In writing of the monkish Haydar’s successor, VambÉry appositely quotes an old UÏghur proverb, “The princes of an age are its mirrors.”485 Nasrullah Khan epitomised the vices which flourished unchecked in Bokhara. The passion for low intrigue, the lust and cruelty, the self-righteousness and hypocrisy so often associated with the Mohammedan character, were found in him in their highest development. As the third son of Haydar, he had small chance of succeeding to the throne; but he kept that goal constantly in view during his father’s lifetime, and paved the way thither by pandering to the greed of the military caste. No opportunity was lost of gaining adherents among the Amir’s courtiers. Hakim Bi, the Kushbegi, or vezir, and his father-in-law Ayaz Topchi-bashi,486 who held an important military command, were devoted to his interests.487 On Haydar’s death, his eldest son, Husayn Khan, took possession of the citadel of Bokhara and was proclaimed Amir. He received fervent assurances of loyalty from Nasrullah, who was the while actively plotting At this crisis he learnt that his brother had died suddenly after a reign of barely three months, and took immediate steps to assert his claims.488 He obtained a legal decision in his favour from the chief-justice of Karshi, who also invited the clergy of Samarkand to espouse his cause. In the meantime another brother named `Omar Khan seized the reins of power at Bokhara, and sent orders to the governor of Samarkand on no account to surrender his charge. But on Nasrullah’s arrival the gates were flung open to him by the influence of the mullas, and he was enthroned on the famous Blue Stone, or Kok-tash, whereon nearly every Amir since Timur’s reign had received investiture. Then began a triumphant progress throughout the realm. Katti-Kurgan, KerminÉ, and other cities surrendered to the pretender, who replaced their governors by creatures of his own, and bade the former swell his train. Thus attended, he arrived before Bokhara and closely invested the city. Starvation soon decimated its swarming population. A pound of meat sold for seven tangas,489 flour was introduced through Nasrullah’s trenches in coffins, and the stench of stagnant water in the irrigation canals grew intolerable. The Kushbegi and his father-in-law Ayaz took advantage of the people’s agony to proffer their submission, and undertook to give the signal of capitulation by blowing up an ancient cannon, said to have weighed nearly thirteen tons.490 On hearing the muffled roar of the explosion, Nasrullah immediately attacked COURT-YARD OF A HOUSE IN SAMARKAND The policy with which Nasrullah inaugurated his reign partook of the ingrained cunning which was his chief characteristic. He seemed to prefer amusements to affairs of state, and thus induced the Kushbegi to believe that his own lease of power would be indefinitely prolonged. Meantime no occasion was lost of strengthening his hold on the lower classes by acts of apparent generosity and justice. The motto on his seal was that adopted by the noble-hearted Timur, whom he affected to regard as his prototype. It was “Truth and Equity”!492 When he felt himself strong enough to throw off the mask, he banished his benefactor to Karshi, and afterwards to Samarkand. Ayaz Topchi-bashi’s suspicions were lulled by ardent asseverations of friendship, lest he should make away with the vast possessions which Nasrullah had long marked as his own. He summoned the old man to his presence, gave him a beautiful horse, and aided him to vault into the saddle with his own royal hands.493 The victim set out for Samarkand, of which he had been appointed governor, in the assurance that he had not participated in his son-in-law’s disgrace; but he was soon ordered back to Bokhara, and thrown into prison with the Kushbegi. To Nasrullah’s eternal disgrace, he put both of these early friends to death in the spring of 1840. Then he turned his attention to the military class, which had attained preponderance in an empire won and kept together by the sword. They were butchered in large numbers without any form of trial, or banished to a distance from the capital. The clergy had His evil passions gained a complete mastery as he grew older. He gave full rein to the foulest lust, and neither rank nor sex were sacred in his eyes. His temper became utterly ungovernable. “When angry,” writes one who knew him well,495 “the blood comes into his face and creates a convulsive action of his muscles; and in such fits he gives the most outrageous orders, reckless of consequences.” These spells of madness alternated with periods when he became a prey to the wildest suspicion. To gratify it, an army of spies was maintained, who were paid to report the most trivial words of those whom he believed to be disaffected.496 Our readers may well wonder why a tyrant of his mould was allowed to reign for more than a generation and to die in his bed. The key to the mystery is to be found in his attitude towards the populace, by whom he was idolised as their protector against the violence of the military class.497 Juvenal, in lamenting the atrocities of a monster of the like nature, remarks that he did not perish until he came to be feared by the dregs of the people.498 His foreign policy was as perfidious as his domestic. He attacked Shahrisabz, a little state enclosed in his dominions, which had, like Holland, preserved its independence by the bravery of its people and their ability to lay the environs of their capital under water at an invader’s With the cunning which in the East passes for the highest manifestation of diplomacy, Nasrullah placed the Nasrullah’s relations with Khiva were bitterly hostile throughout his reign; and he played into the hands of the common enemy, Russia, by harrying the Khan’s territory at a time when all his force was needed to oppose an expedition under General Perovski. The petty states of Balkh, Andakhuy, and Maymana on the southern frontier were the objects of his constant aggression, and the mutual jealousy of Persia and Afghanistan allowed him to assume suzerainty over them. Thus the weakness of his neighbours turned to his advantage. He was hailed by his obsequious courtiers as king of kings, and firmly believed himself destined to repeat the conquests of his model, Timur. This was the man at whose gates knocked the two greatest of European Powers. England had watched the constant advance of Russia towards her Indian frontier The next attempt made by England to establish friendly relations with the leading Central Asian Powers was less fortunate. Her agent was Colonel Stoddart of the Indian Army, a man utterly unfitted by training and temperament for a diplomatic mission.507 His rude and overbearing manners gave the deepest offence to a despot accustomed to see all around him tremble at his slightest movement.508 He was thrown into a loathsome dungeon, and languished there, with brief intervals of comparative liberty, till death put an end to his sufferings. In 1840 he received a companion in affliction in the person of Captain Arthur Conolly, whose gentle disposition and high culture rendered him equally unfit to cope with a truculent monster such as Nasrullah. He had been charged with the duty of uniting the Central Asian Khanates in an informal alliance against Russia—a task which their common jealousies rendered absolutely impossible. Thus his overtures were politely rejected by Khiva and Kokand in succession. Enticed by Nasrullah into his camp, he was seized, robbed of all his possessions, and sent to join poor Stoddart in captivity. In the meantime the Russians had begun to compete for Nasrullah’s favour.509 Major Batanieff was despatched to Bokhara in 1840 by the Tsar Nicholas, with orders to On the 17th June 1842 the unfortunate men were brought out to die. Stoddart, who had been forced to embrace Mohammedanism, was the first to suffer. When his head had been severed from his body the executioner paused, and Conolly had an offer made of life as the price of his apostasy. He scorned the bargain, and stretched out his neck to receive the fatal blow. This atrocious crime was never avenged by the country which had sent her sons forth to perish,511 but for many years Bokhara was a word full of evil associations in the English mind. It was undoubtedly prompted by the fiendish `Abd us-Samad, who lost no opportunity of gratifying Nasrullah’s closing years were embittered by conspiracies amongst his nobles; and his successor Mozaffar ud-Din was strongly suspected of having incited one of those movements, which was put down with much bloodshed.513 He was maddened, too, by the repeated failure of his attempts to reduce Shahrisabz. On his deathbed, in 1860, he learnt that that last stronghold of independence had fallen to his conquering arm. His last act was to order the execution of its chief, who was his brother-in-law, and all his children, and his own wife, whose only crime was her relationship to the rebel, beheaded in his presence.514 Sayyid Mozaffar ud-Din Khan, who succeeded this monster of iniquity, had attained the mature age of thirty-eight on his death. He was the son of a Persian slave-girl, and at the age of fourteen was appointed governor of Karshi, the DauphinÉe of modern Bokhara.515 That he lived to reign in his turn was due to his extreme circumspection, for he was swayed by the same vices as his It remains for us to trace the origin of a Power which was destined to play a part of the first importance in the history of Central Asia, and to repeat the conquests of Chingiz and Timur. |