iles de S. Christophe, de Guadeloupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans l'Amerique. Paris. Dutky, S. R., and Hough, W. S. 1955. Note on a parasitic nematode from codling moth larvae, Carpocapsa pomonella (Lepidoptera, Olethreutidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, vol. 57, p. 244.
Dutt, G. R. 1912. Life histories of Indian insects—IV (Hymenoptera). Mem. Dept. Agr. India, vol. 4, pp. 183-267. Eads, R. B.; Von Zuben, F. J.; Bennett, S. E.; and Walker, O. L. 1954. Studies on cockroaches in a municipal sewerage system. Amer. Journ. Trop. Med. Hyg., vol. 3, pp. 1092-1098. Ealand, C. A. 1915. Insects and man. An account of the more important harmful and beneficial insects, their habits and life-histories, being an introduction to economic entomology for students and general readers. 343 pp. London. Edmunds, L. R. 1952. The oviposition of Prosevania punctata (BrullÉ): A hymenopterous parasite of cockroach egg capsules. Ohio Journ. Sci., vol. 52, pp. 29-30. 1952a. Some notes on the habits and parasites of native woodroaches in Ohio (Orthoptera: Blattidae). Ent. News, vol. 63, pp. 141-145. 1953. Some notes on the Evaniidae as household pests and as a factor in the control of roaches. Ohio Journ. Sci., vol. 53, pp. 121-122. 1953a. Collecting and culturing of native wood roaches in Ohio, with some additional notes on their parasites. Ent. News, vol. 64, pp. 225-230. 1953b. A study of the biology and life history of Prosevania punctata (BrullÉ) with notes on additional species. (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae). Ph.D. thesis, Ohio State University. 1954. A study of the biology and life history of Prosevania punctata (BrullÉ) with notes on additional species (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vol. 47, pp. 575-592. 1955. Biological notes on Tetrastichus hagenowii (Ratzeburg), a chalcidoid parasite of cockroach eggs (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae; Orthoptera: Blattidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vol. 48, pp. 210-213. 1957. Observations on the biology and life history of the brown cockroach Periplaneta brunnea Burmeister. Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, vol. 59, pp. 283-286. Ehrlich, H. 1943. Verhaltensstudien an der Schabe Periplaneta americana L. Zeitschr. Tierpsychol., vol. 5, pp. 497-552. [Translated by Medical Literature Service.] Eisner, T. 1958. Spray mechanism of the cockroach Diploptera punctata. Science, vol. 128, pp. 148-149. El-Kholy, S., and Gohar, M. A. 1945. Cockroaches as possible carriers of disease. Journ. Roy. Egyptian Med. Assoc., vol. 29, pp. 82-87. Ellis, M. M. 1913. A descriptive list of the cephaline gregarines of the New World. Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc., vol. 32, pp. 259-296, 4 pls. 1913a. Gregarines from some Michigan Orthoptera. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, vol. 43, pp. 78-84. Elmassian, M. 1909. Sur l'Amoeba blattae. Morphologie gÉnÉration. Arch. Protistenk., vol. 16, pp. 143-163.
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1914. Notes dÉtachÉes sur l'instinct des HymÉnoptÈres mellifÈres et ravisseurs ([8e] sÉrie). Ann. Soc. Ent. France, vol. 83, pp. 81-119, 3 pls. Fibiger, J. A. G. 1913. Ueber eine durch Nematoden (Spiroptera sp. n.) hervorgerufene papillomatÖse und carcinomatÖse Geschwulstbildung im Magen der Ratte. Berliner Klin. Wochenschr., vol. 50, pp. 289-298. 1913a. Untersuchungen Über eine Nematode (Spiroptera sp. n.) und deren FÄhigkeit, papillomatÖse und carcinomatÖse Geschwulstbildungen im Magen der Ratte hervorzurufen. Zeitschr. Krebsforsch., vol. 13, pp. 217-280. Fibiger, J. A. G., and Ditlevsen, H. 1914. Contributions to the biology and morphology of Spiroptera (Gongylonema) neoplastica n. sp. Mindeskr. Japetus Steenstrups FØdsel, Copenhagen, No. 25, 28 pp. Fielding, J. W. 1926. Preliminary note on the transmission of the eye worm of Australian poultry. Australian Journ. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci., vol. 3, pp. 225-232. 1927. Further observations on the life history of the eye worm of poultry. Australian Journ. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci., vol. 4, pp. 273-281. 1928. Observations on eye worms of birds. Queensland Agr. Journ., vol. 30, pp. 37-41. 1928a. Additional observations on the development of the eye worm of poultry. Australian Journ. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci., vol. 5, pp. 1-8. Figuier, L. 1869. The insect world; being a popular account of the orders of insects, etc. 519 pp. New York. Filatoff, E. D. 1904. Ueber das Verhalten einiger Bakterienarten zu dem Organismus der Bombyx mori (L.) und der Periplaneta orientalis (L.) bei artifizieller Infektion derselben. Centralbl. Bakt., Parasitenk. und Infekt., Abt. 2, vol. 11, pp. 658-686, 748-762. [Pertinent sections translated by P. Bernhardt.] Filippov, G. S. 1926. Oplesnevykh gribkakb gruppy Mucorinae. [Mold fungi of the Mucorinae.] Bolezni Rastenii (Morbi-Plantarum, Leningrad), vol. 15, pp. 175-186. [Pertinent section translated by K. Gingold.] Findlay, G. M., and Howard, E. M. 1951. Observations on Columbia SK virus. Journ. Path. and Bact., vol. 63, pp. 435-443. Findlay, G. M., and MacCallum, F. O. 1939. Epidemiology of yellow fever. Nature, London, vol. 143, p. 289. Fischer, R. G., and Syverton, J. T. 1951. The cockroach as an experimental vector of viruses. Bact. Proc., May 27-31, p. 95. 1951a. The cockroach as an experimental vector of Coxsackie virus. Amer. Journ. Trop. Med., vol. 31, pp. 238-242. 1957. Distribution of Coxsackie virus in experimentally infected cockroaches, Periplaneta americana. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., vol. 95, pp. 284-287.
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Zhivago, P. 1909. Ueber Vermehrung bei Pleistophora periplanetae Lutz und Splendore. Zool. Anz., vol. 34, pp. 647-654. Zimmerman, E. C. 1944. New cockroach egg parasite from Honolulu. Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc., vol. 12, p. 20. 1948. Insects of Hawaii. Vol. 2, Apterygota to Thysanoptera, inclusive. 475 pp. Honolulu. Zmeev, G. I. 1936. Les insectes synanthropes comme hÔtes intermÉdiaires et hÔtes vecteurs des helminthes au Tadjikistan. (In Russian, French summary.) Trudy Tadzhiksk. Bazy Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 6, pp. 241-248. [Russian text translated by M. Ycas.] 1940. Certain points in the epidemiology of dysentery and its endemic foci in Central Asia connected with the cockroach Shelfordella tartara Sauss. (In Russian.) Second conference on Parasitological problems. November 1940, Leningrad, p. 35. Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow. [From Rev. App. Ent., 1946, ser. B., vol. 34, p. 110.] Zulueta, A. de. 1916. Sobre la estructura y biparticiÓn de Nyctotherus ovalis Leidy. Trab. Mus. Nac. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, ser. Zool., No. 26, pp. 1-16.