I. The Cradle and the Weaning 5
II. At my Grandfather’s 10
III. My Schooldays 22
IV. Irish Fireside Story and History 35
V. The Emigrant Parting.—Carthy Spauniach 51
VI. The Gladstone Blackbird.—Many Features of Irish Life 61
VII. The Lords of Ireland 71
VIII. A Chapter on Genealogy 80
IX. “Repeal of the Union” 101
X. How England Starved Ireland 108
XI. The Bad Times: The “Good People.” Jillen Andy: Her Coffinless Grave 119
XII. 1847 and 1848 130
XIII. The Scattering of My Family.—The Phoenix Society 141
XIV. Love and War and Marriage 151
XV. Doctor Jerrie Crowley, Doctor Anthony O’Ryan, Charles Kickham, The Phoenix Society 177
XVI. The Start of Fenianism 199
XVII. Arrest of the Phoenix Men 206
XVIII. A Star-Chamber Trial 216
XIX. The McManus Funeral—James Stephens and John O’Mahony visit Skibbereen—Fenianism Growing Strong 234
XX. The Struggle against the Enemy 251
XXI. James Stephens and John O’Mahony 269
XXII. A Letter of much Import, Written by James Stephens, in the Year 1861 282
XXIII. John O’Mahony, Wm. Sullivan, Florry Roger O’Sullivan, Brian Dillon, Jack Dillon, Michael O’Brien, C. U. O’Connell, James Mountaine, and others. 300
XXIV. Administering Relief to Poor People.—A Fight with the Landlords. 320
XXV. John O’Donovan, LL. D., Editor of the Annals of the Four Masters. 332
XXVI. My first Visit to America.—My Mother, John O’Mahony, Thomas Francis Meagher, Robert E. Kelly, and his Son Horace R. Kelly, Michael Corcoran, P. J. Downing, P. J. Condon, William O’Shea, and Michael O’Brien the Manchester Martyr. 378
XXVII. Great-Grandfather Thomas Crimmins.—His Recollections of the Men of ’98, and other Men. 391

Sixty Years of an Irishman’s Life.


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