

Abatemarchi, 75

Aberdeen, Lord, 121

Abruzzo Citeriore, 6, 90

Adriatic Sea, 6

Albany Street, 166, London, 109

Alberic, Friar, 40

Alberti, 150

Alexander VI., Pope, 127

Alfieri, 18, 47, 85, 150

Amalfi, 47

Amantea, Bruno d’, 29

America, 15, 81, 82

Amersham, 117

Antrodoco, 51

Arcadi, Academy of the, 36

Ardenti, Academy of the, 36

Arditi, Cavalier, 19, 20

Aretino, Leonardo, 145-50

Ariosto, 73

Aroux, E., 68

—— Dante HÉrÉtique, etc., by, 68, 112

Ascoli, Duke of, 26

AthenÆum, The, 89

Attica, 49

Austria, 1, 23, 41, 48, 131-66

Avalloni, Baron Giovanni, 15


Balzac, HonorÉ de, 143

—— Le Livre Mystique, by, 143

Barberini, Francesco, 150

Barclay, 118

Bargello, The, Florence, 144-7

Barile, 117-9

Bas-Valais, 168

Basil, St, 139

Berio, Marchese, 35

Bernard, St, 143

Berni, A., 161

Berri, Duc de, 80

Bezzi, Aubrey, 145-6

Bianchi, 39

Bianco, 157-73

Bilbao, 158

Biondi, 36

Blake, William, 5

Boccaccio, 135-41-51

Boccanera, 17

Bologna, 131

—— University, 121

Bonaparte, Lucian, 15

—— Pierre, 15

—— Princess Charlotte, 15

Borgia, Comendator, 127

Borrelli, 98

Boulton, Captain, 164-5

Bozzelli, 98, 173

Brighton, 117

Browning, Mrs, 157

Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 12, 142, 157

—— Signor, 157-73

Byron, Lord, 117

—— The Corsair, by, 117


Caccavon, 39

Cagliari, Archbishop of, 104

Cagnazzi, Archdeacon, 91

Calderari, The, 40

Campi, Don Giuseppe, 20

Campochiaro, Duca di, 35

Canosa, Principe di, 40

Capecelatro, Colonel F., 75

—— Monsignor, 18

Capobianco, 42

Carbonari, The, 40, 41, 42, 44, 48

Carducci, Conte, 127

Caroline, Queen (Bonaparte), 3

Carrascosa, General, 75

Casa Guidi, Florence, 157

Casella, 120

Cassero, Principe di, 35

Castelcicala, Principe di, 74

Castlereagh, Lord, 74, 75

Cecco d’Ascoli, 143

Cerbara, 69

Charles, King of Naples (Bourbon), 1, 178

Charles II., King of Naples, 146

Charles IV., King of Spain, 19 to 22

Charles Albert, King of Sardinia, 94, 95, 96, 166

Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London, 129

Chaucer, 134

Chiabrera, 73

Christian VIII., King of Denmark, 30, 31

Cicero, 47, 136

Ciciloni, Ferdinando, 52, 53

Cimitile, Principe di, 118

Cinelli, 145

Clarges Street, 40, London, 162

Coleridge, S. T., 66

Colletta, General, 40

—— Storia di Napoli, by, 40, 43

Colonna, Vittoria, 12

Concordia, Naples, 56

Constantine the Great, 140

Corsica, 14

Corso, 156

Corunna, 54

Cosenza, 42

Costanza, Dr, 50

Courier, The, 121

Craufurd, 146

Cromwell, Oliver, 134

Crusca, La, 145-6

Curci, Dr, 39, 126

Cyrene, 140


Dante, 10, 40, 65, 82, 84, 99, 110-1-2-31-3-4-6-40-3-4-52-4

—— Convito, by, 137

—— Divina Commedia, by, 63, 65, 66, 73, 135-7-9-43

—— Vita Nuova, by, 137-8-9-46-51

D’Avalos, 12

De Luca, Pier, 75

De Tivoli, 132

Delavo, Giovanni A., 156-66

DelÉcluze, 112

—— Amour du Dante, by, 112

Della Guardia, 7

Denmark, Princess of, 30

Disraeli, Isaac, 66

Donati, Corso, 146-7

Durso, 39


Eastlake, Sir C. L., 120-1-5-45, 146-50-4

Eco (L’) di Savonarola, 100

Elizabeth, Queen of Spain (Farnese), 1

England, ix, 5, 44, 62, 65, 66, 68, 81, 82, 90, 105-11-4-31

Erroll, Countess of, 62, 64

Escurial, The, 21


Fanciola, 159

Fardella, General, 56, 57, 76

Ferdinand I. (Naples), 2, 3, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 24 to 28, 30, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48, 51, 54, 75 to 81, 90, 98, 111-78-82-3

Ferdinand II. (Naples), 13, 98, 122-4-5

Ferdinand VII. (Spain), 21

Fermo, 128

Ferretti, 36

Ferri, Cardinal, 128

—— Signor, 126-8

Festing, Miss, ix, 132

—— J. H. Frere and his Friends, by, ix, 132-3

Filelfo, 145

Finati, Giovanni, 22

Fitch, Mrs, 117-9

Florence, 73, 144-5-50

Florio, 75

Foggia, 42

Foscolo, Ugo, 133

Fouarre, Rue de, Paris, 143

France, 2, 13, 15, 42, 44, 82, 94, 95, 104-31

Francis, Emperor, 2

Fraticelli, 112

Frederick II., Emperor, 133

Frentani, 6

Frere, J. Hookham, 60, 62, 63, 64, 68, 72, 82, 111-22-32-3-6

—— J. Tudor, 132

—— Susan, 62, 64, 122

Frome-Selwood, 108


Gaetani, Padre Vincenzo, 10

Galassi, 155-7-8

Galileo, 150

Gallo, Agostino, 25, 26, 28, 29

Gandolfini, Giuseppe, 161

Garibaldi, 92

Garnett, Richard, vii

—— History of Italian Literature, by, ix

Gatti, 38

Gazzola, 91

Gerard Street, 37, London, 76

Gerardi, 73 to 76

Germ, The, 89

Germany, 14, 145

Giannone, 162

Gioberti, Vincenzo, 157-72-3

—— Primato d’Italia, by, 157

Giotto, 144-5

—— Portrait of Dante by, 144-48-53

Giovine Italia, La, 93, 159-60

Gomez-Paloma, Marchesina Luisa, 29

Graham, Mrs, 129

Green, 129

Grey, Lord, 121


Hallam, Arthur, 66, 112

Harris and Farquhar, 150

Hatton Garden, London, 155

Heimann, Dr Adolf, 114

Henri IV., 178

Herculaneum, 111

Highgate Cemetery, 113

Holmer Green, Bucks, 117-9-29

Homer, 37

Howard, Mrs, 118


Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 67

Inland Revenue Office, 108

Inni e Cantici Cristiani, 70, 73

Italy, ix, 5, 6, 12, 44, 46, 65, 66, 69, 83, 91, 93, 96, 99, 102-3-6-9, 113-8-26-7-31-45-58-60-6-72-84-5

—— Kingdom of, 3, 144-61

Ithome, 49


Janer, 126-7-63

Jannelli, General, 42

Jesus Christ, 70, 71, 134-71

Joachim, King of Naples, 3, 15, 20, 22, 24, 29, 36, 37, 42, 52, 111

John, St, 135

Jorio, Canon, 20

Joseph, King of Naples and Spain, 3, 14, 15, 20, 21

Jubar, Baron, 30


Keightley, Thomas, 154

Kemble, Adelaide (see Sartoris)

King’s College, London, 72, 83, 107-11-8

Kirkup, Seymour (Barone), 116-44-9

Kotzebue, 80


Lablache, 124

Labrador (Minister), 22

Lami, 150

Latini, Brunetto, 146-7

Lausanne, 69

Leopardi, Giacomo, 161

—— Epistle to Pepoli, by, 161

Libri, 157-72

Little Missenden, 117

Locarno, 159

Lombardo-Venetia, 168

Lombardy, 98, 167

London, 15, 32, 36, 39, 67, 71, 72, 74, 76, 85, 92, 98, 108-9-10-2-9, 120-2-8-30-61-5

—— Bishop of (Blomfield), 118

—— University, 83

Louis Philippe, King, 44, 94

Louvel, 80

Lucchesi, Count, 124

Lugo, 127

Lusciano, Duke of (Mollo), 78, 79

Lyell, Charles, 68, 72, 82, 83, 116, 119-24-30-1-2-40-6-52-3

—— Sir Leonard, 130-2

Lyons, 37


MacIntyre, 119-20

Magalotti, 136

—— La Donna Immaginaria, by, 136

Malmusi, 157-73

Malpica, Cesare, 39

Malta, 5, 50, 56, 60, 62, 67, 73, 75, 76, 111-22-88

Mamiani, Terenzio, 91

Marchigiana, Marchesa, 126-7

Marengo, 155-66

Maria Caroline, Queen, 2, 3, 13, 24

Maria Theresa, 2

Marie Antoinette, 2

Marini, 147-8

Maroncelli, Dr, 122-4

—— Pietro, 122

Marseilles, 160

Marsuppini, C., 150

Mascagni, 150

Mazzini, 92, 93, 94, 116-55-6-7

Mediterranean Sea, 58

Mendelssohn, Joseph, 66

—— Lectures on Rossetti, by, 66, 112

Messina, 75, 94, 167

Metastasio, 10, 18

Milan, 167

Minasi, 74, 98

Minichini, Abate, 45

Mirandola, Pico della, 142

Molini, 154

Molza, 142

Monte Citorio, Rome, 36

Montecassino, 51

Monteforte, 45

Moore, Lady, 54, 55, 57, 58, 76, 77, 111

—— Sir Graham, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 76, 77, 111

—— Sir John, 54

Morelli, 44

Morning Chronicle, 165-6

Museo Borbonico, Naples, 18, 19, 22, 27, 55, 111

Muzzarelli, Monsignor, 91, 127


Nannucci, Professor, 146

Naples, 2, 3, 10, 12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 28, 31, 35, 36, 38, 39, 45, 52, 54, 57, 66, 73, 80, 91, 98, 110-1-57, 182

—— Kingdom of, 1, 13, 16, 40, 41, 44, 75, 98

—— University, 38

Napoleon I., 3, 13, 14, 15, 21 to 24, 95, 166-91

Napoleon III., 15, 95, 105

Naselli, General, 27, 28, 30

National British Gallery, 90

Negri, Maestro, 120-1-4

Nelson, Lord, 2

New Testament, 87, 135-40-1

New York, 159

Nile, Battle of, 2

Noja, 25

Nola, 45

Norway, 30


Old Testament, 140-1

Oliva, 38

Opinione, L’, 109

Orezia Academy, 37

Origen, 140

Orioli, Professor, 121

Ouseley, Sir Gore, 118

Ovid, 6


Paisiello, Giovanni, 29

Palermo, 28

Panizzi, Sir Antonio, 66, 83, 99

Paolelli, 97

Papal States, 166

Paris, 143-55-7-62-4-5-7

Park Square, Regent’s Park, 122-4

Parma, 11, 34

Parthenopean Republic, 2

Paul, St, 135-42-86

Peel, Sir Robert, 121

Pellico, Silvio, 122

—— Le Mie Prigioni, by, 122

Pepe, General Guglielmo, 43, 46, 91, 92, 98, 178

—— Memoirs of, 43

Pepoli, Conte Carlo, 161

Petrarca, 73, 105-35-41

Philip V. (Spain), 1

Pietrocola-Rossetti, Teodorico, ix, 72

—— Memoir of Rossetti, by, ix

Pistrucci, Filippo, 122-5-30-1-55-60 to 163

Pius VII., 36, 111

Pius IX., 96, 101-5-7

Plowden, 150

Poerio, Major, 75

Poland, 119

Polidori, Charlotte, 57, 117-9

—— Eliza, 117-9

—— Gaetano, 85, 86, 87, 117-24

—— Margaret, 126-8

—— Mrs, 87, 120

—— P. Robert, 117-9

Poliziano, 143

Polydore, Henry, 117-9-26

Pompeii, 111

Pontanian Society, Naples, 37

Portinari, Beatrice, 99, 138

Portinari, Folco, 138

Porto-Cannone, 42

Potter, Cipriani, 117-8


Quattromani, Luigi, 31, 33, 34


Ragon, 144

Raphael, 142-6

Raphael, Sonnets by, 142

Regaldi, 150

—— Carme a Firenze, by, 150

Reghellini, 134-44

Ricciardi, Conte Giuseppe, 91, 109, 155-63-4-5-7

—— History of Italy, 1850-1900, by, 167

Rieti, 51, 53, 56

Rinuccini, 150

Rochfort, The (Ship), 58

Rolandi, 159

Romagna, 127

Rome, 6, 28, 36, 38, 92, 98, 104, 111-8-27-50

Rossaroll, General, 75

Rossetti, Angiola Maria, 6

Rossetti, Antonio, 6

Rossetti, Canon Andrea, 6, 7, 9

Rossetti, Christina G., ix, 15, 88, 89, 108-9-13-7-9-20-3-4-9

—— Verses (1847), by, 89

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, ix, 7, 88, 89, 90, 106-8-14-7-9-20-3-4-6-8, 130

—— Annunciation, by, 90

—— Blessed Damozel, by, 90

—— Girlhood of Mary Virgin, by, 90

—— Portrait of G. Rossetti, by, 130

Rossetti, Domenico, 6, 8, 11, 34

Rossetti, Elizabeth E., 113

Rossetti, Frances, 86, 87, 88, 106, 108-13-62

Rossetti, Gabriele, Writings by, ix, 101

—— Addio alla Patria, 59, 173

—— Alla Difesa, O Cittadini, 48

—— Arpa Evangelica, 69, 70, 100, 113

—— Aurora del 21 Luglio, 1820, 46, 110-73

—— Beatrice di Dante, 68, 69, 83, 84, 101-12-50 to 153

—— Birth of Hercules, 17

Rossetti, Canto Marziale, 110

—— Catalogue RaisonnÉ, Museo Borbonico, 22

—— Comento Analitico, Dante, 63 to 66, 72, 82, 110-1-2-26-44

—— Giulio Sabino, 17, 18

—— Hannibal in Capua, 17

—— Il Corsaro, 120-1-4

—— Marengo, Verses on, 156

—— Medora e Corrado, 117-8-20

—— Mistero dell’Amor Platonico, 67, 68, 72, 83, 84, 112-40-1-7-9, 151-3

—— Napoleone a Sant’Elena, 23

—— Poems, 1807, 15

—— Ricuperata Salute di Ferdinando I., 25, 26, 28

—— Roma, Secolo 19, 83, 84, 155, 158-9

—— Salterio, 63, 64, 67, 83, 113, 127-54

—— San Paolo in Malta, 61, 173-4

—— Spirito Antipapale, 66, 67, 72, 83, 112-3-20-4-35-44

—— Veggente in Solitudine, 48, 50, 52, 63, 69, 76, 83, 102-13

—— Versi, 1847, 29, 31, 69, 100, 155-63-5

Rossetti, Helen M. M., 156

Rossetti, Maria Francesca, 88, 89, 108-20-4-8-30

—— The Rivulets, by, 89

Rossetti, Maria Francesca (Pietrocola), 6, 8

Rossetti, Maria Giuseppe, 6

Rossetti, Maria Michele, 6, 9

Rossetti, Mary E. M., 15

Rossetti, Nicola, 6, 8, 70

Rossetti, William M., ix, 5, 9, 22, 48, 88, 89, 90, 108-9-19-23

—— Memoir of D. G. Rossetti, by, ix, 11, 79, 114-62

Royal Academy of Music, 117

Ruffo, Cardinal, 2, 74

Russia, 23, 119


Saint Helena, 23

Saint Mary’s Church, Vasto, 6

Saliceti, 91

San Carlo Theatre, Naples, 15, 17, 18, 111

San Sebastiano, 52, 53

Sand, 80

Sangiovanni, Benedetto, 122-4-7

Santa Croce Church, Florence, 150

Santa Lucia, Naples, 57

Santander, 158

Sardinia, Kingdom of, 64, 104-5-66

Sartoris, Mrs, 162

Schlegel, 66, 112

Scrope, 121

Sebeto (River), 53

Shelley, P. B., 45

—— Ode to Naples, by, 45

Sicily, 2, 3, 12, 19, 38, 40

Sigier, 143

Silvati, 44

SocietÀ Sebezia, Naples, 29, 30, 36, 37

Solari, 30

Soldi, G. B., 161

Spain, 1, 3, 12, 21, 44, 56, 62, 158-9

Spectator, The (Newspaper), 108-9

Spielberg, The, 122

Spontini, 150

Stanford, 57

Strozzi (Mazzini), 173

Stuart, Lady Dudley, 15

Suetonius, 20

Swedenborg, 141-3-4

Switzerland, 159

Sylvester, Pope, 140

Synesius, 140


Tallent, 119-20

Tasso, 29, 37, 73, 143

Taylor Institute, Oxford, 132

Taylor, J. E., 146

—— Michelangelo as a Philosophical Poet, by, 147

Tennyson, 112

—— In Memoriam, by, 112

Tertullian, 140

Tiber, The, 35

Tiberine Academy, 36

Ticino, Canton of, 168

Tommaseo, 157-72

Tommasi, 27

Trajan, 20, 21

—— Statue of, 20

Turin, 173

Turin, Archbishop of, 104

Turkey, 145

Turrigo, General, 97

Tuscany, 98

Two Sicilies, Kingdom of, 1

TyrtÆus, 49


University College, London, 83, 114

Ururi, 42

Utrecht, 1


Valletta, 29

Vantini, 155-7-8-9

Vardarelli, Brothers, 42

Vasari, Giorgio, 145

Vasto, 6 to 9, 65, 110-3

Vasto, Marchese del, 12, 110

Vecchioni, 66, 112

Venice, 91, 92

Vernon, Lord, 154

Verona, 21

Vezzi, Signora, 11

Villani, Francesco, 145

Villani, Odoardo, 161

Virgil, 37


Wellington, Duke of, 120-1

William IV., 120-1


Zatta, 137



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