PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY R. CLAY AND SONS, LTD., FOOTNOTES: “By the marriage of Charles Bushe to Emmeline Coghill, (daughter of Sir J. Coghill Bt. by his first wife,) the lady becomes neice (sic) to her husband, sister to her mother, and daughter to her grandmother, aunt to her sisters and cousins, and grandaunt to her own children, stepmother to her cousins, and sister-in-law to her father, while her mother will be at the same time aunt and grandmother to her nephews and neices.” I recommend no one to try to understand these statements.—E. Œ. S. “Did you see it like that?” “Oh yes, Mr. L——!” twittered the pupil. “And did you feel it like that?” “Oh yes, Mr. L——, indeed I did!” “Wal,” said Mr. L——, smoothly, “the next time you see and feel like that, don’t paint!” |