Man Man putteth the world to scale And weigheth out the stars; Th’ eternal hath lost her veil, The infinite her bars; His balance he hath hung in heaven And set the sun therein. He measures the lords of light And fiery orbs that spin; No riddle of darkest night He dares not look within; Athwart the roaring wrack of stars He plumbs the chasm of heaven. The wings of the wind are his; To him the world is given; His servant the lightning is, And slave the ocean, even; He scans the mountains yet unclimb’d And sounds the solid sea. With fingers of thought he holds What is or e’er can be; And, touching it not, unfolds The sealÈd mystery. The pigmy hands, eyes, head God gave A giant’s are become. But tho’ to this height sublime By labour he hath clomb, One summit he hath to climb, One deep the more to plumb— To rede himself and rule himself, And so to reach the sum. 1898. |