-0.htm.html#Page_1" class="pginternal">1, 299, 256, 257, 262, 263, 264, 265 Loans, National, 114, 115, 119, 120 Loans, Provincial, 65 Locusts, 238, 239, 240 Los Andes (Territory), 63, 214 “Los Remedios” Estancia, 261 Lotteries, National, 88 Lugones, Leopoldo, 299, 302 Maize (export), 242 Maldonado (Department), 63, 214 “MaÑana,” 20, 49, 225 Marble, 166, 179 Mar Chiquita, 149 Marcos Juarez (town), 149 Mar-del-Plata, 5, 88, 123, 141 MÁrmol, JosÉ, 299 “Martin Fierro,” 299 Martinez de Hoz, SeÑor, 253 Mate, 56, 220, 221 Mate Yerba, 202, 203 Mauduit, SeÑor Fernando, 277, 278, 298 Mayflower, The, 44, 194 Meat, Early export of, 268 Meat trade (exports), 270, 271, 272, 273 Meat trade, Recent, 269, 272 Mendoza, Pedro de, 249, 250 Mendoza, Province of, 63, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178 Mendoza (Province), Chief products of, 175 Mendoza, City of, 176, 177 Mercedes (Corrientes), 155 Metan, 174 Metric measurements, 106, 10714 Soler Theatre, 79 “Soriano” (Department), 63, 212, 214 “Standard,” The Buenos Aires, 191 Statistics, Foreign trade, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133 Statistics, Uruguayan, Deficiencies of, 132 Stock Exchange, Buenos Aires, 113, 114 Storekeeper, 8 Sugar, 16, 160, 161, 162, 167, 218 Sugar-beet, 236 Sulphur, 179 “Sun of May,” 168 “Swallows” (Golondrinas), 9 Sweet Sorghum, 236 Swiss colony, 27 TandÍl, 82, 143, 144 Tarquin (bull), 261 Tea, 236 Tellier, Charles, 251, 269 Terrasson, Eugenio, 251 Theatre, 58 “The Land we Live on,” 229 Tierra del Fuego, 63, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200 Tigre River, 87, 89, 143 Timber, 16, 187, 202, 209, 277, 298 Tin, 164, 166 Tobacco, 16, 181, 218, 219, 220 Tornquist, Mr. C. A., 19, 21-26 Tosca, 247, 248 Tramways, Buenos Aires, 84 Tramways, Montevideo, 71, 85 Transandine Railway, 175, PRINTED BY WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, LTD. PLYMOUTH, ENGLAND Transcriber’s Note List of changes made to the text to correct suspected printing errors: Page 5 “Is there a good bargain to be made” changed to “If there is a good bargain to be made” Page 17 “the latter is still” changed to “the former is still” Page 43 “certain Argentine amateur philogists” changed to “certain Argentine amateur philologists” Page 65 “would proceed to rat shamelessly” changed to “would proceed to rant shamelessly” Page 79 “take convenient tram” changed to “take a convenient tram” Page 151 “take train” changed to “take a train” Page 221 “the Adine regions” changed to “the Andine regions” Page 255 “Buenos Aires, Sante FÉ, CÓrdoba” changed to “Buenos Aires, Santa FÉ, CÓrdoba” Page 270 (table header) “Power of meat” changed to “Powder of meat” Page 294 “C. sineusis” changed to “C. sinensis” Page 295 “A first-cless species” changed to “A first-class species” Page 297 “especially Csrya species” changed to “especially Carya species” Page 297 “Tsuga doglasi” changed to “Tsuga douglasi” Page 302 “Godefredo Daireaux” changed to “Godofredo Daireaux” Page 308 (index entry) “Spanish-speaking commercial travvellers” changed to “Spanish-speaking commercial travellers” Corrections to accents, punctuation and the publisher’s catalogue which follows have been made without note.