In the present chapter we propose to deal with all those processes of glass manufacture in which the first stage consists in converting the glass into a slab or plate by some process of rolling. We have already considered the general character of the rolling process, and have seen that, although hot, viscous glass lends itself readily to being rolled into sheets or slabs, these cannot be turned out with a smooth, flat surface. In practice the surface of rolled glass is always more or less dimmed by contact with the minute irregularities of table or roller, and larger irregularities of the surface arise from the buckling that occurs at a great many places in the sheet. These limitations govern the varieties of glass that can be produced by processes that involve rolling, and have led to the somewhat curious result that both the cheapest and roughest, as well as the best and most expensive kinds of flat glass, are produced by rolling processes. Ordinary rough “rolled plate,” such as that used in the skylights of workshops and of railway stations, is the extreme on the one hand, while polished plate-glass represents the other end of the scale. The apparent paradox is, however, solved when it is noted that in the production of polished plate-glass the character of Rolled plate-glass being practically the roughest and cheapest form of glazing, is principally employed where appearance is not considered, and its chief requirement is, therefore, cheapness, although both the colour and quality of the glass are of importance as affecting the quantity and character of the light which it admits to the building where the glass is used. On the ground of cheapness it will be obvious from what we have said above (Chapter IV.), that such glass can only be produced economically in large tank furnaces, and these are universally used for this purpose. The requirements as regards freedom from enclosed foreign bodies of small size and of enclosed air-bells are not very high in such glass, and, therefore, tanks of very simple form are generally used. No refinements for regulating the temperature of various parts of the furnace in order to ensure perfect fining of the glass are required, and the furnace generally consists simply of an oblong chamber or tank, at one end of which the raw materials are fed in, The actual raw materials used in the production of rolled plate-glass are sand, limestone and salt-cake, with the requisite addition of carbon and of fluxing and purifying materials. The selection of these materials is made with a view to the greatest purity and constancy of composition which is available within the strictly-set limits of price which the low value of the finished product entails. These materials are handled in very large quantities, outputs of from 60 to 150 tons of finished glass per week from a single furnace being by no means uncommon; mechanical means of handling the raw materials and of charging them into the furnace are therefore adopted wherever possible. The glass is withdrawn from the furnace by means of large iron ladles. These ladles are used of varying sizes in such a way as to contain the proper amount of glass to roll to the various sizes of sheets required. The sizes used are sometimes very large, and ladles holding as much as 180 to 200 lbs. of glass are used. These ladles, when filled with glass, are not carried by hand, but are suspended from slings attached to trolleys that run on an overhead rail. The ladler, whose body is protected by a felt apron Fig. 9.—Rolling table for rolled plate-glass. The rolling table used in the manufacture of rolled plate is essentially a cast-iron slab of sufficient size to accommodate the largest sheet which is to be rolled; over this slab moves a massive iron roller which may be actuated either by hand or by mechanical power—the latter, however, being now almost universal. The thickness of the sheet to be rolled is regulated by means of slips of iron placed at the sides of the table in such a way as to prevent the roller from descending any further towards the surface of the table: so long as the layer of glass is thicker than these slips, the entire weight of the roller comes upon the The rolled-plate annealing kiln is essentially a long, low tunnel, kept hot at one end, where the freshly-rolled sheets are introduced, and cold at the other end, the temperature decreasing uniformly down the length of the tunnel. The sheets pass down this tunnel at a slow rate, and are thus gradually cooled and annealed sufficiently to undergo the necessary operations of cutting, etc. Although thus simple in principle, the proper design and working of these “lears” is by no means simple or easy, since success depends upon the When they emerge from the annealing kiln or “lear” the sheets of rolled plate-glass are carried to the cutting and sorting room. Here the sheets are trimmed and cut to size. The edges of the sheets as they leave the rolling table are somewhat irregular, and sometimes a little “beaded,” while the ends are always very irregular. Ends and edges are therefore cut square or “trimmed” by the aid of the cutting diamond. For this purpose the sheet is laid upon a flat table, the smoothest side of the sheet being placed upwards, and long cuts are taken with a diamond—good diamonds of adequate size and skilful operators being necessary to ensure good cutting on such thick glass over long lengths. Strips of glass six or eight feet long and half an inch wide are frequently detached in the course of this operation, and the final separation is aided by slight tapping of the underside of the glass just below the cut No very elaborate “sorting” of rolled plate glass is required, except perhaps that the shade of colour in the glass may vary slightly from time to time, and it is generally preferable to keep to one shade of glass in filling any particular order. Apart from this, the rolled plate cutter has merely to cut out gross defects which would interfere too seriously with the usefulness of the glass. As we have already indicated, air-bells and minute enclosures of opaque matter are not objectionable in this kind of glass, but large pieces of opaque material must generally be cut out and rejected, not only because they are too unsightly to pass even for rough glazing purposes, but also because they entail a considerable risk of spontaneous cracking of the glass—in fact, visible cracks are nearly always seen around large “stones,” as these inclusions are called. These may arise from various causes, such as incomplete melting of the raw materials, or the contamination of the raw materials with infusible impurities, but the most fruitful source of trouble in this direction lies in the crumbling of the furnace lining, which introduces small lumps of partially melted fire-clay into the glass. In a rolled plate tank furnace which is properly constructed and worked, the percentage of sheets which have to be cut up on account of such enclosures should be very small, at all events until the furnace is old, when the linings naturally show an increasing tendency to disintegrate. Returning now to the rolling process, it is readily seen that a very slight modification will result in the production of rolled plate-glass having a pattern impressed upon one Fig. 10.—Sectional diagram of machine for rolling “figured rolled” plate-glass. Figured rolled glass, being essentially of an ornamental or decorative nature, is generally produced in either brilliantly white glass or in special tints and colours, and the mixtures used for attaining these are, of course, the trade property of the various manufacturers; the whiteness of the glass, however, is only obtainable by the use of very pure and, therefore, expensive materials. As regards the coloured plate-glasses, a general account of the principles underlying the production of coloured glass will be found in Chapter XI. The raw materials for the production of plate-glass are chosen with the greatest possible care to ensure purity and regularity; owing to the very considerable thickness of glass which is sometimes employed in plate, and also to the linear dimensions of the sheets which allow of numerous internal reflections, the colour of the glass would become unpleasantly obtrusive if the shade were at all pronounced. The actual raw materials used vary somewhat from one works to another; but, as a rule, they consist of sand, limestone, and salt-cake, with some soda-ash and the usual additions of fluxing and purifying material such as arsenic, manganese, etc. The glass is generally melted in pots, and extreme care is required to ensure perfect melting and fining, since very minute defects are readily visible in this glass when finished, and, of course, detract most seriously from its value. The method of transferring the glass from the melting-pot to the rolling table differs somewhat in different works. In many cases the melting-pots themselves are taken bodily from the furnace and emptied upon the bed-plate of the rolling machine, while in other cases the glass is first transferred to smaller “casting” pots, where it has to be heated again until it has freed itself from the bubbles enclosed during the transference, and then these smaller pots are used for pouring the glass upon the rolling slab. The advantage of the latter more complicated method lies, no doubt, in the fact that the large melting-pots, which The withdrawal of the pots containing the molten glass from the furnace is now universally carried out by powerful machinery. The pots are provided on their outer surface with projections by which they can be held in suitably-shaped tongs or cradles. A part of the furnace wall, which In arranging the whole of the rolling plant, the chief consideration to be kept in mind is that it is necessary to produce a flat sheet of glass of as nearly as possible equal thickness all over. The final thickness of the whole slab when ground and polished into a sheet of plate-glass must necessarily be slightly less than that of the thinnest part of the rough rolled sheet. If, therefore, there are any considerable variations of thickness, the result will be that in some parts of the sheet a considerable thickness of glass will have to be removed during the grinding process. This will arise to a still more serious extent if the sheet as a Fig. 11.—Sectional diagram illustrating waste of glass in grinding curved or irregular plate. While it is evident that careful design of the rolling table will avoid all tendency to the formation of sheets of such undesirable form, it is a much more difficult matter to avoid all distortion of the sheet during the annealing process and while the sheet is being moved from the rolling table to the annealing kiln. Owing to the great size of the slabs of glass to be dealt with, and still more to the stringent requirement of flatness, the continuous annealing kiln, in which the glass travels slowly down a tunnel from the hot to the cold end, has not been adopted for the annealing of plate-glass, and a form of annealing kiln is still used for that glass which is similar in its mode of operation to the old-fashioned kilns that were used for other When the slabs of plate-glass are removed from the annealing kilns they very closely resemble sheets of rolled The process of grinding and polishing plate-glass consists of three principal stages. In the first stage the surfaces of the glass are ground so as to be as perfectly flat and parallel as possible; in order to effect this object as rapidly as possible, a coarse abrasive is used which leaves the glass with a rough grey surface. In the second stage, that of smoothing, these rough grey surfaces are ground down with several grades of successively finer abrasive until finally an exceedingly smooth grey surface is left. In the third and final stage, the smooth grey surface is converted into the brilliant polished surface with which we are familiar by the action of a polishing medium. Originally the various stages of the grinding and polishing processes were carried out by hand, but a whole series of ingenious machines has been produced for effecting the same purpose more rapidly and more perfectly than hand-labour could ever do. We cannot hope to give any detailed account of the various systems of grinding and polishing machines which are even now in use, but must content ourselves with a survey of some of the more important considerations governing the design and construction of such machinery. In the first place, before vigorous mechanical work can be applied to the surface of a plate of glass, that plate must be firmly fixed in a definite position relatively to the rest The process of grinding and polishing is still regarded in many plate-glass works as consisting of three distinct processes, known as rough grinding, smoothing and polishing respectively. Formerly these three stages of the process were carried out separately; at first by hand, and later by The earliest forms of grinding machines gave a reciprocal motion to the table which carries the glass, or the grinding rubbers were moved backward and forward over the stationary table. Rotary machines, however, were introduced and rapidly asserted their superiority, until, at the present time, practically all plate-glass is ground on rotating tables, some of these attaining a diameter of over 30 ft. The grinding “rubbers” consist of heavy iron slabs, or of wood boxes shod with iron, but of much smaller diameter than the grinding table. The rubbers themselves are rotary, being caused to rotate either by the frictional drive of the rotating table below them, or by the action of independent driving mechanism, but the design of the motions must be so arranged that the relative motion of rubber and glass shall be approximately the same at all parts of the It has been estimated that, on the average, slabs of plate-glass lose one-third of their original weight in the grinding and polishing processes, and it is obvious that the erosion of this great weight of glass must absorb a great amount of mechanical energy, while the cost of the plant and upkeep is proportionately great. Every factor that tends to diminish either the total weight of glass to be removed per square yard of finished plate, or reduces the cost of removal, must be of the utmost importance in this manufacture. The flatness of the plates as they leave the annealing kiln has already been referred to, and the reason why the processes of grinding and polishing have formed the subject for innumerable patents will now be apparent. The very large expansion of the use of plate-glass in modern building construction, together with the steady reduction in the prices of plate, are evidence of the success that has attended the efforts of inventors and manufacturers in this direction. At the present time, plate-glass is manufactured in very large sheets, measuring up to 26 ft. in length by 14 ft. in width, and in thickness varying from 3/16th of an inch up to 1½ in., or more, for special purposes. At the same time the quality of the glass is far higher to-day than it was at earlier times. This high quality chiefly results from more careful choice of raw materials and greater Perhaps the most remarkable fact about the quality of modern plate-glass is its relatively high degree of homogeneity. Glass, as we have seen in Chapter I., is not a chemically homogeneous substance, but rather a mixture of a number of substances of different density and viscosity. Wherever this mixture is not sufficiently intimate, the presence of diverse constituents becomes apparent in the form of striÆ, arising from the refraction or bending of light-rays as they pass from one medium into another of different density. Except in glass that has undergone elaborate stirring processes, such striÆ are never absent, but the skill of the glass-maker consists in making them as few and as minute as possible, and causing them to assume directions and positions in which they shall be as inconspicuous as possible. In plate-glass this is generally secured in a very perfect manner, and to ordinary observation no striÆ are visible when a piece of plate-glass is looked at in the ordinary way, i.e., through its smallest thickness; if the same piece of glass be looked at transversely, the edges having first been polished in such a way as to render this possible, the glass will be seen to be full of striÆ, generally running in fine lines parallel with the At the present time probably the greater bulk of plate-glass is used for the purpose of glazing windows of various kinds, principally the show windows of shops, etc. As used for this purpose the glass is finished when polished and cut to size. The only further manipulation that is sometimes required is that of bending the glass to some desired curvature, examples of bent plate-glass window-panes being very frequently seen. This bending is carried out on the finished glass, i.e., after it has been polished; the glass is carefully heated in a special furnace until softened, and is then gently made to lie against a stone or metal mould which has been provided with the desired curvature. It is obvious that during this operation there are great risks of spoiling the glass; roughening of the surface by contact with irregular surfaces on either the mould, the floor of the kiln, or the implements used in handling the glass, can only be avoided by the exercise of much skill and care, while all dust must also be excluded since any particles settling on the surface of the hot glass would be “burnt in,” and could not afterwards be detached. Small defects can, of course, be subsequently removed by local hand-polishing, and this operation is nearly always resorted to where In addition to its use for glazing in the ordinary sense, plate-glass is employed for a number of purposes; the most important and frequent of these is in the construction of the better varieties of mirrors. For this purpose the glass is frequently bevelled at the edges, and sometimes a certain amount of cutting is also introduced on the face of the mirror. Bevelling is carried out on special grinding and polishing machines, and a great variety of these are in use at the present time. The process consists in grinding off the corners of the sheet of glass and replacing the rough perpendicular edge left by the cutting diamond by a smooth polished slope running down from the front surface to the lower edge at an angle of from 45 to 60 degrees. Since only relatively small quantities of glass have to be removed, small grinding rubbers only are used, and in some of the latest machines these take the form of rapidly-revolving emery or carborundum wheels. These grinding wheels have proved so successful in grinding even the hardest metals that it is surprising to find their use in the glass industry almost entirely restricted to the “cutting” of the better kinds of flint and “crystal” glass for table ware or other ornamental purposes. The reason probably lies in the fact that the use of such grinding wheels results in the generation of a very considerable amount of local heat, this effect being intensified on account of the low heat-conducting power of glass. If a piece of glass be held even lightly against a rapidly-revolving emery wheel it will be seen that the part in contact with the wheel is visibly red-hot. This local heating is liable to lead to chipping and cracking of For the purpose of use in mirrors, plate-glass is frequently silvered, and this process is carried on so extensively that it has come to constitute an entire industry which has no essential connection with glass manufacture itself; for that reason we do not propose to enter on the subject here, only adding that the nature and quality of the glass itself considerably affects the ease and success of the various silvering processes. Ordinary plate-glass, of course, takes the various silvering coatings very easily and uniformly, but there are numerous kinds of glass to which this does not apply, although there are probably few varieties of glass which are sufficiently stable for practical use, and to which a silvering coating cannot be satisfactorily applied, provided that the most suitable process be chosen in each case. While there is little if any use for coloured glass in the form of polished plate, entirely opaque plate-glass, coloured both black and white, is used for certain purposes. Thus, glass fascias over shop-fronts, the counters and shelves of some shops, and even tombstones are sometimes made of black or white polished plate. From the point of view of glass manufacture, however, these varieties only differ from ordinary plate-glass in respect of certain additions to the raw materials, resulting in the production of the white or black opacity. The subsequent treatment of the glass is Certain limitations to the use of all kinds of plate-glass, whether rough-rolled, figured or polished, were formerly set by the fact that under the influence of fire, partitions of glass were liable to crack, splinter and fall to pieces, thus causing damage beyond their own destruction and leaving a free passage for the propagation of the fire. To overcome these disadvantages, glass manufacturers have been led to introduce a network or meshing of wire into the body of such glass. Provided that the glass and wire can be made so as to unite properly, then the properties of such reinforced or “wired” glass should be extremely valuable. In the event of breakage from any cause, such as fire or a violent blow, while the glass would still crack, the fragments would be held together by the wire network, and the plates of glass as a whole would remain in place, neither causing destruction through flying fragments nor allowing fire or, for the matter of that, burglar a free passage. The utility of such a material has been readily recognised, but the difficulty lies in its production. These difficulties arise from two causes. The most serious of these is the considerable difference between the thermal expansion of the glass and of the wire to be embedded in it. The wire is necessarily introduced into red-hot glass while the latter is being rolled or cast, and therefore glass and wire have to cool down from a red heat together. During this cooling process the wire contracts much more than the glass, and breakage either results immediately, or the glass is left in a condition of severe strain and is liable to crack spontaneously |