The answer which Jesus gave, as to loving God with all the heart, and his neighbour as himself, did not silence the Lawyer: he, "willing to justify himself," being anxious to prove that he was a just and righteous man, now asked, "Who is my neighbour?" The Jews had in many points altered or explained the Law, to suit their own feelings and wishes; and they would not look upon any man as a neighbour, unless he were of their own religion. This Lawyer had probably always been kind to his Jewish The Lawyer could not but own that the Samaritan in the parable had best obeyed the commandment of Moses; and in answer to the question, "Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among thieves?" he said, "He that showed mercy on him." "Then said Jesus unto him, Go and do thou likewise," that is, copy this example; and look upon every man that needs your help as a neighbour and brother, whom you are to love; and take care that your love is not in word and tongue only, but in deed and in truth. Journeying through the land of JudÆa with His disciples, Jesus "entered into a certain village"; this was Bethany, on the eastern side of the Mount of Olives: "and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus's feet and heard His word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving." Both these sisters loved the Lord, though they showed it in a very different way: Mary, delighted to have such an opportunity of listening to His teaching, sat at His feet to learn all that He might teach her; Martha, anxious to show her pleasure at receiving Jesus as her guest, appears to have busied herself in preparing a feast in His honour. Presently, tired with her exertions, and fearing that all might not be ready, "she came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me." But instead of doing this, Jesus rebuked Martha for thinking too much of worldly matters, instead of giving her mind to the "one thing needful" for the salvation of man: that one thing was faith in Jesus as the Son of God; such faith, as would produce piety and holiness; and that as Mary had chosen that good part, she must not be disturbed, but that Martha would do well to follow her example. When, therefore, Martha asked that Mary might be bid to help her, "Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Now, from this little history we should all learn this lesson: that though worldly business must be done, and well done, too, it must not take up too much of our thoughts and hearts, and so make us careless in our religious duties: to please and serve God in every way is the one thing needful for us. On one occasion, when Jesus had been praying, according to His constant custom, "when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples." Jesus then gave them that beautiful prayer, called the Lord's Prayer, because the very words of it were dictated by the Lord Himself, in whose name we pray unto God, the Father Almighty. The Prayer begins by acknowledging God to be "Our Father"; and these words should ever remind us of two things: that as "our Father," all we His children are bound to love and obey Him; and, secondly, that we must love all our fellow creatures as brethren, seeing that we are all the children of one Heavenly Father. Next we pray, "Hallowed be Thy Name"; in which words we ask that all men everywhere may hallow, or treat as holy, His name, His word, His day, and all things that belong to Him. By "Thy Kingdom come," we ask that all mankind may become Christians, and so be brought into the Lord's kingdom on earth: also, that we, and all who are Christians, may have the kingdom of God in our hearts; that is, may obey, and love, and serve Him with all our hearts; so that when we die we may be admitted into His glorious kingdom in heaven. Further, we pray, that the Will of God may be done by man on earth, as perfectly and entirely as it is done by the Angels in heaven. Let us remember that the sole object and work of the holy Angels is to do the Will of God; and that therefore we, who use this prayer, must always try to do the same, and not think of doing what will only please ourselves. The next petition of the Lord's Prayer is, "Give us this day our daily bread." By these words we ask for all things which are needful both for our souls and bodies: the body needs daily food to preserve it in life, and make it strong to do its work; the Soul also wants food, to nourish and increase the spiritual life; and render it more active in the service of God. The word of God, Prayer, religious teaching, all the services of our religion, are the food of the Soul; by the proper use of which, the love of Next we pray, that God will forgive us our sins, on condition that we forgive all those who have sinned against us. When we consider how dreadful will be our condition, if God does not forgive us, we should be very careful never to indulge angry, revengeful feelings against those who have injured us. Nothing that man can do to us, can be as bad as what we have done against God; and therefore we may well forgive our fellow creatures; and we must do so, if we would obtain forgiveness of our heavenly Father. We then ask the Lord not to suffer us to give way to temptation, but to keep us from all evil; to keep our bodies in safety, and above all to keep our souls from the great evil of sin, from the power of our ghostly or spiritual enemy, the Devil, who is always watching to do us harm. We end the Lord's Prayer by declaring our firm belief, that God is able to do all that we can ask or think. Now we often say the Lord's Prayer with our lips, but do we really say it with our hearts, wishing and striving to gain what we are asking for? This we should all do; and besides this, throughout the day, we must each of us try to do those things that we pray may be done. We must each of us try to reverence and obey our heavenly Father; to be satisfied with whatever He gives us for our bodies; to take every opportunity of feeding our souls, by learning all we can about Him, and praying earnestly for His grace. We must also try to keep down all angry feelings, and be kind to those who are unkind to us; and we must watch over ourselves continually, and strive to resist the Devil, and practise self-denial, that we may not fall into sin. The Lord's Prayer teaches us what things we ought to ask of God; and we may do so more particularly in our own words; God is well pleased when we do so. After giving His disciples this beautiful form of words, to be a model for all their prayers, Jesus exhorted and entreated them to pray earnestly for the help of the Holy Spirit: and told them to go on praying, and not to be discouraged, because they did not immediately receive those things for which they asked; for that the Lord would hear their prayers, and "give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him." "And as Jesus spake, a certain Pharisee besought him to dine with him; and he went in and sat down The Lord took this opportunity of teaching, that no outward washings can be pleasing in the sight of God, if the heart be full of sinful, evil passions: no outward forms and observances of any kind, can ever please God, unless those who do such things really love God, and try to do their duty and please Him in everything. Many things also Jesus said, rebuking the Scribes and Pharisees. He likewise spake to the people who crowded to hear Him, and warned them to fear God rather than man; for though men might kill their bodies, they had no further power. "And one of the company said unto him, Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me." It would seem that this brother had acted very unkindly, if not unjustly, in not sharing with his brother the money left by their father; and the one who felt himself aggrieved came, hoping that Jesus would interfere. But Jesus answered, "Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you?"—meaning, that He was not come upon earth to act as a Judge or Magistrate in settling such matters, but to teach men their duty to God. He then took this occasion to warn his hearers against covetousness, or the too eager desire for riches, or for any of the good things this world can give: bidding them rather be contented, and try to please God by doing good with what they have. Covetousness is, as we are elsewhere told, idolatry,—and truly, if our hearts are set upon riches, pleasures, or anything else, they will be drawn away from God. |