ANNUAL IMMIGRATION 1820-1913 Year ending Sept. 30 | 1820 | 8,385 | 1821 | 9,127 | 1822 | 6,911 | 1823 | 6,354 | 1824 | 7,912 | 1825 | 10,199 | 1826 | 10,837 | Year ending Sept. 30 | 1827 | 18,875 | 1828 | 27,382 | 1829 | 22,520 | 1830 | 23,322 | 1831 | 22,633 | 15 months ending Dec. 31 | 1832 | 60,482 | Year ending Dec. 31 | 1833 | 58,640 | 1834 | 65,365 | 1835 | 45,374 | 1836 | 76,242 | 1837 | 79,340 | 1838 | 38,914 | 1839 | 68,069 | 1840 | 84,066 | 1841 | 80,289 | 1842 | 104,565 | 9 months ending Sept. 30 | 1843 | 52,496 | Year ending Sept. 30 | 1844 | 78,615 | 1845 | 114,371 | 1846 | 154,416 | 1847 | 234,968 | 1848 | 226,527 | 1849 | 297,024 | 1850 | 310,004 | 3 months ending Dec. 31 | 1850 | 59,976 | Year ending Dec. 31 | 1851 | 379,466 | 1852 | 371,603 | 1853 | 368,645 | 1854 | 427,833 | 1855 | 200,877 | 1856 | 200,436 | 1857 | 251,306 | 1858 | 123,126 | 1859 | 121,282 | 1860 | 153,640 | 1861 | 91,918 | 1862 | 91,985 | 1863 | 176,282 | 1864 | 193,418 | 1865 | 248,120 | 1866 | 318,568 | 1867 | 315,722 | 6 months ending June 30 | 1868 | 138,840 | Year ending June 30 | 1869 | 352,768 | 1870 | 387,203 | 1871 | 321,350 | 1872 | 404,806 | 1873 | 459,803 | 1874 | 313,339 | 1875 | 227,498 | 1876 | 169,986 | 1877 | 141,857 | 1878 | 138,469 | 1879 | 177,826 | 1880 | 457,257 | 1881 | 669,431 | 1882 | 788,992 | 1883 | 603,322 | 1884 | 518,592 | 1885 | 395,346 | 1886 | 334,203 | 1887 | 490,109 | 1888 | 546,889 | 1889 | 444,427 | 1890 | 455,302 | 1891 | 560,319 | 1892 | 623,084 | 1893 | 439,730 | 1894 | 285,631 | 1895 | 258,536 | 1896 | 343,267 | 1897 | 230,832 | 1898 | 229,299 | 1899 | 311,715 | 1900 | 448,572 | 1901 | 487,918 | 1902 | 648,743 | 1903 | 857,046 | 1904 | 812,870 | 1905 | 1,026,499 | 1906 | 1,100,735 | 1907 | 1,285,349 | 1908 | 782,870 | 1909 | 751,786 | 1910 | 1,041,570 | 1911 | 878,587 | 1912 | 838,172 | 1913 | 1,197,892 | 1914 (11 months) | 1,254,548 | TABLE II TOTAL NUMBER OF IMMIGRANTS, BY DECADES 1821-1830 | 143,439 | 1831-1840 | 599,125 | 1841-1850 | 1,713,251 | 1851-1860 | 2,598,214 | 1861-1870 | 2,314,824 | 1871-1880 | 2,812,191 | 1881-1890 | 5,246,613 | 1891-1900 | 3,687,564 | 1901-1910 | 8,795,386 | TABLE III INCREASE OF FOREIGN-BORN IN POPULATION BY DECADES | Population. | Increase. | Increase. | Census Year. | Foreign-Born | | Percentage | 1850 | 2,244,602 | 1860 | 4,138,697 | 1,894,095 | 84.4 | 1870 | 5,567,229 | 1,428,532 | 34.5 | 1880 | 6,679,943 | 1,112,714 | 20.0 | 1890 | 9,249,560 | 2,569,617 | 38.5 | 1900 | 10,341,276 | 1,091,716 | 11.8 | 1910 | 13,343,583 | 3,129,766 | 30.6 |
TABLE IV FOREIGN-BORN IN UNITED STATES IN 1910 | | Per cent | Country of Birth. | Number. | of total. | Total foreign born. | 13,515,886 | 100.0 | Europe | 11,791,841 | 87.2 | Northwestern Europe | 6,740,400 | 49.9 | Great Britain | 1,221,283 | 9.0 | England | 877,719 | 6.5 | Scotland | 261,076 | 1.9 | Wales | 82,488 | 0.6 | Ireland | 1,352,251 | 10.0 | Germany | 2,501,333 | 18.5 | Scandinavian countries | 1,250,733 | 9.3 | Norway | 403,877 | 3.0 | Sweden | 665,207 | 1.9 | Denmark | 181,649 | 1.3 | Netherlands (Holland), Belgium, | and Luxemburg | 172,534 | 1.3 | Netherlands | 120,063 | 0.9 | Belgium | 49,400 | 0.4 | Luxemburg | 3,071 | France | 117,418 | 0.9 | Switzerland | 124,848 | 0.9 | Southern and Eastern Europe | 5,048,583 | 37.4 | Portugal | 59,360 | 0.4 | Spain | 22,108 | 0.2 | Italy | 1,343,125 | 9.9 | Russia and Finland | 1,732,462 | 12.8 | Russia | 1,602,782 | 11.9 | Finland | 129,680 | 1.0 | | Austria-Hungary | 1,670,582 | 12.4 | Austria | 1,174,973 | 8.7 | Hungary | 495,609 | 3.7 | Balkan peninsula | 220,946 | 1.6 | Roumania | 65,923 | 0.5 | Bulgaria | 11,498 | 0.1 | Servia | 4,639 | Montenegro | 5,374 | Greece | 101,282 | 0.7 | Turkey in Europe | 32,230 | 0.2 | Country not specified | 2,858 | Asia | 191,484 | 1.4 | China | 56,756 | 0.4 | Japan | 67,744 | 0.5 | India | 4,664 | Turkey in Asia | 59,729 | 0.4 | All other countries | 2,591 | America | 1,489,231 | 11.0 | Canada and Newfoundland | 1,209,717 | 9.0 | Canada—French | 385,083 | 2.8 | Canada—Other | 819,554 | 6.1 | Newfoundland | 5,080 | West Indies | 47,635 | 0.4 | Mexico | 221,915 | 1.6 | Central and South America | 9,964 | 0.1 | All other | 43,330 | 0.3 | TOTAL FOREIGN BORN, 1910: 13,515,886TOTAL FOREIGN BORN, 1900: 10,341,276 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION, BY PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF BIRTH: 1910 AND 1900
TABLE V PER CENT. OF IMMIGRANTS FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE AND FROM SOUTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE, 1820 TO 1910 | Northern | Southern | Total | Other | | and | and | from | specified | Period. | Western. | Eastern. | Europe. | countries. | 1820-1830 | 87.0 | 2.9 | 89.9 | 10.1 | 1831-1840 | 92.5 | 1.1 | 93.7 | 6.3 | 1841-1850 | 95.9 | .3 | 96.2 | 3.8 | 1851-1860 | 94.6 | .8 | 95.5 | 4.5 | 1861-1870 | 88.5 | 1.5 | 89.9 | 10.1 | 1871-1880 | 73.7 | 7.1 | 80.8 | 19.2 | 1881-1890 | 72.0 | 18.3 | 90.3 | 9.7 | 1891-1900 | 44.8 | 52.8 | 97.5 | 2.5 | 1901-1910 | 21.8 | 71.9 | 93.7 | 6.3 | TABLE VI OLD AND NEW IMMIGRATION COMPARED WITH RESPECT TO ABILITY OF THE FOREIGN-BORN TO READ, BY RACE[1] (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES) | Per cent. | | able to | Old Immigration. | read. | Canadian, French | 88.1 | Canadian, other | 98.9 | Dutch | 97.6 | English | 98.8 | German | 98.0 | Irish | 95.8 | Scotch | 99.5 | Swedish | 99.8 | Welsh | 98.1 | New Immigration. | Bulgarian | 78.1 | Croatian | 70.9 | Greek | 80.5 | Hebrew, Russian | 93.1 | Hebrew, other | 92.5 | Italian, North | 83.3 | Italian, South | 67.5 | Lithuanian | 77.3 | Magyar | 91.0 | Polish | 79.9 | Portuguese | 47.5 | Roumanian | 82.6 | Russian | 74.5 | Ruthenian | 65.8 | Servian | 71.3 | Slovak | 84.4 | Slovenian | 87.5 | Spanish | 98.1 | Syrian | 63.6 |
TABLE VII OLD AND NEW IMMIGRATION COMPARED WITH RESPECT TO FOREIGN-BORN HUSBANDS REPORTING WIFE ABROAD, BY RACE.[2] (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES) | Per cent | | Reporting | | Wife | Old Immigration. | Abroad. | Canadian, French | 1.5 | Dutch | 3.8 | English | 3.4 | German | 4.3 | Irish | 1.2 | Scotch | 3.2 | Swedish | 2.9 | Welsh | 1.4 | | New Immigration. | Bulgarian | 90.0 | Croatian | 59.3 | Greek | 74.7 | Hebrew, Russian | 12.5 | Italian, North | 31.6 | Italian, South | 36.9 | Lithuanian | 23.3 | Magyar | 43.3 | Polish | 23.0 | Portuguese | 15.9 | Roumanian | 73.9 | Russian | 45.5 | Servian | 64.5 | Slovak | 34.2 | Slovenian | 33.7 | TABLE VIII OLD AND NEW IMMIGRATION COMPARED WITH RESPECT TO ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH.[3] (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES) Old Immigration. | Nationality. | Per cent. | Danish | 96.5 | Dutch | 86.1 | French | 68.6 | German | 87.5 | Norwegian | 96.9 | Swedish | 94.7 | Average | 82.2 | New Immigration. | Bulgarian | 20.3 | Croatian | 50.9 | Greek | 33.5 | South Italian | 48.7 | Lithuanian | 51.3 | Macedonian | 21.1 | Magyar | 46.4 | Montenegrin | 38.0 | Polish | 43.5 | | Roumanian | 33.3 | Ruthenian | 36.8 | Russian | 43.6 | Servian | 41.2 | Slovak | 55.6 | Slovenian | 51.7 | Syrian | 54.6 | Turkish | 22.5 | Average | 40.8 | TABLE IX FOREIGN-BORN IN URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES, 1910 Old Immigration. | | Per | Per | Country | Cent | Cent | of Birth. | Urban. | Rural. | Belgium | 59.6 | 40.4 | Denmark | 48.3 | 51.7 | England | 72.6 | 27.4 | France | 69.9 | 30.1 | Germany | 66.7 | 33.3 | Holland | 54.9 | 45.1 | Ireland | 84.7 | 15.3 | Norway | 42.2 | 57.8 | Scotland | 72.4 | 27.6 | Sweden | 60.6 | 39.4 | Switzerland | 53.9 | 46.1 | New Immigration. | Austria | 72.4 | 27.6 | Balkan States | 50.9 | 49.1 | Finland | 50. | 50. | Greece | 71.4 | 28.6 | Hungary | 77.3 | 22.7 | Italy | 78.1 | 21.9 | Portugal | 69.6 | 30.4 | Roumania | 91.9 | 8.1 | Russia | 87. | 13. | Turkey, in Asia | 86.7 | 13.3 | Turkey, in Europe | 79.5 | 20.5 |