In the preceding chapter we have dealt with the processes of manufacture employed in the production of both the crudest and the most perfect forms of flat glass as used for such purposes as the glazing of window openings. The products now to be dealt with are of an intermediate character, sheet-glass possessing many of the properties of polished plate, but lacking some very important ones; thus sheet-glass is sufficiently transparent to allow an observer to see through it with little or no disturbance—in the best varieties of sheet-glass the optical distortion caused by its irregularities is so small that the glass appears nearly as perfect as polished plate—but in the cheap glass that is used for the glazing of ordinary windows, sheets are often employed which produce the most disturbing, and sometimes the most ludicrous, distortions of objects seen through them. It is a curious fact that even in good houses the use of such inferior glass is tolerated without comment, the general public being, apparently, remarkably nonobservant in this respect. In another direction sheet-glass has the great advantage over plate-glass that it is very much lighter, or can at least be produced of much smaller weight and thickness, although this advantage entails the The raw materials for the manufacture of sheet-glass are sand, limestone, salt-cake, and a few accessory substances, such as arsenic, oxide of manganese, anthracite coal or coke, which differ considerably according to the practice of each particular works. In a general way these materials have already been dealt with in Chapter III., and we need only add here that the sheet-glass manufacturer must keep in view two decidedly conflicting considerations. On the one hand the requirements made in the case of sheet-glass as regards colour and purity render a rigorous choice of raw material and the exclusion of anything at all doubtful very desirable; but on the other hand the chief commercial consideration in connection with this product is its cheapness, and in order to maintain a low selling price at a profit to himself the manufacturer must rigorously exclude all expensive raw materials. For this reason sheet-glass, works such as those of Belgium and some parts of Germany, which have large deposits of pure sand close at hand, possess a very considerable advantage over those in less favoured situations, since sand in particular forms so large Ordinary “white” sheet-glass is now almost universally produced in tank furnaces, and a very great variety of these furnaces are used or advocated for the purpose. It would be beyond the scope of the present book to enter in detail into the construction of these various types of furnace or to discuss their relative merits at length. Only a brief outline of the chief characteristics of the most important forms of sheet-tank furnaces will therefore be given here. Sheet tanks differ from each other in several important respects; these relate to the sub-division of the tank into one, two, or even three more or less separate chambers, to the depth of the bath of molten glass and the height of the “crown” or vault of the furnace chamber, to the shape and position of the apertures by which the gas and air are admitted into the furnace, and the resultant shape and disposition of the flame, and finally to the position and arrangement of the regenerative appliances by which some of the heat of the waste gases is returned into the furnace. Taking these principal points in order, we find that in some sheet tank furnaces the whole furnace constitutes a single large chamber. In this type of furnace the whole process As regards the depth of glass in the tank, practice also varies very much. The advantages claimed for a deep bath are that the fire-clay bottom of the furnace is thereby kept colder and is consequently less attacked, so that this portion of the furnace will last for many years. On the other hand the existence of a great mass of glass at a moderate heat may easily prove the source of contamination arising from crystallisation or “devitrification” occurring there and spreading into the hotter glass above. Also, if for any reason it should become necessary to remove part or all of the contents of the tank, the greater mass of glass in those with deep baths becomes a formidable obstacle. On the whole, however, modern practice appears to favour the use of deeper baths, depths of 2 ft. 6 in. or even 3 ft. being very usual, while depths up to 4 ft. have been used. The question of the proper height of the “crown” or vault of the furnace is of considerable importance to the proper working of the tank. For the purpose of producing the most perfect combustion, it is now contended that a large free flame-space is required. The earlier glass-melting tanks, like the earlier steel furnaces, were built with very The “ports” or apertures by which pre-heated gas and air enter the furnace chamber differ very widely in various furnaces. In some cases the gas and air are allowed to meet in a small combustion chamber just before entering the furnace itself, while in other cases the gas and air enter the furnace by entirely separate openings, only meeting in the furnace chamber. The latter arrangement tends to the formation of a highly reducing flame, which is advantageous for the reduction of salt-cake, but is by no means economical as regards fuel consumption. On the other hand, by producing a perfect mixing of the entering gas and air in suitable proportions, the other type of ports can be made to give almost any kind of flame desired, although their tendency is to form a more oxidising atmosphere within the furnace. The latter type of ports, although widely varied in detail, are now almost universally adopted in sheet tank furnaces. All modern tank furnaces work on the principle of the The most serious disadvantages of the ordinary types of regenerative furnaces are due to the considerable dimensions Tank furnaces for the production of sheet-glass in this country are generally worked from early on Monday morning until late on Saturday night, glass-blowing operations being suspended during Sunday, although the heat of the furnace must be maintained. On the Continent, and especially in Belgium, the work in connection with these furnaces goes on without any intermission on Sunday—a difference which, however desirable the English practice may be, has the effect of handicapping the output of a The process of blowing sheet-glass in an English glassworks is generally carried out by groups of three workmen, viz., a “pipe-warmer,” a “gatherer” and a “blower,” although the precise division of the work varies according to circumstances. The pipe-warmer’s work consists in the first place in fetching the blowing-pipe from a small subsidiary furnace in which he has previously placed it for the purpose of warming up the thick “nose” end upon which the glass is subsequently gathered. The sheet-blower’s pipe itself is an iron tube about 4 ft. 6 in. long, provided at the one end with a wooden sleeve or handle, and a mouthpiece, while the other end is thickened up into a substantial cone, having a round end. Before introducing the pipe into the opening of the tank furnace, the pipe-warmer must see that the hot end of the pipe is free from scale or dirt and must test, by blowing through it, whether the pipe is free from internal obstructions. He then places the butt of the pipe in the opening of the furnace and allows it to acquire as nearly as possible the temperature of the molten glass. When this is the case the pipe is either handed on to the gatherer, or the pipe-warmer, who is usually only a youth, may take the process one step further before handing it on to the more highly skilled workman. This next step consists in taking up the first gathering of glass on the pipe. For this purpose the hot nose of the pipe is dipped into the molten glass, turned slowly round once or twice and then removed, the thread of viscous glass that comes up with the pipe being cut off against the fire-clay ring that floats in the glass in front of the working opening. The care and skill with which these operations of gathering are carried out determine, to a large extent, the quality of the resulting sheet of glass; any want of regularity in the shape of the gathering leads inevitably to variations of thickness in different parts of the sheet, while careless gathering will introduce bubbles or “blisters” and other markings. During the intermediate cooling stages the glass must be protected from dust and dirt of all kinds, since minute specks falling upon the hot glass give rise to an evolution of minute gas bubbles which become painfully evident in the sorting room. When the last gathering has been taken up and the mass cooled so far as to allow of its being carried about without fear of loss, the glass forms an approximately spherical mass, with the nose-end of the pipe at or near the centre of the sphere. The next stages of the process consist in the preliminary shaping of this mass in such a way as to bring the bulk of the glass beyond the end of the pipe, and then in forming just beyond the end of the pipe a widened shoulder of thinner and therefore colder glass, of the diameter required for the cylinder into which the glass is to be Fig. 12.—Early stages in the formation of cylinders for sheet glass. At this point of the process the pipe with its adherent glass is handed over to the blower proper. This operator works on a special stage erected in front of small furnaces, called “blowing holes,” although in some works these are dispensed with, and the stages are erected in front of the melting furnace itself. The sheet-blower’s stage is simply a platform placed over or at the side of a suitable excavation which gives the blower the necessary space to swing the pipe and cylinder freely at arm’s length. The blowing process itself involves very little actual blowing, but depends rather upon the action of gravitation and on centrifugal effects for the formation of the large, elongated cylinder from the squat cylinder with which the blower commences. The process consists in holding the thick, lower Fig. 13.—Later stage in sheet glass blowing. The completed cylinder, still attached to the pipe, is now carried away from the blowing-stage and laid upon a wooden rack; then the blower takes up a piece of cold iron, and placing it against the neck of glass attaching the cylinder to the pipe, produces a crack; a short jerk then serves to completely sever the pipe from the cylinder. A boy now takes the pipe to a stand where it is allowed to cool and where the adhering glass cracks off from it prior to passing it back to the pipe-warmer for fresh use. The first stage in the opening-out process is that of splitting. For this purpose the cylinders are carried to a special stand, upon which they are laid in a horizontal position, and here a crack or cut is made along one of the generating-lines of the cylinder. This may be done either by the application of a hot iron, followed, if necessary, by slight moistening, or by the aid of a cut from a heavy diamond drawn skilfully down the inside of the cylinder. It will be seen from the account of the process so far given, that the glass has as yet undergone no real annealing, although the blower is expected to “anneal” his cylinder during the blowing process, as far as possible, by never allowing it to cool too suddenly, and this degree of annealing is usually sufficient to save the cylinder from breaking under its internal stresses when left to cool on the racks. The surface of the glass, however, is left in a decidedly The next stage in the manufacture of a sheet of glass is the flattening and annealing process. For this purpose the split cylinders are taken to a special kiln, generally known as a “lear,” or “lehr,” where they are first of all raised to a dull red-heat; they are then lifted, one at a time, on to a smooth stone or slab placed in a chamber of the kiln where the heat is great enough to soften the glass. Here the cylinder is laid down with the split edges upwards, and by means of a wooden tool the glass is slowly spread out, being finally rubbed down into perfect contact with the slab or On leaving the annealing kiln the sheets of glass are sometimes covered with a white deposit arising from the products of combustion in the kiln and their interaction with the glass itself. This deposit can be removed by simple mechanical rubbing, but it is usual to dip the glass into a weak acid bath, which dissolves the white film and leaves the glass clear and bright, ready for use. From the annealing kiln the finished sheets of glass are taken to the sorting room, where they are examined in a good light against a black background, and are sorted according to their quality for different purposes. The defects which are found in sheet-glass are of a very varied nature, as would be anticipated from the long and complicated process of manufacture which the material undergoes in the course of its transformation from the raw materials into the finished sheet of glass. A full enumeration of all possible defects, with their technical names, need The first class of defects accordingly embraces those that arise from the condition of the glass as it exists in the working-end of the furnace. Chief of these are white opaque enclosures, known as “stones.” These may arise from a variety of causes within the furnace, such as an admixture of infusible impurities with the raw materials, insufficient heat or duration of melting, leading to a residue of unmelted raw material in the finished glass, or from defective condition of the interior of the furnace, leading to contamination of the glass with small particles of fire-brick. Further, if any part of the furnace has been allowed to remain at too low a temperature, or if the composition of the glass is unsuitable, crystallisation may occur in the glass, and white patches of crystalline material may find their way into the finished sheets. Another defect that may arise from the condition of the glass in the furnace is the presence of numerous small bubbles, known as “seed” in the glass. By the blowing process these are drawn out into pointed ovals, and they are rarely quite absent from sheet-glass. They arise from either incomplete fining of the glass in the furnace or from allowing the glass to come into contact with minute particles of dust during the gathering process. Another possible defect to the glass itself may be found at times in too deep a colour. This is only seen readily when a sheet of some size is examined edgewise, as most varieties of ordinary sheet-glass are too free from colour to allow this The gathering process in its turn is responsible for further defects of sheet-glass. Some of these, such as defects arising from the use of a dirty pipe, are never allowed to pass beyond the sorting-room, and are therefore of no interest to the user of glass. Of those whose traces are seen in the glass that passes into use, “blisters” and “string” are the most important. “Blisters” are somewhat larger, flat air-bells, arising from the inclusion of air between successive layers of the gathering. “String” is a very common defect in all sheet-glass. To some extent it may arise from want of homogeneity in the glass itself. If this consists of layers of different densities and viscosities, the gatherer will take these up on his gathering, and ultimately they will form thickened ridges of glass running around the cylinders and across the sheets. Such striÆ, due to want of homogeneity in the glass, are much more common in flint glass than in the soda-lime glasses used for sheet manufacture, but are not unknown in the latter. On the other hand, even if the glass be as homogeneous as possible, the gatherer can produce these striÆ if he takes up his glass from a place close to the side of the fire-clay ring that floats in the furnace in front of his working opening. Glass always acts chemically upon fire-clay, gradually forming a layer of glass next to the fire-clay that contains much more alumina than the rest of the contents During the blowing proper, a further series of defects may be introduced, principally by allowing particles of glass derived from certain stages of the process to fall upon the hot glass of the cylinder and there become attached permanently. More serious, and also more frequent, is the greater or less malformation of the cylinder. If the glass as it leaves the blower is of any shape other than that of a true cylinder, it becomes impossible to spread it into a truly flat sheet in the flattening kiln. Sometimes, in practice, the “cylinder” is wider at one end than at the other, or, worse still, it is of uneven diameter, showing expanded and contracted areas alternately. When such a cylinder comes to be spread out on the slab it cannot be flattened completely, and various hollows and hillocks are left, which mar the flatness of the sheet and interfere with the regular passage of light through it when in use. Finally, the process of flattening is apt to introduce defects of its own. The most common of these are scratches arising from marks left by the flattening tool; indeed, in all sheet glass it is quite possible to see, by In the account of the manufacture of sheet-glass given above, we have outlined one typical form of the process, but nearly every stage is subject to modifications according to the practice and particular circumstances of each works. We will now describe one or two special modifications that are of more general importance. First, as regards the melting process, although the tank-furnace has almost entirely superseded the pot furnace for the production of ordinary sheet-glass, there are still some special circumstances under which the pot furnace is capable of holding its own. Thus, where for special purposes it is desired to produce a variety of sheet-glass which, as regards all defects arising out of the glass itself, and especially as regards colour, is required to be as perfect as possible, melting in pots is found advantageous, and for some very special purposes even covered (hooded) pots are used. For such special purposes, too, sulphate of soda is eliminated from the raw materials and carbonate of soda (soda ash) substituted. For the production of tinted glasses also, whether they are tinted throughout their mass, or merely covered with a thin layer of tinted glass (“flashed”), manufacture in pot rather than tank furnaces is generally adopted, the exact nature and composition The blowing process is also subject to wide variations of practice. The most important of these variations concerns the shape and dimensions of the cylinders. In English and Belgian works the dimensions of the cylinders are so chosen that the length of the cylinder constitutes the longest dimension of the finished sheet, the diameter of the cylinder forming the shorter dimension. In some parts of Germany, however, the practice is the reverse of this, the cylinders being blown shorter and much wider, so that the circumference of the cylinder constitutes the longest dimension of the finished sheet. It is, however, pretty generally recognised that the latter method has very serious disadvantages, although it is claimed that somewhat more perfect glass can be obtained by its means. For the production of a special variety of glass, known as “blown plate glass,” this method of blowing short wide cylinders is still adhered to. This is a very pure form of sheet-glass, blown into thick, small sheets which are subsequently ground and polished in the same manner as plate-glass. Here the great thickness of glass required seems to render the blowing of long cylinders very difficult, and the other form is therefore adopted. On the other hand, English patent plate-glass, which is made by grinding and polishing the best quality of ordinary sheet-glass, is made from glass blown into long narrow cylinders in the manner described in detail above. The process of blowing described above is capable, with slight modifications, of yielding glass with surfaces other than the plain smooth face of ordinary sheet-glass. Thus From the outline description given above of the usual method of manufacture of sheet-glass, it will readily be seen that this is a long, complicated, and laborious process, involving the employment of much skilled labour, and involving the production of a relatively complicated form, viz., the closed cylinder, as a preliminary to the production of a very simple form, viz., the flat sheet. It is therefore by no means surprising to find that a great many inventors have worked and are still working at the problem of a direct mechanical method of producing flat glass possessing a natural “fire polish” at least equal to that of ordinary sheet-glass. The earlier inventors have almost uniformly endeavoured to attain this object by attempting to improve the process of rolling glass, with a view to obtaining rolled sheets having a satisfactory surface. We have already indicated why these efforts have never met with success and what reasons there are for believing that they are never likely to attain their object. A totally different line is that taken by Sievert, to whose inventions we have already referred in connection with the mechanical production of blown articles. This inventor has endeavoured to utilise his process for blowing large articles of glass for the direct production of sheets of flat glass. His method is to blow, by the steam process described in another chapter, a large cubical vessel, having flat sides, the flatness of these Another class of processes entirely avoid all means of transferring molten glass from the furnace to any machine, by working on glass direct from the molten bath itself. Some of these processes are in actual use in America, and others are being experimented with in Europe, but their complete technical and commercial success has yet to be proved; there can, however, be little doubt that they have overcome the greatest of the many difficulties that stood in the way of the mechanical production of sheet-glass, and that they are therefore destined very shortly to solve the problem completely, in which case they would, of course, rapidly supersede the hand process. One of the earliest of these direct processes proposed to allow the molten glass to flow out from the furnace, downward, through a narrow slit formed in the side or bottom of the tank. The impossibility of keeping such a narrow orifice open and at the same time regulating the flow of glass made this proposal impracticable, although the use of drawing orifices has been revived in one of the latest processes. The American process, which is said to be at work under commercial conditions, is not entirely satisfactory The inventions of Fourcault, which are at present being developed on the Continent by a syndicate of glass manufacturers, aim at a much more direct process. Here also the glass is drawn direct from the molten bath by the aid of a drawing-iron that is immersed in the glass and then slowly raised, but in this case the piece immersed is simply a straight bar, and the aim is to draw out a flat sheet. In this case the tendency, under surface tension, is to contract the sheet into a thread, and apparently the simple device of chilling the emerging glass is not adequate to prevent Crown Glass.—Although this is a branch of manufacture that is nearly obsolete, it deserves brief notice here, partly The process of blowing crown glass may be briefly described as that of first blowing an approximately spherical hollow ball, then opening this at one side and expanding the glass into a flat disc by the action of centrifugal forces produced by a rapid rotation of the glass in front of a large opening in a special heating furnace. The actual process involves, of course, the preliminary of gathering the proper quantity of glass, much in the manner already described in connection with sheet-glass manufacture. This gathering is then blown out into a hollow spherical vessel. This vessel is now attached to a subsidiary iron rod by means of a small gathering of hot glass, applied at the point opposite the pipe itself, the glass being thus, for a moment, attached to both the pipe and the “pontil” or “punty” (as the rod is called). The pipe is, however, detached by cracking off the neck of the original glass, which now remains attached to the pontil in the shape of an open bowl. This bowl is now re-heated very strongly in front of a special furnace, the open side of the bowl being presented to the fire. The pontil is meanwhile held in a horizontal position and rotated. As the glass softens the rotation spreads it out, until finally the entire mass of glass is formed into a simple flat disc spinning rapidly before the mouth of the furnace. This flat disc or “table” of crown glass is allowed to cool somewhat, is detached from the pontil by a sharp jerk, and is then annealed in a simple kiln in which the glass is stacked, sealed up, and allowed to cool naturally. |