- Abu Hamed, 383
- Abu Klea, battle of, 384, 385
- Abu Kru, battle of, 386
- Airey, Col: [Gen: Sir J.], 141, 314
- Aix-la-Chapelle, congress of, 67
- Aladyn, 145
- Aldershot, 268, 283, 296, etc. (see App. xv.)
- Alexander I. of Russia, 32
- Alexander II. of Russia, 252, 331
- Alexandria, 354;
- Alison, Sir Archibald, Gen.: 355, 357, 358, 370
- Alma, 167;
- Amherst, Hon: W. [Viscount Holmesdale; Earl Amherst], 227
- Angelo, Mr., 117
- Arabi Pasha, 352, 353, 357, 363
- Armament of the British infantry, 126, 259, 271, 317
- Army Purchase abolished, 324
- Army Reform, 124, 319-349
- Austria; and Russia, 133, 148, 149
- Azof, Sea of, 161, 245, 253, 274
- Baker Pasha, Gen:, 374
- Balaklava, 197;
- Baltic Sea, 158
- Baring, Capt: C. [Col:], 174, 314
- Barracks (see App. xv.)
- —— Buckingham House [Palace], 97, etc.
- —— Chelsea, 270, 305, etc.
- —— Kensington, 97, 300, etc.
- —— King’s Mews, 76;
- changed to St. George’s, 97; etc.
- —— Knightsbridge, 76;
- —— Magazine, 97;
- —— Portman Street, 76, 108;
- second outbreak, 110, 111;
- legislative union, 112
Canrobert, Gen:, 145, 155, 165, 183, 184, 225, 252, 253 Canteen system, improvements in, 299, 340 Carleton, Col: Dudley [Lord Dorchester], 247, 306, 307, 314 Carnot (1815), 43 Caroline, Queen, 80 Caspian Sea, 159 Castlereagh, Lord, 31 Casualties; - Waterloo campaign, 21;
- Alma, 171;
- Inkerman, 226;
- in Crimea, 290;
- Tel el-Kebir, 368;
- Abu Klea, 385;
- Hashin, 399;
- 24th March, 1885, 401, 402
Cathcart, Gen: Hon: Sir J., 183, 184, 215, 222 Cato Street Conspiracy, 79 Caucasus, 160 Chapel Royal, Whitehall, 77 Chapel, Royal Military, at Wellington Barracks, 104, 300, 349 Chaplin, Col: T., 116, 118, 120 Charteris, Lt: Hon: Alan, 395 Charteris, Lt: Hon: Alfred, 336 Chartists, 119 Chatham, 76, etc. (see App. xv.) Chelsea Barracks. See Barracks. Chichester, 117, etc. (see App. xv.) Chobham Camp, 128, 296 Cholera, 95, 152, 183, 189, etc. Cialdini, Gen:, 262 Circassia, 160, 255, 294 Citate, 135 Clarendon, Earl of, 255 Clinton, Gen: Sir H., Saxe-Weimar. Egypt, 350, 372; - dual control, 352;
- British Protectorate, 371
Egyptian Army, 364 Egyptian War, Tel el-Kebir Campaign, 358-367; - Nile Campaign, 372-392;
- Suakin Campaign, 393-408
Eliot, Capt: Hon: G., 151, 209, 217, 227 Eupatoria, 163, 244, 274 Evans, Gen: Sir De Lacy, 170, 210 - Falconer, A., Quartermaster, 213, 335
- Falmouth, Viscount. See Boscawen.
- Feilding, Col: Hon: P. [Gen: Sir P.] 151, 213, 227, 314, 315, 334
- Feilding, Col: Hon: W. [Gen:], 334
- Fenians, 311, 313
- Field-Officer in Brigade Waiting, 92, 290, 291
- Finsbury, 76, etc.
- Fire-service, 106
- First Guards. See Grenadier Guards.
- FitzClarence, Lt: [Gen: Lord Frederick], 80, 321
- FitzRoy, Col: G. [Gen:], 334, 343, 344, 345
- FitzRoy, Lt:-Col: Lord Charles [Duke of Grafton], 334, 340
- Flank-march round Sevastopol, 181
- Fleet in Crimean War, 138, 149, 178, 193, 273;
- Flogging in the Army, 101
- Follett, Col: R. (see App. xvi.)
- Forey, Gen:, 155, 165, 187
- Forster, Rt: Hon: W. E., 347
- Fortescue, Capt: [Lt:-Col:] Cyril, 339, 346
- Fortescue, Lt: Hon: A. [Capt:] 411
- FouchÉ, Duc d’Otranto, 7, 16, 17, 29, 42
- Franco-Prussian War, 320
- 93
- Reforms of Army, 124, 319-349
- Regent, Prince. See George IV.
- Regimental hospital, 83
- —— transport. See Transport.
- Rewards; for Waterloo, 19, 20;
- in 1829, and 1836, 100;
- in 1843, 125
- Richelieu, Duc de, 53, 59
- Rokeby, Gen: Lord, 246, 247, 282, 285, 300, 301, 304
- Ross-of-Bladensburg, Capt: [Lt:-Col:], 396, 403
- Rowley, Lt:-Col: C., 378, 384
- Royal Military Chapel. See Chapel, R.M.
- Russian Empire, 130;
- St. Arnaud, Marshal, 145, 161, 163, 168, 174, 175, 183
- St. Cloud, Convention of, 18
- St. George’s Barracks. See Barracks.
- St. John’s Wood Barracks. See Barracks.
- Sandbag battery, 188, 213-224
- Saxe-Weimar, Col: [Gen:] H.S.H. Prince Edward of, 212, 315, 335
- Scots Fusiliers. See Scots Guards.
- Scots Guards, 8, 76, 87, 95, 128, 213, 245, 375, etc. (see Brigade of Guards)
- Scutari, 141, 142;
- Seaton, Lord. See Colborne.
- Sevastopol, 157;
- plan of attack, 163;
- disembarkation for, 164;
- arrival before, 176;
- harbour of, 177;
- flank march round, 181;
- commencement of siege, 184;
- garrison and defences, 185, 104;
- sympathy with army, 271;
- address to Crimean troops, 284
- Victoria Cross, 172, 192, 201, 218, 287 (see App. xiii.)
- Vienna Note, the, 134
- Volunteers, 302, 303
- Von Sohr, Lt:-Col:, 15
- Walton, Capt: [Col:], 22, 105, 116, 118
- Wantage, Lord. See Lindsay.
- Warley, 96, 101
- Warrant officers introduced, 342
- Washington, Treaty of, 114
- Waterloo, battle of, 1;
- Napoleon after, 2-6;
- operations after, 9-15;
- political result, 24-27
- “Waterloo men,” 19, 20
- Wellington, Duke of, 8, 10, 14, 15, 17, 30, 35, 49, 62, 63, 71, 106, 119, 122;
- Wellington Barracks. See Barracks; and Chapel, R.M.
- Wellington Pension, 20
- Westmoreland, Earl of. See Burghersh.
- Wigram, Col: [Gen:] Godfrey, 343, 344, 356
- William IV., 79, 92;
- coronation, 95;
- death, 100
- Willis, Gen: [Sir G.], 356, 360, 368
- Willson, Col: M., 378
- Wilson, Col: [Gen:] Sir Charles (R.E.), 382, 386, 388
- Wilson, Capt: C. T. [Col:], 191, 219, 223, 224
- Wilson, Gen: Sir Robert, 45
- Wiltshire, Earl of,
On p. 40, there seems to be a confusion of footnoting. There are three references to footnotes, one of which, a †, is repeated. The repeated anchors correspond to two separate passages in Gronow’s Reminiscences. The second phrase in the first note, as printed, is therefore assigned its own anchor, referring to the first citation from Gronow, and eliminating the repetition. The repeated column headings of long tables, spanning pages, have been removed. On pages 195 and #293, a wide table was reformatted, rotating the rows and columns to fit this medium. The same has been done for the two tables in Appendix XI. In Appendix XII, a table spanning pp 441 & 442 has been re-organized for the same reason. In Appendix XVI, a footnote, first appearing on p. 470, is repeatedly referenced on subsequent pages. These redundant notes have been removed, and all references to the note in the table refer to that first instance. Errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. When apparent errors occur in quoted material, the lapse is noted but the original retained. The references are to the page and line in the original. 10.31 | of the northern frontier[.] | Added. | 25.28 | Supplementary Despatches, etc., xiv. 632, 633.[)] | Removed. | 28.24 | without any display[.] | Added. | 43.13 | on the 19th of August[,/.] | Replaced. | 181.39 | as it was, we [j]ust happened to drive | Restored. | 255.11 | by a fierce can[n]onade | Inserted. | 253.13 | the English, 265.[”] | Added. | 275.1 | Captain Lord E. Cecil[;] | Added. | 281.41 | the appearance of a ‘Field of blood. blood.’ | Added. | 326.42 | to serve their own purposes[,/.] | Replaced. | 343.16 | Ser[j/g]eants-Major | Replaced. | 366.30 | the direction of their march[,/.] | Replaced. | 380.26 | a short ac[c]ount> of the obstacles | Inserted. | 417.10 | the Quartermaster-General’s [Department’s of Division] | sic | 432.1 | 1841. | sic: prob. 1842 | 461.12 | Charles Antonio F[re/er]dinand Bentinck | Transposed. | The following corrections are mentioned in the 'Corrigenda' section, and we have obliged the printer by making them. 86.31 | May 2[5/7]th | Replaced. | 90.13 | May 1[5/6]th, 1829 | Replaced. | 118.12 | November [13/9]th | Replaced. | |