As a result of the accumulation of material and information in the faunistic collection, the Illinois Natural History Survey has published a number of reports dealing with various groups of insects and other animals in Illinois; other reports in this series are being prepared or planned. These reports are designed primarily for use of the advanced student in zoology and entomology. They contain information regarding the characteristics, habits, and distribution of the various species in the state, keys for their identification, and illustrations to assist in diagnosis of the structures used in identification. Because of their great abundance in both species and numbers, and their importance as pests, insects have been studied extensively and much has been written about them. The following reports of Illinois insects and their relatives have been published by the Illinois Natural History Survey. Those marked “out of print” are unavailable at the Survey, but may be consulted at libraries or obtained from book dealers. Interested persons may obtain publications by writing to the Chief, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, Illinois 61801. - The Oribatoidea of Illinois [Mites], by Henry E. Ewing. Out of print.
- The Chironomidae, or Midges, of Illinois, by J. R. Malloch. Out of print.
- A Preliminary Classification of Diptera, by J. R. Malloch. Out of print.
- The North American Species of the Genus Tiphia [Wasps], by J. R. Malloch. Out of print.
- The Pentatomoidea of Illinois [Stink Bugs], by Charles Arthur Hart. Out of print.
- Forest Insects in Illinois: I. The Subfamily Ochthiphilinae (Diptera, Family Agromyzidae), by J. R. Malloch. Out of print.
- Fall and Winter Stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois, by Theodore H. Frison. Out of print.
- The Plant Lice, or Aphiidae, of Illinois, by Frederick C. Hottes and Theodore H. Frison. Out of print.
- The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Illinois, by Morgan Hebard.
- The Stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois, by T. H. Frison.
- Nearctic Alder Flies of the Genus Sialis (Megaloptera, Sialidae), by H. H. Ross. Out of print.
- The Plant Bugs, or Miridae, of Illinois, by Harry H. Knight.
- Studies of North American Plecoptera, With Special Reference to the Fauna of Illinois, by T. H. Frison.
- The Caddis Flies, or Trichoptera, of Illinois, by Herbert H. Ross. Out of print.
- The Leafhoppers, or Cicadellidae, of Illinois, by D. M. DeLong.
- The Pseudoscorpions of Illinois, by C. Clayton Hoff.
- The Mayflies, or Ephemeroptera, of Illinois, by B. D. Burks.
- A Synopsis of the Mosquitoes of Illinois (Diptera, Culicidae), by Herbert H. Ross and William R. Horsfall.