Foreword iii
List of Plates vii
List of Illustrations viii
I. Introduction 1
Historical 2
Methods 4
Future work 5
Illustrations 7
II. Species of cockroaches 7
III. Ecological relationships 14
Cave habitats 16
Cavernicolous cockroaches 17
Cockroaches from burrows 23
Desert habitats 25
Desert cockroaches 27
Aquatic habitats 30
Amphibious cockroaches 31
Outdoor habitats 33
Cockroaches from outdoor habitats 35
Structural habitats 70
Land-based structures 73
Cockroaches associated with land-based structures 74
Ships 82
Cockroaches associated with ships 85
Aircraft 87
Cockroaches associated with aircraft 88
IV. Classification of the associations 91
V. Mutualism 96
Bacteroids 96
Cockroaches in which bacteroids have been found 99
Bacteria 100
Protozoa 101
VI. Viruses associated with cockroaches 103


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