Fig. | | Page | 1 | Diagram illustrating the relationship between a mature plant of Herpomyces stylopygae and the integument of Blatta orientalis. (Reproduced from Richards and Smith [1956], through the courtesy of Dr. A. G. Richards.) | 128 | 2 | Representative Protozoa associated with cockroaches. A, Monocercomonoides melolonthae, X 3094 (after GrassÉ). B, Coelosporidium periplanetae, X 1310 (after Sprague); trophozoite with spores and chromatoid bodies. C, Endamoeba blattae, X 273 (after Kudo); trophozoite. D, Lophomonas striata, X 330 (after Kudo). E, Lophomonas blattarum, X 660 (after Kudo). F, Retortamonas blattae, X 3094 (after Wenrich). G, Nyctotherus ovalis, X 175 (after Kudo). H, Gregarina rhyparobiae, c. X 52: mature trophozoite attached to intestinal wall of Leucophaea maderae. (Redrawn from J. M. Watson [1945].) I, Diplocystis schneideri, c. X 14.4 (after Kunstler). J, Gregarina blattarum, c. X 57 (after Kudo). K, Protomagalhaesia serpentula, X 36 (after Pinto). L, Gamocystis tenax, magnification not known (after Schneider). (All figures except H redrawn from Kudo [1954] after sources indicated.) | 168 | 3 | Protozoa from the gut of the wood-feeding cockroach Cryptocercus punctulatus. A, Eucomonympha imla, female above, male below, c. X 375. (From Cleveland [1950c].) B, Barbulanympha sp. (From Cleveland [1953].) C, Urinympha talea, c. X 712. (From Cleveland [1951a].) D, Rhynchonympha tarda, c. X 450. (From Cleveland [1952].) E, Trichonympha okolona or T. algoa, c. X 390. (From Cleveland [1949].) (All drawings reproduced through the courtesy of Dr. L. R. Cleveland.) | 175 | 4 | The cockroach mite, Pimeliaphilus podapolipophagus. (From Baker et al. [1956]; reproduced through the courtesy of Dr. E. W. Baker and the National Pest Control Association.) | 221 | 5 | Evania appendigaster. Left, dorsal view, X 8. Right, side view, X 5. (Reproduced with permission. British Museum [Natural History], 1951, figs. 1A and 1B.) | 238 | 6 | Ampulex canaliculata attacking Parcoblatta virginica. A, Female wasp stinging her prey, c. X 4.8. B, Wasp's egg attached to the coxa of the mesothoracic leg of the cockroach. C, Larva of A. canaliculata (about three-quarters grown) feeding on the internal organs of the host from the exterior, c. X 4. (Reproduced from F. X. Williams [1929], through the courtesy of Dr. F. X. Williams and F. A. Bianchi, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association.) | 258 | 7 | Cockroach-hunting wasps. A, Dolichurus stantoni leading a nymph of Blattella lituricollis to her nest, c. X 4. (Reproduced from F. N. Williams [1919].) B, Podium haematogastrum attaching her egg to an Epilampra sp. while on the side of a termite mound that contains the wasp's nest, c. X 1.6. C, Epilampra sp. parasitized by P. haematogastrum showing the wasp's egg attached to the right fore coxa, c. X 3.2. (B and C reproduced from Williams [1928], through the courtesy of Dr. F. X. Williams and F. A. Bianchi.) | 263 |